Middle of Nowhere

By Sean Monteiro

Published on Jan 26, 2006


Warning: This story contains hot gay sex between two males. If you are under 18 or it is illegal for you to read this because of your location (county, state, country, planet, etc), please stop now.

Comments are always welcome at kinzusareta_yume@hotmail.com. Also, if you are a LiveJournal member, c'mon and look me up--my user name is kinzusareta.


I woke up slowly, feeling the sunlight on my face but not wanting to open my eyes right away. I stretched, rolled over, and buried my face in a pillow.

The pillow smelled really good. Just like Kevin. Which reminded me that I was not in my own bed.

Opening my eyes, I sat bolt upright in the bed, completely disoriented. For half a second I forgot where the hell I was, and then I remembered. I was in Kevin's bed, at his family's cottage.

It took me another moment before I came fully awake, and realized I was alone in the bed. The bedroom door stood open, and I could hear someone in the kitchen at the end of the hall, cooking breakfast. It smelled wonderful.

Sitting there in the tangle of blankets, realizing how sore my butt was, I giggled. This was so like something out of a movie. Waking up after a night of hot sex and having a guy cook you breakfast? When the hell does that happen in real life? I laughed.

"Hey," came Kevin's voice from the kitchen.

I jumped out of bed, slipped on the pair of jeans I'd thrown to the floor the night before, and sauntered down the hallway to the kitchen, remembering how many times we'd done it last night, grinning smugly to myself.

The look he gave me when I stood in the kitchen doorway was enough to melt my heart. Great sex and romantic intimacy. The best of both worlds.

If someone had described this scene to me, this totally hot hunky guy standing at a stove cooking me breakfast, I would've either burst out laughing or slugged them in the stomach, because it sounded so ridiculous. Yet here it was, happening, and it suddenly didn't seem funny anymore. It seemed really sweet.

"You cook?" I asked.

He gave me this look out of the corner of his eye. "You knew that. My last couple relationships, my girlfriends weren't big on cooking..."

"Well," I said as I perched on a stool next to the island in the center of the kitchen, "I'm definitely not a girl, as I think you know by now. And I most certainly can cook. But I must say...it's nice to have someone cook for me, every now and then."

I'm not even a big breakfast food person. I don't like bacon or eggs, and the rest of it I was pretty much indifferent to. But the fact that Kevin had made it somehow made it all that much more special. I watched him finish cooking, and he brought me a mug of tea. That was the cool thing about us--the sex and the romance was still new, but we already knew all about each other. He knew I liked tea, so he didn't have to ask.

I grabbed us some plates, and we sat side by side at the island, looking out the huge picture windows to the snow-covered trees beyond. It was our own little haven together, as if the rest of the world didn't exist. And sitting there in the warm kitchen with Kevin next to me, I honestly wished that the rest of the world really did not exist.

Giving him a sideways look, I inched my stool closer to his. He looked down, laughed, and hooked his leg around mine. "You wanna take a hike today?"

"Up to the waterfalls?" I asked hopefully.

Kevin smiled. "Yeah. You up for it?"

"Hell yeah," I told him.

After breakfast, we took a shower together. The few other times we'd taken a shower together, it'd been at the end of a long day and we were both exhausted. But after a good night's sleep, we were both full of energy again. What started out as an innocent water fight ended with him slamming me back against the shower tiles, one hand at the back of my neck, the other on my back, as he kissed me. I moaned against him as his hand trailed down my back to my butt.

I felt his finger poking me gently, prodding, making me shudder in his grip. Giving me this horny grin, he shoved his finger up inside me, and I gasped. Liking the reaction, he kissed me again. I looked down and saw we were both getting harder. I reached down and grabbed his erect cock in my hands. When it's hard, it's long and smooth, surrounded by just the right amount of dark hair. And he's thick, too. When I look at the base of his cock, right where his balls are, it's so big, and I remember what it feels like when he's in me all the way to the hilt, all the way to that really thick spot. Fuck yeah.

"You don't want to save our energy for the hike?" I asked him jokingly, already knowing I wouldn't rest until I'd had him, right then.

"Enough energy? Fuck that," he told me, laughing, "I have plenty of energy for fucking you and then hiking all the way around the globe, if need be."

I nipped at his ear, purring. I knew he liked when I did that. He exhaled loudly as I gently bit his ear. "I've gotta have you, Sean. Now."

I didn't say anything. I just backed up into him, and let him do the rest. If you've never had sex in the shower, you don't know what you're missing. Yeah, depending on how big the shower is, it can be tricky, and you have to be careful you won't slip, but face it--who thinks about stuff like that when in that situation, anyway? He had me up against the tiled wall, thrusting up into me. His hands pinned my wrists to the wall, holding me in place. All while the warm water and the steam made it seem like a dream.

