Michael and Jake

By Stephen Phelps

Published on Jan 13, 2009


Disclaimer: I do not know, nor do I claim to know Jake Gyllenhaal, nor do I know or claim to know any other celebrities that may wander through these pages, and I do not know or therefore mean to imply any knowledge of their personal lives and/or their sexual preferences. This story is a work of fiction. The character of Michael is my own creation, and therefore any use of him outside of this story cannot be done without first gaining my permission. If you are under 18 years of age, or you are bothered by the prospect of a homo-erotic relationship between two men, or it is illegal for you to be reading this where you live, then I highly recommend that you go and find something else to read on another web-site. There, I think that that takes care of the C.Y.A. part of things.....

Kelly's POV

I pulled up to the gate and put my window down. I was just reaching out to press the button when a voice came through the speaker, "Welcome to Burger King, may I take your order?"

My hand froze in mid-air. "Um, I'm here to see Michael, Jake, Paul, and Shane?" I could hear the sound of laughter coming from the speaker, and a voice in the back- ground saying, "Michael, stop teasing the poor girl!" before Michael's voice once again came from the speaker, "I'm sorry. I always wanted to do that. Come on up...." and then the gate was gliding silently open.

I guess I should start by introducing myself.... My name is Kelly Harper, and I work for Rolling Stone Magazine. I'm the proverbial "new kid on the block", and as such, I had the luck to be the one picked to do this interview. This interview being an interview with Michael Orsini, Jake Gyllenhaal, Paul Walker, and Shane West, on the 10TH Anniversary Director's Cut Re-release of "Obsession", both in theatre's and on DVD.

The film had won three Academy Awards for music, and four for acting before running away with the big prize of the night, Best Picture....

As I pulled up in front of the house, I noticed an older guy up on a ladder stringing lights along the gutter. He had a mustache, and his dark blond hair was cut short in a buzz-cut. A pair of aviator glasses shielded his eyes from the December sun. I took a moment to admire his jeans-clad ass before I went up to the front door and rang the bell. I immediately heard the barking of dogs coming from inside, and the sound of the guy climbing down the ladder coming from my left.

The sound of a voice could be heard inside, calling off the dogs, and then the door opened, and I had my first ever up-close-and-personal view of Michael Orsini.

He was only a few inches taller than I was, and he still wore his red hair on the long side, but with his straight nose and strong jaw-line, it all seemed to work together with those green eyes of his to form one hell of a compelling man, even at thirty-six years of age.

"Hi, I'm Michael, won't you please come in...." He stood back to allow me entrance into his home.

The first thing that I noticed was the tree.... It was probably close to 15 feet tall, and lush and full and green. That was when it dawned on me that Christmas was just over a week away.....

The tree was in the process of being decorated by 3 teenagers and 6 small children. The teens were Paul Walker's 18 year old daughter, Meadow, and Michael's 17 year old twins, Ryan and Michelle. The 6 little ones belonged to all three of them, the result of donated eggs, and in-vitro fertilization.....

So now, they all 3 had twins, a boy and a girl each, 4 of whom all had Michael's fiery red hair: his own, and the 2 he had "fathered". Michael was father to one of Jake's and one of Paul's, Jake was father to one of Paul's and one of Michael's, and Paul was father to one of Michael's, and one of Jake's.....

The air was redolent with the scents of pine mixing with the smell of sugar cookies baking as I watched the three older teenagers helping their younger siblings to put out the multitude of decorations that seemed to overflow from their boxes. I turned my attention to the tall glass case that stood in a niche in the wall under the balcony just off to the right. A single light in the top shown down on the golden statues inside. In all, there were probably about 16 Awards in there. 6 of them were Emmy Awards, and the rest were Oscar's.

I turned from the display case to look at Michael. He was dressed simply, in a pair of well worn Levi's, a blue cotton chambray shirt, and worn looking cowboy boots. He was watching the kids with a contented smile on his face. Of course, everyone knew his story....

