
By Richard

Published on Nov 8, 2008


Based on a true relationship. Comments welcome.

Copyright 2008, richard@surfeit-verdure.com ----------

Mike's tongue wrapped around mine deep in his mouth. His warmth seemed to flow through me. The faint tang of beer mixed with his own unique taste. Our combined sweat filled the air.

"I can taste my cum." said Mike, breaking our kiss.

"Nice huh?"

"Yours is better."

"Grass is always greener on the other end of the cock."

Mike smiled, his face still inches from mine.

"I hate to break the moment, but you're just about to break my back."

Mike unwrapped his bulky arms from around me and swatted my ass with a grin. We both tugged our shorts up over our softening dicks before plopping back down on the couch. Leaning against each other, we sat in contented silence in front of the glow of the television.

Hours passed. Mike's paw gently rubbed my neck from time to time as I ran my fingers through the thick hair carpeting his arm. Eventually our mutual yawning signaled the end of the evening.

"I think I'm done. You want me to give you a call tomorrow? Or should I stay here..."

"You kidding? You're sleeping with me tonight if I have anything to say about it."

"Sounds good to me."

Untangling ourselves from each other and the couch, I trooped after Mike up the stairs. His furry calves tensed on each step as he lumbered to the top, then turned right into the bathroom.

Mike levered his soft cock out of his boxers and released a torrent of spent beer into the john. He scratched his belly as the stream splashed into the water. The chubby shaft protruding from his unzipped shorts was still splotchy red from our brinksmanship contest earlier in the evening.

I brushed my teeth in front of the sink. Mike shook the last of the piss out, then elbowed me out of the way of the mirror. Trading places, I added my own contribution to the bowl. Mike examined himself in the mirror, then tugged his dirty t-shirt over his head. His furry chest and exposed pits scented the tiny room with male musk. Grabbing my bottle of mouthwash, he swirled a slug of it briefly, then spit loudly into the sink before shuffling out into my room.

Mike was sitting on the edge of my bed pulling his socks off. His shorts were unzipped. I pulled my shirt off, sadly to less dramatic effect than Mike. Sliding my shorts off exposed my cock. I was genuinely tired by then, but Mike's half-naked body had still provoked an erection.

"Glad to see I've got a fan." smirked Mike good naturedly.

"Damn right."

I tossed my clothes into a pile on the floor next to Mike's discarded shirt. He stood, dropping his shorts but leaving his tattered boxers.

"You gotta give those damn things up. They're obstructing the view."

"Horny fucker."

Mike peeled the tight fabric over his furry thighs exposing his own half-hard dick.

"Uh huh." I teased.

"Shut up." he retorted, throwing his boxers at me.

Catching them in mid air, I sniffed the wadded fabric before dropping them on the pile of clothes.

"Sick fuck."


Mike climbed onto my bed, presenting his furry ass. He tossed the covers aside and slid in. His head was propped up on a pillow with his hands behind it. Dark pits framed his rounded face and short-cropped hair.

My cock jumped. I followed Mike's lead and slid in next to him. The cool sheets slowly warmed from our body heat.

"Whatcha wanna do tomorrow?" asked Mike.


"Yeah, I figured that. What else?" he snorted.

"I was thinking we could go hiking. Maybe up by Independence Lake."

"I though you liked my fat ass. Now you're trying to burn it off."

"Nah. I just want to see it sweat."

Mike snorted again, then levered himself up to reach the light switch. The bed springs creaked as he plopped back down in the darkness.


I felt his weight shift, then his hand wrapped behind my head, tugging it toward him. Our lips met in the dark. His tongue slid into my mouth, swirled with mine, then we pulled slowly apart.

Mike's breathing eventually slowed into his trademark snores. I turned onto my side and joined him in sleep.

Faint morning sun lit the blinds over my bedroom windows. I'm normally a restless sleeper, but this time I woke exactly where I'd drifted off. Pressure on my side and chest revealed the reason. Mike's furry arm was draped over me, his hand tucked into my armpit. The full length of his stocky chest pressed against my back. Our legs curled together. His crotch lightly touched my ass. Even better, I could feel his morning wood laying against my cheeks.

His slow breaths in my ear lulled me back to sleep.

The sun was brighter now. Mike's body still pressed against my back, but his arm was gone. Instead I felt his warm rough hand gently tugging at my hard cock. He must have been at it for a while, since each pull sent a wave of pleasure through my balls, up my back, then exploding into my brain.

"Mmm. Fuck." I muttered, still half asleep.

"I thought I'd make myself something to eat." Said Mike's deep voice behind me.

"Let me help you out."

Turning over, his hand slipped off my tingling dick. His smiling face lay inches from mine, propped up on his bulging bicep. An intoxicating spice from his pits scented the air between us. Heat radiated from him.

Our lips met again. This time I beat him to the punch, and slid deep into his mouth. Now there was no mouthwash or toothpaste to hide the honest taste of his body. Our tongues rubbed against each other, swirling in his warmth. Now he slid past me into my mouth. We wrestled again for what seemed like hours.

Mike was by no means the first man I'd slept with, but nothing had ever felt like this did. Sex was always fun, but now small acts like his kiss or the weight of his body against mine seemed even better.

