
Published on Jul 29, 2022


Midvale: Homecoming Surprise


CHAPTER 8: "Homecoming Surprise" – by Travis Jennings


© 2019 Travis Jennings

(MM, Auth, Reluc)

This is a work of fiction created for the entertainment of interested adults. Please read no further if you are underage or are offended by explicit sexual stories. Any resemblance to anyone is strictly coincidental.

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Synopsis: Midvale alum visits campus for Homecoming – and gets more sex than he bargained for!

"Fore! – Oh, fuck!" screamed Midvale alum Mike Maxwell as his golf swing connected with the ball, only to have the ball fly many feet too far across the green, totally missing the targeted hole.

"This just isn't your day!" laughed his golf buddy and most important client, Rex Bradford. "Looks like the blow job's on you today!"

It was along-standing bet between the two "tops": loser had to blow the winner in the club house shower room. Mike hated to lose – hated having to get down on his hands and knees like a whimpering bottom and blow anyone, let alone someone as smug as Rex. He hated not being in total control. Anything else threw him off his swagger.

"Damn it – it's all Billy's fault!" he thought as he chased after his ball and attempted to salvage what was left of the game.

For weeks Mike had been planning to attend Midvale's annual Homecoming Celebration starting later this week – and to stay, as usual, at his old frat house, home of the Silver Spartans. Just this morning, he had called to confirm that everything was set.

"Yep!" announced Spartan president Ted Wilson. "We'll have to double up, but you'll always have a bed here!"

"That's great! Put me in with one of those sexy blonds with the bubble butts and the beautiful lips! You and I can double fuck him!"

"Ouch! Don't want to ruin him – whoever we choose!"

"Okay – but at least we can spit roast him, taking turns on who gets that great ass!"

"I'll see what I can arrange," laughed Ted.

Mike was just about to end the conversation, when Wilson added, "You really did us a favor, suggesting your brother Billy be our House Bitch this year. He may have been a wallflower before, but, man, he's taken to this like a fish to water. Loves to fuck – it's as though he's making up for lost time! We all like him a lot!"

Mike chuckled to himself, recalling the great night a few weeks ago when he had helped the guys corner Billy in the MOTC shower room, shave him bald, whip his ass and fuck away his virginity. Many a night since he had stroked himself off, reliving the action, remembering his little brother's high-pitched squeals. The look on Billy's face as Mike "bitched him out" never failed to bring Mike to orgasm. Whatta night!

But then Ted threw him a curve: "He even seems to have a boyfriend, believe it or not!"

"A boyfriend? Billy? Who?"

"Your buddy, Chaz McCormick! The Can Opener!"

"No way. Chaz is military all the way!"

"I've seen them together twice myself. Out in public, I admit, but still. Just yesterday I saw them having breakfast at The Pancake House over in the Village. They were whispering and giggling together when I walked in, but as soon as they saw me they straightened up and tried to play it cool. If they aren't dating, they are certainly up to something sneaky."

Warning bells suddenly rang in the back of Mike's devious mind. "Sneaky, huh?" he thought to himself.

"Thanks, Ted, gotta run, but we'll talk again soon!" he said as he deliberately cut the conversation short.

"So Billy and Chaz are planning something! And I have a pretty good idea what: they think it's pay-back time for ol' Mike! Those stupid bastards! Don't they know they have to get up awfully early to pull something over on me?"

Mike quickly made a second call.  "Hello, Uncle Max? It's Mike."

"Mike! Great hearing from you. How's everything?

"Couldn't be better! Gotta question: are you still planning to go down to Midvale for Homecoming Weekend? I want to go, but I may need a place to stay."

"Jack Flannigan, Jim Henderson, Bob Carson and I are renting one of those great cabins out at the lake. It's kinda secluded, but campus is only a few minutes away. It's huge – I'm sure there'll be room if you want to join us. We are driving down on Thursday."

"Thanks, Uncle Max.  You're the best!"

But Mike was pissed. The last thing in the world he wanted was to spend Homecoming Weekend with a bunch of 50 year old guys, reminiscing about "the good old days," even if the men were all gay. Mike loved to think of himself as a 25-year-old college man, and he loved to romp around – naked when possible – with all the great young studs in the Spartan house. He loved to show off his still-toned body. Plus, there were always great parties and fantastic orgies in the basement.

Damn it! What the hell are Billy and Chaz up to?

The golf game ended as Rex had predicted, and after "sweating it out" for a while in the sauna and scrubbing themselves in the shower, Rex intended to collect.

"Okay, Mikey, down on your knees and pucker up. And be quick about it, or I'll use your other end!"

Mike started to kneel, then spotted their young caddy stripping off in the staff's adjacent changing room – and suddenly had a better idea!

