Michael's Hero

By Not Given

Published on Mar 23, 2006



Foreword: After the recent publication of my truth based story Lovesick toxic Fridays, (found in the high school section dated march 17) I decided to write and item of total fiction. Please note the following contains descriptions of sexually explicit homosexual activity that some readers may find offensive. I apologise if this is the case and would strongly recommend to such people visiting a website where the main theme IS NOT gay stories. Everyone else, enjoy!

NOTE: This story contains a heterosexual scene but it is brief and utterly relevant. Also, because of coding problems I have used * in place of speech marks.

Note for AMERICAN readers:- I am British so there are a few things to clear up. I refer to pants, as in jeans and alike, as trousers because in Britain, pants is what we call underpants. Oh, and in the UK, mail comes through the front door, its not left in a box at the end of the drive. Anyway, on we go?

The letter box rattled. Not a second after the postman had left the driveway, Michael flew down the stairs and seized the solitary letter. It was the one he had been waiting for. The envelope was headed The Darwin College of Academic Excellence Michael tore the envelope open and scanned the letter.

Dear Mr. Appleton

Thank you for your application etc, etc.

We at The Darwin College of Academic Excellence pride ourselves blah, blah, blah.

Ah, here it is.

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted. Please attend a brief meeting on the 25th August to make the final arrangements for your arrival in September.

Many congratulations, Stephen Maddock, Principle

Yes! Michael punched the air. He had made it into Darwin College. While Darwin College was not a fee paying school, they did have very high standards. They also recruited over a large catchment area and so there was fierce competition for places. The summer holidays flew by and before he knew it, his meeting had been and gone and he was due to start college.

Michael hopped off the bus and made his way to the college some 10 minutes away. When he arrived, he was ushered into a large room with banked seats. When the last of the new students had arrived, Principle Maddock entered the theatre and waved for silence. He began to tell the students how lucky they were to have gained a place at Darwin College. Before long, Michael had lost interest in the presentation and was looking around the room when his eyes fell on a rather striking, athletic outline of a boy in the second row from the front. The boy had brown hair that was spiked, but not severely, after all, this was a respectable establishment. What Michael noticed about the boy, apart from being very well developed for his age and the colour of his hair, was that his shirt was un-tucked, revealing the very top of his black underwear. Michael decided that this was worth inspecting more closely. As his eyes surveyed the outline of the boy, Michael discovered that his right hand was being held in the left hand of a girl. Annoyed at how the only cute guy around was, not only straight, but it would seem, in a relationship. The welcoming speech over, the group of new year 12s were sent in their different directions.

The morning was spent playing team building exercises and games where you get to know people. Michael spoke to plenty of people that seemed nice enough, but he didnt really click with anyone, and unfortunately, that set the tone for the day. At lunch, Michael sat down alone, but then saw the cute guy from earlier sat with the same girl, so he wandered over and sat with them. During the conversation that followed, Michael learned that that this gorgeous guy was named Paul and that the girl he hung around with was called Anne-Marie, and yes, they were a couple, much to Michaels disappointment. He thought to himself that it was good in a way because he wouldnt make a fool of himself asking him out. The rest of the first day passed without any noteworthy event and Michael went home.

Later on that evening, Michael found himself laying on his bed, reflecting on the days events. Before long, his thoughts turned to Paul and before he realised it, his hand had gone south and was grasping his manhood. Michael laid there, a bulge forming in his trousers. He unzipped his fly and released his penis, which was now erect and waiting. Michael began to rub his cock, images of Paul at the forefront of his mind. He tightened his grip and then committed himself to full scale masturbation. Luckily, his mother wasnt back yet, so he allowed himself the freedom of a few groans. As he rubbed away, he realised that he would not know how to remove a cum stain from his uniform, so he paused the self pleasuring momentarily to remove his clothing. He piled it on the floor and lay on his bed naked and thinking. He was tall for his age and fairly skinny. His skin was pale and cold, however, he soon warmed up when he continued on his quest towards orgasm. A minute or two passed, the images of Paul and what Michael would like to do to him were buzzing around in his head at extraordinary speed. His toes curled, his breathing deepened, his muscles tensed and then he came. The semen spurted up through Michaels shaft, over the edge and ran down onto his hand. He wiped the cum onto his member and imagined it was Pauls, but he was tired and he didnt come a second time. He cleaned himself up and then got quickly dressed as he heard his mothers key turn in the front door.

