Mick and Me

By RichardPetersBooks

Published on Oct 23, 2012


I have written many gay/bisexual stories and would welcome any feedback. This particular story "Mick & Me" is part of a much bigger story called "Mick - Fifty Shades of Gay"

This is Part 1 of "Mick & Me". I will post the two other parts on Nifty, especially if people tell me they want to read more.

Contact me, Richard Peters, at: RichardPetersBooks@yahoo.co.uk

My Blog is: http://richardpetersbooks.blogspot.co.uk/

Mick & Me - Part 1 - My First Touch!

Thinking back, it is incredible to think how naïve I was in those days! I was 18 years old, a virgin with no sexual experience. All I had done was masturbate while thinking of guys and girls. My favourite fantasy was that I was watching a guy screwing a girl while I stroked my cock.

Remembering my fantasies, it is obvious now that I was attracted to guys as I used to imagine seeing the muscles on their backs and their arses heaving up and down while they fucked away.

But at the time I had not come to terms with my sexuality and used to kid myself that I really wanted to be the guy that was shagging the girl.

When I was 18, I went to college and shared a bedroom in the Hall of Residence with this guy who was a few months older than me. He was called Mick and he was quite experienced sexually. In the nine months that I had shared a room with him he had had four girlfriends and screwed them all.

I really envied him. He was a bit taller than I was and quite muscular. He had girls falling for him as soon as he looked at them!

A couple of times, after he had screwed a girl, he had described it to me. He knew I was a virgin and used to tease me about it. I think he described it because he knew it got me going. But he was a bit of an exhibitionist so I think he got off on telling me about what he did with his girlfriends.

Sometimes he would undress slowly in front of me while talking and I suspected he liked it when I peeked at him undressing. But I thought I was maybe imagining that. He was sexually liberated compared to me so I wasn't sure if he was letting me see him or if he didn't even think about it.

He was the sort of guy who walked around naked in the college changing rooms and took part in horseplay like towel flicking and being macho. I was rather shy and would quickly get my clothes on hoping nobody was looking at me.

I was a bit confused about that sort of thing, I didn't know if guys like him were a bit gay or just uninhibited.

As I have said, Mick was a bit taller than I was, he was six feet tall, with blond hair and blue eyes. He had a nicely muscled body but not highly developed muscles. His skin was smooth and tanned with very little body hair - on the parts of his body that I had seen!

Anyway last time he had a girl in our room, he asked me to make myself scarce for an hour. I went to the bar to drown my sorrows, envying Mick with his girl.

He came down to the bar in the Student's Union later and after a couple of drinks we went to our room. I quickly got undressed and into my bed. He started describing what he had done with Julie while he walked around getting undressed. I kept peeking at his body and imagining the two of them screwing, over on his bed.

He got into his bed and started to tell me how she had sucked him off. He told me what it had felt like, then suddenly he asked if I wanted him to come over and show me what it felt like. I was so shocked, I just mumbled that I wasn't gay and that he was drunk. Then I pretended to go to sleep. But all the time I was imagining what it would be like to have him suck me and for me to suck him.

We didn't mention it after that night. But when I wanked off I would imagine being in bed with Mick and Julie with them screwing each other and me being sucked by both of them and feeling their arses as they banged away at each other.

Then he finished with Julie and it was getting towards the summer holidays. He invited me to come and stay at his parents, but I wasn't sure if I should. What would I do if he offered to suck me again? But he said there were girls in his hometown he could introduce me to, so maybe I could lose my virginity if I went to stay.

He was a good pal and I didn't want to blow it by making the wrong move or letting him know I fancied him. Also if I did have sex with him it would be like admitting I was gay and I wasn't ready for that.

I was a bit thinner than Mick, not as good looking, but I was also fair and smooth skinned. During this period, Mick used to walk around our room with only his jockey shorts on and sometimes completely naked.

He was very uninhibited and sometimes I used to wonder if he was flirting with me. But when he used to tell me about his sexual exploits, it was all done in a "we're men of the world" sort of attitude. Quite juvenile really looking back at it now, but at the time it used to really turn me on. I wasn't sure if Mick knew I was turned on or if he just liked to show off.

