Midnight Thunder

By Cory Power

Published on Feb 14, 2001


This is my first story so I want everyone who reads it to email me responses, good or bad to midnightthunder04@yahoo.com.

Disclaimer: As all other stories, this one is not to implicate the sexual orentation of the Backstreet Boys or Aaron Carter. It is purely fiction, nothing is implicated to be real. Now on with...

Chapter One of "Midnight Thunder"

Hi, I'm Midnight Thunder. The 15 year old pop star. This is the story of how Aaron Carter and me got together. Let me introduce myself, I'm five foot four, long bleach blonde hair that comes just below my collar, deep blue eyes. Well, where shall I start; I'll begin when I first became big in the business.

"Midnight, listen. Jive Records are willing to give you a deal," said Laura, my agent, said into the phone.

"Is the contract with Columbia Records broke off," I asked.

"Yes, I finalized it all yesterday," she said. "Well, when do I have to be in to sign the contract," I replied.

"One day next week if you have time off. I'll see if I can't clear you a day."

"I'd thank you much if you could clear me off two days next week, preferably Friday, to go visit Nishon."

"Sure, I'm sure she'd love to see you again."

"Yeah, I haven't seen her in forever. So, I shall talk later then. Bye."

"Alrighty, bye."

I hung up and put my cell back in my pocket. Then walked out on the balcony of my house. I had a beautiful view of the countryside from the balcony in back. In front I could clearly make out every little building in LA.

I had to go to a photo shoot in an hour then I had the day off. So, I figured that I'd get ready to go. I turned and headed for the shower.

When I got out I heard my cell phone ringing. I grabbed it and answered.

"Hello, Midnight here."

"Hey Midnight, It's me Laura."

"Oh hey, what's up,"

"I got you Tuesday for the contract signing during the meeting and I did get you out of the recording on Friday since we haven't made plans, or even signed on with Jive yet."

"I appreciate it. I was just getting ready to leave for the photo shoot in 20 minutes so can I call you back on my break there."

"Sure, I have a meeting in a few with management, but I'll be through by your second break."

"Ok I'll talk to you then, Bye."


When I hung up I grabbed my keys and left for the studio.

When I got there Rob the cameraman was set up and ready to go. So I changed and started posing for him.

An hour later on my second break I went to my dressing room and called Laura.

"Hey Laura."

"Hey Midnight, I got a call from David Letterman and he wants to interview you on his show one night."

"Ok, when do I have to go?"

"Monday night,"

"Ok, I'll fly in on Sunday."

"Yes, I'll have it arranged at the air port, so come by the office when your done and I'll have your tickets."

"Ok talk then, bye."

"Alright, bye." I hung up and went back to pose.

When I was done I hoped in my car and left to go to the office to meet Laura. I got a call from Nishon.

"Hello, Midnight's phone."

"Hey man what's up"

"Hey how the hell are you?"

"I'm fine how are you?"

"Fine, is it alright if I come to stay with yall for the weekend next week."

"Sure man whenever you like, Darby wouldn't mind."

"So is Darby still your guitar player?"

"Yeah, we're just taking a vacation right now."

"Well I need to go and get my tickets from Laura, so I'll call you later."

"Ok, bye."


I hung up and cut the car off to go in. I got by the guard and went to Laura's office. She was on the phone when I went in, so I sat down and waited till she got off.

"Hey, Midnight, here's your ticket for Sunday and here is Friday's flight."

"Thank you, I just got off the phone with Nishon and she said I could come up for a while."

"Ok, but management wants you back by Wednesday of the week after next."

"I can live with that. What time is my flight?"

"It's at 11:45 AM on Sunday and your Friday flight is at Noon."

"Ok, thanks. Did you get reservations at a hotel in New York"

"Yeah it's a real nice one and I got a limo to pick you up and take you straight there unless you have other plans. He is yours for the two days you'll be there. You're return from New York is at 2:00 P.M. so you will be back in time for the contract signing,"

"Alright, thanks."

"Oh yeah, the Backstreet Boys will be on the Connan O'Brian show which is in the same building so you might run into them."

"Cool, always wanted to meet them,"

"Well, I'll talk to you later"


"Hi, your Midnight Thunder right?" asked Nick Carter.

