
Published on Jun 19, 2022


Midvale: Triple Play


Chapter 2 - "Triple Play" – by Travis Jennings (travisjennings@pacbell.net)

© 2019 Travis Jennings

(MM, Auth, Reluc)

This is a work of fiction created for the entertainment of interested adults. Please read no further if you are underage or are offended by explicit sexual stories. Any resemblance to anyone is strictly coincidental.

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Synopsis: Three more unsuspecting college men are initiated into fraternity life.

(Action picks up the morning after the final scenes in Chapter One)

Billy woke up twelve hours later still naked as the day he was born, lying belly down on the top of his bed... Even with his eyes closed he could sense another male lying next to him, gently stroking his now-bald head. He looked up and saw a familiar face.


Yes, it was William Maxwell Sr. caressing his anguished son. "Oh, God! Don't tell me you were in on this, too?"

"No! But by the time I heard, it was too late to stop it! One of the guys at the party snuck out and called me on your cell phone. Said you might need some attention. I could hear you screaming in the background... I suggested the guy call Mike – he lives closer and could get here faster – but the guy told me that Mike..."

"Was already here!" interjected Billy. "Fucking me like a two-dollar whore! I trusted him, Dad, and he betrayed me!  My own brother! He fucked me and he laughed and he called me his `bitch!'  That hurt more than all the rest combined!  Just look at me – they shaved me bald!"

"It'll all grow back – kinda reminds me of the very first time I ever saw you," his father smiled fondly and pulled him into a lateral hug.

"Back then I wasn't wearing signs that said `House Bitch' and `Fuck Me' ..."

"No, just a tiny little blue-and-white bracelet that read, `Baby Maxwell.' Your mom still has it in her jewelry box."

"Mom! Oh, God! Does she know?"

"No... Some things are best kept just between us guys," Bill Sr. replied as he leaned over and lightly kissed his son on his forehead.  "But I called your uncle Max... He told me what to bring in the way of first-aid salves and ointment – and something to clean off that scrawl..."

"Thank God for my gay uncle!"

"He and I have always been best friends. I am the first person he told when he discovered he was gay, and he's the first person I told when Suzie Zimmerman and I discovered I wasn't."

"Suzie who?" giggled Billy, suddenly feeling a whole lot better.

"Never mind... We were 15!"

"I'm glad you're here, Dad... Mike and I have never had that kind of relationship, and after last night..."

"He loves you very much. He just has a heavy-handed, rah-rah college-jock way of showing it.  He – well all of us really – have been worried about you. All through high school, I don't think you went out on a single date. You even missed both your junior and senior proms! Mike was totally different. He was into everything – girls and boys! I remember once when he was twelve or thirteen, he asked me to explain cunnilingus – how to go down on a girl! I was shocked! A short time later, he was asking uncle Max about what went on in his bedroom. He wanted to try it all! You were our little scholar – always had your nose stuck in a book! You seemed virtually asexual. I guess he didn't want you to go through life alone."

"Well, I'm not alone anymore! There's a houseful of constantly-horny frat guys who want to have their way with me!"

"Listen – you leave Mike to me. Some of Max's fuck buddies are into heavy leather. They've been eying Mike's ass for years, but Max has always protected him. Well, after last night's shenanigans, the dear boy just might be in for a rude awakening."

Billy smiled at the thought. "Tell uncle Max I want pictures!"

"As for all this," continued his father, "your first instinct might be to cut and run – but don't!  Stay and serve your fellow Spartans and do it proudly -- but do it on your terms... Take back the power... Make sure you're in control... Look, get cleaned up!  You and I are going to treat the entire fraternity to a nice Saturday brunch. Show `em you're a good sport!  And before I leave this afternoon I'll make sure they all know your ass is totally off limits for a few days."

By midweek, both Billy's wounded pride – and his sore ass – had properly healed, and he was ready to embrace his new position in life.  "I'm horny as hell!" he announced, breezing into the frat house after his Wednesday evening Business Ed class. "Anyone who wants to fuck – orgy in my room in five minutes!"

For the next couple of hours, Billy's room was a writhing mass of naked flesh... Tyler Morton, last year's bitch, had one last farewell fling, getting gang-banged most of the night by six horny seniors... Frat President Ted Winston and Pledge Master Wally Brewer each finally nailed one of the blonds – and Billy himself fucked the third.

"Hmmm... I think I'm gonna like this job," he thought to himself halfway through the orgy.

