Michael the One

By moc.oohay@300280yobnrehtuos

Published on Jul 22, 2005


Disclaimer: This story is truly fiction. It involves homosexual activity, if you are offended by this or are illegally reading this, please leave now. Any resemblance of these characters to actual people, living or dead,is purely conincidental.

The boys awoke and they glanced at the clock it was nearing midnight. They slowly rose, gathered up their clothes and plodded upstairs to the bedroom.

The next morning, Ian got up, peeked over at Michael and he was sleeping soundly still. He quietly walked down the stairs and went into the kitchen and began to prepare some breakfast. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, Ian wondered who it could be. He certainly hoped it wasn't the neighbor they had encountered the day before. He answered the door and there was a tall, slight man with thin glasses perched on his nose.

"May I help you?" Ian asked

As he said that a woman walked up the brick walk and up onto the porch and joined the man.

"Yes, we're Michael's parents and we we're just in the neighborhood and just came to visit."

"Oh, well, please come in, have a seat, Michael's still sleeping, I'll go wake him up."

Michael's parents came in and sat down on the plush white couches, and Ian ran up the stairs and into their bedroom. He shook Michael.

"Hey, sweetie, your parents are here to visit."

"Oh, shit! Lemme get a shower and I'll be right down!"

Ian quickly put on a shirt and walked back downstairs. He sat down in the oversized chair.

"So, who exactly are you? I don't think we've met."

"I'm Michael's boyfriend"

"Oh, you are. . ."

Michael's dad's face changed and he suddenly didn't very happy anymore. His mom's face lost all color and turned pale. At that moment, Michael appeared at the foot of the stairs. Everyone turned to look at him, Michael could sense something was wrong.

"I'll be right back, I need to check on the breakfast, Ian would you please come with me to the kitchen."

With that, Ian rose and walked into the kitchen, joining Michael.

"What did you say to my parents?"

"I just told them the truth, that your my boyfriend."

Michael dropped to his knees.

"Ian, they hardly accept me. Now they come here and see I have a boyfriend that I'm soon to be living with."

Ian's mouth dropped, he felt horrible.

He could barely speak "I'm...I'm sorry...I, I just feel terrible...I'm sorry."

Ian grabbed Michael under the arms and lifted him up off the tile floor and whispered in his ear.

"You have to go out there and talk to them, you know what you have to do."

"You're right"

Michael began walking toward the living room and paused in front of the swinging wooden door that leads into the living room, turned, looked at Ian and said "No matter what happens, I'll still love you. Stay in here, let me talk to them alone." He then took a deep breath, pushed open the door, and walked into the living room.

Ian sat down on the bar stool at the counter opposite the stove. Thoughts raced through his head as to what could be going on in the next room. He thought maybe he shouldn't have said anything to Michael's parents, maybe he shouldn't live with Michael anymore, maybe he should be more considerate, maybe he should think about what he did before he did it...maybe...

Michael sat in the oversized chair looked at his parents and said "I know what was said, and I know how you feel and-"

His dad cut him off "-and you don't ever think about others, all you ever do is think about yourself. Think about your mother and I just coming by to see our only son and here we find out you're here living and doing who knows what else with your boyfriend!"

"All my life you told me that you just wanted me to be happy. Well, this is how I'm happy, I couldn't be any happier! And you know what? I love Ian, and I know that you always saw me being with someone who I truly loved and someone who truly loved me. Well, here I am! What else do you want?! Do you want me to lie to myself by getting a girlfriend, and pretending everything's ok? Well, I'm sorry, it doesn't happen that way!"

His mom cut in "Michael, I'm happy for you. I'm glad you're happy, and I want you to be happy more than anything in the world. I don't love you any less, and I am thrilled that you have found true love, no matter who it's from."

This infuriated his dad and with that he rose "Come on, Kate, let's go!"

He grabbed his wife by the arm and pratically drug her out the door, being sure to slam it behind him.

Tears began to well up in Michael's eyes. He slowly walked into the kitchen, he felt defeated. He pushed open the door and Ian looked up into Michael's green eyes. He could see the fear, the rejection, the lonliness, the desire in his eye. Ian walked over to Michael and took him in his arms, Michael just melted in Ian's arms. Michael collapsed on the floor, Ian sat down on the floor and took him in his arms.

Michael wouldn't look up, he just kept staring at the floor "Dad just won't accept it, I don't understand. Doesn't he want me to be happy and to be loved? Mom's ok with it, but dad can't break free of his tough exterior and admit that he really just wants me to be happy."

Michael looked up, teary-eyed at Ian, his beautiful green eyes now red and puffy. Ian ran his fingers through his hair, and said "I want you to be happy, and I know you are."

"I'll have to get my mom to convince my dad to accept me, no matter how long or hard."

"I just want you to know, I'll love you no matter what happens. I've always been here for you and always will be."

Michael then burst into uncontrollable sobs, his body heaving. "I'm sorry, it's just that. That's what I wanted to hear, and know that I'll love you and no one, no thing, no feelings, no setbacks, nothing will ever make me love you less"

To be continued?

Question, comments, suggestions? E-mail me at southernboy082003@yahoo.com

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