Mick's Tales - Servicing Larry

By RichardPetersBooks

Published on Oct 12, 2014



Lots of stories available - see my Blog: http://richardpetersbooks.blogspot.co.uk/

This is part 1 of a chapter from my upcoming novel called "Mick's Tales"

Parts 2 & 3 of "Servicing Larry" will follow in the next couple of days and will be a complete free story in itself.

The original, published story about Mick is already released for the Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B008TXC5A8

The new upcoming novel will be a series of stories Mick tells about his sexual encounters with men.

I have already released another two free episodes of "Mick's Tales" on Nifty




I'd never taken much notice of my sister's boyfriends; I was too busy chasing men and boys myself! I was eighteen when she married in the early nineteen-seventies and I was enjoying the sexual liberation of the times. Mind you being bisexual still required a fair degree of discretion back then. Boys and girls screwing around was accepted amongst that peer group, but frowned on by the older generation. But boys with boys or men with men was still only recently legal in England, and society did not accept flagrant displays of homosexuality.

Anyway, on with this wedding. My separated parents hired a plush hotel for the wedding and reception and were doing their best to remain civil with each other, for the sake of their only daughter.

"But we booked enough rooms for all the guests!" My father protested to the glib receptionist, when it was discovered we were a room short.

"We are completely booked up, sir." She smiled unapologetically. She flicked a flake of errant hair off her forehead onto her perfectly formed beehive hair-style. "We assumed the, er, bride and groom would be in the bridal suite for all of the stay."

There was an unspoken, silent "tut" from my mother who did not approve of cohabitation before marriage. My father had told me how she had been before their own marriage and pretty much how she had been afterwards. Sex, to my mother was a marital chore that had to be endured as infrequently as possible.

My Dad raised his eyebrows towards me in exasperation. A silence fell upon us as if the receptionist was expecting us to agree to the bridal couple sharing the bridal bed before the bridal ceremony the next day.

I looked at the groom-to-be, Larry. I reckoned he would readily enough accept being forced into the bridal bed a day early. He was twenty-one and handsome enough in a heterosexual sort of a way. I judged he would have his way with my sister tonight, if he could. Had they already done it? Who could tell? My sister was somewhat like my mother, so maybe she had held out against Larry's advances, up to now.

"Mick," my Dad said, "You'll have to share with Larry, just for tonight."

If I had been any other sort of bride's brother, I would have objected, saying there were plenty of other guests that the groom could share with. An eighteen-year old boy needs his privacy, after all! But I wasn't any other sort of boy. Instantly I regarded the prospective groom in a new light. He was five feet eleven, with particularly strong, square shoulders. His brown hair was neatly groomed, his chin showed a manly fair shadow and his chest filled his suit well. Of course, I had to glance down the front of his trousers, but his bridal package was well hidden. Instantly I was excited at the prospect of seeing what he had before my sister did and I was experienced enough to know in what way men get easily sexually aroused. I supposed, Larry, being just a day away from sexual consummation would be particularly sexually excitable.

Not that I had anything against my sister, we had a pretty neutral sort of relationship, but I confess that I had no scruples about making a pass at her husband-to-be. The last few years had taught me that straight men were some of the most exciting challenges and that my fair, smooth good-looks interested some men who had never been sexually interested in males before.

My soft, tight velvet flares offered little resistance to the expansion inside my Jockeys.

Again there was a moment's silence as we all thought about the bedroom share. But the smiling, impassive receptionist offered us no alternative.

Larry kissed my sister affectionately on the forehead and the three porters stepped forward to take our bags. The most senior one took my mother's and sister's bags. My mother had the room next to the bridal suite. I glanced at Larry and wondered if he would be able to be quiet enough tomorrow night, so that my mother did not hear her daughter being taken.

A young porter took my Dad's case and I noticed my Dad regarding his rear as he bent over, Knowing my Dad as I did, I wondered if he would have fun with the porter later tonight. Larry and I got the most junior porter, a young-looking kid, who smiled at me. If Larry wouldn't play tonight, I was clearly on a promise from the boy who looked my age and of my inclination.

Up in the single room, Larry looked at the single bed. "I'll be all right on the floor." He nodded.

The porter smiled at me, knowingly, "It's quite a large bed and there is an en-suite bathroom" he opened the door to the shower and toilet. "There's everything you need for a comfortable night" he winked at me without Larry seeing and I smiled back, pressing a tip into his hand.

"I'll ring for room service at midnight, if I don't get lucky and we can go to your room!" I whispered into his ear, noticing he smelt pleasantly of the popular male fragrance "Brut". We exchanged knowing smiles and the boy departed. Tonight would be fun, whatever happened.

Alone with him, Larry he looked uncomfortable. Clearly this wedding was not going to his anticipated script. "Do you want to shower first or shall I?" I said as casually as possible. But alone in a bedroom with the sexually charged bridegroom was exciting and I had to fight back any outward signs of lust towards him.

"You first." Larry said, trying to sound at ease. "It's your room really."

