
Published on Jul 1, 2022


Midvale: Hubris Can Be Hamrful


Chapter 5, Part 1 – "Hubris Can Be Harmful" – by Travis Jennings


© 2019 Travis Jennings

(MM, Auth, Reluc)

This is a work of fiction created for the entertainment of interested adults. Please read no further if you are underage or are offended by explicit sexual stories. Any resemblance to anyone is strictly coincidental.

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Synopsis: College football hero gets too big for his britches – and is taught a painful lesson.

(Note: Includes scenes of non-consensual sex)

Quarterback Cody James was in trouble – but too full of himself to know it.  Standing six-foot two and weighing in at 200 pounds, the tall, ash-blond junior was every bit a "big man on campus." Guys applauded his incredible skill on the football field – thanks to Cody, Midvale had won every game so far this season – and the lad was even more popular with the co-eds.

Totally bi-sexual, Cody loved to take one or two of his admirers to a nearby motel and spend the evening entertaining them with his legendary nine-incher – a thick, knob-topped wedge that grew rubber-red and almost savage at the sight of a throbbing male asshole or dripping female pussy.

He loved to feel the anticipation build in his sex partners as he raised their legs up over his massive shoulders and sliced his glistening, marble-hard ram deep into their waiting orifices.  If his partner happened to be cherry, so much the better.  Their screams and bugged-out eyes made his pulsating peter throb even more.  Once his magnificent fuck stick had slammed its way home, the party typically lasted all night.

Until recently, Cody had been able to separate his two favorite sports – sex and football. But now in mid- autumn, he had gotten sloppy. Too much sex, too few practice games. A couple of weeks ago, Midvale nearly lost an important game because of Cody's sloppiness, and this past weekend Cody shacked up for a threesome with a handsome cheerleader and a luscious co-ed – and missed both the Saturday and Sunday practices.  Coach Bronson was understandably livid – and demanded Cody do a dozen extra laps at the end of Monday's practice.

Exhausted by both the extra laps and his wild weekend, Cody fell asleep in the gym steam room, not waking until way after 7pm. The place was deserted, most of the lights out, the rest of the team long gone home.

"Oh, shit!" he exclaimed as he snapped to attention.  "Connie's gonna be furious!"

Dashing to his locker, Cody grabbed his cell phone to tell his Monday date that he was on the way. Starting to make the call, he noticed a light coming from Coach Bronson's office. Creeping closer, he started to hear the distinct sounds of sex.

"Oh, yesssss! Fuck me coach!" said a familiar voice.  "Yeah! Fuck me good!"

The door was ajar. Peeking through the crack between the door and the jamb, Cody saw butch Coach Bronson, whom everyone assumed was totally hetero, plowing into the upturned ass of track star Jerry Williams – the only real competition Cody had for the title of Midvale's "most popular athlete."  Jerry was a light-skinned Black, standing a mere 5 feet high, and able to run like the wind.

That little fucker runs like he has a firecracker up his ass, thought Cody. Now I know what the firecracker looks like! The coach is massive!

Before backing away, a smirking Cody snapped a series of photos with the coach and Jerry in action.  

An hour or so later, as Bronson was leaving the gymnasium complex, old timer Fred Gunzel called him over to his security deskÉ "Hey coach, how ya doin'? It's none of my business what you and your players do, none of my business at allÉ But I thought you might want to know you DID have an audience tonight."


"Look here – that closed-circuit security camera outside your office:  I don't know what you was doin' in there, but someone was mighty curious!"

Bronson let out as gasp as Gunzel played back a video showing someone standing at his slightly open doorway snapping pictures with his cell phone.  Who?  Just then a self-satisfied Cody James turned around and strutted out of camera range.

"That bastard!  Thanks Fred.  Can I get a copy of that?"

"It'll be on your desk in the morning!"

Dean Caldwell paced back and forth in his office. Coach Bronson had just told him about his indiscretion the previous evening with Jerry Williams – AND the fact that Cody James has incriminating evidence on his cell phone.

"There'll be no controlling him now!" said the exasperated dean. "Damn!"

"The way things are going, he's going to fry his own bacon – he's getting sloppier and sloppier. Of course, he'll bring the whole team down with him."

"Can't let that happen – the school's image is at stake. We have not lost a homecoming game in over a decade. Is there anyone else on the team who can step in if we just decide to bench him?

What about Mac McGregor or that fellow, Lance Turner?"

"They're both good – but they're not Cody James! No one has the skill, the flash and the pizzazz of James, but either one of them can get the ball across the goalpost if need be. But if we bench James, he might release those damned photos. Too bad we can't just get someone to swipe his cell phone."

"What makes you think he hasn't already downloaded the pictures and made multiple copies?  God help us if those ever make it to the Internet!"

"Well – you have deniability. It's my ass in those pictures, my dick fucking Williams!"

"Yeah, well," said the Dean, sounding almost confidential. "He has more than that!  I have heard from reliable sources that that little shit loves to take selfies – during and after sex!  He has snaps of his big cock with almost every lover he's ever schtupped. When I think if the damage those could do – the embarrassment!"

"I had no idea!"

"That fucker not only made it with my son a year ago, he did it with my daughter last spring. She confessed she was initially flattered by his attention. She's a bit of a wallflower, you know. She's the one who told me about the pictures. Apparently he's proud of all his conquests. The pictures are like notches on a bedpost. He showed my daughter shots of a dozen different sex partners, male and female – bragged about them. Apparently, he thought it would turn her on to see her face among all those others. It repulsed her! When he got up to take a shower, she grabbed the phone and flipped through a few more photos – and that's how she found out about her brother. She tried to delete the picture files, but the poor dear doesn't know the first thing about technology and couldn't find the right buttons. The bastard has dirt on all of us!"

"Who's his roommate this year?  Let's talk to him – feel him out about things, maybe without revealing too much."

That afternoon, Steve Kramer sat worried in the Dean's outer office.  What the hell does the Dean want with me? the student wondered.  What the hell did I do?

