Mick and Me

By RichardPetersBooks

Published on Nov 20, 2012


I have written many gay/bisexual stories and would welcome any feedback. This particular story "Mick & Me" is part of a much bigger story called "Mick - Fifty Shades of Gay"

Thanks for the feedback on Parts 1 and 2. This is Part 3 of "Mick & Me".

Contact me, Richard Peters, at: RichardPetersBooks@yahoo.co.uk

My Blog is: http://richardpetersbooks.blogspot.co.uk/

Mick & Me - Part 3 - The First Screw!

After we sucked each other off the night before, we spent all the day in Mick's parent's house, watching TV and talking about everything, including sex. Mick told me about his sexual experiences and his fantasies. I told him about my fantasies and that I used to wank off in our room thinking about him.

He said he had wondered if I fancied him but hadn't been sure and that is why he used to walk around showing off his body looking for a sign of interest from me. All those lost opportunities! But we were making up for them now!

We went to a party that evening. It was pretty boring with people just getting drunk. I got talking to a guy called Terry who was only just 18. He was a really cute, pretty looking sort of boy and I wondered if he was gay.

I now felt really old and experienced after my night's passion with Mick and wondered about making a move for Terry. Although I felt I was probably in love with Mick I still found myself sexually attracted to this lovely boy. He only looked about 16. He had no facial hair and very short-cropped brown hair.

He kept looking at me as if he was expecting something to happen, but my usual hesitancy prevented me from making an open move for him. Instead we just chatted nervously for about an hour. There was nobody else worth talking to.

Terry told me that he was going to college next term to study law. He was going to go to Leeds, where we were at college, because Mick had told him it was a great place. So I gave him a few tips about the place and told him I would look out for him next term.

When it got to about 11.30 I went looking for Mick and found him in the other room, stood over in the corner with three girls hovering around him as usual. At first I was jealous, but when he saw me he gave me a little wink and flashed a really sexy smile at me! He looked fantastic in his black T-shirt and white denim trousers with his tanned arms and face.

His trousers were skin-tight and I took a peek at his bulge when I hoped nobody was noticing. Usually his cock just showed as a large round bulge in the front of his trousers, but tonight I noticed that the outline of his cock seemed to be pointing down his left trouser leg. It didn't look hard but it definitely stretched down his leg a few inches. I wanted to just go over and grab hold of it; instead I went over and said "Hi!"

Mick introduced me to the girls. They had all been in his final year at school and they seemed quite nice. One of them called Helen was very pretty and a bit shy. She had brown shoulder length hair, blue eyes and nice pale skin. She was wearing a tight white dress and had lovely breasts. I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra and her nipples showed up, poking against her dress.

Mick noticed me looking at her breasts while I pretended to be finishing off my beer, and gave me another of his smiles. God! It was no wonder the girls always hung around him; his smile was enough to practically melt you into a heap!

I stood there peeking at Mick's cock and Helen's breasts and imagined the two of them fucking, with Mick pounding away, Helen's breasts jiggling about and Mick's arse thrusting back and forwards!

We made our excuses that we had to go now because I was catching a train early next morning. In fact my train didn't leave until noon! But I wanted to get back to Mick's and get inside his trousers!

The girls said we should all meet up before they went back to college and after a few promises we finally managed to get away. We decided to walk to his parents as it wasn't too far and it was a really warm night.

On the way there we walked alongside the castle wall as the road swept round to the right. The military tattoo had been on at the castle and there were still a lot of people about, making their way back to their cars and coaches. So we couldn't really talk. Once we got round the back of the castle we cut off through some quiet streets towards his house.

Mick said he noticed me looking at Helen's breasts and I said I'd been trying to imagine what it was like to fuck her. Mick said it was ok! That she was a "good shag" as they say in Scotland. I started to feel jealous and Mick must have noticed that I had gone quiet because he suddenly stopped, turned to me and pinned my shoulders against the wall. He said, "But it's you I want!" and suddenly reached down and stroked my prick and kissed me on the lips, his tongue immediately forcing itself into my mouth.

