Michael and Jake

By Stephen Phelps

Published on Oct 10, 2006


I do not know, nor do I claim to know Jake Gyllenhaal, or any other celebrities that may wander through these pages, and I do not know, or therefore mean to imply any knowledge of their personal lives or their sexual preferences. This is a work of fiction. The character of Michael is my own creation, and therefore any use of him outside of this story can only be done by first gaining my permission to do so. If you are under 18 years of age, or it is illegal for you to be reading this where you live, or you are bothered by the prospect of a homo-erotic relationship between two men, then you had better go find something else to read on another website

Wow, I can't believe how fast this year has gone by! Before we know it, Halloween, then Thanksgiving, and then Christmas! And then, 2007, which brings us Jake in Zodiac! I for one can hardly wait! If you haven't yet, I suggest checking out the Gyllenhaal Chronicles at http://groups.msn.com/TheGyllenhaalChronicles/ the site is run by Avy, who is also the writer of Jakes Cowboy, a very well written story, also here on Nifty. Check out the site, there's lots of neat stuff, and always a sneak-peek of up-coming chapters of different stories. Ok, now that I've gotten through all of that, it's time to get on with the good stuff, so without further ado, here is part 8 of Michael and Jake.....

Michael's POV

Looking back on things in retrospect, I'm glad I waited as long as I did, and I'm glad I waited for it to be Jake who was my first lover.....

We were, at that exact moment, laying spooned together under a sheet in the middle of the huge king-sized bed in the bedroom of Jake's suite. We were lying on our left sides, my head resting on Jakes outstretched left arm, while his right arm was wrapped around my middle, holding me tight, my right arm on top of his, our fingers laced together. I could feel his lips moving gently on my shoulder, and his chest expand and contract with each breath he took, the hair on his abdomen tickling my lower back, and his rock-hard cock was gently poking at my hole.....

"Straighten your left leg out and raise your right knee up," he whispered huskily in my ear.

As I did, Jake placed his right hand down low on my abdomen and his right thigh up over my hip to hold me where he wanted me. He bit into my shoulder, and I gasped as he slid all the way into me in one smooth, fluid stroke.....

Oh my God.....This makes the third time tonight! The man is insatiable...!!!

I think I need to go back to earlier this evening here....

After that kiss ended and I was standing somewhat firmly on my own two feet once again, I formally introduced a sheepish looking Jake to my parents, and after a little bit of small talk, I grabbed my jacket, keys, and phone, and Jake picked up his bag, and we were leaving to go back to his hotel. As we enjoyed the walk back, my mind kept coming back to one plain and simple fact--I was completely and totally in love with this guy, and I wanted to be with him, in every possible way.....

When we reached the hotel, I stood back out of the way as Jake took care of checking back in and getting his key. Then we were standing next to the bank of elevators waiting. When the doors finally opened, and the occupants all exited the lift, Jake and I entered, lucky to be by ourselves. I was trying to figure out a delicate way to broach the subject, when I decided to just be blunt.

"I'm 'clean,'" I told him.

"What!?!" He exclaimed.

"Um, every year, after the first, I get a complete physical, for insurance purposes, and I get, um, tested, also, twice a year, and the first test came back 'all clear,'" I told him.

"Huh?" He said, still not getting it.

"I'm 'Okay,'" I said, making quotation marks in the air for emphasis.

"Oh," he replied. Several seconds later a huge smile lit up his face. "I got my latest results while I was out in L.A. I'm 'Okay' too."

And that was that, as they say, was that.....We spent the rest of the ride up either smiling down at the floor, or looking sideways at one another and breaking into goofy grins. Finally, the elevator stopped at his floor, and Jake took my hand as the doors opened and led me down the hall to his room, where he took the key-card and slid it into the lock to open the door. He paused to hang the "DO NOT DISTURB" sign on the knob before closing the door, effectively shutting out the outside world.

Jake's POV

The minute the door closed, I dropped my bag on the floor, and took Michael in my arms. Our lips remained locked, tongues dueling as we shrugged out of our jackets, only breaking contact when Michael pulled away to pull his sweater up over his head and throw it off to the side somewhere. Then he was pulling at my t-shirt, which I obligingly took off. I noticed he was toe-ing off his cowboy boots. Then I took his face in my hands and gave him the gentlest of kisses.

"Do you trust me?" I asked him.

"With my life," he replied without hesitation. "I've waited my whole life for you, for this night, Gyllenhaal. I'm not going anywhere."

"Then come with me," I said, taking one of his hands with one of mine, and picking up my over-night bag with the other, and leading him into the bedroom.

I paused just inside the bedroom door and let go of Michael's hand long enough to open my overnight bag and take out a bottle of lube, before leading him over to the bed. Reaching for the waistband of his jeans, I brought his lips to mine once again, and then started to undo the button-fly front of his jeans, urging him back onto the bed.

