Middle of Nowhere

By Sean Monteiro

Published on Jan 1, 2006


Warning: This story contains hot gay sex between two males. If you are under 18 or it is illegal for you to read this because of your location (county, state, country, planet, etc), please stop now.

Comments are always welcome at kinzusareta_yume@hotmail.com. Also, if you are a LiveJournal member, c'mon and look me up--my user name is kinzusareta.


It's kinda weird, the situation with Kevin and me. I met him when he was dating my used-to-be-best friend, Maya. I always had a thing for him, though me being me (I'm completely shy around guys, especially cute ones, and it takes me forever to be able to look them in the eyes) I didn't really open up to him until Kevin and Maya had been together for a couple of years. At first we sort of had a love-hate relationship, because I had a crush on him, yet he was convinced that Maya and I were screwing behind his back (hardly...I don't do girls).

After awhile, Kevin and I kinda made a truce, which somewhere along the way turned into friendship. He was like my big brother, protective of me whenever people threatened me. Only then, things started to get complicated. He started spending more time with me than with Maya. It happened slowly, but it happened. She'd been screwing around on him behind his back anyway, and always told me about how she didn't want him anymore. They started seeing less and less of each other, but I still hung out with Kevin a lot. More and more, as the winter wore on, we hung out during the evening, going on adventures together and getting into trouble.

I remember the night he and I were driving around in my Acura, and we got to talking about sex. Kevin had always identified as straight, so that's how the conversation started. I listened to him talk hesitantly about the girls he'd fucked in the past, and the thought of him on top of anyone, pushing into them, taking them, even if it was a girl, made me so hard.

I knew he wasn't getting any from Maya at this point--I was her best friend at the time, after all. I couldn't understand why she didn't want him to fuck her blind every night--Kevin was tall, probably 6'2" or so, a little taller than I like (I'm 5'9"). Dark brown spiky hair, and, like I said, the most beautifully stunning blue-green eyes. Honestly, they had sparkles in them. And even though he was a mechanic, he always dressed in the hottest preppy clothes.

We pulled into the parking lot behind our old high school and the subject turned to how long it'd been since we'd last gotten some. I commiserated with him and told him it'd been a long time for me too, but with all the jerking off I did, at least it kept my horniness at bay.

"So how often do you jerk off?" he asked, then laughed. "Damn. That sounds like a cheesy pick-up line."

Cheesy, maybe, but it still made me start to swell in my boxers. "Well it depends I guess...at least twice a day, usually more like five times."

"Really?" he asked, giving me that intent look that sent shivers through me. "That much?"

"Yep," I said with a grin. "In the shower every morning and in bed every night...and whenever I can in between classes and work and all that."

Kevin laughed softly and looked away. "You must drain yourself dry."

"That's my goal," I told him. "I mean, come on...what else is there to do around here, especially in the winter, right?"

"Right," he said pensively.

We talked some more, mostly about straight sex stuff. I'd known since I was about four years old (no kidding) that I liked guys, so my sexual experiences with girls were limited, but there was some experimentation of course, and Kevin seemed genuinely interested. When we said good night and he was getting ready to go home, before he got out of my car, he looked at me with that same intent gaze and said, "I had a good time tonight, Sean."

"Me too, man," I told him. I think using "man" in that context sounds ridiculous, but when I'm around "straight" guys, I tend to lapse into it without thinking.

"No," he said, continuing to look me full in the eyes. "I mean, I had a good time." And without giving me time to really thing about that, he reached across the console and hugged me. I said before I felt as if Kevin was my brother, but we'd never really touched each other. He was quick about it, like he was nervous, but I savored the feeling of his arms around me, the scent of his cologne.

He pulled away much too quickly for my taste, and then said brightly, "So, you doing anything tomorrow night?"

"Hmm, let's see," I said musingly, trying to put him at ease because he was clearly uncomfortable and probably was afraid of how I'd take the hug. "I'm single at the moment, I'm taking the next semester off, and we live in the middle of nowhere, in a town that boasts six traffic lights total. Nope, not much going on."

