
By Richard

Published on Sep 8, 2008


Based on a true relationship. Comments and suggestions welcome.

Copyright 2008, richard@surfeit-verdure.com

Mike was still naked except for his sleeveless shirt. He sat on the edge of his bed looking down at me. His spit-slicked dick was slowly softening after his first blowjob.

"Whata you want to do now?" he asked.

"Let's give you at least 10 or 15 minutes. I want to see you cum like that again."

Mike's dick twitched.

"I don't know if I can. I've never tried to do it twice in a row. Whenever I jack off I never seem to be able to cum twice."

"We can do better than jacking off. I bet you'll manage it this time. I don't much feel like going back to watching sports highlights. You ever gotten a massage before?"

"Nuhhu. I've always been too embarrassed. I mean what if you get wood while they're working on you?"

"Well in this case I believe that would be desirable. But sex or not, they're fun. You got anything like baby oil or mineral oil around?"

"No way. Why would I have baby oil?" Mike smirked.

"I can show you some other time, though I'd recommend mineral oil. Same stuff minus the nasty smell. Anyway, what do you use to jack off with? Lube makes decent massage oil."

"Usually nothing. I just spit on it. Guess that's kind of sick."

"Actually I think it's fucking hot, but it won't help us in this case. Don't suppose you have any olive oil in the kitchen?"

"Dunno. My old girlfriend used to try to cook sometimes. We can see if she left any."

Mike levered himself off the bed and reached for his shorts.

"Leave em off. You won't need them in a minute, and it's everyone's god-given right to walk around their own house naked."

Mike chuckled, but still scurried past the windows on his way to the kitchen. A few minutes of shuffling through cabinets turned up a dusty bottle of cheap olive oil as I'd hoped. Better that it end up on his ass then being eaten.

"Guess she did. What are you going to do with this stuff? Not sure I want it on me."

"Hey, it worked for the Greeks and Romans. Give it a try. Worst you'll do is smell slightly like a salad. Come on back to your bed. And stop trying to hide behind the island. No one is going to see you, and who cares if they do?"

"Hey, your schlong isn't hanging out like mine is. Back off."

"We can fix that too, but right now come on."

Mike skulked back to his room and stood by his bed.

"Now what?"

I walked over to him and gently squeezed the tip of his now-soft penis. He shook involuntarily and tightened his ass. So far Mike had wanted me to drive, so I decided to see how he'd respond to a little more direction.

"Take off your shirt and lay face down on the bed with your head at this end."

I was right - this was what he wanted. Someone to make the decisions for him. Wasn't ideal for me - I prefer a more balanced relationship, or even someone a little dominant - but right now Mike needed the training wheels. No problem. I had a feeling he'd re-assert himself once he got more comfortable with expressing his sexual needs.

Mike quickly pulled his dirty white shirt over his head, temporarily exposing his hair-filled pits and releasing a wave of man-stink. It was nothing too fetid - just the honest smell of a man that had worked all day. Unfortunately there was also an undertone of cheap deodorant or cologne. Maybe I could turn Mike into a scent-pig like me eventually, but for now I'd have to enjoy the moment on my own.

This was the first time I'd ever seen Mike completely naked - at least all at once - and now I could finally look at him in detail. His light brown hair was shaved short for the summer - probably less than half an inch. His face was round, with a short goatee thinning from his chin out to the midline of his jaw.

His short neck ended in stocky shoulders with decent muscle development. His arms bulged nicely into biceps padded with more than a little extra fat. His short forearms ended in huge mitts with skin roughed up from a life of working outside. His fists opened and closed in a nervous twitch.

Hair started again at his collar line and quickly spread over his upper chest.

His tits held more fat, but I guessed that there was plenty of muscle there too. His nipples were broad, dark, and flat. Longer hair ringed each one.

With his arms at his side, his tits formed a slight fold over the expanse of his broad stomach. It wasn't huge - just a nice beer belly. Here hair focused down to a darker trail as it coursed over the gentle hill hanging over his crotch. Large love handles picked up where the belly left off at his sides.