He broke into the business at the age of 15 with a minor role on the still-popular daytime soap, 'Another Life', where he pretty much grew up on camera. After taking a year off the show, during which time he spent a year attending school over in France, Michael came into his own, and returned to the U.S. having become quite the hunk! Imagine the shock everyone must have felt when he publicly admitted his homosexuality!

But Michael came out the same way he did everything else in his life, on his own terms, and in his own time. Along the way, he became the legal guardian of his late co- star's twins, and eventually adopted them.

Then, about 11 years ago, in the space of about 2 weeks, he won a huge-ass lottery jackpot, inherited a big old Victorian mansion in New York City, and then met Jake, and not long afterwards, he met Paul also.....

After that came the films.....'Inferno', and 'Obsession', which led to 'The Hobbit', a supporting role as Paul's younger brother in the 4th 'Fast and Furious' film, as well as parts in 'Ocean's 14', George Lucas' 'King Kong' trilogy, and Peter Jackson's last 'Star Wars' trilogy for all three men. The final 'Star Wars' installment also marked Michael's final appearance in front of the camera. After 15 years, he left 'Another Life' and formed his own production company, called La Rouquinne Productions, and began producing feature films and documentaries.

Eventually I found my gaze wandering around the rest of the space..... There, on the fireplace mantle amidst the pine boughs, stood 2 framed photographs, one on each end.....The one on the left was a stark black and white. It had obviously been taken at their commitment ceremony, for they were all three wearing identical suits, and standing very close together, eyes looking right into the camera lens. Paul stood on the left, toe- to-toe with Michael, who was being hugged from behind by Jake..... The photograph on the other end was in color, and featured all three families.....

I turned and was startled to find Jake standing across the room, arms crossed as he leaned casually against the wall, watching me. Gone was the trademark stubble. Instead, he sported a neatly trimmed mustache. His dark brown hair, though slightly disheveled, showed no immediate signs of turning gray. I found myself held captive by his intense blue-eyed gaze.....

The spell was broken by the opening of the front door, as Shane West strode into the house along with, was that Wes Ramsey?

"Look who I found skulking around outside?" this from the guy who's ass I had been admiring earlier. He took off his glasses and I felt the blush rise up from my toes when I realized I had been ogling Paul Walker!

"Yay, the gang's all here! Let's go out by the pool," Michael suggested, and led the way out through the sliding glass door in the vaulted music area. We made our way around the pool to the umbrella covered table at the far end and all took a seat, except for Wes, who kicked off his flip-flips, dropped his shorts, peeled off his t-shirt, and dove into the pool, all as if he did this all the time..... Shane followed my gaze.

"We're together," he said. It was a simple statement of fact.

"Okay, before we get into this, would anyone like anything to drink?" Michael asked, getting up from the table

"Yes, please, thank you," I replied.

"I'll take a beer," Shane said.

"You'll take what I give you," Michael replied as he walked past Shane, who reached out to smack him on the ass in retaliation as he passed.

Michael came back out several minutes later carrying a tray. He stopped to place 2 bottles of Sam Adams on the table by Wes' discarded clothing, and then continued back to the rest of us. The tray contained 6 more beers and 2 glasses plus a pitcher of iced tea. Jake, Shane, and Paul each grabbed a beer while Michael poured a glass of tea for he and I.

I pulled out a mini-cassette recorder and started it. Okay, so call me old-fashioned, but I liked to be able to tape my interviews, and then go back and transcribe them. I had also brought a digital camera with me.

"Okay, so, tell me about the movie," I said, to start things off.

"What do you want to know?" Jake asked.

"Whatever y'all feel like telling me," I replied.

Michael looked thoughtful for a moment before saying, "The first time I read the script, I thought for sure that the finished film would get slapped with an 'NC-17' rating."

"Seriously?" I questioned.

"Yes! I mean, hello, the blow-job behind the bar scene? If that didn't guarantee it, then I thought for sure the love scenes would, I mean, they were pretty graphic!"

"True," I agreed. I decided to ask the question that everyone still talks about, "So, did you? Give him the b-j behind the bar, I mean?"

"I didn't answer that question on Oprah 9 years ago, what makes you think I'm going to answer it now?" Michael said.

