Michael and Jake

By Stephen Phelps

Published on Apr 5, 2006


Disclaimer: I do not know, nor do I claim to know Jake Gyllenhaal, or any other celebrities that may wander through these pages, and I do not know, or therefore mean to imply any knowledge of their personal lives or sexual preferences. This is a work of fiction. The character of Michael is my own creation and therefore any use of him outside this story must be done with my permission. If you are under 18 years of age, or are bothered by the prospect of a homo-erotic relationship between two men, then you better go and find something else to read on another web-site.

OMG!!! JARHEAD!!! Jake Gyllenhaal looking nice and buff and dancing around wearing nothing but a smile and a couple of Santa's hats, one of which was quite strategically placed! Need I say more? Oh yeah! Thank you to everyone who took the time to write me after part one. It really means alot to know that there really are people out there reading it! And so, with that said, on with the story......

Michael's POV

That Saturday, after I had come home from the studios and had a mini nervous breakdown on my parents sofa the night before, my dad suggested going to check out the house. The lawyers had given me a key ring with several keys on it, so we loaded everyone into the Ford Excursion and headed out.

Heading down the East Side toward the East River, the streets got wider and cleaner, the buildings grander and the people on the sidewalks more elegant and self-assured.

The most self-assured little enclave in Manhattan was Sutton Circle: It took Real money to get there. Not new money, either. As Chantal had put it yesterday when we had sufficiently calmed down over the lottery win, and I was able to tell them about the house, "Sutton Place means you're rich. Sutton Square means you're super-rich. But Sutton Circle means your grandfather was super-rich and you've held on to every penny!"

I had known a boy from Sutton Circle when we were both students at St. Barnabas's Academy. If St. Barnabas's was a step up for a boy from West End Avenue, then it was most certainly a step down for a young man from the East Side's toniest block. Lucien Butterworth--that was the boy's name--was the despair of the Social Registered, Mayflower descended Butterworth family. He'd been expelled from two of the East Coast's most exclusive boarding schools and then two more day schools in Manhattan, due to his marked dislike for organized study habits and his fondness for "having a party." Naturally my classmates and I all thought that Lucien was great fun!

Lucien had even invited a bunch of us guys to the fabled Butterworth mansion one night for a "party." The handsome Palladian-style mansion had stood gleaming-white on the corner where Sutton Circle intersected with Sutton Place. I can still remember my feelings of awe and admiration on entering that house. It wasn't flashy or ostentatious, but still, somehow you just knew that everything in it was the very best, just absolute perfection. I was only fifteen at the time, but still remember the details clearly.

Lucien's stay at St. Barnabas's, however, didn't last any longer than at any other institution of learning. There was a new Mayor in office, and one of his campaign pledges was a crackdown on after-hours joints--unlicensed clubs that opened up after the regular bars had to close at 4:00 a.m. and served liquor, illegally, to almost anybody. The Daily News ran a spicy photo to go with their headline Cops Bust Society Club. The aristocratic young man seen biting an arresting police-man on the hand was, quite unmistakably, Lucien Butterworth. The former Headmaster of St. Barnabas's himself returned from retirement to personally expel Lucien, who, four months later, ran off to Europe with a titled French heiress. I myself left not long after when I joined the cast of Another Life

It didn't seem that long ago, I thought nostalgically, but even Sutton Circle had changed. Gone were the Butterworth mansion and most all of the other private residences around it. In their place were glossy apartment towers with wide windows and ample balconies--so much easier and less expensive to maintain. "Financial reality catches up even with the super-rich," I thought to myself with a smile.

"What number?" my dad asked, interrupting my reverie.

"Uh........fifty-eight." We looked left and right at apartment-house canopies, heading toward the river. We were just opposite fifty-two when I spotted it. "Oh my God!"

And then we stopped. And stared.

For one full minute, no one said anything, until my younger brother Sean's muttered, "Holy Shit!" broke the silence.

Like a vision out of time-travel, it had stayed unchanged as the world around it had convulsed and shrunk. The house was Italianate-style, and it flaunted the wide, covered front porch, front-center tower, balconies, and bay windows that in the latter part of the Nineteenth Century were the fashionable way to let the world know just how rich you'd become. Not only that, but in a real-estate market where mere feet of ground could cost ten's, or even hundred's of millions, the Hayes mansion had a lawn which extended graciously toward the East River. Around all this anacronistic splendor marched a high, strong, cast-iron fence.

