
By Daniel Master

Published on Jan 4, 1999



Disclaimer: I don't know why I ever bother you know the drill. Do not read if you are under 18, and if you can't resist don't get caught. Feel free to email me with comments, flames will be added to the fire. master_daniel_65@hotmail.com


This wasn't the fist time I saw the boy, I noticed him passing the bar I work a lot off times before. It was the first time I greeted him though. He looked surprised, like he wanted to look behind him to see if I was talking to someone else. But me looking him straight in his eyes must have convinced him I was actually talking to him. He blushed and almost whispered when he returned my "hi". I smiled at him "how are you doing." He looked up at me with those big green eyes, they where the first thing I noticed about him, he has the biggest most beautiful eyes I ever saw. His face turned an even brighter shade of red, "I'm ok," he said. "Mind if I sit down" I asked as I sat down, not waiting for an answer, I wasn't about to be turned down. "Ok" his vocabulary needs a bit of work I thought to myself but he has a nice voice, deep and masculine. The waitress came to our table to see to our needs and from the look of her she wanted to see to all of mine. "What'll it be love?" she practically shouted in my ear. "A black coffee for me and one with cream for my friend" I said never taking my eyes of the object of my desire. He stared in his coffee looking up every now and than just to quickly gaze down when he saw me staring at him. The noisy waitress slammed our order on the table, I think she figured out I was not real interested in her. We sat silently sipping our coffee for a while I looked around the little coffee shop hoping I wouldn't catch some disease as it wasn't exactly clean, everything in the place seemed to be a dirty colour orange, the tables and counter all looked sticky. When I looked back at him he was staring at me and I caught his eyes, he looked like a rabbit trapped by the headlight of a car unable to look away. His face bright red his green eyes gazing into my brown, I lost myself in his. Then he broke his eyes away and sighed, "I have to go now" he got up and began to walk away. 'Oh no you don't. I want to talk to you, my boy.' I threw some money on the table and followed him out of the coffee shop. He tried to walk away from me but being well over a foot taller I easily kept up with him. I grabbed his arm and turned him around, "I want to talk to you. Come on, lets go to a more private place." Holding him by the elbow we walked to the bar I work at and live above. He didn't resist he just allowed me to lead him. I opened the door right next to the entrance of the bar and gently pushed him inside I didn't want to give him the opportunity to change his mind. Inside the tiny hallway I told him to go up the stairs and to his right and I followed him admiring the way his pants stretched themselves over his butt with every step he took. It took a lot of control for me not to touch him. "Can I get you something to drink?" I asked him when we entered my living room. "No." I looked at him and told him to sit down he chose the chair as I thought he would, he wasn't going to take the change of me sitting next to him. He doesn't know me, because if he did he would know I get what I want... always. I sat down on the coffee table after I put it right in front of the chair he sat in. "I don't even know your name," I said "my name is Jon what is yours?" "Mick." "Hi Mick nice to meet you I've seen you walk by so many times and I thought it was time for us to finally meet." "Why?" he looked a bit puzzled. "I'm not really sure, you look so sad sometimes, at first I thought you just where afraid to come in here, you know walking into a gay bar can be difficult when you're alone." "But later I thought it was something else keeping you out and I got curious. I just decided to meet you, I saw you walk by earlier and followed you." "I don't get it, you followed me? Have you been following me the whole afternoon?" Now it was my turn to blush 'Christ' I didn't even know I could blush. "Eh... yeah I followed you all afternoon." I shrugged and smiled at him. "Look, Mick, I'm not some sicko I didn't know any other way to talk to you so I just waited for you to sit down for coffee and sat down with you." "But why would you want to talk to me?!" he said emphasising the me. I frowned "because you are a cute guy and you have beautiful eyes." Mick jumped up all of a sudden yelling, "Just cut the crap will you I know what I look like I look at this ugly face every morning when I try to shave around the burn scars..." He stood there for a few minutes lost in thoughts then he turned around "I'm outa here." "Oh no, my boy, you are not going anywhere before we talk about this, now sit down and listen to me." I used my 'mastervoice' it had the effect I was looking for Mick listened immediately; he sat down even before he realised it. "Is that what the sad face is al about? The scar on you cheek? Is that all you are? A scar on a face? That's not what I see when I look at you, I see a very cute boy with beautiful but sad eyes. After that I see a scar on your face but I don't see a scar with a boy behind it. Your scar is not the first thing I noticed about you." "That's easy for you to say, you looked at me through tinted glass." I narrowed my eyes for a second he wasn't going to be convinced easy. "Come on down with me." I took him down