I was frightened someone might see us although the street was empty, so I quickly forced him away and we started walking again. He whispered to me that he really meant it and wanted to try some new stuff with me tonight.

We got to his parent's house and went into the lounge. Mick stood there with his cock still showing up poking down his trouser leg. So I went over to him and looked straight into his blue eyes while I put my hand onto his cock.

It wasn't hard but I could feel the length of it down his leg. I reached for his zip while he just stood there looking into my eyes. I undid his zip and used both hands to undo his belt buckle. Then I pulled open his tight trousers. He wasn't wearing any underwear and his cock was starting to grow now. I pushed it down his trouser leg and started to rub it through the denim. With every downward stroke of my hand it seemed to just grow and grow down his leg.

With my other hand I started to rub his fair pubic hair through his open zip. Mick started to moan and leaned towards me. He started to nibble my ear lobe while his strong arms wrapped themselves around me and moved down my back to my arse.

Like he did last night, he whispered he loved me and I took my hands off his cock and he pressed himself against my groin. I rubbed the short hairs on the back of his neck while he kept nibbling and sucking my ear. His tongue probed into my ear with a loud slurping noise.

I ran my left hand down his strong back and felt his arse through his trousers. My right hand was rubbing his nipple through his T-shirt, which was hard and stiff. Mick started to unbutton my shirt and force his hands inside to rub my chest. All the time we were pushing our cocks, which were straining through our trousers, against each other. Mick's cock was right down his trouser leg and rubbing against my right leg. My cock was up against my trouser belt and rubbing against his pubes through the opening in the front of his trousers.

My left hand was rubbing in circles over the denim covering his arse. It felt good to know there was nothing else between the trouser material and his arse cheeks. His hands had gone to work on my nipples and he was squeezing and rubbing them. My hand moved up and my fingers moved inside the top of his trousers. Because they were undone in front it was easy to push my hand down over his arse. His skin felt cool and I cupped as much of his large muscular right cheek into my hand as I could fit.

Mick finished undoing the buttons of my shirt and pulled it off me. He leaned back to look at my chest and my erect nipples. He reached his hands down to my arse again and with one hand on either cheek almost lifted me off the ground! I pushed both my hands down into his trousers and forced his trousers down his legs. We both looked down to watch his massive cock, now freed from the denim, spring up into the air.

I lifted his T-shirt up at the back and pulled it over his head. As he lifted up his arms, my face was near his armpit, which had fine blond hairs in it. I smelt his familiar musky odour and looked at the muscles rippling on his arms and chest. Then both seeming to have the same idea, we lined up our chests so that our nipples were in line with each other and each of us started to rub our nipples against the other's.

Mick's hands went down to my trousers and started to undo my zip. I had blue briefs on and my cock was already making them damp with pre-cum. With my zip undone, Mick held his cock in one hand and started to rub it against the front of my briefs. Then he pulled back the right leg of my briefs and pushed his cock up inside them so that his prick was rubbing against the side of my own cock!

His hands moved round to my arse again and pulled my trousers down so that they fell around my ankles and he pushed either hand into my briefs and grabbed a cheek in each hand. With his cock pulling away at the front of them as well, I thought my thin little briefs would snap!

Mick gave me one of his wonderful kisses and as our tongues explored, our cocks continued to rub against each other. Then Mick stopped kissing me and in a husky voice he said, "Will you fuck me?"

I said I didn't know what to do and he said he'd show me. He slowly pulled his cock out of my briefs and kicking our trousers off our ankles, he led me by the hand into his bedroom. Walking slightly behind him I watched the muscles in his legs and those strong round buttocks as he moved and I remembered all the times I had caught sight of them in the past. Now at last I could touch them and do whatever I liked with my wonderful Mick!

Once we were in the bedroom we stood by his bed, but Mick kept his back to me. I pressed my body against his back, enjoying the feel of my skin against his. I put one hand on either side of his arse and held him gently.

I swayed slightly from side to side so that my cock was stroking across the cheeks of his bottom. At the same time I rubbed my chest against his back and softly kissed the nape of his neck. He gave a soft gentle sigh and I moved my mouth to the back of his neck and softly blew on the short hairs on the back of his head.

