
Published on Jun 23, 2022


Midvale: The Best Laid Plans


Chapter 3 – "The Best Laid Plans" – by Travis Jennings (travisjennings2@pacbell.net)

© 2019 Travis Jennings

(MM, Auth, Reluc)

This is a work of fiction created for the entertainment of interested adults. Please read no further if you are underage or are offended by explicit sexual stories. Any resemblance to anyone is strictly coincidental.

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Synopsis: Frat-style fun and games invade a dormitory. 

(Note: Includes scenes of non-consensual sex)

(Action picks up a few days after the final scenes in Chapter Two – "Triple Play")


The rhythmic panting and gurgling noises were unmistakable: anyone passing Billy Maxwell's closed bedroom door in the Silver Spartans frat house knew immediately what was happening inside: SEX – and someone was about the shoot a load.


"YESSSSS!" screamed frat president Ted Winston, shooting his second huge cum shot of the night into Billy's gaping mouth. Globs spilled over Billy's lips and down his chin.

Whatever shyness and propriety Billy had once shown as a pledge had been cast aside the night he became this year's House Bitch. His vocal enthusiasm had proven contagious.

"Billy Boy has become quite the cocksucker," offered pledge master Wally Brewer, lying naked next to Billy on the bed.  The three had been going at it for over an hour, with Billy swallowing two loads apiece from each of the seniors.  "And I love the way he's taken to sucking our nuts and drilling our holes with his tongue!"

"Yes, he should be trained good and proper by the time Homecoming rolls around next month!" concluded Ted.

Licking the last drops of cum from his lips and fingers, Billy asked, "What's Homecoming got to do with anything?"

"No one's told you?" said Ted with a smirk.

"Every year a group of the frats get together and have a House Bitch ContestÉ We come up challenges for all you cum-dumps, just to see which house has trained their bitch the best."

"Last year's big event," said Ted, "was a Glory Hole ID Suck-a-thon."

"A what?"

"An Glory Hole Suck-a-thon! Five of the frats – the Spartans, the Knights and three others – got together in the Knight's rec room. A big partition had been set up with five four-inch glory holes cut out. Twenty five frat guys assembled on one side, the five House Bitches on the other."

"On their knees, of course – and blindfolded!  With everyone in the room naked, half-snockered, and horny!"

"On the other side of the partition, the frat guys lined up, five to a line – with one member from each fraternity in each line. We stuck our hard cocks through the glory holes – and the bitches on the other side had to identify the member of his own fraternity by the size, shape, smell and taste of his cock!"

"He could use his mouth, tongue, and fingers – just like in a blow-job back at his house – but this time do it blindfolded!"

"If a bitch correctly recognized the dick from his home fraternity, he `won,' and got to sit out the rest of the game.  The other bitches kept sucking. If a bitch sucked all five guys and failed to identify which had been his brother, he was bent over an exercise horse, paddled by his brother – and then fucked by anyone who wanted. "

"Any guy who had not had his cock sucked was more than eager to participate! Trust me, a lot of the bitches got their holes pounded that night!" said Wally, grinning wickedly.

Billy looked aghast!

"In fact, our own Tyler Morton cheated! The little slut lost on purpose! He recognized Ted's massive schlong right off, but he was so horned up, he didn't want to stop – so he sucked off Ted, then went on and sucked the other four guys in his line – and bragged about it after."

"It embarrassed the whole fraternity!" added Ted.

"So Teddy here bent him over the horse and really blistered his ass – and later one of the Knights tied Tyler into position and nearly fucked him blind!  Ah, such great memories! You, my friend, have a tough act to follow!"

"I'm not sure if we are playing this particular game again this year or not," said Ted, grabbing his towel and heading for the door. "The committee hasn't finalized plans yet – but it's an option!" Almost as an afterthought, he added, "Hey – is big brother Mike coming down again this year? He seems to be a rambunctious Homecoming regular – and we all know how he loves to fuck!"

The thought landed on Billy like a ton of bricks, and both of his frat brothers smiled at Billy's obvious discomfort.

"No, I haven't heard from him," confessed Billy. "But that reminds me of something I need to do."

The next day, on his way back from class, Billy made side trip to the MOTC facility on the north end of the campus.

"Excuse me," he said to a young cadet in one of the offices. "I seem to be all turned around. I am looking for Major Charles McCormick's office. I thought I knew where it was, but the office I found was empty."

"You were probably in the right place. Major McCormick is now Private McCormick, and you can find him out back this afternoon, raking leaves. Oh, my god! You're that guy! The guy in the video!"


"I'm a little embarrassed to admit it, but when I saw that video the first time I came three times!"

