Michelle and Fiona.

By Graham

Published on Jun 15, 2000



Author: Graham. zzzz@qqqq.greatxscape.net

Michelle and Fiona.

Stylus' was an Italian restaurant in the middle of town and I was there one evening with my boyfriend John, enjoying a meal. Between courses, I decided to visit the ladies loo for a pee and excused myself, saying I'd be a while as I had to redo my makeup. This also gave me chance to have a ciggy as I sat there in the stall and contemplated whether or not to carry on seeing John, as he'd been messing around with a girl from his work and I'd found out about it, hitting the roof and telling him it was all over between us. This meal was suggested by him and was intended as an apology for his misconduct. I wasn't going be bought so easily and I decided that that when we got back to his place, I was going to tell him that we couldn't carry on seeing each other and it was all off! It wasn't that big a deal anyway because we'd only been going with one another for three months and already I was thinking that we weren't really suited. I finished my ciggy and threw it into the bowl as I stood up and adjusted my dress, smoothing it down over my thighs before turning round and flushing the loo. As I stood in front of the mirror and adjusted my mascara, a woman came out of the stall next to the one I'd been using and ran the taps to wash her hands. At first it didn't click but then I realised there was something not quite right' about her! She seemed alright at a glance but I couldn't quite put my finger on what was bothering me about her, maybe the way she stood or dressed? Then, as I applied some eye-shadow and secretly looked her up and down in the mirror, I saw it. There was a definite bulge low down in the front of her short blue satin dress! I was in the ladies loo of one of the plushest restaurants in town – with a guy dressed as a woman standing next to me, and the funny thing was, I was starting to feel really horny as I stole several glances at his rising bulge! Even I don't believe what I did next! I casually slid my dress up my right thigh to reveal my lacy stocking-top and pretended to adjust the black suspenders that held them up, all the time sneaking a look to see if he was watching me! He was, and the tell-tale bulge in the front of his dress got decidedly more pronounced and confirmed my suspicions! "I see that you like to look at my suspenders and nylons!" I heard myself saying to him, "How about this then?" I turned towards him and slightly slid the hem of my dress up my thighs to expose not only my lacy black suspenders and lace-top nylons but also a glimpse of my very hairy cunt, showing him that I wasn't wearing any knickers! His eyes were riveted to my crotch and without a word, he slowly copied my actions and slid his dress up his nylon-clad thighs to reveal a 6 inch long, upwardly curving and very thick cock, jutting out from between a pair of red suspender framed thighs! "Jesus Christ!" I breathed as I caught sight of the massive mushroom-like knob-end! "I… I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to notice that I had a hard-on!" he stammered, "But when I saw you getting up from your table and going towards the toilets, I had to follow and sneak a look at you over the top of the partition wall!" "You looked over the top at me sitting there?" I asked. He slowly nodded his head. "You… you won't report me, will you?" he asked. I took a step towards him and reached out, wrapping my fingers round the thick shaft of his cock and gently rubbed that wonderful knob-end up and down the length of my juicing slit, coating it with my now copiously flowing cunt-juices! "Why should I, when you can see what an effect it's had on me?" I replied softly. "You…. You're not mad at me then?" he stammered as I continued to slide his cock up and down my furry gash, "It's just that you looked so beautiful as you walked in here, I just had to follow you and sneak a look at your cunt!" "Does it look as if I'm mad or upset?" I asked him, "I'm quite the opposite actually!" I then squatted slightly, splaying my knees, and eased his massive knob-end past my thickening cunt-lips and gasped with pure pleasure as I felt him slide partway into me! "Christ, that feels good!" I whispered as I ever so gently rocked my hips back and forth, his cock making my cunt squelch softly as it stretched my cunt-walls and barely slid in and out of me, "I want you... now! Let's go into one of the stalls and fuck!" I felt a slight pang of regret as he pulled away from me and his beautiful knob-end plopped out of my sucking cunt, leaving my cunt-lips splayed and gaping! "Okay!" he whispered as he turned and entered one of the stalls, "Follow me!" He hitched his dress all the way up to his waist and sat on the seat before leaning back, his marvellous rigid cock jutting up from between his nylon-clad thighs, it's thickly veined shaft and massive purple knob-end shining with my juices and his lacy red suspender-belt and nylons now on full view! I locked the door behind me before I hitched my own dress right up around my waist and heard him gasp as he looked upon my now fully exposed thick thatch and gash. "Fucking hell! Your cunt-hairs go all the way up your belly!" he whispered as I moved towards him, "And what a beautiful cunt you have!" "Well for the next few minutes, it's all yours to fuck and fill with your cum!" I heard myself saying as I straddled his thighs and positioned my juicing cunt over his cock. I moaned softly as I sank down onto that massive knob-end and felt it parting my cunt-lips, pushing them apart before stretching the inner