
Published on Aug 16, 2022


Midvale: Discovery


Chapter Nine: "Discovery" – by Travis Jennings


© 2019 Travis Jennings

(MM, Auth, Reluc)

(Note: includes scenes of non-consensual sex)

This is a work of fiction created for the entertainment of interested adults. Please read no further if you are underage or are offended by explicit sexual stories. Any resemblance to anyone is strictly coincidental.

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Synopsis: Midvale student confronts this sexuality during Homecoming Weekend

Thumper Davis' throbbing cock was buried 9 inches deep in Sheri Lindstrom's wet pussy, and the lady was begging for more.

"Yes, Big Guy!  Fuck me! Harder! Harder! Yessss!"

Both were breathing hard, climbing, climbing toward what promised to be the biggest climax of their lives.

"Keep going! Keep going!" she screamed!

But just then Thumper's cell-phone alarm app rang, and wakened both him and his roommate, Jerry Bedford, from their late Friday afternoon nap.

"FUCK!" Thumper screamed as he realized it had all been a dream.

Actually, Jerry had woken a few moments earlier, having heard Thumper's loud moans of ecstasy. Jerry laid on his own twin bed, watching his naked roommate sleep – watching Thumper's big cock standing tall and waving as it seemed to be searching for the release it so desperately needed.

For a moment he thought he ought to reach over and – but then the alarm sounded.

Both lads loved to sleep – even nap – in the nude, a habit that got them into trouble a few weeks after the start of fall term. Wednesday was laundry day in Shuster Hall, and every Wednesday morning, one of the lady housekeepers would push a cart down the hall, knock on each door, announce "Housekeeping," open the door, and pick up the previous week's dirty sheets, replacing them with a clean set for the following seven days.

On the morning in question, both Thumper and Jerry had returned from an early morning class, and having been out late the night before, both stripped off their clothes and flopped down for a mid-morning nap, totally forgetting about the housekeeper. Imagine her surprise when she knocked on the door, got no response, opened it, and saw two strapping young college men sprawled across their beds, totally starkers!

The lady screamed in disgust, slammed the door, and later complained bitterly to the dorm director – who, in turn, gave the boys a lecture on dormitory protocol.

The guys, of course, laughed about it with their friends, and decided to teach the lady a lesson: the following Wednesday, when she opened the door to collect their sheets, she again found them naked, this time with Thumper lying on top of Jerry, pretending to fuck him into the next county. 

"Fuck me, Thumper! Fuck me!" Jerry screamed, as the lady again slammed the door and ran to the authorities.

The guys quickly pulled apart and laughed about their prank for days.

But Jerry had a secret: when Thumper was pretending to fuck him, Jerry was enjoying the feeling of having his friend on top of him. He loved having his own naked legs up around Thumper's naked body. Both cocks were totally flaccid, but Jerry knew that he was just a moment or two away from throwing the biggest woody of his life.

Thumper's naked body had felt so damned good!

It wasn't the first time they had touched each other while naked. A week or two earlier, they double dated a couple of times – and on both occasions they ended up in a local motel room in a foursome! The two couples often fucked on the same bed, side-by-side, and, again, Jerry found it strangely enjoyable rubbing up against Thumper as "the Thumpster" fucked his date senseless.

One night, after Jerry's date had fallen asleep, Thumper and Jerry had a three-way with Thumper's date, with the lady giving Jerry oral sex while Thumper first tongued her pussy, then rode her mercilessly. The lady was so over the moon in bliss that she pulled away from Jerry to scream and moan aloud, and Thumper quickly grabbed onto Jerry's throbbing slick cock and brought the three of them to orgasm simultaneously!

It had been a night Jerry could not forget!

Looking over at his frustrated roommate, Jerry offered humorously, "Should I leave so you can, uh, take care of that thing?"

"No `spanking the monkey' for me tonight, pal. Got a date with Sheri to see the bonfire – then make a little heat of our own!" replied Thumper, wrapping a towel around his midsection, grabbing his dopp kit, and heading for the door. As usual, he tripped on Jerry's misplaced red sneakers lying in the middle of the floor.

"Damn it, Jair, every damned day!"

"Sorry, bro!"

