
Published on Jun 27, 2022


Midvale: Golden Boy


Chapter 4 – "Golden Boy" – by Travis Jennings (travisjennings2@pacbell.net)

© 2019 Travis Jennings

(MM, Auth, Reluc)

This is a work of fiction created for the entertainment of interested adults. Please read no further if you are underage or are offended by explicit sexual stories. Any resemblance to anyone is strictly coincidental.

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Synopsis: Another fraternity initiates a new house bitch – and high jinks continue in a nearby dormitory.

(Note: Includes scenes of non-consensual sex)

(Action picks up a few days after the final scenes in Chapters Two and Three)

After the Blue Knight Jock Party, word spread like wildfire up and down Fraternity Row that both the Spartans and the Knights had each initiated a new house bitch. Every frat house intended to follow suit – cherry-picking season had officially begun!  Every frat house newbie was suddenly worried that perhaps his house – and his ass – would be next! 

"We all need a house bitch," explained Golden Bulls fraternity president Sully Wilson to the blushing newcomers – "a warm hole to greet us when a date has refused to open her mouth or spread her legs."

"I hear the Knights may put their guy on the Party Circuit, so we can all bid on his services until we get a new house bitch of our own," added pledge master Mason Daniels. "Connor What's-his-name? I hear he's turned into a real cum-slut!"

Among the terrified was Andrew Sloan, the blond, blue-eyed "Golden Boy" sophomore who recently transferred from nearby Connorsville College. He was already the new star of the tennis team – and considered a "dream boat" by all who eyed him. "I'd die of embarrassment," he whispered to one of his new Golden Bulls frat brothers.  "It would be bad enough here in the house – but to be loaned out!"

For days, Andy worried about how to make himself less a candidate for house bitch. Knowing the guys wanted a virgin, he hit on a plan:  he asked a new buddy, Eddie Feldman, in the media department to help him create an audio recording of himself enjoying boisterous sex. He sat in a sound studio, recorded some "oohs" and "aahs" – and a handful of "yes, oh fuck me's," interlaced with the sounds of a mattress thumping up and down. Later, that night, he locked his frat house bedroom door, opened his window a crack, and played the recording on his laptop, just loud enough so that the guys living on either side of him would get an earful!  Success – for the rest of the week, none of the upperclassmen looked at him twice.

Late Saturday afternoon, Andy's tennis buddy Craig Jackson challenged him to a few games – and as usual Andy mopped the court with him. Andy's tennis skills were top notch.

"I'll get you next time," shouted Craig across the shower room floor, his voice almost drowned out by the sound of the cascading water. 

"In your dreams!" preened Andy, rinsing the shampoo from his golden locks and starting to lather up his torso.  It seemed strange to be showering in the gym locker room on a Saturday evening. The place seemed all but empty, the sounds of the shower echoing off the walls.

"God he's gorgeous," thought Craig, eying his buddy up and down – the tightly packed abs, that cute treasure trail that leads to his ample cock and a nice set of balls. "Even his feet are flawless." The university's new tennis star turned to rinse his front, and Craig was allowed a full-on view of his buddy's backside. Holy shit, did Andy have a great ass! Craig quickly turned himself toward the wall to hide his developing erection.

"Later man!" Craig waved and headed toward the door, flipping the excess water from his own well-muscled body.

Andy whistled as he rinsed the soap from his chest and shoulders, the steaming water soothing his tired muscles. Padding across the tile floor of the shower, he reached for his towel – which had disappeared from the hook outside the doorway. "Craig? You fuck! Did you take my towel?"  No answer. The locker room seemed deserted.  "Craig?" Puzzled, Andy shook the water from his legs, and walked down the long aisle toward their lockers. "Where are you, you little fuck?" Turning into his row, he was stopped short by a group of his fraternity brothers – and a bunch of guys he hardly knew – all of them naked except for skimpy white towels around their waists. 

"Uh – what's up guys?"

One of his smiling frat brothers, Mason Daniels, held up Andy's laptop and the room was filled with the sound of Andy's bogus sex recording.

"Guys – I can explain!" said Andy, his voice trembling. He took a step backwards, but more guys had come up behind him, effectively blocking any exit. Arms reached out to hold him in place.

 "No need," explained Sully. "You obviously love to be fucked – just listen to you moan – so we all decided to let you moan and probably yell your head off!  Welcome to your own private coming out party!"  And with that he and all the other guys removed their towels, revealing sizable erections.  Even Andy's buddy Craig was in the group, smiling and waving his now-fully engorged cock in Andy's direction.

