Mike and Jason

By Lost Cause

Published on Feb 23, 2007


COPYRIGHT: 2007 by LCStories (Mike) All rights reserved

DISCLAIMER: The following story is Fictional. It contains descriptions of homosexual activities. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then please DO NOT READ IT! If you choose to read it, then - I hope you enjoy it!

Yahoo Group - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LCStories

Email me = L0st_cause@yahoo.com

As always thanks Barry for being my proof reader.


Jason turned around and gave me another kiss Then he looked at my face and saw that I was still awake/ He noticed the worried look on my face.

"Mike," Jason whispered, "are you okay, babe?."

I looked up at Jason and saw that he knew something was bothering me. God. he's so cute when he is worried.

"I'm fine now," I said, holding Jason tightly.

"I love you, Mikey," Jason whispered into my ear.

"I... I love you too, Jase".

We both started to drift off the sleep, and the rest of the night was nightmare free

*** I now bring you chapter 6 ***

I opened my eyes and blinked. I stretched out and turned to stare at Jason, but as I turned around to face him he wasn't there. I looked at the cloak and it said 8:00 a.m. I figured Jason went to the bathroom or something, but as I waited he didn't return. I got out of bed and put on some shorts. I walked down the stairway and into the living room, where I smelled food. So I made my way to the kitchen to find Jason in my apron, cooking.

"Mmm, what smells so good?" I said as I walked behind Jason and wrapped my hands around his waist and kissed his cheek.

"Morning, babe," was all Jason said, though that big smile over his face gave it away. I walked over to the kitchen table and sat down as Jason put some eggs, bacon and other things in front of me.

"You know you didn't have to make breakfast," I said as I put some eggs into my mouth. I was stunned it was amazing^Å I mean its only eggs.. but it tasted so good.

"I know, but I wanted to make it for you," Jason said as he sat in the chair across of me and began to eat the food he made for himself as well.

"Well if you cook like this for everything you make, I'm never letting you out of the kitchen," I said grinning at him.

Jason just smiled and gave me a nod. I looked at him and he was still wearing my apron. God, did he look cute in it.

"So I was thinking, since we both don't have to go back to school 'till Tuesday and today is only Saturday, how about we go on a camping trip?"

"That sounds great. I've never gone before but I always wanted to go camping," Jason said, letting out a bigger smile.

"Cool, then after we're done eating we can go pack the car and get going in a few hours," I said returning his smile.

As we finished the wonderful breakfast we both packed our clothes and other things we wanted/needed. I went out back and got our four-man family tent out of storage. We got a cooler and filled it with drinks and food. We put the tent, cooler, clothes and just a whole bunch of other things into the car.

"Hey Jase, how about we take a shower together to save some time?" I asked while winking at him. Without even replying he grabbed my arm and took me to the upstairs bathroom. We both quickly got our clothes off and got inside the shower. As we got in Jason pinned me to the wall as he put his lips to mine and began to kiss me. I felt his tongue and I opened my mouth to allow him access. He did the same. The water was on both of us and it wasn't too cold or hot it was just perfect. I washed him first scrubbing is back and running my hands pretty much all over his body. After that I gave his dick special attention. I rubbed it good with soap. Once I washed off all the soap I took his whole dick in my mouth. I sucked him until he was nice and hard, going up and down up and down. He started to fuck my mouth. I really loved it.

"Oh god!" Jason moaned. I kept going faster and faster, sucking every inch if his cock and fondling with his balls with my spare hand. "Ahh Mike," but before he could finish I felt his body tensed up and I knew this meant he was going to cum soon. I sped up my pace and went as fast as I could until finally he shot his hot load in my mouth. And he shot a lot, but as always I sucked him dry. I moved up to him and he pulled me into him and gave me a big kiss.

"Now its my turn to wash you," he said winking at me. Jason did pretty much the same thing I did to him. He washed my hair, my back, everywhere. When he was done he just felt my whole body with his soapy hands. He finally reached my cock, but before sucking it he went over to my balls and sucked each one. It felt so good I couldn't control myself. "Ohh, shit, Josh," I cried. He finally got to my cock and licked it all around before finally taking it all in his mouth. I was so hard I didn't last long at all. Within seconds I was Cumming. "Jase, I'm Cumming," I moaned as I shot load of load into his mouth. I pulled him up like he did to me and put my lips to his, never wanting to move them.

We both got out of the shower holding hands and quickly got dressed. We were soon on our way to the camp site. I gave Brandon a quick call before we left, letting him know where we were going and to watch my house for me if he could. He agreed and wished us a fun trip.

The area I planned to take Jason was about an hour away, so it wasn't too long of a drive at all. But as we drove Jason rested his head on my shoulder during the whole trip to the campsite. Once we got there, we found a good spot away from a lot of other people and set up camp.

