Michael and Jake

By Stephen Phelps

Published on Jun 9, 2006


Disclaimer: I do not know, nor do I claim to know Jake Gyllenhaal, or any other celebrities that may wander through these pages, and I do not know or therefore mean to imply any knowledge of their personal lives or their sexual preferences. This story is a work of fiction. The character of Michael is my own creation, and therefore any use of him outside of this story can only be done with my consent. If you are under 18 years of age or are bothered by the prospect of a homo-erotic relationship between two adult males, then you had better go and find something else to read on another website.

To all my readers, new and old alike, when you write to me with your comments, please let me know where you're at! I really would like to know where in the galaxy you're writing from! : ) And now, on with the story.....

Michael's POV

I wish I could say that we went back to the Hotel and spent the night fucking like jackrabbits, but we didn't. We got a quiet table in a corner of the lounge and had a couple of drinks and just sat and talked and got to know each other better.

"I guess we should go up so you can get your blanket, huh?" Jake finally said, about an hour-and-a-half later.

"I guess so," I replied, not really wanting the night to end. We got up and headed for the lobby and the elevators, and went up stairs.

When we got to Jakes suite, he keyed open the door and we went in. Boo and Atticus immediately perked up on seeing me again.

"You made quite an impression," Jake said.

"I guess," I said as both dogs came over to me to be petted and have their ears scratched.

"Make yourself comfortable. I'm going to go change clothes and get your blanket," Jake said as he disappeared into what I assume was the bedroom and I went to sit on the sofa, followed by the dogs.

There was a script lying open on the coffee table. "Do you mind if I look at this?" I called out.

"Feel free," he responded.

I picked it up and closed it to see the title, which read "Inferno--2006", and was intrigued, so I began reading. It didn't take me long to figure out that what I was reading was a script for a re-make of "The Towering Inferno", with lots of notations as far as casting and possible actors for parts.

It seemed Jake had already read for and was pretty much a shoe-in for the Paul newman role, and Paul Walker was going to be playing the Steve McQueen role of the Fire Chief. I noticed a question mark by the Faye Dunaway part of the "Girl Friend".

"What's this question mark by the Faye Dunaway/girlfriend part for?" I called out.

"They're thinking that since it is 2006, and the movie does take place in San Francisco after all, to maybe have the character be a ' boyfriend' instead," Jake said from right behind me.

"Shit! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I asked, turning to give him a dirty look.

"Sorry," he said, giving me a shit-eatting grin which proved he wasn't one bit sorry.

"Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward?"

"Yeah, they're playing parts based on the Fred Astair and Jennifer Jones roles. They both survive," Jake reassured me.

"Well that's good!" I exclaimed, remembering the horrifying end Jennifer Jones' character had met in the original. "Shane West? Austin Nichols? I can totally see them in the Richard Chamberlain and Robert Wagner parts," I said.

"Me too," Jake replied.

"I guess the big question is, would you be willing to play another gay character after ' Brokeback'?" I asked.

"All depends," he replied.


"The other person."

"Yeah, I guess it would," I agreed. "Would you happen to have another copy of this? Preferably one that doesn't have fifty-million notes jotted in the margines?" I asked.

"You interested in a part?"

"Yeah, maybe," I replied. I noticed that he had changed into sweats and a t-shirt. Hmmm, definately my kind of guy! "Anything else in the offing?"

"Yeah, in fact, it's supposed to start shooting in May, but now who knows....."


"Casting, what else? The producers are having trouble finding a female lead to play opposite me, Paul, and Shane."

"What's it called?" I asked.

"The working title is ' Obsession'."

"Let me guess, it's about how love can become this obsessive force? Or something similar?"

"Mmm-hmmm. And the love scenes are quite graphic, even violent, as there's a rape scene. Most all of the women that have been talked too have seen that in the script breakdowns and outlines and said ' no thanks'."

"Too bad. It sounds like an intriguing premise," I said quietly.


"Well, without a script to read, I can only guess at certain things, but yeah, it sounds like it would be a very interesting film."

"I've got an extra script if you'd like to read it," Jake said.

"Sure, why not," I replied, and Jake got up and crossed the room to pick up another script and bring it over to me. I read through it quickly, reading only the dialogue. Next I read the scenic descriptions, and then finally I read the whole thing.

It really was as Jake said, intense and violent at times. I could fully understand why every actress that had been approached had turned the part down.

