Midsummer Nights Kiss

By moc.loa@xineohPnevarD

Published on Nov 10, 2000


Authors Notes: hey hey, something kinda different from me, you might recognize the name from my other story (Brian's Seven Sea's of Loneliness) well this is TOTALY different. What we have here is just porn, no plot...yet. Its more so to help a poor friend whose hurting right now. Its planned on being just this one part, unless you all really want to see more of it. But this is totally different from the other story, its all about the sex. So smile and enjoy. And Dani, I hope this does it for ya!

P.S. All Feed-Back to DravenPhoenix@aol.com

Disclaimer: If your not 18 then your eyes shouldn't be seeing this.. So avert them, or at least don't get caught. If its illegal to view such material in your area.. Then where the hell are you living? And finally If for any reason there is a reason you shouldn't be here.. You shouldn't have read this part anyhow. Enjoy!

A MidSummer Night's Kiss Chapter 1: Jonathon Burke

It was a normal night. Just another concert. The guys were getting laced up to do their flying act again. They were wearing the tight black leather pants. As they were raised, Kevin smiled, and looked at Nick. He always loved the way those pants hung on Nick.. or was it the way that Nick hung in those pants? He wasn't sure, but either way he loved it. H loved to watch the way the ropes excited Nick. So much so, he had almost forgot to start his part of the song. He knew he'd be ridiculed about it later, but he didn't care. He'd cover it up one way or another.

Nick started looking over at Kevin, in his tight black leather pants as well, and couldn't help but let his eyes linger on the tight material. As far as he was concerned, Kevin should wear noting BUT the tight black leather pants for the whole show. By now Nick was extremely excited, and while his eyes were on Kevin but for a moment, his thoughts would be there all night. And the effects were already too much to hide, as he tried to adjust himself without using his hands. Which proved utterly fruitless, and only made it worst.

It wasn't too long before the third encore was sung, and they were all walking off stage, as the last vestiges of "I Want It That Way" could be heard. All the guys seemed full of energy still, the rush from the show still keeping them going. Nick had several rushes at this point, as he was directly behind Kevin, and staring at his ass. He was joking with Brian, and AJ as they were walking through the corridor to get showered, but Kevin stopped suddenly. This caused Nick to bump into him, shifting his hardness into Kevin, in an almost painfully teasing way. Kevin smiled as he felt the lump come across him as he opened the door.

He turned to look at Nick before he entered. "Hey Nick, you seem a bit over- excited tonight." Nick would have been blushing profusely, had there been the spare blood to do it, but his blood was other wise tied up, and so he settled on "Well I have a girl to go home to who still puts out. Then again.. I guess that happens when you get married, you stop getting any." Kevin turned a shade of red Nick wasn't sure ever existed till them. Happily he walked past Kevin into the room. As the guys passed they all took jabs at Kevin, about being married and not getting any. Brian was the last to enter, Knowing he had to add injury to insult. "Hell Kev, I wasn't getting any TILL I got married! Now I get more than Tyke does with the carpet." With that Brian walked by, totally ready to break down laughing as Kevin got the look on his face, like he was sorry he ever said anything. "Y'all suck, and that's all I have to say about that." Nick had to put his two sense in "Maybe you should sign your wife up for some lessons then, we can teach her a thing or two!" The guys were all grabbing their guts laughing and Even Kevin was smiling. The thought of those lips, and if he wasn't mistaken, there was almost a hint of invitation there.

They had gotten back to the hotel about an hour ago, but Nick was still a bundle of energy. He couldn't stand to be cooped up in the hotel, and he wasn't in the mood to go clubbing. So he threw on a pair or running shorts, a pair of tighty-whitey's for some support while jogging, a Basket Ball jersey, and started out down the hall. Kevin open his door, as he heard Nick passing it, and decided he'd join, and fell out Nick's earlier statement. In truth he wanted to feel out every part of Nick, but Kevin slapped himself, almost a bit too hard, and got focused. "Hey Nick, want some company?" Kevin tried to be slick, but couldn't come up with anything better. "Can ya keep up old man?" Again Kevin almost heard an invitation in that. The way he had said it, he had to try to see if he was right. If he was wrong tho, the consequences could be astronomical. "Yeah I can keep up, can you?" He hinted back, in the same tones as Nick had used. "I don't think it will be a problem."

They started out of their hotel, and immediately the warm summer air hit them. It was a warm night, not intolerably so, but warm enough to know it was summer. Summer time in New England anyhow, as they were used to weather like this year round. The pace was started easily through the country roads, as they passes through. They were in the area for just over a week so they rented a house in the rural area's so they could be away from the hotel's and be comfortable. It was nights like this they realized just why. The moon above shone brightly with the star covered night. Since pollution wasn't big in the area, the stars were like a blanket in the sky. The moon was close to full, it was but a night or two away, providing just the right amount of light. After about half an hour of jogging they picked the pace up a little bit, and Kevin ended up staying just a pace or two behind Nick, giving him the perfect view of his ass. It wiggled just the right way in his eyes, and the moon made Nick look almost like a god. Nick had noticed Kevin a step behind, but never turned around to see why. He just wondered if he was imagining things were there. He had had the crush on Kevin since when the group was around. First as a father, but as Nick developed, so did his feelings. Now not a day went by when he didn't want Kevin to love him... and make love to him. Alternately, As Nick Grew up, Kevin started getting a crush on him as well, both hiding their feeling.

