Michael and His Dad

By Stockman

Published on Feb 4, 2021


Michael and His Dad 7

By Stockman. stockman334@gmail.com

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They arrived Thursday again around 5:00. No call this time. I was naked, as usual when company wasn't coming. I jumped into shorts, but I'm pretty sure Jeff caught a glance. Michael kept apologizing but Jeff was cool. "I like it," he said.

They went out back to again run through plays. I liked it too, seeing Jeff being physical with my boy. Hugging him, patting him on the back, patting him on the butt. They were laughing all the time. Enjoying each other's company. From the looks of it, Jeff was directing, Michael was following.

I came out with drinks. Jeff saw me first, and frowned. "You don't have to dress for me, Mr. P, I really don't mind you being naked. At least you won't bone up like your boy here." Jeff again pulled Michael into a hug as he teased.

Michael was defensive. "I didn't today, did I?"

Jeff looked at me. "Actually, it was me, a bit. I was already done with my shower when Michael went in. I kind of saw his bubble ass and started to chub. Glad Greg distracted me." Jeff had his hands all over Michael. Did he just admit something?

Jeff looked at Michael, his arms still around him. "What we did yesterday, when we jacked, I never felt anything like that before. I went home and jacked two times last night, thinking of what we did. It was so so so hot. Even hotter than when I fucked Caroline."

"You shouldn't tell me that, Jeff," I cautioned. "I might know her." He had pulled Michael in front of him and was caressing his chest and stomach.

"I know you're right, Mr. P," Jeff replied. "Just thought there's a lot of trust in this household."

"You're certainly right about that," I agreed. "So yes, it's ok to be more revealing. Just here, ok?"

Jeff's hands were wandering lower to Michael's waistband. "I promise you can trust me," Jeff said to Michael. Jeff's hands had moved inside Michael's shorts. "I just loved what we did yesterday, jacking each other." Jeff's hands were lower, and seemed like he was combing Michael's pubes. Was he finding out how soft, thick0 and luxurious that hair was?

Michael leaned back into Jeff, seeming to give his friend more access. "I liked it too," he virtually moaned. Jeff's hands were clearly moving over Michael's hardening dick.

"Lower your shorts boy. Let's see that ass again."

"Yes sir," Michael agreed, getting into his submissive role. So glad he's comfortable in front of me. He lowered his shorts, still leaning against his quarterback, exposing his body to the world. He cock, was rigid.

"Good boy," Jeff was taking control. "Look at that body, Mr. P. So glad I could see it again. Greg looked at me funny when he saw me checking your boy out. It's ok here right?" His hands kept working my boy's cock inside the loose shorts.

I just smiled. "You're the quarterback, Jeff. Call the plays!"

Jeff nodded. I could see the wheels turning. He looked at Michael. "Yesterday when we were - when you were jerking me off, Your face was so close to my dick. I so wanted you to kiss my dick. You didn't do it. Today, do it. Kiss my cock, Michael."

"Yes, sir," Michael said, a bit solemnly. Was he trying to let Jeff think he's a novice?

"Jeff's got a boner, Michael," I pointed out.

My boy fell to his knees. He looked at Jeff's hard cock. A big cock, eight inches of manhood. Large tight balls. Michael's face looked small underneath that cock. He looked at Jeff, then back at his friend's hard cock. Then back at Jeff.

Jeff thrust his cock out harder. "Kiss my dick, boy. Tired of waiting. You get a boner whenever you see it, now kiss it." Jeff smiled at me; he knew I loved how he was taking control.

Michael kissed Jeff's cock. A quick peck. "Like you mean it, boy," Jeff thrust his cock out again.

Michael kissed Jeff's cock. It was a long kiss, placing both lips on Jeff's big cock head.

"Ooh, I dreamed of this all last night. "Oh fuck." Jeff placed his hands over Michael's ears.

Michael licked Jeff's cock head. Jeff moaned again. Michael then licked down the side of Jeff's long fat cock. He then came up, leaving a load of spit onto his qb's manhood.

"So good, boy, so good," Jeff moaned. "More."