A buzzer sounded, and Dean Caldwell's gray-haired secretary announced, "You can go in now."

"Come in! Come in Kramer!" exclaimed the Dean as the student entered.  "You know Coach Bronson?"

Steve and the coach both managed weak smiles and nodded to each otherÉ

"Before we begin," explained the Coach.  "We'd like your promise that what we discuss here will be just between the three of us."

"Sure, I guess."

"It concerns your roommate, Cody James!"

Almost immediately Steve exhaled a big sigh of relief.  "What about Cody?"

"If you've been following the games this season, you've probably noticed that Cody seems to be slacking off – he's one of the country's top players. I can't think of anyone better -- but he's gotten sloppy. He seems to love the glory, the applause from the stands, but his timing and precision are way off. And with Homecoming just around the corner."

"Well, you're the coach!  Can't you get him to shape up?"

"His problem," interjected the Dean, "is hanging between his legs!  He's more interested in scoring with that schlong of his than with the football!"

Steve stifled a laugh. "Yeah, well, sex has always been Cody's second favorite sport."

"This is no laughing matter!  The school's image is at stake!"

"What can I do?  I'm not his guardian. I can't tell him what to do."

"Of course not," explained the coach. "That's not what we mean."

"What do you know about his, uh, photo collection?" asked the Dean.

"Photo collection? Oh, those selfies?  He's shown me one or two, but I wouldn't call it a collection."

"Trust us – there are dozens of photos, dozens of conquests." said the Coach.

"Do you know," asked the Dean, "does he keep them on his phone, or does he download them to a computer or burn them onto discs?"

"I've never seen any discs. He might use a flash drive or back the photos up to an external hard drive, but I doubt it. He's not very techno-savvy. I know he keeps lots of things on his laptop. It has a huge memory card. I could check that out tonight and see what I find."

"That's all we ask," said the Dean, rising to show the lad out. "An remember – mum's the word!"

"Please, God! Please don't let me find anything on Cody's computer!"  Steve muttered to himself as he paced back and forth in their dorm room. The door was wide open, and he could hear Cody as he swaggered down the hall, computer bag on one shoulder, tossing his football up in the air as he walked.

"How's it going, Stevie boy? Catch!" said Cody as he waltzed into their room and tossed his roommate the pigskin.

"Great, Code! And with you?"

"Couldn't be better! Couldn't be better!  Got a hot date tonight, so I'd better do what my ole pappy used to call the `S/H'es – shit,  shower, shave, shampoo and shine!"  He put down his computer bag, slipped off his clothes, grabbed a towel, and half-walked, half-bounced his way down to the shower room, his big dick visible to all. He loved the attention!

No way I'm gonna be able to find anything in the time it takes for Cody to shower, thought Steve. 

Fifteen minutes later, a freshly showered, totally refreshed Cody bounced back into the room, and started to dress. Without warning, Steve erupted in a hissy fit with his own computer.  "Damn this thing!" exclaimed the exasperated student.  "So damned slow!  I must have downloaded a virus or something!  Damn!  And my paper's due tomorrow!"

"They have computers you can use over in the library and the student center," suggested a concerned Cody. "Why don't you try those?"

"I've got HOURS of work still to do!  Will never be finished by the time they close. Was planning on staying up and writing into the wee small hours! Damn!"

"Okay, look Champ.  My computer works fine.  I won't need it tonight. Write your paper on it, and when you're done, just send it to yourself as an email attachment. Easy."

"Thanks, Code, you're the best!"

"You're just lucky I'm busy tonight, or I'd be using my laptop myself. Just don't download any viruses on it!"

"I won't – I promise!"

Cody was about to leave when he stopped cold. "My phone!  Almost forgot my phone!"

"I'll get it," offered Steve as he reached for the jeans that Cody had discarded earlier. Snatching the phone from one of the pockets he quickly engaged the camera app. "Smile pretty! We'll do a before picture."

"Before what?"

"Before, uh, whatever it is you intend to do tonight."  The camera snapped and Steve added, "Let me make sure I got a good one." He checked the app and discovered that the photo he had just taken was the only picture on the phone. "Looks great!" he advised as he tossed the phone over to Cody. "Uh, you might also need your wallet, Big Guy."

Cody patted his back pocket, made a face, then grabbed his wallet from the bed where he'd laid it earlier. "All set!  See ya later!"

As Cody dashed out of the dorm room and off for an evening of carousing with the ladies, Steve felt heavy pangs of remorse.  Cody had been so nice – so generous – about the computer, he suddenly did not want to go along with the Coach and the Dean's plans for subterfuge. Whatever Cody had on his computer was his business.

No way do I feel right about this, thought Steve as he opened Cody's computer and checked the device for photos that might have been stored there. No nothing on the screen itself. Good! Nothing in "My Pictures." Great! Nothing in "My Albums" Hmm, what about "My Documents"? No, nothing.  Wait, what's this? A file marked `Special.'  Bingo! An entire cache of photos were hidden there!

Feeling ever so guilty, Steve started to peruse the photos.  Oh, my God, they ARE porno-selfies! Cody and his big dick with guys and girls! Dozens of them! Some date back more than a year!

Toward the bottom of the list he found yet another file in which he found photos of the Coach with some young man!  Ye gads, is Coach Bronson gay?  

Nice or not, these are Cody's private pictures. None of my business. I'm gonna tell the Dean I couldn't find --

But just then Steve saw the latest entries in the file – photos from this past weekend, or was it last night?  Photos of Cody and Oh, my God! He was out with Connie!  My Connie! She said she was going to be busy with a visiting friend! That son-of-a-bitch! Deliberately screwing my girlfriend!

Suddenly seeing red, Cody slammed the computer shut and sat shaking, not sure what his next move should be.

