Mike and Jason

By Lost Cause

Published on Feb 13, 2007


COPYRIGHT: 2007 by LCStories ( Mike) All rights reserved

DISCLAIMER: The following story is Fictional. It contains descriptions of homosexual activities. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then please DO NOT READ IT! If you choose to read it, then - I hope you enjoy it!

Remember send all feedback to L0st_cause@Yahoo.com thanks.

Mike And Jason - Chapter 2


" Are you threatening me punk?"

He said to me. He then ran up to me and tried to stab me with the knife. I moved to the side and kicked him in the chest. Then punched him so hard he flew back. I grabbed the knife and threw it far away. I then saw Jason running to my car with the bags he had in his hand.

We both jumped in the car and I drove out of there as fast as I could. I turned to look at Jason and he was sitting there next to me shaking...

*** I now bring you chapter 2 ***

I kept looking behind me knowing that whoever that guy was, he was going to be following us. But I was wrong, because there was no one following us.

I figured Jason has been through a lot, so for the rest of the ride home it was a pretty quite trip. It took us about fifteen minutes to get back to my place from Jason's house.

Once we pulled into my driveway, Jason's eyes grew as he turned to me and said,

"Mr. Michael, you live here?"

I turned to him and said,

"Yup, This is the house where I grew up. I live here alone, so it will be nice to have some more noise around!"

"There are three bedrooms and one of them is now yours. Oh and Jason, I am only two years older than you, please don't call me Mr. You are going to make me feel old..."

He looked up at me and just nodded. As we pulled up I parked the car and stepped out. I helped him get all of his things out of the car and into the house.

The house is a two-story house. There is a small living room and two-medium sized bedrooms on the first floor with the kitchen and a bathroom with shower. On the second floor there is the master bedroom, another small living room, small kitchen and a side bathroom. There is also a bathroom inside the master bedroom. All the furniture in the house is pretty new, since we always took care of everything we had. All of the furniture in the house has been here since my parent's died. We had two big couches, some chairs and the lovely big screen TV.

As I took Jason through the house I told him that I still used my old room, which is downstairs and that he could use the room next to it, which was a guest room. Or he could use the master bedroom if he wanted. With that he just walked into the room next to mine and started to unpack his things.

I went out into the living room and sat on the couch and thought to myself, "What a day I have had."

"So what am I supposed to do now? I can't just take Jason from his legal guardian and keep him in my house. Shit, I can get arrested for that."

As I was sitting there thinking, Jason came out of his room and saw me sitting there. He just looked over at me and then walked to me. He sat next to me and just looked at me.

" Hey Jason, is there anything I can get for you?"

"No I'm fine," Jason said.

"So Jason," I paused, not sure if he was ready or not I didn't know whether to ask him or to wait.

He just looked at me with one of those faces. Like he is trying to read my mind.

"Jason," I began again, "Who was that man back at your house?"

"He was my Dad's best friend. And once he heard what happened to my parents he agreed to watch me. I mean I had no one else to call to stay with. I didn't know what else to do."

"Does he hit you like that all the time?" I asked.

Without saying a word, Jason took off his shirt and showed me some of the bruises and scars he had on him. I mean it didn't look to bad but still, just the fact that he had them made me worry.

But as he took off his shirt I noticed something else as well. He must have been the cutest guy I have ever seen in my life. I saw that he had a six pack that was very nice. And you could see how fit he was. It was like you could oil him out and people would go crazy for him.

"Jason, I know you have been through a lot. I know this is hard for you, but I need you to trust me. I will never hurt you, Jason. You and I are a lot alike and by a lot I mean a lot. I also lost my parents when I was... just around your age."

Before I could finish Jason stood up and looked at me in the eye.

"You don't know what I am going through .....I am... different from other sixteen year old boys, I opened myself up to Jeff ." (Jeff is the guy who beat him up) "And what did he do? He beat me... every single day he beat me and told me if I ever told anyone about this he would kill me the same way my parents died..."

With that Jason dashed off to his room and slammed the door shut.

"Wow!" I said to myself.

He said he was different. Did he tell Jeff that he was gay?

Oh my god. It all makes sense now. That's why Jeff made that comment back there. Jason opened himself up to Jeff and got beaten for it.

I can't believe this. I can't believe someone could do such a thing.

I must have sat there shocked for a good thirty minutes just thinking to myself.

"How... how, am I supposed to get Jason to open up to me... to trust me when everyone he ever loved or opened up to died or hit him... I have to do him right. I have to show him just how much I care for him. And why do I care for him so much anyways? Is it because I know what he is going through? Or is it because I feel like I love him? So many different thoughts going through my head. God what am I going to do? How am I going to show him just how much I care about him?"