He smiled. "You want to go off-roading, then?"

"Hell yeah," I told him. We both opened our doors and got out of my car. I ran a hand lovingly across the smooth paintjob on my RSX. "But let's take your vehicle, OK? My baby can tear up the highway, but he's not made for fun stuff like that."

Kevin laughed. "Yeah. Wouldn't want to ruin this pretty boy. Again." He walked around the front of my car, admiring his handiwork. I'd gotten into a bit of trouble last month, smashing the front end of my Acura driving way too fast, racing these two jocks in an old Ford Probe. I might be a strictly import car kind of guy, but I have a thing for Ford Probes. The pervert in me likes the name, so I always smile when I see one. Anyway, Kevin had done the body work for me on the front of my car, and it looked even sweeter now than it had before.

"OK," Kevin said, standing there awkwardly. "See you tomorrow then?"

"Sure thing," I told him. And to my surprise, he came over and hugged me again. Longer, this time. Because he's taller than me, I seemed to fit right into his arms. The side of my face ended up against the collar of his leather jacket. I could hear his heart beating. To be honest I was just a little weirded out, I mean, it was over between Maya and him, but I'd been his friend for three years now where he hadn't even shown a hint of any feelings like this. But I always keep an open mind. As he walked away, turning back once more to wave and smile before getting into his Explorer and driving off, I stood there in the parking lot thinking about what had just happened.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the side window of my Acura--dark jeans, navy blue T-shirt, a white Hollister baseball cap from under which my auburn bangs poked out, a metal ball-and-chain necklace...and I wondered, for the first time, did Kevin think I was cute? Did I look good to him tonight?

I laughed at myself, got in the car, and drove home. In my bed, in the dark, I jerked furiously at my hard cock, stopping several times when I was about to cum, prolonging it, remembering the feel of Kevin holding me in his arms. Even though I'd already cum twice that day, that image alone was enough for me to shoot five times into my wadded-up boxers. Even then, I didn't get soft, so I did it again, wondering what Kevin's cock looked like. As I came the second time, biting my lip because it felt so good, I made a resolution: I would find out what his cock looked like. If nothing more, at least that. Finally, I had a mission to make those long winter nights more worthwhile.

The next night we met in the parking lot again. Kevin wore a really hot-looking vintage Abercrombie sweater and khakis. He'd had his hair cut--it was nice and spiky now, and he smelled even more of that hot cologne of his--it reminded me of the woods in high summer, pine and cedar and something else more elusive, more musky. Rich and masculine and virile. He looked good enough to eat, and I felt something tingle in my stomach. If he'd asked me to do anything, anything at all right then, I would have done it.

Of course, I'd paid special attention to what I'd worn that evening, too. Almost like it was a date. Kinda cute, huh? I was wearing a blue Hollister polo shirt with one side of the collar turned up, flared jeans, and one of those big leather wrist-straps. It was the wrist-strap he noticed first, taking hold of my arm and bringing it closer to his face to get a better look. His smiled widened. "Nice."

I had a sudden ridiculous though, that we'd both gotten dressed too nice to really go off-roading, but as long as we didn't get out of the car we'd probably be OK. I parked my Acura in a spot at the back of the parking lot beneath a row of pine trees, climbed into Kevin's Explorer, and we took off.

I love things like off-roading. It must be one of those "growing up in the country" things. I've always been big on exploring and going on adventures and stuff like that, but growing up I never really had the opportunity to do it very much. Kevin and I took off, leaving our small town behind, driving up into the hills. At the first opportunity he swung the Explorer off the road and into a field. I think it was state property, so we probably would've been in trouble if we'd been discovered, but it was pretty late at night, and our town's two night-duty policemen would be sitting on Main St. hoping to catch speeders or drunk drivers.