"Jase, lets set up the tent before we do anything else, just in case in rains. OK?" I said while grabbing the tent out of the car.

"Sounds like a great idea to me," he said.

I think we spent a good hour setting up the tent. As we started the weather decided to turn bad. Soon it was raining hard on us. We kept trying to put the tent up during the rain. Once we finally got it up the inside was wet. We were barely finished setting up the tent when the rain stopped ^Å Just our luck right? We both dried and cleaned the inside of the tent Then we changed our clothes since they were soaking wet too. We got everything into place and started a campfire. By the time everything was done it was about 7:00 p.m.

Jason and I ate some dinner and just sat next to each other by the fire. "This is so nice, Jase, being here with you," I said leaning my head on his shoulder.

"I know. I'm really glad my first time going camping is with you," he said putting his head on top of mine.

Then we heard some noise coming from the bushes behind us. We both turned and watched as something in the bushes moved. I went over and just as I got close, a rabbit jumped and ran across our campsite. I jumped back and fell on my butt. Jason ran over to me to see if I was OK.

"Ha Ha. I'm sorry Mike. That was just really funny," he said laughing at me.

"Aren't you nice," I said giving him an evil look.

"Aw, come on let me rub that for you," Jason said winking at me. He came over to me and just as he was about to touch me we were distracted.

"Bunny!!" Yelled, what sounded like young a girl. Jason and I looked over to where we heard the sound and saw three girls walking towards us. One looked to be about my age, the next one looked a little younger than Jason, and the last one looked to be around six yours old.

"Excuse me. Did you happen to see a rabbit come by here?" the older girl asked.

"Yeah. He ran that way," Jason pointed and just as he pointed there was that dang rabbit, running over to the girls.

"There he is," said the younger girl.

"Thanks for the help. My name is Janet and these are my sisters, Courtney and Cory," said the oldest girl. But she didn't even seem to notice Jason sitting next to me. she was too busy staring at me.

"It's nice to met you. My name is Jason and this is Mike," Jason said smiling at the girls.

"So ... are you guys here all alone?" Courtney the middle girl asked. Courtney was the girl who is just about a year younger then Jason.

"Yup, just me and Jase," I said, giving Jason a big smile.

"I want to go back to mommy and daddy" said Cory the youngest girl. Both Janet and Courtney were upset at that. I guess Courtney had a thing for Jason and Janet liked me I guess. Too bad for them we are both taken.

"Alright, well, we better get back to our camp, but do you guys want to do something a little later?" Janet asked looking at me. I looked over at Jason and he was giving me a smile, but I could see he really didn't want anything to do with these girls. I don't blame him. I wanted this trip to be just him and I too.

"Umm, maybe next time. Jason and I kind of wanted to spend this trip to ourselves. I'm sorry," I said. They both shot me evil looks and with that left.

"You didn't have to blow them off you know," Jason said, giving me a questioning look.

"Hey, for this trip your all mine!!" I said grabbing him and pulling him closer to me. We sat at the camp site for a few hours, just talking with each other and enjoying the outdoors.

"(Yawn) I think I'm going to get some sleep. I'm getting really tired" Jason said looking at me waiting for my response.

"Yeah, same here. Lets put out the fire, then go to bed," Jason just gave me a nod and helped me put the fire out. We got into the tent and got into our own sleeping bags. I was just about to close my eyes, when Jason stood up.

"What's wrong Jase?" I asked looking over at him. He didn't say a word. He just got out of his sleeping bag and opened mine. Then he crawled into mine and put his on top of us.

"Much better," he said holding me.

"I love you. You know that?" I whispered into his ears. "I know you do and I love you too, Mikey," he said kissing my cheek. "Goodnight," was all I heard. And the next thing I know we were sound asleep.

"Mike, Jason?" Someone screamed right outside of our tent. Both Jason and I woke up at the same time wondering what the hell that was. I got out of the tent first to see Janet and Courtney standing a few feet away from our tent.

"Umm, Yes?" I said very annoyed that I got awoken by two girls that we told we had no interest in them.

"Do you want to maybe hang out with me and then Jason and Courtney can go do something so we can be alone?" Janet asked me getting closer.

Jason just walked out of the tent in just a pair of shorts causing Courtney to drool a bit.

"Thanks for the offer, but like I told you girls yesterday, Jason and I just want to be alone. Sorry," I said in the nicest voice I could, hoping they would just leave.

"God, if I didn't know any better I would thing you guys are gay^Å" Janet said starting to move away from us, but still watching us. Then Jason did it. I can't believe him. Jason walked closer to me grabbed my hand and place his lips to mine. After a few moments he pulled away, but grabbed my hand and holding it with his to make his point. Both girls were shocked. They had there jaws wide open and eyes starring immensely on us.