walls of my cunt as well, his knob-end and thick shaft was forcing my cunt open like it'd never been opened before! Before the cheeks of my ass could feel the comforting touch of his nylons and suspenders, his knob-end was butting up against my cervix and I had to slowly ease the rest of him into me before wrapping my arms around his neck! He shifted beneath me and rotated his hips slightly, and I felt him slide all the way inside me! At last I was totally impaled on that gorgeous cock of his! I slowly lifted myself up and down and sighed with pure lust and pleasure as he reached behind me and unzipped my dress, sliding it off my shoulders to expose my black lacy ½ cup bra and erect nipples! Gripping him tightly, I slowly moved up and down as he bent forward and sucked my nipples, his knob-end butting up against my cervix every time I lowered myself onto him, dilating it slightly! My orgasm was rising fast and my cunt was oozing with my juices as he pushed up to meet my downward thrusts, our speed increasing until my ass was slapping against his nylon-clad thighs! He then dropped one hand and reached round behind me, sliding a finger deep inside my ass and taking me completely by surprise! "Oh my God!" I breathed hoarsely, "I'm starting to come!" "Me too!" he gasped, "I'm nearly there!" "Spurt your cum into my cunt!" I heard myself gasp as I held him tighter, "Fill my cunt with your thick cum!" The first waves of my orgasm were already flooding through my cunt and my belly as I felt his cock grow even thicker and his shaft begin to jerk and throb deep inside me! "NOW!!!!!!!!!!!" he cried in a strangulated whisper, "I'm coming NOWWWW!!!!!" My own orgasm hit me like a bolt of lightening as I felt the first powerful jet of his cum spurt into my cunt, hitting the inside walls! Spurt after spurt of thick and creamy cum then spewed into me and blasted my insides as my most powerful orgasm ever, smashed through my body, making me shake and shudder violently! My orgasm was so intense that I lost control of my legs and I slid forward, splaying my legs wide apart as my cunt smashed down, right onto his thrusting cock! I felt a sharp stabbing pain and then a dull ache as I realised that with me slipping forward like that, he'd actually impaled my womb with his cock! I tried to pull off him by pushing my hips backwards, but as I'd no real power or control of my legs, it was no good, we were like a dog and bitch – tied and knotted! His cock continued to twitch and jerk as it spat it's load of hot and sticky cum into my womb and we both clung together, both of us fighting for breath! "Oh my God!" I kept repeating over and over again, as I felt his cock jerk and spurt yet another load of creamy cum into me, "We're knotted!" "I know! he gasped, "I can feel your cervix actually gripping my knob-end!" We clung to one another, kissing passionately for a few moments before I felt his knob-end start to shrink slightly and pull against the tight ring of muscle that was my cervix. And then it suddenly pulled out and I felt his stretched cock withdraw down my cunt and nestle at the entrance! "God, I thought we were gonna be knotted permanently!" he gasped. "Me too!" I agreed, "Nobody's ever done that to me before!" "Actually, it's never happened to me before either!" he replied. "We'd better get cleaned up! My boyfriend will be wondering what's happened to me!" I said as I stood up, some of the power having now returned to my legs, "Christ, look at the amount of cum that's oozing from my cunt!" I stood there in front of him with my dress still up around my waist and my knees splayed as I looked down to see thick strings of cum oozing out of me and dangling like spider's webs towards the floor of the toilet! "Here, let me clean you up!" he said quietly. I expected him to offer me some toilet tissue but I certainly wasn't prepared for what happened next! He slid forward onto his knees and reached up to splay my gaping cunt-lips apart with his fingers and clamped his mouth over my drooling twat, sucking his thick and creamy cum from me! My knees spread wider without me thinking about it as he clamped his lips over my clitty and slid two fingers into my cunt, finger-fucking me as I leant back against the door and had my twat sucked out! Within a minute, I was coming again and I gripped his head as my cum oozed into his mouth, where he slurped it up noisily! Eventually, he stopped and stood up, kissing me as I adjusted my dress and unlocked the door. "Thank you, I enjoyed our little meeting!" he said as he re-applied his lipstick and straightened his dress, "I really hope we meet again!" "Jesus! Me too!" was all I could say as he went out of the door and back to his table. I followed him out and made my way back to John. "You were a long time!" he said as I sat down. "Hmmm, I've been doing some thinking John, and I've decided that I want us to finish our relationship here and now!" I replied, "I'm afraid my mind's made up." "Well fuck you!" he hissed under his breath as he stood up and threw some notes onto the table, "Here, have this meal on me… Goodbye!" And with that, he stormed out and left me sitting alone at my table! I sat there for ten minutes feeling sorry for myself and yet knowing that I'd made the right decision and was surprised when the guy that I'd just fucked came over. "Me and Fiona are going into the bar, would you like to join us?" he asked. "Thank you, I'd like that very much!" I replied. We all then went out and sat down at a table in the bar and he bought a round of drinks. "Thanks very much!" I said, "As you saw, my boyfriend decided to leave early!"

