Midnight Swimmers

By moc.loa@5reknaY

Published on Jul 2, 1999




WARNING: This story contains sexually explicit details describing homosexual acts between consenting adult males. This is intended for adults only. Do not read any further as you may be violating the law in your area. The acts which are described are not an endorsement of homosexuality but merely described some activities that I was engaged in. Take care, and please read no further if you are under the legal age in your area.

Some of the activities described in this story are not without risk for contracting a sexually transmitted disease. So, please always practice safe sex: know your partner, wear condoms, use sanitary practices. Remember: the safest form of sex is solitary masturbation followed by masturbation with a friend. So, give me a call friend and let's get crankin'.


"Midnight Swimmers"

A true story by Yanker5

Summers can be particularly hot in the Midwest and we dudes often resort to all sorts of tactics to cool the raging heat that builds up outdoors as well as the pulsating heat between our legs. My name is Josh and I love to jack off with other guys. Here's what happened just last weekend.

Around 10 AM last Saturday, my good j/o bud Danny called to ask if I would be interested in some midnight swimming at a nearby lake. This lake is quite large, with lots of inlets for fishing, hiking, camping and picnicking. You can usually find someone fishing or walking about at all hours of the night. Although the swimming beaches close at sundown, it is still possible to bypass the gate and hike into some of the more secluded areas. In high school, we would frequently party all night on the beach, building small campfires and getting so drunk that we would end up sleeping on the sandy parts of the beach. (It is probably somewhat unsafe these days but the real nut cases still have not discovered it. Until then, we will continue to swim at night.)

I left the house after midnight with my backpack of snacks and power bars. The other guys were supposed to bring the beer. We parked our cars at the camp grounds and hiked about a half mile along the edges of cultivated farmland, through a grassy field and into a wooded area that extends around the perimeter of the lake. By following some meandering paths (probably made by deer) we made it to our favorite spot: our swimming hole.

This is a very secluded swimming area that has natural sandstone outcroppings (15-20 ft cliffs) that jut out over the water inlet. The lake extends into the area and forms a bay with a sandstone beach towards the back. We can jump from the lower sandstone beach into 4-8 ft deep water. The best part, however, is a Tarzan-style rope that attaches to an overhanging gigantic oak tree with branches that extend over the water a considerable distance. We grab the rope and swing out over the water and drop down about 10-20 feet into the water. Jumpers must land in the central, deepest part of the inlet or run the risk of coming down in shallow, murky water.

During the day, this is not at all difficult since you can tell when to drop. At night, however, it is a bit dangerous since one might land in the wrong spot. We only "swing" on moonlit nights when spotters can call out "drop" commands to the swingers. Sometimes a swinger may chicken out and ride the rope back to safety. When this happens, the "chicken" has to carry back all the picnic equipment. Anyway, you get the picture: secluded swimming hole, moonlight on the water, beer and cute guys.

Last night, Danny showed up with Tim and Cal (two frat guys who met in college) and Mark, a straight guy Dan had met at a swimming meet a couple weeks ago. Mark (age 21?) used to be on the swimming team but voluntarily dropped out due to bad grades. Mark is a real hunk, built like a swimmer (nice pecs, very slim hips, strong shoulders, great legs and a butt that makes my mouth water). He has very short blond hair, light blue eyes, little body hair and a barely visible moustache that he has been trying to grow for some time now. He appears to be somewhat shy (maybe cautious with strangers) but with a great sense of humor. Mark's a really nice guy who likes to kid around in physical ways: like getting you in a head-lock and applying a "dutch rub" to your head with his knuckles. It hurts sometimes, but he is just having fun and not trying to be mean.

Mark's girlfriend dumped him a couple months ago and he is trying to forget her by drinking too much and partying. Interestingly, I don't think he wants another girlfriend because he has turned down several dates with some hot gals. Probably, he hopes to get back with his girl at some future time. Anyway, he agreed to come to the midnight swimming session probably out of curiosity (to see the swimming hole and to find out what a bunch of guys might be up to at this hour of the night).

We arrived at the swimming hole around before 1:30 AM and stashed the picnic stuff under the overhanging cliff. Tim and Cal climbed up the sides of the cliff to the rope swing and spent several minutes stripping down to their swim suits. As I looked up, I could see them making out near the edge of the cliff. Tim was in back of Cal and had put both of his hands down into the front of Cal's swim suit and was humping him from behind in a mock sexual attack. Cal was shouting "rape, rape" and trying to push Tim away. Cal grabbed the rope in order to swing into the water but Tim pulled him back and Cal ended up crashing on top of Tim.

At first, there was concern that Tim may have been hurt since he landed rather hard on his back, but he was fine. Tim and Cal are medium height (5'10" I guess), slim and above average looking guys in their 20's. They both work outdoors doing landscaping work and so have great tans and are in good physical shape. Not muscle-studs but real jock-creamers.

Dan and I grew up together and were j/o buds from the start. We were classmates through high school, but went our separate ways in college. Neither of us left the Midwest and we often get together for some hot jerking sessions. Dan is a really good looking Irish guy, slim, maybe 150 lbs and 5 ft 7 inches. He has short, brownish hair and blue-green eyes. He likes muscular guys (swimmers, body builders, gymnasts) and generally does not compromise his ideal. He had his eye on Mark but was willing to share with his friend, Josh. What a buddy.