In just a few moments, Michael was licking Jeff's big dick from mushroom head to hairy base. "Yes, suck my cock, boy," Jeff moaned. Michael placed his lips around the wet, fat head and took it down. He was sucking his qb's cock, going down nearly all the way. Jeff was moaning loudly. "Suck it, suck it," he kept moaning, pushing my boy's head deeper into his body. "Ahhhah," he cried when he finally pushed his entire cock into Michael's throat, a throat that was expanding to take that fat cock! I could see Jeff's balls tightening up.

Michael pulled off just in time. "Did I do ok?"

"Fuck it was great." Jeff moaned, grabbing my son up. "I could kiss you, it felt so good."

"Why not?" I asked. "If it feels good, do it."

Jeff looked at me, thinking it through. Kissing a guy was even more forbidden than a sex act. Then he grabbed Michael's head and gave him a hard kiss on the lips. "Thank you, Michael. That was wonderful. You're a great cocksucker. Even better than Caroline, Jessica or Tiffany."

"Guys usually suck better than girls," I offered. "They just seem to know a cock better."

Jeff was looking at Michael's ass. "Makes sense. But can boys fuck?" He looked at me.

"Does Michael's ass turn you on? As much as those girls you fucked?"

"Oh, Mr. P, more. Such a tight muscular ass. Look!"

I was surprised when Jeff fell to his knees and actually kissed Michael's cheeks. He was adapting so quickly. "This looks so awesome in the locker room, Mr. P. Tight, hairless awesome ass, if you ask me."

I couldn't help but agree. I love Michael's ass as well! "Look inside, Jeff. See if that looks good to you."

Jeff looked perplexed for a second. Then he spread Michael's cheeks. "Oh fuck," he groaned, eyeing Michael's hairless crack and beautiful pink hairless hole. "I'd kiss it if I were you. As good as any pussy you've licked," I added.

Jeff dove in to Michael's boycunt. I couldn't believe how quickly he's come to appreciate a male body. He looked up at me. "Tiffany wanted me to lick her pussy; I couldn't. But Michael's....... So perfect!" He took a swipe in Michael's crack, testing it. Then another, then another. "Tastes so fucking good," he moaned. He looked up at me again. He could clearly see the tent in my loose shorts. "He's so beautiful, Mr. P. I want to...to....to...." He couldn't say it aloud, it was all so new to him.

"Fuck him? Is that what you want?" My own cock was throbbing.

"Yes, sir. I can't believe I'm saying this about a dude, but I so want to fuck him."

"You don't need my permission, son. You're his quarterback and in charge. Tell him what you want. Michael needs direction....and good loving friendship. Are you that friend?"

"Oh fuck yes. I really care for him. But I also want your permission, sir. This is too important."

I smiled. A kid with a good upbringing. His brain is still intact even though his cock wants satisfaction. "You have it, Jeff. Be good to my son. Love him, fuck him. And satisfy him."

"Will do sir!" He looked at my son. "Ready to get fucked, boy? Ready for 8 inches of fuck tool in your cunt?" For a virgin when it comes to boys, Jeff did really well. He spit on his cock, spit on Michael's hole and slowly plunged in. So beautiful. This 18 year old quarterback with a huge fat cock was pressing slowly, carefully but completely into Michael's hole.

Michael gasped at the penetration. "Oh God, Jeff, so big," he moaned.

"Take it, boy, take my cock, take it all in. You need to be fucked. You need my senior cock in your sophomore pussy. Take my cock."

Jeff pressed all the way in. Slowly, carefully, his big thick cock disappeared inside my boy. Manly pubic hair pressed against hairless ass cheeks. "Good boy, take all my cock, Michael. And enjoy my cock. Feel it inside of you. Feels so good to me." Jeff started doing what all young men are prone to do when inside a cunt: he started pistoning fast, pounding my boy at a fast pace.