"Hey, Rodney!" called Mike to the young man. "Come in here and help Rex and me settle a bet!"

A bit reticent, the handsome young man walked warily into the shower totally naked. 

"I'm supposed to use the little shower room next door," he offered.

"Oh, I'm sure Grimshaw will look the other way, just this once," said Mike, grabbing the lad and pushing him down onto his hands and knees.

"Hey, wait – no!" said the caddy, but Rex just laughed.

"Which end do you want, Big Guy?" asked Mike.

"I came here for a blow job," laughed Rex as he aimed his big dick toward Rodney's lips.

"And I get his ass!" announced Mike as – without ceremony – he slammed his big dick up the caddy's unprepared ass.

"AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!" the young man screamed, allowing Rex the opportunity to bury his own dick down the man's throat.

"And people ask why I do business with you!" laughed Rex as he and Mike proceeded to fuck the living daylights out of the young caddy.

Forty-five minutes later, as Mike sped away from the country club, Rex handed Rodney two twenty-dollar bills.  "Thanks, Rod. Great service as usual – both on the greens and in the shower room!"

"When I saw who you were playing, I made sure I lubed up! I knew what could happen. He always fucks like such a bully! I don't know who he thinks he is!"

"I'm friends with his uncle Max," confessed Rex, as the valet brought around his shiny new convertible. "Mikey doesn't know it yet, but by the end of the week, there's a good chance that someone's going to be throwing a power fuck into HIM!"

"Oh, man! I'd love to see that!"

"Give me your number. I'll see what I can arrange!"


Tuesday and Wednesday flew by, and on Thursday morning Dr. "Max" Maxwell picked up his nephew, added his canvas bags into the already crowded storage area of the SUV and, along with his friend and fellow physician, Dr. Bob Carson, started the one-hour ride to Midvale.

Mike was delighted to see that "Dr. Bob" was not 50-something, but a 35-year-old stud – one Mike hoped to fuck to smithereens before the weekend was out.

As the SUV pulled onto the freeway, Mike thumbed a number into his cell phone.

"Hey, Ted – Mike. Looks like I'm not going to need a bed after all. I'm staying with my uncle and his friends."

"Thanks for letting me know," replied the Spartan president. "But you're still invited to our big orgy on Saturday night. I know Billy and the guys are all anxious to party with you!"

"I'll bet!" thought Mike.  "How IS that brother of mine?" ask Mike instead.

"He's right here sucking on my nuts. Want to say hello?"

"No -- but it's good to know you're keeping him in his place!" laughed Mike.  "See ya soon."

Ted put down his cell phone and smiled at Billy, who had finished licking the man's nuts and was now running his tongue from his asshole, along the taint, over the balls and all the way up to the head of his throbbing prick.

"Everything is falling into place!" said Ted.  "He doesn't suspect a thing!"

"Great!" smiled Billy, swallowing the president's dick to the root!


When Max's SUV pulled into the driveway leading to the cabin, Mike's jaw dropped open.

"Not exactly Daniel Boone, right?" laughed Max. While the so-called cabin was indeed made out of logs, it stood two-stories high, had three bedrooms, two baths, a full kitchen, and a double-decker porch that surrounded the front end of the building. The furnishings left nothing to be desired.

"There's one just like it next door," added Dr. Carson. "It's owned by my old CO. He has great parties up here all the time."

"You were MOTC?" asked Mike, suddenly a little suspicious.

"Years ago!  Colonel Peters and I were in basic together, so he includes me in things from time to time."

Mike relaxed again. Just then Peters himself drove in behind Max's vehicle.

"Hey, Carson! Great to see you! Just came by to say you're all invited tonight to an initiation ceremony for one of our men who's being promoted. We're starting at the pool party, and taking it from there. Starts at 7 – don't be late!"

The pool party, the guys knew, was the first official event of the long weekend, followed by a campus bonfire on Friday night, the big football game on Saturday afternoon, and parties all over town Saturday night.

As Peters drove away, a jeep pulled in carrying Max's buddies Jack Flannigan and Jim Henderson. Both in their late thirties, they were officially "a couple," one who dressed in three piece suits much of the week – and gay leather gear on the weekends.

Handshakes, hugs and introductions followed, as the five men officially moved into their weekend abode.


The theme of this year's Swim Party, sponsored by the Midvale Gay Men's Student Alliance, was "A Night at the Baths," honoring – and, in part, recreating – the famous (infamous?) Continental Baths that once graced (some would say, disgraced) the Ansonia Hotel on New York's upper west side during the hedonistic 1970s. 

The university pool area had been lined with white tables, chairs, and lounging chairs. Old Bette Midler and Barry Manilow tunes played in the background. Bowls full of poppers and condoms were scattered throughout. Swimwear had been deemed optional. Sexual high jinks of all variety were encouraged.

