Michael and His Dad

By Stockman

Published on Feb 17, 2021


Michael and HIs Dad 8

By Stockman


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Steve Power hugged Michael. "Have you sucked Jeff's cock, boy? Are you a good cocksucker? It's important for a boy to please his man."

Jeff answered before Michael opened his mouth. "He's a fine cocksucker, Uncle Steve. We're new to messing with each other, but Michael sure knows how to make me feel good. The way he swallows my dick...."

Steve's shorts were tented. I could see the outline of a large cock barely hidden. I knew he was getting excited. "You like boys who are good cocksuckers, Steve?" I asked.

"Oh, yes. Been lucky to enjoy quite a few at Power House. Like I said, some guys like to show skin. Been fortunate to enjoy a lot of ass and mouths in my time."

"And dick too?" I asked. Might as well get it all into the open.

Steve looked at Austin. Austin's cock was rigid inside his shorts. Would he reveal this to his employee? And to his nephew? "Guess I've enjoyed my share," he said carefully.

"Isn't that gay, Uncle Steve?" Jeff was really surprised at his uncle's admission.

Steve grabbed his nephew around his shoulders. He now had two teenagers in his arms. "Nah, kid. Doesn't have to be. Just guys enjoying other guys. So much easier than with women. Only gay if you want to be gay. Heck I've fucked plenty of women. You remember Clarice? Man we fucked like bunnies for months. And now I've fucked plenty of guys. You should meet Travis."

Austin was surprised at that. "Travis from the front desk? You've fucked him?"

"Many times, my friend. Nicest ass I've seen.... Until I met Michael here."

"Does he have a nice dick?" Michael asked. "Uh is that ok to ask?"

"Fine to ask, boy. Guys want to know about the cocks of other guys. Travis has a nice dick, if you ask me. Gets to be around 6 inches, surrounded by soft blond hair. Tight balls. He loves to have his cock played with, I might add. But it's his ass that's his best feature. Round, hairless, tight. When he arches his back, that ass looks awesome."

Steve looked around, seeing surprise on faces. Had he revealed too much? Some things are best left unrevealed. "Uh Austin said you guys are discreet, that I can be open and can expect confidentiality. I hope that's true. Wouldn't want this stuff to get out."

I smiled. "Yes it's true. Austin hasn't steered you wrong." I looked at Jeff, then at Michael. "Confidentiality, right guys?" Steve was still stroking Michael's private parts.

"Of course, Mr. P," Jeff said, though he was looking right at his uncle. And his uncle was now caressing my son's hard penis, tickling the underside of the rigid prong.

"Your boy has a nice dick, Jeffy. It feels so nice in my hand. Look how hard it is. And he's leaking for us, Jeff." Steve stroked from Michael's hard cock down to his balls, tickling both orbs with his fingers, quite expertly if you asked me.

Jeff seemed at a loss for words. "Uh Uncle Steve....."

"What, you don't want to share? Such an awesome teenage cock. You don't want to share?" Steve kept stroking my son's very hard, leaking tool.

"Jeff, guys tend to share their men, they are protective of their women," I interjected, trying to avoid a scene. "Most guys are proud when other men are interested in their boys. No need for jealousy. Right Steve?"

"Exactly, Mr. Probst." He continued to stroke Michael's beautiful cock. "That's why I'm optimistic about Power House. Guys tend to share." He looked at Jeff. "Would love to participate with your boy. And see my favorite nephew in action. Haven't ever seen your hard cock. Michael says it's really big. We could fuck together." He turned to Austin. "You too, Austin. Would love to see your dick in action as well."

Austin was stroking his covered cock, teasing it from head to his balls. He looked so in need! I looked at Steve. He had begun stroking his hard covered cock as well, never letting up on Michael's hard naked dick. Now I could see Jeff had begun stroking his own covered cock.

"I never....yes, I could share," Jeff said tentatively. Then more assertively, "I'd love to share with you, Uncle Steve. I've never seen your cock hard, would love to watch you fuck my boy."

Michael's eyes were closing. He realized he was being passed around. No decision for him. Jeff was offering him to Steve. Was that face one of fear... or lust? He looked at Jeff. He could see his man's very hard cock outlined in his HS shorts. I could now see a look of determination on his face.