"Oh, my god," Stated Courtney. Finally Janet ran back to Courtney and they left.. quickly.

I looked up and Jason in disbelief. "Jase, I ^Å I can't believe you did that," I said still completely shocked at what he did.

"Hey, you are all mine and I want everyone to know that," Jason said walking up to me and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"So can we go on a hike today? I mean since we are leaving tomorrow," Jason said.

"Hey you give me more kisses like that and we can do whatever you want went you want," I said.

We both went back into the tent and got dressed for a hike. We got ready and headed out for the trail. When we got there we saw a bunch of people. I wasn't sure if Jason was okay with holding hands in public. But he answered that question for me when he grabbed my hand and held it. I looked over at him and he just gave me a big smile. So we started the five-mile hike. Towards the end it of both our shirts came off. It was just so hot that we could not stand wearing our shirts any longer. And just like I remembered towards the end of the trail I took Jason's hand and we went a different way down. The way we took was closed off, but I knew that where I wanted to go was down that trail.

When we got to close I told Jason to close his eyes. I took his hand and slowly guided him towards the spot. When we got there I found the perfect spot and told him to open his eyes.

"Oh, my god^Å" Jason stated with his jaw wide open. In front of us with the most beautiful waterfall you could imagine and further beyond the waterfall was a view of most of Hawaii. You could most likely see my house from there. We found a log and sat down.

I looked over at Jason and saw how much he enjoyed this place too.

"You know we used to come camping here every week and every week I would be in this spot right here. It's just so peaceful and beautiful. Kind of like you," I said still looking at Jason\ while placing my hand on his.

"I wish we could of came up here every week. Its so beautiful" Jason said.

"Well, we can come up here whenever you want," I said giving his hand a little squeeze.

"That sounds great. Thank you for bringing me here, Mike," Jason said, returning my squeeze with his own.

We stayed in that spot for about three hours, talking, looking at each other, and mostly enjoying the setting as well as each other. By the time we finally left this great spot and got back to the campsite it was time to start breaking up camp. We packed our backpacks and started our hike back to the car.

"MIKE! JASON!" Yelled Janet who we just then spotted approaching us with Courtney and some man.

"Yes?" Jason said clearly annoyed that they yet again came back.

"This is my father. When we told him about you two he wanted to meet you" Janet said in a very sour voice.

"Told him about us?" I though to myself and I know Jason was thinking the same thing because we kept glancing back from each other to the girls. The man walked up to us and gave us a glance as well as a disgusted look.

"So you are the two gay balls?" said this elder looking man who I'm guessing is the girl's father. He looked to be about fifty years old. He was about 5'5" and really fat.

"You better leave," I said getting very agitated at this guy and his kids.

"Oh yeah? And who's going to make me?" The man said walking closer to us.

"Look! We don't want any trouble please just leave us alone," Jason said very calmly.

"You sure didn't have a problem making my girls here cry, so now I'm going to teach you fags a lesson," the man said making his hand into a fist.

He was moving fast up to Jason and I put myself right in front of Jason as he threw his fist into my face. I fell back and Jason was just shocked. He was going after Jason now. I got on my feet quickly and tackled him. But then he pulled out a knife and pointed it at me^Å.

BOOM... A very loud noise!. It came from behind us. We all turned around to see Brandon holding a handgun. He had shot into the air to get everyone's attention. Brandon then pointed the gun at the man who had just attacked us.

"Get the fuck out of here before I shoot your ass," Brandon said still pointing the gun at the man. The man and his girls quickly fled and were no longer in sight.

"You guys okay?" Brandon asked looking at Jason and then turning towards me.

"Yeah," Jason said walking over to me and giving me a hug.

"Brandon, I owe you big time man, but^Å what were you doing here?" I said, I mean I was glad he showed up when he did, but still Brandon knew I was alone with Jason and he would not have come up here if something was not wrong.

"I don't know how to tell you this, but someone broke into your house and well, I think you need to see it for yourself, both of you." Brandon said.

I was speechless I couldn't believe it. We were having such a great day. Everything was perfect^Å and now. This...

"OK, we were just on our way back," I said, still shocked. We all got into our cars. Brandon led the way with Jason and I following behind him.

"Mike, whatever happens we will be OK. You know why?" Jason said starring out the window.

"Why, Jase?"

"Because we have each other," Jason said putting his hand over mine and resting his head on my shoulder.

Please send all your Comments, Concerns, Questions, Advise, and Pictures. Anything but flames and hate mail to. L0st_cause@Yahoo.com

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