Jerry smiled as his sexy roommate padded down the hall, his huge bulge still noticeable under his towel to anyone who might pass. Jerry wished he had a date – looking at Thumper's massive tool had left him suddenly horny.

"My God, that thing's huge!" he thought to himself as he dressed and headed out to the bonfire. For some unknown reason he found himself suddenly obsessed with cock. Every guy he passed in the hall, every guy he met while crossing campus, suddenly caught his attention.

"I wonder if he's as big as Thumper?" he mused.

"Oh, hell, I gotta find Margie and get laid!" he scolded himself. "What's this sudden obsession with – "

But just then he saw a couple of very handsome students heading across campus and, again, all he could think about is seeing them naked.

"What's wrong with me?"

The basic bonfire structure – ten feet of leafs, wood, and rubbish – had been built on the far eastern corner of the old Quad, but workers were still clearing the viewing area and roping off potential danger zones with stanchions. A few students and returning alums had started to congregate, but the ceremony itself would not start for another forty-five minutes or so.

"Gotta find someplace to jerk off!" admitted Jerry to himself. He remembered a small men's room just off that end of the Quad.

"Good, nobody's here!" he thought as he went inside, passed the two sinks and two urinals and locked himself into the first toilet stall. He pulled down his pants, sat on the commode, and started to stroke. It was then that he noticed the two rather sizable glory holes that had been cut out of the outer wall of the stall. The one closest to the back wall gave someone in Jerry's position a perfect view of the two urinals. The other, a foot or so to the right, looked out toward the main door.

He'd known about glory holes for years, who hadn't, but he had never utilized one, either as the guy getting sucked or the guy –

Suddenly the whole process seemed captivating.

Jerry was whacking away, thinking about who might have used this facility before, when one of the workmen who had been roping off the bonfire area, came in and started to pee. Jerry could not take his eyes off the guy's dick as the man urinated, then shook the final drops off the end of his organ and stuffed it back into his pants.

"Oh, my god!" thought Jerry as a sudden warm rush came over him.

The man washed his hands and left, but a few moments later yet another guy, this time a student wearing a Midvale sweatshirt, came in and also started to pee. Unlike the other man, this kid stood back a ways from the urinal and kinda played with his dick. Jerry made a noise in the stall as he shifted his position on the commode, and the guy was suddenly aware of Jerry's presence.

Jerry saw the guy's body suddenly flinch in his direction. Jerry was scared that he'd been discovered.

"Well, well, well!" the stranger said, and rather than stuffing his dick back into his pants, he wagged it in Jerry's direction.

Jerry sat transfixed, not sure what to do. Should he look away? Pull up his pants and run for the door? What?

But without thinking further, Jerry stuck his face up into the glory hole and started to wave his tongue at the man on the other side.

"All right!" the guy chuckled, and he walked over and thrust his cock through the hole and into Jerry's waiting mouth.

"Mmffgghhhh!" Jerry moaned as he swallowed his very first cock.

Luckily, Jerry had learned as a lad to relax the gag reflex in the back of his throat. This had served him well when he entered the hot-dog eating contest every summer at the county fair: he could swallow a half-eaten hot dog and start munching on another while the competition sat in awe.

But this was no hot dog. This was a cock, and Jerry lapped it up like candy. He wetted the shaft, pulled back and licked around the head, then attempted to swallow the whole thing at once. He marveled at how the skin texture was different than that of, say, someone's finger.

"YES! YES!" moaned the guy on the other side of the wall. "Suck that dick!"

And Jerry did!

When the stranger left, he was one satisfied customer!

A few minutes later, Jerry discovered the joys of "two handed sucks," when two friends came in, found him in action, and each thrust their dick into one of the side-by-side holes. Jerry quickly wetted both cocks with plenty of spit, and while he serviced one with his mouth, he jerked on the other with his hand, trying to keep both customers satisfied. It worked! He managed to suck and edge each of the fellows to the brink of orgasm, then finished first one, then the other in rapid succession.

He forgot all about the bonfire.


Meanwhile, a few blocks away, Chaz McCormick was just about to sink his teeth into a piping hot slice of pepperoni pizza when a booming voice interrupted his meal.