The next day it was straight down to regular lessons, and Michael couldnt help but show how bright he was. Most of the class were pleased that they had less work to do, but one individual called Sam Davidson, was rubbed up the wrong way by this Know-it-all and he didnt keep his opinion to himself for long. Sam was average height and broad shouldered. He was also a bit tubby, but nobody wanted to point this out to him. During lunch that day, Sam, along with some of his cronies went up to Michael and pushed him, claiming it was an accident. Michael ignored it but when Sam pushed him again, harder this time, he couldnt help himself. Michael turned to Sam and said Do you mind watching where youre going. To which Sam responded, Well actually, yes, I do mind, ya show off Michael said nothing and turned away from Sam. A second later, Sam put his hand on Michaels shoulder and turned him back to face him. Dont turn away from me you little... started Sam, but he was cut short by another voice. Hey, leave him alone! Michaels heart lept. It was Paul coming to his rescue. He turned towards the voice and saw him there, gorgeous as ever, but now clad in silver armour, riding a white stallion with a shield of truth and a sword of justice, Sir Paul. In reality he was in his uniform as you might expect. Before Sam could do or say anything more, Paul walked over to him and pulled his tie so tight, the knot shrank to no bigger than a peanut. Paul took Michael by the shoulder and lead him out of the cafeteria. Thank you so much spluttered Michael, still awe struck. Is there any way I can repay you? Dont worry about it said Paul. Oh, but Id feel awful if I didnt do something for you. I know? and without thinking, he blurted it out. ?how about I give you?er?some money Er?some money said Paul back to Michael. That isnt what you were going to say is it Michael stayed silent. Im not stupid, Ive seen the way you look at me. Michael remained silent, but blushed scarlet. Thought so. So, you fancy me. Is it that obvious! exclaimed Michael, his face contorting in horror. Well actually, yeh it kinda is. Look, Im flattered you like me but I dont do guys, ok. In case you hadnt noticed, Im dating Anne-Marie. This neednt affect anything and dont worry, I wont out you added Paul seeing the growing concern on Michaels face. Anyway, lunch is almost over, lets get back. They went back to maths, but Michael couldnt concentrate. He had a tent peg in his trousers thinking of the heroic Sir Paul. He couldnt help himself. As subtle as he could, he rubbed the head of his dick through his trousers and pants. He came without anyone noticing.

The following day, Michael decided to give Paul some room, still feeling embarrassed about the day before. The day was pretty uneventful, until after English 4th period. Michael and Paul crossed paths on the way to the 5th period. Michael stared straight on, trying not to make eye contact with Paul, but Paul had other ideas. As they passed each other, Paul gave Michaels sleeve a tug. Michael turned to see Paul had gone over to one side. What is it? asked Michael Meet me in G14 after college OK. said Paul, then he strode off. The final bell rang and Michael made his way to G14 where Paul was already waiting for him. What is it? asked Michael Well? began Paul ?its about yesterday. Can I just make sure, youre gay, and you fancy me, right? Michael blushed and didnt say anything, he just nodded. Right, well Id like to accept your offer. said Paul What the? spluttered Michael Well, Ive been thinking about it. I can help you out, because I bet youd love to see my, you know? said Paul. ?and, well, a blow jobs a blow job after all. So yes, I accept. Michaels entire body seemed to shut down while he absorbed what he had just heard. Follow me instructed Paul. Michael obeyed. Paul led Michael out of the school grounds and to his bus stop. They caught the bus to Pauls house and went inside. My parents wont be home for ages, so, lets go Michael followed Paul up to his room. He looked inside and thought to himself how amazing it was to see this room, to smell it. Paul sat on the edge of his bed and said Right, lets get started then Paul slipped his shoes off and threw them to one side. Then he did the same with his socks. He leaned backwards and lifted up his shirt, revealing a flat stomach and a small amount of tummy hair. He then continued by undoing his fly button and then unzipping his trousers. Michael just stared. Paul saw him staring and enjoyed being the centre of attention. He half stood up and slid his trousers down around his knees, then he sat down and pushed them down around his ankles and he laid back with his legs apart. Michael stared longingly at the bulge of Pauls boxer shorts. Paul put his hands around the back of his boxers and pulled them all the way forward and down to his ankles with his trousers. Pauls cock laid there limp and lifeless whereas Michaels was about to rip a hole in his pants. Even flaccid, Pauls cock was huge compared to Michaels. Without further exchange of words, Michael kneeled down and Paul laid back. Michael took Pauls dick in his hand and it twitched, now rapidly starting to firm up as thoughts of getting a blow job filled Pauls mind. Michael felt the penis in his hands for a few moments. It was beautiful; soft yet strong. Michael took a deep breath and placed the penis head in his mouth. It felt warm and tasted funny, but Michael felt another thrill pass through him. He slid the cock in as far as it could go, and then out again. He sucked on Pauls bare manhood until Paul started quivering. Michael withdrew the penis for a brief moment, rolled a condom over it, and then re-inserted it. Michael sucked and licked for all his worth until Paul exploded, groaned out loud and finally relaxed. Jesus Michael, that was awesome! exclaimed Paul As Paul lay there getting his breath back with his cock still hanging out, Michael pulled out his own cock and masturbated furiously. He came very quickly because of the excitement of the situation and almost got cramp in his calves. They both got dressed and Paul saw Michael on his way, just as the family car pulled up on the driveway.

A few days passed with nothing out of the ordinary happening. Both Michael and Paul had other things to concern themselves with. Michael was concentrating hard on their first assignment, and Paul was reminding himself that he was heterosexual, the only way he knew how. It was during one of these reminder sessions that something happened to change the course of Pauls life forever.