He shoved all the way up into me with each thrust, right to that thickest part at the base of his cock. After awhile his hands slipped away from my wrists, trailed down until he wrapped them tight around my hips, making sure I stayed in position so he could ram into me, over and over. His hands on my thighs, he pulled me back into him with each thrust.

"You want my cum?" he whispered in my ear.

"You know it," I smirked.

"Good, `cause fuck, I'm gonna shoot!"

I closed my eyes as he filled me up with his semen. "Take it, Sean, yeah..." he moaned against me as I felt my ass filling up with his sperm. I think he could fuck me fifty times a day, and I'd never stop getting high on having him cum up my ass.

When he'd finished, he gently pulled out, and reached for me. I felt his arms around me, and I held him back, feeling high and happy and attractive and confident and just fucking wonderful. We stayed in the shower until the hot water began to run out, and then we got out, toweled off, and went back into the bedroom to get dressed.

We both put on a bunch of warm clothes--sweaters, cords, knit caps, good boots, all that fun stuff. Then we went outside. The snow had drifted in front of the door, and it was almost up to my waist. We ran through it, across the yard, and followed the frozen stream that ran along the edge of his family's property. It snaked up into the woods, the valley walls rising up sharply on either side.

Again I got that feeling that we were the last two people on earth, and if it had been true, I would have been totally cool with it. As we followed the trail alongside the frozen creek and waterfalls, I couldn't stop smiling. I was having so much fun, and at the same time, I was starting to get a little apprehensive. Something that made me feel this good could never last, right? I tried to tell myself I was just being a pessimist, but I always expected Kevin to suddenly stop, turn to me with this disgusted look, and say, "Man, what the hell did I think I was doing with you?!"

But he didn't do that. We trudged through the snow, talking, laughing, messing around like two brothers playing outside on a snow day. In fact, by the time we'd gotten to the top of the trail, where there was a huge waterfall, completely frozen this time of year and covered in pristine white snow, we were stumbling and laughing as we shoved each other around. Kevin elbowed me aside, pretending to try to knock me off the path. I spun around and grabbed his jacket, and we fell into a snowdrift, him on top of me. I didn't even notice the cold snow that somehow found its way up the sleeves of my jacket or down the neck of my sweater.

We laughed, wrestling in the snow. I loved watching Kevin laugh, because that was a side of him I hadn't gotten to see much. He'd always been so pensive, brooding, intense, that it was awesome to see those beautiful eyes of his sparkling with laughter. And feeling his weight on top of me, the warmth of his breath against my cheek, definitely made me hot.

We were probably crazy enough to fuck right there in the snow (actually, I know we were) but we were both having so much fun just doing something together as friends, that though we were both hard as we wrestled around, it was cool to know that he appreciated me for more than just the sex.

Standing up, brushing the snow off his jacket and pants, he reached out a hand to help me to my feet. We stood there side by side, looking up at the huge frozen waterfall.

"Pretty amazing, huh?" he asked, still smiling.

"Yeah," I said. "Kevin?"


I looked over at him and grinned. "This is awesome."

He put his arm around me. "Yeah. It is."

We spent the rest of the afternoon hiking around in the woods, walking silently through the tall, still pine trees. It was so perfectly quiet that I was afraid to make any noise at all. As the sky began to darken, it started to snow again, lightly this time. By the time we got back to the lake house, it was dusk, and Kevin suggested we go out to get something to eat. So we changed into dry clothes, brushed the snow and ice off the Explorer, and headed up the trail back to the main road.

Kevin reached over and put his arm around me as he drove. Finding someplace to eat was a little bit harder than you might expect. Being the middle of the winter, the seasonal places were all long closed up for the winter, so we had to drive halfway back to town, to this tavern that sat overlooking the south end of the lake. It was a weeknight so the place was half empty. It wasn't the trendiest of places, but it was about as good as we were going to get.

There wasn't a hostess, just a waitress, a girl around our age who led us to a booth next to the windows that overlooked the lake. I saw her checking out first Kevin, then me, and I rolled my eyes. She probably thought we were just two buddies out for a couple of drinks, or something. I hoped she didn't try to flirt with us through the entire meal, because that was a sure way to get a bad tip.

Her eyes were on Kevin as she motioned us to the booth. Kevin slid in on one side, and I started to sit across from him, but he tugged on the sleeve of my sweater and pulled me into the booth right next to him. The waitress gave us a weird look but smiled, asked us what we wanted to drink, and then hurried off.

"Is this OK?" Kevin asked me, referring to us sitting next to each other, instead of across from each other.

"Definitely," I said, grinning like an idiot. A couple of the people around us frowned at us, but most of them actually smiled. I'd never hidden my sexuality, even in our small town where rumors start at the drop of a hat, but even still, I'd never done anything like this, either.