"Every big dick on Fraternity Row is here – wouldn't want to run out of cock when we're breaking in our new house bitch!"

"No!" shouted Andy as he tried to pull away, but the group was too much for him.

"Wait `til he sees what I have for him!" laughed one partygoer.

"Wait `til he feels what I have!" countered another.

"Let go of me!" Andy screamed to no avail.

"Get him over to the table," Sully ordered. "Let's get him ready."

A number of the frat men dragged the struggling young tennis star to a trainer's table in the corner of the room.  The hulking brothers hoisted Andy onto the table and held him face down in a spread eagle position.  "Time to make you belle of the ball."

The announcement was met with enthusiastic shouts of agreement, as Sully revealed a straight razor and a can of shaving cream. Andy desperately tried to free himself, but was unable to break away from the strong hands holding him down.  "I'm sorry, guys! Please don't do this to me!"

"You were always our prime candidate for house bitch, Sloan!  Your little recording just played into our plans to throw you off guard. Made planning this party all the more sweet. Oh, and your buddy Eddie in the media department is a cousin of mine – he filled us in on everything!"

"Pull his legs apart!" the prexy instructed, and Andy's muscular legs were roughly yanked to the sides, parting his firm young ass cheeks, fully exposing his virgin hole.  A wolf whistle rang out and a bunch of cheers!  Only a few strands of blond hair curled in his ass crack. Even so, a huge dollop of shaving cream was sprayed onto the ass, and several molesting hands reached out to spread it onto the cheeks and down toward the waiting hole.

"Shave that pussy!" someone shouted.

Andy's frat brothers quickly shaved not only his ass but the light blond hairs on the back of his legs.  They then lifted and flipped him over so that his back was now resting on the table. Again, his arms and legs were held spread-eagle, leaving his full body exposed. Tufts of fine hair covering each armpit, a light pelt of hair in the center of his muscular chest, the hair on his arms, and the narrow treasure trail leading to his cock and balls were quickly made history.

"Somebody grab his dick – don't want to nick something important," advised Sully as his razor attacked Andy's golden bush and the hair on his nuts.

"Allow me," volunteered Craig, sporting a Cheshire cat grin as grabbed his friend's tool."  "Told you I'd get you next time!"

"And stroke him off! Otherwise, he might enjoy tonight too much!"

Using shaving cream as a lubricant, Craig started an up-and-down rhythm that quickly sent Andy into orbit.  Within minutes he was moaning and gasping – and just as Sully finished with the last stroke of his razor, Andy erupted all over his denuded body. 

 "Ain't he purdy?" Sully asked. "Just like a newborn babe – with cum on his chest!"

"I sure want a piece of that!" announced one of his frat brothers.

Raucous laughter rang out as Andy – still catching his breath – was grabbed and whisked to a nearby exercise horse, positioned ass up, torso laying over the wide top, leaving his head at waist level for easy access.  His arms were tied down, and his legs were spread wide and lashed to the legs of the horse, leaving his tiny hole exposed to all.

"Who's got the lube?" roared Sully.

"NO!" Andy protested.

"Here it is," Mason answered, passing forward a special blend of petroleum jelly, alum, and a few other drugs designed to slick the ass pucker for easy entry, but to keep the ass itself drum tight all night long.  Even the last man in the saddle would get a great ride – and unbeknownst to Andy, that last position had already been promised to tennis coach Phil Bishop, in exchange for "use of the hall."

"I've been wanting to tap that booty for weeks!" admitted the coach when the deal was struck. 

"Cameraman ready?"  asked Sully as naked Eddie Feldman carrying an expensive video camera stepped into view.

"Camwa?" questioned Andy, as Mason Daniels shoved his big dick into his open mouth.

"Memories for our fraternity to enjoy over and over!" laughed Sully. "And, of course, I promised my cousin a ringside seat. He may even tap your ass himself. A lot of girls can't handle that big cock of his. It gets a wicked curve in it when it's hard – I assured him our Golden Boy loves a challenge!"

"Get a good close-up on his face, Eddie! There's nothing like the expression a guy gets when the first big dick is shoved up his ass – especially after fighting so hard to save his virginity!"

Everything got quiet as Sully stepped into position, lining up his huge 11 inch erection with Andy's tiny pink asterisk. "Pull out a minute MasonÉ We all want to hear this!"  And with that came a massive shove.  Andy's entire body elevated from the horse and a scream ripped from his lungs.