His dick and balls were nestled in a forest of thick hair. Maybe I'd get the chance to introduce Mike to the sport of shaving, but again, not today.

His thighs flared out dramatically, but this looked more like muscle than fat. His short stocky legs were carpeted in fur.

Mike turned away from my stare and crawled onto and across the bed, following my orders. He propped his head up on his hands and looked up at me.

"Now what?"

"Put your head down and enjoy. Tell me if you like it, tell me if you don't. Just like sex."

I poured a small amount of the olive oil on my hands and began kneading it into the bulk of Mike's shoulders. He sighed and put his head down onto his hands.

"That's nice, thanks. Heh. I think I'm in the wet spot."

"Try to enjoy it. It's yours after all." I joked.

I had some other things I wanted to do at this end of Mike, but not yet. Besides, he deserved a real massage.

"I'm going to start on your legs now and work up."

Mike nodded, his eyes closed.

I took the opportunity to get rid of my excess clothing. I quietly pulled my shirt off and stepped out of my shorts and briefs.

My body was the anonym of Mike's. Short dark blond hair sat on top of a tall thin face. A fairly standard pair of shoulders ended in disappointing biceps, despite several years of weight lifting. My chest had faired somewhat better, with defined if unremarkable pecs. A trail of hair divided them, then petered out on a flat stomach. Ridiculously long legs supported the entire affair.

My crotch was covered in a light coat of hair that had spread onto my balls. I often trimmed or shaved, but at the time I had a full patch overhanging my rigid cut cock. I'd love to tell you that it was huge or fat or miles long, but in truth it was - and is - completely average.

I clambered up onto the bed and crawled toward the headboard. Mike's short stature left room for me to kneel between his feet after I tossed his pillows aside.

A little more oil went onto his left calf. Even with the lubrication his thick pelt of fur made smooth motions difficult, so I opted for a more aggressive deep muscle approach.

"Oooh. Careful. Those are stiff." Mike said. His voice muffled by his bed.

"Give it a few minutes and they won't be. Don't worry."

I continued the massage, alternating between his legs. All the time I was impatiently looking further down the bed toward the two substantial mounds of his ass and the dark line of hair dividing them.

Finally giving in, I moved up to his thighs and started working toward the target of my interest. As I reached the top, Mike began to squirm slightly.

"Hold on." he said.

Mike lifted his ass off the bed and reached under himself with his right hand, re-arranging his cock and balls. I was happy to see that it had started to grow substantially.

I desperately wanted to play with Mike's ass, but I knew there wasn't anything I could do down there without freaking him out. He'd made it pretty clear that he wasn't ready for anal play yet.

Respecting his wishes - for now - I passed over the mounds and move onto his back, running my thumbs down the muscle fibers. Mike gowned in appreciation.

"See, olive oil has its uses."

"This is fucking awesome." Mike said with what sounded like a mouth full of sheets.

Lubricant of a different kind was dripping from my dick onto Mike's bed. I like giving massages, and was loving the exploration of Mike's body, but right then I needed my rocks off badly.

"Back to your shoulders now."

I slid off the bed and took up position nearly straddling Mike's lowered head. I tried to focus on the musculature of his back and shoulders, but all I could see was my dick hovering over the back of Mike's nearly-shaved head. I had to stop several times to catch a drip of pre-cum before it landed in his hair.

Finally I couldn't take it any more.

"You ready to try your hand at sucking dick?"

I stepped back so that Mike wouldn't have my cock in his face when he looked up.

He still jerked when he looked up to see me standing there ready for him.

"Sure I guess. What do I do?"

"Prop yourself up on your elbows. Don't try to shove the whole thing in your mouth. Even with my short dick you'll choke. Keep in mind where your teeth are, and focus on using your tongue for right now. There's really no such thing as a bad blow job, so just experiment. I'll tell you if you need to do anything different."

Mike levered himself onto his elbows. He had a less than subtle look of apprehension on his face.

"Don't worry. You'll do great."