"Relax....." I told him. "Just lay back and relax and enjoy it all....." I said as I kissed around his belly-button and proceeded to start dragging his jeans down over his hips. He assisted by lifting up his hips, and I pulled them off, along with his socks. "You won't be needing these anymore tonight," I told him as I dropped his clothes at the foot of the bed. "Or these," I said reaching for the waistband of his boxer-briefs. Once again he lifted his hips to help with my undressing of him, freeing his straining erection. I dropped the underwear on top of the rest of his clothes, and took a minute to take in the view before stripping out of my own jeans, socks, and boxers, leaving us both completely naked.....

Hard, he was a respectable six inches. I knelt down on the floor at the foot of the bed, spread his knees apart, and moved in to claim my prize, taking him in my mouth and swallowing him down to the hilt.

I heard him gasp and mutter, "Oh God!!" above me as his back arched wantonly and his hips took on a life of their own, lifting up to meet me every time I sucked him in. His hands grasped my shoulders, and I kept a close watch for any signs of impending orgasm.

I kept up a steady rhythm of sucking and teasing with my lips, teeth, and tongue, taking him right to the edge, but not over, before I stopped suddenly, and let him slide completely out of my mouth.

"Oh fuck! What are you trying to do, make me completely insane?" he asked, raising up on his elbows to look down at me. He was still shaking slightly, which was evident when he spoke.

"Maybe.....In the meantime, just lie back and enjoy the ride. I promise, it'll only keep getting better and better....." I said, grasping his hips in both hands and going down on him once again.

As he once again started getting close to the edge, his mutterings became incoherent, and he began fisting the bedspread above his head, and I pulled off, again.....

Michael had flung an arm across his eyes, and as I watched his breathing return to normal, I popped open the lube, and squeezed out a few drops onto the index, middle, and ring fingers of my right hand, making them nice and slick. Then, I took his balls in my left hand, and took his cock into my mouth once again.....

Once I was sure that he was really into it again, I moved my right hand down and began to play with his rosebud, gently rubbing and massaging it. At the first touch of my fingertips, he raised up off the bed, jolted as if struck by a live wire, but I never lost the contact with him, constantly rubbing and touching him down there, and then finally, I eased my index finger into him.


All the while, as I continued to suck his cock and finger his ass, I gently urged Michael further back on the bed, keeping up the pressure until I was sure he was ready, then I stopped again, letting my fingers slide out of him at the same time my mouth slid off of his cock


Grabbing the lube, I popped it open once again, and poured a small amount into my left hand, and closed it and tossed it aside.

Lifting Michael's dick, I lapped up the puddle of precum that had formed on his abdomen, and then took him in my mouth once again. His hips bucked at the sensation, and I immediately slid two fingers into him, homing in on his prostate while I proceeded to lube up my own dripping cock.

"I-I!! OH GOD!! JAKE-I!! GGGGOODDDD!! UUUUGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!! And just like that he was filling my mouth.....When he was done shooting, I moved up between his legs, capturing his hands with mine, lacing our fingers together, and bringing our lips together, giving him his first taste of himself.....

Michael's POV

"Look at me," he whispered raggedly. "I want to see your face when....."

Through a daze of passion, I looked into his eyes. The look on his face was positively carnal, almost feral! He let go of my right hand and reached down to make sure everything was properly positioned, and then slowly moved forward.

Jake was supremely slow, quivering with control, exquisitely patient, but relentless. He took me inch by inch, took me with an utter thoroughness, took me with a completeness that left me without any secrets.

Irrevocable.....That one word seemed to resonate throughout my mind as Jake Gyllenhaal entered me for the first time. Irrevocable.....And then he started to move within me, powerful, yet smooth and fluid at the same time, and leaned down for a quick kiss before he reached down to start stroking my newly erect cock.

"Wrap your legs around me....aahhhh, that's it," he encouraged. "The rhythm..... find it.....there....."

And all the while, his stroking of my cock matched the rhythm of his cock sliding in and out of me, picking up speed just slightly, and then he moved just the teeniest little bit, and he was hitting that sweet spot inside me once again! I tightened my muscles and that made it that much more intense!

Jake gasped and seemed to lose all control after that, slamming into me, ringing my sweet spot like a bell with each thrust. He let go of my throbbing cock and roughly grasped my hips, head thrown back, eyes shut, mouth open in a silent moan.

It didn't seem possible that I should be feeling that tingling sensation again, but I was, and it took only a few more thrusts on Jake's part, and I was shooting again, and with one final thrust, Jake slammed into me and surrendered to his own orgasm.....