I unzipped my suitcase and took out my briefs, flicking each one extravagantly, showing Larry my sexy range of blue, red, and yellow Jockeys and briefs. There was something thrilling about displaying such personal things to my brother-in-law to be. I quickly unpacked my shorts, T-shirts and wedding suit, using two of the three drawers and half the wardrobe.

Larry hung around haplessly lost and I shrugged off my shirt and trousers. Flicking off my socks I noticed Larry clocking the front of my red jockeys. Men just can't help themselves, They just have to sneak a peek!

I turned around and slipped my jockeys off, allowing Larry to take a look at my bare backside, if he wanted to. Also, this had the advantage of hiding my semi-erection from him. Stripping off in front of a heterosexual is one of the most thrilling things!

I headed for the en-suite bathroom and showered the day's journey off my body. I hoped Larry would pluck up courage and strip off to enter the bathroom to wait his turn to get under the shower. But I had no such luck. I washed myself and pulled back my foreskin to wash my helmet, still hoping for some action later. I fingered some soap up my rectum, well a boy can hope can't he?

My erection was more or less full and nine inches of stiff muscle bounced about under the shower. If Larry came in now, what would he make of my glistening, smooth flesh and hard shaft? But Larry didn't come in.

I dried myself off with one of the two large bath towels and wondered if I should have rinsed my cock under some cold water to deflate it. However I dried off and wrapped the wet towel around my waist, leaving the other dry towel for Larry.

The weight of the moisture in the towel helped to push my cock down to a more modest forty-five degree angle and hoping it just looked like a manly boy-bulge, not wanting to scare Larry off too soon, I stepped out of the bathroom.

Larry was still standing against the chest of drawers, looking like a spare part, out of place in the room of his young brother-in-law to be. I caught an inadvertent look at the front of my towel. I knew well from changing rooms at swimming baths and gyms that straight guys can't help but look and I also knew that, despite their heterosexuality, men felt intrigued by a boy like me displaying a bulge. Maybe it was my smooth, golden skin, almost hairless except for in the obvious spots, maybe it was my young muscles that they admired, or the size of my cock, but straight men always checked me out and I knew from experience that many could be persuaded by my looks to swing.

So Larry furtively checking the front of my towel out was nothing new to me and I felt the thrill of the chase stirring in my belly, causing my cock to stiffen. "Put your stuff in the bottom drawer and there's another towel in the bathroom." I said casually smiling, trying to put the nervous groom at his ease.

I sat on the bed, leaning against the wall behind the bed-head and crossing my legs at my knees to hide my hard-on.

Larry unpacked, saying "I can leave some of my clothes in my suitcase to make moving rooms tomorrow easier." His words made both of us remember the forthcoming nuptials. "Excited about tomorrow?" I said.

"Yes." Larry blushed, rather attractively. He was clearly embarrassed over me thinking about what he was going to do to my sister in a little over twenty-four hours. If only he knew what I was hoping he would do to me before that!

He turned his back and took off his shirt. His back was broad and his shoulders were strong. I shivered inside at the sexy sight and my cock flicked inadvertently. Larry turned around and I suggested we used a carrier bag for our dirty laundry. He had a delightful patch of fair hair in the centre of his chest and his nipples were strikingly pink against his pale flesh. How I wanted to run my fingers through his chest hair and tweak his nipples!

He turned around again and shyly took his trousers off. He wore slack boxer-style shorts and I hoped he would have something sexier tomorrow night for his nuptials. His backside looked firm and eminently fuckable. His legs were dusted with fine, fair hairs. He was all man!

He slipped his shorts off and his buttocks were pale and smooth. He turned around, holding his undershorts modestly in front of himself. His stomach was flat and peppered with hair below his belly-button. He quickly headed for the shower, muttering his thanks for letting him share my room.

I lay back against the wall and dreamed of tonight's action.

I must have dozed off. When I awoke, Larry was dressed in a casual short-sleeved short and flannels. I'd missed getting a peak at the front of his towel!

I got up, the sleep having relaxed my penis to a soft four inches, judging by the feel of it under the towel. Well I wasn't going to display all my wares to Larry at this stage, so I managed to dress without showing him anything except my bare bum.

Down in the hotel bar for six-thirty Dad and the other male wedding guests cheered Larry's arrival with me. We were plied with drinks. Myself being eighteen and legally able to drink alcohol, my Dad bought me a pint of beer with an indulgent smile.

I sat next to my Dad while Larry teamed up with his mates. Compared to his friends, Larry was quite handsome and his short-sleeved shirt showed off his muscular forearms that were dusted with pale hairs like his legs. I noticed that when he smiled his cheeks dimpled rather attractively.

"He's out of bounds!" My Dad whispered. "He's spoken for." My Dad knew me well and was regretting suggesting that Larry shared with me tonight.

"It's OK Dad, I'm on a promise, tonight with the porter." I smiled.

Dad just tutted at my promiscuity. Secretly, I think he envied me for the fun I was having. Fun that he regretted missing out on, himself, when he was my age.