Then as a whisper, the lad added, "I've secretly kept a copy on my laptop and jerk off to it in bed every night! It's so HOT!"

"No, you must have me confused with --"

"Aren't you the fraternity chap who was, um, initiated here in the shower room a few weeks ago?"

Billy blushed a brilliant red.

"Yeah, I thought so! What a party! Well the whole thing was caught on video by the hidden security cameras! Got Major McCormick into a lot of deep do-do around here."

And the lad went on to explain about McCormick's demotion, three-week imprisonment, and current status in life.

An hour or so later, Billy found Chaz still raking autumn leaves in the exercise yards behind the building. The man was dressed in the work clothes of a buck private!

"Hey, Chaz!" he called, but Chaz immediately froze and turned away.

"I just heard about what happened to you, and I'm sorry you got caught up in Mike's games. It wasn't your fault."

No response.

"But more important, I want to say thanks."

Chaz turned around looking confused.

"Thanks? For what?"

"For calling my dad that night and getting him down here. Having him lying there next to me the next morning was a great help. So, again, thanks!"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Chaz mumbled.

"Sure you do. It had to be you. It certainly wasn't Mike. And you were the only other one who knew where my cell phone was. You saw me put it in my backpack that evening when we were getting undressed. I should have come over sooner, but the guys at the frat house have kept me fairly, shall we say, busy."

Chaz stood in silence.

"So here's the deal," continued Billy. "I just spoke with Colonel Peters, and, explained that my father is a successful lawyer, and that in exchange for me not calling him, I had three demands: First, I asked that all copies of that video be collected and destroyed. Apparently they are all still in-house here now, but the last thing any of us needs is for something like that to get out on the Internet.

"Second, I demanded that you be reinstated as a Major, and that this entire matter be stricken from your military record. If anything needs to be entered at all – to explain your three-week `inspection' of the guardhouse facilities – it should be listed as a `minor error in judgment.'

"Third, I requested that you – and he, for that matter – help me teach Mike a lesson when he comes down here next month for Homecoming. I'd love to give Mike a taste of his own medicine!"

"Yeah, right, like the Colonel's going to agree to something like that!"

"He just did, Major! I convinced him that doing so would be a whole lot better than me bringing an embarrassing lawsuit against the MOTC and the university for having allowed that little party to happen on US Army property!  That stupid video is all the evidence I'd need!  As I kid, I didn't go out a lot, but I loved to read my Dad's law books!"

Chaz was stunned!

"When I explained about Homecoming, I got the feeling the Colonel wouldn't mind a shot or two at Mike's ass himself – as payback for all the trouble he's caused!"

Then with a big smile, Billy added, " Oh, and Major – you're out of uniform!"

# # # # #

Across campus at Elliott Hall, meanwhile, Mac McGregor, true to his word, had turned Scott Thornton into the dorm's newest fuck puppy. A typical late night study session ended in Mac and Biff's dorm room with Scott flat on his back getting a royal reaming by one of the dorm's star jocks. Very often the man doing the deed was none other than Mac himself.

Not that Scott minded!  Much to his own surprise, once introduced to the joys of gay sex, Scott could not get enough. He rather enjoyed being the center of attention – and did not seem to mind having some of the biggest cocks on campus ramming their way up his ass or down his throat. The only thing he disliked was Mac's superior attitude – and the fact that no one was allowed to even look at his ass.

And what an ass it was. When Mac was in his football uniform, his ass looked as though two round melons had been crammed into his back pockets! "I've never been fucked and never will be!" he proudly announced at almost every fuck session.

"That's what you think!" Scott thought to himself.

Mac did not realize that little Scotty had a playful and more devious side. Together with Mac's roommate Biff Mahoney, Scott had come up with a plan for Mac's downfall as a virgin.

First, in exchange for a few extra blowjobs, Scott acquired some special drugs from his new Blue Knight buddies, and Biff contributed some very potent weed – which Mac liked to smoke after an exhilarating fuck session. The drugs had gone into Mac's beer – they were virtually tasteless but, as his frat buddies had explained, would pack a wallop. 

The evening started out much as usual, with Mac fucking the living daylights out of Scott's ass, while Biff plumbed the depths of Scott's talented mouth. "Ah! I'm cumming!" shouted Biff, shooting three big squirts of gism down Scotty's throat. "What a mouth!" He pulled out his rapidly-deflating eight incher, patted Scott on the cheek and gave the lad a knowing wink. Reaching for a towel to wrap around his waist, he headed toward the door. "Anyone else need another beer?" 