It took over a week – ten days of careful planning by everyone in Cody's orbit – Steve, the Dean, the Coach, the team, the team doctor. Everyone gladly signed on to help knock Cody down a peg or two. As the big day approached, an almost palpable sexual energy hung in the air.  Even Cody himself noticed that something was different.  Everyone seemed to be looking at him strangely. Some fought to hide a small smirk as he passed. Even his luck with the opposite sex had suddenly changed: two different co-eds had cancelled dates at the last minute, leaving his weekend wide open.

The Friday evening "ceremony" followed a rather strenuous afternoon practice session, in which the Coach put the entire team – but especially Cody – through grueling paces.

"Showers!" he called, and the team dashed into the locker room area beneath the football stadium.

A special "party" room had been set up next to the locker room, with a large athletic horse positioned in the middle, complete with shackles on each of the four wooden legs. Two would hold Cody's struggling arms. two, his spread-wide feet.

Cody spent longer than usual in the shower, letting the jetting water caress his tired muscles. Finally, he turned off the faucets and made his way to the door – only to be surrounded by several bodies.  His arms were grasped tightly by a half-dozen hands, and he was hustled forward. "Move your ass, pretty boy," someone shouted. "We've got a big plans for you."

He tried to twist away, out of their grip, but suddenly a fist slammed hard into Cody's gut and he screamed for help. Another fist knocked the wind out of him, and he was hustled along, his feet barely touching the floor. They hurried him past the lockers and into the party arena, where he was swiftly slammed face down over the wooden horse.

"What the fuck is this?" screamed the party guest, as teammates shackled his arms and legs into place.  "Come on, guys – let me up!"

Everyone around him laughed – and the mad-as-hell Cody suddenly realized that everyone in the room was as naked as he was – the team, his roommate Steve – why is he here?  – even the Coach, the coach's assistant Mark Trinnen, and the team physician, Dr. Henson. And everyone was smiling with the most evil grins he had ever seen.

"It's payback time, asshole," someone in the crowd screamed.

"Welcome, gentlemen," announced the coach, "to what we shall call Retribution Day!  Tonight, our good friend Cody James -- "

The crowd interrupted him with loud boos and hisses.

" – finally gets what's coming to him!"

Applause rang out.

"Let me up!" screamed the squirming athlete.  "Not funny fellas!"

"No, indeed, it's not been funny, Cody, as week after week you have become sloppier and sloppier with your football skills, endangering the school standing in the league – and the collective and individual careers and reputations of each of your teammates!"

"Listen, fellas, I'm sorry, but -- "

Just then assistant coach Mark Trinnen reached out and swatted Cody's ass with a vicious leather paddle, leaving a wide red splotch on each cheek.


"Silence!" continued Coach Bronson. "You've had your way long enough! Tonight, we have ours! In addition to deliberately missing countless practice sessions and allowing your football skills to falter, you have intruded in many of our personal lives by snapping pictures of us without our knowledge, by dating people you knew for a fact were some of our boy and girlfriends – and to add insult to injury – by recording your conquests with selfie photos – all, of which, I am happy to report, were deleted from your computer this afternoon while you were at practice!"


"Gone now, I'm afraid!" as everyone laughed and applauded.

"Now then, I do not want anyone to say we've not been fair. Cody, you have a choice: you can stay here and take what's coming to you – take it like a man – or you can leave. But if you go, you should keep right on walking – out the door, out the building, out of our lives. You will be dropped from the team, and your athletic career will be over.  No one will ever again think of you as a `big man on campus.' What's it to be?"

Mad as hell, Cody twisted and turned, pulled at his straps, then finally collapsed back down onto the horse. "Fuck you coach – I can take anything you losers can dish out!"

Everyone in the room booed!

"We'll see about that! Now gentlemen, tonight's ceremony will be divided into two parts: first we cleanse our Special Guest of all his evil ways by the tried and true method of thrashing."


"Doc. Henson is on hand to make sure things don't get too out of hand. We will divide you into groups. The first group will use this razor strap. You will notice a series of holes have been drilled into the heavy leather, with little metal eyelets attached at each hole. Wicked looking isn't it? Should leave quite a fancy pattern on our friend's gorgeous ass. Here Lance, you try a few."

"OH, GOD!!!!" screamed Cody, his body hugging tight to the exercise horse.

Savoring the sight, full back Lance Turner stepped behind Cody, over to one side, flicked the razor strap through the air a couple of times before aiming at Cody's ass, then brought it down hard and fast.  It exploded with a "Bang!" and left a wide red band going left-to-right on Cody's cheeksÉ


Stepping to the other side, he lifted the strap even higher and brought it down faster, causing an even louder "Bang!" as it stuck the flesh.


"Very good! Glad to hear that our special guest is enjoying himself!  The second group will use a whip. Sadly, we couldn't find a fancy bullwhip like they use in rodeos, but this single-lash leather one will do the job nicely. Why don't we make a game out of it?  Those using the whip will stand directly behind our guest and aim at his tiny cherry butt hole. Those hitting the hole will win a silver dollar. Here Mac, you try itÉ"

"It's cherry for now," Mac McGregor laughed, "but not for long!"


"Listen to that enthusiasm," someone smirked.

"Sorry, you had your chance to leave!"

Mac grabbed the whip, stepped in line with Cody's tight, puckered asshole and snapped the whip – but hit one of the ass cheeks instead.


"Damn it ! I was a city kid – I`ve never used one of these things," explained Mac.  "Let me try again!" He again snapped the whip and this time hit the bull's eye!


"And we have a winner! The rest of you in Group Two need to do as well!  Massaging this tiny hole with the snap, snap, snap of a leather whip ought to fill our ears with exciting sounds, and leave the hole delightfully tender for what comes later!"

Again, laughs and applause.

"And our last group will use this – a leather cat-o'-nine-tails that has been soaked in brine and dried so as to make for a more enthusiastic thrashing. Concentrate on our guest's ass, but don't forget his muscular back. It shouldn't get left out of the evening's entertainment. Here Jordy, you do one."

