
Published on Jul 16, 2022


Midvale Chapter 7: Autumn Quarter


CHAPTER 7: "Autumn Quartet" – by Travis Jennings


© 2019 Travis Jennings

(MM, Auth, Reluc)

This is a work of fiction created for the entertainment of interested adults. Please read no further if you are underage or are offended by explicit sexual stories. Any resemblance to anyone is strictly coincidental.

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Synopsis: With Homecoming approaching, one frat house selects a new House Bitch while another copes with the unexpected loss of one.

(Note: Includes scenes of BDSM and non-consensual sex)

Midvale alum Mike Maxwell stepped from his morning shower, dried off, and stood staring at himself in the bathroom's full-length mirror. God, what a sight! And no one admired it more than Mike himself. The six-foot-three stature, the wavy dark hair, the rippling muscles he had kept toned since his days as a sportsman at Midvale – everything captivated him, but nothing more than his beautiful eight-inch cock.

Erect, it formed an almost perfect, banana-shaped arc, standing tall and proud, curved upwards almost to Mike's naval, it's huge, shiny head often leaked pre-cum whenever a potential sex partner was in sight.

Flaccid, it hung long and full, the head covered by just enough foreskin to allow the end to peek out at admirers – and it never failed to attract plenty of gawkers when Mike showered after a workout at the gym – which he did three or four times a week, mostly to keep in shape, but also to feed his monstrous ego. He loved the attention!

Mike also went to the gym to troll for prospective sex partners.  Nothing pleased him more than bringing home a budding young gym rat and fucking the daylights out of him – unless, of course, it was getting a nice piece of ass earlier in the day during office hours!

Just yesterday Mike, a sales rep for United Business Affairs, had an early afternoon meeting with a prospective new client Keesling Manufacturing. Old man Keesling himself attended the meeting, along with a new young executive, John Crayton. Mike did his usual suave sales presentation, and could not help but notice that Crayton, no older than 22 or 23 and handsome as hell, could not keep his eyes off him. Mike did all he could to keep the lad interested.

It worked! At the end of Mike's sales pitch – for United to handle all of Keesling's business affairs – Crayton jumped up and almost gleefully recommended that a deal be made immediately. The old man had no objection, and when everyone shook hands, Mike could see that Crayton was trembling and ready to cum in his pants.  A few minutes later, he found the young man jerking off at the men's room urinal.

"Here, let me help you with that," said Mike as he grabbed Crayton by the shoulders and rushed him into a nearby stall. Crayton quickly turned, undid Mike's belt, pulled down his trousers and shorts, and dropped to his knees to consume Mike's already swollen truncheon.

"Damn! That thing's huge!" mumbled the young man as he opened his mouth and tried to suck the big cock inside.

The lad slurped on pre-cum and made every effort to swallow part of the head – and Mike grabbed the guy by the ears and tried in vain to wedge his big cock into the anxiously waiting mouth. But it was no-go. Finally in desperation, Mike pulled the lad to his feet, swung him around, yanked down his pants and aimed the now desperately throbbing penis into the man's ass.

"No! Wait! Not that!  Not here! Someone might come in!" insisted the lad, but Mike just wedged the shaft in further.

"At least use this!" insisted the lad, handing Mike a tiny tube of lube that he had had in his shirt pocket.

"I like a man who comes prepared!" laughed Mike as his coated his dick and the waiting asshole. With little finesse, he thrust in.

"AEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHH!" screamed the young man, quickly stifling his outburst by biting fiercely onto his own fist. "FUUUUCCCKKK THAT HURTS!!!!"

"Something to remember me by," smirked Mike, as he grabbed the kid around the waist and lunged all the way inside.


The young man's neck and face turned bright red as he continued to bite down on his own hand to keep from screaming aloud.  Always a bit of a bully, Mike showed him no mercy. After a few moments of hot passion, Mike reached around and grabbed the lad's hard dick, and rapidly jerked him off, the gism soon flying all over the stall and down onto the young man's trousers. The kid was half in agony, half in heaven.