I winced as he slid out of me, and then he was collapsing on top of me, lips buried in the side of my neck. I kissed along his shoulder to his neck. His skin was warm, damp, and slightly salty from his recent exertions, and the faint traces of his well-remembered cologne brought a host of erotic memories.....A smile of sheer masculine satisfaction lit up my face as I stroked the dampness of his skin from the breadth of his shoulders down to the taut muscle of his buttocks. We stayed that way for a short while, Jake stretched out full length between my parted legs, me lightly rubbing his back with my hands, and caressing a calf with one of my feet.

Then, much to my surprise, he hoisted himself up off of me and turned over onto his back, taking me with him so that I was laying on his chest. I could hear his heart beating as I played with the hairs on his stomach.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Mmm-hmm....." I replied tiredly.

"I didn't hurt you did I?"


"In that case, come on," he said, starting to roll out from underneath me.

"Where?" I asked

"Shower. Trust me, you'll feel much better afterwards, and you'll go right to sleep."

And so I let him lead me into the bathroom, and then into the shower, where he proceeded to give me a very thorough washing and a nice massage, and then we got out and dried off before heading back into the bedroom and climbing into bed.

"Okay, sleep now," he said.

".....love you....." I mumbled as I drifted off.

"I love you too, Michael," I heard just before I drifted off.....

Jake's POV

I was having the most fantastic dream! I was dreaming that Michael was sucking my cock, and doing a very good job of it at that, his mouth warm and welcoming and sweetly experimental.....I was getting extremely close to the point of no return, and if I didn't wake up now, I was going to embarrass myself by doing something I hadn't done since I was in High School! I reached down and that was when I came fully awake and realized that what I had been experiencing hadn't been a dream, but a gloriously wonderful reality! I also realized that Michael was about to get something he may not want or be ready for, and let out a strangled "I'm gonna cum!" as I tried to get him to stop, but my words only seemed to fuel his desire to make it happen that much faster!

"Oh God!! Uuuuuhhhnn!!!!" I was cumming and there was no stopping it, or Michael, as he continued sucking.

When I was done, he released my cock from the moist cavern of his mouth, and not even giving me a chance to recover, he had my lube in hand and was popping open the lid and pouring a little bit into his hand and then closing the lid and setting the bottle on the bedside table with one hand while he began stroking my still hard cock with the other. When he was satisfied with my readiness, he lifted one leg over my hips so he was straddling me, and lifted my cock so it was pointing straight up in the air, and began to slowly lower himself onto me!

"God, you're so tight! So hot!" I looked up at him as he took me in.....He was absolutely stunning! I reached up to play with his nipples as he started to slowly move up and down, and he gasped at the sensation.

Before long, he was letting out little yelping and gasping noises, and I was sitting up. Reaching up, I pulled him down to kiss me, and started stroking him with the other hand. I figured he wouldn't last long in this position, and I was right.....Within minutes he was shooting up between us, and when he was done, with some artful maneuvering on my part, I rolled us so that he was now on his back, and I was pistoning into him, bottoming out with every thrust. I grabbed his semi-erect, cum-slickened cock and began stroking it again, both of us murmuring words of encouragement to one another as we raced head-long towards a glorious release.

And then it was happening, before either of us was prepared for it! I leaned down to capture Michael's mouth in a passionate kiss as we both came again, almost simultaneously!

That first time had been all about the gentleness of lovemaking since it was my first time.....The second time had been totally spontaneous and my chance to give Jake back some of the pleasure that he had given me that first time.....Our third and most recent coupling had been all about plain ol` fashioned animal lust. I knew I would have several 'marks' on my body to mark the occasion. We were laying spooned together once again, Jake's front pressed tightly against my back, his right arm wrapped around my middle, idly stroking my stomach, lips gently brushing my shoulder.

"This....Us, you and me.....This is forever between us," I said softly

"Forever," Jake replied sleepily.

"Forever....." I echoed as we both drifted off to sleep.


Well, there's part 8.....I hope you all liked it. In a way, in writing about Michael losing his virginity, I lost mine as well, as this chapter marks my first time ever writing any kind of "Love scene." I hope I did it justice. Special thanks to Avy and Christopher for getting me through it. Feedback!! All authors love it! Please write your favorite authors and let them know you're reading their work!

Are there no artists out there? I'm still interested in what YOU the readers think Michael looks like! Color, B & W, pen, pencil, ink, paint, crayon!!! I'd really like to know! You've all read and probably re-read the story, so you all have some idea as to what you think Michael looks like! Put your mind to it and let us see what you can come up with! Avy has agreed to post any and all entries on the Gyllenhaal Chronicles website, so lets see what y'all can come up with! And remember, it doesn't all have to be hand done,, artwork! I'm looking for whatever, and that might include photographs, so if you happen to come across a picture somewhere, I'd like to see it! As usual, my email is dnsphelps@mcsi.net, and Yahoo and MSN are the same, twains_fan_03. AIM is Oregonguy8, so until next time, keep reading and writing your favorite authors.....

Stephen Phelps

Next: Chapter 9

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