He realized that it would not always seem like a party. Starting this weekend, he'd be the one getting banged, getting spit-roasted, getting his tonsils and prostate massaged for hours on end – but he knew now he could handle it – and that he'd be the best damned House Bitch this fraternity ever had!

Ten minutes after the orgy broke up, Ted Winston tiptoed back into Billy's room, still stark naked. He lay flat on his back on the bed and raised his knees to his chest.

"Don't tell the guys, okay?" he asked.

"Oh, I'm definitely donna like this job!" exclaimed Billy as he climbed aboard.

Meanwhile, across campus, things had turned ugly for Mike's buddy, Major Charles McCormick.  The week had started with Colonel Peters, Chaz's commanding officer, returning to campus after the weekend maneuvers, and, as a matter of routine, reviewing the weekend's closed-circuit security cameras. Imagine his face when the footage revealed not only Billy's coming-out party in the MOTC shower room, but showcased Major McCormick as one of the active participants.

Within hours, Chaz had been stripped of his rank – and his uniform – and he was now spending the first of three long weeks – naked -- in the guardhouse. His punishment: a daily thrashing and a nightly re-enactment of Billy's party, this time with he himself as the guest of honor and other MOTC officers and enlisted men as the celebrants. That first night, Colonel Peters started the proceedings by shoving his famous 12-inch cock, wrapped in a studded condom, up Chaz's well-whipped ass.

Making matters worse – if that were possible – one of the hidden video cams had been equipped with sound, and every time a big-dicked serviceman fucked Chaz's ass, the room was filled with a recording of the Major himself saying "Look at this Sweet-stuff... Know what this is? The guys in my unit call it `the can-opener' because after I've used it to rip open a tiny asshole like yours, it'll be open for good! Gonna stretch it wide, gonna stretch it deep – and, oh yeah, it's gonna hurt! It's gonna hurt bad! "

And, of course, it did.

* * *

When the weekend rolled around, it was time yet again for a few more young men to learn the facts of life at Midvale U... Freshman athlete Scott Thornton, for instance,  was whistling and singing in the Elliot Hall dormitory shower. It was early Saturday night, and he'd been asked to attend one of the hottest parties of the year.

"Hey, what's happening?" asked a couple of upper classmen who were getting into the communal showers just as Scotty was drying off.

"Been invited to the Blue Knights Jock Strap Party... Hear it's something special."

The two upper classmen – "Mac" McGregor and his roommate "Biff" Mahoney – exchanged a smile that was more like a smirk. They watched as blond Scotty dried his bubble butt and wrapped a towel around his waist.

"I hear very few freshmen are ever asked... I guess it's an honor, huh?" asked the lad.

"Uh, yeah, a real honor!" replied Biff as Scott whistled out of the shower room to dress for his big night.

Mac smiled at his friend.  "That young man has quite a night in store."

"Yeah, I'd pay anything to be able to watch... Five will get you ten that in a few hours that child is tied and gagged and getting one of the biggest dicks on campus shoved up that lily white ass of his."

"And down his throat...Happens every year... Maybe I can call someone and get us in..."

"Really?" asked Biff.

"Of course, it'll cost you."


Mac ran a wet finger down the crack of his friend's ass. Both thought of themselves as notorious tops, but Mac loved to get his friend in a compromising position. It's happened a few times in the past, much to Biff's regret, and he's been sore for days after. His silent nod meant "if that's the only way."

"Wonder who the other guests are going to be." said Mac. "There's usually at least two or three freshman invited to their own coming-out party."

Back in his room, Mac phoned a buddy at the fraternity and called in a favor:  "Room for two last minute guests?"

"You know the rules! You offering?"

"Not my ass, sweetie, but you can have my friend -- just your type. Thinks he's a top!"

When Scott arrived at the frat house, he discovered that the other freshman guests included Jeff Sergeant, a new guy on the college baseball team, and Connor Hollingsworth, a rather stuck-up but gorgeous kid that Scott remembered from his English lit class.

The guys were met at the door by Pledge Master Derek Johnson, dressed like all the frat members that night in nothing but a black leather jock strap.  Derek escorted the guys to a "changing room" where they were instructed to strip and to get into their costumes for the evening. Scotty was handed a white jockstrap, Jeff a blue. Derek handed Connor a black one. "It makes you look more like one of us," Derek winked. All three jockstraps were held together with Velcro, allowing for quick – and occasionally unexpected – removals.