I decided to push the proverbial envelope. "Because, that was on Oprah 9 years ago, and this is Rolling Stone, now," I said, holding my breath.

Michael looked thoughtful again for a few moments. I guess he still wasn't going to answer the question.....

Jake had just taken a healthy swig of beer when Michael quietly said, "I did it....." which caused Jake to choke on his beer!

Paul let out a bark of laughter and reached out to slap Jake soundly on the back.

"Shit! Michael-!"

"What?! It's not like I hadn't done it numerous times before!" Michael exclaimed. "And I didn't notice you complaining very much at the time!"

By this time, both Paul and Shane were both shaking with laughter. Even Wes was laughing from the lounge chair he was relaxing on.

"Oh Jesus.....!" Paul said, finally managing to catch his breath.

"And I swallowed, too!" Michael stated with a self-satisfied smirk.

"Oh man, I so did not need to know that! And you!! You keep your mouth shut!!" Shane said, whirling around in his chair to glare at Wes. Wes just raised his hands, palms outward, and shook his head, a shit-eating grin on his face, eyes hidden behind black mirrored sunglasses.

"I didn't say a thing!"

Michael leaned back in his chair and called out to Wes, "I take it he still hasn't learned how to keep his mouth shut while he's ahead?"

"Nope," Wes replied. "But as long as he opens it up at the right time, and watches the teeth, I don't care!"

"Oh! You are so dead!" Shane retorted.

"Oh come on, you know you love it when we flick you crap," Jake chided.

"Jake, this movie was your first time producing, correct?" I asked once everyone had calmed down.


"How did you arrive at the final cast?"

"Well, as Michael pointed out, the script made alot of the women who'd read it think twice, if not outright refuse, to do it. I mean, the subject matter was pretty heavy, even back in '06 when we shot it....."

"So, all except for the role of KC, the cast was in place?"

"Yeah, pretty much......"

"What made you think to have Michael do the part? I mean, wasn't it a huge risk?"

"Yeah, of course it was....."

"As I recall, we were at your hotel, and Paul stopped by to visit, since he was in town anyways, and the two of you decided to read through the script....I only read the other parts to round things out...."

"I was so impressed with how he did that as soon as Michael excused himself, I told Jake he needed to get Michael to audition for a part, any part," Paul said. "He totally had the look, and the air of innocence about him that was needed for the part of KC."

"So, before Michael came out to L.A. for the Emmy's, I talked him into flying out for a weekend to audition, and we found out that his agent had for several years been turning down offers on numerous parts....Needless to say, he did 2 auditions, got both parts, and fired his agent," Jake said.

"That wasn't pretty," Michael said.

"I know that this is going to be a totally random question, but, how did you go about choosing the music for the Soundtrack? I mean, even now, 10 years later, it's still one of the few top selling albums out there....." I asked.

"Alot of the songs were chosen as the film was being shot, so that they went with the scene that they were used in," Jake explained.

"Such as?"

"Well, starting at the top, the opening credits were shot panning the camera around the bar, and KC's apartment. Those sets were lit so that the lighting came through with a filtered blue look to it. We got the beach shots early one morning just after it got light out, before the crowds showed up....

"The next song, Another White Dash..... The first thing you see is Michael's feet and legs as he's running to catch the bus, and then bits and pieces of the rest of him as he gets on the bus and finds an empty seat and drops down into it, setting his backpack next to him-"

" 'something about having everything you think you'll ever need, sitting in the seat next to you.....' " I sang, and then blushed.

"Exactly," Jake said, smiling. "6 Underground, by the Sneaker Pimps.....Something about that song just screams out 'lazy Sunday afternoon', or brings to mind a rainy day at the beach, so we used it for the montage where KC is at the beach one rainy day, the scene where he rents his studio apartment, and when he has his job interview.....

"Freedom is used when he's fixing up his apartment, painting, finding furniture and what-not. Very up-beat....."

