Midlife Eruptions

By Xero Cool

Published on Jun 29, 2011


This story is of a homosexual nature and contains sexual encounters between men. If material of this nature offends you then this story is not for you. If you are under 18 years of age you are probably not legally allowed to read this story.

This story is purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. The author claims copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed (except by the web sites to which it has been posted) without the consent of the author.

"I have to work," he replied.

"No you're going," Roger asserted. "Get someone to fill in for you."

Steven was surprised at this tone and looked at him in shock. He simply nodded in agreement. Where was his mild mannered, wimpy childhood friend? He was glad that Roger could assert himself now.

"Well I've got to go. I have a lot to get done," Roger winked as he got up.

They walked out silently and stood by the curb as Steven called for another taxi. The vehicle pulled up and they both got in. They were silent for the entire trip. He was happy to see his Arab friend again. Before they knew it the vehicle was pulling up in front of Stevens's apartment.

"Where are you staying?" Steven asked.

"I made reservations at a hotel nearby," Roger replied.

"No sense in that. You can stay here until you're ready to head back," he replied. "Come on get out. You can cancel your reservations from my apartment."

Roger was about to say something but Steven cut him off.

"Thanks man," Roger said meekly.

They climbed three flights of stairs to get to the apartment. Once inside Steven showed his friend around.

"You can use my room. There's a pull out bed underneath mine. Just don't make a mess, ok," he instructed.

"Not a problem. Can I borrow your phone? I need to call the hotel," Roger asked.

"Sure, its over there," Steven motioned next to the bed.

"Thanks," Roger replied and dialed up the hotel immediately.

When Roger was finished on the phone Steven rubbed his stomach.

"Some things will never change," he said.

"There's a furnace in my stomach that burns up the food as fast as I eat it," Roger said along with Steven.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Did you get through with the hotel?" Steven replied.

"Yup. They'll send over my stuff. Wasn't that nice of them I didn't think city folk would be so friendly," Roger replied.

" You have some clothes you can lend me?" Roger asked, undressing before Steven had time to reply.

Steven watched as his friend undressed noticing how muscular he had become. When he was down to his underwear Roger started flexing for him, turning around and raising his eyebrows.

"Looking good, huh?" he said.

"Yeah, I guess," Steven replied.

"You're full of it," Roger replied. "Come on big fellah, lemme see what you got."

"You want to take me?" Steven teased.

"I can take you. Yeah, Ill take you down, bro," Roger said, cracking his neck.

They circled each other looking for an opening. Roger was the first to make his move, lunging forward and pulling back immediately, causing Steven to lunge forward and open up his defenses. Roger grabbed him in a headlock and pulled him backwards. Roger was more agile than Steven, but Steven was much stronger then Roger. He fought to remove the strangle on him, but Roger proved to have a wicked hold on him. He could feel Rogers muscular body pressing into his, especially a hard bulge pressing into his ass.

"Not bad, huh?" Roger laughed.

Steven took a deep breath and pulled Roger over his shoulders, dropping him on the floor in front of them. Roger grimaced and arched his back. It was quite a powerful blow he received. Steven rubbed his neck, his shirt ripped in the process, so he pulled it off revealing his musculature. The tenants just below felt the ceiling shake and wondered what was going on.

"Give up?" Steven asked.

"You wish!" Roger replied and got up.

They wrestled for a bit more causing a ruckus. Before they knew it there was a knock at the door.

"Crap, we must have been making a lot of noise," Steven said, breathing heavily.

Roger shrugged. Their bodies were covered in sweat and Roger was half naked. He couldn't help but notice how sexy Roger was looking half naked. He was getting hard just thinking about it. He checked a monitor near the door which showed his neighbor that lived right below him. Sighing, he opened the door.

"Hey, is everything ok?" the man asked noticing his sweaty body.

"Oh, um, yeah. Was I making a lot of noise?" he asked, still breathing heavily.

The man peered into his apartment noticing Roger coming up from behind, also sweaty.

Sorry about that, Roger said putting his arm over Stevens shoulder.

"We were just fooling around."

