Middle of Nowhere

By Sean Monteiro

Published on Jan 13, 2006


Warning: This story contains hot gay sex between two males. If you are under 18 or it is illegal for you to read this because of your location (county, state, country, planet, etc), please stop now.

Comments are always welcome at kinzusareta_yume@hotmail.com. Also, if you are a LiveJournal member, c'mon and look me up--my user name is kinzusareta.

Author's Note: Thanks to everyone for the awesome comments, I've loved reading all of them. Several of you, most of you actually, had said that you liked the warmth and hints at romance as much as the sex. And, since I'm a hopeless romantic at heart, that's what I like to hear. So I've definitely played up the romance factor in this installment. Rest assured there will still be lots of sex in the chapters to come, but there'll be more romance, too.


When we got back to Kevin's place, it was late. The muffled slams of the Explorer's doors closing seemed so loud at first, and they almost seemed to echo as they faded away slowly, replaced by complete and utter silence.

Kevin looked up at the sky, his hands jammed in his pockets. "It's gonna snow tonight."

"Yeah," I said as Kevin headed toward the front door of the house. I looked up at the stars again. They were so strikingly clear against the dark night sky, and I suddenly felt more alive than I had in a long time. I didn't want this moment to end. And standing there in the dark, cold winter night, looking up at those stars, so comforting and yet so incredibly distant, I wondered if my hopes about this thing between Kevin and me would turn out to be like the stars--beautiful, but unattainable. I sighed.

"Hey," he said from the front steps, "are you coming, or not?"

I looked down at my crotch. "I don't think I am, at least not right at the moment. Though maybe you can change that..."

He rolled his eyes and laughed. "Dork."

I grinned back at him. Still smiling, he held a hand out to me. "Well, come on! It's getting cold out here!"

We walked up the front steps together. I leaned back against the wall of the house next to the door as he got the keys out of his pocket. Even though the porch wasn't lit, he slid the key into the lock with perfect precision the first time. I laughed softly to myself, thinking of a pretty good analogy to that action.

"What?" he asked, looking over at me, making me shiver when I saw the way his eyes sparkled.

"Nothing," I said with a smirk.

We went inside. He shut the door. We stood there in the darkness for a second, and then he pulled me to him. He put a hand on the back of my neck and leaned forward. When his lips met mine, my dick was instantly hard, just like that. I moaned against his kiss and pressed my body against his. Without breaking the kiss he started unbuckling his belt, then mine, then finally he pulled away just long enough to rip the rest of our clothes off, again. He took me right there on the floor, in front of the door, just as I'd challenged him to do. Right on the rough floor mat.

It was so hot, there in the dark, just the faintest of light from a streetlamp coming in the side window, fucking right on the floor. By the time he grabbed me tight, thrust deep, and unloaded his cum up my ass, I was sure I had a pretty decent case of rug burn on my chest and legs, and my dick, too. But as weird as it sounds, even that felt good.

We just lay there for a little while, in a heap on the floor. Kevin stayed on top of me, his softening cock still inside me. I was high and warm and contented at the feeling of him on top of me, the feeling of his cum inside of me. After a few minutes he stretched, shifted position, and ended up on his side on the floor next to me. I curled up against him, and oddly enough, felt lonely for the first time in weeks.

Why? Because I didn't know how long this was going to last. And I was too scared to ask him, because I was afraid of what the answer might be. Afraid he'd laugh at me and say, "Well you didn't read too deep into this, did you, Sean? It's just, you know, two guys taking care of their urges, that kinda thing."

Yeah. It was definitely that. But I didn't know how much longer I could deny that it was so much more, too.

With a yawn, Kevin got to his feet and extended his hand to help me up. "We'd better get going. It's--damn--twelve-thirty already. And we still have to pack, and drive out there, and..."

"We don't need to rush," I told him as I stood up. "We've got time. This week together...it's going to be...cool."

Cool. Damn, that sounded so lame. It wasn't what I'd wanted to say. But Kevin smiled and agreed, and we picked up our clothes, put them back on, and went upstairs to his bedroom so he could pack.

I sat on his bed, which I was now intimately familiar with, and watched him as he got his backpack out of the closet and started filling it with clothes. Warm, heavy clothes--sweaters, hoodies, stuff like that. It had been a long day and I was worn out, and I was definitely zoning out by the time we headed back downstairs. Kevin turned off the lights behind us, and we opened the front door to find it was snowing.