By the time I got up it was getting dark and I realized neither of us had eaten anything yet. So I went over to Jason's room and heard him crying. I knocked on the door and got no answer. So I open it. He hadn't locked it. I looked in and saw him on his bed crying. I guess he didn't even notice I was there because he didn't even turn around. I sat down on the bed next to him.

I put an arm over him to tried to comfort him... But in trying to do so I scared him and he jumped and tried to run. I grabbed him and held him close.

" Its OK, Jason it's only me," I said.

He then relaxed a little and held me back in a tight hug.

I let him go and told him to sit next to me and he did.

"Jason I know this is hard for you and I understand. Take as much time as you need to open up to me. I am here for you and I am not going anywhere anytime soon."

"I just want to help you..."

"Be there for you ..."

"Love you"

Then I just realized what I said. He looked up at me shocked that I just told him; someone I only just met this day that I loved him. How can I love someone I just met?

He noticed the look on my face and started to speak.

" Mr. ah, I mean Michael, you have done more for me than anyone I know"

"I really am grateful but I have been through a lot and I am not just ready to let down my guard. I really do appreciate everything you are doing for me.. But I'm just not ready..."

He once again started to cry, but this time I held him and let him cry on my shoulder.

What has Jeff done to this poor boy?

Once Jason got himself together. I looked at him and said,

"We both haven't eaten yet. Why don't we order some pizza?" Jason looked at me and nodded.

After we both ate some pizza and we decided to watch some TV and just relax.

At around 10:30 pm I noticed Jason had become very quiet and I looked over at him and he is sound asleep. I gently picked him up and carried him to his room. I put him in his bed tucked him under the sheets. I sat down next to him. For being sixteen he did not weigh very much, but it was still plenty of weight for me to pick up,

but I did.

"Jason, I will never let anything bad ever happen to you bud. You have been though something's no man should ever have to go though. I will try my best to make sure you stay safe and happy for a long time."

I kissed him on the cheek and closed his door.

I went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. I took off my shirt and pants because I like to sleep in only my boxers and soon I was fast asleep in my bed as well.

It was around 3:50 am when I heard a noise coming from Jason's room. I got up and walked over to see what was up. I knocked on the door first, but I heard nothing back. So I slowly opened the door and saw him sleeping.

I thought to myself,

"He is so beautiful just lying in bed sleeping. Such a cute face. Such a wonderful guy."

Then right as I was about to go back to my own room he started to toss and turn and then scream out,


I went over to him and touched him on the shoulder trying to wake him up.

Finally he opened his eyes and looked around scared.

"Jason relax. You were just having a bad dream. Its OK. You're OK."

He looked over at me with that same face I saw the first day I met him.

"Michael, can I ask you something?"

"Sure Jason"

"Will you sleep with me today? I'm just so scared," Jason asked.

"Sure Jase," I said.

"I hope you don't mind but I like to sleep in only my boxers."

He nodded at me and lifted up the blanket to show that he was also only wearing his boxers.

"God, Brandon was right," I thought to myself. "We do have a lot in common."

I laid down next to him. I got a little closer to him and stayed lying on my back for a while.

Suddenly, I felt him move closer to me and finally close enough to hold me. I was shocked and just threw a hand over him and brushed my other hand through his hair.. Soon we were both asleep.

The next morning I woke up and looked around and noticed Jason wasn't next to me. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 9:15 am. Today was Saturday after all so we could both sleep in. I got up and wondered where Jason could have, went.

When I walked out of Jason's room I saw that Jason was sitting in the living room watching TV.

I walked over and greeted him.

"Morning Jason. You sure are up early." I said yawning.

He looked at me and smiled, then looked back to the TV.

Again I was shocked and amazed.

He just smiled

I said to myself, "This must have been the first time I had ever seen him smile. And OH, was it a smile! He could kill a guy with a smile like that one."

I sat down next to him and saw he was watching some cartoons.

"So Jason, what would you like to do today?"

"We have the whole day and no plans!" I said.

He looked at me and made a face like he didn't know. He then looked back at the TV.

After thirty minutes more of watching cartoons he turned it off and looked at me.

"Michael, thank you for sleeping with me last night. Feeling you next to me made me feel safe."

"Anytime Jase, anytime!"

He smiled and hugged me. Then got up and went into the kitchen to get something to drink.

"So Jase, I still don't really know you that well. I mean I know we are two years apart in age but other than that I am clueless."

"What do you want to know?" Jason asked.

"Just a little about you I guess if you don't mind."

He sat down next to me and put his head on my shoulder.