The man raised his eyebrows. Steven shrugged off Rogers arm.

"We were just doing a bit of wrestling, catching up on old times. This is a good friend of mine from back home. He just came to visit for a while," Steven replied, feeling a little bit embarrassed.

"Oh ok," the man replied, looking more satisfied. "Just wanted to make sure everything was fine."

"Uh-huh," Steven nodded. "Everything's A-ok."

"Ok, well I'm heading back," he said, raising a hand to say goodbye.

Steven closed the door, pausing for a moment. He turned around and Roger was standing right behind him, a little too close.

"I'm sure he's okay. Probably thought there was a burglar or something," Roger said.

They were close enough for Steven to smell Rogers cologne mixed with the smell of perspiration. It was turning him on and he couldn't understand why. He leaned to the side and smelled his armpits; they were also stinking of perspiration. Damn, he thought, he was getting turned on by his own perspiration. Roger, smelt his armpits as well realizing that he was reeking.

"I better go shower," he said.

Then Steven said the strangest thing, surprising himself.

"No need to buddy. Were men, we stink naturally", he laughed.

Roger laughed too. They stood there for an awkward few moments before Steven held Roger by the waist as he brushed against him to pass, their hairy, sweaty chests sliding against each other. He did this on purpose, still confused about why he was doing it. He had never had any attraction to men before, or at least he never went further than admiration of their bodies. Before Steven could pass Roger grabbed him by the waist and lifted him bodily, squeezing him as tightly as he could. Steven laughed and wriggled out of his grip. They tumbled into the living room Roger falling on top of Steven and pinning him to the ground. Roger was grinning mischievously. Steven could smell the musk of his buddy's crotch wafting up to him. They were sweating profusely; he had forgotten to put on the air condition. Roger straddled his friend, who stopped resisting.

"Giving up?" he asked.

Stevens's sex drive was making him too weak to resist any more. The smell of their sweat, perspiration and cologne was causing an unwanted desire to build up in the man. Roger could see the change in his friend and sat on his crotch. He could feel the bulge of his crotch through Stevens's pants. Steven closed his eyes, his body going limp. Roger, let go of his wrists and got up. Steven opened his eyes to see Roger standing over him. He had a perfect view of his friends body from where he lay. He could see Rogers boxer briefs soaked in sweat and probably precum as his dick printed out clearly. He suddenly had the desire to yank off this man's underwear and suck his cock. It looked huge bunched up in that black underwear. Steven could feel his cock betraying him, oozing precum in his pants.

Roger offered a hand and pulled Steven up. They were just inches from each other and the perspiration was driving them both mad with desire. In a weak moment, Steven rested his arms on Rogers shoulders and leaned his head forward, eventually resting it on Rogers forehead. Roger made no advances to his friend, although he had secretly lusted for him over the years. He was enjoying every moment.

"You're pretty strong, Rog," he finally said, pulling away.

"Yeah," was all he managed to reply.

He watched as Steven slowly walked away, watched as his muscles moved under his skin. His ass was nice and round and he loved how his crack showed just above the waistband of his underwear that peeked over his pants. For a moment he wondered if something was to happen between them if their friendship would be jeopardized. The thought caused him to refrain from pursuing Steven to the bedroom. He sat on the sofa and closed his eyes, wishing things could be different. Steven was gone for a few minutes now and Roger got up to see what he was up to. When he entered the bedroom, the door to the bathroom was opened and he could hear the shower going. Steven's clothes were on the ground. He picked up his underwear and sniffed it. Damn, it smelt good. The scent of his crotch was intoxicating. He could smell perspiration mixed with the musky smell of Steven's sweaty cock. His hand unconsciously reached down and started to massage the bulge in his underwear. He pulled out his throbbing cock and started stroking it, pulling the foreskin back and forth over his swollen knob. Precum dripped from his piss slit, making a slapping sound every time his foreskin slid back over his cock head. He knelt down, spreading his legs wide and gripping his cock hard, eyes closed, inhaling the stink of his friend's underwear.