His mouth was now nearly level with my dick. I walked forward till it was less than an inch away. Mike opened his mouth and I closed my eyes.

The first thing I felt was the warmth of Mike's tongue barely touching the base of my cock head, then retreating.

"Huh. It doesn't taste like anything. I mean the pre-cum."

"No, sometimes it's slightly sweet, but generally nothing pronounced. If you're up for it you'll have the chance to try cum. It's got a bit more flavor."

Mike chuckled.

"Guess I'll try. I mean you ate mine."

This time the tongue was bolder, licking more of the pre-cum off the bottom of my cock, then probing my piss-slit. Unfortunately I'm not blessed with a sensitive urethra like Mike.

"Try just putting the head in your mouth and swirling your tongue around it."

Mike complied, and I had to clench as hard as I could to stop from shooting down his throat right then. Even though I'd sucked and jacked Mike off, this was the first time I really felt him getting into the mutual experience of sex.

"Oh fuck. That's fucking awesome. Uhhhggg."

Spurred on, Mike did exactly what I thought he would, and tried to take my whole cock. Only one way to learn I guess. He quickly gagged, nicking my dick with his teeth.

"I'm so sorry."

"You're fine. Despite what you've seen in porn films, most people can't deep throat. At least not without a lot of practice. Your shoulders going to need more than a massage if we keep going in this position. Besides, I want to taste your cum again."

"But I haven't got you off yet."

"You will. I think even with our height difference we can manage it. Slide back toward the middle of the bed and turn onto your side."

Mike squirmed into position, and I crawled up on the bed. Most of my height is in my legs, so our torso lengths weren't that far off.

"Put your head next to my crotch and go to town. I'll take care of this foaming beer can while I'm down here."

Mike bounced his way over to me and suddenly my cock was engulfed in his mouth again. He was applying a fair amount of suction, and started piston the shaft in and out of his mouth

His own cock was fully hard again, and inches from my face. I could smell my spit and his cum against a background of sweat from his crotch. If they could manage to bottle that smell they'd make a mint.

I knew I didn't have much time on my end, so I tried to get Mike going fast. Sliding it in as far as possible, I slicked it up with as much spit as I could on the way out. Then I went directly for his piss slit.

First flicking back and forth over it, then forcing as much of the tip of my tongue into it as I could. There was still a subtle taste of cum in the depths.

Mike quickly lost his own concentration, and stopped sucking.

"Ahhh. Fuck. Uhhh."

"Nice huh? Try just putting the tip in your mouth again and use your tongue more."

Soon we were both slurping away. I stopped myself from playing with Mike's ass, though I'm not sure how.

I'd love to tell you that we sucked for hours, but it was probably only another 45 seconds.

Mike's balls where only a dick-length from my eyes, and I saw them draw up into a taught furry sphere. I switched back to sucking the corona around his head so that I wouldn't block any of his cum. I didn't have to wait long. A short spurt splashed my tongue, followed by a slower flow. I licked as much as possible off before releasing him.

Mike had stopped to enjoy his own orgasm.

"Your turn to try it."

"Oh, sorry."

Mike dived back in. I didn't want him to have to wait for the prize, so I started fantasizing about eating out his ample ass. Pressure welled up in my shaft before I'd gotten far.

"Here it comes. You don't have to swallow it if you don't want to."

Mike kept his lips firmly clamped around my head as I lost control. Wave after wave crashed through my dick as I yelled out.


Mike took the first volley, but my head popped out as he rocked back from the new sensation in his mouth. I grabbed my cock with my left hand and finished myself off. The last few shots sprayed on Mike's chin and neck.

"Kind of salty. Not what I thought it would taste like at all."

"You like it?"

"Uh huh. That was awesome. I don't think I've ever cum twice in a row before. Sorry I did such a shitty job on you."

"You seem to have my cum dripping off your chin, so you can't have done too badly. Thanks by the way."

"What do you want to do now? I don't think I can do three shots."

"We've got the whole weekend. No rush."

"You want to stay?"

"Yes I do."

Next: Chapter 5

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