"Okay, this is probably going to sound like a stupid question, but here goes anyway. Who wants to go inside and take a look around?" I asked. My dad whipping a U-turn in the middle of the street and parking in front of the house was my answer. As I helped first Ryan and then Michelle out of the Excursion and down onto the sidewalk, I looked up at the house and let out the breath I didn't know I'd been holding. Pulling the keys out of my pocket, I looked them over, thankful that they were labled. After unlocking the gate, I led the way up the brick walkway to the front porch.

Once I had the front door open, my whole family crowded into the foyer behind me.

"Don't touch anything!" I warned.

"Can we look around?" my older sister Julie asked.

"Sure," I replied, and with that, we all split up and went our separate ways.

The rooms on the first floor were huge and plentiful, with numerous bed- rooms and bathrooms on the second floor, and the old servants quarters up on the third floor under the red tiled mansard-style roof. The first and second floors had twelve foot ceilings, with ten foot ceilings on the third floor. The chandeliers and wall sconces were Venetian glass, and the fireplace mantel's were marble, even those in the servants quarters, and judging by the vents in the floors, there was central heating as well. On the first floor, there were wings that extended off the main structure of the house, one on each side. It just might work, but I had to give some more thought to my ideas first......

There was also a huge basement which definately had possibilities, and out behind the house, there was, what proved upon further investigation to be, a detached eight car garage with plenty of storage up above, which fit in even better with the plans that were beginning to take shape in my mind! Fuck, this just keeps getting better and better all the time, I thought to myself. My hands itched to get ahold of my sketch pad and start putting my thoughts down on paper!

I pulled out my cell phone and the card from the lawyers and called and left a voice message stating that as the "new" owner of the house, I wished to be present when the family came to collect the contents.

"Those chandeliers are Venetian glass, probably handblown, and I don't want the family thinking that they're part of the contents. Same with the mantel's. Did you happen to notice that workmanship?"

"Good for you son. Yes I did," my father said clapping me on the shoulder. I was still undecided about my lottery winnings. I didn't know if I was going to take one lump sum or spread out the payments. I probably wouldn't decide that until I actually went up to Albany to certify my ticket......Either way, I was going to invest my winnings properly to make sure that my entire family would never want for anything. I had to. They were the most precious and important people in my life. It was as simple as that......

Jake's POV

I had had too much to deal with. It was as simple as that. The past year and a half had been almost too much to handle. First there had been Jarhead. It hadn't been the easiest shoot, and I hate to think what would have happened if Peter hadn't been there. I really think I would have totally lost it if it hadn't been for him! Thank God for Peter! For those of you who don't know who I'm talking about, I'm referring to Peter Saarsgard, my sister Maggie's boyfriend.

Anyways, after finishing Jarhead, I headed home to L.A to have some down time. For a while I knew things weren't working out with Kirsten. I just didn't feel the same about her anymore, so we decided to end things. Shortly after that, I headed up to Canada to shoot Brokeback Mountain. That was also hard, 'cause while I was tryin to cope with my own shit, Heath and Michelle were becoming the official set "couple", which just made me feel that much worse.

Don't get me wrong, there were also a couple of bright spots to last year too! Matilda Rose Ledger was one of them! I felt so proud and honored when Heath and Michelle asked me, me of all people, to be her Godfather! That was so cool!

Another bright spot was Paul Walker.

After we finished on Brokeback, I went back to L.A. for the premeire and party for Jarhead and don't ask me how, but I ended up doing straight shots of Tequila with Paul, and then, I couldn't really say for sure, but somehow, we ended up back at my house, sitting on the couch still doing shots of Tequila. Don't ask me what happened next, 'cause this is where things start getting kinda hazy, but just about the last thing I remember is both of us working our way down the hall to my bedroom, kissing like I haven't kissed or been kissed in a long time, and shedding clothes every step of the way.

The next thing that either one of us could remember was waking up the next morning with a hellacious hangover and a raging hardon! I won't go into graphic detail, but suffice it to say, Jake Gyllenhaal is no one's bottom boy!

And thus was the start of a......mutually satisfying, no strings attached, relationship. For about the past six months or so, whenever we happen to be in the same town, Paul and I will get together once, maybe twice a week, and, you know......fuck.