"I'm good!" said an already groggy Mac, getting ready to shoot his own sizable load. He'd drunk only half the beer Scotty had handed him earlier, but his head was already buzzing.  "Tell the guys we are almost finished if they want sloppy seconds."

A few minutes later Mac and Scott had virtually traded places. Mac had shot a load up Scotty's ass, and was now lying flat on his back with Scott crouched between his legs sucking Mac's still sizable boner.  "Can't believe you are still so hard after all that!" said Scott, while Mac lit up his first reefer of the evening – one of Biff's special blend.

"I can go all night," preened Mac.

"Turn over," suggested Scott, "I want to rim you."

"Hmmm. For a newcomer, you're sure learning fast! Who taught you to rim?" answered a delighted Mac, his prick throbbing at the prospect. When the big man turned over, Scott made a nosedive into his ass. 

"Raise up a little so I can suck your nuts, too." he whispered.

Mac arched his back, buried his head in the pillows, and seemed to be floating in the clouds, totally lost in a drug-induced oblivion. He failed to notice that in addition to giving him the rim job of his life, Scott was also secretly slathering lube onto his own sizable dick. Scott's fluttering tongue stopped for a moment as the lad raised up on his knees. He was just about to slip his dick into Mac's unsuspecting ass when the door swung open and Biff and six other beer-swigging guys burst into the room.

"Wel-l-l-l-l-l-l, what do we have we here?" asked Biff.   "Hey roomy, you've been holding out on us!" he said. "Looks like you're an ass man after all! "

"Huh?" said Mac.  Then realizing what Scott had in mind, screamed "Get him off me!"

The guys quickly grabbed Scotty from Mac's bed, but Biff held the football star pinned in position.

"Let me up! I'm gonna kill him!" Mac screamed.

"Oh, I don't think so! We've all waited too long for this!" Biff replied, then instructed his buds, "Tie Scotty to the other bed."

"Hey, wait! That's not what we planned." Scotty protested.

"Sorry, kid, that ass is just too fine to waste!"

Both Mac and Scotty tried to resist, but despite the shouts and name calling, the guys quickly had their victims tied to the beds, flat on their backs, hands – and raised feet! – tied to the headboards! Both studs were screaming and trying to break lose – but oh, so ripe for fucking.

Mac shot Scotty a look that could kill. "This is all your fault, dumbfuck!"

"Put a sock in it!" instructed Biff, but before the guys could stuff something into Mac's mouth, they too were interrupted:  two residence hall proctors – grad students Timmy and Tommy Cooper, identical twins – rushed into the roomÉ "What's all the noise? What's going on here?" Both the victims seemed clearly relieved. The cavalry – dressed in university sweats – had arrived! 

"Just a little recreational down time," said Biff. "Want to join us?"

Timmy and Tommy exchanged knowing smiles. Timmy quickly untied Scott from his bedÉ "Thank you, sir," Scott muttered, but before he could walk away, Timmy pushed him toward his brother. "Take this one down to our apartment, Tommy. Keep him naked. We could use a study-break ourselves – and I hear he's a great fuck!"

Scotty blushed like a virgin bride as he was led away by a suddenly very horny grad student.

"As for the rest of you – this is no way to treat an important football star like Mac!"  Pulling down his sweat pants to release his own uncut ten-inch ass-splitter, he added with a grin, "Let me show you how it's done!"

"NOOOOOO!" screamed Mac as one of the guys finally stuffed a dirty gym sock into his mouth.

As Timmy knelt onto the tied man's bed he noticed how everyone in the room was admiring his huge dick.  "Now you know why Tommy is always smiling!" he said with a wink. "He can't get enough of this big thing! Me? I like to be on top. Where's the lube?"

"UHHHHH!" Mac moaned, shaking his head from side to side. He frantically tried to pull himself lose, but the knots held firm. Then Timmy went where no man had gone before – he reached down and began to apply lube to the little brown circle hiding between the globes of Mac's ass. The athlete went berserk!

"Give him another swig of that beer – he's gonna need it!" suggested Biff, as another of the guys removed the sock and started to pour the remainder of the Scotty's drug-laced lager into Mac's mouth. Coughing and gagging, Mac tried to resist, but most of the beer found its way down his throat anyway.

"DON'T DO THIS!" he screamed.  He went wild when Timmy's finger began to penetrate his sphincter, widening him for an even larger penetration.


But Timmy only thrust his finger in deeper, massaged Mac's prostate, then added a second finger. Spreading, spreading.

The drug-laced alcohol was now burning Mac's throat and stomach but – in combination with the pot he'd smoked earlier – was also acting as an aphrodisiac, making him strangely compliant and horny.