Ten minutes later, as the duo exited the restroom, Mike looked his usual fabulous self, but poor Crayton, now walking a little bow-legged, seemed totally disheveled. Dirt smudged the knees of his trousers, cum stains dotted his crotch area, and – unbeknownst to anyone but him – great globs of cum seeped out of his ass and ran down the back of his legs. Passing the kid's boss in the hallway, Mike slapped Crayton on the back and smirked, "Hey, Keesling – this young man's got amazing hidden talents! You ought to check him out sometime!"

The young man was mortified, and scurried off to his office. Mike chuckled about it all the way back to work.


Mike's reverie was interrupted by a text message that popped into his computer. Padding naked over to the desk in his bedroom, Mike was thrilled to see that it was from his old Midvale pal, Chaz McCormick – a Major in the campus MOTC program. The two had not spoken in nearly a month – not since Chaz had helped Mike "initiate" Mike's younger brother, Billy, as this year's House Bitch for the Silver Spartans fraternity.

"Hey, Chaz, how `s it hangin'? Longtime no hear," wrote Mike.

"Been busy. Just realized Homecoming's just a few weeks away. You coming?"

"Yes! And cumming and cumming and cumming!" responded Mike. "Can't wait to score some great male pussy!"

"Oh, man – you should have been here this past weekend," wrote Chaz. "Colonel Peters and some of us guys threw one of our `slumber parties' for a couple of the new recruits out at the Colonel's cabin by the lake. Talk about gangbangs! Those two privates will be walking weird for weeks!"

"Oh, man, you've got my cock dripping just thinking about it!" said Mike.

"Maybe we can arrange to have another one when you are down here," suggested Chaz. "We have a whole crop of young cherry recruits this year to choose from. I'll be sure Peters saves a few for Homecoming!"

"I'll be there!" promised Mike. "No way I'm missing that!"

The two said their farewells, Mike not realizing that Chaz had been sitting together with Mike's brother Billy – or that the two were planning not a get-together with new recruits, but a "get even party" with Mike as the special guest.  Billy and Chaz grinned at each other as Mike signed off.

"The bastard fell for it!" exclaimed Billy.

"I'll tell the Colonel!"

Mike heard a moan and looked up from his computer. Over on the bed lay what was left of last night's fuck -- a local community college athlete whom Mike had met in a bar the night before. The guy had been there with his girl friend, but when she got mad and left in a huff, Mike had gone over, commiserated and bought the lad enough drinks to get him good and soused. He then brought him home and fucked him raw. Even drunk the kid had screamed when Mike popped his cherry, and Mike responded by fucking him even harder.

Now the lad was waking.  Mike smiled, grabbed a tube of lube and slicked up his still-rampant tool.  He climbed onto the bed, rolled the lad over onto his back, lifted his legs, and smiling down into the lad's confused face, announced, "Nothing like a Good Morning Fuck to start the day."

And with that he made the plunge. Luckily the thick walls of the apartment muffled the kid's screams!


It was the Red Hawks' turn to initiate a new House Bitch – and every year they used the same routine – and every year some fool fell for it.

The Red Hawks tended to attract not only athletic members – but those that are both muscular yet light on their feet. Many of them had been wrestlers in high school, and continued in that sport at Midvale.

Two of this year's freshmen "candidates" fit the bill beautifully: gorgeous, muscular, captains of their high school wrestling teams – and nasty as hell to each other. Mark Whitaker led his Marysville High School team to victory in his junior year, only to have Gavin Richards "steal" the cup and the glory back for his rival Bennington High team during their senior year. Now they are not only on the same Midvale team – but pledging the same fraternity.

"I can see either one of them wrapping his licious lips around my big prick!" announced Red Hawks president Jed Davis. "And they both have asses you could bounce a quarter off! Why don't we make them co-bitches?"

"Can't do that!" argued pledge master Ellis Kagen, "although I totally agree. On a scale of one to tem, those guys are both twelves!"

"And maybe once one of them is chosen, we can get some peace around here. I'm tired of hearing them argue!"