By 7:30 the party was in full swing.  Naked guys swam and splashed each other in the pool.  A few foolhardy souls attempted to dive in the deep end, dodging other swimmers who were more interested in grabbing each other than noticing unexpected divers.  Other nearly naked and totally naked guests lounged on the chairs around the pool, while still others excused themselves to disappear into the adjoining steam rooms – or the exercise room that had been stripped down and converted into a blacked-out orgy room in which all sorts of nefarious activities were underway.

Elliott Hall's Timmy and Tommy Cooper were among the most-dressed of the attendees, wearing skimpy jock straps and matching shoulder harnesses, on which were hung signs reading "Lifeguard." They doubled as waiters, keeping everyone's plastic glasses filled and trying to keep the peace among the rambunctious swimmers.

Biff, Cody and the rest of the football team were nowhere to be found, coach's orders – resting up for the big game – but Biff Mahoney was there, playing water volleyball with Scotty Thornton and a group of others.

Mike, Max, Bob Carson and Colonel Peters were lying – stark naked – side-by-side on four lounge chairs watching the activity.

"Where're your buddies?" asked Peters.

"Flannigan and Henderson wanted to check out a leather club over on the other side of town – the Flames of Hell!" said Max.

"They want to lay in a new supply of some kind of special lube they sell there that sets your ass on fire!" added Carson. "Are all the guys from your unit here?"

"No. Major McCormick and a few others are out at the cabin getting things ready," said Peters.  "See the bald kid tossing the volleyball?  That's Sergeant Higgins. Tomorrow, he's getting his second lieutenant stripes. We're going to party him later."

"Why is he already bald?" asked Mike.

"We had Part One of our little event earlier – stripped him down and shaved him bald in the shower room. He just giggled through it all – seems he's terribly ticklish. He thinks that's all that's involved. Trust me – he won't be giggling later!"

"That was just the warm-up act?" laughed Max.

"Totally! That cute little hinie is going to be whipped and fucked raw by morning."

"Oh, man!" said Mike, as his big cock started to swell at the thought. "Gotta be part of that!"

"We're taking him out to the cabin for the actual cherry-popping. But you're all welcome to come along and join in. Can't have too much dick on hand when you're coring out a new asshole!  By morning, his cunt lips are going to be swollen and sore – just putting on his uniform is going to make him squeal in agony. There's an official ceremony at noon – we are all going to smirk watching him cross the stage to where the General is going to present him his stripes. His pussy is going to be burning so bad!"

At that, Mike's cock popped to full attention.

Sitting at a table to the guys' right was a young ginger-haired student, totally naked, who could not keep his eyes off Mike's big appendage. Rather than trying to cover up, Mike readjusted himself so as to show off even more. The kid smiled, raised an eyebrow and took a drink from his water bottle.

"Wanna taste?" Mike asked waving his dick at the lad. But the kid had a sudden change of heart, got up, and walked away.

"Little cock-tease!" said Mike to himself, as Max, Bob and the Colonel all chuckled.

The kid sat on the edge of the pool, and even though he pretended to be no longer interested in Mike, he periodically stole a glance. Was he or wasn't he?

"I've had enough of this!" said Mike, starting to get up.

"Oh, leave the kid alone!" said Max. "He's just flirting – having a little fun!"

"Not with me, he doesn't."

But when the kid saw Mike start to move, he himself jumped into the pool and swam to the middle where a dozen other guys were tossing around some pool toys. Mike dove in, and like a shark, swam circles around the group. The kid checked the perimeter of the pool – and when he saw that Mike had vanished, he swam back over toward the table where he had been sitting. Suddenly, Mike popped up right beside him.

"Stay away from me!" the kid yelled, and disappeared under water. Mike followed suit.

A few feet away, the ginger lad resurfaced, wiped the water from his face, and looked around. No Mike! Great!  Suddenly his body began to shudder, as though it had been struck from below. The lad was yanked down into the water, but a few moments later popped again to the surface, gasping for air! The boy sucked in a lungful, tried to grasp onto anything, flailed the water, then went calm.  Bubbles rose to the surface.

"I guarantee you," said Max to his buddies, "that Mike is down there, sucking the kid's dick, shoving a finger or two up his ass, and getting him ready."

Suddenly once again the kid's demeanor changed. He reached for the side of the pool, and started to pull himself up onto the concrete. But like a whale popping out of the water, Mike was suddenly right behind him, his naked body now pressed right up against the lad. Mike reached around, grabbed the kid by the nipples, and started to twist them mercilessly. The kid screamed and tried to pull himself away, but the wet concrete allowed little leverage. Desperate, he shoved himself away from the edge of the pool – and both men sank underwater.

"Here it comes!" said Max. "I've seen him do it before!"