"I should be mad as hell at you!" announced Mike Maxwell, as he, bother Billy and Uncle Max, all carrying trays full of pizza and beer, made themselves at home at Chaz's table. The Slice and Suds was jam-packed on this Homecoming Friday evening, and space was at a premium.

Chaz had worried all day about Mike's ire. The fuck party he and Billy had orchestrated the night before – with an unsuspecting Mike as the "guest of honor" – was more than enough to ruin a beautiful friendship.

Chaz stared at his old friend, waiting for him to continue.

"But I guess I had it coming," confessed Mike, "and besides, my brother here loves that big schlong of yours – says it makes his ass purr all night – so I guess everything's cool!"

Everyone laughed! Chaz felt a great relief, and Billy turned three shades of red at Mike's comment. Mike grinned at Billy's discomfort, then slipped an arm around his brother's shoulders and offered a lateral hug.

"I guess we both lost our cherries to The Can Opener!" said Billy laughing. "What about you, Uncle Max?"

"Hell, I lost mine before any of you were born?" the older man replied.

"So," asked Chaz, finally taking a bite out of his pizza, "are you a Top or a Bottom?"

"I try not to label myself," laughed Max. "I do what ever is necessary when a hot fuck is in the offing!"

"I think Billy and Chaz would make a cute couple, don't you, Uncle Max?" asked Mike.

"As if!" offered Billy before his Uncle could answer. "I'm not exactly boyfriend material as long as I'm the Spartan House Bitch!"

"Billy – don't sell yourself short!" said Chaz. "You're the only person who has ever stood up for me, fought for me, made me feel special. Any guy would be proud to have you as his boyfriend."

Mike nudged Max with his knee under the table. 

"Besides," Chaz continued, "I was a house bitch myself one year, back at the military academy when I was 16!"

"YOU?" asked the other three in unison.

"Tell us about it some other time!" suggested Uncle Max. "The bonfire starts in half-an-hour! Eat up, fellas!"

"Do you mind if I tag along?" asked Chaz.

"We'd be offended if you didn't!" replied Max.

Munching pizza and gulping beer replaced chitchat as the foursome downed their dinner and prepared for the night ahead.

"Let's walk over!" suggested Billy as they left the restaurant. "I doubt there's any better parking closer to campus."

And so they did. On their way to the bonfire, Chaz revealed his own initiation into manhood.

"My mom died when I was quite young, and I grew up an Army brat. I went to primary school wherever my Dad was stationed. Six months here, six months there. Never really had any real friends. When I was 16, my Dad enrolled me in Fullerton Military Academy. I was frightened to death, and I guess it showed.

"Some of the guys jumped me before my Dad's car had left the driveway. They stripped me, put me in the shower, and shampooed my nuts with peppermint-flavored toothpaste. Someone shoved a finger full of it up my ass. It burned like hell!  I hoped that was all they were going to do, but six or eight hours later, I was sound asleep in my little room when I heard weird scratching at my door. It flew open, and there were a dozen guys, some waving flashlights.

`Here pussy, pussy,' one of them laughed.

`Puss, puss -- '

"The ones not carrying lights grabbed me from the bed and carried me in my pajamas – kicking and screaming – down the hall to a rec room, where they stripped me naked, tied me face down on an exercise horse, and whipped my ass with a belt.

`Welcome to Fullerton, Pussy Boy!'

"I started to scream, but as I looked around, I could see that not only was no one going to help, everyone was laughing at me – and getting naked! I screamed even louder, but none of the adults seemed to be around.

"Finally, someone untied me, yanked me off the horse and pushed me down onto my knees and shoved his big cock in my face. 

`Suck, Pussy Boy!'

"I refused to open my mouth, even when one of the guys pinched my nostrils closed. Then some wiseguy grabbed my balls and gave them a nasty twist. I opened my mouth to scream, and the guy in front shoved his dick down my throat. You can image the rest. I fought them tooth and nail, but there were too many and they refused to stop until each and every one had had a go at my ass. Oh man, I was so sore.

"When the last guy pulled out, I ran down to the commandant's office and grabbed the phone. I called my Dad in tears and begged him to come get me. I wanted to leave, NOW. Instead, he phoned the commandant in his private quarters and told him that I'd called – and that the guys needed to fuck me again the next night – and the next, and the night after that. He wanted me fucked every night until I learned to stop complaining and take it like a man! I was their `hall pussy' for the rest of the term.