We had to slow down, because the terrain was so uneven. You don't want to be going even forty miles an hour if you suddenly encounter a huge hole that's three feet deep. We drove across the field, down a path cleared between a grove of trees, and eventually ended up along the canal that borders our town. Across the water was a stretch of old railroad tracks, and beyond that was about five miles of swamp before these sharp hills that seemed to reach up into the sky. There was a full moon that night, plenty of light.

Kevin put the Explorer in park and leaned back in his seat. "Nice view, yeah?"

"Yeah," I said dreamily. Meaning both him, and the scenery. Other guys can have their fancy restaurants, their chic dance clubs and all that. There's nothing more romantic, or arousing, to me, than to be out in the wilderness alone with a hot guy who suddenly might be interested in me.

Kevin kept moving around in his seat, like a little boy who couldn't sit still. "Hey Sean?" he finally said, looking straight ahead through the windshield at the view beyond. That was odd; usually he looked at me while he spoke to me.


His lips quirked up in a grin. "You know how last night...we were talking about jerking off..."

"Uh huh," I said, getting more comfy in the passenger's seat, resting my back against the door so I could be facing him.

"Well I..." He coughed and mumbled something.

"What was that?" I asked, hoping my grin didn't seem too sardonic.

He turned to look at me then, and I felt pinned down by his eyes like I never have before. "When I went home last night, I jerked off. Thinking about...what you said, I mean, what you...fuck. I mean, about YOU. I jerked off thinking about you."

My heart stopped working, I swear to God. As much as I might put on a show, I'm really not that self-confident. So I wasn't being falsely modest when I said, "Yeah right, Kev."

It wasn't the right thing to say. Something shifted in his eyes, like a wall going up. I swore under my breath and reached out to grab his arm, not really thinking about it. "Hang on. I didn't mean it like that. I just didn't think...I mean..."

He smiled nervously. "I've never gotten hard over another guy before. Never wanted to..."

My heart was definitely working again; it was going to pound its way out of my chest. We suddenly both became aware that I was holding his arm. He lowered his arm to the armrest, but used his free hand to keep mine where it was. He covered my hand with his, slowly stroking my wrist with his thumb. Maya used to complain about how he did that to her, how annoying it was. Well obviously she just hadn't been able to appreciate it because it made me hard in a matter of seconds. I was tempted to reach my free hand down into my boxers and touch the head of my own dick, because I was dead sure it was wet. I decided that might freak Kevin out a bit too much if I did that (especially if I'd then tasted it, which I usually do. Hey, I never denied being a pervert!)

I cleared my throat and squirmed in my seat. My cock was so hard it was uncomfortable, but I didn't want to reach down and adjust myself because that would mean having to take my hand away from Kevin, and what he was doing, even just to my wrist, was making my whole body shake.

He noticed, and smiled. "You like that?"

I nodded.

He gave a genuine sigh of relief. "I guess I haven't completely lost it, then."

"Lost what?" I asked lazily, not really caring as long as he kept stroking my wrist like that.

"My touch, whatever." Suddenly he looked pained. "Maya never seemed interested. It's been a long time, like we said last night." He shifted his gaze, from my eyes, to the visible bulge in my jeans. "A really long time..."

I had a vivid image of him doing that thing with his hands, but instead of on my wrist, somewhere else. I think I almost came right there in my pants, without touching myself. I closed my eyes and leaned back in the seat. "It's been a long time for me too." I opened my eyes again and looked at him. "And you think you want..."

He reached over and put a finger on my lips. "Shh. Not think. Know."

I couldn't resist. I gently bit the tip of his finger, sucked it, and was rewarded with a really deep, sexy groan. I love when a guy groans like that, this deep animal sound, it totally makes me want to cum. A lot.

"Nobody's home tonight," he told me between deep breaths. "I've got the house to myself. You want to..."

In response, I reached over and started the Explorer. "Drive. Now. Off-roading can wait for another time."

He looked at me, smiled, and put the car in gear. It's a good thing we didn't encounter those two night-duty cops on the way to his place, because he was driving so fast they probably would have taken his license away.