Jeff bore his eyes into Michael's. "Help Uncle Steve with his shorts, boy. Now." Talk about determination. And authority. Jeff was demonstrating he was still in control.

Quickly following orders, Michael dropped to his knees. He looked up at Steve, then down at the tented shorts in front of him. The tent was far up Steve's left side; his cock must be huge, I thought. Quickly Michael lowered the shorts to find a thin, stretched black jock strap barely encasing Steve's hard penis. "And the jock," he heard Jeff instruct.

Steve's very hard cock quickly snapped up into place. A big cock. Bigger than mine, I think. Had to be over 9 inches. Almost as big as Cole's a few days ago. A wide thick cock, with large tight balls below. And hair! So much hair, all around his cock. And up his belly and around his legs. Manly black hair everywhere. "So big, so beautiful," we could hear Michael moan.

"Fuck, that's big," Jeff moaned as well. "What a big cock, Uncle Steve. Now I see why you get to fuck so much. Man, that's one awesome fucker!" Jeff couldn't take his eyes off his uncle's hard fat cock.

Austin groaned. "So fucking nice." He went to his boss and removed his shirt. The man was now naked. Thick black hair covered his muscled body from ankles to neck. "So fucking nice," Austin groaned again, combing his fingers through Steve's hard chest.

Michael leaned into the man's body. It looked like he was sniffing Steve's groin where his pubes meet his legs. I could see a tongue fill that crease. His head leaned onto Steve's fat throbber, which was starting to leak. A drop of clear liquid dropped from his dick onto Michael's ear.

"Suck that big cock." It was Jeff telling my boy what to do. "Make my uncle feel good, boy. Suck that cock like a good cocksucker should!" As he spoke, he lowered his own shorts again, exposing his big teenage cock for us to see again.

"Oh fuck," Steve groaned. I wasn't sure if it was due to the sensation of a hot teen mouth on his cock or seeing his nephew's large dick for the first time in years.

Steve pulled Michael tight to his body, forcing that big cock deep into Michael's mouth as he exclaimed, "Oh Jeffy, so beautiful. What a terrific big cock on you. Look at that big cock! Big fucking hairy cock! Big fucking hairy cock!" He kept moaning as he pushed deeper and deeper into Michael's mouth. He pulled his nephew to him, and then kissed him hard on the lips. "Oh Jeff, thank you for your boy. He's a good cocksucker, it feels so gooooood!"

"Beautiful cocksucking, boss," Austin told Steve as he caressed the hairy man around his thick muscular chest. Steve turned to Austin for a second with a big smile as he allowed his employee to feel his body openly.

At the same time, Steve pushed his nephew down towards his groin, towards his cock as it was being pleasured by my son. "Oh Jeff, look how Michael is sucking my cock. So fucking good. Your boy is so fucking good." He pulled out of Michael's mouth and pushed his cock to his nephew. "Gonna blow, Jeff. Want you to have it, want you to have my seed. Keeping it in the family...." Jeff moaned as Steve roared out a huge groan as he shot over Jeff's face. That big fat cock spewed all over Jeff's face. Before he could react, Michael licked Jeff's face with long swipes of his tongue, eating all that cum. Cum from Jeff's eyes, his nose, his mouth and his chin. Thick creamy white cum from a big strong hairy man. Michael kissed his mentor, sharing some of that white cream with a lot of spit.

The sound of chirping birds filled the air. It seemed we were all stunned by the expressions of love and sex we had just witnessed. Steve pulled Jeff back up into his arms. "Thank you, Jeff. Thank you for sharing. I love you. Can I repay? Please?"

Steve dropped to his knees, pulling Jeff's large cock into his mouth. "I want to suck your beautiful cock, Jeffy. Such a big Power cock. Big fucking cock!" He licked all over Jeff's fat tool, from the wide head to the hairy base. From trying to stop it, Jeff was now pulling Steve's face closer to his body, forcing his big dick deep into his uncle's throat. He couldn't control himself, he was pounding his uncle with the strength of his legs and hips. "Oh fuck, so good, Unc, so fucking good." He kept thrusting as deep as he could, watching his uncle take as much cock as Jeff could give. Steve pulled off, grinned at his nephew, then went right back down, taking it all into his throat.