Steven had not yet started to shower, and decided to get his razor from above the sink, leaving the shower running. He saw some movement through the open door and was hypnotized by the sight before him. Roger was stroking his cock slowly, sniffing the underwear he had left on the floor. He could see Roger's foreskin sliding slowly back and forth over the swollen bluish knob that was generously leaking precum. Roger had no idea Steven was watching him since his eyes were closed. Steven's heart was beating loudly. He wanted badly to walk over and jerk off his friend. What would he think of him if he did that? Would they cease to be friends after? Would he cross the line? Steven's cock was fully erect and throbbing, his foreskin pulled taut against his swollen cock head. He reached down and started slowly pulling his foreskin back and forth, licking his lips unconsciously. He wanted to sniff Roger's crotch the way he was sniffing his underwear. He stroked his cock for a minute before Roger opened his eyes. Steven instinctively backed away; fearing what would happen if he saw him looking at him jerking off. He was sniffing his underwear after all so he had to be queer, why else would he be doing that?

Steven wanted to call him, invite him to shower with him but then that would be too bold. His lust was taking over. He never did anything like this before and wanted so badly to fuck Roger. He quickly walked over and took his razor from the cabinet above the sink, not bothering to look to see if Roger had seen him. His cock bounced in front of him as he walked. Roger spotted him from the bedroom and nearly came. He couldn't believe how sexy his friend was. He was even more shocked to see him with an erection, and a huge erection at that. It was too much to bear.

Roger walked over to the bathroom and knocked on the open door.

"Can I come in?" he called.

"Yeah, I'm in the shower," Steven replied.

"Any space in there for me? We could save water," Roger decided it was time to be bold.

Steven couldn't believe his luck. Was this the opportunity he was looking for?

"Sure, but I'm warning you I'm not decent", Steven replied.

"Well neither am I," Roger called back.

Roger pulled the door to the shower and let himself in. He had a perfect view of Steven's perfect ass. He was finding it extremely difficult to not grab it.

"Nice ass," he said.

Steven turned his head admired Roger's body. His eyes dropped to his crotch and he said, "Nice cock you got there buddy."

They were both surprised by this. Steven was not one to talk about such things so casually. He turned around to reveal his own cock throbbing and wet. His pubes were half shaven.

"You look like you need some help. You missed a few spots," Roger said.

He knelt in front of Steven and took the razor from him, making eye contact. He swallowed hard and lifted Steven's balls. Steven threw back his head, the sensation was overwhelming. His dark cock pulsed and a string of precum oozed out. Roger rubbed the underside of his cock head with his thumb, collecting the slimy drop. Steven moaned softly, it was all he could take. He felt as if he was going to cum any moment. Roger pushed Steven up against the wall and started shaving his pubes ever so gently. By the time he was finished Steven was about ready to explode. Roger noticed the nice long foreskin Steven sported. Even with his swollen cock, Steven's foreskin covered his cock head nicely, bunching up at the tip, just like his.

All done, Roger said standing up.

Steven swallowed hard and pulled himself together. The least he could do was return the favor. He took the razor from Roger and smiled.

"Hey, I've never shaved there before. I like it natural buddy," Roger said.

"Well, there's a first time for everything," Steven replied and got down on his knees.

Steven could smell the sweat and musk and leaned forward inhaling deeply. Roger was getting seriously turned on watching him.

"Your balls stink, my friend. I like it," Steven said.

Roger could not believe his ears. Was this the same Steven he knew from a child? Steven pulled Roger's dark cock down and started shaving away the pubes. It was thick and black and was turning him on. His cock throbbed under him, and he could feel the precum as it flowed out his cock in strings. He took his time shaving his friend, holding his cock, turning it this way and that, pressing it up against his flat stomach to get to the underside. Roger's cock oozed precum more than ever, dribbling the shiny clear slime down his cock and over his large balls, finally dripping in slimy strings to the floor of the shower. Steven wanted badly to taste it; he could not understand what was happening to him. Where did all these urges come from? He was finally done shaving his friend and wished he had taken longer. He washed Roger's cock, pulling on it, loving the look and feel of it. He never noticed how soft and smooth a cock felt until now. He especially loved hw the veins stood out, and how his foreskin was nice and long, covering his fat cock head and still bunching up at the tip. He wanted to pull back the foreskin and suck it. He knelt there longer than he intended, holding it in his hands and staring at it and without realizing, pulling it slowly back. The sensation caused Roger to throw his head backwards.