Little did Connor realize that the colors represented the degree to which they would be put through their paces: Scotty in white would be treated like the virgin he was; Jeff, a more experienced "player," would be treated a little more roughly. Connor would have trouble walking for a week!

The boys were escorted through the frat house – the upstairs bedrooms, the study areas, the kitchen and dining facilities. Part of the spacious backyard had been "remodeled" for an evening of games and debauchery... One area was roped off for nude mud wrestling; another for a game of ring-toss. Three guys were already practicing – throwing rings at the dick on an inflated male blow-up doll. In a couple of hours, the real games will feature human targets. 

In the area next to it, a perverted game of beanbag would find small bags filled with steel ball-bearings being tossed at tied-up victims' exposed nut sacks!  The victims, whose dicks were normally taped upright onto their abdomens, were normally "guests" provided by university coaches – negligent team members who for one reason or another had disobeyed the rules or not shown up for practice!

The party itself was headquartered in a large adjacent guesthouse that had been remodeled long ago into "action central." A huge main room was set up with couches and chairs, bar areas, even a couple of leather slings in one corner.  The windows in an adjacent room had been totally covered over, creating a darkened "back room" environment, in which every and all sexual activity could be indulged away from prying eyes.

The party got off to a rather tame start, with the returning members catching up with what they'd been doing all summer – but very quickly many of the leather jock straps had been discarded and some of the high jinks began.

Virgin Scott was a curiosity. Everyone wondered what Derek had in store for him. It wouldn't be too severe, but he DID have to be welcomed properly.  About an hour into the festivities, Derek handed Scott a lozenge. It looked and tasted like a cherry cough drop, but was laced with a special drug guaranteed to leave the user high and uninhibited. Derek then escorted Scott into the totally blacked-out backroom.

"What's in here?" Scott started to say, but was interrupted when someone – was it Derek? Scott wondered – grabbed him and started the wettest, tongue-down-the-throat kiss Scott had ever encountered.  Unidentified hands, meanwhile, snatched off Scott's breakaway jock strap, caressed his ass, and slicked his dick and balls with baby oil. Scott was then passed along through the crowded room -- caressed, sucked, kissed – but Scott was never sure who was doing what... Finally Derek himself grabbed the boy and led him back into the main room, both guys sporting a ramping hard-on.

"It's time for Scott here to show us what he's made of," Derek announced, escorting Scott over to a stage-like riser. "Come on now Scotty: jack off for us!"  The boy immediately flushed all red with embarrassment, causing the room to start chanting in unison... "Jack off... jack off... jack off..."

The boy tried, but his six-inch erection quickly faded... "I've never done anything like this in public!" he confessed.

"I think I have the solution," offered Derek, grabbing a little black bag nearby and joining Scott on the stage. He quickly wrapped Scott's cock and balls tightly in a leather cock ring, and started to stroke the deflated organ. When it again reached full mast, he told Scotty to "take over."

Again the boy's efforts seemed for naught.  "This will help," said Derek, picking up a medium sized dildo, covered with tiny bristles.  "They call this a French Tickler," he announced.  "Satisfaction guaranteed..." He applied some lubricant to the head of the dildo.

"Oh, no, please... I've never... I mean, here, let me try again..." pleaded Scott, jerking faster than ever to avoid the inevitable, but his dick was not responding...

"Sorry to see the boy lose his cherry to something like this, but we don't have all night!" Again the room started to clap in unison: "Cherry... cherry... cherry."

With Scott continuing to jerk his pud, Derek gently, but firmly shoved the dildo into the boy's ass. "Ohhhh!" moaned a wide-eyed Scott, but clearly not much more was happening...

"Turn it on!" shouted a voice from the back of the room.  "Always works for me!" Everyone laughed as Derek reached down and flicked a little switch on the base of the battery-powered dildo, causing it to shimmy and wriggle inside Scott's ass.

"Oh.... Oh.... Oh..." Scott screamed, as his organ suddenly stood up and took notice.

"Stroke," "stroke," "stroke" the room shouted and clapped in unison... followed by an almost shrill  "YESSS!" from Scott as he ejaculated all over the floor...

"Told ya! It never fails!" 

The room applauded, as Derek pulled the dildo from Scott's ass and helped the lad down from the stage. The boy started to walk away, but was quickly detained. "Not so fast, young man... After that performance, you've clearly got potential – but you'll have to earn your keep around here"... pushing him into a group of grasping arms. "Don't be too hard on him guys... his ass is new to the game..." But within moments Scott was laying belly-up on a nearby hassock with his feet in the air – and it was no French Tickler that was plowing his no longer virgin hole.  Two or three other fratmen were lining up to sample the kid's cocksucking abilities...