the other stairs into the pub I sat him down behind the bar, "Look through the window and tell me what you see." He turned to face the window and I saw his surprise at the fact he was looking through crystal-clear glass. "I saw you just like you are." "Now lets get back upstairs and I'll fix us some dinner I'm starvin'." I walked out of the pub half expecting him to object but he just got up and followed me. He walked into the kitchen after me and sat down on one of the barstools. I got a frying pan out and made us both a steak "Do you want to make the salad, Mick?" "Hello, Mick?" "Sorry, Jon, what did you say?" I smiled at him "Do you want to make the salad?" "Sure, where do I find everything?" "Vegetables in the fridge, salt and pepper in the cabinet right above the oven, oil and vinegar in the wall closet to you left. Need anything else?" "No, that'll be fine." We worked in silence I set the table in the small dinning room dimming the light a bit, first I wanted to place some candles on the table but I didn't know how he would react to that so I decided against it. I couldn't quite figure him out. He didn't talk much but there was definitely fire in him and he stayed though no one made him. I wanted this to work out. I had been admiring him from a far for such a long time, nothing like this ever happened to me before. Working in a gay bar looking like I do, I never had any trouble getting anyone I wanted in my bed but this time I wanted more than just some one nighter. I know it sounds stupid and if any of my friends could hear me now they would piss themselves laughing but I wanted to protect Mick, be there for him maybe even love him. Don't get me wrong I have great friends; it's just I always said I wouldn't fall for any guy. I'm meant to stay single and more of that crap. Most of them warned me this day would come but I never believed them. "Jon? Are you ok?" a silent voice came from behind me he startled me and I turned around looking down on him, "yeah I'm fine lets eat shall we." During dinner Mick seemed to ease up a little he asked me all sorts of questions he wanted to know my age (33) my height (6.7) and a lot more We chatted all through dinner I found out his age (23) and height if you can call it that (5.5) he's tiny, at least he is to me. I had thought he was younger he didn't look a day over 18 I'm real glad he is older I had begun to feel a bit like and cradle robber. We drank two bottles of wine during and after dinner. We cleaned the kitchen together and took the wine into the living room. I put on some music and we talked until I saw Mick yawning and stretching his body. "It's getting late isn't it? Do you want to go home?" I asked, hoping he would say no I didn't want this evening to end. "I guess I should--" he said. "But?" I asked. "But, I don't want to it's been a long time since I had an evening as nice as this one." "You are more then welcome to spend the night. There's plenty of room you can sleep in the spare room if you want to." I thought I saw a quick flash of disappointment on his face so I decided to jump in "but you can also sleep in my bed." He mumbled something I couldn't hear. Then he said he had to use the bathroom and he ran out of the room. Ten minutes later I started to get worried and twenty minutes later I decided to go and take a look. I found him in the bathroom watching himself in the mirror tears streaming down his face he didn't make a sound and it damn near broke my heart. "Mick, nothing is going to happen if you don't start it. I promise you. I do very much want to make love to you but I won't start anything. You have to make the first move. You can sleep in my bed and I will not even try to hold you if you don't want me to." Mick wiped the tears from his face and turned to look at me he smiled and said he'd stay the night and he wanted to sleep in my bed, he told me he hadn't slept with any other men for years. I left him to use the bathroom after telling him there was an extra toothbrush in the medicine cabinet, he apparently was in a hurry to get in bed because it only took him a few minutes to get ready. I went about my business in the bathroom and joined Mick a little later. I'm used to sleeping in the nude but I kept on my briefs. Mick lay in my bed -- he looked so small in my self-made huge bed. I saw him shiver and guessed he was nervous so I just slid under the blankets and turned the lights of. "Goodnight, Mick." I turned my back to him and tried to get to sleep. "Goodnight, Jon." I could almost hear him thinking, somehow I knew he had hoped I would take control and lead him. He knew he had to be the first to make a move, he wanted to. I could feel his struggle as if it was my own like I was somehow connected with this beautiful young boy. If I hadn't been so tuned in on him I probably would have missed his whispered "Jon?" but I heard it and reacted "hmm?" "Will you please hold me?" "Sure, baby, come here." I rolled over until I lay on my back and pulled him close, much to my surprise he was naked, his head rested on my chest and my hand found his waist to be the perfect place to hold him. He rested his hand on my chest but I could feel he was still tense. We just lay still for a while, Mick started to slowly relax I didn't dare to move "Jon... Did you mean what you said before? You know ... about you, ehm, you know..." "I meant every word I said about everything, what are you trying to ask me?" "I want you." "You want me?" I said