"When KC is standing behind the bar with Tony one afternoon before opening, they're discussing the pitfalls of temptation and giving in to it when KC suddenly leans in and kisses Tony. Meredith Brooks' What Would Happen is playing in the background, and fades into Erotica as KC drops down out of sight.....We shot that scene in one take, on a closed set with just me, Jake, Shane, and 2 camera men.... Thank God neither of them broke character....." Michael said. The 3 of them were all blushing as Paul and Wes snickered quietly in the background.

"For the split screen scene where you see the 4 of us working out, we used Keane's Is It Any Wonder. I liked how at the end of the song, they all kind of end up at the bar at the same time, still in their workout clothes....." Jake continued on.

"We used Wishing I Was Lucky, by Wet Wet Wet, for the first actual club scene....I liked those scenes not only because of the music, but because there was alot of unspoken communication going on. It was all in the eyes. The Lucky One starts out with KC on the piano, and slides through several different talks with Tony and Danny, as well as another club scene. During those 2 songs, you can see that Danny is falling in love with KC, who is in turn, falling in love with Tony, all the while, Shane's Lawrence character is becoming more obsessed with KC....It's all in the eyes.....

"I Love You, by Sarah McLachlan, was used for the first love scene, the fantasy scene between Tony and KC.... It's very romantic.....

"The first time they actually have sex is nothing like KC's day dream, because for Tony, all it is, is just sex....a warm body, which is why we used Michael's version of I Can't Make You Love Me."

"So you actually sang 3 of the songs yourself?" I asked Michael.

He nodded uncomfortably while the others chuckled.

"I like to call the 'big' club scene 'Spot that Celebrity'. A half hour, give or take, of un-interrupted music and dancing, with just about every major celebrity and star that was popular at the time making a cameo," Jake explained. "We used Robert Palmer, a couple songs, by Madonna, Laura Branigan, Bryan Ferry, 50 Cent, and Christina Aguilera for that scene, and we got it in one take, with about a half dozen hand-held cameras, at least, and no bruised egos."

"Or cat fights," Michael murmured as he took a sip of his tea.

"For the scene where Lawrence is with some girl, but keeps seeing KC, we used Billy Idol's Flesh For Fantasy. Lawrence's confusion and state of distraction leaves him unable to 'perform', so his date bails, leaving herself frustrated, and Lawrence just a bit angry.....

"When he goes into work the next morning, the bar is empty, and KC is in Tony's office to pick up his paycheck. Lawrence, still feeling a bit miffed from the night before, since he had actually spent a good deal of time dancing with, and grinding on, KC, before hooking up with his eventual date, blames KC for his issues from the previous night, and since he spent part of the time thinking about KC anyways, he sort of just snaps, and rapes KC right there on the desk in Tony's office, with Alanis Morissette's Uninvited playing in the background.....Just the music with no lyrics.....

"The whole time, he's got KC bent over on the desk, face down, arms over his head, crying..... When he's done, he turns KC loose and takes a step back, a sort of sick, satisfied smile on his face, and KC just reacts.....

"He grabs the first thing he can get his hands on, a lethal-looking letter-opener, and rears up off the desk, arm swinging back, and Lawrence doesn't even have a chance to react before he's stabbed in the throat.....

"He pulls it out and aims for the heart..... When Danny shows up a few minutes later, he finds Lawrence dead on the floor, and KC huddled in the far corner.....

"For the aftermath of the rape, we used Temple by Beverly Klass. It just seemed to fit the overall mood we were trying to create..... KC coming to terms with everything that had happened and slowly beginning to realize that maybe, just maybe he could actually fall in love with Danny, which leads to the realization that he never really loved Tony, he had just been in love with this image of Tony that he had built up in his own mind.....

"Once he realizes this he goes to Danny, and agrees to leave town and move up to Oregon with Danny. He gives Danny a tiny little kiss, and then another, and things just kind of flowed from there.....

"If people talked about the sex scenes in 'Brokeback', they really had something to talk about after this movie..... The scenes between Tony and KC were nothing compared to the love scene at the end of the movie, between Danny and KC. Michael did Songbird..... It was the perfect fit.....

"For the closing credits, we did a split screen, with a montage running across the top half, and the credits scrolling up running in the bottom half. For that, we used J.C. Chasez's version of Father Figure....."