As they were running there was a small park, secluded, and lots of soft green grass. Kevin was painfully hard at the moment, and little to his knowledge, so was Nick. As they ran, Kevin couldn't take anymore. "Nick" Kevin stated, as they reached the grass. Nick turned around, and Kevin, having been a football player, just kept going, before his resolve was gone. As Nick turned around Kevin tackled him. Normally they'd be in a tickle fight after this, but something in both their eyes said that wasn't what was wanted. "Damn me if I'm wrong!" Kevin said, knowing what he was about to do would change both their lives forever. He looked at Nick, the light off his face, and he lost it. He lost all will to fight these feelings, and He leaned in and kissed Nick. Nick's eyes shot open, wide with shock, as Kevin's eyes closed. All Kevin could think was `please forgive me Nick, I have to do this' as he opened his mouth slightly, moving his head slightly to the left. His right hand came off the ground, and caressed Nick's cheek, as Nick soon to relaxed in Kevin's arms, and opened up into the kiss. Slowly moving his tongue out his mouth to meet Kevin's.

They sat on that grass, after breaking the kiss, for a minute, when Kevin felt something grinding with him. He felt Nick's hardness, grinding into his own. Knowing `little Nick' wasn't so little by any means. He went back in for another kiss, one Nick gladly accepted, and continued to grind their hips into each other. Slowly Kevin's hands moved their way down Nick's body, caressing his sides, all the way down to his legs. Then he slipped one hand into the leg of the baggy shorts Nick was wearing, and into the white cotton fabric of his under ware. Slowly he curled his hand around Nick's engorged member. The girth of it alone was too much for Kevin to get his whole hand around. And the length stunned him. He slowly stroked up the shaft, and back down. Nick's breathing had started becoming erratic, as Kevin, painfully slowly stroked his member to its full hardness. As he stroked, he could feel Nick moaning inside the kiss, and moving his hips with the motions Kevin was making. Nick's hands found their way into Kevin's shorts not too long after, and cupped his ass cheeks into his hands. The mounds of flesh molded with his hands, as he lightly squeezed.

They had been going at this for what seemed like forever, and Nick was squirming under Kevin's grasp, but Kevin's strokes were very slow, and rigid. Nick slowly stood the two of them up, removing Kevin's hands as they went. Kevin gave Nick a look of confusion, and almost slight hurt. Nick's breathe slowly caught up with itself, and he looked at Kevin. "Well now, I guess we better get back to the house, this is something I'd like to finish in a less public area. Let's see if the guys notice you or me at attention." Nick chuckled, and then bolted towards the direction of the house. His ass wiggled just the right ways as he did. Kevin was soon after him thinking yeah, like I'm really gonna go soft knowing what's to come, and watching that ass all the way home.' Shaking his head he tried to catch up. for the most part. He liked the view from a few paces back. It only took about 20 minutes to get back to the house. Kevin dropped his head in thought for a few minutes, trying desperately to think of unappealing sexual thoughts so that his member would stop saluting. Try as he might, he couldn't so instead he sighed and opened the door, to see Nick, calmed down and sitting with the guys chatting. "Hey Kev wanna join us for a hot coacoa to take the nip off the cold wind?" As he said it, he looked at Kevin's crotch and smiled, quickly averting his gaze. All eyes were on Kevin as he turned a crimson red, and turned away. "Nope, I'm gonna head to bed." He gave a half evil, half I'll get even' gaze at Nick as he went to his room. As he reached the top of the stairs he heard Brian yell to him "Oh Cuz, make sure to clean it off the ceiling when your done." This caused all the guys to erupt into fits of laughter.

As he pulled back the covers, he figured he would have to finish things off himself, so he undressed completely and got under the covers. As he was about to get down to business, there was a small knock at the door. "Hello?" he answered, a bit confused who would be at his door now, as he fully covered up inside his sheets and comforter. "It's Nick, can I come in to talk?" Kevin almost felt bad that all he wanted was to talk, but he figured he may as well get this over and done with so he could get back to finishing his pending business. "Sure Nick, come on in." Nick walked in wearing just his boxers, which after the door was closed, fell off his hips, and he was holding a small bottle. It looked like a bottle of massage oils, but Kevin wasn't positive. He smiled at Nick, as he saw Nick was quite excited also. Now was his first real good look at the member he was handling earlier, and when he saw it's massiveness, he gawked. Nick used that time to go over to the bed, and sit next to Kevin. "So what's on your mind Nick?" Kevin barely got it out, his mind wasn't forming full sentences very well at the moment, but he had to try. "Well I wanted to talk about what happened earlier tonight. I mean your married, and all. Are you Bi- Sexual.. And where does this leave.. "her"?" Nick asked, not sure how to take what was happening, although he was very willing to be the other man in Kevin's life by all means. "Well "She" knows I married her as a cover up to who I am... and for her to cover up as well. She really is more attracted to women than men... and I to men as opposed to women. We have the "relationship" to keep wandering eyes away, and we date, or whatever with whomever we please."