I can't fully explain the feeling, and the sound, of a gentle snowfall in the middle of the night. Everything's still, most people are asleep, and you can actually hear the snow as it hits the ground. It's so quiet, or maybe diaphanous is a better description. Like, you can only hear it when you concentrate on it and forget everything else.

We walked down the steps and stood for a moment looking at the snow. It was delicate, but it was coming down fast. We hurried to the Explorer, got in, and headed for my place. I got what I needed in about fifteen minutes, and then we were on our way again.

The roads were empty, and sleepily I watched the snowflakes as they were illuminated by the Explorer's headlights. We didn't have the stereo on this time, we just drove in silence. It was nice. Comfortable.

I wrapped my arms around myself and shifted position in the seat. Kevin glanced over at me, a concerned expression on his face. "You cold?"

"A little," I admitted.

He laughed. "Well just turn up the heat then!"

I shook my head. "No, because that'll definitely make me fall asleep, and I don't want to fall asleep, not just yet."

He nodded and then looked at me out of the corner of his eye. "Well then...put on one of my sweaters." He grinned then, as if embarrassed. "I mean, if you...if you want."

I grinned back at him. "Hey. Good idea."

As I leaned into the backseat to get his backpack, I lightly placed a hand on his shoulder, just to see what he would do. He made a contented noise and reached over to put one hand on top of mine, while keeping his other hand on the wheel. I sighed, but it was a good sigh this time.

I pulled his backpack into the front seat with me, unzipped the top, and pulled out the first thing I touched--a light grey pullover, the kind with the high collar and a little zipper in the front near the neckline. I pulled it over my head and put it on, and leaned back in my seat.

The shirt smelled just like Kevin. I loved it. I wrapped my arms around myself again, breathed in his scent, feeling warmer and happier already. And hard, too; wearing Kevin's shirt was more of a turn-on than I'd expected it would be.

After a few minutes he reached over and put his arm around me. We drove the rest of the way to the lake like that. It was a little uncomfortable because the center console between our seats was in the way, but I didn't care. I liked the feeling of his arm around me, how I suddenly felt strong, and alive, and most importantly of all, cared for. I hadn't felt like that in longer than I could remember.

At 1:45 in the morning, we came to the unmarked gravel road that would lead us down closer to the lake, where Kevin's family's cottage was. He shifted into 4WD, swung the Explorer onto the path, and once again we left paved roads behind.

The lake is surrounded by sloping hills. It was a pretty steep incline as we drove down the trail, and at night the lake seemed closer than it was. The headlights illuminated the millions of snowflakes, which were coming down all the harder now. By the time Kevin parked the Explorer beneath a stand of pine trees, we were all but lost in the snowstorm. Here by the lake, they got more snow, and it was halfway up to my knees when I got out of the car. I pulled the high collar of Kevin's shirt up around my face and neck, and shivered. He came around the side of the vehicle, slung his arm around my shoulder, and together we walked down the hill to the cottage.

Unlike many summer homes, Kevin's family used their cottage in the winter sometimes too, which I'd always thought was cool. Most people who had summer homes on the lake closed them up every autumn, turned off the water and electricity and all that. But luckily, all the facilities were still turned on. Though, as we walked to the house, I thought I might not mind having no electricity. It would be more romantic, in a way.

If it had been quiet outside of Kevin's house, here at the cottage it was even more so. He took out his keys again, unlocked the door, and held it open for me. It was cold inside, and the first thing he did after closing the door was go turn up the thermostat. Then he came back and stood behind me, put his arms around me, and gently leaned his head against mine.

"Mmm," I said, "that's nice."

"Yeah," he said. Because he was standing behind me, and his face was next to mine, I couldn't see his expression, didn't know what he was thinking. We stood like that for awhile, but I was exhausted, and when my knees started to buckle from being so tired, he laughed softly and steered me toward the bedroom.

It was still cold in the cottage, but getting warmer, and there were lots of blankets on the bed. It looked so inviting that I collapsed on it with a groan and lay back, looking at the ceiling. Kevin closed the bedroom door and turned off the light. I could hear him stripping out of his clothes. Then he came over and took my clothes off me, which I thought was cute. We climbed into bed together and brought the blankets up over our head. Normally that makes me a little claustrophobic, but when it's really cold, it sure makes you warm up faster!

We lay there together, not speaking. Slowly we moved so that we were curled up together. When I felt him starting to get hard again, the same thing happened to me. I was laying with my butt against his crotch, so I pushed back into him and was rewarded with a sigh of contentment.

