Mickey's Training

By D One

Published on Jul 26, 2007



"What the fuck did he do now?" Gary asked as Todd and he got in the car to drive to Mickey's house.

It was a long drive but the guys had been buddies in school for years. The summer activities separated them as with all classmates. Carson went to stay with his grandparents while Sumner got a job as a junior counselor at a YMCA camp.

Gary and Todd stayed at home and when his father would let him, Mickey joined them to explore their summer pursuits.

"He took the old man's car" Todd said

"Shit you mean the other night?" Gary asked about the night Mickey suddenly showed up at a party near their high school.

"Guess so, he took off from the party like a race car driver, thought he was gonna get into trouble with the cops" Gary sighed.

Mickey seemed to be always in trouble with his father. The man was a backhoe driver, rough, bossy and seemed to bully Mickey all the time.

"He'll be alright, he's been through his old man's anger before" Gary said remembering Mickey's various punishments over the years.

There was the time he had to carry cinder blocks back and forth at the house for hours. Another time he had to dig a septic tank hole by himself before sundown. HIs father pushed all the dirt back in the hole and made him dig itout that night.

They parked the car behind he house and approached the portch. Mickey's Dad was sitting there smoking.

"You guys here to see the kid?" He asked gruffly.

"Uh yes Sir if that's ok" Todd knew how to address the man.

"Yea you two can help me with him. He stole my car" the man said.

"Yes Sir" Todd acknowledged.

"Oh you two knew about it?" he looked up at the two boys.

Todd braced himself forthe man's anger. He jammed his hands into his jeans which pushed them further down his hips. Gary nodded "we heard about it, that's all" he said.

"Oh" the man nodded "You two gonna get burned walking around like that" he smiled at the two shirtless teens.

"Does your Momma let you walk around in those torn jeans?"

Gary smiled. He always wore the jeans with rips and tears. In fact he put holes in strategic places and liked watching people's eyes aimed towards his crotch to see if anything was visable.

"yea" he stood proudly while he lied to the man.

"Hmmm I decided that punishing doesn't work with the boy" he said. The boys didn't move as they listened to him.

"So he's started summer training. It will go better of you two help, if not I'll do it all myself" he put a hand on the black handle and lifted something from the floor.

It was some kind of whip with a handle and several strands that hng from it. He flicked it a few times.

"He's already begun to learn his place" he swung the thing down on the floor.

"he's around back" the man pointed with his thumb..."he's now allowed in the house anymore"

"Christ we may have to get Mickey out of here" Gary said to Todd as they walked around the house to the back area.

Like most farm houses, there wre a number of sheds and storage buildings in the back of the main house. Few were painted or kept repaired. Trees were here and there around the place. A bunch of turkeys seemed to move in a scattered pattern here and there clucking. And dashing around them were a group of dogs.

"Dagger!" Gary called out. But Dagger ignored him as he was sniffing the butt of another dog and then dashing after a Turkey that seemed to find the dogs distracting.

"There he is" Todd said pointing. He didnt' ahve to point.

Mickey was the only other human in the back yard. He sat on the grass near a tree.

"Hey Mick" Todd called out.

Mickey looked around as if to see if anyone else, presumbably his father was near.

"It's ok, he knows we're here" Gary said as they approached their friend. "Shit" Gary added seeing thier shirtless friend was actually naked.

"He says he's training me" Mickey whispered

Todd squated "Looks like it" he fingered the chain that was wrapped around the tree and fastened with a padlock. It led to the leather collar that was around Mickey's neck and fastened there too with another padlock.

"Yea" Gary squatted then sat next to his friend patting his bare shoulder "You'll get through this one too" he consoled.

"Not sure, man he says this will go all summer and I need to change by school" Mickey said moving to sit up between his two friends.

"We'll hang out as long as it takes. He won't beat you when we're here" Todd promised trying not to stare at Mickey's cock which seemed to be half erect.

"What are those?"

"Oh he says it's so I can't touch myself" Mickey said holding up this hands which were both locked in black leather mitten like bags.

"Look at his" Todd pointed to where Mickey's ankels were in restraints chained together.

