Michael and His Master

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 28, 2021


It would be hard to feel sorry for Michael: attorney, 6'2", blond hair, blue eyes, a body he had sculpted from hard workouts, a wicked smile, and lots of friends. No, feeling sorry for Michael was not something that would come to mind right away. Not even when you found out he was gay.

Perhaps you might feel a bit of pity for him when you learned that Michael was a bottom: a submissive bottom. Given his looks, his demeanor, you might feel a bit more pity when you learned that many DOMS did not believe it when he said that he was a bottom and submissive: they thought he was just one of those guys who were "versatile," looking for a quick flip before he went back to topping his "twink du jour." What this all meant, in real terms, was that Michael didn't get a lot of action.

One reason for his lack of action was: Michael was also fussy. He wanted to be dominated by a man who looked like he good dominate him: someone taller, stronger, etc. At 31, he hadn't learned yet that the most important part of a DOM was his attitude. He got a bit of a taste of that though, when he met Ted on line.

Ted only satisfied two of Michael's criteria for the perfect D which we'll get to in a minute. If Michael was a body builder, Ted was a runner. He was lean, wiry and tall. At 6'4", he was taller than Michael. There was ONE of the criteria. Another criterion was something you didn't read above. Michael wanted his DOM to be hung: AT LEAST 8 inches, preferably more. When Ted contacted him on the web site they were both using, he wrote: "I know that I don't sound like your guy, but maybe I could show you something." He sent Michael a picture of himself naked, showing his 9.5 soft inches. THAT got Michael's attention. It had been a long time between "rolls in the hay" and while the physical end of things didn't float his boats, Ted's description of himself did: "Young DOM (34), who is ALWAYS in total control. You'll suck, you'll take it up your butt, and you'll do it tied up if I tell you do. Expect to be gagged a lot of the time, and expect to use SIR a lot. First date no sex. I'm picky. Second date: you better plan to be sore." Michael remembered being sore from a good fuck. He had been in a relationship with a guy named Justin some years ago. Justin fucked him brutally, and often. You name the position, Michael had been bound in it. And Justin had the most incredible collection of gags. Michael tried to keep a record once, and he stopped counting after Justin had shoved the 15th different gag in his mouth. "Pig heaven," he sighed, as he remembered those times. Then Justin got the job of his dreams. He was in Taiwan now, working for a multinational corporation. And Michael spent most of his nights jerking off, thinking about how Justin would look at him and say "Strip, bitch, and then on the bed. NOW." Michael's expected response was "Yes sir. On my belly or on my back?" On "school nights" as Justin called them, it was almost always a simple fuck, maybe preceded by a blow job. On the weekends... well, that's when Justin broke out the hardware, and there was probably not a toy you could buy at a kink store that Justin hadn't used on Michael. Why hadn't he gone with him? Justin had asked him to come. He didn't order him, and maybe that was the problem. Or maybe it was the fact that Michael would not have a job overseas. Justin had laughed and said "Well, there's nothing wrong with being a housewife, michael," not understanding that it was the worst thing he could have said to Michael. At least at the time. These days, being a "housewife" to a man who had a good solid ten inches, and superb technique, sounded very good to Michael." Michael read Ted's profile again. In fact, he memorized it, and during the day after Ted had written to him, he'd close his eyes and play it over in his head. No matter how many times he did, it made him hard. Then he'd look at the photos Ted had put up. Little by little, Michael was thinking "Well, he's not bad looking and.... it's good to try new things." That night he wrote back to Ted. "hi Sir. Sorry to keep you waiting. I deeply regret it. michael here. Your profile sounds very inviting. i think it might be fun if we got together, even for one or two nights. i hope you haven't lost interest, and that you'll let me know." There was no answer the night he wrote, and Michael thought "oh, well. The early bird catches the worm." But the next morning, there was a message in his mailbox, from Ted: "Send me a photo of your ass. No later than noon." Michael enjoyed the feeling of his cock popping out as fast and as hard as it did. It hadn't happened in a while. He positioned a mirror in a way that allowed him to take a shot of his developed butt, and got it to Ted before he left for work. "Thank you for writing back, Sir. i took this shot this morning, so it would be current. i hope it meets with your approval Sir." That afternoon, he got an answer back: "Wednesday night. The Checker's Club. 8pm. If you're late, you go home alone." It was Monday. Michael had two days to stew about it. They met for drinks on their first "date" or "meeting" , whatever you want to call it. Michael enjoyed it more than he thought he would. He liked having to look up at Ted, and that Ted looked down at him. Ted always seemed to have this slight, ironic smile, and he had a very dry sense of humor. He didn't have a massively muscled body, but he had good proportions and his hair, already going salt and pepper and his green