"That's okay!" the guy said, "This is my wife Fiona, and I'm Michael – Michelle when I'm dressed like this! I've already told Fiona what happened in the ladies so she knows everything that happened!" "Hi, I'm Gina! And… and you don't mind, Fiona?" I asked her. "Hell no! The thought of Michelle and you fucking in the loo while your ex boyfriend and me were sitting out here on our own turned me on actually!" she replied. "As you may have noticed, Fiona and myself have an open marriage." Michelle said, "And after hearing what went on in the loo, she wants to ask you something!" "Oh, what's that Fiona?" I asked. She paused a moment and looked down at the floor, too embarrassed to say anything. "Go on Fiona, ask her!" Michelle insisted, "She can only say no!" "Well, I… I've always wanted to know what it'd be like to make love with another woman but I've never had the chance and….. I wanted to ask you if…. if you'd be interested – in making love – with me, that is?" she stammered in a low voice, "You obviously didn't mind Michael fucking you while he was dressed as a woman, and so I was just wondering if you'd like to try it with a…. a real woman?" "Why, I'd love to Fiona!" I replied as I laid my hand on her thigh and gave it a little squeeze, "I've been bi since I was a teenager, so I'm used to fucking other women!" "Great!" she said excitedly as she clamped her hand over my own and squeezed it tightly, "Listen, let's make it even more kinky! D'you fancy a walk in the park with us both later, then and we can maybe do it down there?" "Sure, why not?" I replied, "I love outdoor-sex and it doesn't look as though I'll be doing anything else for the rest of the evening, now that my ex has gone!" "Good!" she said, "I'll get my coat and just nip into the loo! Won't be a minute!" As she hurried to get her coat and go to the ladies loo, Michelle and myself chatted about what'd happened in the loos and sat back, finishing the rest of our drinks. My impression of Fiona was that she looked to be about 26 and was on the petite side, bobbed auburn hair and smallish tits with an infectious smile and sparkling eyes. A moment or two later she reappeared, we left the restaurant and 10 minutes later we were walking into the park, all three of us chattering excitedly. "Can I show you something Gina?" Fiona then asked me rather sheepishly. "Sure!" I replied, "What is it?" She stood still, unbuttoned her coat and revealed that all she was wearing underneath it was a lacy white bra, matching suspender-belt and lace-top nylons! "I took my dress off when I went to the loo!" she explained, "It's far sexier dressed like this and both me and Michelle frequently go out like this some nights!" "Very nice!" I said slowly as I reached out and ran my finger up the length of her crack, "I see that like me, you don't bother wearing knickers Fiona!" "Do you not wear them either?" she asked. I replied by sliding my dress up my thighs to expose my hairy black suspender-framed bush! "Wow! Look at all that hair!" Fiona gasped as she took in the sight, "Why don't you take your dress off and be like me? You'll love the feeling!" "What, here? Now?" I asked her. "Why not? If anyone comes, just put your coat on and keep it held together by putting your hands in your pockets! Michelle, you strip off as well while I keep watch!" "Okay!" I replied as I watched Michelle tale his coat off and proceed to unzip his satin dress and slide it down his nylon-clad thighs, "Why not indeed?" I took my coat off, quickly unzipped my dress and slid it down, stepping out of it and rolling it up before putting it in my coat pocket! She was right! The feeling of me standing there with most of my tits and my cunt totally exposed was fantastic! "Fucking hell!" I gasped as I slid my coat