"Is he gonna kep you like this?" Gary asked fingering the chain that led to Mickey's neck.

"Guess" Mickey said.

"OK boys, time to help me out. You boy on your hands and knees" The man approached and ordered his trainee.

Mickey quickly got on his hands and knees making the chains clatter.

"What I"m doing is training him to be obedient. And what's more obedient then a dog? Dagger come here!" he called out. Dagger looked up and trotted to the man.

"See? It's simple, I call and he responds. I tell this one to do things and he ignores me" the man flicked the leather stranded whip over Mickey's bare butt.

"So this summer he's no longer a human, he's a dog who needs to learn to obey his Master" the man patted Mickey's butt with one hand and patted Dagger with the other.

"And you two can help."

Gary and Todd looked at the man and at Mickey who was on his hands and knees. His naked body waiting for whatever his trainer had in store for him.

"Every dog has a tail, and this is his" the man held up a black items that looked like a tail on one end and had a kind of bulb on the other. "It needs to be put in the butt and you can do it"

He handed it to Todd. Todd took it and looked at the item. It was rubber and seemed too big to go into Mickey's butthole which was clearly visable.

"In there?" he asked

"yea put some of this all ove rit so it'll slide in." the man handed a jar of vasoline to Gary. "Put some on his butt first, some of it inside too" he said "go ahead, I cleaned him out earlier"

Gary had never touched anyone elses butthole, just his own when he was showreing or masturbating.

"Come on, or I'll just use this to train him" the smiled and held the whip up.

Gary moved around Mickey "you ok man?" he said to his friend.

"he doesn't speak and when he does he does this. Speak boy!" the man ordered Mickey.

"BARK BARK" Mickey immitated a dog's bark.

Todd laughed. "You serious?" he asked nobody in particular.

'Very serious" the man stood and responded forcibly.

Gary opened the jar and took some of the goo on his finger. He touched it to the puckered anal opening and smeared it around and over it.

Mickey sighed.

"Inside jam some of it inside or the damn thing won't go in" the man ordered.

Gary put vasoline on his finger and slid it inside Mickey's butt.

"Put alot on the tail" the man said. Todd reached over for the jar and scooped some of it with his two fingers latering the bulb end of the rubber tail.

"More inside, use two fingers" the man looked close and then advised.

Gary obliged and soon had three fingers inside Mickey's butthole. He was suprrised it had stretched open as he has shoved vasoline inside it. His fingers felt the boys smooth intestines and tight sphinter.

"Ok that's enough, if you keep doign that he'll shoot" the man laughed.

Gary looked under MIckey and saw that indeed his half erection was not fully hard. His own cock started to harden knowing he had excited his friend.

"Ok put it in" Todd pressed the rubber bulb against the greasy butthole and pushed on it.

"It's ok, it'll fit" the man said.

And suddenly the bulb seemed to be sucked into the butthole. Mickey sighed and the tail was now pointed up in the air like a happy dog's tail.

"See? he likes it, most doggies like their tail being played with" the man said throwing a rag to Gary so he could wipe himself.

"Now this" the man held up a black leather item and put in in Mickey's mouth buckling it behind his head.

He patted Mickey's butt again "Good dog"

"Guys come on, I've got people food and beer for us"

"Will he be ok?" Todd asked.

"Oh yea, we'll leave him like that. One of you can tak him for a walk later" he laughed

The pizza tasted good and the beer flowed down their throats cooling them as the three watched Mickey the dog chained to a tree and the other animals that strolled around the area.

"How long do you uh keep him out here?" Todd asked.

"Oh he's an outsdie dog...all summer....if it rains I'll put him in the shed" the man said nonchallantly.

"Does he eat?" Gary asked realizing he was talking about Mickey like some new animal he had just discovered.

"Yea I put a dish out for him, water, it didn't take him long to learn to piss like a dog" he recounted.

"Why did you shave him like that?" Todd asked

"He needed to feel like he was starting over and besides I think he looks better like that" the man said "Don'tyou two?"