We walked up the stairs to the front porch. He unlocked the door, gently took hold of my arm and walked me inside. I thought that was cute, and hot, at the same time. He slammed the door and we stood together in the dark foyer, not bothering to turn on any lights.

Kevin pushed me back against the wall and kissed me. I'd fantasized about it for a long time but never even dreamed that it'd ever happen. He was good at it, too; true to the old cliché my head really did spin and my knees started to buckle. He pushed himself against me, and I felt it--his erection against my thigh. I reached down and squeezed it, and he moaned against the kiss, sucked at my mouth with even more ferocity. I squeezed tighter and his knees started to buckle, too.

He broke the kiss and nuzzled my neck. "Upstairs, baby."

He didn't have to tell me twice. We went upstairs, both of us running to get there, like we were racing. We both started laughing, hysterically, halfway up, each trying to get ahead of the other. We didn't turn on any lights as we went, we just ran to his room, slammed the door shut, and got on his big bed.

He lay me down on my back, gently. I thought it was sweet, but I don't him he didn't have to be gentle. "Don't worry," he replied. "When we really get into it, I won't be. It's been too fucking long!"

Really get into it. If my body could have gotten any more tingly, it would have. I felt like I was floating. I didn't know quite what to expect, whether it was just going to be a little mutual masturbation or maybe even him letting me suck his cock, but it looked like he wanted to go all the way. Which is my favorite, anyway.

He put his hands up underneath my polo shirt, using his big hands to trace slow circles on my abs, then my pecs, then my armpits--that was the hottest, reflexively I kept trying to arch upwards but he pinned me down with his body. God, what the HELL was Maya thinking, throwing away all this? Oh well. Her loss was my gain, right?

"Kev?" I asked as he shucked off his sweater and T-shirt, pulled off my polo, and lay down on top of me with our chests touching.

"Yeah?" he asked as he started to bite my ear.

"How...why...fuck...never mind. Just...keep doing that."

His only response was a devilish laugh. Slowly the rest of our clothes came off. We kissed some more, then I set to work exploring this body of his. And I was not disappointed, not in the least. There was a very light dusting of soft hair on his chest. I could smell his cologne, his deodorant, and the faint scent of sweat, which mixed all together made me wicked hard again. I kissed all the way down his stomach, following his happy trail, which made him giggle like a little boy. I could sense his swollen, straining cock but to tease him (and myself) I passed it by, running my hands along his legs, which were muscular and covered in dark hair. I massaged his lower legs, working my way up to his thighs. I guess I was doing something right, judging by the way he was breathing. I kissed my way up his left thigh and finally turned my attention to the part of him I'd fantasized about.

If there was such a thing as the perfect cock for me, it would have been Kevin's. I ran my hand the length of it, making him even harder. The skin was so smooth, and his pubic hair smelled so good, clean and musky. I took his cock into my mouth and he nearly jumped off the bed. I worked my tongue into his slit and was rewarded by some of his tangy precum. With my free hand I reached under and felt myself--yep, definitely wet. Kevin saw what I was doing, grabbed my hand that had been touching my own dick, and brought it to his mouth. I moaned against his cock in my mouth as he sucked my precum from my fingers. Fucking hot.

We moved around, all over the bed, but things started getting really frenzied. Neither of us had gotten laid in months, and I needed him inside me, had to have him. Now that I knew what was possible between us, I wanted it all, and I wanted it now.

When he first entered me I, can't describe how good it felt. It'd been awhile since I'd had anything fill me up, sure, but it was a hell of a lot more than that. I'd expected just a good fuck, but as he buried himself completely inside of me, as he rested his forehead on my shoulder before starting to pound my ass, it was more than just a fuck. I think he knew it too, from the way he held me the whole time.

But we both decided that those feelings, whatever they were, could wait. He needed to sink his cock in something and cum like there was no tomorrow. I needed a cock rammed up inside me to fill me with hot spunk. And hey, what do you know, we both got our wish.