"Easy, Jeff. Let Michael enjoy it." I know I was enjoying it, my shorts were wet with my precum. I dropped my shorts, hearing Jeff gasp at his first sight of my dad dick. I pulled Jeff into my body, pressing my cock to his face. "Let Michael enjoy your cock," I told him as I rubbed my cock onto his face. Willingly he rubbed his cheeks on my cock. Expertly, it seemed, he kept fucking Michael even as he accepted my cock. "Oh fuck me," Michael moaned. He was rotating his ass to gain more sensations from Jeff's big dick. Then my boy started moaning. "He's fucking me. Dad, he's fucking me. Dad, Jeff's fucking me. Dad, I'm getting fucked!!!"

"Yes, son. Love it, son. Get fucked!"

All good things end too soon. Jeff began to cry in pending orgasm. Michael was moaning loudly, his cock throbbing. I watched as the two boys screeched out as loud as they could in an orgasm for the ages. Two boys cumming together. Two teen studs were cumming together.

Michael's cum splashed all over the patio. Huge thick spurts that could be heard above their groans. Jeff seemed to be cumming forever, his grunting as he came in Michael's love hole filling the backyard.

"That was beautiful, boys. Looks like you both enjoyed a new adventure." I tried to be supportive. Jeff pulled Michael onto his lap. He hugged the younger boy as he looked at me. "I never....never expected to feel something like this. Thank you Michael. I loved fucking you."

"Me too, sir. Thank YOU. Whatever you want."

"Yeah? Then turn over. Let's see that pussy again." Jeff was really getting into it. My own cock was throbbing, but right now Jeff had eyes only for my boy. He arranged his lover so that Michael lay across Jeff's lap, Michael's ass exposed. Jeff placed his hand on that bubble butt as he looked at me. "He's got a beautiful ass, doesn't he?" He pushed a finger into Michael's hole. "Such a beautiful pussy, Mr. P." He pulled a glob of cream. He fed it to Michael, who licked his finger and then tried to swallow as much finger as he could.

"Good boy," Jeff said. He then spread Michael's cheeks, exposing the wet hole. It was red now, rather than pink, the sign of a good fuck, more cum at the edges. My cock was leaking as I thrilled at the sight of my son's awesome cunt. "Want some of my boy's pussy, Mr. P?"

I could only nod, I was so turned on. It was only later that it occurred to me that Jeff had taken such control that I needed permission to fuck my son. I pressed my hard cock to Michael's cum-filled hole.

"That big cock looks so good at your cunt," Jeff was saying to Michael. "Such a big cock for my boy." I pressed my leaking cock head to my son's hole. So good. My cock went in completely, as Michael moaned. I knew he loved getting fucked by his dad. "That's so awesome, Mr. P," Jeff told us as he put his hand around my cock while it was fully inside Michael. I started gently but could quickly accelerate to fantastic pounding, feeling Jeff's hand around the base of my cock as Michael's inner walls caressed my shaft. I fucked for a good 10 minutes loving the sounds of both boys egging me on. The tightness of Michael's sphincter was squeezing my cock just right. Finally I roared back and fired my load inside my son's willing boy cunt.

It was quiet after that, all of us so overwhelmed by the intensity of our acts. I still lay atop Michael as he lay on Jeff''s lap. Jeff was the first to move, pushing us off, he had held us all for a good 15 minutes. When Michael and I rose, I could see several globs of cum on Jeff's large soft cock, pubic hair and belly. Michael had cum on him as he was getting fucked. He loved his dad's fuck so much he came again so soon after his first orgasm.

Jeff looked at Michael intensely. He looked at his cum covered crotch. He looked at Michael. Then he pointed. He didn't say a word, he just pointed. He looked at me, then back at Michael.

Michael stared at his quarterback as he lowered his head. He was acknowledging his friend's superiority. Then it was clear to him that he knew what to do. He dropped to his knees on the patio deck in front of his friend. He looked at all that cream on the cock and hair of his qb. He looked up to see a nod. He knew what to do. Using his long tongue, Michael licked at that cream. He took two big swipes across the still tumescent large cock. Then he showed Jeff the contents on his tongue.

Jeff was in command. "Good boy. Clean my cock. And my balls, boy. And my pubes, boy. Get it all clean."

Slowly, carefully, Michael licked his mentor's cock, cleaning it of any residual sperm. He seemed to be enjoying his task. As was I, but I was too fucked out to get hard so quickly; it was enough to just enjoy Michael's submission to his friend's cock.