Right on cue, the kid popped to the surface and screamed, "AAAAEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!"

Mike also came into view, his huge cock now lodged all the way up the ginger's ass. The kid's arms flailed as he tried to pull himself away, but Mike put his hands on the kid's shoulders and shoved him back down into the water, onto his dick. When the kid popped up a second time, gasping for air, he was no longer fighting so hard to get away. Mike – still fucking the lad – moved them both over to the side of the pool, where he continued to claim the kid's ass – all the while leaving angry hickey marks on his neck.  By the time he finished, the kid was purring!

"Anyone for seconds?" Mike smirked as he let loose of the ginger and pulled himself out of the pool.


Ah hour or so later, Sergeant Higgins sat on the side of the pool, kicking his legs, and having a great time talking with a couple of his buddies still in the water. He did not notice that a group of his fellow MOTC officers had started to quietly gather behind him. Suddenly one of them approached him, squatted down to his left and handed him a greeting card.

"Congratulations!" the card read on the front cover, the letters stenciled over fancy red-white-and blue fireworks.

Higgins smiled proudly and opened the card, and inside it read, "YOU"RE FUCKED!!!"

"Huh? What's this?" he laughed – as someone to his right quickly slipped a full latex facemask over his head, and a bunch of arms yanked him up out of the water!

The kid started to yell, squirm and try to pull himself loose, but there were far too many of them, as they started to sing "Happy End of Your Virginity to You..." as they carried him out of the pool and into a van waiting in the parking lot.

"Guess we'd better get our jeans and follow them!" said Max, as he and the rest of the group started for the dressing room.

Colonel Peters' cabin was much like the one Max and his friends had rented, but the downstairs bedroom had been converted to a "playroom" of sorts – decked out especially for occasions like this.

Sergeant Higgings, still yelling and squirming, was carried into the cabin and slammed face down on a special leather covered "fuck table" that had been set up in the middle of the room. His hands and legs were quickly spread and tied to the four corners, and a special leather bolster was placed under his abdomen, raising his ass so it was in a perfect position for fucking! An unidentified hand pulled the blinding mask from the young man's head, and yet another set of fingers started to lube up his ass and perineum.

Raising his head to look around, he saw a roomful of half-drunk guys, all of them naked and stroking rock solid cocks. He was suddenly very afraid!

"We want Chaz! We want Chaz!" the group started to shout in sing-song fashion. Everyone knew Major McCormick, with his famous "Can Opener" cock, would go first and turn the kid's tiny pink asshole into a throbbing, cored-out cunt.

Mike, Max, Bob Carson and Major Peters all arrived at the cabin just as Chaz made a spectacular appearance, coming down the steps from the second floor – arms up like a champion boxer, his rampant cock bobbing up and down, ready for action.

"Looks like we're just in time!" said Mike, as the guys quickly shed their shirts and jeans and joined the celebration.

The crowd around the table parted as Chaz stepped into position.

"ONE!" the group yelled as Chaz smacked the kid's ass; "TWO!" it yelled as he lined up the head of his python with the tiny pucker; "THREE!"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIII!" the kid yelled, every muscle in his body suddenly rigid and aching.

A huge round of applause followed, and Chaz started to fuck in deep painful strokes.

"Drinks, gentlemen?" said a familiar voice. Mike looked up and saw his brother Billy standing there with a tray full of beverages. "These on the left are scotch and soda, these on the right are gin and tonic. And there's an open bar over there."

It was the first time the Maxwell brothers had seen each other since Billy's initiation a couple of months earlier, and neither knew exactly what to say. The fact that Billy was purposely carrying a tray excused any uncomfortable hugs or hand shakes.

Higgins' baptism of fire continued into the night, as one MOTC officer after another deposited a load of cum up his ass or down his throat. By mid-party, he had been untied, flipped over, and fucked with his feet in the air "like a proper bitch!"

Jack Flannigan and Jim Henderson showed up after their bar-hopping, and Mike – standing to one side, seeing Uncle Max and his three friends all naked – quickly realized just how foolish he had been: these four guys were STUDS.

Flannigan and Henderson still wore leather hats, bracelets and snap-on cock rings – and what cocks they were – nearly as huge as the one on Chaz! Dr. Carson, no leather man, was almost as gifted.

With the military still taking turns with Sergeant Higgins, Mike decided perhaps it was time to put the moves on the doctor.

"Want to go next door for a while?" he asked. "I brought grass and things. We could relax and get to know each other better."

"I thought you'd never ask!" snapped Bob. "There's something I've been anxious to try."