He was so loud when he came, and he held me so tight, so tight it might have hurt had I not been totally high on the feeling of him shooting his hot cum up my ass. Over and over he rammed that perfect cock of his home, moaning, panting. He reached under me and gave my stiff cock a few quick jerks as he finished unloading his semen into me, and I came with a shout, spraying the sheets beneath us. It felt like I'd hit some untapped reserve of cum in my body somewhere, I could feel it shooting up my cock and out of my body, so much more than I'd ever shot before, even while a guy was fucking me.

"You done?" he asked, after a while.

"I think so," I laughed shakily.

"Me too," he said. "But I didn't want to waste any of it. I wanted you to have it all."

We collapsed in an exhausted tangle on his bed. We lay there for probably ten minutes or so, just listening to each other's breathing. With a loud exhalation, he turned to look at me. "Wow."


"That was amazing," he said.

"Yeah," I repeated, unable to say anything else. I'd hated to feel him pull out of me, but I could still feel all that cum of his up inside of me. He must have been saving up; I still felt full. It made me so horny, even now, that he'd wanted every drop of his cum to be up inside of me. How fucking hot is that.

After another minute he laughed. "You kinda made a mess of my bed."

I grinned sheepishly. "Sorry. But it WAS your fault, after all. You made me do it."

He smiled and put a hand on the side of my face. It was covered in my cum, but I didn't care. "You want to take a shower?" he asked.

I moaned in delight. I love showers, especially with another guy. Especially after he's just fucked me, and it's late, and we're both tired. That's the best warm fuzzy feeling. "Let's go," I said.

It was as good as I'd imagined. We left the lights off, and climbed into the shower together. After we cleaned ourselves off, using some of his hot-smelling soap, he leaned his back against the wall and pulled me to him. I lay the side of my face against his chest and we just let the warm water stream down over us. The rest of the world outside the closed shower curtain ceased it exist. It was just me, and him. Against my will, I started to cry.

Kevin noticed right away. "What?" he asked, his eyes wide with concern. He cupped my face between his hands. His face fell. "You regret it, don't you."

"NO," I said firmly, gripping him tighter. "It's...the opposite, really."

"Oh," he said, and his gaze grew distant for a moment. "I get it."

Yeah. This is where it gets complicated. Some "straight" guys may get off on fucking other guys, but they don't want any emotion involved. They don't want it to ever go anywhere. And like it or not, my emotions were involved. I didn't want them to be. But that's the way it goes. Kevin was already my friend, the big brother I never had. Now I wasn't sure what else might be developing.

It was like he could read my thoughts. "None of that is going to change, Sean, don't be stupid!" He tweaked the end of my nose, and I laughed. "I'm serious," he told me. "I remember the first time you told me I was like a big brother to you. I think my heart melted, in a good way. I like the idea of us as brothers, Sean."

"Pervert," I said with a grin.

"Oh come on," he laughed, "don't tell me you don't get off on the thought."

"Of course I get off on the thought," I replied.

I spent the night with him. We were both exhausted, but we only slept until about 2:00 AM. I awoke to him licking the end of my dick, which was already wet again. When he saw I was awake, he looked up at me. "One good fuck isn't gonna make up for the months I had to go without any. You up for round two?"

I sat up, suddenly having an idea. "Yeah, Kev, for sure, but...but not here."

He paused. "Huh?"

"Well...I..." I'd had a fantasy of him fucking me in his Explorer for a long time. Taking a deep breath, I told him about it.

A slow grin crept across his face. "Is that so?"

I nodded. "All those times we've driven around, exploring new places, it's been so fucking cool. But...I'd always wished we could find a spot in the woods, somewhere really in the middle of nowhere, where we can..."

He put his finger to my lips again. "Say no more. Just get dressed. I have the perfect spot in mind."

We threw on our clothes, and raced each other all the way to his Explorer.

Next: Chapter 2

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