We joined together in the darkness, and yes, if you've been counting, this makes the fourth time in that one night. By now we were both tired, and we were also pretty much spent, so it was different this time, slower. The rhythm was definitely there, but it wasn't quite as frenzied. We started out with Kevin lying on his back on the bed, and me on top of him. I pushed myself back, pushed his cock up into my ass, drowsy and contented at being filled up with his big cock again. We did it like that for a long time, until he finally pulled out, told me to lay on my stomach, and he got on top of me and slid his cock home in my ass again.

It lasted a lot longer. Probably half the reason is because we'd both cum so many times that night, it was more difficult to do it that fourth time. But in some way, it made it that much more erotic. Kevin was so hard as he moved inside of me, hitting all the right spots. He held me tightly as he did it, covered my body completely with his. The only sounds were the squeaking of the bed (which I've always thought was hot) and the sound of our breathing.

"Sean," Kevin breathed in my ear.

"Yeah," I whispered.

"Oh Sean," he said again. "I'm gonna cum...soon..."

My dick was so hard it hurt. I reached beneath us and started jerking on it. "I want it, Kev. I want all of you."

"Aw, fuck, baby," he whispered in my ear, and then I felt him cumming. It was warm, hot, not nearly as much of it as the first few times we'd fucked that night, but I got high on the knowledge that I'd just taken all of his cum, that there wasn't any left right now. I came quietly, and even after he had stopped he knew I was still orgasming so he kept thrusting into me until he was sure I was done.

This time he immediately curled up beside me and took me into his arms. I lay my head against his warm chest, and listened to his heart beating. I didn't realize I was crying until he pointed it out. And when he did that, I really started to cry, even harder.

"Hey," he said softly, "hey, what's wrong?"

"Kevin," I whispered as he held me. I was facing away from him now. "When I said I wanted all of you, I didn't just mean your cock."

He was silent for a long moment. In fact, I was afraid he'd fallen asleep, so I turned to face him. I could just make out his face in the darkness, to tell he was looking at me, not saying a word. Here I had put my emotions out on the line, not knowing how he'd take it. Finally he drew in a deep breath, and I prepared myself for the worst.

Instead, he said, "Sean, come here." I realized I was on the other side of the bed now, away from him, already expecting rejection. When I hesitated, he came to me instead. He held me tighter this time. "Sean...I want you too. As in, I really want you."

"You do?" I asked skeptically, unable to believe it. The pessimist in me was waiting for the "but."

There wasn't one. Kevin nuzzled the side of his face against mine. "Sean, the sex is fucking hot, the best I've ever had. It's like my cock is made for your ass, you know?"

"Oh, I know," I said, grinning in the dark.

"But it's more than that. Always has been, for me."

I held my breath. "You really mean that?"

"Yeah," he said, without any hesitation that time. "I do. I can't explain it, certainly never expected it, but when I'm with you, it's like...like this dream I used to have, that I had this cool friend who I did everything with, and..." He stopped, and laughed. "That sounds totally fucking stupid, doesn't it."

"No," I said, hoping he didn't hear the way my voice cracked because I thought I was going to cry again. "Not stupid at all, Kev."

He sighed, which turned into a soft laugh. "Yeah. Anyway. We're both so tired now, we aren't making much sense. But this much is true: I want you. I want to be with you. And as much as I love fucking you, I love being with you just as much."

There was the L word. Not the three magic words, but close enough. I held my breath, and felt like I was melting. It was a word I usually shied away from, and had it been anyone else who had said it, it would have sounded way too trite for me to handle. But Kevin and I had known each other for years, and on my side, those feelings had been there a lot longer than just the few weeks we'd suddenly gotten intimate together. And from the sound of it, the same applied to him.

I wanted to save that moment, to record it, or something like that, so I could always go back to it and feel what I felt then, curled up with Kevin under all those blankets after having connected with him so intimately, in perfect darkness, where everything was quiet. It was the most awesome feeling ever. And for the first time in months, I fell asleep in someone's arms, feeling safe and warm and protected. And for the first time ever, I felt wanted. Loved? Yeah, I felt loved, too.

And it was only the beginning. I usually have trouble sleeping, but I fell asleep fast that night. And instead of the nightmares I usually have, my dreams really were sweet. It was definitely more than I'd expected. It was awesome.

Next: Chapter 4

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