Jordon Benedict took the cat, moved his hand up and down a few times to gauge the weapon's heft and reach, then snapped it viciously across Cody's two ass cheeks – and Cody's screams ricocheted off the walls!

"Good shot!" everyone agreed.

The attendees were then divided into their respective three groups.

"And just so our guest has something even more delightful to look forward to, let me describe part two of tonight's program. Cody, dear boy, when the thrashing ends, you will be summarily fucked by each and every one us. Yes, FUCKED! Just as you have so very often fucked us over, we are going to fuck you. You'll be fucked as you are, lying on the horse. You'll be fucked standing up, fucked on your hands and knees doggie-style. You'll be fucked on your back, legs in the air, screaming like many of your favorite conquests.

"The less endowed among us will go first, the more gifted later on – but always in order of size so that no matter how many cocks you've taken, there will always be something bigger still to come!  And through it all, we'll be taking pictures – we know how you love photo mementoes!  One peep out of you to the public about tonight's proceedings, and those pictures will flood the Internet. Does anyone have anything to add?"

"I do," announced teammate Bob Bagley.  "A few weeks ago, Cody seduced my longtime girlfriend, Amy – fucked her all weekend from what I hear. Afterwards, she broke up with me, said my dick was no longer `up to snuff'.  Called it a `teeny weenie.' He'd turned her into a real size freak.  She even suggested I buy one of those strap-on hollow dildos, to make my dick more like his.  How embarrassing! But when I heard about tonight, I decided to take her suggestion to heart, and bought a big, plastic cock extender. I think it's even bigger than his famous dork. I hope he feels every thrusting inch!  As a lubricant, I'm gonna use a special mixture of menthol and deep-heating rub. Thanks to the plastic, it won't hurt me none, but I don't think the Codester will like it much!"

Again the room was filled with happy laughter.

"In that case, you'd better go last," announced the coach. "What a wonderful finale."

"Too bad he's already circumcised," offered one of the teammates. "It would have been fun to watch Doc slice that huge roll of skin from his famous tool. He'd have been reminded of tonight every time he took a piss!"

More laughter as Team One lined up for the razor strap entertainment.

"Oh, somehow, I think he'll remember tonight for quite a while!" added the Coach.

And with that the festivities commenced: whips snapped, cocks fucked, and Cody screamed so much that his voice soon went hoarse.  In short, a good time was had by almost all. The highlight of the evening, of course, was when Cody lost his virginity. Cherry picking fell to Clay Felker, whose five-inch peen seemed to threaten no one when limp – but "angry," the cock swelled to resemble a beer can, one that never failed to satisfy his many girlfriends, but left Cody racked with pain.

"YEEEEOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he squealed.

Lance Turner lived up to his reputation for being a champion cocksman, first fucking Cody nearly raw with his nine-inch instrument, then insisting on a second round, with Mac McGregor fucking Cody's ass while Lance stretched his throat muscles to new dimensions.

The coach's massive prong also livened up the proceedings as once again Cody entertained the room with an almost a continuous wail!


The party ended with Cody being posed for one last photo:  he was trussed up on a massage table with arms and legs tied above his head, sequined high heel shoes on his feet, a huge, studded dildo sticking out of his ass – and lots of cum dripping out around it. A second smaller dildo stuck out from his lipstick-adorned mouth. 

Photos from the evening activities had been snapped from every angle, with copies downloaded onto his laptop to fill the files that once held his selfie photos.

He was given two weeks to shape up or be dropped from the Midvale team.

- - - - -

CHAPTER Five (Part 2):  "Phoenix from the Ashes"

Forty-five minutes after the conclusion of Cody James' "Retribution Day Celebration" – retired history professor Frank Chandler, his 19-year-old sophomore tenant Glenn Norton, and Glenn's freshman boyfriend Teddy Simpson stumbled their way through the semi-darkened corridors of the locker room area of the football stadium field-house.  "Where the hell's the light switch around here?" Glenn asked.

"Where's the john?  I gotta piss, even if it's in the dark!" announced Teddy.

"You should've gone at the theatre when the rest of us did," chided Frank.

Hoping they'd found the john, the three threw open a door and gasped when they saw Cody James tied up on a massage table, wearing lipstick, high heeled shoes, and two painfully lodged dildos.

"What the hell?"

Cody spotted the group at the door and, unsure of whether the new arrivals were friend or foe, started to tremble, pulling at his bindings, tears glistening in the corners of his eyes.  He clearly had been beaten and feared someone had come back for more.

"My God, that's Cody James," proclaimed Teddy. "I'm a big fan!"

"Well this is no time to ask for an autograph!" quipped Glenn.

Frank approached the whimpering man, raised his own hands and announced, "Easy fella – we're friends. We're gonna help!" He quickly dislodged the dildo wedged into Cody's mouth, discarded the weird high-heels and untied the victim's arms and legs.  Cody moaned aloud.

"Easy, easy!"

Cody screamed when he tried to lower his legs and discovered the nasty dildo still lodged in his rectum.

"Roll over onto your side – no, turn away from me," instructed Frank, who proceeded to grab Cody around the waist, pull him closer and help him off the massage table, stomach down.  "Easy, easy!" he repeated.

He slowly walked the wounded athlete into the shower area, turned the water to warm, and even though he himself got drenched, stood with the football star under the cascading water. Turning Cody so his back was toward the water, he carefully grabbed the still protruding dildo and instructed the boy to bend forward, bend his knees slightly, and to try to expel the device, "as though you are taking a big dump!  Again, easy, easy."

Cody screamed as the device first loosened and then fell from his ass.

"God, that looks nasty!" exclaimed Teddy, watching from the doorway.  "Who the hell did this?"

Frank was alarmed to see a small stream of blood emerging from the athlete's clearly injured ass.

"Better get you to the Health Center," he announced, walking Cody out of the shower area and drying him with towels from a nearby shelf.

"Anything in your locker?" Glenn asked.