As always, the guys were told the rules in dribs and drabs: they were both candidates to be House Bitch, and a special "fight to penetration" naked wrestling match would determine the winner!  If they did not care to participate, they would have to leave the frat and be "branded" as something of a coward.

"No way am I quitting!" boasted Gavin. "Can't wait to fuck Whitaker's sweet ass!"

"We'll see who fucks who!" replied Mark.

The wrestling match was scheduled for Saturday night, and a special room was set up in the basement. Twenty frat men – Red Hawk members and invited guests – were arranged around a huge wrestling mat that had been placed in the middle of the room. Ten of the observers were assigned to cheer for Whitaker, ten for Richards. Everyone was naked – everyone knew that as soon as the match ended, one of the wrestlers was going to get twenty randy dicks shoved up his ass and down his throat.

The candidates spent the day toning up their bodies at the gym. Unbeknownst to either of them, their drinking waters had been spiked with Viagra, guaranteeing that both would sport serious erections throughout the match.

Just as they were preparing to get onto the mat, each was doused with a huge bottle of baby oil – designed to make the match even more of a challenge, as each grappled to get a hold onto his opponent. Final rules: Not only did a wrestler need to pin his opponent – he needed to do it in such a way that he could thrust his cock into his opponent's ass. However, if either wrestler ejaculated during the match, he automatically forfeited, and needed to submit to a fucking from the other.

This last little rule – announced as the match began – never failed to get wide eyes from the wrestlers and laughs from the audience. Everyone knew that the baby oil and the Viagra were a lethal combination designed to make both dicks extremely sensitive. With the men rubbing up against each other and down on the mat – anything might happen.

And the audience hoped it would! Planning ahead, bottles of baby oil were passed around the room, as members of the audience slicked their own rampant cocks with the lube.

 The match began at 8PM sharp. Gavin lunged for Mark, who tried to return the move, but each found the baby oil a deterrent to his plan. They struggled to grip each other, but the oily bodies and the now-oiled mat caused them to slip and slide, until they landed in a heap. Both men were very conscious of his own dick and that of his opponent.

"Let me have that!" yelled Gavin, as he grabbed at Mark's dick and hoped to start it spurting. But the cock proved too slick to hang onto, and Mark quickly rolled over Gavin and tried to get a serious hold on him.

"No fucking way!" screamed Gavin again, as Mark tried to position himself to drive his thick truncheon into Gavin's slick ass.

Gavin reared up, threw his opponent aside, and the two wrestled around on the mat like a couple of third graders. The oil made all of their long-practiced moves obsolete – eliciting more laughter and applause than slapstick comedians.

Finally, Gavin performed a body blow that landed Mark flat on his stomach. Grabbing his opponent by the hips, he raised him up on his knees and – as the room went wild! – drove his huge dick into uncharted territory.

Mark screamed as his virginity was ripped away!


Everyone in the room started to clap in unison as Gavin fucked his prey.

In – out!  In—out!  In – out!

Finally, like a beast in heat, Gavin threw is head back and roared, "YESSSSSS!" as he shot a huge load into Mark's aching hole.

The room burst into a round of applause as Gavin stood, raised his own hands in victory and pranced around on the mat.

Jed Davis and Ellis Kagen climbed onto the mat as a few of the other members wheeled out an exercise horse – aka, a fuck bench – as everyone else waited for the announcement.

"Congratulations, Gavin! A match well fought!"

Grabbing the lad, Jed continued, "Gentlemen, I give you our new Red Hawks House Bitch – Gavin Richards!"

They – and a few other frat brothers – started to hustle Gavin over toward the horse.

"NOOOOOOO!" screamed Gavin. "I won!"

"EXACTLY! – that's the way we always choose our Bitch! A fight to the finish! And you're it!"

Mark looked up at his confused opponent and smiled. He knew before the night was over, he'd get his revenge. His cock throbbed in anticipation.

Gavin screamed as he was tied onto the bench.

