Midsummer Forest

By John Bromfield

Published on Jun 7, 2020


Midsummer forest Part 4 Fruitful Times by John Bromfield dash10uk@yahoo.com

We moved out of the apartment and into the Park Keepers cottage. An Eco friendly now house that had very little running costs.

There was a backyard with large Greek olive oil storage jars and a lean-to for shade against the summer heat. The other walls had fruit trees trained on them. The backyard would be an ideal place for sunbathing. But Marcus and I found we now get sunburn more easily. If we have to go out we are covered and the rest has sunblock splashed on.

Moving in leads to an even closer relationship with Head Keeper.

We had to do some planning on how the look after the fruit if there were going to be some. The tree had promised fruit. As this should be as natural as possible the mult-seeded fruit would be planted whole and not extract the seeds and then plant them. These trees are like no other trees on earth. Botanists from all over the world marvelled and the blossoms. Some tried to steal them but if they had the flowers would have died within an hour. The flowers faded and at the time of the midsummer moon Marcus and I went to the tree. The guards let us through as they knew we would never harm the tree.

As we got closer I spoke the words "Fair tree we are the Sons of the earth we serve you"

"Oh my Sons I feel my age but I will go happy knowing my Sons have done their duty. You have drunk my sap and more than you should. Your feet now must not be bare on the soil as your feet will become roots and you would become drady yourselves"

We both hugged the tree and stroked it gently.

"There are three fruits in my branches and I know you will look after them. My fruit shall be ready at the Harvest Moon. That will give plenty of time to prepare"

"Oh tree we will miss you"

"My Sons the gods will repay you well and in many ways"

There on the tree were 3 very large apples and of a size no one had ever seen before. This time the guards were on high alert to protect them. Only Marcus and I knew how to look after them. We decided to write a manual on how to look after the trees for Japan and India. These manuals were to be kept in safe places away from prying eyes of newspaper reporters.

The guardians of the tree were to be selected by monks in their monasteries. Boys that were training to be priests. The job was a lifetime commitment and in time would be greatly respected and cared for by others.

Three large containers were prepared in the back yard on trolleys to move them undercover during the summer heat.

Soon the Harvest Moon shone bright and the time to collect the apples was upon us. I told the soldiers in advance and what was to happen so they could organise things from their end.

Three baskets one for each on picking them the tree gave a sigh each time. I told the soldiers to take them to the backyard and their job of defending the tree was complete and place them by the storage jars and wait for our return.

We watch them go and disappeared from view. Now our attention was to the tree we had come a long way in such a short time.

"Oh tree we will miss you" I said as we both hug the tree.

"Son of the Earth and of Drady remember the gods will reward you. Now its time to go"

The air was still yet around the tree a tornado started to rage. Marcus and myself stepped back as the wind increased. Then retreated to the fountain for to find something solid to hold on to. The funnel cloud lifted into the skies and a clap of thunder and was gone. The area where the drady tree was, was now just bare rock.

"That's going to take some explaining" Marcus said

Press release: Tornado hits Athens limited damage but our National Treasure the Drady Tree was destroyed. Park Officials state that the tree was dying after 2000 years and has born fruit this year. The park has two samplings that they have grown successfully with the help of two tree experts. The fruit has been put in a secure location as the fruit is toxic to humans. No one has ever grown this tree from seed before in living memory. Earth samples were taken before this happen and are placed in similar soil. Park Officials also say they have no idea when the seeds will turn into plants or trees.

The samplings looked nothing like the old gnarled Drady tree and in the huge park their location was kept a secret.

I instructed the Head Gardener to bring or buy 5 tons of soil from Mount Olympus and spread it where the Drady Tree once stood. Then plant Cypress trees in pattern that reflects the shape of the Temple of Zeus on a slope. At the back an area will be prepared for the planting of a replacement for the Drady Tree.