over my shoulders and held it open for them both to look at my near-naked body, "I'm nearly coming right now!" "Told you it'd feel good Gina!" she said as Michelle slid his coat over his shoulders and left it hanging open, his massive erection sticking up from between his nylon-clad thighs and that marvellous knob-end pressing up against his red suspender-belt, "Now, let's all go for a walk like this! If anyone comes along towards you, just hold your coat shut and they won't know a thing!" We set off along the path with Fiona in the lead, the lighting along the path temporarily illuminating our bodies as we passed under one of the lights, and then plunging back into near-darkness as we passed them! All of us allowed our coats to flap wide open in the breeze and expose our tits, cunts and cock and the thrill I was feeling was indescribable! Why I'd never done this before when having a walk on my own? "Not far now! Soon be there!" Fiona called as she looked back over her shoulder and smiled at me, "Still enjoying it Gina?" "You bet!" I called back truthfully, "Where abouts are we actually going to?" "A park bench that's further down this path! It's set right back in an alcove and me and Michelle have both been there in the past whilst wearing only our undies, and we've actually fucked each other with people walking right past without seeing us!" The thought of me sitting on a park bench whilst only wearing my lacy undies and making love to another woman while her husband sat beside us and watched us, gave me a lovely tickle deep inside my tummy! And then when I realised that he'd be wearing exactly the same as me and Fiona, the tickle spread down to my pussy and turned into the first stages of a developing orgasm! Fiona then suddenly slowed down to almost a stop under one of the lights as she peered round some bushes and then waved us on. "It's okay, it's clear!" she called back softly, "I was just checking there was nobody actually using the bench!" We followed her into the gloomy alcove and I saw straight away that this was the perfect place for some outdoor adult fun! The only way we could be seen on the bench, was if someone had to stop and actually peer into the alcove for a moment or two while their eyes adjusted to the gloom! And then they wouldn't be able to see much unless they stepped inside from under the lamp on the path, and came up to us! "What do you think Gina?" Fiona whispered, "Will it do?" "Perfect!" I whispered back, "Fucking perfect!" We all sat down on the bench and had a ciggy whilst Fiona told me, that as far as her and Michelle were concerned, there were no rules and I could do whatever I wanted with both of them and I only had to ask if there was something I wanted both of them to do to me! "Okay, seeing as you've never made love with another woman before Fiona, and also because Michelle's already fucked me and come inside me twice at the restaurant tonight, how about him fucking you while I watch you both, and then I will join in once you're feeling really horny?" I suggested. "That sounds like a good idea!" she replied, "I must admit, I'm very nervous!" "Just relax and it'll happen automatically." I replied quietly, "Okay Michelle, let's see how you fuck your wife with that gorgeous cock of yours!" Fiona laid back and spread her thighs as Michelle stood over her, his hands either side of her tits and under her arms. Fiona then reached down and took his erect cock in her hands and guided it between her cunt-lips, his massive knob-end pushing them apart and stretching them as he slowly sank his thick length into her, his balls pressing up against her ass-cheeks. She then started to slowly wank herself as he slid in and out of her and made her cunt squelch softly with his tight-fitting knob-end!