`NOT FAIR!!!!  NO!!!!  NO!!!!!!!  "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"


"YES!!!"   "YES!!!"  "YES!!!!" 

screamed the crowd!  The raves were heard throughout the stadium as footballer Cody James scored the winning touchdown in the last regular season football game before Homecoming, triumphing over archrival, Whittington U. Cody had missed the previous two games – sitting them out because of illness, according to the official reports. But he was back now, better than ever!

The crowd went wild, dashing down out of the bleachers and onto the field. Three teammates hoisted Cody onto their shoulders and pranced him around. Champagne corks popped, dousing the whole team with celebratory brew.

"I should have been there!" confessed Dr. Paul Bromley as he watched with his assistant on the overhead TV in the Gay Health Center.

"What a fourth quarter!" gushed the TV announcers. "What a game! What a player – Cody James should be in the Hall of Fame!" enthused another as the chaos on the field continued.

"So why aren't you?" agreed his assistant.

"Fuck!" responded Paul, slamming his fist onto his desk. "He and I have been arguing all week. He's been practicing, hanging out with the team. The PR people have been taking all kinds of pictures for a post-game photo layout for tomorrow's paper."

"And, what? You felt left out?"

"Maybe – It was those damned pictures that totally ticked me off. They wanted him surrounded by half-naked cheerleaders. Cody the Stud! Cody the Ladies' Man. They've photographed him and the girls all over campus."

"And you started to worry that Cody might go back to sleeping with girls? Maybe you were just a fling?"

Paul sat quietly, then added, "Those damned reporters have picked up on the rumors that Cody had given up girls and turned gay. The PR people said such hearsay could wreck his career, his whole future. They said I should lay low for a while, become invisible. America still prefers its sports heroes straight.  I just hope the damned reporters don't bring that up now."

But of course they did.  As the team headed toward the locker room, the TV cameras and reporters followed. "How does it feel to be Number One again?" "When was the last time Midvale trounced Whittington?" – all the usual tripe.  Then the nasty stuff – "Cody, is it true you've given up girls for guys?"

Cody grabbed one of the bouncy buxomly cheerleaders who had accompanied the team into an interview area and went into a deep lip-lock kiss. She screeched a big laugh, and hung around his neck.

Paul, still watching the coverage at the Health Center, felt a figurative knee to his gut.

But Cody hadn't finished.  "Sir, we are here to celebrate football, not talk about my sex life. It's none of your damned business! But since you brought it up, I have had the pleasure and good fortune of knowing dozens of the most beautiful ladies one can imagine here at Midvale, and I would not have traded that for anything."

He gave yet another cheerleader a big kiss, then continued, "But yes, at the moment, I happen to be dating one of the nicest, kindest men I've ever known."

Cameras flashed, the crowd in the locker room area went wild, and more than one voice screamed out, "Who is he?"  "Who are you seeing?"

"I am dating a man who means the world to me – and quite honestly I have treated him pretty shitty this past week, and for that I'm truly sorry. He's a man who, if he'll have me, I hope to spend the rest of my life with!"

Paul stood stunned, watching what was unfolding on his TV screen with tears in his eyes.  "What's he doing?" he mumbled.

More cameras flashed, the audience cheered, and one keen-eared reporter followed up with, "Was that a proposal? Are you tying the knot?"

Rather than answer the reporter's question, Cody looked into the TV camera and said, "Paul, I love you."

"God damn it, Paul," screamed his assistant. "Get your ass over there, now!"

He ran all the way.

The happy couple spent most of Sunday, shacked up in Cody's bedroom making love and hiding out from the media. In mid-afternoon they emerged, barefoot and in sweats, hungry as two bears. "When's breakfast?" quipped Cody.

"Hours ago!" laughed Frank, who along with Glenn and Teddy was playing cards at the kitchen table, hoping to avoid the media reporters gathered outside.

As the newcomers started to fix their own breakfast, they also started to talk.

"In case you are wondering," offered Cody, "as far as we're concerned, nothing's changing."

"I'm keeping my apartment, and Cody's staying here," added Paul.

"Which means you'll be sleeping here more times than not," laughed Frank. "Which is wonderful.  No matter what happens down the line, you both will always have a home here with us."