"Yeah that's me" I replied, turning around to face him and the rest of the Backstreet Boys walking up behind him.

"Who are you here for?"

"I've got an interview with David Letterman, yall are here for Connan aren't you?"

"Yeah. Hey meet the rest of us, this is AJ, this is Howie, this is Brian, this is Kevin. Guys this is Midnight Thunder."

"Hi," I said as I shook each of their hands.

"Well Midnight, you here with Connan?" asked Kevin.

"No, I'm going on David Letterman." I answered.

"So what are you doing after the show?" asked Howie.

"Going back to my hotel I guess, why?" I asked.

"Well I thought we all could go get some coffee of something," he replied.

"Sure I'm free."

"Well meet us at the Ocean Bluff hotel we have the 4th floor to ourselves" Brian said.

"Cool, I stay at the same one on the 7th floor though. I'll swing by, yall have a way cause my agent rented me a limo for the next two days just for me."

"Yeah we have one but, we'll take yours cause AJ gave our driver the night off" replied Nick.

"Alright I'll see you then. Bye" I shook their hands as they went to the Connan set in another studio while I went to my dressing room.

Once inside I decided to call Laura.


"Hey Laura"

"Hey Midnight what do I owe this pleasure"

"I just met the Backstreet Boys and we're going to have coffee or something after the show so I might just stay longer than tomorrow."

"I don't know if I can hold off the contract signing tomorrow,"

"Ok, see if you can and call me back after nine. The show will be done recording by then."

"Ok talk then, bye."

"Ok, bye"

I had just got done dressing when the stagehand came and got me for the show. I was watching them record David's first and second segment before I was to come on when I got lost in my thoughts about the Backstreet Boys when a stage hand finally got my attention and told me it was my turn to go on and record.

I was led backstage where I would enter the set from behind. I heard David list the people that where visiting the show and then I heard him call me out.

"Hey Midnight welcome to the show." He said as we shook hands.

"Hello Dave,"

"Midnight, I'm sure the audience wants to know when your first album is coming out."

"Well Dave, if I get a contract with Jive tomorrow, it is supposed to be out next month and it will be called Midnight Thunder, Raging Storms. I'm getting ready to go sign a contract with Jive Records, and get started on it this week,"

"Well ok then now let's see I've heard that you will take a vacation this coming weekend to another famous pop star's house in Hawaii."

"News sure does travel fast, I made reservations for that yesterday. Yes I am. I'm going to visit my friend Nishon and Darby, her husband and her guitar player, in there home in Hawaii from Friday until Tuesday of the next week. Then I go back to LA to plan my first official world tour."

"Well I bet there are a lot of happy boys and girls out there now."

I laughed at his comment. For the next couple of minutes we talked about what I planned on doing on my vacation time and other things when he finally said it was time for a commercial. I was then shown back to my dressing room to change then I was told that I was free to go. So I called Laura back.

"Laura's office, whom am I speaking to," Laura said from the other end.

"Who else," I replied.

"Hey, Midnight, I wasn't able to get you out of the signing so you have to come as scheduled,"

"Damnit, oh well. I probably won't want to anyway,"

"Sorry, I can't talk long, management is on my ass already so I will see you tomorrow,"

"See you then, bye,"


I hung up and went back to my car and left for the hotel. Once there I went to my room showered and changed to get ready to go. When I was done I went to the 4th floor to meet the boys.

When I arrived I heard laughing and playing coming from one of the rooms so I figured that they were in there. I went and knocked on the door and Aaron Carter answered. He stood there for a minute in shock until I said something.

"Are you going to let me in or what?"


"Hi. I see you met my brother. Aaron this is Midnight Thunder. Midnight this is Aaron. He is our opening act on our concerts."

"Hi," I said as shook his hand, which snapped him out of his shock.

"Hi" was all he managed to get out.

Nick led me inside and I sat down beside him and Brian on a couch after shaking everybody's hand.

"So what do you want to do tonight, Midnight," asked Kevin.

"I saw a small 80's like, coffee shop on the corner on the way back from the studios, I thought we might go there for a little while."

"Yeah I saw that one, fine by me lets go" said Kevin.