I squatted alongside them and then reached for Fiona's free hand, pressing it against my hairy slit and felt her fingers exploring deeper and deeper inside me as she gained more confident of touching another woman's cunt for the first time! A few minutes later she was finger-fucking me and wanking herself steadily, obviously now relaxed with the idea of having sex with another woman. "Why don't you let Michelle fuck you doggy-fashion Fiona?" I whispered, "That way we can 69 with each other and you can suck my cunt and I can suck yours whilst Michelle fucks you and comes inside you!" "Oh yes Gina, I'd like that!" she breathed, "I'd like that very much indeed!" Michelle pulled slowly out of her drooling cunt and she got on all fours on the bench, with me lying beneath her as Michelle stood behind, his cock steaming in the cool night air! I felt her lips cautiously brush against my pubic hairs as I reached up and guided Michelle's slick cock back inside his wife's cunt, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling my own lips onto her erect clitty. As I connected with her cunt, I felt her breath blowing on my hairs and juicing cunt as she gasped in surprise! A second later she dropped her head down between my thighs and clamped her mouth over my cunt, her tongue probing deep inside me and making a slurping sound as she licked on and swallowed another woman's cunt-juices for the first time in her life! Michelle then speeded up noticeably and I knew he was very near to coming! He suddenly humped and stabbed his cock deep into Fiona's cunt and I watched at close range at his shaft as it throbbed rhythmically and spurted his cum into his wife's waiting cunt! She was groaning quietly and gasping in time with his thrusts and spurts, her orgasm nearing all the time as Michelle slowly stopped thrusting and just let his cock lie in her cunt, jerking and spurting cum into her! I was sucking and tickling her clitty as hard and as fast as I could and was pulling apart her ass-cheeks to expose her asshole as Michelle slowly drew out of her and laid his sticky cock along the crack of her ass, allowing me to now clamp my lips over her gaping cunt and slurp noisily on her husband's thick and creamy cum as it started to ooze out from between her gaping cunt-lips! What finally sent her `over the top' was when I slid my finger right up inside her ass and finger-fucked her now cum-lubricated asshole whilst sucking the rest of her husband's cum from her cunt! She gripped me tightly and her body started to shake as her orgasm ripped through her, groaning into my cunt and forcing her own into my face as she fervently licked on my copious amount of juices and pulled my cunt-lips as far apart as she could to get further inside me! Her whole body was trembling as she started to hump her cunt into my face as though she had a cock and was trying to fuck my mouth, her cum flowing freely from her and me licking it up as fast as I could! I then had to gulp quickly as Fiona's orgasmic contractions caused her to spurt a thick wad of Michelle's cum out of her cunt and straight into my mouth! Gradually, she calmed down as her orgasm receded and she lay on top of me, breathing heavily! "Christ Gina!" she gasped breathlessly, "I've never come as hard as that! What a fucking violent orgasm that was! I'm fucked – literally!" Michelle helped her off me and we sat up on the bench as he offered us both a ciggy. "Well, what do you think of fucking with another woman?" I finally asked her. "Fantastic!" she gasped, "Fucking fantastic! It was Michelle spurting inside me, knowing that you were gonna swallow it after it'd been inside my cunt that did it! That and drinking your cunt-juices as you finger-fucked my ass! Nobody's ever been inside my ass before, not even Michelle!" "I'm gonna put that right in the near future!" Michelle said softly, "The next time I fuck you, it'll be deep inside your ass!" "Now that's something I'll look forward to!" she gasped, "Just make it soon! And talking of being soon! How soon will it be before you can let me watch you fucking Gina, my darling?" "Ten minutes be okay?" he replied. "Good! I want her to suck my clitty for me again as you fuck her from behind and both try to come together!" she said. "Now that's something I can look forward to as well!" I replied, "Filled with cum from both ends at the same time, what more could a girl ask for?" We smoked another ciggy and Michelle finally announced that he was ready again. "How about you fucking Fiona's ass right now Michelle?" I asked him, "You needn't come and you can watch me fucking myself with my hairspray canister, fucking me after!" I reached down into my handbag and held up the 8 inch phallic-shaped aerosol before moving the rounded plastic cap up and down my cunt-lips! "Oh yes Michelle, go on! Fuck my ass now!" pleaded Fiona, getting up and kneeling at the end of the bench, pushing her naked ass back at him! "No problem! It's okay with me!" he said as he moved behind her and nudged his rigid cock against her asshole after sliding it up and down her juicy gash! I laid back on the bench with my knees bent and splayed, my gaping cunt only a few inches from Fiona's face as I eased the rounded plastic cap of the aerosol between my cunt-lips and slid it in and out of my cunt, fucking myself with it as Michelle gently eased his slick cock into his wife's virgin ass, Fiona gasping softly with ecstasy and gripping the bench as her ass-muscles dilated to accept his knob-end and thick shaft. "Oh, yessss!" she hissed softly as she felt Michelle's cock finally slide all the way inside her tight ass, "Oh my