They looked at their naked friend still on his handa and knees. His black tail still plinted upwards his shaven head wrapped in the leather harness and his smooth body had begun to redden from the sun.

"How long has he been out here/" Gary asked.

The man swallowed a long gulp of his beer, then opened another one.

"I started to train him when he got back with the car" the man said "I thought about it as soon as I realized he took it. Just remember boys, you can only push your parents so far."

He pointed to Mickey for empasis.

"yes Sir" Todd answered "yea I guess" Gary added.

"Once he learns his place, you two can help me train him to do tricks like a dog. He has to getused to the fact he is no longer a human being." the man said.

'What about school?" Gary asked

"We'll see if he does a good job this summer, I'll let him dress like a human and go. But if he fucks up, he's gone!" the man said

Todd and Gary didn't ask "where" but the man answered.

"He'll stay here" he pointed to the tree until he gets his ged and then the Marines can have him. So you guys ready to help me train him?"

Gary smiled and responded "yes SIR" using "SIR" for the first time. The beer, the summer sun, seeing Mickey was still aroused and his own teenage hormones made him ready for anything.

Todd followed them to where Mickey stood.

"OK I think you deserve some reward for making doggie boy's butt hopen up, don' tyou think so doggie?" the man unbuckled the mouth harness

"BARK BARK" Mickey barked.

"Good, so you can have whichever end you want" the man looked at Gary. Gary didn't understand at first.

"If you want that end just yank out the tail and his butt is all greased up for you. If you want the doggies mouth, I think hks tounge is out and wating" the man looked at Mickey's mouth.

Indeed Mickeys toungue was stuck out and he was panting like a dog.

"He's learning fast" the man chuckled and smacked Mickey's bare buttocks.

"You get whichever end he doesn't want..and you two should do it at the same time" the man said.

Gary's cock was poking out of one of the holes in his pants. It was hard and geting harder. He understood what the man was saying now.

Todd stammered "uh not sure we uh should"

"Ok well if you two dont' want to help me train him, then I'll use this awhile instead" the man swung the flogging whip and let is smake Mickey's back. "he's got to learn what he's for"

"Shit man it's ok, " Gary said as he moved to Mickey's back and grabbed the rubber tail.

"Just put it back in when you're through. I guess you get doggie boy's mouth then" he said to Todd.

Todd hesitantly moved in frotn of Mickey. He watched as Gary popped the tail out of Mickey's butt making a sound and making Mickey jump a bit.

"Go ahead slide it in, he's greased up and open" the man said, nothing like a sloppy tight hole is it?"

Gary knelt and let his cock replace the rubber tail as it easily slid into the half open butthole his fingers had invaded earlier.

"Don't worry he likes it, don't you boy?" the man patted Mickey's butt again.

"BARK BARK" Mickey reponsded.

"And you want this other human cock in your throat don't you boy?"

"BARK BARK" Mickey repeated and panted loudly.

Todd had unbuttoned his jeans letting them slide down his thghs. His cock wasn't hard yet but getting fatter.

"Don't worry, he'll make it hard" the man said "just put it on his tongue"

Todd felt hif friends warm tongue lift his cock and draw it into his mouth.

"Good you two just have fun with him maybe when you through you two can change ends and do it again" the man went back to stting on the backportch stoop and lit a cigaretted.

He watched his new doggie be used by the two teenage boys. At first they went slow as if learning how to scrrew the human dog..then they seemed to begin to enjoy it and fucked the kid fast and slow.

The man drank a beer as Gary let his torn jeans drop and kicked them off his legs. He reentered Mickey the dog and resumed fucking him. Tood too had kicked off his jeans as he felt new pleasures treated him by Mickey's toungue and mouth.

"It's gonna be one hell of a summer" Gary panted to Todd watching the naked friend react to the new sensations.

"Shit it's gonna be a great summer" todd said as he watched Gary's muscles flex as he thurst his hips forward and then withdraw them.

"Want to trade?" Gary said

The two moved around Mickey.

"Ready for it boy?" Gary asked the human doggie that used to be heir human friend?

"BARK BARK" Mickey the dog responded.

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