"Clothes, cell phone, computer, a couple of books," croaked a very hoarse Cody.

"What's your combination? I'll get everything."

"Put it in a couple of those big laundry bags," suggested Frank as he himself grabbed two sets of university sweats stacked near the towels, one for Cody and one to replace his own clothes now soaked from the shower. 

"Can you sit?  I'll call for a shuttle."

"My ass is so sore."

"Maybe we should walk. Here – lean on me. Teddy scrunch down and put Cody's sneakers on his feet."

And the four started out across campus, four figures in the dead of night.

"Oh, crap, I forgot to pee," announced Teddy.

"Whiz in the bushes! We've got more important things to deal with," said Frank, and the lad quickly relieved himself.

When the group veered off to the left instead of the right, Cody got concerned. "The Health Center's the other direction."

"I'm taking you to the Gay Health Service. Doc Bromley's a friend of mine – he'll fix you up."

"But I'm not --" Cody started to say, but left the thought unfinished.

Arriving at the Gay Health Service, the men were met by Dr. Paul Bromley, the Service's handsome young chief-of-staff. Tall, with neatly cropped dirty blond hair, the doctor had a great tan, and even though he wore a loose-fitting white lab coat, one could tell that he had one hell of a body.  He quickly whisked the injured football star onto an emergency bed, laid him out flat on his stomach, and, assisted by his male nurse, stripped the athlete out of his sweat clothes. 

"Ouch!" said the young nurse when he saw the extent of Cody's injuries. Not only were there scarlet welts all over his backside, but his asshole was puffy and swollen, now resembling a quivering pink peony. 

"We found him all trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey," explained Frank.  "Don't know if it was a fraternity initiation or what."

"Looks like an amateur leather scene to me," replied the doctor. "None of the leathermen I know would have done this." He quickly administered a mild sedative, both to reduce pain and to allow the victim to relax into drowsiness.

"One of you his lover?" asked the nurse's aid who had been working the front desk when the group arrived.  She held up a clipboard with the required paperwork.  "I'll need his legal name, age, etc.  Can one of you fill this out?"

"I'll fill out as much as I know," volunteered Teddy.

"I think his wallet and student ID are in his pants pocket in the laundry bag," offered Glenn.

"Was this an assault?  Should I notify the Campus Police?" asked the doctor.

Cody heard the question and made noises as if to object.

"No police, please Paul," said Frank.  "It would just invite a lot of bad publicity."

An hour later, all the internal paperwork had been completed, and Cody's wounds tended to. The patient had recovered enough to sit up – ever-so-delicately – on the edge of the bed.

"Your ID said you live at Willis Hall?" asked Frank. "We'll walk you there."

"No, not tonight," croaked Cody, his voice still raspy from screaming. "My roommate was one of the ones who did this. I'm not ready to deal with him again right now. Maybe I can get a room at the Student Center."

Frank, Glenn and Teddy all looked at each other, and without missing a beat Frank announced emphatically, "You're coming home with us."

"We don't even know each other – and you've done so much already," Cody started to demur.

"There's three of us – Teddy's spending the weekend with Glenn," countered Frank.  "It's a big house just a couple of blocks from here – plenty of room. All the privacy you need."

"Frank's a good friend," added the doctor.  "He's a retired professor. You'd be in safe hands. But wherever you land, stay as naked as possible – the open air will help the surface wounds to heal."

The nurse offered up a handful of medications.  "Here are appropriate salves and creams for your back and buttocks.  And this tube of ointment with the nozzle is for inside your ass. It's kinda awkward to administer alone – maybe one of these gentlemen can help. Instructions for each are on the labels."

"Thanks," said Cody almost blushing.

"And here's a gargle that should help with your hoarseness," added the doctor. "Your physical injuries are not as bad as they look and feel.  Many of the guys who are into leather actually seek out this kind of punishment – but that's totally different than being ambushed."

"So – what do you think?" asked Frank.

"Okay, cool, let's do it!" said Cody with what would have to pass for a grin. 

"I suggest you keep this just between us," offered the doctor.  "This man needs a well-earned weekend off so his body – and his pride – can heal. I'd keep him here, but we are only an outpatient facility. Besides I have the weekend off so I couldn't watch over him myself."

Everyone quickly agreed on total secrecy.

"Would love to be a fly on the wall when the powers that be discover Midvale's star quarterback is missing," Teddy opined. "Gonna be hell to pay!"

The four men headed once again out into the night.  "He's one fine looking man," said Bromley's nurse as he watched them leave.

"You're telling me?" responded the doc.  "I've had a roaring hard-on since he limped in here over an hour ago!"

- - - -

Professor Norton's home stood on the corner of 19th and Elm Streets, three stories high with a basement and attic – the kind of wonderful old house that had been built a century earlier and, when properly tended – as this one clearly had been – remained as comfy and utilitarian in modern times as when originally built.  Inside, the furnishings harkened back to what was termed "mid-century," the 1950s and `60s, with a smattering of later items as well.  Almost anachronistic modern-day technology could be spotted here and there – a flat, wide-screen TV, desktop and laptop computers, the prerequisite cell phone, etc.

Frank had lived in the house nearly 40 years – the first 25 with his longtime lover/partner, gymnastics coach John Denning, who passed away some 15 years ago, leaving a home-style gymnasium in the basement. Frank took advantage of the equipment – both to stay in shape, and because working-out in "John's gym" helped keep his lover's memory alive. Result: Frank was recognized throughout the local community as something of a delectable "silver fox."

He rattled around his wonderful old house by himself until a few months ago when retirement stared him in the face, and he decided to open his home to student borders. Not only would the change help alleviate some of the housing shortage at Midvale, but having a student or two living under his roof would help him stay in touch with the university he loved.

"Knock, knock," announced Dr. Paul Bromley at noon on Saturday, as he walked in through Frank's back screen-door dressed in weekend casual – chinos, short-sleeved shirt, sneakers.  Frank and Glenn were seated at the table having a light brunch. "How's our patient?"