Which brings us to why I'm hold up here in my room when I should be out visiting my sister and Peter, or Heath and Michelle and little Matilda Rose. I haven't left my room in three days because I'm affraid and I can't admit the truth to myself......

How can I tell anyone else when I can barely admit the truth to myself? I'm gay......There, I finally admitted it, at least to myself.

Well, no thunder and lightning, no roof falling down around my ears......I did feel something drop onto my thigh and looked down. Atticus, my German shepherd had layed his head in my lap and whined. Boo Radley, my Puggle, sat in the corner of the sofa and looked at me with sad eyes.

"You guys will still love me no matter what, right? Even if I am gay?" Atticus barked and so did Boo. "Okay then, that settles it. I'll go get in the shower and then we'll go get Maggie and go play in the park, okay?" Both dogs barked happily and I got up from the sofa to head toward the bathroom. As I crossed the sitting room, I caught my reflection im a huge mirror that was propped against the wall. Brown hair that always looked as if I had just rolled out of bed, bright blue eyes, one tiny brown mole on my left cheek, and its twin above the corner of my upper lip, both of which were partially hidden by several days' growth of stubble, the long straight nose and sexy lips, and well defined pecs and abs which were covered in a light dusting of brown hair. Arms and legs not too overly muscular, but toned and fit. All in all, a nice looking package of six foot hunkyness. No wonder Walker is always so eager to get together whenever we're in the same town together! On that thought, I disappeared into my bedroom.

Michael's POV

After we got home, I told Ryan and Michelle to go change clothes.

"Park?" Ryan asked hopefully, while Michelle dashed off to her room, already knowing the answer to that simply worded question.

"Park," I replied, "now scoot!" I said, giving him a prodding little swat on his fanny. He too ran off to his room. While they were changing clothes, I went into my own room and gathered up several sketch pads and books, pens, pencils, my oil pastels and colored pens and pencils and put them into my back pack. As I was picking up some clothes, my gaze fell on the picture on the nightstand. It was taken last Christmas and it showed a relaxing family moment, everyone crowded on and in front of the couch right after we had played "rip and shred," and finished opening presents, as was evidenced by the stray pieces of wrapping paper strewn on the floor, and the bow's that we had all stuck in our hair. Were it not for the fact that all three of us kids had gotten our looks and coloring from our mom, with either her hazel eyes, or, in my case, our dad's green eyes, I would swear I was adopted, as I was the shortest.

I got into the living room at the same time as the kids and my mom, who had changed into her Scrubs, so she must have gotten called in to work. Mom's an R.N., and dad is an architect.

"You three going to the Park?" she asked.

"Yup," I replied. "We'll be home for dinner."

"Me to!" my mom said with a saucy grin as we all headed out the door. She bent to give the kids each a kiss on the cheek, and then straightened and on impulse, gave me one too. "I love you. Be good," and with that, we were on our way, her to the Hospital, and the three of us to the Park.

Jake's POV

After getting out of the shower and getting dressed, I called Maggie and asked if she wanted to go the park, and if I should get anything to eat. After getting off the phone, I closed it and dropped it into my pocket, grabbed my wallet and dropped it into my back pocket. Picking up my back pack, I checked to make sure I had the dogs' favorite toys, zipped it closed, put on a black track jacket, put my room key in my pocket, put on a pair of sunglasses, put Boo and Atticus on their leashes and left the room.

I noticed him right off the bat as I approached the produce section. It was hard not to, with that red hair! Jesus, what I wouldn't give to run my hands through it! While I looked over the apples, I looked him over too. About five and a half feet tall, he was quite nice looking. High forehead, and green eyes! Damn, that was a killer combination! Red hair and green eyes! God help me! He also had a true red head's fair complexion, long straight nose, and extremely kissable lips! He picked out a container of strawberries and showed it to two small children for their approval Shit! Just my fucking luck! I looked around, and they seemed to be together, but without any identifiable female companionship. Well, things seemed to be looking up! I watched as they headed over to the Deli cases and added a couple of apples to the two bottles of water already in my basket, then followed at a safe distance.

Nice build too, athletic and buff, without being too muscular, so he obviously worked out on a regular basis. Nice ass lovingly encased in denim, and nice thighs too! I picked out a couple of ready-made sub's and into line to pay, which would eventually bring us into direct proximity. And then he bent over to study the contents of the case, and I had to stifle a groan. As it was, I made a small "wanting" noise in the back of my throat. I pulled my sunglasses out of the neck of my jacket and slipped them back on.

