Middle of Nowhere

By Sean Monteiro

Published on Jan 6, 2006


It'd been a couple weeks since Kevin had first fucked me, and let me tell you, it opened up a whole new world, in more ways than one. I think the most awesome part of it was that the friendship part of our relationship didn't change one bit. The only difference was, now it contained that added element of hot guy sex. It still makes me squirm, in a good way, every time I think of how it feels when Kevin fucks me. And luckily, we do it as often as we can, so the feeling is always right there in the front of my mind.

In the wintertime, on long boring nights when in our small hometown there wasn't much to do, we'd usually go up in the hills around town in Kevin's Explorer (which I was beginning to love even more than my Acura...every time I see the Explorer I have an instant raging hard-on).

There were some hunting/logging trails way out in the middle of nowhere, and we'd just go cruising through the woods in complete darkness--I mean, nothing around for miles, no lights, no houses, no road signs, no anything, just the occasional closed-up/abandoned hunting cabin, and otherwise just thick forest on either side of the road, which was really just two tire tracks. It was like something out of a horror movie, and I thought it was awesome.

Kevin's Explorer flew along the back country roads, his headlights illuminating a thin swath of the dirt and gravel track and part of the ditch on either side. Everything else was lost in darkness. He was doing well over the speed limit, but neither of us cared--we both liked to drive fast. And where we were going, there weren't going to be any cops around, anyway. Living out in the middle of nowhere was sometimes useful--lots of out of the way places to fuck, if you're into that kind of thing. Which, to my delight, we both were.

I leaned back in the passenger's seat, warm and happy and content. I knew I'd get the itch soon, to have him, but for now I just listened to our favorite 3 Doors Down CD playing on the stereo, looked at the road ahead, and smiled to myself. Except for a few brief glances over to me to either raise his eyebrows or grin at me, Kevin kept those beautiful blue-green eyes of his on the road ahead. Whether he's driving, working on his car, or fucking me, he does it with complete concentration and pays attention to nothing else. I get so fucking hard when he has that intent look on his face, no matter what it is he's doing.

Kevin swung off the road and onto one of the trails. He slammed the Explorer into 4WD (somehow even that was a turn-on) and headed into dense forest. The sounds of 3 Doors Down turned down to a low buzz on the radio, the heater turned up high to fight the chill outside, and tree branches scraping along the sides of the Explorer, almost put me in a trance. For fifteen or twenty minutes I just sat there as he drove, looking at the woods around us and starting to feel my cock come to life.

We drove up the crest of a hill, and when we reached the top, Kevin stopped the car for a minute. Ahead of was is a downward slope which allowed us to see for miles, just a sea of pine trees in all directions, an achingly pristine winter sky, filled with stars and a perfect round moon. The 'road' was a ribbon of white through the dark woods ahead. Kevin looked over at me, grinned, put one hand on my thigh, and gunned the engine.

Warmth flooded through me as I felt the heat of his big hand on my leg, through the fabric of my jeans, and also because for a moment we were airborne before the Explorer hit the track again. We were jarred pretty hard as the seatbelts snapped tight. It hurt a little, but that was just as much a turn-on to me as Kevin's hand being where it was (and it was slowly moving up my leg.) Of course, I was getting harder with each passing second. So when we saw the little cleared space at the side of the road, underneath some huge pine trees, I almost wanted to reach over and jerk the steering wheel in that direction so Kevin would stop. But I didn't have to do that, because he was already pulling off the track anyway, throwing the car into park and fumbling with his seatbelt at the same time.

By unspoken agreement, he turned the Explorer off and hit the lights. The music, the hypnotic sound of the heater on high, it all stopped, and somehow, even though it was cut off instantly, it seemed to fade slowly, softly, like a dream, until we were left in the dark woods, in the middle of nowhere, just the two of us. For a minute he just turned sideways in his seat to face me with this horny grin on his face. He knew he was going to get what he really wanted tonight. He hadn't gotten that from his ex-girlfriend in quite a long time, and she used to feed him scraps of affection and sex a little at a time, whenever she felt like it. He was still high on the fact that he could get off as many times a day as he wanted with me, and I was hoping he'd never lose his momentum.