His cock smelled ripe, as if he hadn't washed it for some time. The smell was unbelievable but Steven was somehow immensely turned on. He quickly backed away and stood up. Roger opened his eyes and lowered his head. They stared at each other deeply, knowing very well that they wanted each other in the most carnal way. Roger reached out and took hold of Steven's throbbing cock and pushed back the foreskin.

"Ahhhhh," Steven exhaled throwing his head back.

Roger rubbed his finger tips over the slimy cockhead. Steven's body trembled in response. His lips parted slightly as he exhaled and his eyes rolled back into his head. Roger leaned forward, pressing his body into Steven's, sliding his hands around his lower back and pulling them tighter together. Steven opened his eyes and as he was lowering his head their lips met. He felt his friend's soft lips press against his and his body trembled. His hands reached around Roger's lower back, one hand sliding over his small but round ass and the other pulling Roger's head deeper into his. He parted his lips and kissed the man, tasting his mouth, a man's mouth. He could feel the heat of their bodies together, their naked bodies, and their throbbing cocks pressed together. The passion was unbelievable.

He kissed Roger eagerly, tasting the pie from lunch earlier. He wanted more. Roger kissed him back tasting the smoky flavor of the meat Steven had earlier, wrapping his tongue with Steven's. Steven pressed Roger onto the cold wall, causing him to arch his back and press his hard body into him. Roger moaned and arched his neck backwards. Eyes still closed, Steven kissed Roger's neck, causing the man to moan even louder. He rubbed his stubble against Roger's neck, inhaling deeply as the smell of their mixed perspiration and Roger's ripe cock reached up to him. He could not believe how much a dirty cock could turn him on.

Even Roger was driven mad by the smells. He could smell Steven's cologne mixed with the smell of perspiration and his ripe cock. Hi cock was oozing copious amount of precum, making their crotches slick with the slimy fluid. Steven started sliding his cock against Roger's, pulling both his and Roger's foreskin back and forth. He continued to kiss Roger's neck, grinding harder against the man, oozing precum like never before. The grinding was whipping the precum to a white froth, causing a rude slapping sound like sex.

Steven moved his mouth down to Roger's nipples, licking them, sucking on them, causing Roger to moan and writhe in ecstasy.

"Uhhhhh, ahhhhhhh, mmmmmmm," Roger moaned.

Roger's hands pulled Steven's head harder onto his erect nipples. Steven sucked on the little dark brown mountains. He was loving his Arab friend's body. He bent down a little lower and kissed Roger's taut abs. Roger thrust his body into Steven's skilled mouth and grunted. Not sure what to do next Steven came back up and sucked on his friend's neck. The white froth was smeared all over Steven's body and as he pressed into Roger it smeared on him as well.

Roger flipped Steven around, pinning his hands above his head in one smooth motion. It was Steven's turn to be pleasured. Both Roger and Steven finally opened their eyes, staring deeply into each other, filled with lust and desire. Roger pressed up against his American friend, his cock sliding between Steven's legs causing the man to gasp as sensations shot up through his body.

"Ahhhhhh! Mmmmmmmm!" Steven moaned.

Steven's legs trembled with anticipation his heart pumping blood to his hard cock. The veins in his neck pulsed. Roger placed his skilled lips on the large pulsing veins and kissed it. Steven threw his head back giving his friend access. He felt vulnerable, breathing heavily, Roger having full control over him, but he enjoyed it. Deep down he suddenly realized how much he wanted Roger to man-handle him. Roger rubbed his stubble against the man's neck, driving him crazy with the sensations. Roger's cock, constantly slid between Steven's legs, the foreskin sliding back and forth, making rude snapping sounds as it snapped back over the swollen cock head.