"That's the difference between my Dad and yours, Billy! I haven't seen the bastard in years. And, yes, to repeat what I said earlier, I think you'd make anyone a wonderful boyfriend!"

The group watched the bonfire light up the sky – and "oo'ed' and `ah-ed' with the rest of the crowd when the dean set off special Homecoming fireworks.  The weekend had officially begun.

The beer from dinner began to take its toll. When Billy and Mike went to find a restroom, Max pulled Chaz aside and thanked him for being such a good friend to both of his nephews.

"I know they call you `The Can Opener,'" he said. "But I was watching you last night, both with Sergeant Higgins and later with Mike, and you, young man, are a bit of a fraud! You prance around like a nasty-ass, and I'm sure that big cock of yours hurts like hell at intromission – but once you're in the saddle, you fuck your partners with a lot of finesse. A lot of – I don't know – love. I was impressed."

"You found me out!" confessed Chaz with a sheepish grin on his face. "I remember what it was like, lying there."

"You're a good man, Chaz McCormick! I'm proud to know you!"

"Right now I'm a man who needs to whiz so bad I'm going to burst!" confessed Chaz. "I'd better go find that latrine!"

A few moments later, Chaz found Mike and Billy still in the little men's room off the Quad – both of them getting a blowjob from some guy in the first stall.

"Should have known!" laughed Chaz as he hurried over to the nearest urinal and relieved himself. "Brotherly blow-jobs!"

"Don't knock it `til you've tried – oh, my god, this kid's phenomenal – I'm gonna cum! AHHHHHHHHH! – AHHHHHHHHHH!"

Jerry Bradford, sitting in the stall, quickly shifted over and swallowed Billy's equally ready dick.

"That story of yours got us both horned up," said Mike as he zipped his fly and headed for the door. "You, an innocent 16 year old virgin cherub getting gangbanged by a lot of horny cadets! Now that's one show I'd have paid to see! Your cute little rosebud lying there all-aquiver while some guy with a massive dick rams it home! YOWZA! What a moment!" he laughed as he exited.

Billy started to take deep breaths and to shake! "I'm cumming!  OH! OH! OH! AHHHHHHH!" he yelled as he, too, found relief from the young man in the stall. "Oh, my god, that was so good!"

As he turned and zipped his pants, he noticed that Chaz had finished peeing and was smiling at his young friend.

"Would you really consider going out on a date with me sometime?" asked Billy. "I mean, I've never had a real boyfriend – or girlfriend, for that matter. Don't even know how it's done."

Chaz put his arm around the younger man's shoulder and coaxed him toward the exit. "What say we figure it out together?"

Jerry watched the little scene from the other side of the glory hole, and was strangely touched by seeing two men speak romantically to each other.

Two or three more bonfire gazers came in, after which Jerry, his jaw almost numb, decided to call it a night. He started to stand and pull up his pants when he heard someone else coming in the outside door.

"Yeah, Frank, Sheri cancelled out on me!"

"Oh, my god, that's Thumper!" thought Jerry as he sat back down on the john, hoping his roommate would quickly leave. Thumper seemed to be talking into his cell phone.

"Her fuckin' brothers are in town for Homecoming, and she has to show them around! Gonna be busy all weekend! Damn it to hell! Listen, I gotta take a piss – let me call you later!"

Thumper slipped his cell phone into a back pocket and started to whiz like a race horse, relieving himself of an evening of party fluids. Just then he noticed that someone was sitting in the first stall, possibly staring at him. When the peeing stopped, he took a step back from the urinal, and started to stroke his big cock.

"There it is again!" thought Jerry as he stared at the huge organ. Once again he shoved his face up to the glory hole and waved his tongue at the man on the other side.

"Any port in a storm!" laughed Thumper as he shoved his now rigid cock into a loving mouth. And Jerry did make love to it! Slurp, slurp, complete swallow, then more slurps. He ran his tongue around the huge helmet and lunged to take the whole thing down his throat, as Thumper moaned in ecstasy.

"YES! DAMN! WHAT A MOUTH!" Thumper screamed.

Mmmmffffggghhhhhh!" Jerry responded on the other side of the wall.