"Well, I lost my parents last year. Ever since that I've pretty much kept to myself. All I could do was go to school and then come straight home or Jeff would get all upset. I wanted to stay home alone. I mean when my parents died I was fifteen and I thought I was old enough to watch myself. But I guess everyone else thought I was going to maybe kill myself or something so they made Jeff stay with me."

"I see. Did you ever play any sports or anything?"

"Yeah, I used to be on the swimming team and the track team."

Well, that explains why his body was in such good shape and very slim and toned.

"Well Jason, you know we have a pool out back. Maybe if you want we can go swimming." I said.

"Really?" Jason said.

"Yeah man, go grab your swim shorts and lets go!"

"Well I didn't bring them. I didn't have enough room in my bags so I left those and a few other things I don't use behind." Jason said.

"That's no problem. We can go swimming in our boxers." I said. With that we both agreed and went out back. I grabbed us a few towels and within seconds we were both in the pool.

"Damn Jas, your pretty fast for a sixteen year old," I winked at him.

"Hey now, Mr. I try my best"

He said smiling back at me because he knows how much I hate it when he calls me Mr.

"I'll show you Mr. COME HERE!" I yelled

I raced to him and grabbed him and then I noticed to look on his face. He was scared he was panicking. I quickly let him go and looked at him.

"What's wrong Jase?" I asked,

"I'm I'm sorry. When you came after me like that I though you were going to drown me or something."

"Jase look at me. I told you I will never hurt you. I understand though and don't worry. Alright?"

I said.

He nodded and gave me a brief hug.

We went and swam a few more laps played around. Then about an hour later we decided to head back inside.

I told him I was going to go take a quick shower and that he can do the same in the upstairs bathroom.

Jason nodded and headed upstairs.

After I got out of the shower, I noticed Jason's door was closed and I wondered what might be wrong.

I went to my room quickly to change and when I got out he was still in his room with the door shut.

As I walked by I heard a lot of music mixed with some moans. I went back to his room and knocked on his door.

"Just a second," Said Jason.

Finally the door was open and I saw Jason in only his boxers and I gave him a quick look at up and down. God he is such a cute boy, the way his body is toned with the way his hair shines and his amazing eyes. I thought I was looking at an angel.

"Did you need something?" Jason asked.

Just then I remembered I knocked on his door and he most likely saw me staring at him.

"Yeah, I just wanted to see if everything was alright. I heard some weird sounds and just wanted to make sure you were OK."

As I took another look at him I then noticed he had a rather large bulge in his boxers. And then it hit me... He was jacking off. I saw that he had connected the computer he had from his house and was on the Internet, but I couldn't get a make of what site he was on.

"Wow you sure did wonders to this room, do you mind if I check it out a bit?"

I asked hoping to maybe get a look at what was on his computer.


Jason said.

We both walked in and he closed the door behind us. He put up some of his posters and made the room look like a typical sixteen year old boy's room and it looked really nice.

I walked over to his computer and saw that he didn't have a chance to turn off the site he was on and I was yet again shocked.

There he was in his room wearing only his boxers and looking at gay porno. It was exactly the site that I have been to before on a friends computer. Once he noticed what I was looking at, he looked me straight in the eye and made a run for it.

"Jason Wait," I yelled.

Jason paused and looked at me.

"Come here Jason, you have nothing to be ashamed or scared about."

He just gave me a strange look as if I was OK with him being gay or that I didn't care. And with that he came back to me and sat down next to me.

"Jason I know you are gay. It makes no difference to me if you are gay or not."

Jason just looked into my eyes shocked at what I had just told him.

"Reall.. Really? Your not mad?" He managed to say.

"Why would I be mad at you? Jason, like I said before I know exactly how you feel. I'm gay too, Jase. And I think I love you."

Again he gave me that look as if he was shocked, but then he just smiled and gave me a tight hug. Then he let go and just looked at me again.

"But how do I know that you really are gay?" Jason asked.

"Well" I thought about it for a second.

I leaned in closer to him and gave him a big kiss right on the lips. He hesitated for a bit but then open his mouth and started to explore with his tongue. I pulled back and took one of my hands and reached over to his boxers and grabbed his cock with my hand and gave it a few strokes up and down. Then let it go.

"Does that prove it for you?" I asked.

Jason nodded.

"OH great!" He sighed.


"Now I'm all hard." Said Jason.

"Well then how about we take care of that for you."

And that is the end of part 2. Will Mike and Jason finally have sex? Or will something or even someone come in the way and change the whole story as we know it... I guess your going to have to wait till chapter 3 to find out! But don't worry chapter 3 will be out very soon.

Please send all your Comments, Concerns, Questions, Advise, and Pictures. Anything but flames and hate mail to. L0st_cause@Yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3

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