The huge olive oil jars were also filled and the fruit laid gently on a bed of sand. Each jar before filling was placed on a trolley so during the day they could be moved into the shade and brought out at sunset.

The baby tree was growing inside me and growing fast needing feeding many times a day. Its roots had grown so I could feed it from a bowl. The day my baby spoke to me shocked me as I always talked to it never expecting a reply. A boy's voice said "Mother it is time for me to leave. You don't have much time"

Marcus came home having been organising the new tree plantings. "Oh sweetheart it is time to give birth. Take me to the park I have not long to go". The full moon was rising in the east. The grove of cypress trees were perfect and shielded peoples eyes from the area behind. Marcus help my off with my clothes. I made a small hole and filled it with milk. Then he laid me over it. The roots started to drink and go deeper into soil. I said aloud "Son its time for you to leave your mummy now but I will never leave you"

"I love you mommy" and after that there was a pain in my chest. Muscles that were not there before started to spasm.

"Come on sweetheart push push" He was trying to make me stand as the roots of the baby held firm in the soil. Then like a breaking of elastic bands there was a movement. Marcus saw a small tree trunk appear.

"My love we are nearly there push" then with one final effort the tree emerges all branches spring into being spread. There before us is a miniature tree shining all white under the moonlight. My own needs become apparent as I spray the whole area in milk trying to remain close to the new born tree.

In my head I heard the sucking sound of a contented baby.

Marcus lifted and carried me in his strong arms back to the house. Running a warm bath for me and washes the soil and mess off me then wraps me in a large bath towel and takes me to bed. There he watches me through the night till dawn and falls asleep.

I wake to feel empty and a sense of loss. I feel my belly and no friendly roots. I wake Marcus "Where is my baby? What have you done to him?" Marcus stirs

"Oh my love don't you remember? Your baby is planted in the grove and gave it enough milk for a week" Then my memories started to flood back.

"I must see him now"

"Are strong enough my love. I will cook breakfast, eat first and then a large mug of coffee and then we shall see how our baby boy is doing. OK?"

"Yes dear" and I fall back to sleep. I dream of the Court of the God's "Oh Son of the Earth we promise to repay you for this gift. Name your desire." I replied "I want never to leave Marcus and for him to make love to him every day."

"I Father of the gods here will make sure you will have him and him you in perfect bliss everyday until the day you are invited to join us in my court"

Suddenly Marcus wakes me "Sweetheart are you alright? Breakfast is served. You were in a deep sleep and was worried"

"No I am fine the dream told me all I needed to know"

We asked the Park Keeper if he would come with us after breakfast. I was to inspect the newly installed element to the park. The new temples gave shade to the young drady trees and they were growing stronger each day.

The Keeper was so proud of the progress and most people like to leave a statement for future generations. His was a small view of Mount Olympus at one end of the park planted in Athens.

We walk to the other end to visit the Grove. All the trees in a line with white marble gravel Chipping's between them. "I commend your work is excellent and all we need now is a drady tree" leading the way around the back there stands a small tree bathed in white and a smell of milk.

The Park keeper eyes were full of tears "How? How?" his words were lost as he approached the tree. He did not touch but marvelled at the beauty.

"Sir this the first male drady tree to be grown in 2000 years. We will look after it as it requires daily feed with plant milk this year and green next year. You have the seeds to look after keeping them out of the sun. Once they have put down roots and the flesh adsorbed they should fend for themselves. I have purchased six refrigerators and plan to fill them with plant food. Once that task has been done dear friend it will be time for us to leave. The job given to us will be complete. But I tell you a secret: We shall always be here and don't be surprised if another drady tree appears to shelter this little one" Although there were tears in his eyes there was a smile too as he understood the connection. He had noticed the change in their skin to a pale green and glowing eyes when removing their sunglasses. These were the Guardians of the Trees and in legend called The Sons of the Earth.