"Sleeping like a baby last I checked," said Frank.  "I woke him at 5 and again at 9 to apply more of the creams, gave him a couple of pain killers, and he went right back to sleep."

"Best thing for him," advised the doctor.

Just then Teddy entered the kitchen munching on an apple. "I heard him moving around up there.  He must be getting up!" the lad announced.

"Good – I've got some news!"

A still groggy Cody came down the backstairs into the kitchen, a large white towel wrapped around his otherwise naked body.

"There he is!" said Dr. Bromley. "Good to see you moving on your own accord."

"Still kinda sore, Doc, but I'm feeling much better. You're a miracle worker!"

"It's Saturday, I'm off duty, so call me Paul. And just continue using those creams and medications and you'll be back on the football field in no time. Any problems with, uh – there's no delicate way of saying this – taking a dump?"

"Did one just now. It hurt a little, but no blood or anything."

"Fantastic!" Looking around the room, "Who's helping with the anal cream?"

Teddy raised his hand.

"Teddy volunteered," laughed Frank. "He's got the smallest hands – and the biggest crush on our star."

"Awwww, don't make fun of me!" said Teddy turning red.

"It's just that --" said Cody rather bashfully, "whenever he massages the cream up my ass, I get a hard-on."

"That's great!" laughed the doctor. "It means everything's working!  I'd be more concerned if you didn't!"

"Yeah," chided Glenn, "but Teddy gets one too!"

"Oh, leave me alone!" snapped Teddy, starting to leave the room. He stopped in his tracks and pulled Cody's cell phone out of one of his back pockets, along with a stack of little note pages.

"Almost forgot – I checked your phone this morning for messages. There were 135! – most of them from the same four or five callers. Here are the numbers."

"Thanks, Teddy."

"And I took the liberty of calling your Mom. I was afraid one of those guys would call your parents looking for you and they'd worry. I told her you were visiting friends this weekend, but that you would call her later today."

Cody was stunned.  "I forgot all about letting her know! You're something else!" he said gratefully as Teddy handed the phone and messages to the athlete, then turned and went into another room.

"I have some news, too," announced Paul gleefully. "Apparently the whole campus is looking for you!  I hear Dean Caldwell screamed bloody murder when he discovered they'd left you alone and that you've disappeared. Also heard something about incriminating pictures??? Anyway, they don't know where you are. And to show you how insensitive and stupid they can be – I stopped by the pharmacy in the Health Center this morning to pick up some meds – Dr. Henson and the Coach were off to one side shouting at each other, but neither of them thought to ask me if I'd seen you. Not that I'd have told them! I think you're getting away with it!"

"What's that about incriminating pictures?" asked Glenn.

"Oh, I had a huge file of selfies on my computer."


"They were all taken while I was having sex with a lot of different guys and girls. I'd been collecting the photos the past year or so. All wiped clean."

Frank smiled broadly, "That's a shame, Teddy'd have paid a fortune for pictures of your famous dork doing its thing!  Probably great jerk-off material!"

Now it was Cody's turn to blush.

"Apparently the guys replaced those on my computer with pictures from last night's little shindig."

"No, THOSE, I think are the ones the guys were concerned about," exclaimed Paul. "Something about not leaving out the ones showing their faces!"

"What?" screamed Cody, "Teddy?  Bring me my computer?"

The lad quickly returned to the kitchen, now carrying Cody's laptop.

"Thanks!  Let me see." Cody fussed excitedly. The computer came to life. Cody clicked on the appropriate files, and, presto! There were last night's party pictures.

"Yes! They're right!" exclaimed Paul, as he and the rest of the guys all gathered around the athlete, looking over his shoulders at naked evidence of the previous night's activities.  "Oh, wow!" continued the doc. "No wonder your ass had such welts."

"Those guys should be in jail," suggested Glenn.

"But look at those smiling faces!" shouted Frank gleefully. "There's the coach, but who's that?"

"His assistant," explained Cody. "And that's the team doctor – in his birthday suit."

"It needs ironing," quipped Teddy, and everyone laughed.

"There's certainly material here for a dandy lawsuit if you are ever so inclined," concluded the doctor as the group broke apart and went back to their original places.

"I don't know. They claimed they were just getting even with me for my lousy behavior. They want me to forget all about sex and concentrate on football."

"At least promise to put these photos someplace safe. From what I overheard, you may have the only copies. Whoever downloaded them onto your computer gave you the originals. Pressed the wrong button or something."

Teddy explained, "They moved them over from the camera, rather than making a copy."

"Teddy's our techie," laughed Frank.  "Me, I still have trouble finding my favorite cable channels!"

"Can you take these off my computer and store them someplace?" asked Cody earnestly.

"Sure! We can put them on an external hard drive, on a little flash drive, or burn them onto a disc – any or all of the above."

"Do it! I'll cover any expense." smiled Cody. "But take them off my computer so those sleezoids can't get at `em again."

Teddy sat next to Cody at the table and isolated the photos into a new file that could easily be transferred to another device.

"It kills me that my other pictures were dumped without my permission," bemoaned the athlete. "None of those were taken in secret. My sex partners all knew I was taking them, even posed for the camera.  I think the pictures that got me into trouble were 4 or 5 that I snapped last week of Coach Bronson fucking Jerry Williams."

"The coach was doing Jerry Williams?" asked Paul with a wry grin. "The two-faced bastard. He's one of the biggest homophobes on campus! So that's what he's been hiding!"

"Do you back up your files to an external hard drive?" asked Teddy.

Cody looked lost. "Huh?  Don't know what that means.  I just took the photos with my cell phone, then downloaded them onto my computer, I guess like the guys did last night."

"So they are not still on your phone," reasoned Teddy, "but if you have i-Cloud or some other on-line archival service, all your files might have been backed up."

Cody still looked lost.

"It's like having an automatic electronic Xerox copy," explained Teddy in simple layman's terms.