Thumper looked down and sensed that the guy on the other side of the wall might be masturbating. The guy had scrunched himself low so as to have better access to the cock – and, oh my gosh, he has the same kind of red sneakers as Jerry! "I'll have to tease Jerry about that!"

The cocksucker let out a second moan, and, now that he was thinking about Jerry, Thumper thought even the moan sounded familiar.

"Nah, couldn't be!"

Both men started to breathe in unison, and it became evident that as the guy in the stall was giving Thumper the best blowjob of his life, he was indeed also jerking himself to a climax.

Thumper hit nirvana!

"YESSSSSSSSSS!" he screamed as he shot a massive load down the cocksucker's throat, and the cocksucker himself tried to stifle his own moan as he shot all over the floor of the stall. Again, Thumper recognized that moan!

"Oh, my god! It IS Jerry!"

Not knowing exactly how to confront his roommate, Thumper quickly pulled his cock back through the glory hole, tucked it into his pants and made for the door. He was lying in bed in the dark when Jerry arrived back at the dorm a half-hour later. Jerry flicked on the light, was startled by his roommate's presence, and quickly flicked it off again. It was after midnight.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were back!" he said.

"Slight change of plans. So, uh, how was YOUR night?"

"I walked over to the bonfire. Met up with a few guys. Had a good time, but, hey, let's talk tomorrow. I'm really exhausted!" said Jerry as he slipped off his clothes and fell into bed.

"I bet you are, Champ!" smirked Thumper to himself. "I just bet you are!"

Saturday was game day and the one word on everyone's mind was FOOTBALL. Thumper and Jerry were still sound asleep when their dorm room door swung open and Fred Bruns, Ed Maple, and Gary Miles all rushed in tossing a football, one to the other. Fred grabbed Thumper by his feet, still under the covers, and jostled him awake.

"Rise and shine, assholes! Big game today!"

Indeed it was: Midvale's Falcons were playing the Burlington Bulldogs in a rematch of four years ago, a game that had ended with Midvale trouncing the competition. Burlington was out for blood this time, and the game was a sell-out!

Dashing to get ready and meet the guys for brunch, Thumper and Jerry both decided to put concerns about the previous evening behind them. For Jerry, it was a welcome opportunity to "get back to normal." After all, last night was just a one-time-thing, right, an aberration, an experiment. For Thumper, it allowed him to keep a close eye on his roommate and try to get a handle on what was going on with the guy.

The game turned out to be a real crowd pleaser! The rather evenly-matched teams traded touchdowns throughout, throwing the game into multiple overtimes – but at afternoon's end, Midvale pulled ahead and proved victorious. Students and alums alike crowded the field, as quarterback Cody James, Lance Turner, Mac McGregor, Jordy Benedict and the rest of the Falcon team were all doused with multiple bottles of champagne.

The crowd partied for a good twenty minutes after which it dissipated, with groups of people each heading toward a favorite watering hole. The frat boys headed over to the Blue Knight House for the annual House Bitch competitions, while non-frat students and visiting alums all dashed for the town's various restaurants and taverns.

Thumper, Jerry and their buds from Shuster Hall all wound up at The Purple Shamrock, a would-be Irish pub, where they celebrated with pitchers of ale and burgers of all variety.  Most of the guys were planning to make a night of it, but by 7:30, Jerry was ready to leave.

"Party pooper!" screamed Ed Maple. "Stay and have another round!"

"No, thanks, guys – there's something I need to check out."

And he left.

"What's with him?" asked Fred Bruns. "He's had something on his mind all day."

"You'll never believe it!" gushed Thumper, who had held his secret as long as he could. "Last night—"

Jerry walked back to campus and without even thinking about it, headed directly to that little men's room off the Quad. As soon as he saw it, however, he wondered if he had made a mistake. The bustling crowds of last night were long gone, and now that the game was over, the entire campus seemed to be deserted.

"I'll give it half-an-hour," he promised himself. "If no one comes in, I'll text the guys and go back to the pub."

Again, he pulled down his britches, got comfortable on the commode, and started to play with himself. Memories of last night – particularly of giving head to Thumper's massive dick – made his own cock rise to the occasion. He edged himself close to cumming, then stopped.