The following day, to avoid the media people still loitering at the front of house, Frank packed a sack lunch, snuck out the back way and planned to have a quiet meal by himself on a bench in the nearby park.  No sooner had he got comfortable and started to open his sack than he heard a strange sound.


He looked around but saw nothing.

"Psst!  Hey mister!"

He looked again, and a few yards away stood a young college student, tied to a tree, naked as the day he was born.

"Ah, a fraternity hazing!" he concluded aloud. "Yes, let me help."

He untied the young man, slipped off his own cardigan-style sweatshirt so the frat pledge could cover himself, then helped him over to the bench.

"Care for part of my lunch?"

"Yes, please, I'm starved!" confessed the youth. "I'm Connor, by the way. Connor Hollingsworth."

"Frank Chandler. How long have you been out here?"

"Since around midnight last night. I'm pledging the Blue Knights. They pull one of these pranks on me every week or so. God that's a good sandwich."

"After standing there all night and all morning, the paper bag would probably taste good to you.  When we finish, come home with me and we'll find you something to wear."

"Oh, no, I couldn't."

"I live with three other guys – including Cody James, the football star. I guarantee no one will molest you."

"Oh, it's not that.  Well, okay, yes, I'm not used to being picked up in the park by strange men. Not that you're strange – I mean --"

"I get it," Frank laughed.  "Two of my housemates are just about your size. They've gotta have some things you can borrow."

After a few moments of silence while the guys shared the lunch, Frank commented, "You seem awfully quiet. What's troubling you – other than the obvious?"

"It's the fraternity. I overheard something last night I wasn't supposed to hear. The Blue Knights have been using me as their, uh, House Bitch."

"Uh, yes, I'm familiar with the term."

"And I have been willing to go along with that because I wanted more than anything to be part of their organization. I've always been a bit of a loner, and the Blue Knights are so cool! But last night I heard it'll never happen. One of my fraternity brothers was talking on the phone, and he was saying that at the end of the pledge period, they plan to blackball me, and choose another, uh, bitch, next term. I don't know what to do."

"Hmmm – did you believe this guy? I mean is he someone who would know?"

"Yeah. It was Hal Martin -- he rooms with our Pledge Master. He knows all the dirt on all of us."

"Well, you have two choices: either stick it out and see what happens, or beat them at their own game – and walk out on them. Move someplace else and pledge another fraternity next year."

"It's the middle of the term. I can't just move – not again. I gave up a room in the dorm to move in with the Knights. Housing's impossible around here."

After a moment of careful thinking, Frank offered, "I have an extra room. Look, don't say anything now. Just think about it. Wait until you see the house, meet some of the guys. I'm a retired professor, by the way, totally respectable – dull as dishwater, as my friends would say."

"You make a good sandwich!" offered Connor as the two cleaned up their lunch wrappers and headed toward Frank's house.

"Hey, glad you're here!" announced Frank as he and Connor entered through the kitchen door and found Teddy and Glenn finishing their own makeshift lunch. "Glenn, Teddy, this is Connor. Connor, this is Glenn, this is Teddy."

The students exchanged brief nods and half-hearted smiles.  "Connor and I are in the same English comp class," explained Glenn.

"He needs to take a shower and borrow a few items of clothing," explained Frank. "Fraternity prank – hazing, you know."

As Frank and Connor headed up the back stairs, Glenn turned to Teddy and half-whispered, "In class he's such a snob."

But Connor, still on the staircase, overheard.  "Only to assholes like you!"

"TouchŽ!" laughed Glenn.  "I'm sorry!"

"Yeah, me, too."

After a long hot shower, Connor emerged wearing one of Teddy's old sweat suits and a pair of Glenn's sneakers.  "Any chance of another sandwich?" he asked Frank.

The group gathered again in the kitchen as Frank fed the lad.

"What would you guys think of Connor moving in with us?  He's been put in an impossible position at his fraternity house  – usually on his back with his legs in the air, I might add – and needs someplace else to stay."

"What about Cody and Paul?" asked Glenn. "Think they'll mind?"

