Midsummer Forest

By John Bromfield

Published on Jun 3, 2020


Midsummer Forest Part 3 by John Bromfield dash10uk@yahoo.com

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Midsummer Forest Part 3: Beginnings and Ends

I approved the new garden designs. The broken columns were to look like the temple ruins at Olympus and they were built to the south giving the Drady trees some shade. The money had been transferred to the Botanical Gardens so there was to be no hold-ups. I told the Head Gardener I wanted if possible all the main structures to be complete by mid March. The reason being the Drady tree saplings would be ready for their first growing season and I didn't want the soil being moved around them or the gardeners.

I approached the Head Gardener "Next I have bad news. The main tree will die next winter. She is two thousand years old (at this point the gardener started to cry) But she will bare fruit as a final gift. Now I cant tell you how so special this fruit is. Drady trees were found in India, South America and Japan but they were cut down not knowing how rare they were."

"I know it is strange as if I can talk to the trees but I hear her voice in my head when I am near. Everything Marcus and I have done has meant you have two healthy new trees. I want you to write to the Botanical Gardens in Japan, India and Peru that a tree that is extinct in their country that I have the last and only specimen. It will bare fruit soon and then die. The tree is extremely difficult to grow in the first year. You will only get one chance and also this is to be a secret as if stolen the tree will die. When the time is near I would ask you to apply for a special import licence. I will have a member of staff to look after the plant until it is established. The tree has a sponsor that will pay all expenses. The tree's sap is toxic but not poisonous to humans."

"So the tree will bare fruit next year?" he smiled

"I want a barrier in place by the autumn to stop idiots eating or stealing them. The fruit will kill anyone that eats them. The tree's seed will grow inside them and they will not know until at the last moment and find their feet have grown roots and once those roots find earth they will never move again"

"Mr Zeus I never thought of trees as dangerous as this one"

"It understands we are her friends and wish her no harm. It is also true that trees like to be hugged. Well thankyou for the coffee Marcus and I have things to do" I shook the man's hand and he drew me in for a hug. "Don't know how to thank you Mr Zeus"

"Start writing those letters and let me know the results and then we can make plans to save these trees" we left the man in tears we were like the Botanical heroes of the past Super Bot maybe.

"Marcus this is not the way home?"

"I know it's a slight detour" his eyes were as a pale green flashlight.

He was up to something and I think his ass needs a slap.

I was right the detour was to the sex shop. "We need to upgrade my butt plug and yours and a pet for your other unused hole" and there was that green fire in his eyes as he said it.

At getting home Marcus is first to get to the bathroom and unwraps his packages followed by him says "Ooooooh, oooooh Ahhh aaaah Oh yes. Now let see how you my babe is going to fit" He pushes his new medium home "Oh fuck fuck fuck oh fuck mmmm so fucking good"

"Well" I said "Its seems it fits so you shall be go to the Ball"

He appears at the doorway beads of sweat running down his naked body. "Luke I think I need your ass right now" He grabs me and rubs my rosebud with green nectar and my ass responds with sucking his hands. He puts his hands to his rosebud for refill then feeds my hungry ass again "I think we are ready for stage one" his cock covered in his green lube enters easily as my rosebud sucks his piston of pleasure to the hilt. "Oh Marcus please, please" at this he starts to fuck me and on the forward stroke the muscles in my ass would ripple giving his cock a massage from the tip to the base. Marcus could not last long as he moans and then I sense he is cumming. He roars and his whole body shakes "Ahhhh Yes yes" his eyes shine pale green then pulses of joy pump into me and my rosebud responds with sucking at each volley of joy. "Oh Luke I love you mmmmm mmmmm oh fuck yes" as he was climbing down now he said "Now its your turn".

He withdrew his cock and inserted a new butt plug which he had prepared earlier and once my ass lips tasted the green nectar it sucked it home like a baby on its comforter.

"Mmmmm you bad boy I like that"

"I have not started yet"

Now my cunt had been ignored by Marcus as Marcus loved men. But this man Luke had given him so much pleasure that he was going to return the favour. He removed the paper tissues wrapped to stop the green liquid from staining clothes. He rubbed his fingers coating them and fed them to me "Suck its good for you" oh that addictive taste and when he was convinced I had enough. He placed his mouth over my cunt and start to lick my clit. Waves of pleasure rolled to my head and making my hips to rise and fall at the rate of pleasure. My nipples were itching so I pulled them and my brain said yes.