"Fuck, gonna blow," Jeff screamed. He pounded harder and harder into Steve's mouth, his large teenaged balls slapping Steve's chin as his pubes pressed into Steve's nose. At one point I could only see Jeff's pubic hair, as Jeff buried his cock totally into Steve's throat. Steve took it all, no gagging, no snotting, he just took that cock.

Jeff roared out in orgasm. He gave his uncle two shots in his mouth and four shots across his face. Steve kept licking Jeff's cock as it spewed all over him. He seemed to know just how to lick the underside of his nephew's cock head as it continued to erupt. He stayed down there licking his nephew's cock as it softened over his face.

Michael smiled at the two relatives. Without being instructed, he licked Steve's face, cleaning that face, dark with stubble, of all traces of cum. In just a minute, Steve was clean. It was so caring when they smiled at each other.

We sat around our picnic table, reviewing the experiences we had enjoyed. No one dressed. Steve was enjoying the two naked teenagers who surrounded his hairy body. Austin had sat atop my lap, grinding his ass into my groin. I knew I'd fuck him before too long, but it was just awesome to sit in the cool summer air, naked with those we love. Steve started getting contemplative, even as he caressed the two boys around him, touching boy dick at will. "This is what I want for Power House, Mr. P. Freedom and openness for men and boys. No embarrassment from people who are uncomfortable with seeing or touching dick. Think we can do it?"

"I think you can, Steve. You'll have the help and support of your friends and family; that will help a lot." Austin was grinding into my body, bringing my cock to yet another hard-on. He knows just how to get me going. "You'll need the right employees, of course. Men who will love working in such an open environment."

Michael was astride Jeff, caressing his body. It looked like he couldn't get enough of his friend. While Steve was discussing Power House, Jeff was talking about men's bodies. This was getting Michael worked up. "I love all your body hair, Steve. So much more than when I was a kid, it seems." Jeff was enjoying Michael combing through his thick pubes.

Steve smiled brightly. "Yeah, it has thickened up quite a bit." He ran his hands through his chest hair. "Carolyn loved it thinner, so I trimmed it a lot. I don't do that now. Leaving it natural," he said as he worked his own hands from chest to belly to pubes. "The things I did just to get pussy...."

"Can't really tell the difference between your pubes and your stomach hair," Jeff observed. "I always used to peek at you in the locker room," Jeff admitted, shyly. It was a look from him I had not seen before. Lust?

"No? I think you can. My pubes are a lot denser, I believe. Here, try it." Steve looked at me. "This is the type of open talk I'd love for Power House. Can't do this with women." He stood in front of his nephew, again rubbing his chest, his belly, and down to his pubes. "See, those pubes are a lot thicker. Try it."

With a bit of hesitation, Jeff pushed his hand onto Steve's belly. "Hmmm," he moaned. Then carefully, he combed his fingers down into his uncle's bush.

"Wow, it IS thicker," Jeff said. He kept combing through the thick man hair of his uncle. "Really thick here, unc!" Jeff was clearly enjoying feeling all that man's hair.

I couldn't help but smile. "It seems someone else likes a man's body hair, Michael. Jeff might be more compatible than you first thought."

"So you like a man who looks like a man, Michael?" Steve responded. "Then come here, boy." Steve pulled Michael onto his lap, having my boy face outward. "Feel that hair on your back, boy? That's a man's body hair." He pulled Michael tight to his body, twisting a bit so my son could feel body hair all over his back.

Michael giggled at the feeling of all that hair caressing his back. "That feels so nice," he mewed. Steve pulled the boy more firmly onto his lap, using his hands on Michael's thighs for control. He began to lightly massage Michael's thighs as the man rotated his body for more sensation. With his thighs being stroked and his back being pressed into the muscular man, it was no surprise what happened next.

"I think he likes it, Steve." From Jeff's vantage point, he could see the spread legs of his boy as well as the spread legs of his uncle. Two hairy crotches. Two elongating penises. Four heavy testicles. Jeff could see that Michael's boner was complete.

Steve smiled. "You like feeling my chest hair, boy?" Steve continued to massage Michael's inner thighs, gently caressing the boy. Intermittently he started caressing my son's balls and his hairless taint. A finger pressed to Michael's open boy hole. He was talking chest hair, but his fingers were talking teenboy pussy. Jeff's grin kept getting larger as was his own crotch.