Timmy dislodged his fingers from Mac's ass and spread the ballplayer's legs out as far as they would go, moving between them – the fat head of his dripping ten-incher aimed directly at Mac's tiny rosette, all primed and ready. Turning to the rest of the grinning fellows surrounding the bed, he announced, "Here's how it's done," and in one quick thrust, he plunged his mammoth dick all the way up Mac's ass.


"I love it when they scream!" shouted TimmyÉ

"I've waited for years to see that," announced a delighted BiffÉ

"Fuck him, Timmy!" someone else cried, "Screw the shit outta him!"

"Bust his cherry wide open!"


"The guessing is over guys!" Timmy proclaimed proudly, "This is indeed one prime Grade-A piece of ass!"  For nearly ten minutes he deep-fucked poor Mac, drawing his dick all the way out so that just the huge head remained inside, then slammed the entire truncheon back in!

Mac's "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" was repeated over and over, but much to everyone's surprise, the athlete's own sizable pecker had swollen bigger than anyone had ever seen it and was dripping its own pre-cum all over his stomach.

"FUCK ME!" the footballer suddenly shouted. "YES!!!! DO IT!!!  FUCK MEEEE!!!!"

Timmy started to rapid-fire pound his ass, building toward a climax, causing Mac to shoot a huge load all over both their chests. Globs if viscous goo splashed on their pecs, their necks – a few drops even flew high enough to land on Mac's face and chin.  The spasms in Mac's ass sent Timmy's own orgasm over the edge.

"I'M CUMMING!!!  FUCK!!!  FUCK!!!  FUCKKKKK!" Timmy screamed.  A flood of milky gism overflowed his cock, pouring out the circular space between it and the football star's wide-open asshole.  It ran in sticky white rivers down his butt and puddled on the bed-sheets. 

"WHAT A FUCK!" Timmy exclaimed. "Who wants to be next?"

"WHAT?" "WAIT!  NO!!!" cried Mac.

Wending his way back to the suite of rooms he shared with his brother, Timmy had every intention of calling it a night. But once inside, a squeak hit his ears, followed by a familiar groan – a sound he knew ever so well. He tiptoed over to his brother's bedroom door, slightly ajar, from which the sounds of passion were crystal clear.  His identical twin brother was spread-eagled, flat on his back, feet in the air, his eyes closed and his mouth open in moaning ecstasy.  Scotty Thornton lay on top of him, his manly young pelvis chugging and twisting as he thrust his dick into Tommy's widespread ass. 

But it was Scotty's own ass that caught Timmy's attention -- the half-moons of his smooth ass cheeks squeezing together and then relaxing apart with every new slam of his thrusting penis; the winking nether eye hidden inside -- a sweet little pink asshole that seemed to be begging for attention. 

"No rest for the weary," thought Timmy as he slipped once again out of his clothes and tiptoed into the room. As Scott soon discovered, Timmy's second fuck of the night tended to last a long, long time.

The action in Mac and Biff's dorm room was no less eventful.

As soon as Timmy had excused himself, Biff jumped into the saddle and had the time of his life fucking a no-longer-virgin Mac.  He beat his chest like Tarzan, and announced, "Things are going to be different around here."  So caught up in the fuck was Biff that he failed to notice that the ties holding Mac's hands had started to come loose.

Biff was riding high on adrenalin -- eyes closed, head tilted back, dick thrusting in and out, when WHAMMO! – Mac suddenly broke lose and pushed Biff out of his ass and onto the floor.

"WHAT THE FUCKKKK?" screamed Biff.

The other guys, fearing Mac's retribution more than Biff's, rushed to help untie the rest of Mac's bindings, and grab Biff before he could escape. Within moments, Biff was bent over his own bed being fucked at both ends. 

"Hey, Fred," suggested Mac to one of the jocks waiting his turn at Biff's ass. "Run down to the lounge and tell the guys that Biff here is taking on all comers!"

The party went on for hours.

Biff woke up the next morning with a throbbing hangover and a huge studded dildo vibrating in his ass.  He found his roommate down the hall, singing in the shower – "Wonderful day, huh roomy?" Mac declared.

Biff started to reply, "Wonderful my a--," but stopped as Mac burst into laughterÉ

"Great party last night," Mac continued, "especially after the guys from up upstairs joined us. They're the ones that spiked your beer and brought that wicked dildo! We got some great pictures of you riding that thing! Better behave or they'll be all over social media!"

Turning to leave the shower room, Mac added, "Oh, and by the way:  the guys took a vote and it was unanimous: on evenings when Scotty's not available, you're gonna be our pussy!  Yes, sir, Biffy Boy, from now on that little hole of yours is gonna be Party Central!"

Next: Chapter 4: Golden Boy

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