Back in their own cabin, the guys decided to "borrow" the downstairs bedroom that had been assigned to Jack and Jim. Not only was it the biggest, it had its own private bath. The bed was a large king, complete with such leather accoutrements as handcuffs attached to each side of the headboard. A quick look in the drawer in the bedside table revealed an ample supply of poppers, lube – the regular, the "medium warm" and the "red hot" kind – clothes-pin type pinchers for the nipples, various size dildos, etc.

"Wow! They came ready for everything!" laughed Carson as the two stripped and tumbled onto the bed.

For the first time in ages, Mike was in bed with an equal, both in size, body type, and disposition. Mike's dark brown hair was matched almost strand for strand by Carson's ash blond. Both had had muscles in all the right places, were fit and trim – and at this moment horny as hell.

Carson grabbed his partner in his strong arms, rolled on top of him, and drove his tongue deep into Mike's mouth. After a long sucking kiss, the men pulled apart and started to explore each other's bodies with their tongues. They soon found themselves in 69-position, and started to suck each other's throbbing prongs. Carson sucked a couple of his own fingers into his mouth along side Mike's cock, then attempted to massage them into Mike's tempting ass. But Mike flinched, and pulled away.

"You said there was something you wanted to try?" asked Mike.

"Yeah – edging! A couple of friends of mine back home, Mark and Hank, seem to love it."

"Okay, where do you want me?  No, wait! If you want to experience it full force, let ME edge YOU."

He quickly arranged the doctor on his back leaning against some pillows, and then with a gleam in his eye, asked, "Should we go all out? Let's try some of the guys' little toys."

Mike quickly locked the doctor's hands into the cuffs attached to the head of the bed, and slipped a narrow black leather mask over his eyes.

"A few poppers!" said Mike as he unscrewed the little brown bottle and held it under each of their nostrils.

"MMMMMMM!" said Carson as a warm sensation filled his body and his mind started to float.

"A little baby oil!" announced Mike as he dribbled some of he slick solution on Carson's aching dick.  And he started to massage the organ, which swelled even more.

"How are your tits? Lonely?" asked Mike as he first massaged the doc's nipples, then attached a couple of nasty looking plastic clamps, all the while jerking the guy's cock.

"UUUUHHHHH!" the man yelled when the clamps were attached. But just then his ass elevated slightly from the mattress and it was clear he was almost ready to shoot.

"GONNA CUM!" he screamed, and Mike suddenly pulled his hand away, leaving the throbbing cock wiggling in mid-air, seemingly searching for the hand to finish it off.

"Moving onÉ"

Mike picked up a battery-powered dildo, flicked it on, and placed it next to Carson's right cheek.

The doctor was still shaking from the orgasm that never happened, and the dildo made him squirm even more. Mike smiled, and started to run the dildo around the man's neckline, ear to ear, then down the neck to the torso, over first to one armpit, then the other, then touching each of the nipple clamps, then down toward the navel, the treasure trail and the lush pubic bush. At this point, he started to jerk Carson's cock yet again with one hand, while, with the other, he ran the dildo down to the balls – under which he held it for a few moments, then ran it further down the doctor's taint, letting it rest on his asshole.

At this point the doctor started to breath in heavy rhythms again – an orgasm was building! Mike smiled, ran the dildo back to the now rock-hard dick and held it right next to the real cock and jerked them both simultaneously.

Carson was again breathing hard and moving as though he was building to a huge climax – it was going to happen in just a few mo – But then Mike let go of both the cock and the dildo and let the frustrated man sink back into the pillows.

"PLEASE!" he screamed. "FINISH ME!"

"Not so fast, baby. Not so fast!"

Mike positioned himself between the doctor's legs, and moved his own thighs up under the doc's so that both rampant cocks were virtually side-by-side. Slicking himself with the baby oil, he jerked them both – up, down – up, down – up down -- until both were again breathing hard and near climax.

"PLEASE! PLEASE!" screamed the doc.

"Anything you say!" answered Mike, and with that he dropped the cocks, raised the man's legs up over his shoulders and plunged his own dick all the way up the doc's ass.

"AAAAAAEEEEEIIIII!" the man screamed, but as Mike thrust in with all of his might he also reached between them, clasped the doc's cock and with his greasy hand, matched his fist and cock, thrust for thrust.

"YESSSSSS!" screamed both of them as they shot off in unison, Mike up the man's ass and the doc all over their sweaty torsos.

They were both panting hard, totally exhausted from the massive orgasms. Mike quickly removed the tit clamps, which cause the doc to flinch, and undid the handcuffs – and the two men collapsed into each other's arms.

"WOW!" said Carson. "Now that was special!" The two caressed each other for a while, then Mike closed his eyes to rest, and Carson got out of bed and padded to the bathroom and with a wet wash cloth, mopped the cum from his hairy chest.

Mike was experiencing a moment of ecstasy, virtually floating in dreamland.  Carson returned to the bedside carrying two glasses. He offered one to Mike.