Tony, Jake's character was extremely self absorbed and misogynistic, and was the owner of XENON, the night/dance/strip club in which of the film's scenes took place. Once again he was working Paul Walker. I had seen him in both of the Fast and Furious films, and also Deep Blue, in which he was shirtless and/or dripping wet for pretty much the whole entire movie, and Eight Below. Paul was playing Danny, the club manager, and Shane West was in it also, playing Laurence Obecny, the club's janitor/maintainance man. KC, the female lead was the woman caught in the middle. KC is in love with Tony, who can't love anyone, at least not until the end of the film, but by then it's too late. Danny is in love with KC, who loves Danny, but is not IN love with him, and Laurence becomes obsessed with KC after witnessing something happen behind the bar between Tony and KC one afternoon before the club opens.

The script didn't go into complete detail, but it didn't take a complete genius to figure out what happened behind the bar. Even I could figure it out pretty easily. Including that scene, the film contained 5 scenes that required at least full or partial nudity for both of the actors involved, including the rather violent rape scene that Jake had mentioned earlier.

In the end, Tony realizes that he does indeed have feelings for KC, but KC feels that she would be better off with Danny, so the two quit the club and decide to leave L.A. for Oregon.

Pretty strong and serious stuff, but in the hands of the right actress it would be a sensational part, probably even Oscar worthy. I couldn't wait to see the finished product up on the screen.

"This is so going to get an NC-17 rating," I said looking up at Jake who was sitting across from me absently rubbing Boo's belly.

"Huh?" he asked.

"Come on Jake, a blowjob behind the bar, simulated or otherwise.....?"

"Yeah, well....." he said, blushing.

"I can pretty much picture how it's going to have to be shot, since it's going to be all about your, or rather Tony's reactions, and Larry's witnessing it."

"Um, yeah....."

"Although, for the life of me, I can't picture any actress, or actor for that matter, turning down the opportunity to work with you, let alone the chance to give you a ' knob-job'," I said, making quotation marks in the air and shooting him an evil grin.

"Yeah, well, you'd be surprised," he said blushing.

Jake's POV

I immediately thought of Paul when Michael made his comment about actors or actresses having the chance to give me a blow job, and just how many times he had actually done it! I have to admit to a certain amount of experience in that area myself. Experience I would be more than willing to share with Michael.

While he sat reading scripts on my sofa, I decided that I had to, needed to, kiss him, see what he would taste like, and put Boo down and got up and walked over to where he sat. He looked up at me questioningly. I took the script from him and dropped it onto the coffee table and took his hands and pulled him up, placing his arms around my waist. Then I lifted his chin, my gaze dropping down to his lips before meeting his eyes head on.

He leaned in, eyes drifting shut, and it was all the permission that I needed. My head lowered and I brought our mouths together.

My tongue nudged at his lips, seeking entry, and he finally relented. He tasted faintly like peppermint, from the candy's he had popped into his mouth after dinner, and occasionally ever since. He finally began to respond, his hands moving up and down my back, and I took a chance and slid my own up under his sweater. His skin was smooth and warm to the touch.

Our tongue's swirled together one last time before we came up for air, and I buried my lips in the side of his neck, biting, sucking, and licking. His hands reached up under my t-shirt and I was instantly rock hard. So was he. And in that instant, I wanted him more than I had ever wanted anyone before in my life.

"Spend the night with me," I murmured against his skin.


"Stay with me tonight," I asked a second time, pulling away slightly so I could see his face.


"Listen, I know that we only just met for the first time this afternoon, but I also know that you feel this.....thing between us just as strongly as I do. We won't do anything that you're not comfortable with, unless you want to. I just....."

"Okay.....I'll stay. I just need to make a quick phone call," he said, a touch of uncertainty in his voice.

"Great! I'll go find you something to sleep in," I said going into the bedroom to give him some privacy. I dug through the dresser and found a pair of Joe Boxer sleep shorts, then went back into the living room as he was concluding his call.

"Mom!" he exclaimed, blushing. "I have to go!" he said hurridly when he saw me. "I probably won't be home in time to go to church, but tell them I will take them riding. Okay, I love you too. Bye," he said closing his phone and setting it down on the open script on the coffee table.

"I found these, and I also have an extra toothbrush you can use," I said.

"Thanks," he said with a grateful smile.

"Come on, lets go get ready for bed," I said as I pulled him to me and wrapped my arms around his waist as we started for the bedroom. Michael stumbled and burst into laughter, then turned in my arms so that we were both facing the same direction, and I once again buried my lips in his neck, working on the same spot I had latched onto earlier.

"I'm going to have a hickey if you keep that up, Mr. Gyllenhaal," he said.