It's strange, but I had always imagined that screwing a guy would be quite an aggressive act, but so far this was very gentle and romantic! I looked down at his broad shoulders and all the muscles on his back and as I moved my head away from him slightly, I could see the huge mounds of his arse and the top of his thick thighs.

My cock was fully erect but the foreskin was still over the end of it so it was a bit tight and uncomfortable. I wanted to plunge it between the curved cheeks and press myself against his strong back. But I didn't know what angle to take or how to actually penetrate him.

I pressed myself against his back and moved my hands, which were still holding the sides of his bum around to the front. I curled the fingers of my left hand around his huge hot penis and rubbed his chest with my right hand.

Showing a bit more urgency now, I crouched slightly and moved back up again so that my cock was pointing downwards between his cheeks and under his arse. I whispered in Mick's ear, "What would you like to do with it now?" He wriggled slightly and then pulled away from me a few inches. He licked the palm of his hand and I noticed that a sticky sliver of pre-cum was stretched between my knob-end and his arse cheek!

My foreskin was still covering my head and Mick reached behind him and rubbed his wet hand over the first few inches of my cock. Then he bent over, putting his right hand on his bed and stuck his arse out towards my cock. His left hand was still holding my eager cock and he guided it towards his arse-hole.

He rubbed his entrance with my cock and then guided it towards the centre. I knew exactly what to do at that point and pushed forward. His arse seemed to open up to me and as I pushed, my foreskin slid back as the head of my cock pressed home.

Mick gave a funny little whimper and moved his left hand to help support his weight on the bed. I found with little circular movements, I could get a bit more of my cock into his hole, but it was quite tight.

The muscles of Mick's arse seemed to hold me in their grip and the front of my thighs were now rubbing against the cold cheeks of his wonderful smooth bottom. I started to move back and forwards slightly with my hands once again holding on to the sides of his bum. I didn't dare pull back too much in case his tight arse spat out my cock, which felt like it was too big for the hole. But each time I pressed forwards my member sank comfortably in again and my thighs rubbed Mick's lovely smooth skin.

Mick let go of the bed with his left hand and supporting himself only with the other hand now, he was furiously pounding his own cock. Our gentle soft motions had now changed to frantic ones and I could feel the whole of his arse and legs vibrating with his wanking. As I pushed into him I growled, "Fuck you!"

He screamed "Yes!" and heaved as he came. I shot my load at the same moment and Mick's body collapsed on the bed. I was still on top of him but to be honest I couldn't tell if I was still inside his juicy hole, because my knob-end was spurting away and I'd lost any sensation of feeling in it! But I was still growling "Fuck you!" with each spasm of my cock.

I lay there on top of Mick for what seemed like ages and we were both moaning and lying there exhausted. At last Mick said, "That's how you fuck a guy!" and gave a contented sigh.

I could feel the strength coming back into Mick's body little by little as I lay on top of his back. It was almost like his muscles, one by one, were coming back to life from their relaxed, exhausted condition. Once his body was firm and hard again, I realised I would have to get off my beautiful, handsome lover. His body was too powerful and strong to be dominated like that for long!

Reluctantly I moved off him and without saying anything else we both fell asleep.

Next morning we woke up late and I took a shower while he made us a cup of coffee. I followed him into the bathroom and watched him while he took a pee. I was fascinated by his body and wanted to watch it while he did all the usual things. I watched him while he showered with the cubicle door open. It was great to watch the water pouring down the curves of his body and dripping off the end of his massive flaccid cock.

I took the soap and worked up lather in my hand, then gently pulling back the foreskin I carefully washed his member while he gazed into my eyes with a glazed expression.

Then he had a shave and I watched every stroke he made with the razor through the lather. I just couldn't stop watching his magnificent body. I suppose it was the nearest I have ever come to being in love!

Eventually it was time for me to leave for my train, so we kissed goodbye, knowing it would not be too long before we were together again in Leeds for the new term.

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