"Can you tell from here?" asked Frank.

"Let me play around," said Teddy, suddenly all business. His fingers flew across the miniature keyboard as he checked one possibility after another. The rest of the guys started to chat about other things.

"Coach gave me two weeks to get my act together. Last night was meant to level the playing field – all past indiscretions forgiven, we're all starting over. The only thing is – they demanded I not have sex with any of my girlfriends until the end of the two weeks."

"Halleluiah!!! Will you look at that cock!  My God!" shouted Teddy as a huge close-up of Cody's cock filled the screen of his computer.  "I'm telling you right now – I'm keeping copies!!!"

"You found them!" screamed Cody, as he reached over, put his arm around Teddy's shoulder. "Way to go!"

"Those guys were stupid as well as mean," explained the equally elated Teddy. "They deleted your photos from your computer, but neglected to check for any back-up files! I think we've got `em all!"

"YES!" exclaimed Cody, standing and raising his fist in victory – only to have his towel fall to the floor.

"Speak of the devil," joked Paul. "There's your old friend now!" as Cody's huge prick sprang into view.  "As for not having sex for two weeks – the coach specified `with girls?' He IS a bigot! You've got four healthy gay males watching over you – I'm sure between the four of us, we can keep that big sausage happy."

Frank, Glenn and Teddy all recognized a "come on" line when they heard it, and knew the doctor was interested in more than medicine. 

Indeed, Paul and Cody spent the afternoon together – Paul, shirtless in his chinos, and Cody, wearing only skimpy running shorts and sneakers, romping in the backyard like school kids – passing the football, wrestling in the grass, doing calisthenics, even doing laps around the perimeter. Frank, Glenn and Teddy watched from the window.

"Looks like there's going to be five for dinner," smiled Frank.

"Wanna bet he spends the night?" quipped Teddy.

The afternoon athletics ended with Paul and Cody taking a shower together – a first for both since their grade school days!  Retiring to Cody's bedroom, Paul laid the naked man face down, ostensibly to slather his patient's back with medication – but he suddenly had a better ideaÉ

"Raise up your tummy," Paul requested, then quickly slipped a pillow under Cody's midsection, also raising his ass into the air.

"Hmmm," he said softly. "Things seem to be healing back here."

Before Cody could respond, he felt something slick and wet touching his asshole.

"Ever had a rim job, Stud?" asked Paul tenderly.

"Oh, man that feels -- Ohhhhhhhhhhh!"

Paul licked around the edge of the still swollen ass lips, then dove in even deeper. Cody let out a gasp and started an almost inaudible purring. The sensation he was feeling in his backside was totally foreign, totally wonderful. Paul yearned to add a finger or two to the equation, and eventually his own throbbing cock, but knew the resulting pain would ruin the moment. Instead, he made a final lap around the pulsating hole, then asked his lover to flip over.

Cody turned, discarding the pillow and the two men straddled each other and attempted a 69.

"I'm not sure I know how to do this," confessed Cody. "I've never --"

Staring at his own challenge, Paul discovered what every person Cody had ever slept with already knew – Cody's dick was almost too big to swallow.

"Got a better idea," announced Paul. "Stand over here by the side of the bed."  He then positioned himself on his back with his head hanging upside down off the edge of the mattress. Cody's massive cock and balls were now right in front of his face.

Starting with the balls, Paul wetted both of the orbs and their sac, working his tongue up to the underside of Cody's almost threatening organ, then the flaring crown. Grabbing the bobbing dick in his hands, Paul wetted the entire torpedo, took a deep breath, and opened his mouth.

"Let me have it!" Paul mumbled. "Let me have it all!"

Cody thrust his cock into Paul's mouth, but was only able to get a couple of inches in before it hit the back of his lover's throat. The second attempt started Paul's saliva flowing but again stopped short.

"Once more, Champ!" moaned Paul, and Cody adjusted his stance, bent his knees, and slammed the entire length of his dick so deep into Paul's throat that the young doctor nearly elevated off the bed. It was painful for both, as the huge cock bashed into the tightness of Paul's spasming throat muscles and made itself to home.

Cody quickly pulled back, then started a steady fuck rhythm into and out of Paul's still adjusting throat. "This is incredible!" said Cody. But after two or three more thrusts, Paul put his hands on Cody's legs and pulled him out of his mouth.

"That's a new one for both of us," laughed Paul as he held his throat and tried to catch his breath. "Gotta work on my gag reflex!" Pulling his lover onto the bed, the two lay "missionary style" stomach to stomach, Cody on the bottom, Paul on top, tongues buried in each other's mouths. Both had hard-ons that just wouldn't quit.

Suddenly Paul disengaged from the kiss, pulled himself onto his knees, raised his ass, and grabbed a tube of lubricant that he'd earlier placed under one of the pillows. He slathered the lube onto Cody's upright dick, and onto his own twitching asshole. He then lined up the two and attempted to impale himself.

"Are you sure?" whispered Cody.

But Paul only pursed his lips together, steeled his muscles, and tried to sit on the imposing pole. A couple of deep breaths, and -- "UHHHH."  The huge cockhead slipped in and Paul's eyes grew wide and the man froze. Two more deep breaths, and crunch – two more inches slipped in.

"I need your help," Paul rasped to his lover.  Put your hands on my shoulders, and on the count of three, pull me down onto you."

Cody was worried, but did as he was told.

"One – two" – and on three Cody pulled and Paul scrunched himself down, and the cock went in to the hilt.

Paul let out the "loudest" silent scream on record.  His whole body twitched! He then took three deep breaths and started to ride his new pony – up and down, up and down!

"Oh, man, this is incredible," said Cody. "Oh, my God!"

Suddenly Paul stopped, hugged himself down onto his lover, grabbed Cody tightly with his hands and legs, and suggested, "Roll over."


"Roll over! Stay inside me, but roll over!"