Everyone cheered, and Andy collapsed back onto the horse.  "Music to my ears!" exclaimed Sully as slammed further forwardÉ


"Nonsense! Feels fine to me!"

And with that, the party began. A stack of pizzas and a keg of beer were brought in, and the festivities went on `til midnight as cock after cock made its way into Andy's mouth and ass. He quickly accepted his fate and actually started to feel empty for the few moments when one cock pulled out and another moved in.  At one point, he was unstrapped, flipped over, and remounted – legs in the air, mouth and ass again filled with rampant cock. Most of the guys came back for seconds and thirds, even the coach, who had not only one of the longest cocks in the room, but one of the widest.

"Oh, yeah, fuck me coach!" moaned Andy as Bishop mounted the Golden Boy for the third time – and Andy himself shot his third massive load of the night.  The lad finished the evening by crawling on his hands and knees from dick to dick, taking one last slurp from each of his party guests.

Mason Daniels and four of the frat brothers volunteered to walk Andy home – but to punish him for having lied to them with the audiotape, they insisted he walk "Midvale style" – naked – his wilted weenie flapping in the breeze.  As they reached the outer door of the gymnasium, a pitiful scream ricocheted through the halls.


"Who's that?" asked Andy.

"Sounds like that your buddy Craig, " grinned Mason.  "Sully and the Coach were eying his cherry ass all evening.  Sounds like they finally nailed him."

Another loud scream echoed through the halls. Naked our not, Andy smiled all the way home.

# # # #

Earlier that same evening, on the other side of campus –

"I can't believe those selfish assholes wouldn't let us in!" repeated Mac for the umpteenth time. "Just wait `til Sully or Mason need a favor from me!"

"They explained the gangbang was `frat only'," replied Biff. "Forget about it and have your dinner!"

It's 8pm Saturday night, the night of the Andy Sloan's big coming out party in the gym locker-room.  Dejected because the Golden Bulls would not allow these two civilians to attend, they were now trying to salvage what was left of the evening by having dinner at Suds and Slice – the best beer and pizza joint near the campus.  Corny but classic Frank Sinatra tunes play in the background.

"I don't want to hear Ol' Blue Eyes when I could be hearing a hot stud losing his virginity!"

Mac was just about to start his harangue all over again when the guys noticed freshman football heartthrob Jordan Benedict enter. Tall, dark and gorgeous, he was also alone – which was unusual: Jordy was normally never seen socializing without a beautiful coed on his arm.

"Hey, Stud – Over here!"  Mac called. "Slumming tonight? No date?"

"Uh, no."

"Join us!  There's plenty – we've hardly started. Hey, Midge, can we get another beer over here?"

Jordan slid into the booth next to Mac, and after the usual preliminaries, the conversation turned quickly – as it always does – to sex.

"So, who ya boffing these days, Jordy?"

Jordy turned red, coughed and nearly choked on a slice of pepperoni.

"Easy, Stud!" said Mac, handing his young friend a mug of beer.

"No one at the moment."

"Is it true you banged all the cheerleaders back in high school?" interjected Biff.

"Yeah – I guess I had quite a track record! Not that it really means anything."


"Somehow I've seldom found sex to be very satisfying. It's kind alike brushing your teethÉ You gotta do it, but sometimes it's more out of necessity than enjoyment. Rumor has it you guys play both ends of the field."

"Beg pardon?"

" I mean, you fuck guys as well as girls?"

It was Biff's turn to choke.

"So I'm told," smiled Mac – and reaching down to squeeze Jordy's knee, he added, "You looking to broaden your experiences?"

"Uh, no, I don't think so – I mean --"

After a moment of embarrassing silence, Jordy continued. "So – who was the first guy you ever made it with?"

"A gym teacher back in high school, senior year!"

"A gym teacher?" laughed Jordy, somewhat shocked!

"Wait! Who?" asked Biff, equally stunned. "We had all the same teachers in high school!" Then realizing, "Not Coach Newton?  He had a wife a three kids!"

"And he loved to suck cock! What can I say? That man could suck the engine out through of the tailpipe of a `68 Buick! All the guys knew!"

"What?  Where was I?"

"You were too busy trying to bone Missy Mayhem or Mayhew or whatever."

"That bitch never did put out!" 

"I know."

"What? You tried, too?"