"Your boy seems to be enjoying himself," Steve observed. He pushed a finger deep into Michael's hole. "And he seems to need a cock."

"Oh my," Michael groaned. A second finger penetrated his expanding anus. Jeff had a great view of his uncle's two fingers spreading his boy's cunt lips.

"Ready to get fucked?" Steve murmured into my son's ear. "Ready to feel a man's cock inside you? Want uncle cock after you've had nephew cock?" Michael leaned back onto Steve, opening himself up to the man; he kept moaning that it felt so good. Steve was pushing a third finger into Michael's wet hole. He kissed my son on his ear and neck. "Get ready for cock, nice boy."

"Guide it in, Jeffy. Help your uncle fuck your boy. He needs to get fucked. Guide my cock into his waiting pussy." Jeff, now on his knees in front of Steve's spread legs, carefully grasped his uncle's erect penis. He looked up. "Fuck, what a hard cock, unc!" "That's Power cock, Jeff. Power cock made for fucking. Guide it in."

Jeff slowly stroked his uncle's hard throbber a couple times, feeling its strength, before placing it at Michael's cunt lips. I could see Michael gasp as the tip pushed at his stretched anal ring. "Push down, Michael," It was Jeff telling him what to do. "Push down and get fucked."

Ever obedient, Michael pushed down to receive big cock. He stopped with just an inch or two inside his pussy. His eyes were closed, reveling in the sensation of cock in boy cunt. Slowly, very slowly he sat back. In a few minutes, he was sitting completely on Steve's lap, feeling the man's thick pubes at his backside. "Oh my god, so big" he moaned as he impaled himself on thick mancock. Steve also groaned, talking softly into my boy's ear, "Wonderful pussy, Michael. Great ass and great pussy." He looked at Jeff and repeated his words. "You've outdone yourself, Jeffy. Your boy is a fucking joy! Look how my dick rises right up inside Michael's stretched cunt, Jeff."

Steve pulled Michael's legs as far apart as they could go. Michael's athleticism allowed his legs to spread almost horizontal, exposing his balls to his friend as Steve's cock slowly pistoned into his teen pussy. "Wish we could do this at Power House, Jeff. Wish a whole bunch of guys could see just how nice Michael can take a cock. Imagine, guys doing arm curls checking out a man or boy getting gently fucked." Again he kissed Michael's ear. "Your dad should see you take a cock so well." Turning, they all saw that I had copied their action. Austin was sitting on my lap, my hard cock inside his compliant pussy.

Jeff, who was still on his knees, admired the panorama of cock and balls of his boy and his uncle. That's when Steve pulled his nephew in close. He pressed Jeff into his balls, so Jeff's face was at the juncture of man dick and boy hole. Jeff could smell the sex. He was loving this intercourse: loving uncle and loving friend. Loving friend? Jeff was realizing that he was indeed loving Michael. He pressed further as his uncle groaned that he was already cumming inside this boy. "What a marvelous pussy, yes yes yes."

Jeff watched and felt his uncle's big cock pulse jets of cum into Michael's butt. So close he could feel Steve's balls as they spasmed in the throes of orgasm. Both man and boy were groaning in ecstasy. Steve had barely finished 5 spasms before Michael erupted, shooting thick white cream that landed on Jeff's head and face. Michael couldn't control his cock pulses. Cum erupted all over his quarterback before more cum dribbled out, draining onto his balls and then to Steve's hairy nuts.

"Oh Oh Oh, oh fuck," Austin was crying as he shot his manly sperm, thrilling on my cock buried in his pussy. The contractions set me off and I came as well, delivering my juice deep into his pussy. I couldn't express how much I love Austin's cunt. He's been so good to me these last few years.

We were all quite fucked out, enjoying the quiet time after great man sex. Michael was sitting between Jeff's legs, licking his quarterback's tumescent teen dick. Austin came over to do the same to his boss. Steve ruffled his employee's hair. "This is what I want, guys. Men and boys so comfortable with each other that there's no embarrassment when cock meets mouth or ass. Just good camaraderie. This is what we want for Power House."

Jeff spread his legs as wide as possible, encouraging his boy to lick balls as well as cock. "First we have to win a football game, Unc." Jeff's thoughts were moving on to tomorrow.

More to come.... Email me at stockman334@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 9

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