"You gonna give him a try?" one of the fellows asked Derek.

"Some other time," the Pledge Master replied, "I'm horny as hell, but I've got something else in mind for tonight!" a knowing look on his handsome face.

Mac and Biff, watching from the sidelines and surrounded by other naked jocks, were clearly enjoying the party.  Mac could hardly wait for his chance at Scott's delicious ass.  

"He's going to be sore in the morning!" laughed Biff.

"He's going to be sore every morning if I have anything to say about it!"

"Thanks for getting us invited, by the way..."

"Cost me, but it was worth it..."

"What did you have to promise them?" asked Biff. "Your ass?"

"No, buddy... yours." At which point Biff was grabbed by three very muscular men and tied into a nearby sling.

"You bastard!"

"Relax... and enjoy it...I know the rest of us will..."

Later Mac got his chance to fuck Scott, who in a daze didn't even recognized him.  "Wait `til we get you back to the dorm, buddy," Mac whispered, "We're gonna turn you into the second floor's most popular new cum-dump!"

Out in the backyard, meanwhile, Jeff and a couple of his baseball teammates had been challenged to a rapid-fire game of paint-ball, all well-choreographed in advance so that all three ended up covered with soap-laced paint.  All three were very quickly pushed into a special shower stall to clean up – a shower stall equipped with a video camera!

"Time for some water-sports!" announced frat president Zack Alexander in the rec room. "No, you ass, not that kind of water sports!" A curtain at one end of the room parted, revealing a TV screen on which Jeff and his friends were seen in the adjacent shower. Jeff, of course, didn't realize that the camera existed – or that his new buddies in the rec room could see everything that was going on in the shower.

"Jeff is another of our prospective new members. He is showering with two of our returning sophomores, Rick and Andy – who naturally have something special in mind. Rick – some of you may recall, is especially gifted in a certain department."

Jeff, already "high" on a few beers, did not put up much of an argument as Rick and Andy quickly got him lathered up and started to stroke his rapidly rising dick. "Not much room in here," he laughed, as the men continued to massage his whole body. Rick retrieved a bottle of poppers from an overhead shelf, took a whiff, and eased the bottle under the noses of both his mates. 

"HMMMM," Jeff moaned as the aroma flooded his brain. Rick turned Jeff toward Andy, then reached around and stroked the lad's leaking organ. Placing a strong hand on Jeff's shoulders, he bent the pledge over toward Andy's rock hard cock. "Show Andy how much you like him."  Jeff noticed a loud burst of applause that filtered in from the rec room. "Must be watching the game..." he muttered.

"Oh, they're watching all right," replied Rick, who smiled and waved his big dick toward the hidden camera. 

Jeff quickly gobbled down Andy's prick and started working on his own pending orgasm --totally oblivious to the fact that Rick's famous appendage had now reached its full potential. The audience next door, however, knew exactly what was happening.

"The kid loves baseball," someone commented. "Wonder if he knows he's about to get a human ball bat shoved up his ass?"

"Home run!" "Home run!" "Home run!"  the group started chanting.

Confident that Jeff was flying high, Rick moved into position. Jeff was no virgin, but everyone knew he'd scream – they always do when Rick initiates them.  As the big guy drove his huge ass-splitter home, the crowd next door went wild!

"A couple of wimps," was Connor Hollingsworth's offhanded scoff as he watched both Scott and Jeff be put through their paces.  He did not realize that Derek Johnson overheard – or that he had, in fact, been keeping his eye on him all evening.

Connor, clearly from a well-to-do family, carried himself with a rather smug veneer of contempt for those not so privileged. Even so, he wanted desperately to be part of the campus "in crowd," which meant being part of this organization. The members saw him coming a mile away. Oh, they'd welcome him as a member, all right. He was just what the club needed as a "front man" to give them all an air of respectability – and a decent grade-point average! But becoming a member would not be easy. They'd make him pay dearly.

Throughout the evening, as planned in advance, fratmen had been offering Connor a few brotherly high-fives – and a few spiked beers – and now Connor was swaggering around like he owned the place. Derek was amazed by the guy's arrogance. "This is gonna be good!" he chuckled to himself.