I looked over at him for a moment, the tingling feeling in the pit of my stomach growing stronger. Then, as one, we jumped up in our seats and tried to squeeze through to the backseat at the same time. My shoulder pushed against his, we both laughed, and then somehow sideways we both pushed through at the same time, landing in the backseat in a tangle of arms and legs, with me ending up somehow upside-down in the back seat, my head hanging toward the floor. As I twisted myself around to get upright again, he was already sitting on the backseat, leaning back, whipping open his belt, unzipping his jeans, taking the lube from the little compartment in the cargo area where nobody else would discover it.

"Come on," he said in a hungry whisper. One big hand pulled his boxers down, exposing his fully-erect cock, primed and ready to go. I stripped off my jeans but left my shirt on (with the heater off, it was already starting to get cold, but we'd soon take care of that). He squeezed some lube into his hands and greased himself up, wincing at how cold it was but stroking away as fast as he could, anyway. With his other hand he reached out to me. He liked lubing me up even more than he did himself, which I've come to like too. He did my ass first, gently tracing a circle around and then not gently jabbing a finger inside me. It had only been a couple of weeks since we'd been fucking but already he knew just where to hit to make me to gasp and shudder.

I started to climb across the seat to him. His hands reached for me to guide me onto his lap, but he was even hornier than me, if that was possible, and he didn't want to wait. He grabbed me roughly and dragged me to him, throwing me onto his lap. It was a bit awkward this way, but it was to our advantage that he was taller than me. Kevin leaned back on the seat, and I straddled him, facing him. I needed his cock so bad my hands were shaking as I reached for it. I squeezed it and was rewarded with a sigh of bliss as he crossed his arms behind his head.

Neither of us could wait anymore; he put both of his hands on my thighs and pushed me down on him really hard, slamming his cock home. The first few minutes were nothing more than crazed, frenzied fucking--his mouth right next to my ear, his hot breath coming faster and faster, mixed with these high-pitched exhalations as he got more into it. It drove me crazy, in a good way. The Explorer's windows quickly steamed up, and I hugged him as he fucked me, as he seemed to drive deeper and deeper into me with each thrust.

We didn't want it to end that soon, though. It's difficult for me, and yet a turn-on at the same time, to stop in the middle of such a good fuck session, especially when his cock is so made for my ass. But we made ourselves come down off our high mountain for a moment, and we stopped all motion. By now I was panting just as hard as Kevin was, in a sexy kind of rhythm--he breathed in, I breathed out. I breathed in, he breathed out, our mouths only inches away from each other.

He flexed his tool inside of me, causing me to jump and shiver. He laughed. I kissed him. We disengaged from each other and both reached as one to the lever that would release the backseat and fold it down. The cargo area awaited.

And that's where he really fucked me. There was a blanket back there, which he told his buddies he used to cover his snowmobile. Sometimes he did--as he pushed me to the floor of the cargo area on the blanket, it smelled faintly of oil and gasoline, and for some reason that made me harder than ever. But either his buddies didn't notice that there were as many white stains on the blanket as anything else, or they chose not to comment.

I was on my stomach in the cargo area, with Kevin on top of me, ripping off the rest of our clothes. We didn't care about the cold anymore, obviously.

Kevin wasted no time shoving his swollen cock back where it belonged, eliciting a groan from me which made him laugh in this confident, contented sort of way. He knew I was his, and I loved that thought. We resumed our rhythm, reaching new heights as one of his big hands clamped down on one of my wrists, pinning it to the floor of the cargo area. He moved that big cock inside of me, hitting all the places that make me squirm, pinning me down even harder when I did start to squirm. God, I loved when he did that.

The best part was, that out there in the middle of nowhere we could be as loud as we wanted. And we were. I don't know which one of us made more noise, but his every shout, every groan, every exhalation, made my cock strain that much more, until I could have cum just by clamping my hand once around myself. Now that we knew we could have each other whenever we wanted, there wasn't such a rush to cum, but face it: with two horny guys, once they get into it, do they really focus on anything else besides shooting their load?

Kevin could tell I was getting close, which I knew meant he was getting close, too. He released one of my hands, which he'd been holding down, to let me jerk myself, which I began doing furiously.