"That's my intention, Mr. Orsini," I told him as I continued working on the same spot. We reached the bedroom and stopped by the bed, and the dogs went over to their place in front of the entertainment armoir. Michael turned in my arms and looked up at me nervously.

"What's wrong?" I asked quietly.

"I have.....something.....on my back," he said

"What? A scar? A big hairy black mole?" I asked

"No, some.....artwork," he replied.

"A tattoo? Almost everyone I know has a tattoo somewhere on their person Michael, it's nothing to be ashamed of," I told him.

"It's not little. It's rather extensive, and quite detailed," he said.

Well now, he definately had me intrigued! "Can I see it?" I asked.

Michael looked up at me, trying to decide, and I guess he finally reached a decision. He stepped back out of my arms and said, "I also have some down here," he gestured with his hands below the waist of his jeans, right above where his pubes were probably at.

His eyes never left mine as he raised both arms in the air over his head, and I realized he wanted me to take off his sweater. I slipped my hands under the hem above his hips and slid my hands up his sides, over his ribs, relishing this opportunity to be able to touch him. I grabbed the sweater and pulled it off over his head and tossed it onto a nearby chair. His bare torso was smooth, except for a slight dusting of light red hair under his arms. His arms were nicely muscled without being too buff, and he also had a noticable six-pack. Next I dropped my hands to the front of his jeans, my gaze meeting his. When he gave me a barely perceptable nod, I unfastened his jeans and lowered them just far enough. There, riding low on Michael's abdomon were six chinese symbols, one in each color of the rainbow.

"What do they mean?" I asked.

"The ones on either end are the symbols for ' Man', and the others mean Love, Joy, Friendship, and Peace," he explained.

"Cool," I replied.

"Okay," he said, and then he turned around so that his back was facing me and all I could do was stare in amazement!

Michael's POV

I heard him gasp and I knew I had taken him completely by surprise!

On my back was a Chinese Dragon. It started up between my shoulder blades and snaked its way down the center of my back where its tail curved up to the right, ending just above the crack of my ass. Its red and black coloring were a vivid contrast to my pale complexion. It had its mouth open and a trail of bright red-orange flames snaked across my left shoulder and almost halfway down the back of my upper arm.

The longer Jake stayed quiet, the more worried and uncertain I became until I finally closed my eyes and a single tear escaped and rolled down my cheek. Immediately afterwards, I felt the lightest touch of a fingertip tracing over the flames on my arm, across my shoulders, and down my back to where the the tail curved, and an impudent little elfin-like faery with flame red hair and green eyes stood in the curl of the dragon's tail, one arm wrapped around the tail, the other hand holding onto the pointed tail. The figure was about four inches tall and of course was a miniature replica of me.

The next thing he did touched my heart in a way words never could as I felt his lips take over from his fingertips and trace the path back up, leaving their own trail of fire in their wake.

Eyes still closed, I felt the gentlest of kisses on my cheek, and my eyes flew open!

"It's beautiful! You're beautiful!" he said, and could see the truth of his words in his eyes.

"Let's go to bed," he said, and we proceeded to get undressed. I changed into the shorts that Jake had found for me, and he changed also, and then true to his word, he handed me a toothbrush and I laughed, and then we headed into the bathroom to brush and rinse and then we went back into the bedroom and climbed into the huge bed. Jake immediately pulled me into him so that we were spooned together.

"You were right," I said.


"You are a better kisser than your dogs. Much better." I heard him chuckle, felt his kiss on my shoulder, and then we were drifting off to sleep.

Jake's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling better than I had in a long time. I never would have believed it was possible for my life to change so much in one twenty-four hour period, and yet it had! In the space of a day, I had admitted to myself that I was gay, come out to my sister and several of my best friends, and finally met my soulmate. Which reminded me.......I looked over at him. He was still there sleeping in my bed, laying on his stomach, head turned away from me which was fine as it gave me a better opportunity to check out his tattoo, among other things!

It really was quite a work of art! It started between his shoulders and followed the line of his spine, ending just above the crack of his ass with the tail curving up and the figure of a little faery standing in the curve of the tail, one arm wrapped around the tail, the other hand grasping the pointed tip.

I recognized the fact that the little faery was a miniature version of Michael right away, what with those amazing green eyes, that wild red hair, and a saucy little grin.

As much as I hated to get out of bed, nature's call was not to be denied, so I quietly got up and went into the bathroom. After I was done, I washed and dried my hands and brushed my teeth, and headed back to my red-headed bed- mate.

I gently slipped back into the bed and leaned over and pressed my lips to the flames on the back of his upper left arm, working my way down his back, allowing my tongue to barely dip into the top of his ass crack.