Finally we both came up for air. A thin trail of spit clung to Mike's beard.

"Can I suck your dick again?" asked Mike with touching honesty.

"Hmm. Let me think about it." I said sarcastically.

"Shut up."

"You can only suck mine if I get yours too."

Mike answered by throwing the covers off our bodies. We lay a few inches apart, his bulk dwarfing my thin frame. Our dicks both jutted, their shafts resting against each other.

Clambering up, I lay down next to Mike's cock.

"Slide down a bit."

Mike's broad thighs flexed, pulling his bulk down the bed till the stubble of his beard brushed the dripping head of my dick.

Mike's crotch warmed my face with its radiant heat. The salty smell of yesterday's sweat had matured into a tangy funk that swirled around my nose. A small glistening drop appeared at the wide slit at the end of his beer can sized shaft.

I extended my tongue to touch Mike when I was interrupted by the amazing feeling of him lapping at my slit.

"Oh fuck yeah." I sighed.

Mike's tongue withdrew.

"You taste good." He paused. "Smell good too."

Rather than answering, I extended my tongue into a chute, then slid as much of Mike into me as I could manage. His thick head nestled into my throat. Deep brown fur touched my chin. The scent from his leathery sack filled my nose.

"Ghhhh" grunted Mike as his body shook.

As I slid back off his dick, I felt my own entering his mouth. Warm spit engulfed me. I could feel his rough lips sliding over my shaft millimeter by millimeter. My head touched the top of his mouth before being pushed to the side by his tongue. It slid down each side in turn.

Its rough top surface grated against the corona of my cock, causing my ass to clench in pleasure.

Turning back to the job at hand, I tightened my lips hard against Mike's shaft. Sliding back, I stopped at the broad base of his head. It ballooned even larger. Mike grunted again, muffled by my dick.

The tip of my tongue pressed against the wide piss slit. The sweet/salty taste of his pre-cum washed over me. Elbowing the lips apart, I probed as deeply as I could manage. Mike's thighs shivered, pressing toward me. I loosened my lips and let the shaft slide in again.

My own cock was now gliding in and out of Mike's spit-slicked lips. Each time it reached the back of his mouth he let out a contented grunt.

The warm pull of his mouth sent bolts of pleasure through me.

Mike's earlier jacking had put me at a disadvantage. I wanted to shoot down his waiting throat every time his tongue swirled over my throbbing head.

His spit-slicked shaft popped through my lips and jerked in the cool air. Lifting my arm off his side, I slid my middle finger into my mouth briefly before engulfing Mike's pleading head again.

Reaching over him, I spread his cheeks with one hand. I rested my lubed finger gently on his puckered hole. Mike stiffened and stopped his oral assault on my cock in mid stroke. I gently drew my finger around his hole, brushing aside the thick fur filling his trench.

I felt Mike slowly relax. His head jutted forward again, swallowing my dick.

His own shaft was now sliding nearly down my throat on each stroke. Its sheer girth prevented anything deeper. My finger massaged the outside of his hole in time.

"Mmm. Fuuuck." moaned Mike, sliding my dick out of his mouth for a moment.

Cum churned in my balls. I forced it to stay down, but each of Mike's noisy slurps tipped the balance in his favor.

I called in the heavy guns. Withdrawing my finger, I licked it again to lube it. I could taste the earthy tang of Mike's ass. Returning to his crack, I pressed harder against his hole. My finger slid slowly in about a quarter of an inch before being stopped by his tense ring.

"Fuck!" yelped Mike before he dove back onto my cock.

Pulling my finger up and down his crack, I tugged at his ring. Mike bucked in time.

Unfortunately my plan backfired. I was wholly focused on the feel of Mike's shaft sliding through my lips, and the rubbery tug of his hole against my finger. Suddenly there was pressure against my own ring. Mike's dry finger rubbed tentatively against the folds.

"Oooh fuuuck yes." I yelled.

Mike caught on fast and pressed harder. My hole yielded as I pushed down. His finger slid slowly in to the first joint.

My balls exploded. White-hot fire surged through my cock. I bucked with each shot but Mike held on for the ride.

I pressed down harder on Mike's hole and felt it give. He thrust his hips forward, driving his cock into my mouth. Hot salty cum sprayed into me. Shot after shot drenched my tongue with ecstasy.

My own cock continued to pump into Mike. My ring clamped against his finger as his jerked against mine. I allowed the warm cum in my mouth to slide down my throat.

Mike sprayed one last time, then lay throbbing in my mouth. I licked the cum from the shaft, and felt Mike doing the same to me. His finger finally withdrew from my ass. He shook as I slid free of his hole and dragged my finger up his crack through the fur.

His lips slid over my shaft, then released the softening head.

"Fuck that was amazing." he panted.

Releasing his cock, I levered myself up and over to face him. Sweat beaded on his face. Our lips locked. He swabbed my mouth, licking up his cum. Forcing past him, I explored on my own, tasting the salt.

Our bodies twined together. His burly arm pulled me into him. Our dripping cocks ground together.

We traded tongues back and forth over and over, only pausing for air. Finally we couldn't take any more. Our heads leaned against each other as we panted in complete satisfaction.

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