What do I look like? Well, Josh is a 6 ft 1 in, Irish/Italian dude, 175 lb, light brown hair, coffee brown eyes, slim build, 33-inch waist, nice pecs, flat abs with some definition, light brown-colored body hair (some brown traces on my 44 in chest, with a pencil-thin line of light brown hair running from above my navel down to my pubes). One gal I know commented that I have a very nice butt. Danny and I like to swim, bicycle, hike in the woods and just enjoy nature with other dudes.

The moon was full last night and lit up the area amazingly well. You could read a newspaper easily. Mark, Dan and I spent about an hour swimming at the edges of the lower rock beach while Tim and Cal kept jumping off of the Tarzan rope and dropping into the water. They finally got tired and spread a blanket onto the hard sandstone beach and started drinking some beers.

Mark had taken off his clothes and was wearing his speedo-type swim suit. (What a mouth-watering, fuckin' stud this guy is.) We were all having a good time pushing each other into the water, splashing, having belching contests and being generally obnoxious. After the beer took effect, Tim and Cal got quieter, just watched the rest of us swim and then started making out on the beach.

This was a tense moment for me since I did not know what Mark's reaction would be. He looked in their direction a couple times, laughing once, since he thought they were still horsing around. But then Mark got quiet too. He went over by the beer, sat down and continued to drink for some time (downing 3-4 beers, I guess). He was brooding and probably trying to decide if he should leave. Finally, he took three cold ones from the cooler and came over to the water where Danny and I were sitting half submerged. Dan and I eagerly accepted the brews.

No one said a word as we slowly sipped our beers as we sat in the water. I could see Mark glancing over to Tim and Cal and then away quickly. Tim and Cal were really making out (kissing, rolling around and rubbing every part of their hunky bodies as they rolled on the hard beach). I saw Tim pull down Cal's swim suit and start jerking him as Cal lay on his back, legs bent but spread apart. Cal was feeling pretty frisky and humping Tim's hot hand quite a bit. Finally, Tim shed his speedos and the two of them lay side by side jerking each other slowly and kissing. At this point, Mark got out of the water, faced away from Tim and Cal and dangled his legs over the edge of the water. Dan and I were on either side of Mark but still in the water and wondering what to do.

I got the inspiration that Mark could show us the proper form for jumping off the rope and Mark thought it was a great idea. We took our beers, climbed the side of the rocks up to the rope and sat down to finish the beers. Dan suggested that he jump first and that Mark critique his style. So, Dan stepped up to the rope, swung out, and just before releasing shouted "EEEEE-HAAAA" and dropped into the water. Tim and Cal were obviously impressed as they stopped making out long enough to give Dan a round of applause.

Mark stepped up to the rope and suggested a safer way to grip it. He took my hands and placed them on the rope. He stood in back of me and positioned my hands on the rope in a manner that he thought would allow for better control. I sensed that he was nervous about doing this - especially when I sort of stepped back and was engulfed by his strong arms and broad shoulders. I thought I felt a hardness under his speedo but he just moved back, excusing himself. I suggested that we both jump together on the rope but he nixed the idea and the other three guys shouted out that it would be too dangerous. They were challenging me to jump.

Finally, I grabbed the rope as Mark had suggested, ran and swung out over the water. Dan shouted "drop" and I let go. It was not a good drop since I twisted a bit, turned and landed on my side. I came down hard, got a mouthful of water but I survived.

As Mark stepped up to the rope everyone was at complete attention: Tim and Cal stood up, peckers flopping in the warm night breeze, and faced the edge of the cliff to view the event. Dan and I moved away from the center point and treaded water together as we waited. Mark wasted no time, grabbed the rope, let out a Tarzan cry and swung out over the midpoint. We told him to "drop" and he did a vertical twist and dropped into the water without making a splash. We all went wild with cheering and when he surfaced, he was grinning from ear to ear. Dan and I swam over to him and slapped him on the back, hi-fived, etc.

Feeling playful, I jumped up on Mark's shoulders, pushing him under the water, and swam towards shore. Big mistake - as he quickly overtook me and pulled me under the water. I swallowed a lot of water and surfaced coughing the shit out of my lungs. Everyone was laughing and started calling me "Jaws". Hey, I never said I was a good swimmer, dudes.

As Tim and Cal went back to making out in back of us, Mark, Danny and I sat on the edge of the stone beach and dangled our feet in the water. We drank a couple more beers and just quietly sat enjoying the absolute tranquility of the lake. Then I noticed that Dan had put his hand on Mark's leg and started rubbing it slightly. Mark just kept looking at the water, not saying a word. Well, I started rubbing his other leg, too. Slowly, at first and then with more pressure. I could see that his speedos were fighting to hold back an excited cock-monster. Mark was nervous, I am sure, but the beer must have relaxed him a bit. Finally, he just reclined back with his legs still in the water and closed his eyes as if he had dozed off. He took one deep breath and let out a contented sigh.