wondering what else he wanted to say. "But I'm not sure you really want me." Mick whispered. "Baby I want you so bad it hurts. Believe Me, if I had my way I would have been all over you hours ago." He tensed up again -- shit, me and my big mouth. But then I felt his hand stroke my chest and I held my breath. When his fingers touched my nipple I couldn't stifle a moan I wanted him so bad his slightest touch aroused me beyond believe. "Baby, can I please turn the lights back on? I want to see you." "NO!" he almost shouted then softer he continued, "please give me some time to get used to this." "It's ok, baby, we can leave the lights off if you want it that way." Mick's soft hand kept on stroking my chest, suddenly he seemed to make up his mind and he climbed on top of me. God, I can't tell you how good it felt to have this small boy's body on top of me. His lips touched mine and we lost ourselves in a kiss so sweet I can't begin to describe it, our tongues gently caressed each other. After an eternity Mick broke the kiss and whispered in my ear, "Jon, I'm a little scared about this because I have never done it, but I need to feel you inside, somehow I need to make this real, I don't know if you understand it I'm not even sure I understand it myself but will you please make love to me?" "Yes, baby, it will be an honour to be your first and I will be as gentle as possible. "Get on you knees and elbows so I can lube you up first and loosen you up a bit. When we make love I want you on you back so I can kiss you." I intended on getting his sweet hole slick with lotion but his smell drove me mad, I had to taste him so I gave him a good tongue bath until his body shivered with lust and he couldn't stop moaning. I slowly and gently pushed in first one then two and finally three fingers, I used my fingers to fuck him until I was satisfied I loosened him up enough to take me in. After telling Mick to lie down on his back I used the lotion to get myself ready and position my cock against his hot asshole. "Ok, baby, the easiest way to do this is for you to push out when I push in I can't promise you I won't hurt you, but I can promise you I will stop when you tell me to." "Yes," he moaned, "please fuck me. I need you inside me so bad. Just push in." I did just that slowly I eased my way in Mick moaned and panted but he didn't stop me. He held his breath and blew it out in short puffs, but he didn't stop me and I just kept on slowly pushing. When I was halfway in I wanted to give him a minute to get used to the full feeling but he wouldn't let me stop. "Push in farther I want you inside me -- every bit of you. Please just go on don't stop." "Oh, baby, you are so tight, you feel so good." "OH god, oh god you are so big don't stop I need you. Ohhhhhh my goddddd." Finally I was in all the way and I didn't move for quite a while Mick wanted me to but I had to make sure I didn't hurt him. When I felt him relax around my cock I pulled back about half of my cock and slid it back in I heard Mick gasp and then moan out loud I think he found out what his prostate can do for him. I kept up a slow rhythm pulling out halfway and pushing back in but after a while with each thrust I pulled out a little farther and slid back in a little harder. Mick was moaning harder and harder "Oh my god, yes. Ohh, Jon, ooohh my god, yesss. Oh ohhhh oooooohhhhhhhh!" And then I stopped, I had to see his face. "Mick, baby, I want to turn on the lights, I need to see you. Please, can I turn on the lights?" "Yes," he hissed through his clenched teeth. So I did and before my eyes I saw the most beautiful sight in the world: Mick. "Oh, baby, you are so beautiful." I kissed him and started thrusting again I could feel his cock trapped between our bodies. I had to let go of his hot mouth to breath "Baby, I can't hold back any more. I'm cumming soon I'm gonna blow. Oh yes!" I locked my lips to his, tasting his sweet mouth, breathing hard through my nose, moaning in his mouth and then I felt his ass muscles contracting around my cock milking the juices right out of me. His entire body shook wildly as his orgasm took over. I blew my load at the same time. With my last strength I picked him up and pulled him close turning around at the same time so I ended up on my back with Mick on top of me. I wrapped my arms around him and we fell asleep physically and emotionally drained. The next morning I woke up to find Mick still on top of me watching me with his head resting on his folded hands. "I have to tell you something," I said, "I don't want to scare you of but I have to get this of my chest." He started to roll away with a worried look in his eyes, I smiled at him "Oh no, you stay right here. I like this much too much to let you go. What I want to tell you is: I love you. I know it is a bit soon, but I do really love you." The last thing I expected was for him to start crying, I didn't know what to do so I just pulled him close and let him cry. After a few minutes he lifted his head to look at me with a faint smile, "I love you too." Then his smile grew stronger, he pushed himself up so he sat on me he threw his arms in the air and yelled, "I LOVE YOU TOO!" He let himself fall back on my chest wrapped his arms around my head and whispered in my ear, "I love you, I love you, I love you."

Mick never left after that night he moved in with me and somehow his scar didn't matter to him anymore.

-- Daniel

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