"Nah – I was busy banging her brother. He told me!"

"Ricky Mayhew, the track star? No way!"

"My first crush!  He was a wild woman in bed!  He'd wrap those nice long legs around me, and his ass would just pull me in."

Biff and Jordy were both surprised by Mac's confessions.

"So I nothing like that ever happened to you?" asked Mac of Jordy.

"No way – the closest I ever came to having sex with another guy was when a buddy and I jerked off together. Last spring, toward the end of our senior year, my friend Scott and I went on a double date, and tried to take our girls to a motel. When we got there, there was only one vacancy left, and the girls balked at the idea of having a foursome. The girls got mad and split and left Scott and me there alone. We'd already paid for the room, so we stayed and watched some porn together before we went home."

"So you jerked off?"

"At one point he reached over and did me, and I reached over and did him."

"Sounds cozy," said Biff.

"That night I shot so hard it splashed on the headboard and the wall above the bed," recalled Jordy. "Never came like that before or since."

As Jordy told his story, Mac noticed that the lad was developing quite a boner in his now tented sweatpants.

A short while later, as the guys prepared to leave, Mac advised Jordy, "If you want to try out some new things, come on by our room later. We're in Elliott Hall, Room 209.  We can start by watching some porn, if you like, and see what develops." Then pointing to Jordy's bulging crotch, he added with a grin,  "and bring your friend!"

"Thanks, but I think I'll pass!"

"No you won't!" Mac said decidedly.

Later, out in Mac's beat-up old Chevy, Mac turned to Biff and planted a big wet kiss on his forehead!  "Who needs Sully Mason and his members-only gangbang?  We've got a virgin football stud of our own to break in!"

Twenty minutes later, back in their room, Mac and Biff stripped naked. Mac dimmed the lights and started to light candles. Biff put some raunchy gay porn on one of the computer screens, volume nearly mute. They pushed the two twin beds together in the center of the room, forming one large bed, and covered it with a tarp.

"What if he doesn't come over?"

"He'll be here!" Mac insisted.  "I saw that bulge! It was throbbing to the beat of `I Did It My Way'! He was almost panting!"

Just then, there was a gentle, almost inaudible, knocking on the door.

Mac opened it, and there stood a very sheepish Jordy. Mac held his index finger up too his own lips, as if to say "shhhh" and motioned for Jordy to enter. "Strip!."

A few moments later, the three lay naked on the bed, Mac and Biff on either side of their very nervous guest.

Putting his mouth right up to Jordy's ear, Mac suggested, "Watch the computer screen, if you like – or maybe just close your eyes while Biff and I help you relax.You're with friends. Nothing's going to happen here tonight that you don't want to happen. Trust us. Just relax," and with that he started to lick and nuzzle Jordy's right ear while Biff did likewise on the left.

Round and round the tongues swirled, licking the outer ear and ear lobe, then diving into the ear canal, back out, then back of the ear, then down the neck and over the shoulders. Raising Jordy's arms and placing them over their respective heads, Mac and Biff's magic tongues invaded their guest's slightly hairy armpits.

"Aahhhh" Jordy sighed.  "That feels great!" His throbbing cock was standing tall. Mac reached down and wrapped a warm hand around it and gave it a gentle pump.  "Aahhhhh!" repeated Jordy.

"Hey, Biff, I think our guest is just about ready for one of your million dollar blow jobs!" suggested Mac.

My first blowjob? thought Jordy, his dick starting to dance in anticipation.

But not yet.  Biff leaned over and started to wet-kiss Jordy's sensuous lips, their tongues then diving in and out of each other's mouth.

Mac rearranged himself of the bed, scooting down and crouching on his knees, bent over with this tongue now targeting Jordy's supple right nipple.  Slurp, slurp, tiny bite.

Jordy sucked in air with delight.

Biff scrunched himself down to mirror Mac, and zeroed in on Jordy's left nipple. He licked, then bit softly while Jordy shivered and gasped.

Then the tongues headed south, lovingly making their way over the pecs and down toward the naval. Jordy gently whimpered.

At this point, Mac and Biff suddenly divided their attention, Biff making good on the earlier promise to start a blowjob.  His wide open mouth engulfed Jordy's raging hard-on, his head bobbing up and down as the cock took possessionÉ

"Yes!" screamed Jordy, sucking in air as his cock sent waves of pleasure throughout his body. "Oh, man!"