"What the hell am I doing?" he scolded himself. "Let's get out of here!"

Just then the door swung open and a guy – clearly a student – walked in and headed over to one of the urinals. He fished out his dick, but it was already hard, and the guy apparently had no intention of peeing. He turned from the urinal and walked to the glory hole, where Jerry was waiting.

Jerry stared at it for a moment, then opened his mouth and swallowed the mid-sized weapon in one gulp.

"AHHHHHH!" the student yelled.

And for the next few minutes, Jerry made him feel like royalty.

No sooner had this first guy finished and left, than another took his place, then a third. A fourth guy – one who had a large dick just like Thumper's – proved to be a bit of a challenge, but he, too, left with a smile on his face. Two guys came in together, and Jerry did a side-by-side, double blowjob on them, just as he had on two sets of guys the night before. After yet another man came and went, Jerry decided to head back to the dorm.

Jerry pulled up his pants, went to one of the sinks, bent over, cupped his hands, and drank big gulps of water, then splashed even more water onto his face. Standing up to look at himself in the mirror, he saw not only his own wet image, but the smiling face of his roommate.

"Well, bro, you've had another busy night!" Thumper smirked.

"Uh – wha, what do you mean?" ask Jerry.

"Come on, Jair, I know what you've been doing. I saw you here last night, and that was me again a little bit ago – and I must say you give the best blowjobs in town. You've been holding out on me."

"Nu, no. Don't say that! Last night was the first time ever," Jerry mumbled, mortified. "Please – please don't tell the guys!"

"Too late! I told them at the pub and, to your credit, they didn't believe me. Every one of them thought I must have been mistaken – so I brought them over. Every dick you sucked tonight belonged to one of your best buds! You amazed us all!"

 "Oh, god!" moaned Jerry, looking horrified.

"Not to worry!" said Thumper. "Let's go home – some of the guys bought a case of beer, and everyone wants to party you!"

"Party me? What the hell does that mean?"

"What do you think? We all decided it was going to be great to have our own private cocksucker right there in the dorm. We all want to celebrate! And, of course – now that we've all sampled your throat, everyone also wants to open you up at the other end!"

Jerry's eyes bugged out. "No way!"

"Sorry, Champ! It's all set!  We tossed a coin, and, guess what – I won – I get to go first. I've got the biggest cock, so, heck, once I've cored a big  juicy cunt out of your tiny asshole – once I've got you good and open – the other guys should be a breeze."

"Nope – ain't gonna happen!" said Jerry shaking his head rather half-heartedly as they headed toward the dorm.

"Yes, Jerry boy, we're going to turn you into a proper little cock slut. From here on in, you're gonna get all the cock that you can handle, right there in Shuster Hall. Oh, that sweet little pussy of yours is probably going to be good a sore for a while. I intend to use it a lot myself. You know how horny I get. Why pound the monkey when I've got a roommate that needs cock almost as much as I need relief?  I'll probably be pounding your hole two or three times a day when I'm especially horned up – the other guys, too. You're gonna be in cock heaven!"

Jerry's first instinct was to run – run and hide. Why didn't he?  Instead he continued walking home with Thumper.

Back at Shuster Hall, the guys climbed the stairs to the third floor, and as they turned into the hallway leading to their room, they saw two naked students heading into what promised to be "party central."  Laughter was heard before the door closed again. The party in Jerry and Thumper's room had clearly started.

A jovial Thumper and very nervous Jerry walked toward their door in silence.

"What the hell am I letting myself in for?" wondered Jerry.

When the guys got to their door, Jerry started to reach for the doorknob, but Thumper grabbed his wrist.

"Okay, look: I don't pretend to know what's going on with you. All I can say is that you are my best friend, and whatever you want to do is fine with me. If you really don't want this, go wait down in the lounge, and I'll go in alone and tell the guys the party's off, that it was all a big practical joke. A few may bellyache, but, hell, it's your ass on the line, not theirs"

"Run, Jerry, run!" Jerry thought to himself.

 "But if you want to go through with it – I'll be around all night to make sure things don't get out of hand. It's your call.  It's your ass. You decide."

Jerry stood at the door for what seemed like an eternity. Finally he smiled wanly at Thumper, turned the doorknob and went in.

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