"A little pick me up – Viagra, a little of this, a little of that. We'll be ready to go again very soon."

Mike grabbed one of the glasses and downed the elixir in three big gulps. He set his glass on the bedside table and reached for his lover, when both suddenly heard the outside door open and many voices stream into the cabin.

"Sounds like the guys are back!" exclaimed Carson. "Maybe the party next door is winding down."

Mike's face fell.  "Any way we could get rid of them?" He clearly had been hoping to spend some more "quality time" alone with the doc.

"Let me see what I can do," Carson said as he smiled and went out into the other room, and Mike got comfortable again on the bed. The drugs he had just taken were already starting to click in, and he felt both "turned on" and a little disoriented at the same time. He started to jerk his slowly-reviving cock, anxious for his lover to return. He could hear the guys talking and some raucous laughter on the other side of the closed door, and hoped Bob would be able to shoo everyone away.

Instead the door flew open, and Carson announced to all the others, "There he is, guys – the tightest piece of ass I have ever fingered! Have at him! He needs a good fuck!"

"Give him a taste of his own medicine," said Chaz, as a dozen laughing naked men streamed into the bedroom. Mike gasped and grabbed the sheet and tried to cover his own naked body, as brother Billy, Uncle Max, Chaz, Colonel Peters, Carson, and so many others crowded around.

"Oh, my god!" he thought, even Rex Bradford and Rodney were there!

"Why so shy, Mikey?" laughed Billy, clearly a little drunk. "We've all seen that dick before!" he added as he grabbed the other end of the sheet and yanked it away from his cowering brother.  Carson and Uncle Max both reached for the man, but Mike fended them off with flailing arms and kicking legs.

"NO! NO! NO!" he screamed as he jumped from the bed, scooped his jeans from the floor and ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind him.

"What the fuck!" thought Mike as he tried to catch his breath. "Oh, shit!" he muttered to himself as he pulled on his jeans, and tried to figure out his next move. "Damn! I should not have had that drink!" he thought as he tried to clear his mind.

The bathroom was quite large, complete with a floor-to-ceiling shower stall capable of holding two, maybe three, grown men.

"The window!" The only possible escape route was up near the ceiling, placed so as to rid the room of unwanted steam from the shower. But it would be big enough – if he could just hoist himself up.  Just then heard voices from the other room, now right outside the door. Someone started to bang on the door.

"Come out, come out wherever you are!" laughed someone, possibly Rodney.

"Who the hell invited him?" wondered Mike.

Someone turned the doorknob and tried to get the door to open.

"GO AWAY! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Mike screamed as he jumped up, grabbed the edge of the window and started to "walk" himself up the wall, his bare feet struggling for purchase on the slick tiled walls. He was just about to get a good hold on the windowsill when the door flew open – someone had taken the door off its hinges! – and rough hands suddenly grabbed him.

"HELP!  NO!!!!" Mike screamed at the top of his lungs. But the guys held him tight, and quickly stripped him of his jeans. He was naked once again.

"UNCLE MAX!" Mike yelled. "Help me!"

"I'll do the same for you as you did for Billy!" replied his Uncle with a big smile. "Shave him down, fellas!"

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Mike screamed, as someone tied his hands together and slipped a black leather mask over his eyes. They turned on the shower, hung him from a hook in the ceiling so that he was standing just on his tip toes  – and proceeded to shave away his beautiful pelt of hair.

"Not the head, fellas!" advised Max. "But everything else!"

And with two or three laughing, over-sexed men working, the job was finished in no time!

"Looks just like a new born babe!" commented one man.

"A babe with a horse dick!" laughed another. "Look at that thing!"

The water was turned off, and a dozen hands started to towel Mike dry. The blindfold was removed, but before he was taken down off the hook, Chaz held up a large bottle of lotion.

"Know what this is, Sweetheart? Something special just for you – to thank you for all the pain you caused me a few weeks ago! It's mentholated after-shave cream laced with Ben-Gay! Guaranteed to sting like bloody hell!"

And he proceeded to splash the special lotion all over Mike's denuded body, paying particular attention to his groin and the area right behind his nuts.


Mike screamed himself nearly hoarse as Chaz spashed it on his genitals. The lotion had caught him by such surprise that when the men lifted and lowered him from the hook, he was too ravaged to fight.

"Carry him to the bed, guys!" instructed Carson. "The party's just starting."

"Let's gangbang the fucker!"

 Mike was shoved down to the rumpled sheets and quickly joined by Chaz and Colonel Peters, who held him tight. "Now just relax!" ordered Chaz, but Mike instead started to squirm and pull himself away. He pushed Chaz so hard, the Major fell to the floor, but that was Peters' cue to hold the man even tighter.