"My balls, boy." Jeff was guiding him well.

Soon Michael had his friend's cock, balls and pubes clean. He kept Michael naked as we dressed. "You don't need clothes, boy. Keep that dick out where we can see. That way you get comfortable with men." Jeff was with the program.

We heard a noise. Austin was approaching with another man. Austin was shirtless, the other man in shorts and a low cut athletic shirt.

Michael tried to cover himself, but Jeff held him in place. Jeff's kept a hand on the back of Michael's ass, caressing it as the two men arrived. Austin tried to hold introductions, but Jeff just laughed. "Hi Uncle Steve," he greeted Steve Power with a hug. The fact that Jeff's bulge was still prominent in his High School shorts surprised me.

Steve Power couldn't yet be 40, a muscular, hairy man about 6 feet tall. Massive pecs and arms. Hair flowed out from all sides of his shirt. He looked his nephew up and down, seeming to linger on his large bulge. "Never expected to see you here, Jeffy, what's going on?"

Jeff grimaced at his childhood name. "Just hanging out, Uncle Steve. Have you met Michael and his dad?"

Steve looked at me. "Wanted so much to meet you, Mr. Probst. Wanted to thank you for all you've done for Austin and for Power House. You've certainly got me thinking about its future." He looked at Michael, "And you must be Michael. Very handsome boy, I like the naked look. So manly on a boy's face. Uh please don't cover yourself for me. Seen plenty of naked men in my time." Michael couldn't help trying to be modest.

"Many, sir?" Michael asked. "I haven't been able to be naked with guys without getting, you know..."

"Excited?" Steve certainly understood a teen's issue. "Sure that's a problem for guys as they get comfortable with men. I remember Jeff, here..."

"Please Uncle Steve, I don't think...."

"What's to be shy about, Jeff? You had the problem, and you mastered it. Now a big-ass quarterback. Bet you're THE stud in the locker room."

"So how did Jeff overcome it?" I asked.

Steve explained, "When Jeff would come to the gym, he'd end up seeing lots of guys in the shower, the steam room, and the whirlpool. And our showers are open, no private stalls. When Jeff was what, 12, 13, and hair started around his not-so-little you know what, he'd get hard sometimes. It still wasn't man-sized at the time, but I could see it would be a big one when he got older." He looked at Jeff's bulge. "Not like now, I bet. Looks like you have a big one, if you don't mind me saying. I hope you take after the Power family, not your dad's side." I wondered if he could see Jeff playing with Michael's ass.

"So how did Jeff fare?" Austin asked. I could see the bulge growing in Austin's shorts.

"Our solution, mine and his dad's, was to let him see as many naked guys as he could. I'd leave him in the locker room for a long time, promising to be back, forcing him to wait. Let him see all that dick open in the showers. Get him comfortable with cock. Small cocks, big cocks, average cocks, tight balls, loose balls, hairy and bald. Just get comfortable with cock."

Jeff laughed. "And here I thought you were just forgetful, Unc. And I guess it worked. Must have seen hundreds of naked guys. And not all were soft. Some guys were proud of getting semi hard." Jeff's fingers were playing inside Michael's crack.

"May I?" Steve pulled Michael's hands aside. "No need to cover yourself, boy. Hmmm, nice dick. How old are you, 16?" "Almost 17" "OK, almost 17, nice dick on you. Bet it gets over 6" when hard, right boy?"

Michael stood tall. "About 7 inches, sir."

"Really nice, boy. Seven inches, heavy balls, thick pubes. Nice dick, son." He stared openly at Michael's groin, seeming to appreciate the boy's privates for a second.

"So you were thinking about the future of Power House," I interrupted.

"Yes, Mr. Probst. Austin suggested I chat with you. I came to his house to ask his thoughts about my idea."

"What's that, Unc?" Jeff asked, still playing with Michael's ass, becoming more open with his gestures. Did he want his uncle to see?