eyes, were both turn ons to Michael. What might have turned him on the most, though, was when Ted reached out, took Michael's hand and put it on his crotch. "Feel that before you decide whether or not you want a second date." Michael got a stiffy and his throat got dry as he croaked out: "Yes sir. Please Sir." Ted smiled. "I think we're gonna get along just fine michael." For Michael's part, he was delighted that Ted didn't call him "Mike." He hated the nickname. He introduced himself as Michael, and Ted used that name throughout the night. Ted worked as an analyst downtown: his building was probably no more than a ten minute walk from Michael's firm. "We could meet for lunch. Or gym dates," Michael was thinking after he headed home after their first date. He and Ted had exchanged cell phone numbers, and he texted. "Thank you for the evening Sir. i had a wonderful time and i can't wait for the second date. michael." In return, Ted sent a text saying "Can you tell I enjoyed it?" There was a short movie attached of Ted's hand stroking his hard cock. Michael jerked off twice before he went to sleep thinking about that. And once the next morning as he watched the clip again, before he went to work. For their second date, they went back to Michael's place. They had caught a quick dinner and Michael had asked. "Sir, instead of dessert, would you like a blowjob?" Ted had smiled. "If you didn't offer, I was going to insist." We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Michael gave superb head. Justin wasn't the first man who had said that, and Ted added to the list that night. Before they started, Ted had said: "I expect my subs to swallow. Understand?" "Yes sir. It's not a blow job without swallowing." "You're gonna work out just fine," Ted added before he began smacking Michael's lips with his cock. Their third date was the first time Ted tied up Michael. He gagged him too. They met at Ted's place, after Michael had finished his workout. Ted had been quite explicit: "no shower, no changing, nothing. Come by rank and sweaty. I'll take care of the rest." Ted rented the first floor of a three story building. On that first visit, Michael didn't count how many rooms since he didn't see them all. He DID notice that Ted had an extensive toy collection in his bedroom, most of which he didn't use that first time. After Ted had Michael strip, he had hogtied him, and then took one of Michael's gym socks. He balled it up, shoved it in Michaels mouth, and then sealed his mouth with duct tape. He rolled Michael on his side, and began edging him. "It won't be too often that I let you cum before me, stud, but there's a first time for everything. " If Michael gave great head, Ted gave great edge. It was more than an hour before Michael shot his load. Halfway through the edging, Ted had asked "You got sensitive nipples?" Michael didn't want to answer: let Ted find out for himself. He did. He grabbed Michael's balls and squeezed. "WHEN I ASK A QUESTION YOU ANSWER BOTTOM. DO YOU HAVE SENSITIVE NIPPLES" "MMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" Michael shook his head yes, and Ted produced a pair of needle nipple clamps. He attached them and sneered. "If I weren't edging you, I'd flip you on your belly , bottom. That way they could REALLY dig in. " Ted went back to the edging, occasionally pulling the chain between the clamps, licking his lips as Michael groaned. Toward the end of the edging, Ted increased the speed of the edging and also pulled the clamps harder. "Someone wanna get FUCKED when he's finished cumming?" Michael found himself frantically shaking his head yes, something he did not plan to do: he wanted to take this slowly: make Ted work for it; but this man was truly, and unmistakably, a DOM. And after Ted had untied Michael's ankles, and spread his legs, Michael found out: however good he was as an edger, he was even better as a top. "God forgive me," Michael thought, as Ted was plunging into him. "He's better at this than Justin was." When Ted was finished, he leaned down and whispered into Michael's ear: "I hope tomorrow is your day off from the gym, because squats are gonna hurt like hell." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." Michael couldn't say anything. Ted took off the clamps but... he remembered Michael's profile, and left the gag on, and left his wrists tied. "You're too pretty like that to let you go. You need one thing though." Michael didn't see Ted pull out the blindfold, but all he saw was black, as Ted's hands moved over his body: at one point, he felt a pair of fingers in his ass, then he felt a tongue on a nipple, he felt tickling in his pits (he hated being tickled but he couldn't do anything). Then.. he nearly went nuts when he felt the paddle coming down on his ass. "I WANT THIS FUCKING BONNY ASS RED AS A BEET." "mmmmmmmmmmmph." Michael couldn't see Ted's hand motions, so he never knew when the paddle was coming down. He stopped counting after 60. There were tears in his eyes. And he was getting hard again." "You're spending the night, boy, and you better be ready to be even more sore in the morning." "mmmmmmmmmmph," Michael tried to nod yes. Ted kept him blindfolded and bound until he was ready to take him to dinner. He laughed as Michael eased himself into a chair and muttered "FUCK. That hurt." Ted grinned at him. "You want me to stop doing it?" "Hell, no Sir." Ted fucked him again that night. And in the morning, he looked at Michael and said "When the hell are you going to give me my blowjob?" "I hit the jackpot," Michael thought.