"I was hoping we wouldn't have to do this!" said Carson, as he pulled a hypodermic needle and a small vile of liquid from a little black bag.

"Careful, Bob," advised Max.

"I will be. Someone stretch his arm out and keep it still."

Mike screamed and tried to pull away, but all too soon the needle was stabbed into his upper arm and the barrel was emptied into him.

"Now we'll get a little more cooperation!" said Carson, as Colonel Peters eased up on Mike's torso, and Chaz himself went down on his cock. Peters started to suckle Mike's nipples, as Mike began to feel warm, tingly and sweaty all over – and horny as hell. All of the alcohol and drugs he had ingested suddenly switched into overdrive!

A few minutes later, Uncle Max took over for Colonel Peters, and Peters replaced Chaz sucking on Mike's big cock.

"I've got something else to do!" laughed Chaz, as he lubed up his own sizable organ. "Two cherries in one night! I can't believe it!"

Mike heard what his friend had said, and even though alarm bells sounded in the back of his brain, he seemed powerless to act. The lips on his nipples and cock felt amazing.

"Alright, guys, out of the way. Let the man in!" ordered Chaz, as Uncle Max reached down and lifted up Mike's left leg, while Peters grabbed the right.

"NO!" said Mike, "NOT MY ASS!"

But everyone in the room just laughed as Chaz just lined up his truncheon for the kill.


More laughter.

And again, as earlier in the night, the room started to shout in unison, "ONE – TWO – and on three the ass was breached.


The room burst into applause, and Chaz needed no further encouragement as he pulled his dick out to it's head, then quickly plunged back in – to more screams and applause.


Chaz continued to fuck for what seemed like hours but in reality was just a few minutes – but he was quickly replaced by Colonel Peters, Bob Carson, and even young Billy.

"Man, he's still tight back here!" shouted Billy, reassuring the others who had not yet had a chance. Clearly this orgy was meant to go on all night.

Over in one corner, Rex Bradford had decided not to wait for his turn at Mike, and had Rodney down on his hands and knees, and was shoving his big cock up the lad's ass. Rodney hoped that sooner or later, he'd have his chance to repay Mike for the nasty fuck he'd suffered earlier in the week.

Flannigan and Henderson were making out in another corner, while a couple of the MOTC officers from next door sucked each of them. The foursome seemed happy all by itself.

Later, when Mike looked around, he noticed Chaz being fucked by Colonel Peters, and Billy being fucked by some guy Mike had never seen before. Somehow, even though someone was still fucking his own ass, Mike was too tired to care.

"Wake up, Sweetheart!" said Chaz, as he playfully slapped Mike awake, It was now nearly four in the morning, and only a handful of men were still in the room. Mike had apparently fallen asleep somewhere along the way.

"Wakey! Wakey!" Chaz continued. "Look what we've got for you!"

Mike, exhausted from head to toe, looked down at the end of the bed where he saw Rodney standing there, clearly half-baked on drugs and alcohol, smiling and jerking himself off – no wait, that was not his dick – not his regular dick – this was a large plastic, hollowed-out, strap-on cock that apparently fit over his own appendage. My god, this one was not only huge, but laced with bumps and notches.

"We decided since you love to throw a mean fuck into people like Rodney here, that he should get a chance to return the favor!"

Mike flinched and tried to move from the bed, but hands were already upon him.

"Drag him down to the foot of the bed!" ordered Chaz. "And help me lift his legs."

"Here it comes, Mikey! Something you've always needed!"

Rodney staggered over to the end of the bed, placed the head of rubber cock at the already swollen lips of Mike's sore ass, took a massive, deep breath –

And shoved with all of his might.

"AAAAAAUUUUUURRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHLLLLLLLL!!!!" screamed Mike as his favorite caddy grinned like a Cheshire cat and started to pound into him. Mike did not wait until the lad had finished. Half way through, he passed out.


Mike was asleep on the bed for the following twelve hours. Someone, he realized, was lying next to him, and that someone kept rousing him every few hours to have him slurp some wicked tasting medicine, but he never fully woke until nearly 5PM on Friday.

Throughout the night, he had experienced wicked nightmares, and sweat poured from his body until the pillows and sheets were damp and smelly. Periodically, someone, presumably the man lying next to him, had sponged his brow and even kissed his forehead and held him tight to quiet him.

Snapping awake, Mike pulled off the damp top sheet and nearly cried when he saw his hairless body. It had not been a dream! It had all really happened. He'd been fucked, mocked, ridiculed and then fucked some more! Everything, especially his ass, was sore. Pulling himself first into a sitting position, and then standing, he made his way to the bathroom and started a hot shower.

Twenty minutes later, fully dressed and ready to travel, Mike found his Uncle Max and brother Billy in the kitchen area of the cabin. Billy had a cell phone to his ear.