Michael's POV

I caught something moving out of the corner of my eye on my left and turned my head to see if it was one of the kids trying to get my attention, and found myself at eye level, and about eighteen inches away from a crotch! A MALE crotch at that, and if the fabric covered bulge in front of me was any indication, the guy I was practically ogling right there in the Deli section was most definately aroused!

"Did you see something you wanted?" asked the young girl behind the counter, completely oblivious to what was going on right in front of her. I straightened up so quick that I had to place a hand on the case to keep my balance as the blood came rushing back up, coloring my cheeks. I turned and looked up at the guy standing next to me, looking him straight in his sunglass covered eyes.

"Yes, and apparently I'm not the only one," I said, dropping my gaze to the front of the mystery guy's pants, and then meeting his gaze once more, be- fore looking at the girl behind the counter and giving her my most genuine smile. There, I thought to myself, that ought to wipe that shit-eating grin right off of his face!

She gasped in recognition and said "Ohmigod! You're......!"

Jake's POV

Shit!-Fuck!-Damn! I hadn't realized I had gotten so hard! I quickly looked down to see how noticable it was, and turned red myself! Shit! All of a sudden the girl behind the counter gasped in recognition and I found myself preparing to be mobbed when she blurted out, "Ohmigod! You're Michael Orsini!" The guy next to me spoke in that nice baritone once again.

"Yes I am, would you like an autograph?" he asked.

"Oh, yes, please, thank you so much!"

"You're welcome," he said, scrawling his name on a paper napkin after writing a short note.

Another person came over to where they were standing. "Hey, you want your usual?" the guy asked

"Yup," Michael Orsini replied.

"Okay, coming right up." the other guy said. Then he explained to the girl working the counter, "he comes in late every Saturday morning and gets the same thing."

"A pound each of the turkey, roast beef, and the honey ham. Also a pound each of the Havarti and the cheddar. And could you slice the cheddar a bit on the thick side, please," Michael said. "It's our Saturday ritual: Picnic in the Park"

"Cool," the girl said. "So when are they going to get you guys a boy- friend?" she asked.

"Well, you didn't hear this from me, but they're looking for someone for Blake right now. The Producer and Casting Director are looking at head-shots now. I think they have a specific look that they're going for."

"Right on! I hope you win the Emmy this year too

I have a good chance. I submitted some pretty good material, we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed and wait and see," Michael said, crossing his fingers. And with that, Michael Orsini grabbed his purchases and turned and walked out of my life!

Michael's POV

I went to check out in the front of the store, all the while thinking about the mystery man. There had seemed to be something awfully familiar about him, but I just couldn't put my finger on what it was. Six feet tall, with messy brown hair, long straight nose, sexy lips, and several days worth of stubble. Because of his sunglasses, I hadn't been able to see what color his eyes had been. Like me, he too had been carrying a backpack, and had been wearing a black track jacket, olive green cargo pants, and a pair of old beat-up Nike's

When I think about the fact that he had been sporting a major hardon and I had been so close! Close enough to......! Okay!! That's enough of that!! A shiver of desire ran down my spine, and I shrugged both shoulders in an effort to shake it off. I paused at the end of the check-out counter to get our picnic lunch arranged in my backpack, and realized that I had forgot to bring a blanket to spread out on the grass, so a stop at Macy*s was also in order. After I got everything situated, we walked out, and there waiting in front of the little store were two dogs. One was a German Shepherd, and the other on looked like some kind of mixed breed Pug, but it was a cute litle dog none the less. The Shepherd perked up at the sight of me and the kids, so I approached it with caution, and it licked my hand, so I gave it a good petting, rubbed the little one behind the ears, and we were on our way.

Central Park on that last Saturday in March was absolutely glorious! There were people everywhere, and life was wonderful! I had accomplished quite a few drawings and detailed renderings of the interior and exterior of my new house, the basement, and the garage, and liked what I had come up with!