Steve looked at me. "Austin says you're a good businessman, not my strong suit. So Power House is about 90% men, very few women, but they seem to dominate our policies. Dress code, machine usage, locker and bathroom. So when Austin held his Jock Night event that was so successful, my thought was to turn Power House into a men only facility. That way we could relax the dress code, use the ladies facilities for other purposes, have an area for guys to be more friendly with each other, like a big relaxation room kind-of clothing optional.

"Interesting idea," I responded. "Very interesting. You'd have to attract more men to sign up than you lost in women. And you'd need men who are comfortable with only men. Would a clothing-optional area turn off some of your customers? Not everyone adapts. Several of my friends would leave fearing the gym would be overrun by gays - fags in their mind - who would hit on them. You'd have to be careful about that."

"Good point," Steve was thinking out loud. "But a lot of guys like the opportunity to hang naked. Show off a little. Maybe we'd restrict the more open displays to special nights. Keep things normal when most of our members work out. Seems most of our guys are younger and wouldn't mind so much anyway. They might enjoy showing more skin. And I'd be able to bring in more iron for our serious men and get rid of some of the stuff that women prefer."

Austin liked the idea. "You know that storage area behind the Men's locker room, Steve? You could make it into some sort of walkway or maze. Let guys play where others won't see..."

"Play?" Jeff asked.

Steve chuckled. "Yeah, play. Like what you're doing right now with Michael."

Jeff dropped his hands like he touched a hot stove. Steve kept smiling. "Hey, it's ok, Jeff. Enjoy, man. Enjoy your friend. Bet his young ass feels nice." Steve looked at me. "That's what I'm thinking for Power House. A good workout and a good place to be friendly with buds."

"I like it," I said. "And I think Michael would like it too. Help to get comfortable with guys."

"May I take a closer look at the boy?" Steve asked me.

"Ask Jeff," I replied. "I'm the boy's dad; Jeff's Michael's quarterback. He's in control. "

Jeff stood tall. He liked being in control of the boy. He expanded his chest, showing off those large pecs. "Of course, Unc. Michael, show off for Uncle Steve."

Steve pulled the teenager away from his nephew, turning him around at the same time. "Ah, now I see. Hell of an ass on you, boy." He looked at Jeff. "Can I inspect closely?"

"Of course, Unc. Michael needs to be comfortable with men."

"Bend over boy. Ass like that needs to be seen. Spread `em."

So obedient. Michael bent at the waist, showing his lovely ass crack. Cream still covered the tip of his perfect hairless hole. "That's one beautiful boy pussy, Jeff. One of the best. I've seen many. Don't blame you for wanting to play with it." Steve looked at his nephew. "You tap it yet? This boy's been fucked."

Steve didn't wait for an answer from his nephew. He looked at Michael. "Did Jeff fuck you good? A pussy like yours deserves a good screwing, son. You have one nice cunt, you know that?"

Michael looked at Jeff. I knew he wouldn't reveal any information until permitted to do so. "Uh..uh," he stumbled, buying time.

"It's ok, Michael," Jeff smiled. "I trust my uncle with my life. You can tell him anything."

Michael nodded. "Oh Mr. Power, Jeff really made me feel good. I love the way he treats me."

Steve grinned. "So glad to hear that, boy. Tell me, tell me about Jeff's cock. Haven't seen it in a few years. Tell me about it."

I chuckled inwardly. Steve just hit on something important. Michael loves to talk about cock.

"Oh Mr. Power, I wish you could see it. It's so beautiful, so big. Soft it's thick, long, maybe over 5 inches with so much beautiful hair all around it. He trimmed it, but it seems to be coming back...."

"Jessica made me do that; I'd never do that again," Jeff interjected.

"His balls are big, too, Mr. Power. They feel so good when Jeff lets me play with them. And when his dick gets hard... so beautiful. Has to be 8 inches, with a wide mushroom head. It's so perfect!!!!" Michael was almost gushing in his praise of his man's cock!

Steve pulled Michael to him in a hug. "I think the boy's in love." Then to me. "This is what I want for Power House. A place for boys and men to express themselves fully with each other. Can't wait to allow more openness between men. I SO HOPE it works!"

More to come....

Thanks for your notes and ideas. Please email me at stockman334@Gmail.com.

Next: Chapter 8

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