Paul lay in bed next to Anne-Marie, naked as the day he was born. She lay beside him and stroked his muscular arms. The sweep of her hand carried on to his fingertips and then across to his mighty dragon. Anne-Marie touched his solid pillar of rock and began to rub, then, she disappeared under the sheets and began to suck Paul, who, had for some reason, recently started asking for oral sex rather than regular sex. Paul rapidly approached climax. Once there, his throbbing member spurted its white juice into the tip of the condom and he cried out Agh! Michael! Jesus its so GOOD!

The cataclysmic silence that followed was deafening. For a minute or two Anne-Marie just stared at Paul, then, she leaned forward and slapped him hard on the face. You BASTARD! she screamed. YOU FUCKING BASTARD! then she scooped up her clothes and ran out of the room, tears cascading down her face. Paul just sat up in bed, thinking. He could here Anne-Marie in the bathroom getting dressed as quickly as she could and a few seconds later, she slammed the door behind her. Paul climbed out of bed and, despite being very hot, a shiver went through his body. He removed the condom, cleaned himself up, and got dressed. He knew what he needed to do.

Michael heard a knock at the door and was surprised to see that it was Paul. Hey Paul, whats up? Are your parents home? No, not yet, why? Well, theres something I need to talk to you about, can I come in? Sure. Michaels heart leapt at the idea of having this sex on legs in his house. Paul sat down in the lounge and Michael went to fetch some cola. Over the next few minutes, Paul told Michael all about what had happened. So you see, I need to find out if I really am gay, or bi or whatever. And, well youre gay so I thought you could help me find out. finished Paul Oh. I see. said Michael hesitantly. Well what do you expect me to do about it? questioned Michael Just sit still, Im sure you wont mind. And with that, Paul got to his feet, walked over to Michael and knelt down in between his knees. What the? breathed Michael almost silently. Then it dawned on him what was going on. He looked up as though to look at it would mean it wasnt real. He felt the button on his fly open. He felt the zip lower. He felt a soft, warm hand on the waistband of his boxers which were being lowered. He closed his eyes, and felt a hand wrap around his stiff cock which sprang over the elastic of his boxers. He then felt the hand release its grip, roll a condom over the exposed member, and then his cock slid in between Pauls lips. It soon became clear that Paul had no idea what he was doing. Michael placed his hands on Pauls head and took control. Paul soon got the rhythm right and Michael started playing with his hair lovingly. Then Paul sped up a little. Michael dropped his hands to his sides and threw his head back. He started to move his hips to make the blow job even faster, he clenched his buttocks and screwed up his face, his mouth wide open just to get sufficient air until he exploded like never before firing 3 full volleys of semen. Pauls hand was at this point down inside Michaels pants between his butt cheeks and on feeling them relax, Paul stopped sucking and leant back revealing Michaels boner still gleaming and wet. Still hard himself, Michael pushed Paul to the floor. Right, your turn! he said Stop! demanded Paul with such force that Michael was taken aback. Whats the matter? asked Michael. Paul said nothing, but undid his jeans revealing the wet patch on his boxers. It seemed that Paul was quite happy giving. That has never happened with Anne-Marie, not without her doing something to me. explained Paul. So, looks like Im gay after all. They smiled at one another, then Michael said *Well you cant go home in those, whip em off and Ill stick them in the sink to soak. Paul removed his trousers, then his boxers and gave them to Michael. His penis hung there, still engorged with blood but relaxed and loose. Michael went upstairs, cleaned himself up and got dressed. He inspected Pauls underwear with great joy. They were red elasticated boxer shorts with a non-buttoning pee hole. Michael looked inside them and saw they were covered in cum. Jesus! Where did all this come from Michael thought to himself. There was so much there, Michael thought Paul must just be more sexually mature than he was. He looked around his room and then saw what he was looking for. He took a folder off of the shelf, took an empty polyester wallet out of it, put Pauls boxers in the wallet and then put the wallet in the draw under his bed and returned the folder to the shelf. The he got a pair of his own boxers out of his underwear draw and took them downstairs. Paul smiled at Michael. Thanks he said and began to put the boxers on. They were a little tight because Michael was skinnier than he was. He pulled on his jeans, socks and trainers, bid farewell to Michael, then left for home.

Over the months to come, Michael and Paul became much closer and just before the summer holidays, they came out together as a couple. They are now living together and having sex on an almost daily basis. But when Paul isnt around, Michael goes into the draw under his bed, pulls out a pair of red elasticated boxers, then performs a solo act with them laid on his face.

After the initial shock, Anne-Marie ran round to Darrens house. Darren, captain of the soccer team, wasnt about to turn this pretty young thing away so he invited her in to comfort her. They dated for 2 years and then got married. She is now 4 months pregnant.

And as for Sam, the school bully, was expelled from Darwin College and consequently failed his exams. He is now cleaning up puke at his local theme park for minimum wage.


Well I hope you liked it. Any comets, E-mail me: kokeshi@hotmail.co.uk

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