"Here you guys go," the waitress said, interrupting my thoughts as she returned with a mug of tea for me and a Coke for Kevin. That's another thing I liked about him--drinking wasn't a big deal with him. Neither of us were against a drink every now and then, but we didn't need it all the time. That was important to me, that he felt the same about things like that.

"So," the waitress said, leaning against the other, empty booth, "you waiting for some other guys to arrive?"

"No," Kevin said with a mischievous smile. "It's just us." To emphasize his point, he put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him.

If I were a mean person, I would've laughed at the scared look on the waitress' face right then. But I really wasn't paying any attention to her. I was still amazed at how things were turning out. Usually, the hot guy I liked would be flirting with the waitress, and I would be jealous. Now, from the look on her face, it was quite definitely the other way around.

Despite the fact that it wasn't a four-star restaurant, I fell in love with that little tavern. The lighting was dim, it was comfortably warm, and after we finished eating we just sat there together for awhile, looking out at the dark lake and the starry sky above. I was exhausted from all the walking around we'd done that day, and when I started to doze against Kevin's shoulder, he threw some money on the table to cover the bill and walked out of the tavern with me, holding my hand the entire way.

"I've got a surprise for you when we get back home," he said, refusing to say any more about it.

The fact that he'd called it "home" wasn't lost on me. I felt warm inside when he said that, and I leaned back against the seat, happy and complacent.

When we got back to the lake house, he made me sit on the couch in the front living room. I heard him rummaging around in the kitchen, then he opened the sliding doors to the covered deck beyond. When I heard him turn on the jets in the hot tub, I felt a tingling in the pit of my stomach.

He put some music on the stereo and turned it up loud. We could play it as loud as we wanted, with nobody around for miles. He took my hand again, and led me out onto the deck. It was protected above by the roof, and a dense row of bushes screened the two sides that weren't up against the walls of the house. The hot tub was in the corner, where the two walls of the house met.

I love hot tubs in general, but being in one outside, in the middle of the winter, is fucking awesome. We undressed each other on the patio, the boards of the deck cold under our bare feet, but clear of snow. Tossing our clothes together in a heap, we sank into the water, which was still a little cold at first because it hadn't warmed up all the way. So we huddled together in one corner, our arms around each other, shivering. But soon the tub got warmer, with steam billowing off the surface like something out of a fantasy adventure movie.

I leaned back, closing my eyes, feeling the steam against my face. Kevin leaned back too, letting out a long sigh. "This is great."

"Yeah," I said. "Kevin? Can we do this every night?"

He laughed. "If you want."

I nodded vigorously. "I want."

He laughed again, and reached for me. "Come here, Sean."

I moved across the steaming, bubbling water, until we were sitting next to each other in the corner. I was exhausted, but in a good way. I sat there with him, my eyes half closed, listening to the bubbling of the water and feeling the coolness of the air on my face, and the heat of the water on the rest of my body. My muscles ached from the long hike, and my butt was still sore, but sore in a good way, and I knew there was more of that to come very soon.

For a long time, we just sat there together, relaxing, not needing to say anything. He kept his arm around me, and I lay my head on his shoulder. After awhile, though, I leaned over to bite gently at his ear. He rewarded me with an interested growl, so I kept it up. His hands came up, hot water streaming down off them, and he took my face in his hands, leaned forward to kiss me, just as that song Stick Wit Chu started playing on the stereo. The way we kissed that time was like something out of a movie, especially with that song playing. Like one of those movies I used to watch and get all jealous because things like that never happened to me.

Until now. Sweet.

I don't remember how long we kissed, but eventually our hands found each other under the water. Kevin was rock hard again, and so was I. When we got out of the water, the minute the cold air hit our skin, we both grabbed our clothes as quickly as we could, dove inside, slammed the sliding door shut, and ran to the bedroom.

I went to the end of the hall to the linen closet and got us each a big fluffy towel, and when I returned to the bedroom, he already had some candles lit and the blankets on the bed pulled back. It might sound a bit cliche, but the candles were an awesome touch.

And Kevin looked so fucking sexy in the candlelight. I ran over and jumped on the bed, sitting up against the headboard, and he came slowly across the room, his eyes glinting by the light of the candles. Slowly he crawled up the length of the bed, until he was leaning over me, and we kissed again. He loved being on top of me, whether we were fucking or just kissing, and I loved having him there, either way.