Mario's Cafe was visited lots of times maybe 3 or 4 per day with fruit of Bacchus so we could fill as many plastic bottles as we could and fucked Oh how we fucked. Oh Marcus I love you.

India excepted their tree with a full festival with elephants, dancers, music and they named that day that they could celebrate the return of their holy tree. Monasteries were asked if young pupils were born on that date to become the Sentinel monks (two being selected).

Japan it was a very formal affair of blessings by the high priest. The sound of drums followed by trumpets. One of their gods had returned. This means good luck for the following year.

A place was found near the royal palace in a secluded garden amongst the trees. Monks attended to it every day. Two trainee monks were selected.

On Mount Olympus the youngest son of the chief guide to the sanctuary and the youngest male child of the leader of the village that lies at the foot of the mountain were selected. That tree was placed where tradition said a tree once stood.

All candidates were given a small book on how to look after their trees. How because of these tree may have magic or spiritual nature. They must talk to them and if they get very close the tree it may one day reply. Allow no one else to touch these trees. A Sentinel can stroke its bark as this encourages the tree to grow.

Time of year was coming up to midsummer's eve a time of sorrow and joy. Sent Mario money transfer of 200.000 euros and the same to the Head Park keeper.

A big farewell party at Mario's Cafe and Mario on hearing about our gift "Oh I can now send my son and daughter to university. Thankyou so much" The party was still going on as we left the fruit of Bacchus flowed freely that night and some sore heads in the morning.

Marcus held my hand and I kisses him "Love you forever and always"

"Forever and always I love you too my love"

We both knew what was to be done. We had stretched time to the limit. The full moon rose giving a silvery hue to the park. The Grove looked perfect and behind there a place for Drady's . Marcus had drank heavily this evening. We took off our clothes except our shoes. They were the last thing to take off. Marcus started to spray the ground in a circle with the green drady food. He had made so much this night that it made the whole ground give off the sweet forest smell of a fresh spring evening. He coats his cock and it shines bright green. He scoops up some for me to drink and I suck his finger clean he does it again and I start to feel I need that cock inside my tunnel of love. "Marcus Please I need it" "Just one moment" He also drinks and drinks heavily that made his cock shine even brighter.

Marcus inserts his cock and waves of joy fill me "Yes Yes take me take me give me this joy forever"

"Darling my sweet I am about to cum so close now kick your shoes off. Oh fuck its come Aaaaaah I love you aaaaaah " at that moment I am cumming too. Wave of joy filling our bodies and brains. Our feet covered in green goo start growing roots. Our fingers and arms form branches and our body meld into one in the act of love forever.

The head Park Keeper came around the next day to check on the little Drady tree to find a beautiful new tree. It stood 10 ft high and scattered around it were the clothes the boys were wearing at the party. The bark was smooth except a branch at about 3ft 6 inches up and looked like a cock. Below it was a hole and from it oozed a green slime. He put his finger in and tasted it. "Oh my boys I will make sure you are always looked after because I love you" he hugs the tree with love and his cock is really hard

Notes: The Head Park Keeper got the highest honour in the land for his work in the cultivation of the Drady trees and given a lifetime award so he could retire when he wanted to but his joy were the plants in his park. From the university a handsome young man joined him that also had a love of plants and liked the joys in sharing the same bed. The Drady trees gave him his rewards too and as he to loved (fucked) and lived happily ever after with the young man who had dreamed of being with an older man that would look after him and pump his joy into his nice tight ass.

The Park Keeper collected the clothing and shoes that were around the new tree and burnt them on a bonfire so no trace could be found in the park. He made sure every day he would hug the tree to let it know they were always loved.

Dryads normally capture males to mate with them but never let them go and they become part of the living tree. In this story the park keeper would always be a part of the Dryad and sample the sap sometimes as "Part of their gift to him" making his cock oh so hard.

The first generation of Sentinels not much happened but learned about the green sap that gave beautiful dreams after you have tasted it.

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