"My limo is waiting outside the back underground entrance just in case"

"That's where we keep ours at" laughed Howie.

When we got to the car Joseph, my personal limo driver even though I don't need him much cause I usually drive myself cause I have an international special drivers license, was waiting with the back door open. As we crawled in I let Joseph know where to go and we left.

"This is a nice place" Brian commented as we entered. We found a table in the back to sit at and I called a waitress.

"Yes may.." She stopped and stared wide eyed at me then at the Backstreet Boys then at Aaron.

"Could you not draw attention. We'd be grateful." Nick said taking a menu out of her hand.

"Ok" was all she could say while handing out the rest of the menus.

She went back to the kitchen while we thought about what we wanted. When we were through I called her back over and told her we were ready to order.

"What would you like" she asked Nick.

"I'll have chicken spaghetti with a Coke."

"And you" she asked looking at Brian.

"I'll have the same with a Dr. Pepper."

"Ok, and you" she looked at Aaron.

"I want a cheeseburger and fries with a Coke."

"And you" she looked at Kevin.

"I'll take a 3 piece chicken strip dinner and a Mountain Dew."

"Alright, and you" she asked me.

"I'll take a slice of pepperoni pizza with a Mellow Yellow."

"Ok, you" she looked at AJ.

"How about a 3 piece fish dinner with a Coke."

"Ok, you" she looked at Howie.

"I want a hamburger with spicy fries and a Mountain Dew."

"Your order will be out in a few minutes" she said and went to the kitchen.

"So Midnight when will your album be out" asked Nick.

"It should be out next month right before the tour starts which I don't know when that is either. I am going to a meeting with my manager and agent tomorrow in LA to set things up and I have to go and sign my contract with Jive this week as well."

"We have to go back to LA tomorrow as well to meet with our management for the same" replied Kevin.

"When's yalls flight" I asked.

"At 8:00 AM sharp" answered Kevin getting a groan from the rest of the table.

"Mine too" I laughed.

"Maybe we have the same ones" asked Howie.

"I do believe so" I said.

Then the waitress came and we ate and talked a little. After we were done I noticed Nick look at the others and then shook his head. I was wondering what that meant when Kevin spoke up.



"We have to tell you something and we want to do it now."

"Ok, shoot."

"Well." Nick spoke up.

"I'm gay," he confessed starting to blush and look down at his plate afraid of my reaction.

"Ok, cool" I replied. They looked at me with shocked stares.

"Your ok with this" asked Kevin

"Yeah, your secret is safe with me" I said and noticed relief in Nick's eyes.

"I'm gay myself" I said casually getting 6 shocked pair of eyes look up at me again.

"Your ok with this aren't you" I asked.

"Yeah sure" they all said in unison.

We rode to the hotel in silence. When we got there Nick was the first to say something.

"Want to come to mine and Brian's room to watch some movies." I noticed a smile on his and Brian's face and I knew he was hitting on me but I wasn't about to complain about it, even though he was about six years older than me, age don't matter.

"Sure I ain't got nothing to do, besides I can stay up late and still be able to get up early."

We went back to their rooms in silence then AJ spoke up and said he was going to bed along followed Howie and Kevin. Nick opened the door as we said goodnight to the others and me, Nick, Brian, and Aaron went in. We decided to watch the Scream trilogy. When we were done with the first movie, Nick tried to get up and found Aaron had fell asleep in his lap. I smiled and got up to put the second movie in. When it and the third was over it was almost one. Nick laid Aaron down and got up and motioned me out onto the balcony.

"So, were you lying" he asked when the door was shut.

"What" I said half stunned.

"Did you say you were gay just so the guys would leave you alone about being ok with me or were you for real" he asked again.

"I was for real Nick, I'm gay and have been for a while." I replied and saw Nick perk up a bit. "Why"

I was just wondering that's all" then he leaned over and kissed me on the lips. It was the most passionate kiss I have ever experienced. After several seconds he pulled away.

"I'm so sorry, Midnight, I didn't mean to"

"It's ok Nick calm down," was all I could say.

"Your not mad at me" he was shocked.

"No Nick to tell you the truth I have been wanting to do that all night." I confessed.


"Yes, how about you come over to my room for the night. We can leave them a note telling them where you are."

