
By Michel Kuksuger

Published on Apr 4, 2017


Michel -- II

In the previous chapter: Michel, a student in southern Paris, provides free blowjobs to his house mates.

A month has passed since last time, and life is good. On most days I now enjoy visits from several of my house mates, and even some of their friends have started to find their way to my room. After an unfortunate event where one of the guys came in while I was busy with another, I deployed a second-hand neon light in the window that says "Open", just like an American diner, so we avoid double bookings.

Yesterday evening was a nice one -- I got to suck 4 house mates and a friend of one them, Matthieu. As we enjoyed the aftermath together -- for straight guys, that typically seems to boil down to a beer and soccer on TV - someone knocked on my door despite the neon light. It turned out to be Luc -- coming back for a second round?

"Can I come in?" he said as he nodded in Matthieu's direction.

I beckoned him in and wondered what urgent business he might have. Matthieu sensed that it might be time to leave, so he patted me on the shoulder, and said good night.

Luc's eyes were wide open and his face was a bit red; I could see he was on to something. "So, eh... Michel, do you like soccer?" he asked clumsily.

We both looked at the poster of a shirtless Ronaldo adorning a wall and we burst out in laughter. Yes of course I like soccer, but mostly because of the cute guys. I asked him what he was really trying to ask me.

Luc explained me that he had been talking a lot with the guys on his soccer team lately, and had told them about my dedication to his wellbeing. One evening, the team concluded that it would be fun to have me along one day as they played a match, to provide them with some extra inspiration. They asked me to be present next weekend and suck any guy off who needed some comfort. I didn't have to think much and agreed almost instantly -- the prospect of sucking a dozen of guys was tantalizing.

Saturday morning came, and I joined Luc on his way to the soccer match. I said hello to the guys on his team; they had some substitutes so there were about 15 of them present. I honestly didn't even register who the guys were playing against and couldn't wait getting to the trainer's wardroom that had been reserved for me. The trainer had no idea of our plan and was out on the field anyway, so I had the place all to myself.

I had a look around and noticed a comfortable chair, a whiteboard, and a table. Otherwise, it didn't look like the room was used that often. It was squeaky clean. I rummaged through some drawers and found no less than three bottles of Pernod -- I had to laugh a bit imagining the coach trying to relax his nerves with a bottle in his hand. I heard a whistle in the distance signalling the beginning of the match. That would be 90 minutes with a 15-minute break, and a team of 15 -- assuming 10 of them would visit me, that meant I had my work cut out for me. The thought immediately aroused me. A few minutes passed as I was anxiously waiting, then the sound of soccer shoes on tiles made me sit up straight and watch the door. The footsteps disappeared again, but only a minute later other footsteps approached rapidly, the door was opened and a cute blond guy asked me if I was Michel.

I answered by telling him to step closer. He was already sporting a tent, guiding my mouth to his dick almost by instinct. The combined scent of newly cut grass and the sheen of fresh sweat on his body was a huge turn-on. He put his dick right into my open mouth and I went to work. My lips enveloped his glans and I licked my way down the shaft, his balls, and then up again. Within minutes, he ejaculated into my mouth, and left instantly to re-join the ongoing match. This was starting to look good.

My next visitor didn't even bother to knock, and just stormed towards me. He was obviously in a hurry, bypassed the usual pleasantries, and just placed my lips on top of his cock. As I started to suck on instinct, he said something like "have only a few minutes" but I didn't care -- I was entranced by the wonderful cock invading my throat. We spent no more energy on communication and we went straight for the home run. As intended, he deposited his cum deep inside me within minutes, regained his breath, and sprinted back to the field to join his mates.

In those 90 minutes, I serviced 12 guys -- I suspect one or two of them to have visited me twice. I really had to work hard this time, and I was feeling just as tired as the guys who had just played soccer. From the cheering, I could tell that my efforts had apparently inspired the team to reach new heights and win the match -- a feat that needed celebration. Luc invited me to come and join the team in the wardrobe. I didn't recognize any of them, but most of them seemed to remember me all too well. I shook some hands, got a few hugs and smiles, and before I knew it we were all in the shower together. Everybody seemed to be completely unfazed by my presence, it was just a cheerful gathering of naked bodies -- but to me of course it meant a bit more.

In fact, I recognized some of them now -- mostly by their dicks. The one with the unusual curve, the smallish one, the circumcised one -- and then, suddenly, I noticed that one dick I most certainly had not had in my mouth. It was enormous, it was gorgeous, it was wonderful, it was a work of art. Maybe it was a good thing that we left the shower all together and went for a beer. My eyes were locked onto the owner of that amazing bratwurst and I just had to talk to him. I'll tell you more in the next chapter.

In the meanwhile, let me know if you like reading about me. I received so much feedback after my last story that I cannot really reply to all of you, but I'll try. Thank you very much so far!

Next: Chapter 3

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