Mac, meanwhile, scooted down to the end of the bed and started another tongue bath – first on Jordy's right foot, then over to the left, carefully sucking and massaging between each of the cute and twitching toes. Then up the left leg to the knee, then the right. As he finished with the right knee, he gently lifted the two legs into the air, licked the backside of each knee  – then dove tongue first into Jordy's tightly clenched ass!

Another loud gasp escaped from Jordy's lips.

Biff pulled away from Jordy's still throbbing cock, not wanting the lad to cum too quickly. Instead, he pulled himself up toward the head of the bed, and offered Jordy his own cock. At first Jordy just stared at it. He could not imagine having another man's cock in his mouth, but just as Mac's tongue made another deep nosedive into Jordy's ass, he opened his lips a crack, and Biff gently moved in.

"Easy! Just a little at a time," advised Biff. "Cover your teeth with your lips." Jordy's tongue started to explore its new guest, licking up, down, around the very pronounced head. And Biff gently started to slide his dick in deeper, lips spread wider, deeper and deeper, inch-by-inch.

"That's the way," said Biff.  But suddenly, Jordy no longer needed guidance.  He reached over and lovingly grabbed the invading cock and started to move his head up and down, all the while lost in a wave of unexpected hunger.

Mac meanwhile let Jordy's legs fall back onto the bed, and swallowed Jordy's own dick all the way to the root.  The daisy chain went on for a few blissful minutes, before Jordy suddenly pulled himself off Biff's dick and shouted, "Wait!"

Everyone froze.

"I don't want to come yet!"

Biff and Mac nodded, then cuddled down next to their guest in a position very similar to the way they started.

"This is my first time. It may be my only time," continued Jordy. "I want it to last!"

Mac reached over to a nearby bedside table and grabbed a bottle of liquid lube. He started to sensually massage the oily substance onto Jordy's heaving tummy, his pubic region, his still rampant dick, his balls, and – raising the boy up slightly – the perineum leading back to his tiny asshole.

"MMMMMM," continued Jordy. "That feels so good!"

"Anything special you want to try?" Biff asked.

"Not really – but I heard some fellas in the locker room yesterday talking about `spit roasting' some guy.  What's that?"

Mac started to chuckle at the lad's naivetŽ.  "That's when three guys are having sex, the first guy – say Biff there – is in the middle, with, say, you, feeding your cock into his mouth, while I have my cock buried in the other end.  Hence, spit roasting. Wanna give it a go."

Jordy's ass lips clenched and fluttered at the thought.

"Not sure. Maybe."

"As I said before, we're all friends here. If you don't like it, we can always stop."

Jordy thought for a moment.  "If we're gonna try it, um, maybe I should be the guy in the middle? I mean -- "

"You sure?"

"No, but --"

The lad clearly wanted to experiment, and without further discussion Mac and Biff positioned him on the bed on his hands and knees. Biff crouched in front of him with this still-damp cock ready to go back into Jordy's mouth. Mac positioned himself at the other end, his still oily fingers moving to the tiny asshole, gently rubbing the ass lips, then even more gently moving the tip of his index finger into the breach.

Jordy moaned. He opened his mouth wider than he ever remembered it ever being, and allowed the mushroomed head of Biff's cock to slide inside, then further down his throat.

Deeper and deeper Mac's finger went, then back out, more lube, then the rewetted finger went back in, then back out, then two fingers went in, gently widening and relaxing the hole with each gentle thrust.

"Mmmmph!" moaned Jordy again. "Yes!" he hissed, the sound muffled by Biff's dick.

Knowing the time was right, Mac replaced his invading fingers with the lubed head of his huge ramrod.  It kissed the puckered opening of Jordy's ass, and as if on cue, Jordy's knees spread further apart. A gentle but firm hip thrust followed.

Jordy's jaw dropped and his mouth opened in a silent howl. His body flinched as though in spasm, then went rigid while his ass adjusted.

"Easy, Champ!  Real easy!" said Mac. "We've got all night!"

Mac withdrew his cock a fraction of an inch, then pushed back in, out a little, in even more, out, in, out, in, "like rocking a baby" and as Jordy went back to focusing his attention on Biff's pulsating cock, Mac thrust his huge weapon in to the hilt!

Jordy again went rigid, his eyes bulged, and he opened his mouth as if to scream, but again no sound came out. The took a deep breath, and then descended again onto Biff's dick.

As if preprogrammed, the three men moved in unison, Jordy's up-down motion on Biff's cock matching perfectly with Mac's in-out motion in his ass.

