
By Richard

Published on Sep 11, 2008


Based on a true relationship. Comments welcome.

Copyright 2008, richard@surfeit-verdure.com

Mike grabbed his shorts off the floor and wiggled back into them.

"Let's see if there's anything on." he said, heading for the living room.

I would have loved to just stay in bed with him the rest of the night, but he had a point - it was only 7 pm or so. I grabbed my own shorts, leaving off my underwear, and joined Mike in the living room.

He was sprawled out on the couch. I plopped down as close to him as I could, enjoying the fading smell of sweat and sex coming off him. I felt like a stupid teenager stretching my arm out across the back of the couch and slowly letting it slide down onto his bare shoulders. Somewhat to my surprise, he reciprocated, and put his arm directly around my neck. The scent of sweat from his pits intensified, and I breathed in as much of it as I could.

We sat in near silence watching bad network television for a few hours. The occasional grunt toward the screen and trip to the can or the fridge were the only interruptions. I was completely content with Mike's giant paw resting on my shoulder. Even better, Mike seemed to share the feeling.

By 11 we'd finished off all the beer in the house, and my eyes were starting to droop.

"I'm dead tired. You want to call it a night?"

"Yeah. I don't have a spare bed. You want the couch?"

"I was kind of hoping to stay with you."

"I don't think you want that. I snore like a motherfucker."

"Yes, believe me I know, but I'd still like to stay with you if you're ok with it."

"Yeah. That's ok I guess."

Mike lumbered off the couch, a bit unsteady from the beer. I heard him shuffling around in the bathroom, followed by the sound of his fire-hose stream splashing into the toilet.

"All yours."

I hadn't brought anything with me, so I made do with some of Mike's mouthwash. I added my own beer supply to yellow pool in the toilet and headed for Mike's bedroom.

He was already in bed with the sheets pulled up over him. Mike grunted and pointed to the other side of the bed. I slipped off my shorts revealing my half-hard dick.

"Happy to see me?" Mike smirked.

I slid into his bed and pulled the dirty sheets over me. They smelled unmistakably like Mike. My cock left a small tent in the thin fabric. A matching mound stirred on Mike's side of the bed, but was quickly hidden as he turned away and clicked off the bedside light.

"Good night."

I stared up at the darkened ceiling revisiting the events of the day. It always seems like the actual experience pales compared to the fantasy when you've been dreaming of something for so long, but not this time.

The beer had apparently taken its toll on Mike, and I heard his thunderous snores within a few minutes of the lights going out.

Thirty or 40 sleepless minutes later, Mike's snoring stuttered and he rolled onto his back, his arm thrown over the top of my pillow. I slid down the bed a few inches and rolled toward him, my head nestled in his armpit. His musk wafted over me as I drifted off to a fitful sleep.

Sun was steaming through the window and across the bed. My arm was draped across Mike's chest, my face still buried in his pit. His arm draped down my back. I took a last drag off his smell, then rolled onto my back. Morning wood jutted into the sheets.

Mike was still asleep. His snores had abated into guttural sighs. I watched him for a few minutes, slowly rubbing my own cock. I wondered why I'd picked him. He wasn't classically attractive with his paunch, love handles, and fur-covered body. He wasn't anything like me. We didn't really have anything in common.

Feeling a drop of pre-cum soak into the sheets from my throbbing dick I decided that this was no place for intellectual analysis.

Mike still hadn't stirred, so I decided to go exploring. Gently sliding my hand down his belly, I encountered the frayed and stretched elastic of the boxer shorts he'd been wearing yesterday. I knew from our earlier encounter in the tent that I wasn't likely to be able to get my hands under the straining waistband. I squeezed the thin fabric to isolate his short, fat cock.

It was chubby, but wasn't yet standing at attention like mine. I found the fly of his shorts and wormed my fingers in far enough to drag out his cock. Only the tip and an inch or so of the shaft protruded. I tugged and tweaked the head till blood started to engorge his beer can of a dick.

I had become so focused on my blind groping in Mike's crotch that I hadn't noticed that his breathing had changed.

"You don't waste any time do you?"

I jumped.

"I'm surprised I could wait this long."

Mike chuckled. He lifted his arm from behind my pillow and slid his shorts down his bulky thighs a few inches. His cock slid through the fly and popped back up into a tent below the white fabric of the sheets.

"Go to town."

I didn't need a second invitation. I quickly wrapped my hand around his dick and slid the thin skin up and down. Mike was cut, but the doctor had thoughtfully left a fair amount of slack.

Mike's own hand found my straining dick and mirrored my movements. Twin bulges bounced up and down under the sheets.

Remembering Mike's comment about his preferred lube, I withdrew my hand and hawked as much spit as I could into my palm. My strokes went from short jabs to long slides as the warm liquid coated his dick.

"Aw fuck that's sick. Feels awesome though."

"I'd love to try some of yours."

Mike spit three or four times into his own hand and roughly smeared the slime onto my cock.

"Oh fuck yeah."

I reached across my body and twisted Mike's left nipple. The broad dome perked immediately into a hard peak. I tugged and tweaked it in time with our synchronized jacking.

Mike's dick jerked and I saw the wet spray of cum soak though the sheet over his crotch.

"Uhhhh Fuck." he panted.

This time his own strokes not only continued but intensified. I was still milking the last drops out of his quivering dick when my own slit sprayed hot cum onto Mike's hand and the sheet.

Two cum-soaked spots clung to our hands as we gently cradled each other's softening dicks. Both of us basking in the relaxing glow of morning sex.

Eventually our cocks softened completely, and slipped from our spit-slicked hands. I pulled my arm out from under the sheet and wiped the remnants of Mike's cum on the hem.

"Hey, you're messing up my bed." joked Mike.

"There's going to be a lot more than that on your sheets by the time this weekend is done."

Next: Chapter 6

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