"Mmmmm," I heard coming from the region of the pillows. "What a way to wake up."

"Mmm--hmmm," I agreed with a smile. "Do you want the shower first?" I asked, sitting up, allowing Michael to the same.

"I guess," he said, looking at me uncertainly. "Of course, it's plenty big enough that we could share," he suggested, a slight blush tinting his cheeks.

"Okay. Why don't I call room-service and order breakfast and then I'll be in," I suggested.

"I could go for a nice hearty breakfast," Michael said as he climbed out of bed and headed for the bathroom while I picked up the phone and ordered breakfast from room-service. When I was done, I stripped and walked naked into the bathroom. I could barely make out Michael through the frosted shower doors.

I opened them and stepped inside. Picking up a washcloth, I squeezed a generous of shower gel into it, worked up a nice lather, and began to wash Michael's back. Next I washed his hair, and when he turned to rinse, I stole a quick glance down. Considering that he only stood five-foot-six, he was a respectable three-and-a-half inches soft.

"Well, do I pass inspection?" he asked.

"You'll do," I replied, embarrassed at being caught.

"You too," he said with a shy smile, referring to my own soft four inches.

We traded places with Michael washing my back and hair and then we finished up and got out. As we were drying off, there was a knock at the door, and my phone decided to ring at the same time.

"Do you want me to get the phone?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, I'll get the door," I said as I wrapped my towel around my waist and headed out into the living room while Michael slipped into a Hotel provided bathrobe. I opened the door to see and hear Paul, phone in hand, back to the door, saying, "hey sexy, wanna come out and play?"

"Um, I think it's for you," Michael said from the bedroom doorway, phone in hand. Paul whirled around in surprise, and all I could do was stand there, wishing that a giant hole would open up in the floor and swallow me up. What the hell else could possibly go wrong?

Michael's POV

Shit! Paul Walker? What in the hell was going on here? Did he and Jake have something going together? If the canvas duffle-bag slung over his shoulder was any indication, he was clearly expecting to find Jake here alone. I quickly thought back over our conversations last night, and could not recall Jake saying word one about Paul, or anyone else for that matter, so he was either seeing Paul and planning to use me as a little side action, or he wasn't seeing anyone, and Paul was just someone that he hooked up with on occasion, and he was serious about wanting to start a relationship as he had said last night while we were downstairs having drinks.

A "Ding" in the hall signalled the arrival of the elevator, and all of a sudden there was room-service with breakfast. Jake ran a hand down his face, and closed his eyes, his lips moving like he was saying a prayer.

I hated this! I was used to drama in my professional life, not my real life! If this wasn't so weird it would have been funny.....Okay, enough of this silent shit! ' You're an actor, Michael, act for christ's sake!' I told myself. I was bound and determined to brazen this out, one way or the other. If no one else was going to do anything, I would! "Hi," I said walking toward the door and extending my hand.

Jake looked at me as if he wanted to shout, ' Are you insane?'

"I'm Michael," I said with a smile as Paul took my hand in a firm grip and shook it.

"Paul, nice to meet you," he said, the look on his face saying, ' wait a minute, did I just miss something here?'

"Nice to meet you too! I'm a huge fan. I can't wait for ' Tokyo Drift' to come out this summer."

Paul's POV

What the hell? Who was this guy? It was obvious that Jake at least, possibly even this Michael guy too, had just been in the shower before I showed up. Jake I could handle, but the rest of this? Some other guy? It was as obvious as the hickey on this Michael guy's neck that I had interupted something. The question was, what? I would have to wait to find out as a phone on the coffee table started to ring.

"I'll get that," Michael said.

Michael's POV

The number showed up as "Blocked" on my Caller ID, but I was a tad bit frazzled, and answered it anyways.

"Hello." There was nothing on the other end. "Hello......? Hello, is anyone there?" I asked, and then I was listening to a dial tone.

Third Person POV

He hung up the phone and turned to look at his photo shrine wall.

"Soon Michael, very soon....."

Finally, it had begun.....

Well, that's part 5, hope you all enjoyed it, and for everyone asking about Paul, I hope you're all satisfied. I know it wasn't what someone had asked for, namely Paul shirtless and dripping wet, but he has finally appeared in the flesh, so to speak. As always, feedback is encouraged and welcomed. My email address is dnsphelps@mcsi.net Be sure to to include the story title in the subject line. I can also be found on yahoo messenger where my chat ID is twains_fan_03 or AIM where my chat ID is PhelpsCNA. Thanks for reading,


Next: Chapter 6

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