Mick had a great looking penis. It made an impressive bulge in his shorts! Sometimes I would see it without his shorts, when he was getting into bed or getting up in the morning. He didn't seem to mind if I saw it and I used to peek at it whenever I could! Mostly it was just quick glances, as I didn't want him to know I was looking at him. Once his jockey shorts were on, he used to stroll around much more openly, so I got plenty of chances to see his bulge.

When it was hanging down without an erection it looked quite big, much bigger than mine which always seemed to shrink away in public! Sometimes when he got out of bed in the morning he had an erection, but he always quickly put his shorts on. It looked very big though! Once his shorts were on he seemed to make a point of facing me, stretching and showing his manly bulge to me.

Looking back on it, it is obvious that he was flirting with me. Guys just don't do that sort of thing normally! But I was so naïve and inexperienced I honestly wondered if guys were just like that and I was the one with the inhibitions and problems.

I used to walk around in my Y-fronts too, but my bulge always looked so unimpressive and Mick never seemed to be taking any notice or be checking me out or anything.

So there I was with months of frustration. I used to wank off in the bathroom thinking about him. Now that Mick was without a girlfriend, he asked me if it was all right if he wanked in bed. I agreed, and we both used to wank off under our bedclothes and talk about making it with imaginary girlfriends and what we would like to do with them.

Our beds were at opposite ends of the room. Sometimes I made noises while I jerked off and sometimes he did too. We agreed that it would be ok if we wanked off whenever we felt like it.

Just usual sort of kid's stuff really, but Mick told me a lot about how to turn a girl on and different positions he had done it in.

One Friday night, after we had had a couple of drinks in the Student's Union, I was in bed and Mick was walking around the room in only his jockey shorts. He said he was feeling horny and turned round to show me his huge hard-on pushing against his shorts. "Look at that!" he said. So for the first time he had given me permission to openly look at his erection.

I made a joke saying, "I could give you a hand if you want!"

And he said, "Yeah, sure, why don't you!"

He walked over to my bed so that his bulge was only about 12 inches away from my face. I couldn't believe what was happening but reached out and stroked his penis through his shorts. It felt huge. His stomach had a few fine hairs leading down to the waistband of his shorts and his penis was up against his body, held in place by his tight underpants. It was at an angle and reached up to his waistband. I could clearly make out the shape and thickness of it and could see its round head.

As I stroked it, it seemed to grow even larger! I pulled the waistband down a bit so that his cock could point forwards and I rubbed my fingers in the pubic hair that I had exposed. His penis was now poking so hard against the material that it looked like it might burst through! I ran my hand up and down the shaft and the blue material became darker and wet at the end of his dick.

I felt this incredible lust for Mick and wanted him to make love to me. I played with his cock for a few minutes and he seemed to be enjoying it, giving little moans and sighs every now and then. So I reached behind him with my other hand and started to pull his shorts down over his arse. This pulled his cock down and forward, straining at the front of his shorts now, so I moved my hands to the waistband at the front and pulled his shorts down to his knees. His cock sprang out and bobbed up and down in front of me. It was larger than any other that I had seen. It must have been about 8" or more! I grabbed it with my left hand before he had a chance to object and worked my hand up and down the shaft.

He was uncut, but his foreskin was right back revealing a huge glistening head, which was wet and juicy. I longed to put it in my mouth, but stopped myself, remembering that this was supposed to just be manly guys-stuff to help out a friend.

He hadn't made a move for me, he was still standing at the side of my bed, but his knees were bent slightly so that his cock was thrust towards me at the right height for my hand. I kicked the cover off my bed and started to wank myself with my other hand.

I looked up at his face and he was watching me wank myself, then he looked down at his own shaft. Our eyes almost met. I asked him if he was ok and he said, "Yes, keep going, wank me off!"

We were both moaning and groaning by this time and just as my sperm started to shoot up and onto the bed, he moaned and almost fell onto me as he shot his load. It flew above my shoulder and landed with a splat on the bed behind me. I moved my hand over the end of his dripping cock and caught the rest while he moaned and writhed into my hand.

After a few seconds we both said, "Thanks" in a manly, embarrassed sort of way, trying to appear cool as if there was nothing unusual in what we had done. I said something about we should do it again sometime and he said, "Yeah" looking embarrassed and went over to his bed.

Over the next few days we didn't touch each other and then term ended for the summer. Mick's invitation to visit him at his parent's house in Edinburgh still stood and after a couple of weeks I decided to take the plunge and go and stay with him to see what would happen.

Next: Chapter 2

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