"I just texted them, and both are cool with it if the three of us are."

By the time Connor had downed not one but two additional sandwiches, an agreement had been reached – Connor would quit the fraternity and move in this very day. Suddenly Frank's once empty house was virtually filled. 

A furious few hours followed, but by midnight, all was quiet in the great old house at 19th and Elm. Frank stretched out on his double bed, but was so exhausted, sleep eluded him. He snapped on a bedside lamp and started to check his text messages. Just then Connor stuck his head in the door.

"You awake, too?" the younger man asked.

"Too tired to sleep!" confessed Frank.


"Sure, why not, I --"

But as the kid opened the door Frank was taken aback to see that Connor was not only totally naked, but sporting a sizeable erection.

"Uh, son," said Frank. "Um --"

"What? You've seen one of these before, I'm sure!" laughed Connor as he climbed onto the bed.

"Well for one thing, I'm three times your age. I'm old enough to be your –"

"Uncle?" smiled Connor. "So?  Maybe I have a thing for older men! Let's find out! The plumbing still works doesn't it."

"Not as often as it once did!"

 "Well, let's clean off some of the rust!"

"We shouldn't --"

But rather than argue, Connor reached over, snapped off the lamp, and cuddled up next to his bedmate.  Sleep continued to elude them well into the night!


Across campus at the Blue Knights house, however, all was not so peaceful.

"Now what the hell are we supposed to do?" screamed Knight president Zack Alexander. "How can we go into Homecoming without a House Bitch?"

"What about Jeff Sergeant or Scotty Thornton? They're both hot as hell and love to fuck," suggested pledge master Derek Johnson.

"Impossible!" snapped Zack. "Scotty lives in Elliott Hall, and Jeff's in Willis. A House Bitch is supposed to live IN THE HOUSE where his mouth and hole are always available!"

"So why the hell did Hollingsworth leave? I thought he liked it here? He's always in heat – fucks like it's going out of style."

"Your fuckin' roommate blabbed!"

"Hal? No way!"

"Way! Connor heard him talking on his cell phone the other night, and Ted was jabbering on about how we were planning to blackball Connor at the end of the term and choose someone else next go' round!"

"I'll kill him!" screamed Derek.

"You'll have to stand in lineÉ No, wait – wait – I think I have a better idea!" said Zack, suddenly all smiles. "Let's go find some of the guys."

An hour or so later as Zack, Derek, Hal, Lance Trainer, Hank Stevens and a couple of others were all lathering up and rinsing off in the community shower area adjacent to the bedrooms, Zack broached the subject:

"Isn't it great? We've selected a brand new House Bitch to replace Connor. Someone even better!  And with Homecoming just a couple of weeks away, we're gonna have to all fuck the hell out of his throat and backside. Nonstop! Gotta get him in shape for the big competition!"

"Fabulous! Who are we getting?" asked Hal, delighted.

"Lay in the lube and the poppers!" laughed Derek. "He's gonna need it!"

"Who? Who're we getting?" repeated Hal.

"Oh, and maybe a couple of those extra large battery dildos to shove up his ass while he's sleeping," laughed Hank. "They'll open him up good!"

"Come on guys, who? Not Andy? He's got a great cock, but his ass is flat as a pancake."

"No, Hal," said Zack as the others started to gather around. "Our new House Bitch is one of the sexiest guys in the house! Great ass! And we know he has a big mouth!"

Everyone laughed.

"Well, who? Tell me! I'm getting boned up just hearing about it! Who?"

"The Stud who made this whole thing necessary, of course!"



Hands suddenly grabbed Hal from all sides, lifted him into the air, and started to carry the now-flailing man out to the nearest bedroom.


"Someone stuff a rag in it!"

"No, I want to hear him scream!


"We'll put you down alright! Face down!"

"Can't wait to tap into that ass!"

"Someone bring the shaving cream and put a pillow under his stomach – I want that pussy smooth!"


A few minutes later, a piercing scream could be heard throughout the house!

Next: Chapter 8: Homecoming Surprise

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