I was going to do a re-model and bring the plumbing and electric up to code, and sub-divide the house. Two smaller units on the first floor, and a single unit on the second and third floors each, for a total of four units. The garage would be divided up into four two-car garages, each with a fairly wide disappearing stair that pulled down to access individual storage spaces over each garage. The basement would be turned into a common area with an enclosed laundry area, a pool-table, the biggest Big-Screen TV I could find, and a bar area, as well as a small fitness area. I also planned to re-inforce the roof area's on each of the first floor wings as they were going to be out-door terrace area's for the second floor unit, and the third floor roof, as it was going to be a roof-top terrace/common out-door gathering area. Tha yard would be another common area, and because of the fence, it would have some privacy. I leaned back on my elbows, closed my eyes and let a private smile drift over my features as I thought of my mystery man, who, unknown to me, was about to make a dramatic re-entry into my life!

Jake's POV

I met Maggie at the entrance to the Park. I have to say, ever since we left the store, Atticus had been acting like he was hot on the trail of the criminal of the century, both he and Boo practically dragging me the rest of the way to the Park! Once there, Maggie and I found a bench to sit on and enjoyed our lunch. Who knows, it might be our last meal together after I get done telling her what I needed to tell her.

"Jeez little brother, what is up wih those dogs of yours today?" Maggie asked.

"Hell if I know! They've been acting like this since we left the grocery," I replied. They were still doing their thing, looking over everyone who walked by, scanning people in the distance, and seeming to be talking with one another about whatever it was that they saw. "If I didn't know better, I'd say they were looking for someone," I said.

"Oh well, come on, let's walk," Maggie said, standing up and pulling me up off the bench. I opened up my backpack and took out a well-worn frisbee. Slipping the backpack over my shoulder, I picked up my water bottle, un-clipped both dogs, and tossed the frisbee, watching as both Atticus and Boo took off after it.

"So, you wanted to talk?" Maggie prompted as we began to walk slowly along one of the many walkways located in the Park, Atticus bringing the frisbee back for me to throw again.

"Um, yeah, I guess so......"

"Go on."

"Well, see, it's like this......" I began, and proceeded to tell her everything, and I do mean everything, up to and including today's encounter with the gorgeous Michael Orsini, but not revealing his name, as he is apparently, judging from the conversation I overheard at the Deli counter, also an actor, and I didn't want to be in anyway responsible for his possibly being outted. "......and so, the bottom line is, I'm gay."

"It's about time! I wondered when and and how long it would take you to figure things out!" Maggie said, pulling me into a hug.

"You mean you're not upset?" I asked incredulously.

"No, silly! You're my baby brother! I could never hate you!"

"Thanks loads, Mag's!" And with that I threw the frisbee again. Atticus watched to see where it landed, turned to Boo, gave an excited sounding bark, and then both dogs were off and running. I realized that they were not going to be bringing the frisbee back this time and shouted "Atticus! No!!" about three seconds before both dogs jumped on an un-suspecting and un-prepared Michael Orsini, and Maggie and I took off after them!

Michael's POV

I was having the most pleasant day-dream involving the cute guy from the grocery when I heard a muffled "whump" as something landed on the blanket next to my right elbow, and I opened my eyes and sat up, picking up the rather gnarled looking frisbee. The only warning I had of the impending attack upon my person was a shouted, "Atticus! No!!" and I looked up to see what looked like the two dogs from outside the grocery about two seconds before I was tackled and my face was covered in sloppy wet kisses! A few seconds later, the dogs were pulled off and I was rolled over and I found myself looking into the bluest eyes I had ever seen. Over his shoulder, I saw his sister trying, un-successfully, to control her laughter, Ryan holding one of her hands, Michelle the other, both of them covering their mouths to hide their laughter. I finally looked back up at Jake, back into those deep blue eyes, and fell, wholeheartedly, effortlessly, irrevocably, and permanantly, in love.

"Jesus Michael, I am so sorry about that!" he said.

I said the first thing that came into my mind---"Apology accepted. Just tell me one thing, Gyllenhaal. Please tell me that you're a better kisser than your dogs?"

Well, that's part two, and at last, the all important "first meeting"! This part......It has given me as much trouble as a child going through the "Terrible Two's", if not more! Okay, the mansion......The mansion that I based Michael's mansion on actually existed at one time.

It was the Charles Crocker Mansion, and it was in existance in San Francisco during the early years of the Twentieth Century, until it was destroyed in the fire that followed the 1906 San Franciso Earthquake.

As usual, feedback is welcomed and encouraged. My email address is dnsphelps@mcsi.net and I can frequently be found on yahoo messanger where my chat ID is twains_fan_03, or on AOL messanger where my chat ID is PhelpsCNA. Enjoy.......

Next: Chapter 3

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