
By Michel Kuksuger

Published on Apr 18, 2017


Michel -- III

In the previous chapter: Michel, a student in southern Paris, attends a soccer match and brings the team to new heights. During the aftermath, his eyes discover one member of the team he hasn't met yet.

Let me pick up the story where I left you last time: celebrating the team's victory in the showers. Or in fact, you know that part -- let's skip ahead to the many beers we were going to consume in the bar afterwards. We were all having a great time, everybody was cheerful, either because of the victory, or perhaps because of the added pleasure that I had so generously provided. Regardless, it was a lot of fun. At one point I decided that I simply had to talk to the owner of that amazing dick I saw in the showers. As I approached him, I noticed that some guys were looking at me, understanding full well what I was after -- but their smiles and gazes left me unfazed. I was going straight for my target.

"Hello mister, and congratulations with your victory" I started politely. "Michel" I said as I shook his hand.

"Emmanuel -- Manu for friends" he replied just as politely. "Sorry I didn't come to visit you."

I didn't see that one coming -- but at least it meant I could skip some awkward manoeuvring and could get to the point much quicker.

"Yeah I am really sorry as well. I saw you in the shower you know." I really wanted things to be as light-footed as always so I just blurted out "You have a hell of a pecker mister -- cheers for that" and rammed my glass into his, laughing.

To my surprise, Manu suddenly seemed a bit sad and silent so I asked him if I had said anything to offend him.

"No, it's just that... you see... it's a bit of a mixed blessing to have such a monster between your legs. My ex really didn't like it when I would fuck her, it was simply too big. And none of my girlfriends ever managed to give me a blowjob, ever." He put his glass on the bar. In all honesty, I had never considered the possibility of having this problem, so I was about to say something like "that sucks man" but fortunately I rephrased in time.

"If you want... I think I can handle it. You probably heard all about it, but I'm pretty good at this. What about tomorrow evening?". It was way too direct for sure, I realised it the moment I said those words, but apparently, it was my lucky day.

"I was thinking of asking you for exactly the same, I would really like to know how it feels" he said. My day couldn't have been any better for sure.

So that is how, the next evening, as Manu entered my room, I turned on the neon lights that kept visitors at bay. He was pretty nervous so we had to fix that first. I just told him that I was a bit nervous, but excited at the same time -- and that I would do what I could and we'd just see how things worked out. I had already made some room on the table so I could lie down on my back -- this was definitely going to be a case where I needed all the tricks in the book. Before we started our experiment, we decided to have a nice Calvados I got from my uncle, just to loosen up a bit.

As I lied down on the table, I had a good look at Manu. He was wearing jogging pants that left nothing to the imagination -- it looked like he had a baseball bat between his legs. As he approached me, a bit apprehensively, I yanked down his jogging pants only to discover that he was wearing nothing underneath. His enormous dick recoiled into my face -- the head touched my chin, while his balls were somewhere above my forehead. This thing was by far the biggest challenge I had ever had in my career as a cocksucker.

I went to work, slowly, making sure he enjoyed every step. I licked his huge glans -- the size of a table tennis ball, then slowly working my way down to his balls that were equally large and low-hanging. Then it was time to see if I could take the head in my mouth; I said "Aaaaa"just like you say at the dentists' and enveloped his cock with my lips -- a first time for Manu. He was gasping for air already -- his facial expressions a sight to behold.

As I made sure his dick was coated in my saliva, I started to take more and more of his penis into my mouth and throat. Nothing new there, besides it's unusual girth and length. Centimetre by centimetre I was getting closer to something worthy of the term "deepthroat" -- but just as things started to work really well, suddenly a loud snapping noise in my throat stopped us dead in our tracks. The sound had scared the living daylights out of us both -- Manu's cock was now flaccid and we were both really worried. I tasted for any blood in my throat -- nothing -- then felt with my tongue and fingers if anything was broken/out of place -- nothing. I could speak normally, and I could drink some water without pain. We just sat there for a couple of minutes, until I proposed to continue.

Whatever that sound had been, it had apparently opened up something in my throat. I could now relatively easily take most of Manu's cock inside me, and I noticed that it seemed entirely possible to go all the way and let my lips touch his pubic bone. So, this is exactly what I did. There was no pain, no gagging, just this wonderful dick burying itself slowly deep into my throat -- and then of course a careful, incredibly sensual facefuck ensued. Manu was in a trance, both of us seemed to have reverted to an animalistic state of mind where we had forgotten time and place, and lived only to savour the pleasure we gave each other. I have no idea if minutes or hours went by, but of course it had to end with Manu unloading an insane amount of sperm into me, and yes for once I couldn't help myself and I did the same, even if I had my pants still on me.

Manu needed a few minutes to land on earth. He was sitting on the floor, and looked profoundly confused. Suddenly he put on his clothes without looking at me, and he ran away.

As usual I'd appreciate your feedback!


Next: Chapter 4

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