We had it timed pretty well. I could tell, even before he put all his weight down on me and whispered in my ear "I'm close baby" because his breathing always caught when he was about to cum, this quick forced inhalation, about three or four times in a row, and when I heard it I feel my balls start to tingle, to tighten up, and there was no stopping it. I felt myself about to cum, almost cumming, and then I was, I was shooting, and with a final groan Kevin slammed himself down on me, letting loose a string of obscenities in my ear (I still haven't figured out which of us gets off more on that...it's the bad boy in me, despite my sometimes innocent-looking face). I could feel him pulsing in me as he came. It'd been a couple of days he'd last fucked me so he had a lot of spunk. And I wanted it all. He slammed home one more time, and stayed there, pinning me down so the rest of his semen would find its mark. As if he had to worry.

We lay in an exhausted heap for awhile, the Explorer full of the scents of sweat, and cum, and the musky scent of two guys together which probably shouldn't smell half as fucking hot as it does. I'm always in a daze for a good fifteen or twenty minutes after we finish fucking. There's something about feeling his cum inside of me, knowing he put it there, knowing he got off on shooting his cum into my ass, it just puts me in this dream world for awhile, where I can't get over how totally hot that is.

Quietly we put our clothes back on. They were cold by now, and for once I was glad that none of my cum had sprayed on any of them, because by it would be cold too, and as much as I love cum (even my own) right now I didn't really want to be cold and wet and sticky. We dried ourselves off using an old towel.

Together we climbed back into the backseat and Kevin opened one of the doors. We stepped out into the cold winter night, our breath pluming in the air in front of us. Kevin rubbed his hands together to get them warm, then came up behind me, held me from behind, his head resting on my shoulder, his arms crossed around my waist. Grinning I pushed my butt back against his crotch, and he laughed. "Easy, boy. Let's spread it out and enjoy it a bit, yeah?"

"Yeah," I said, warm with the knowledge that I'd have his cock up my ass, and more of his cum, at least two more times tonight. We never did it just once. We did it until there was nothing left, and then sometimes once more for good measure, until we'd orgasmed so many times it was impossible to get hard again. Yeah, we were that horny.

The forest was pristine and still around us, untouched and beautiful with its blanket of pure white snow. The stars in the sky seemed to shimmer, and standing there in the silence, with Kevin's arms around me, it was almost as if I could feel the earth turning. The emotions were back again, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to laugh or cry. I'd like to say that this story is just about the awesome sex. But I'd be lying if I said that's all it was. I mean come on, if someone's like your brother, then you...

No. I didn't want to say the "L" word, not even in my thoughts.

"Come on," Kevin said. We climbed up on the hood of the Explorer and sat side by side, watching the stars. It prolonged that post-sex daze I had, but I didn't really care. This was really what I'd always wanted, but I couldn't bring myself to say that.

"I was thinking," Kevin said as he continued to look up at the night sky, "maybe it'd be fun to spend a week down at my parents' cottage by the lake. There's all those mountains to explore, and we'd have to keep each other warm at night..."

"Sounds perfect," I told him. "I'm so there. When can we leave?"

"Um, how about tonight?"

I nodded and said quietly, "I was hoping you'd say that."

We sat there awhile longer, until we got so cold we were both shivering uncontrollably, even huddling against each other. We got back into the Explorer and sat in silence for a moment. Then he grabbed my wrist and guided my hand over to his crotch. Sure enough, he was rock hard again.

"Mmm," I said. "That's hot. You want it now, or when we get back to your place?"

"I'm a greedy man. I want both."

"Me too," I told him.

By the time Kevin had shot a second load of his hot cum up my ass, we were both plenty warm again. He had that satisfied "I just got some hot ass" grin on his face as he turned the Explorer around and drove back towards town the way we'd come in. Both of us were too high on our sex to really care about anything else.

"I've still got more left," Kevin said as he drove. I knew he was talking about his cum. "When we get to my place, where do you want it?"

"In my ass, preferably," I told him with a smirk.

He laughed and ruffled my hair. "Yeah I know that, dork. Where in the house?"

"Hmm," I said, my smirk getting bigger. "The foyer. Right in front of the front door. In the middle of that big rough scratchy floor mat."

He grinned. "You got it."

Next: Chapter 3

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