"Ok" he said happily.

He found paper and a pen and left them a note telling them the room phone number and told them to call us for breakfast. Then we left. I let us in and went to the bathroom and changed into jogging pants and a shirt. When I came out he was lying on the bed waiting. He motioned for me to come over and we crawled under the covers.

"I'm not ready for anything like that if you don't mind but we can cuddle for the night. I'm just not ready to do anything to intimate until we get to know one another."

"That is fine with me" I replied.

Then we fell asleep in each other's arms to, just be awoken by the guys the next morning.

"Aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww how sweet" they all said in unison.

"Shut up" came Nick's muffled voice from the crook of my neck.

"Time to get up you two" came Kevin's voice from the window with a worried look on his face.

"Fine I'm up" Nick and me said in unison causing everyone to laugh.

I told them that I would meet them in Kevin's room in about half an hour, and then I hopped in the shower. Thirty minutes later I went in Kevin's room and I noticed Kevin and realized that he thought Nick and me did something. I got Nick's attention and got him on the balcony alone while the others ate breakfast.

"What's up," he asked when the door closed.

"Have you noticed Kevin," I asked.

"Yeah what's wrong, do you know"

"I think so. I think he thinks we did something last night."

"Oh," a worried look began to form on Nick.

I turned around and opened the door and called Kevin out.

"What," he asked a little worried and a little nervous.

"What's up with you today," Nick said.

"Well...," Kevin's voice trailed off.

"You think we did something don't you," I blurted.

"No, well yes," he confessed

"Well we didn't neither Midnight nor me want that yet," I saw the relief when Nick said that.

"I just don't want either of you to get hurt that's all" he said.

"We don't want that either that's why Nick and me plan to wait till we know each other and to see if this relationship will work" I explained.

"Midnight's right we are waiting for the right moment for that but thanks for looking after us, mom." Nick ducked as Kevin made a pretend punch in his direction.

We laughed and went in for breakfast. Breakfast went by with the usual small talk. Usually about the upcoming tours and records.

"You know Midnight, our tours are about the same time in the same places. That could take away publicity from one, more likely us cause your new." Kevin stated.

"True, I have thought on that and since you seem like the head of the group in business matters I wanted to talk with you on that. I figure if I was on Jive as well as yall I figure that I could talk Laura into talking management into a joint tour with you guys."

"Hey, I like that idea. I'll run it past management today," he replied

"But you know we are already being conned into a joint tour with Britany and Christina" replied Nick.

"I don't think Christina is going, but they will let us pull Midnight into seeing his popularity right now. Shit you guys our flight is in 20 minutes we gotta go" Kevin answered as he looked at his watch.

"Let me grab my stuff and I'll meet yall in the kitchen to the parking lot in five," I suggested.

"Sure we still have a few more things to grab see you there" answered Brian.

Five minutes later in the kitchen I met the guys waiting.

"Midnight, shouldn't we take one car." Kevin suggested.

"Yeah I suppose so. I'll go with yall" I replied.

"Alright climb in" said Kevin.

The ride to the airport was completely silent. Nothing was said until we got to the VIP lounge of the airport.

"So where is your tour going Midnight" asked AJ.

"Well, first we go over the US, then we go to Canada for a while then off to Europe where it all ends." I answered.

"That's basically ours as well." replied Kevin.

"Flight 8119 to Los Angeles first class boarding now" came the fight attendant over the intercom.

"That's us" Kevin jumped up. We all boarded the plane and head to our seats to prepare for lift off. I notice Brian and Nick huddle up together and started to laugh.

"What's so funny." Kevin asked.

I pointed to Nick and Brian and got Kevin to start laughing. When Aaron came to sit beside me.

"Hey gonna talk this time." I asked.

"Yeah I just wasn't expecting you to show up." he answered.

"Your not afraid of flying"

"No not really."


"So how do you like the pop star life,"

"It's great, I'm away from home, which I like, cause I hate both sides of my family,"

"Mom and me don't get along well unless Nick's there,"

"Mom and me fought constantly,"

"Just thought I'd say hey, I usually sleep on planes,"

"Me too," I replied, and we both fell asleep.