Roger sucked on Steven's neck, moving down to his shoulders, and into his armpits. Roger could smell the stink that was there, the manly perspiration mixed with pheromones and cologne. It was driving him wild. He could feel the pressure building in his balls. He did not know how much longer he could last. He inhaled deeply, the pungent smell stinging his nose and causing his cock to ooze enormous amounts of precum. Steven could feel the slime under his balls and dripping down his legs. Roger kissed Steven's biceps, moving to his chest and sucking hard on his erect pink nipples.

"Ahhhhhhhhh... uhhhhhhh, Roger, uhhhhh, Roger," he moaned. "Stop pleaseeeeee, mmmmmmmm, stop."

Roger sucked harder, causing Steven to buck into him. Steven was filling his bellybutton with precum, his foreskin halfway pulled back. Roger pressed his cock deeper into Steven, touching his hole and causing Steven to flinch. The sensations were driving Steven mad. He started gyrating on Roger's dark cock, trying to get it into him. He could not understand what he was doing. He was acting on pure impulse; all reason had gone out the window a while back. Roger wanted his ass badly but he didn't want Steven to regret anything so he pulled back his throbbing cock, close to eruption and pressed it into Steven's rock hard abs.

He brought his mouth back to Steven's pink lips and kissed him deeply, breathing hard through their noses. Steven pulled his hands away and grabbed Roger's face, kissing him hard, pulling away to watch Roger bite his dark lips only to pull his mouth back to his. Steven's eyes were filled with carnal desire.

Steven started grinding his cock harder and faster into Roger who returned the favor by doing the same thing. Roger was on the brink of cumming, his eyes wild with passion, his features becoming more rigid as he edged closer. Steven knew he was close and slid his hands down Roger's back to his ass. He could feel Roger's muscles contracting as he thrust into his crotch. It was enough to drive them over the edge.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh, I'm cumming," Roger hissed as he could hold out no longer.

Steven could feel the cum shooting between them like hot lava, the smell of fresh cum reaching his nose. It was all that he needed.

"Uhhhhhh, fuck, I'm cumming," he hissed as he offloaded onto Roger's stomach.

The sensations were overwhelming and Roger's knees started to shake as the last of his cum volleyed out of his throbbing dick. He held onto Steven's shoulders. Steven felt like he had the most intense orgasm of his life, his cock shooting volley after volley of cum. He almost though he wouldn't stop cumming but eventually it subsided, cum dribbling from his piss slit.

Roger pulled away from Steven and pulled his foreskin over his extremely sensitive cock head. He moaned slightly, making sure to rub cum all over his cock and balls. He scooped up some with his finger and pushed it into his foreskin, rubbing it all over his cock head. Steven was amazed at what he was doing. Now he realized why Roger's cock smelled so ripe. Wanting his cock to smell the same, he rubbed the combined cum all over his still throbbing cock and balls. He then scooped up, pulled his foreskin back, placed globs of cum over his flaming cock head and snapped his foreskin in place. Cum dribbled out of his cock but he left it.

Now it was Roger's turn to be surprised. His friend had surprised him many times today. Ha had no idea Steven could be such a freak.

"Roger," Steven said, "do you hate me?"

"Why would I hate you?" He asked.

"After what happened between us just now, I never did anything like that before," he replied.

"Of course not", Roger replied. "Do you hate me for it? Do you think you'll be weird about it after?"

"I don't know," Steven replied. "I honestly enjoyed it. I loved every moment of it. I'm just not sure how I feel about it."

Roger didn't reply. He felt a little angry but then it was Steven's first time. What Steven didn't know was that it was also Roger's first time as well. They showered together. Roger washed Steven's body, leaving his cock and armpits dirty, and Roger returned the favor. Before they stepped out of the shower Steven held Roger's hand and looked him in the eye. Roger could see the mixed sea of emotions behind them, but what he saw mostly was desire. Steven leaned forward, Roger had a mind to pull away, but his desires refused to let him. Steven kissed Roger's dark lips with his pink ones and Roger kissed him back. It was going to start all over again and they both knew it.

Next: Chapter 2

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