They did, and Paul quickly readjusted himself so that his legs were up over Cody's wide shoulders – and Cody was now in a position more familiar to him. Their lips again met and their tongues danced, as Cody's battling ram went to work.

Thrust! Thrust! Thrust!

The thrill of making love to a new lover overcame both men, and both could sense that the other was nearing orgasm. Cody suddenly shifted into high gear, and Bam! both men shot off at once, Paul's dick bathing both of them with nearly a week's worth of stored cum.

Both men started to giggle, as if they had just discovered some wonderful secret. Cody wiped the cum from their torsos, and Paul said, "Lay next to me," and the two cuddled in each other's arms.

"That was a first," confessed Paul. "I'm usually the one on top!"

The confession made Cody hold his new friend even closer. "Looks like I owe you one. As soon as I've healed back there, I expect you to collect."

"You can count on it, Sport!"

Just then Teddy knocked on the bedroom door and stuck his head in. "Dinner in 15 minutes guys."

"Uh, Teddy!" called Cody, pulling free from Paul and – still naked, semi-tumescent cock swinging – crossed over toward the newcomer. "I called Mom, and she said to give you this." 

Teddy was not sure what to expect, but the man quickly enveloped him in a big bear hug.  "Her phone has been ringing all day with people from the university calling and asking where I am. She said if you hadn't called and alerted her, she'd have been frantic."

Teddy shrugged his shoulders and said, "That's what fans are for!"

"No – please! Don't ever consider yourself just a fan ever again!  We're buds!  All four of you guys, but you in particular, you've been so thoughtful, so helpful. It's been a long time since I've been around people who care about something other than football."

Teddy hugged his new friend a second time and –fearful of crying – pulled away and dashed out of the room. "Remember, dinner in 15!"

As Cody climbed back onto the bed, Paul reached out and hugged his lover. "That meant more to him than getting a million dollars."

Dinner came and went, and as the group finished dessert Frank announced, "As Paul knows, I lived here alone for 15 years, but over the summer the housing office convinced me to take in borders – and I must admit that since fall term started and Glenn moved in, this house has been filled with more fun and excitement than I ever could have imagined.  And now this weekend – well, I thank you all for being here. I hate to think of it ever ending."

Teddy, Cody and Paul looked at each other, not sure where this was leading.

"We still have one more day," said Teddy.

"Glenn and I have been talking, and we are wondering if the three of you would entertain the idea of moving in?"

"What???" the three guests gasped in unison.

"Oh, Frank, no, I can't," said Paul. "The university provides me with a small efficiency. It's part of my compensation. But I'm touched you would ask."

"Well, Teddy, you live in a rented room above a smelly garage," added Glenn.  "This is a five bedroom house. One of them is yours if you want it."

"Oh, my God!" replied Teddy. "Are you sure?  Yes – certainly!"

"What about you Cody?" asked Frank. "There's a make-shift gymnasium in the basement!  I know this is sudden. We've only just met, but --"

"My mind is all scrambled, all mixed up!" admitted the athlete.  "All day I've been wondering: how can I go back and share a room with a fellow who set me up for that ambush – who tied me up, thrashed my ass, then fucked me? How can I live with that day-in and day-out and pretend it never happened? But Frank, Glenn – you've already been much too generous, I -- "

But before he could finish, Cody started to shake, then quickly burst into tears, the first time in years, as Paul rushed over and held him close. "I've been expecting this all day," confided Paul. "Go ahead, cry it out – you've earned it. It's been a helluva weekend."

"I TRUSTED THEM! AND THEY WHIPPED ME AND THEY FUCKED ME!" wailed Cody as he sobbed on Paul's chest.

"I know. You're safe now," responded Paul, stroking his buddy's head. "You're safe now."

Frank, Glenn and Teddy tiptoed out to the kitchen while Cody recovered.

"They ambushed me!" continued Cody, "and I didn't do anything – I didn't – I  -- "

Cody drew still as he thought deeply about his situation – and suddenly all of his anger – his rage – seemed to cave in on itself. "Oh, my God, I did! I did it, too, didn't I?  I ambushed THEM, in a way." Wiping his tears, he verbalized, "They trusted me. They trusted me to play the best game of football I could, and to keep my body and skills in shape, and to help bring the other players along – and I let them down!!!  They trusted me not to date their boyfriends and girlfriends – and swear to God – I never sought those people out!  But I never declined their attentions either – so again, I let my teammates down!"

"Those sex partners were nothing but Star Fuckers!" offered Paul. "They wanted to brag that they'd slept with the Great Cody James! They were never interested in you personally."

"Even the Dean's son and daughter!" added Cody.

"No shit! Together?"

"No, separately – last spring. But you're right. After I'd slept with them, they were finished with me. I think that's why I started with the photos. At least I had something to show for my efforts. None of them really wanted to date me, to be my steady!  But the team – I betrayed them!  I've been such a jerk."

Paul hugged him like he'd never been hugged before.

A sort while later, Cody and Paul joined their hosts in the kitchen.

"I've got a lot of apologizing to do tomorrow," Cody confessed.

"You?" said Frank, Glenn and Teddy in unison.

"No way," added Teddy.

"Yes, I realize now that I let the team down. I can only apologize and promise to do better from here on out."

"I don't understand," confessed Teddy.

"I'll explain it later," said Frank, who instinctively knew what was happening.

"I'm going to apologize to the team tomorrow at their Sunday practice, and I'm going to destroy both sets of pictures!"

Teddy gasped, "No!"

"Then I'm going over to Willis Hall and apologize to my roommate," said Cody.

Frank looked crestfallen.

"And then, if you'll still have me, I plan to move my stuff over here.  You guys are the best friends I've ever had, and I'll be damned if I want to lose you.  But if I ever get full of myself again, and start down the wrong path, I expect you to knock me up the side of the head and set me straight.

"And Teddy – if you really want pictures of me having sex – then between the five of us, we're just gonna have to shoot a few of our own!"

Next: Chapter 6: Beware the Flames

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