The night before, we'd gotten a taste of how good it could be to take it slow. Tonight, we perfected it. I lay on my back for awhile as he kissed me everywhere, from the side of my face all the way down my chest to my legs. Then I grabbed him and pushed him back on the bed, which he laughed at, in a good way. It was my turn to kiss him everywhere then, and I loved the feel of the rough stubble of his chin, the softness of his hands, the tautness of his leg muscles, and of course his big cock. I took him in my mouth and he exhaled forcefully, eyes closed, head leaning back against the wall behind the bed. One of his hands started out massaging my shoulders, but then it moved to the back of my neck, guiding my head as I moved up and down his cock, making sure I got as much of it in my mouth as I could. I worked my tongue into the slit on the head of his cock, tasting his precum. And there was a lot of it, which was a huge fucking turn-on.

He reached down, pulled me up, and kissed me again, tasting his own precum in my mouth. "You ready for me?" he asked in a whisper.

In response, I just have him a look, and lay on my stomach, the way we both liked it. He pulled the blankets up over us, gently lowered himself on top of me, and we just stayed there like that for a moment, listening to the music, breathing in the scent of each other, listening to our hearts beating. Then his cock probed gently at the entrance to my ass, while he started nipping at my neck. Fuck, he could do wonders with his teeth.

He was gentle, but insistent. He wanted in, he wanted his cock up inside me, and he wasn't going to be hesitant about that. I felt him slide in, bit by bit, every inch of him taking me further over the edge, away from reality. The music, the candlelight, it was all just a blur now. There was just Kevin, and me.

When he was all the way up inside me, with his big balls resting against my ass and his crisp pubes against my butt cheeks, he put all his weight on me and sighed. "Yeah, Sean. I love this. I love fucking you."

"Mmm," I said, completely in a dream world.

Kevin held me tight as he rammed his cock inside of me, over and over. I was beginning to think I would never get over the fact that he was mine, that I was his. I could spend hours in a daze just thinking about our sex alone, how hot it was to have him on top of me, inside of me, knowing he got off on it as much as I did.

"Sean..." he moaned as we moved together. "Sean..."

He grabbed me tighter, but his strokes became longer, slower. As much as I like it hard and fast and rough, prolonging it, dragging it out like this, is definitely hot too. I got to feel the entire length of him as he pulled out of my ass to the tip of his head, then as he slid it all back home, slowly, confidently, like he'd been fucking me for years instead of just a couple of weeks.

His mouth was next to my ear again. "Sean. It feels so good...so damn good, baby. I'm close."

"Yeah," I said encouragingly, urging him on. "Cum in me, Kev. Please?"

"Aw," he moaned. "You want it, baby?"

"Yeah Kev. I want it. I want you."

He got even bigger inside me then; I felt it. And he was hitting all the right places, too. All the energy we'd spent today hiking around, at the same time we'd been building up the sexual tension. It was a hot combination of being tired and raging to go at the same time. His cock kept getting bigger and bigger inside me, so hard that it might have hurt if I wasn't so horny. I never would have thought a human cock could get that hard, but he really was like a rock.

I could feel the climax building in both of us. This taking it slow thing definitely made the climax much more enjoyable. As hot as it was to do it fast, as I lay there beneath him, as he kept pounding me with those slow, even, gentle, hard strokes, I came to the conclusion that this was even better. Each time he rammed himself in to the hilt, I got a little closer, a little higher, a little more delirious. It was fucking heaven, man.

When it happened, it happened for both of us at the same time, and it wasn't just concentrated in my cock, or my ass, it was everywhere. My whole body felt like it was going to explode, or fade away, or something. I was moaning, loud, and so was he, and our orgasm was like an inevitable force, something we couldn't have stopped if we'd wanted to.

His first spurt of cum was so warm, so hot, so strong, I felt like I was melting, and as he came in me he held me even tighter and said those words. "I love you, Sean." Then I felt him spurt again. And again. And again. Filling me up.

"Kev, I love you too," I said, and then that was the last coherent thought I had, because I was coming without even touching myself. We kept up that same slow, steady rhythm through the whole thing, and let me tell you, it lasted longer than I've ever experienced. It was like Kevin had found some untapped source in his body, he just kept cumming, I lost count, and as for me, it was like my cum couldn't shoot out of my cock fast enough, there was so much of it.

I don't really remember when we stopped. It wasn't a sudden thing, our pace just slowly tapered off, and even after we lay there together, totally and completely spent, it still felt like we were moving together.

Kevin reached for me and I curled up in his arms, listening to the sound of his breathing, listening to my own heart pounding in my ears. I couldn't stop smiling.

"I meant it," he said after awhile. "Because I feel it. I love you."

Those words made me shiver. It'd been a long time since someone had told me that, and even longer since I'd said them to someone else. My relationships, or even just my sex, lately had been so empty. Until now, I never realized quite what I was missing. But now, feeling complete in a way I never had before, I felt the last of the ice thaw from my heart. I held onto him tightly.

"I love you too, Kev."

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