Nick blinked as he absorbed the information for a moment, and then smiled. "Well them if I do this." He put his hand under the blanket, and grabbed Kevin's cock, and started stroking it gently, as he already had a bit of the oil on his hand, the slick movement was very nice "It's ok?" Kevin just nodded, as he closed his eyes for a minute. Nick slowly pulled back the covers to expose the rest of Kevin's body. He smiled realizing Kevin's eyes were closed. He streaked a finger from just under Kevin's sac, down the little seam. As he did, Kevin let a soft moan escape. Nick then blew on the spot, causing Kevin to grab the sheets violently. "Nick, I swear... if you don't do that again, I'll have to kill you OHHHHH." As Kevin was saying it, Nick did it again, only this time he blew harder, and Kevin almost yelled his moan. Nick looked up for a minute, and then looked to the door, listening to see if he heard foot steps coming, knowing the guys most likely heard that. When he was satisfied they weren't coming upstairs, he raised a brow at Kevin. "Now Kev, you know If you do that again, I'm going to have to do something about it right?"

Kevin grinned as Nick was talking. "Might have to do something to keep my mouth from talking. Fill it somehow right?" Nick nodded with a gleam in his eyes that said `dominatrix on hand' and looked at Kevin. "Something like that." Kevin, not faltering a bit "Sounds like fun. When does it start?" Nick, taken back a bit, started coming up with something truly evil. He ran a hand on Kevin's throbbing member, then flipped him over on his back. He straddled Kevin's back, his own member draping on Kevin's back as well and applied a bit of the oil on his back. He slowly moved his hands in a circular motion by Kevin's shoulder blades, applying just the right amount of pressure to work the tension out of Kevin. As he worked down, he could feel Kevin's body responding to his touch. Almost as if each finger was sending a wave of electricity down Kevin's skin into each and every nerve center. He slowly breathed into Kevin's ear, after he had worked down his calves and feet, in a husky voice "Kev, can I make love to you?" It was so innocent and loving, yet the voice filled with longing and Desire. Kevin had dreamed of this moment many nights, but the sheer size of Nick, scared him to the roots. He put his faith and trust into nick, as he rolled over. "In need to be able to see you, and kiss you." He propped his legs upon Nick's shoulders, and Nick slowly leaned into Kevin. After Kevin handed him a condom, and using the oils as a lube, he slowly started to enter Kevin.

Kevin's face contorted in all sorts of ways, as the monster invaded into his body. He did all he could to keep from screaming as the pain invaded him. He tried his best to relax, but it wasn't until Nick kissed him. That kiss, took away his senses. As if the very fabric of time had stopped. All his attention focused into the deep blue eyes that were staring back at him, and he lost all feeling in his body. Soon where the pain once stood, came back sensations of sheer pleasure. He felt Nick get most of himself in, and slowly started moving back and forth, Very slowly, very deliberate in his motions. As he was moving, Kevin started to match his movements, still lost in the blue of Nicks eyes. He could hear himself saying something, Feeling the bass in his throat call out. He didn't know what he was saying, but he felt the moans coming out of his mouth. By now Nick was lost in the action of what was happening, and he too was moaning. Kevin saw the door open, with 3 confused faces looking in on them. Just as quickly as the door was opened it was closed. That's how it looked anyhow. He was too busy to register it happening, other than the fact he saw the door, and the faces. He wasn't exactly sure who they were, and he really didn't care at the moment. Everything he ever wanted was sitting there with him in that bed. He almost felt as if he and Nick were one.

Before much longer, Kevin felt a tingle in his scrotum. It slowly worked its way to his shaft, and before he knew it, he screamed nick's name. Then the wash of cum came flowing out of him. It was landing on his chest, on Nick's chest. It was flying on both their bodies, and his breathe was caught in his throat. As the muscles in his ass tightened, this was more than enough to throw Nick into his orgasm. Nick made an incoherent grunt as he started to shoot, quickly filling the condom. He slid out of Kevin, still slightly hard, and when he caught his breathe, he grabbed a towel from Kevin's bag. He started wiping his own body down, and then gently started wiping Kevin's body down as well. As he did, Kevin felt the electricity as if Nick was shooting shocks to his nerves. "Nick. will you spend tonight in my arms." Nick nodded slowly, and slid into the covers, wrapping his arms around Kevin. Kevin laid his head on Nick's chest, feeling at ease with the world. He felt less like he was burning out, and more like he was in love.. how could he be in love already? But then again he was in love for a long time now, and the one he loved was laying next to him, in a blissful, peaceful state.

Well that was a MidSummer Night's Kiss.. Want more. Tell me so, it was intended to be a one time thing cause a friend needed cheering up, but I think I could make it regular, if people want more ;) Later.. Jon

Next: Chapter 2: Midsummer Nights Kiss 2 4

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