"Shit, guys management forgot to get us a car or a hotel room while we were here," said Kevin, who just got off his cell phone as we got out luggage.

"What the hell are we supposed to do," asked Howie.

"I have a car waiting out in the lot out there and a house since I live here most of the time yall can crash at my place." I offered.

"You sure," asked Nick.

"Yeah I've got fifteen guest rooms and 19 fold out sofa beds across the whole house, and Nick can sleep with me and the rest of you can have your own room."

"Damn that's huge," AJ commented.

"I don't know about Aaron having his own room,"

"Nick, lighten up on the kid he gets his own room he is responsible enough the stay in his own room," I defended.

"Fine then its settled," he caved.

"Yes now my car is this way" I said leading them into the parking lot.

"Damn, a 2001 Ford Mustang Convertible with Manual Overdrive, Power Retractable Convertible Top with Semi-Hard Boot, Air Conditioning, 80-Watt Premium Sound AM/FM Stereo with Cassette and CD Player, 15" X 7" 6-Spoke Cast Aluminum Alloy Wheels with Bright Argent Paint, P205/65R15 BSW All-Season Tires, Reclining Cloth Front Bucket Seats, Power Decklid Release, Power Windows, Power Door Locks, Remote Keyless Entry System, SecuriLockT Passive Anti-Theft System, Tilt Steering Wheel, Interval Windshield Wipers, Second Generation Driver and Front Passenger Airbags" says Nick when he sees my car.

"And a $7000 lightning streak paint job, all totaling to $31,300. But the engine is wrong, it came with that, but I had my uncle ,who is a mechanic, build me a Ferrari engine from scratch. I didn't know you were into cars Nick," I corrected.

"Just a little, I know my around. I'm usually the one choosing cars at the lot"

We got in the car and rode to my house. When there I showed everyone to their rooms.

"Our meeting isn't until 2:00 do you mind if I get some sleep flying takes a lot out of me," asked Brian.

"Me too," Kevin, Nick, AJ, and Howie said in unison.

"Sure I'll wake yall up," I laughed.

"Aaron, you gonna be alright,"

"He's fine Nick he is with me don't worry,"

"That's the whole point to worry,"

"Shut up and go to bed." I laughed, "Well its just you and me now what do" I looked up and saw Aaron crying at the end of the table.

"Aaron what's wrong" I said and went over to him and sat down with him in my lap as he cried into my shoulder.

"Midnight, can I tell you something and you promise not to tell anyone." He asked.

"Sure Aaron what is it."

"Well I'm gay and I don't think Nick will be proud of me any more."

"Aaron, you know Nick will be proud of you no matter what and the other guys don't have a problem with it cause they accepted me and Nick,"

"I don't know. You don't know Nick as well as I do,"

"True, but you can't hide it long you should tell him,"

"I know but when,"

"Tonight after the meeting,"

"I guess so,"

Aaron and me played Nintendo and watched TV until one I figured I should go ahead and wake them. When everyone was showered we left. According to Kevin our meetings were in the same building so I guessed that we would have met eventually.

"Hey," said Laura as I entered.

"Hey and Hello everyone where shall we start," I asked.

"Well the CD is planned, all you have to do is the recording, but I couldn't get you out of planning the tour, and of course the contract signing," Laura replied.

"Ok well I have a few ideas myself. First you know that the Backstreet Boys will be in the same places at close to the same time so I figured that we could go in joint tour since it would be to competitive."

"That's what we wanted to run by you," Bill, a suit from Jive, said.

"BSB are running it by their managers as we speak."

The rest of the meeting went by talking about where we will stop and the album, and then the contract was taken care of. When it was over I left for the lobby to wait for the boys. The ride home conversation was about the things we had set at the meetings.

"Guys," I said as I entered the living room with Aaron and turned the TV off, "Aaron has something to say especially to Nick."

"Well I'm gay," he blurted before he lost the nerve.

"WHAT THE HELL, AARON YOUR TO DAMN YOUNG TO THINK ABOUT SOMETHING LIKE THAT." Nick jumped up. Aaron stormed off to his room.

To Be Continued...

That's it for chapter 1. Need responses as too whether or not to keep this going. Copyright Cory Power 2001

Next: Chapter 2

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