Up/down, in/out, up/down,  in/out. Then finally --

"Eat my load cocksucker!" screamed Biff as his big cock unloaded volley after volley of thick cream into the no-longer virgin throat.  "Take it! Take it all!"

And just as Biff pulled his softening staff from Jordy's lips, Jordy screamed "Fuck me! Fuck me hard!" and Mac gladly obliged.

Biff leaned over and started to deep-tongue soul-kiss his new friend, as Mac's huge iron – now in overdrive -- torpedoed its way into and out of Jordy's enticing ass. Within moments, Jordy's throbbing pecker turned dark purple and shot a load that hit not only his heaving chest and throat, but Biff's midsection and much of the bedding beneath them.  The clenching muscles in Jordy's ass set off a chain reaction, and Mac, too, delivered a stunning payload.

"AAAAHHHHH" Mac screamed, collapsing on the bed beside his two lovers.  "Damn! That's one hot piece of ass!"

"Oh, man! Is it always like this?" asked an exhausted Jordy.

"Can be," said Biff, as the three started a three-way kiss, with both Mac and Biff offering their lips and tongues to their special guest.

Breaking away, Biff offered, "And to think you've been wasting this body on co-eds!"

"Those days are over!" replied Jordy, as the three settled into a gentle cuddle.

Just then the door opened, and towel-clad Scott Thornton, the cute freshman living down the hall, poked his head in. "You guys have any extra lube?" he asked, his eyes adjusting to the candle-lit room. "I'm trying to jack-off, and --"

"Scotty?" screamed Jordy.

"Jordy?" screamed Scott, as the new arrival approached the bed.

"This is the friend I told you about from high school!" Jordy explained to Mac and Biff.  Turning to Scott, "I didn't know you were living in this dorm!"

Mac grabbed the edge of Scott's towel and gave it a yank. "Take off your towel and stay a while!"

"Oh, my God!" exclaimed Scott, as he started to climb onto the foot of the bed, his excited dick slapping up against his abdomen.

Mac motioned to Biff and announced, "Biff and I need to go spritz off a bit.  Why don't you two catch up with old times?"

Fifteen minutes later, the freshly showered Mac and Biff, clad in only their sweatpants, tiptoed back to their room and peeked inside.  There were Jordy and Scott in missionary position – Scott on his back, legs in the air, and Jordy on top making serious love to his old friend. 

"I don't think we're needed here," smiled Mac, gently closing the door.

"Where can we go, half naked and barefoot?" whispered Biff.

"We can always go sack out in the TV lounge."

As they started to walk away, Biff turned serious.  "Thanks Mac – for the way you handled Jordy tonight. For a minute there I thought you might call some of the guys and pull a train on his ass. The way it all went down was really nice."

"So how's your ass doing?  Feeling kinda empty is it?  It's not too late, you know, to round up a few of the guys and pull a train on you!"

"Just can't take a compliment can you?"

"Come on – let's go crash in the lounge."

After Glow

Craig Jackson virtually cried himself to sleep a few hours after the big Golden Bull "gala" at the gymnasium. He cried not because of the pain he felt in his backside, which had been soundly thrashed and fucked by both Golden Bull prexy Sully Mason AND Midvale's stud of a tennis coach Phil Bishop. He knew that whatever welts remained on his ass were well deserved – and that is why he cried: earlier in the evening he had betrayed his best friend, tennis star Andy Sloan, and led him into a gangbang. Surely such betrayals can never be forgiven.

Across campus, Andy tossed and turned, excited by having discovered things new and wonderful about his sexuality – but also worried that his well-attended gangbang may have reduced him to the status of campus laughing stock. Could he ever show his face again in public?  And what about his sex life?  Sure, he may get a lot of action at the frat house, but will anyone ever want to go out with him on a date – or be a lover?

At 4AM a text message bleeped onto Andy's cell phone.  "You awake?"  It was from Craig.

"Yeah. Can't sleep."

"Me neither. Wanna meet???

"K.  Where"

"Bench in front of Science Building."

"Ten minutes."

Andy was sure Craig would be giving him the heave-ho – why else would he want to meet in the middle of the night? "But at least he wants to do it in person," he thought.

Craig was already sitting on the bench when Andy arrived. The campus quad was nearly black, the nearest street lamp many yards away.

"Thanks for coming out. You okay?" asked Craig in a voice just above a whisper.