"How's Justin?" I said with a wink, knowing that the gym teacher and Dad were male lovers.

"He's fine." Dad said cautiously, not wanting the other male relatives and friends to hear about his personal life. "He'll be along tomorrow, he's teaching today."

"Don't you ever get jealous of him mixing with all those handsome young men in their skimpy gym clothes?" I leered suggestively.

"No. It's called trust and respect, Mick." Dad said reproachfully. "Not everybody is like you, son!"

The drinking session wore on and by nine o'clock, Larry was on the drunk side of merry. Physically relaxed from the alcohol, Larry was becoming more vivacious and attractive by the minute.

"Better call it a night Larry," Dad said. "Big day tomorrow."

The friends groaned, but knew they could keep on drinking the night away, while the groom got his beauty sleep.

"I better go with him and sort out who is sleeping on the floor." I said and Dad gave me a searching look.

"Never mind!" One of his mates said. Tomorrow you'll be in that nice soft bed with your new bride!" He winked suggestively and Larry raised a thumb in positive agreement with him.

The friends giggled and looked embarrassed towards my Dad, the father of the soon-to-be deflowered bride.

I put my arm around the back of Larry's shoulders and supported his stagger out of the bar. In the lift, alone with the testosterone-fuelled groom, I felt a rush of desire for him. Larry put a grateful hand around the back of my neck, "Thanks Mick!"

I put my hands around his waist to support him as his masculine frame lurched towards my body, when the lift stopped at our floor. "I'll take the floor." His eyes swayed in front of my face.

"We'll see." I said as the lift doors opened.

Inside the single room, which seemed smaller now that it housed our loosened up, alcohol-fuelled bodies. "I'll just take a quick shower." I said and stripped off my shirt and trousers.

"You'll be married, yourself, soon enough." Larry leered and looked my body up and down, a skimpy pair of canary-yellow briefs the only thing hiding my vital bits and bobs. "Bet a looker like you has to fight the girls off!" Larry nodded assertively.

"I have my moments." I laughed and turned around, shrugging off my tight briefs. Behind me Larry was laughing the exaggerated merriment of the almost drunken man.

I quickly showered, not wanting to waste a moment in case Larry passed out from the drink. But I took plenty of time to finger and rinse my anus.

Outside, with a towel covering me, Larry was leaning against the chest of drawers, looking vacant. "Let's get you showered and we can share the bed, so long as we have underpants on." I said.

Larry let me undo the buttons of his shirt, hardly able to do it himself. "Tomorrow, it will be my sister doing this!" I whispered in a husky, sexy voice.

"Yeah!" Larry sighed and let me slide his shirt off his powerful shoulders. He was in good shape, I supposed it was his job as a car mechanic that gave him his muscles.

"And this!" I giggled as my fingers undid the restraining button at the top of his trousers.

"Mmm!" Larry sighed, eyes half closed in an inebriated reverie of the marital night.

I slid his zip down over his lump and helped the groom step out of his trousers. "Get your underpants off and take a shower." I said, wishing I could do both things for him. But even in his half-drunk state I judged it best not to push things too quickly.

While I hung his trousers up in the wardrobe, Larry shushed his underpants down his legs and headed into the bathroom. I flung his underpants into the laundry bag and picked the skimpiest briefs to put on that I could find in my drawer. They were black and little more than a posing pouch. The thin strap at the back slid between my buttocks and I arranged my slightly enlarged cock in the pouch, looking at myself in the mirror. My five inches of soft cock made a good reflection.

I slipped into the bed, sitting up against the wall, with the covers down around my waist and awaited the return of my groom.

Larry didn't take long in the shower and he swayed out of the bathroom, stark naked. His modest penis hung against his testicles, not looking much like an eager groom! He looked around the room hazily, "Can't remember where my clean underpants are."

"Doesn't matter. I've seen plenty of naked men in my time. Hop in as you are." I casually said lifting the bedcover back against my left hip.

"I'll try to not get in your way." He said stepping towards the bed.

I patted the sheet-covered mattress and invited the groom into the bed. "Don't worry about it." I smiled.

Larry smiled back nervously. He was drunk but not so drunk as to be unaware of the intimate situation.

The bed sighed and accepted his weight. His hip slid down against my waist and hip and he said "Sorry" about the contact, trying to slide his skin away from mine while also trying to get his right leg up onto the bed and under the cover.

"Don't worry about it; we're almost family, after all." I smiled and Larry smiled his dimples nervously back. He sat against the wall and his shoulder and bicep pressed to mine. "You in OK?" I said, lifting my arm over his head and resting it in the back of his neck, with my hand supporting his left bicep to keep him lodged in the bed, up tight next to me.

We sat side by side, arm against arm, hip against him and thigh against thigh. "When you are ready to sleep, we can slide down under the cover." I said. But for now, sleep was far from being top of my agenda.

(Parts 2 & 3 will be put on here over the next few days.)

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