Stage two: He rams the sex toy set to max vibrate into my opening setting waves of intense pleasure the brain. My cunt sucks on the toy my ass sucks on the plug and when all is in motion Marcus sucks my cock. I couldn't speak and my body wreathed and turned. I had no control over my body and then my balls tighten for that blast and Marcus was eager to drink every last drop. When I came the room was lit with green (The walls are white) and a trail of green was flowing across my abdomen until He saw it and licked all up and pull the toy away from my clit and clean it with his tongue and then kissed me giving more nectar.

"Was that not the best?"

"Marcus that was incredible and better then any human can get, double male and one female orgasms all at the same time. Ohhhh fuck I love you"

"Luke from now on I think you will need to wear sunglasses at night as well as during the day"

"Have you not noticed your eyes too?" he goes the mirror and sees his glowing eyes

"Bloody hell will look at that. Seems we both will need our Raybans"

"I get the shower first"

"Ladies first" he said with a smile.

A few weeks past and noticed more green liquid flowing than before and decided to buy some heavy duty tampons and that worked.

The Park Keeper asked if I would meet him at sunset. Marcus had been going on his own and we would meet later at the Mario's cafe for our evening main meal.

The man greeted me like I was family "Marcus will be back in a moment I have the pot on the stove ready for coffee. I have never seen trees grow so fast. This plant food is it available commercially?"

"Marcus has a special formula that will support two trees while I can only make a little of the green stuff. Maybe he will give me his secret in the future" then I smiled thinking of all that wonderful sex. My ass makes a little and my cum is green now like Marcus's.

And there he is standing in the door frame like a Greek god with wicked smile on his face.

"Good evening partner come to see where the real work in done"

"No the Park Keeper here has called me to a meeting" this made the Keeper uncomfortable

"Oh I am sorry I know you are a busy man. Would another time suit you?"

"No it's fine. Marcus sit down somewhere" he finds a comfy well worn chair while coffee is being made.

Once we are all settled the Park Keeper makes ready to tell us the news. In his hands are letters. "I have had replies from the three places you suggested. I will give you Peru's response first. They regarded our offer as if it was a practical joke and had better things to do like saving their rain forests.

Second India was very happy to have a seed or plant of this tree and would treat it as a holy tree returning to its new sacred land. A temple maybe built around it to protect it or will go to one of India's holy sites.

Third Japan. We are happy and blest that you honour us with a gift of the legendary tree that once grew in our fair land. We have many gardens and parks and will choose the best secure location.

Well that's the letters brief contents what do you think?"

"Peru dips out. India and Japan looks like they will make sure the best care will taken and a bit of national pride that this tree returns to their lands.

I said that the Drady tree will have fruit next year but it is unknown to me how many. I would also state how difficult it is to propagate. If someone were to eat the fruit they would never live a normal life. Their life would be shortened and painful. So we are blest this tree bares fruit rarely. If there is three fruits or more I propose one goes to Mount Olympus near to the temple of Apollo where legend stated once a tree stood there. Are we in agreement?"

They nodded and the keeper had tears in his eyes.

"We will go to the tree now and tell of our decision". "No Marcus I will go alone"

I left them and walk across the park to the tree. She was humming that tune again and my brain seem to learn it. Like it was always there somewhere playing in my head. I hug the tree and she sighs. "Why at the end of my life do I meet someone who loves me and understands me"

"My tree I am here to serve and help you"

"Oh Son of the Earth much love I give you. My sap will continue to bring you joy but also it changes humans. You see my knoll that white scar? Place your hole I made in you over it" I take my clothes off and as I approach the knoll within a inch I pull out the tampon and push forward and engages the knoll to stop the flow. I feel a gentile suction "Oh Son of the earth you make me feel young again. Please stay like this for a moment it brings me such joy"

I feel the sucking and it brings waves of pleasure up to my brain. "Dear tree you know this brings me pleasure also so you may drink until I am dry" it was not long before my sap ran out. I told her of my plans for the fruit she would bare. My mention of Mount Olympus brought her to say "By Zeus I have chosen well and he will be blest for his work" As I pulled away I noticed the knoll was in the shape of a small cock now.

"It is a few months to March dear tree is there anything I can do for you?"

"Look after my daughters and drink a little of my sap each day both you and Marcus"

"See you soon my Tree" and I find my used tampon and squeeze the liquid on the cock and in the moonlight it glows pale green. I reinsert the now deflated pad and it quickly expands to stop my leaks.

"Goodbye my tree"

"Goodbye my fair Son of the Earth"

The month of March arrives

Marcus is still producing sap while what comes out of me is green milk and when the moon is full my skin has a green tinge to it and when I drink the nectar now always my eye glows like a flashlight.

I contact the house sellers and buy the Head Keeper's cottage. I had all the windows replaced with double glazed ones. Complete re-wire for electrics. Decorators to paint all the walls. All doors dipped so all back to natural wood. New Solar electric panels and solar heating fitted.