"My ass is a little sore, but otherwise I'm fine. You?"

"Yeah! They got me good after you left. I'm sore as hell, but okay. But there're a couple of things I need to say --"

"Here it comes," thought Andy.

"First, I brought you your racket!" He lifted an encased tennis racket that had been lying next to him on the bench and handed it to his friend.  "I know how precious this is – balanced just right for your grip and all. I knew you didn't mean to leave it over at the gym. I found it as I was leaving."

"Oh, God, thanks! I owe ya, bro. With all that happened, I forgot all about it!"

"Yeah, I saw you leave – the racket's not the only thing you left behind!"

"Oh, man, do you believe those fucks made me walk home naked?  People driving by were honking and laughing. Thank goodness that kind of thing is a longtime Midvale hazing tradition.I decided just to laugh it off."

 "Um – um, there's something else a little more serious. It's about you and me. We've been friends since the start of term, right. It's been great, but I think last night may have changed things for us. "

There was a moment of silence that seemed to last forever.

"Just say it!" said Andy firmly, expecting to hear the worst.

"I – I'm sorry!  I fucked up!  I wouldn't blame you if you never wanted to see me again! I have no excuse. I openly and willfully helped Sully and the guys ambush you last night. I feel like such a jerk, a Judas, a Benedict Arnold, and I'm so sorry!"

Andy's exuberant grin literally burst from his lips.  "That's it?  That's what you wanted to say? Oh, man, I was sure you were getting ready to ditch me!"

"Ditch you?  You're my best bud! There's no one I'd rather hang with!"

"Even now – now that I'm a fraternity `cum dump'?

"Kinda adds to your mystique!"

"I'm not ashamed of what happened – I guess deep down I always knew I'm gay.  I just never did anything about it – and guess what, it turns out I'm pretty good at it!  But I'm embarrassed that it was all so public!"

"Not really public – invited guests only!  And trust me, no one's gonna be spreading rumors – not if he wants to be invited to anything like that ever again. The guys made you their Golden BoyÉ and who can blame them – you're one of the sexiest guys on campus!"

 "You think I'm sexy? You hardly look at me – even in the shower room."

"Fuck, dude, you're a walking wet dream!  I look at you! I sneak a peek every chance I get – but I always have to look away. Every time I see you naked old Trigger here rears up and whinnies for attention!"

"Really?  That's not something one hears everyday!"

"I think that's why I agreed to help.  Didn't want to turn down my one chance to have sex with you!"

"You've wanted to have sex with me? Wow! I had no clue! But as long as we're being honest, there were over 20 guys at the gym last night, but you were the one that made it special. When you grabbed my dick and started to jerk me off, it was friggin' AMAZING! And then later when you were, uh, up inside me – our bodies seemed to move in perfect harmony.  If last night had to happen, I'm glad you were there!"


"Oh, yeah! – Oh, shit! The Coach! He was there, too! How can I ever look HIM in the face?  I remember at one point I had my legs in the air and was screaming `come fuck me coach!'"

"Okay – maybe not your finest hour!  But we were all a little drunk by then."

"Plus I was horny as hell, my ass was nearly numb, and I wanted his big horse cock shoved back up inside me!  Oh, God, I'm sorry, I shouldn't say things like that – not to you."

"Sure you should. I don't mind! And as for the coach, I bet he's probably wondering how HE can possibly face YOU at practice on Monday!  After all, he's the faculty member, you're the student!"

"What should I do?"

"Well – just go to practice exactly the way you always do. Give everyone a big friendly wave, flash that million-dollar smile of yours, and just get on with it as though nothing has changed.  Don't say a word about last night!  Not one word!  That should put the coach at ease, and he'll probably follow suit."

"Sounds like a plan! Thanks, bro!" 

The two bumped fists in friendly agreement, then gradually snuggled up next to each other, shoulder to shoulder, head to head.

"I think I can probably fall asleep now."

"Yeah, me too. We'd better get back."

As they stood to start back to their respective rooms, Andy confessed, "I'm glad you're not part of my fraternity.  I don't want you to see what I do with all those other guys. When you and I have sex again, I want it to be special – just us!" And with that he gave his friend a quick kiss on the lips, picked up his racket, and dashed away.

If it's possible to have a brain orgasm, Craig had one at that moment.  All his circuits blew at once! It was his turn to walk home with a smile on his face.

Next: Chapter 5: Hubris Can Be Harmful

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