God, yessss! That feels so nice Michelle!!!" He slowly fucked his throbbing cock in and out of her opening ass and she licked her lips as she watched the aerosol slide all the way inside my cunt, almost disappearing before I pulled it out again! "If I die now, I'll die a happy woman!" she breathed as she watched me let go of the aerosol, leaving it lewdly and firmly wedged half inside my cunt as I started to wank myself, the metal canister jutting lewdly upward between my nylon-clad thighs with a good 3 inches left poking out of me, shining with it's coating of my cum in the dim lights of the path! As Michelle pumped his cock in and out of her ass, she reached forward and took hold of the metal canister that was wedged in my cunt and slowly fucked it in and out of me, keeping time with Michelle's thrusts! "If I don't stop now, I'm gonna fill your ass with cum!" Michelle said, "And I know you want to see me and Gina fucking while she sucks you out!" "You're right my darling!" Fiona reluctantly agreed, "But promise me that you'll fuck me in my ass tomorrow and come in me!" "You know I will!" he replied as he drew out of her. Fiona and me then both sat up, her asking me if she could borrow my aerosol to fuck herself with while Michelle fucked me and I went down on her again! I passed it to her and she laid back on the bench and bent her knees as she slid it all the way inside her drooling cunt and started fucking herself with it as I knelt over her in the 69 position, waiting for Michelle to fill me again so's his wife could suck his creamy cum from my cunt! A second or two later I felt that massive knob-end of his stretching my cunt-lips apart, as he slid into me and impaled my cunt, the sensual touch of his nylons and suspenders adding to my pleasure as they brushed against my own! My cunt was obviously tighter and shallower than Fiona's, as his cock made that delicious squelching sound again every time he slid his cock in and out of me, and he couldn't quite manage to get all of his length into me before his knob-end butted up against my rubbery cervix! "You've a lovely cunt Gina!" he panted as he held my hips and fucked into me, "It's so tight and really ridged inside!" "Hmmm, and you've gotten a really lovely cock Michelle!" I replied truthfully, "Your knob-end is so big and your cock is so long that I can feel it stretching my cunt-walls and butting up against my cervix!" Fiona had removed my aerosol and was near to her orgasm, pacing herself so's to come at the same time as her husband as I sucked on her gaping cunt and she played with her clitty, all the time sucking on my own and bringing me dangerously near to mine as well! Suddenly, I felt it building rapidly in my clitty and belly! "I'm gonna come!" I gasped, "NOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!! ARRRGGGGGHH!!!" "ME TOO!!" Michelle whispered urgently as he suddenly started stabbing his cock into me with short but powerful jabs, his cum spurting into me and oozing past his shaft to gush into his wife's waiting mouth! Fiona clamped her lips over my clitty even harder and I heard her moan as she let herself go and her orgasm hit her! Michelle was the first to recover. His balls now empty and his cock shrinking, he pulled out of me and a huge amount of the thick and sticky cocktail of his and my cum literally flooded into Fiona's mouth, making her moan loudly as she swallowed it down and the last ripples of her orgasm raced through her body! I kissed her cunt and she jerked involuntarily as I accidentally sucked on her over-sensitive clitty, her cum now flowing freely from her in sticky drools as it dripped onto the ground. My own cum was oozing from me in a steady flow and Fiona was drinking it as fast as I could make it, gulping and licking me for all she was worth! Finally, after lying entwined for a couple of minutes, I crawled off her and helped her sit up, caressing her nipples as I kissed her passionately, full on the lips! "That's another first for me!" she said quietly as I pulled away from her, "I've never kissed another woman before!" "And did you like it?" I asked. She smiled and nodded as Michelle gave us a ciggy. "Christ!" she said as she blew the smoke from her lungs, "I've never had a night like this before! And I've never seen anyone with as big a clitty as yours or come so much either! It was flooding from you and it tasted really lovely, just like honey!" Just then, a young couple walked along the path the same way as we'd come, and past the opening, not hearing us and not looking inside either. "See, I told you we were safe in here!" Michelle said quietly, "And I don't know about you two, but I'm fucked and ready for home!" We both agreed with him and finished our ciggies before cautiously walking out of the alcove and retracing our steps towards the park gates, still only dressed in our undies and none of us bothering to put our coats back on! We walked about 30 yards along the path and I mentioned to Fiona that I could feel Michelle's cum running down my thighs. She instantly stopped, told me to spread my legs and licked my thighs clean of the sticky cum right there, out in the open! I returned the favour by squatting down between her thighs and doing the same for her before sucking Michelle's cock clean as well! They then drove me home and I thanked them for a great evening before telling them that I'd love for us to meet up again very soon and do it all again! We exchanged phone numbers and that's exactly what happened! Me, Fiona and Michelle now go out as a group regularly and have a fantastic time together!

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