Visited a Lawyer to lay out my ideas. If after 2 years there is no communication between Marcus and or myself the Head Park keeper will pay you 5 euros per year rent to you and after ten years he will gain ownership of that property. He had helped us and believed in this mad idea of saving this tree.

The night of the 15th is a full moon and it is the last time the daughters will need to be fed. They feel this new sensations of sap rising from their roots and the leaves soak up the moonlight. Thin tendrils hang from their branches, sticky with sap to trap moths and other insects.

We all meet at the office Marcus and the Keeper and myself. I tell him of my offer of rent. He said it was a sad time for him as his wife had died the year before and then the authorities put my house up for sale as they needed the money. The Park is my life now and I want to retire and work as a volunteer for the rest of my life. My pension is only a few years away now.

"Marcus and I are off to see the tree now. If I have any more information about things I will let you know" We both give him a hug and left.

I had a bit of trepidation on meeting the tree again as she was near to full power and capable of doing anything. On approach I said "Greetings tree we are the Sons of the Earth we are here to serve you"

"Son of the Earth your tree welcomes you"

We take our clothes off and stand naked before her. Our skin glows green in the moonlight. "Come to me I need your love" we both remove our plugs and moan and take out the tampon.

Liquid is running down our legs. Her knoll now is a full size cock and beneath her hole is dripping wet and welcoming. My cock is rock hard. Marcus enters my ass with ease having the plug only just removed and at the same time as one the tree's tendrils finds his ass wide open and enters and seals it. Marcus has sap and he gives it to her willingly. I know when she has finished as he is pushed forward as the knoll found its target it finds no resistance as my cunt is full of green lube and just like the tree's hole. It too sides in easy at her entrance little tendrils wrap themselves around my cock and balls pulling me back each time.

Marcus kisses the back of my neck while a tendril is rubbing prostrate. Waves of pleasure flood my brain "Oh this feels oh so good I don't how long I can last. Oh I am going to cum, Oh tree this for you Aaaaaah fuck aaaaaaah fuck no aaaah" At this moment Marcus was cumming too it was then the tree rammed into him making me hit the tree hard making my cum be delivered deep in the tree and I heard her cry out in her orgasm too. All fell silent and nothing was moving. Then I heard her sigh and tension was gone Marcus turn me around and kissed me and held me close in his arms. "Thankyou my men your seed has been modified to fertilise my fruit and Luke you have my spur inside you. I ask you carry it for me. You have the milk it can live on. Will you look after my baby, Luke?"

"Tree we have come this far and there is no going back, What is done is done. When does it get born or planted?"

"It can be mid June or next spring but you will have to look after it. My daughters are too young to make milk. When my daughters were here I fed them milk until they could drink sap"

"Question: Do tree babies know when its time to be born? And how do you look after your fruit? "

"Drady babies come out when they are ready. Plant my fruit whole in a sandy soil if all seeds germinate leave in a clump and do not separate as they have connected root systems. Plants like shady areas. The plants can be moved in the wintertime only"

The vine comes clean as a whistle then Marcus replaces it with a plug and reinserts mine too "We got to think about the baby now sweetheart" he said in a Humprey Bogart voice

I replied "Here's looking at you green eyes"

The streets were deserted so no one noticed two bright green men walking the streets that night. On return to the apartment a quick shower and bed and a cuddle and kiss.

I wake at 3pm in pain and knew what it was "It" required feeding. Think how and be quick this thing is waiting. Pastry cutter large and plastic measuring jug. I go to the bathroom and remove my plug and a gush of milky green starts to fill the bucket. Oh that's better and plug returned to it proper place mmmmm. I spread the towel on the floor and with the jug scoop up some of the milk. Over the flat surface that once was once my cunt I place the cutter then start to fill it. At this moment white tendrils seem to be swimming and the level drops so I top it up. When the level no longer drops I wait until there is no more movement. Well little one we have successfully carried out our first feed.

What remains in the bucket I pour into the jug. I wash but still I smell of milk. When I return to the bed Marcus said I was a long time in the bathroom. I replied you would too if you have to feed a baby. "AH!"

Now we were getting into a set routine each day after breakfast that included a large glass of nectar each morning and if we went out always with the shades now. We didn't want to freak people out with the eyes that glowed. The Head Park Keeper rang my number. On the phone he was so excited "Come tonight at moonrise it's the tree, it's the tree" there was very little I could get out of him so I hung up. "Well seems we are going out tonight Marcus"

"Oh nice romantic candlelit dinner for two?"

"No the Park"

"You are such a kill joy"

"Park Keeper's invite. Seems something has happened to the tree"

"Well after that then?"

"Yes dear" and a kiss him.