The frat brothers, meanwhile, were all greedily eying Connor's gorgeous ass, everyone wondering who might be the first to tap it. Hank Stevens, one of the senior members, feeling no pain after an evening of drinking, passed Connor and gave the lad's jockstrap a little squeeze.  Connor pulled away and gave the guy a nasty look. "Hands off, friend!" he snapped. 

Connor's scowl was the cue that the young man's big performance was just about to start! Derek, standing nearby, gave a quick nod to president Zack.

"Gather around everybody," Zack shouted, grabbing Connor by the nape of the neck.  "Connie here seems to have a thing about our party games!  I think this little puppy needs to learn some respect!"

Connor started to shake and wriggle in Zack's grasp, but to no avail... A sudden sexual excitement filled the air, as the rec room became a flurry of activity. Furniture was pushed aside, Connor was grabbed, his jock strap yanked off, and he was shoved down to his knees in the center of the room, staring directly at one of the biggest one eyed monsters he had ever seen. It was the pride and joy of football star Lance Trainer, one of the frat's most aggressive tops – and the dick was dripping with pre-cum.

"Aw, see, you made it cry – kiss it and make it better," joked Lance.

"Come on guys! I didn't mean anything, it was just a joke!" Connor gulped, trying to pull away, but no one made a move to help. Connor didn't understand that the more he twisted and tried to pull away, the more his tormentors would pour it on.  Every tug was a challenge; every groan was music to their ears!

The kid was suddenly very scared, a newbie kneeling there naked, surrounded by a roomful of lusty musclemen all intent on having their way with him. Little did he know that getting face fucked would merely be the start, and that his virgin asshole would most likely be next on the agenda.  The action was easy to predict – the guys had done it several times over the years – but seldom with such wild enthusiasm. 

"Open wide Connie boy! Let's get this party started!" Lance stuffed his huge prick into Connor's mouth while two other guys held him.  "URRRKKGG," he gagged, as the dick pushed its way down his throat for the first time...

"Ah, yeah!" sighed Lance.  "Nice and tight! Hey, watch the teeth!"


The action went on for twenty minutes, as each of the horned-up guys holding Connor took a turn at the pledge's mouth.

"Whoo-e-e-e-e, look at that!" exclaimed one partygoer as Connor seemed to gobble down his third prick of the evening.  "With a little more practice, he'll be a fine little cocksucker!"

When the third guy pulled out, Connor sagged to the floor.

"Please no more!" he begged

"He seems to be nicely opened up at this end," said Derek, nodding to his cohorts. "I think it's time for his next lesson."

Again the room cheered as four guys picked Connor up, one under each arm and each knee, and carried him wriggling and shouting to a nearby table where he was flopped down flat on his back.  Excited club members crowded around.

Zack and Lance each grabbed one of Connor's flailing legs, pulling them up and back toward his heaving chest. Pledge Master Derek stepped into position lining up his fat dickhead with Connor's tiny rosebud...

"NO! NOT THAT!" screamed Connor  "Not my ass!"

"Sorry, pretty boy...I've been waiting for this all evening...  You've been strutting around, advertising this cute little ass... We're all just dying to try it!" 

"No!" Connor screamed again, this time scrunching his face and defiantly tightening down his sphincter muscle. Big mistake!

"Oh! Ho! The little man wants to play," laughed Derek. "Okay, I'm game," he said, adding more lube to his already slick organ... "Let's give him the Old Twist and Shout, fellas," he added with a wink, as Zack and Lance each spread Connor's quivering legs even wider and placed their free hands on Connor's chest. Derek returned his dripping cockhead back to Connor's nervous asshole.

"No! Please!"

But Derek continued, "One," "two..." and on "three" Zack and Lance each gave one of Connor's prominent nipples an unexpectedly nasty twist. "Ahhhh!" The split-second distraction gave Derek just the moment he needed to bury half of his ten-inch cock into all new territory...

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" screamed Connor...The room cheered and applauded...

"I think he likes it!" smirked Lance.

"Then he's gonna love this!" replied Derek, pulling back an inch or two and slamming home the entire length of his prick.


"I guess we found ourselves a new House Bitch!" shouted Zack to great applause.

The action went on for hours as cock after cock rammed its way into both of Connor's holes until all the fratmen were sated. Even Jeff and Scott were allowed to share in the fun... For the rest of the school year, Connor would be a fuck toy for the entire fraternity.

Next: Chapter 3: The Best Laid Plans

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