I worked my hands up to his speedos and started massaging his cock through the silky material. Yup, it was hard alright: like a ramrod and throbbing. Dan continued rubbing his inner thighs as I reached into the speedos and grabbed his generous throttle. He let out a faint moan (like someone might in their sleep) and made a little humping motion. I tried to pull his speedos down but could only move them a little. He rolled left then right, enabling me to completely slip his speedos down his legs and into the water. I flung them onto the shore near Tim and Cal who were now watching the action.

At last, Mark was stark naked, legs spread apart and dangling in the warm lake water. His cock remained hard and I continued to jerk him a bit as Danny massaged his inner thighs. This was rather uncomfortable for all of us so Dan and I jumped up and tried to get Mark to move over to the blanket. After much coaxing and physical effort we guided him onto the blanket.

He lay on his back, cock still throbingly hard, and he appeared to be dozing. Tim and Cal gathered around as Dan and I started jerking Mark and massaging his abs, legs and upper chest. Mark's cock got even harder. Finally, Dan went down on Mark's cock and started licking and sucking vigorously as Tim and Cal stroked at the sight. Mark lifted his head, opened his eyes, saw what was going on and let out a contented smile. He lay back down and said something like "Oh dudes, that really feels good. Keep it up."

We took this as a "full speed ahead" command and started some serious sucking, rubbing and jerking. Mark was a horney guy and a very juicy fucker. In a few short minutes, pre-cum was oozing liberally from his prick head and spreading all over my jacking hands. I pumped his thick cock-meat very slowly, applying a twist when I neared the tapered head. I gave the "three-finger rub" around his cock-head. For this, I use my thumb and two adjacent fingers to squeeze and twist the head a bit. It's like slowly twisting a bottle cap one way then back again. My thumb presses up and down along the shaft against the back of the head while the next two fingers apply rotational friction along the base of the head. (I'm getting hard just think thinking about this again.)

"Jerk me off, dudes, I'm really hot. Jack me dry," Mark was saying in a deep, nearly grunting way.

About 15 minutes into our play, Mark started humping motions. I could see his ab muscles rippling as he made the deep thrusts into my pre-cum lubed hands.

"Fuck, I wanna cum. Faster dudes, jack me harder."

He was really hot now and his hips were thrusting slowly yet powerfully. Finally, he let out a deep moan, thrust forward and shot a real gusher straight in the air and back down on his abs as well as into his pubic area. Tim and Cal had also shot onto each other and were now kissing and wet humping on the blanket. Dan and I had been jerking ourselves throughout all of this and finally released our loads all over Mark's chest and legs.

As Tim and Cal watched, Dan and I gave Mark a cum-massage by spreading our man-juices over Mark's gorgeous abs, chest, pecs and semi-hard cock. Mark moaned "dudes, dudes keep it up" throughout all of this and managed a couple more spurts which we lovingly spread over his 7 inch pecker. Man, this guy must not have unloaded in a couple weeks. Not bad tasting either.

We were all exhausted and decided to rest on the blanket. The strong smell of cum was thick in the damp air yet it was quite energizing and relaxing at the same time. Eventually, Mark sat up, looked down at the mess on his chest and abs and staggered over to the edge of the beach where he stood looking at the moon on the water. He was beautifully naked, covered with drying cum and possibly embarrassed by the events that had transpired. He didn't say a word. I was beginning to feel very guilty about what we had just done to this straight stud, Mark.

My guilt was short-lived when Dan made a run and cannonballed into the water, creating a gigantic splash that got most of us wet. Mark livened up and took a perfect low-angle dive into the water and quietly swam out towards the center of the inlet. He swam very quickly and so far out into the lake that we became worried what he might get lost in the vastness of the lake.

We were thrilled when he reappeared and shouted out for us to join him. All four of us jumped, butt-naked into the water and swam over to Mark. The water was warm but refreshing. It removed any traces of the previous activity and broke the tension. We continued to splash, swim and be obnoxious as usual. Mark pushed me under the water a couple times and straddled my shoulders to hold me down. He would then submerge, go underneath me and thrust me to the surface so that I would shoot out of the water like a surfacing dolphin. Everyone dubbed me "Flipper". (Hmm, I think the name is quite appropriate.) Mark swam quite a bit in the inlet and even did a couple more jumps from the rope while letting out the Tarzan yell. What a stud!

It must have been after 5:00 AM when we decided to trek back. Mark was fairly talkative, mostly about swimming tips and warnings about bad swimming techniques that he had observed. We were grabbing each other's butts on the way back to the car and Mark pulled down my loose-fitting cut offs causing me to trip and fall into some brush. (I'll get him for that.) We were five, dead-tired dudes, for sure. I slept very well that morning.

Yesterday, I heard from Danny that Mark would be interested in joining us (just Dan and me) for another midnight swim. When we do, I'll be sure you let you know what happens.

Hopefully, to be continued.


OK, stud-dudes and jerk buddies that's REALLY what we did at the old swimming hole last week. Now, you gotta tell me how these events grabbed you. Give me all the nasty details. Get me hot. I'm waiting to jerk again.

Happy jerkin' from Josh.


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