Checked the Internet: Moonrise over Athens for tonight at 8pm and its a three-quarter Moon.

There is a thing about time if you are busy there is never enough time but if you are waiting it goes super slow. Even if you are watching TV every 5 minutes check watch. I snuggle into my man and fall asleep. He kisses my forehead and suddenly I am wide awake. "Awake my princess it is nearly time to go"

"I have go to the bathroom baby is hungry" I return 20 minutes later having splashed aftershave around to hide the smell of milk.

"How is baby?"

"Happy and hugging and sucking my insides"

"Ah sweet babe" he hugs and kisses "Hugs and kisses on the outside too."

Knowing our skin would glow under the moonlight we kept it covered and it was spring and the nights were still cool. The Park Keeper welcomed us at the gate and you could see his excitement "Come look at the tree you won't believe your eyes"

As we entered the park in the moonlight to the north was a huge light. News vans with satellite dishes on them. I metal barrier surrounded the tree. Dotted around were security guards. Someone had tipped off the media and they were here to see the spectacle.

As we approached the barrier a guard said "And where do you gentlemen think you are going"

"As the Head of this Park. Myself and my colleagues are about to give a press statement"

"Wait here" the man used his radio to confirm who we were. "I have the director of parks with me now and we will join you shortly"

From the back of a large van labelled security two men approach us. The short bald man gets to us "Ah Good evening this puts the work we do on the map. Our work in the Park Department is as important as education"

(Spoken just like a true politician I thought)

"I will address the media then You can answer the questions to the Press"

(And again)

The director knew nothing of trees or plants but an election was coming soon. This was free publicity and he was going to milk it for all its worth.

After his speech the press were on to us as clearly they wanted a story. The Park Keeper was shy but was able to give them some information. "This tree is 2000 years old and is or was the last of its kind. Many have tried to propagate the tree and all failed until these gentlemen manage to get two plant saplings to grow. There are only female trees at this moment known. What you see behind me is the last blooming of the tree. It will die after it has born fruit in wintertime. Below each flower heads are sticky tendrils that eat moths and other insects.

The sap and fruit are toxic but my colleagues have learned ways to handle it safely.

This is the last time in your lifetime you will see a Drady tree flower. I would ask not to use flash photography as the flowers are only open in moonlight. Thankyou"

Then came a shower of flashes which he had told them not do.

A few reporters wanted to know who we were. I said "I am the owner of The Zeus Corporation which was set up for the welfare of the Drady tree and historic sites"

"Does the corporation have any plans in the future?"

"The trees are extremely difficult to move but once kept in a set position or site they will survive. There are three countries where the Drady once lived have been notified. We could move one to each if, and its big if the tree after flowering bares any fruit. The fruit is dangerous if eaten and so is the sap that covers the tendrils. We have both co-operated with Park Department and as a result we have two new Drady trees are in this Park."

"Sir may I ask a question"


"What would happen if someone should eat the fruit?"

"By the evidence we have uncovered. The seeds would stay inside and feed on that person's body and the last place a medic would take them is to place them in the soil so both would die. As this tree only flowers every 2000 years it is safe to the public normally. This year a guard will be in place to protect the public and the fruit. As this tree is a national symbol of pride of Greece. It is proposed a tree should be planted on Mount Olympus near to the Temple of Apollo. All this is in a planning stage and depends if the tree bares fruit. I would ask you to refrain from using flash photos as they are hurting the flowers. Your cameras can get better photographs if you use the reflected light off the trees flowers" My suggestion seem to make sense and the cameras were all set to low light conditions and the tree shone brighter.

We make our way over to the office as the reporters were giving their spiel on what had been said.

When inside I didn't expect the Director of Parks to attack me with words. "How dare you tell the public and press you and you alone had told them Greece was going to share the fruit with the rest of world. These trees belong to Greece and Greece alone. You don't even belong to the Parks department."

"Sir what have you done in this park recently? Besides selling the Head Park Keepers cottage"

"That is not the point I am in charge here not you"

"The media are still here. Shall go to them and give them your point of view?"

"That's blackmail"

"No the Park Keeper and ourselves propagated two trees. You have done nothing. The plan is to put trees in three other countries or places so if a national disaster happens like a fire the tree will survive. So do you leave us alone to protect the tree and you get all the credit or do I go out there and ruin your political career?"

"You bastard if this goes pear shaped the Greek Government will come down on you like ton of bricks". The only thing he had ever grown was a pea in biology class at school and it had died.

Knowing he was beaten he leaves red faced.

"Sorry about that some people only want the glory and don't care how they get it"

The Keeper said "Coffee?"


Midsummer forest Part 4 -- Fruitful Times

Next: Chapter 4

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