"I'm outta here!" announced Mike as he dropped his canvas carry-all onto the floor.

"Shhh!" scolded Max, indicating that Billy was on an important call.

"Thank you anyway, sir," said Billy. "Yes, I understand. Thank you. You, too."

Billy put down his phone and shook his head.

"No go," he told his uncle.

"I'm sorry, son," replied the older man.

"Aw, baby get turned down?" mocked Mike. "Baby gonna cry?"

Billy did not cry, but he stared angrily at his older brother and said, "Go to hell!" and marched out of the cabin and sat on the front porch.

"Sometimes, Mike, you disgust me!" spat Max at his older nephew.

"Me? Seems to me I was the one being held up – or should I say, held down – for ridicule last night! For hours! And all you did was lead the charge! Fine uncle you turned out to be!"

"Hurts, doesn't it – that sense of disloyalty?  What you felt last night is exactly what Billy felt two months ago. It wasn't the sex that hurt. Oh, for a minute maybe. It was the feeling of betrayal!. You were his older brother, his knight in shining armor, and you threw him to the wolves, then joined them!  If anyone should be ashamed, it's you. We gave you a good hard look at yourself last night, but obviously it did no good. You say you're leaving? Well, good riddance! You're not wanted here!"

Shaken by what he heard, Mike picked up his satchel and started for the door.

"I suppose I should thank you for taking care of me in the night," offered Mike.

"Wasn't me!" replied Max. "That was Billy. He refused to leave your side. Slept next to you all night, making sure things were okay. He even refused to go to class this morning because you were still out of it.. Missed an important mid-term. That was his professor on the phone. Billy asked if he could take a make-up test, but the man said no. Now get the hell out!"

Mike felt a half-an-inch tall.

Walking out onto the front porch, he saw his brother.

"Sorry, Billy. Sorry about the test, sorry about what I said in there. Sorry I'm not the brother that you deserve."

After an endlessly-long moment, Billy replied, "You're not so bad. You're the guy who walked me to school when I was young, taught me how to swim, taught me how to ride a two-wheeler – hell, you taught me how to fuck!"

Mike set his satchel on the porch and sat down next to the younger man. "I wasn't there when you needed me. I let you down just to satisfy my own –"

"Libido?" added Billy with a smile. "How's that for a million-dollar word?  Yeah, you do have one of the biggest libidos I've ever seen!  Not as big as Chaz', but few are!"

"Hey, the two of you aren't lovers are you?"

"No – good friends, thanks to you! Hell, my ass wouldn't be worth two cents if I had to satisfy that monster of his every night!" Billy joked.

After another long moment, Mike put his hand on his brother's leg and said, "Really, I am so sorry for everything. I want us to be friends – brothers!"

The two leaned into each other, and Uncle Max, watching from inside the screen door, smiled.

"Now if you could just do something about my trig test," said Billy. "Professor Forgy said `no make-ups.''"

"Wallace Forgy? Is he still here? I had him for algebra 6 years ago! You want to know how to deal with him? Sit as close to the front of the class as you can!"

"I do – I'm in the front row!"

"And even though it's getting chilly outside, wear flip-flops or sandals to class as often as possible. And slip them off and wiggle your toes at him."


"He has a fucking foot fetish! Loves guys feet!"

"You're kidding?"

"Trust me, if you want to get that test rescheduled, go into his office all contrite, wearing flip-flops, and tell him there was a family emergency or something, and see what he says. I guarantee you it will work! Wear those to the test and wiggle your tootsies and you'll probably get an A. Of course, if you want to ace the course, you may have to  let him actually suck your feet."

"Kinky!" laughed Billy. "Thanks, man!"

Billy noticed the satchel.  "Hey, you're not leaving are you?"

"Yeah, I think I've over stayed my welcome. I'll catch a bus home."

"But the weekend's hardly started. If you don't mind sharing, you can bunk in with me at the frat house. I know your ass will be off limits for a while, but I'm sure the guys will help you exercise that big cock of yours at the orgy tomorrow night!"

"Don't just sit there, fuckwad!" said Uncle Max as he exited the cabin and locked the door. "Tell the lad you're staying, then put your stuff in the back of the car.  We've got just enough time to grab a pizza and head over to the bonfire! I've never attended one before with my two favorite nephews!"

Billy and Mike smiled at each other, grabbed the satchel and headed for the SUV.

"We're your ONLY nephews!" teased Billy as they got to the car.

"Nobody likes a smart ass!" snapped Max. "Hey, Mike, maybe we should string this little mutt up by his nuts and teach him some respect!"

"Sounds like a plan!"

Everyone laughed, and they were off to the bonfire.

Next: Chapter 9: Discovery

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