"Wow!" I said.

"I don't think I've done a scene that's been so demanding, at least emotionally, before, or since....." Michael said. "I'm glad we shot it separately from everything else, and I'm glad I was a part of that movie."

"I don't think it would have turned out the way it did with anyone else in the roles," Shane said. "Oh sure, it would have been good, but the 4 of us just....got it"

"So Michael, any plans to return to acting?"

"Who knows..... If the part is right. Right now, I'm really enjoying producing."

"And now the Golden Globe nomination, and talk of an Academy Award nod as well," I prodded.

"It is kind of exciting. I mean when I read the story on the 'net years ago, I always thought, 'yeah, this would be cool,' but to actually do it. And to be able to get these 2 to do it. I just wish....." Michael said wistfully.

Of course, everyone was surprised when Michael had optioned the rights to produce and direct a sequel to 'Brokeback Mountain' based on a story he had read on the 'net, this time featuring Jake as an adult Bobby Twist, who has more in common with his late father, Jack, than he could have ever realized, and his lover, Charles "Charlie" O'Roarke, played by Paul, searching out Ennis, played by Richard Gere, to find out the truth about his father's past, and in turn, allow Ennis to heal himself....

"Heath could have lived to see it....." Jake finished for him.


After that, we moved on to other things, and before I knew it we were done, and after snapping a few pictures, we headed back into the house where Michael actually walked me out to my car and opened the door for me, and closed it once he was sure I was securely buckled up. He even stayed there until I disappeared around the curve in the driveway..... A true gentleman!

Michael's POV

We were laying in bed later that night, Paul spooned up behind me, Jake pressed tightly back in front of me, when he rolled over facing me, taking my hand and lacing our fingers together.

"Do you ever regret having met me?" he asked.

"Nope," I replied without hesitation. "If we had never met, I probably wouldn't be alive today....."

"What?" Jake and Paul said in unison.

"Lucien...." I reminded them. "If we hadn't met, Luc would have come back into my life, and probably would have succeeded in killing me eventually....If we hadn't met, I never would have met Paul, I never would have done those 2 movies, or met Shane....

"If we had never met, you wouldn't have had the affair with Reese and we wouldn't have split up, I wouldn't have met Wes, and Paul and I wouldn't have ever gotten together.....

"The three of us wouldn't have gotten together, Wes and Shane wouldn't have met and gotten together..." I paused, looking at rings sparkling in the darkness on my left hand between Jake's fingers. "We never would have had our commitment ceremony, or done the other movies together.....

"If we hadn't met, I'd never have had the courage to strike out on my own and form 'La Rouquinne'-"

" 'The Redhead' ", Paul whispered in my ear, giving the English translation to the French term I had used to name my production company.

"No ego there," Jake chuckled.

"Hey, anytime anyone has asked what La Rouquinne meant, I've told them!" I defended. "But to finish answering your question, I don't have a single regret. How could I? If we had never met, I wouldn't have Stephen and Cheryl, and I wouldn't trade the last 10 years for anything....." I said, leaning in to give Jake the reassuring kiss he so desperately craved. I felt Paul's hand close over the back of the one Jake was holding, lacing his fingers over mine, through Jake's.

"Neither would I," Paul said as he kissed the back of my neck, and tightened his grip, squeezing my hand between his and Jake's.

"I love you," I told Jake, "and you too," I said, turning my head slightly to address Paul.

"Ditto. Now, go to sleep," Paul said, lightly shaking our linked hands.

"Well, if you're sure..." Jake said, and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Go to sleep!!" Paul and I said in unison.

"Alright. I love you guys too," Jake said rolling back over and snuggling back against me, his right hand over his left elbow, all of our hands still linked together as we drifted off to sleep, together.....


Okay, that's it, it's done..... Please write and let me know what you thought, good or bad. Email is dnsphelps@mcsi.net and I can also be found on several IM's. Yahoo is twains_fan_03@yahoo.com MSN is twains_fan_03@hotmail.com AIM is guyoregon8 and Myspace is www.myspace.com/dnsphelps

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