He continued to think that, until he didn't. Sex with Ted was great. The domination was... not as great as he thought it would be. Ted took domination to a real extreme. If he stayed over, when they woke up, he wanted to approve what Michael was wearing to work. He would get extremely pissed off if he saw Michael look at another man. "Sir, I was admiring his shirt. I like it." "BULLSHIT! You were admiring his crotch. The only crotch you should be admiring is MINE." That was the night Ted tied Michael to the bed, face down, and flogged his ass. Michael couldn't beg him to stop because - that's right, he was gagged. He had to admit: being fucked after being flogged was a new experience. Michael was being flooded with new levels of domination: stuff he hadn't had with Justin. TED decided where they'd go to eat, TED decided what bars they'd go to, TED wanted to know Michael's gym schedule because he didn't want it interfering with when he was horny: Michael had to call him before he went to the gym, and then Ted would decide if it was okay, depending on how horny he was, and how long he could wait for Michael's mouth or ass. Or both. Michael began to have second thoughts when Ted made him wear the leather collar. The collar was fine, but if they went out to a bar, Ted attached the leash, and bound Michael's hands. Sometimes, if the weather was warm, he'd have Michael wear nothing but a leather vest and very short shorts. Plus the arm band, indicating that he was a bottom - if anyone couldn't guess. But he began to think this wasn't going to work, when Ted started talking about tattoos, and piercings, and shaving him: and then the chastity cage to make sure he only came for Ted. "Sir, I think we need to end this. You're too intense for me." Ted didn't seem too surprised when Michael told him. They were at Michael's place, and Ted had just fucked him, hard. He shrugged his shoulders. "Oh well. I guess you're not the bottom I thought you were. Clearly not trained well enough by your last DOM." "Sir, I don't..." "QUIET BOTTOM. I may not be your DOM anymore, but I AM a DOM, you're a sub, and you'll hold your tongue." "You're right Sir . I'm sorry," Michael answered, thinking "what the hell have I done?" Ted got up and began to gather what he had at Michael's place. They usually spent their time at Ted's since he had more gear, but he did have some stuff in Michael's apartment. What he didn't have, was a key. "This isn't over he thought," smiling as he picked up the key that was sitting on Michael's bedside table. "Take care of yourself Michael. All the best to you," Ted gave Michael a kiss as he walked out. He was deliberately trying to be as bloodless as possible because... he wasn't giving Michael up. He just needed this bottom to think.... he had won.

Michael thought about Ted a LOT during the next month. "Did I make a mistake?" he thought, as he pondered first Ted's hard cock in his ass, and then the thought of a tattoo on that same ass. He contrasted sucking Ted dry, and a piercing in his nipple. Almost always, he wound up jerking off. "I fucked up," Michael thought more than half the time. The rest of the time, he thought "This is for the best." Meanwhile, Ted was doing his own thinking. He had made up his mind: He was going to turn Michael into michael, and he was going to break down whatever thoughts of autonomy or self decision making he had. He just needed a plan... And then, he had it.

It was a Saturday afternoon. Michael had gone to the office to catch up on work. He had put on a black and white checked button down shirt - he recalled that it was one Ted really liked - and a very pale pair of khakis. He put his key in the door of his apartment, remembering that "DAMN. I gotta find that spare." Ted's stringy, muscular arms surrounded him from behind. "Hey michael. Ya miss me?" Michael was CONVINCED he was stronger than Ted. He found out that day: he was wrong. "FUCK TED. GET OFFA ME. WE'RE DONE." "Ha ha. We're not done until I say we're done, bitchboy." Michael felt his arms pulled behind him. Ted wasn't just stronger, he was manhandling him. His free hand came down and grabbed Michael's balls. He squeezed. "You're not gonna need the family jewels anymore Michael, maybe we should get rid of them?" "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! FUCK! LET ME GO TED. PLEASE????" "You calm down, I'll let them go. And start using correct language." "Sorry Sir. Yes sir. I'll calm down. " "GOOD. It'll serve you well." Michael felt handcuffs going around his wrists, and then he felt Ted's hand cover his mouth. "Let's sit you down and get the new rules of engagement spelled out boy." Ted pushed Michael over to a chair. He pulled out a huge bandana, and bound it around Michael's mouth. "That's because spelling out the new rules of engagement doesn't involve your input at all, stud. They're MY rules. Because, michael.... as of today, you belong to me." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph!!!! " Michael tried to protest. He knew, though, that Ted could see the bulge growing in his pants.

Next: Chapter 2

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