Michael and His Dad

By Stockman

Published on Jan 23, 2021


Michael and His Dad 6

By Stockman. stockman334@gmail.com

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We hadn't gone to sleep together, but we sure woke up together. Michael was draped all over me, his fingers entwined in my chest hair. "Sorry. Dad. I got lonely in the middle of the night. A bit scared, too."

"About what?" I yawned. He had school, but I was free this morning.

"Kinda worried, I guess. Imagine, dad, I'm starting wide receiver Friday night. What if I screw up?"

"What if you catch two TD passes and make several blocks to spring running backs?" I responded. "Just follow your coaching. You'll be fine. Remember, son. Life is to be happy. No need to make yourself miserable with a lot of `what ifs.' Life has enough problems, don't make more when you don't know what the future beholds."

Michael jumped up, his tight ass almost in my face. His cock was hard. "Thanks Dad. You're the best. Gotta piss bad."

I could hear him empty himself then start the shower. So glad no after-effects of last night's action. Heck, he got fucked a few times and sucked cock like a pro. So glad his worries were over a football game.

"You don't have to wash my dishes, bud." It was Austin in our kitchen. As was our custom, he was naked, his bubble butt standing out from the sink.

"I know, Andrew, I know. But I was here, the sink was full and I wanted to hear about your night. Mine was terribly boring. Mom and Dad were in bed by 9, so all I could do was think about you at the game watching Cole. So?"

"So, it was terrific. Michael called it the best night of his life. It even topped Jock Night on Sunday. We met Cole, his dad, his teammate Chase, and a hotel waiter. Had fun with them all."

"And here I thought I'd offer my services to a hungry man and boy and you've had your fill!"

I pulled my best friend in for a hug. "Bud, I'm so sorry. I've been neglecting you, haven't I? Since Michael started, you and I have slacked off, haven't we? You know you're still my favorite cocksucker, right? I mean it's you who've been there for me since Anna passed."

Austin hugged me back. I could feel his cock pressing into my thigh. "You have a way with words, you know that? And for your information, I'm not feeling neglected. That's what I came to tell you."

I palmed his hard cock. I really hadn't played with him too much; it was always the other way around. He'd suck me and occasionally I'd fuck him. He'd cum just from satisfying me. Have I been a jerk about the whole relationship? His cock felt really smooth in my hand. It wasn't small, but definitely not big. About 6 1/2 inches of medium thickness, tight balls underneath and a ring of reddish blond pubic hair that framed his dick nicely. Being a Personal Trainer as well as a Massage Therapist, he was in great shape, his bubble butt being his best feature if you asked me. "So what have you got to tell me?" I squeezed his cock to emphasize my interest.

He watched me squeezing his prong. "I had to tell you. The owner of our gym, Steve Power, get it Power House, called me into his office yesterday. Absolutely thrilled with the Jock Night event. We had 40 paying customers on a dead night, with 10 joining with a yearly membership. Not only that but one of the guys was president of a group that's devoted to masturbation. Called `Jacksoff' or something. Well he wants to rent the place one night a month. It'll be pure profit for a struggling gym. And, to top it off, he booked me with 3 massages and 2 PT sessions today and more each day of the week."

"That's excellent, Austin! All from the one Jock Night?"

"Yeah, and he wants to thank you and Michael by giving you both lifetime membership to the gym. Use it any time you want. Oh, that includes Jock Nights and other other nights he might offer. He was actually thinking of Naked Night, but I thought that might be too obvious."

"I could understand that." I squeezed his dick again. His cock head started leaking.

"Andrew, thanks for wanting to take care of me, really, but I gotta save it. My first massage is at 9:00 and I gotta be fresh. Steve said he's gonna clean out the small corridor next to the massage room. There's a small window there so he wants prospects to watch a massage in progress to develop more interest."

"Won't your clients object?"

"Of course I'll ask permission, but I thought I'd offer a discount at the beginning. I'm sure some of the guys would like to show off a bit."

I hugged `my favorite cocksucker' again, telling him he's becoming quite the businessman.

"Did I miss anything?" Michael entered the kitchen drying his hair. His naked cock was hard. I was surprised, thinking he'd had plenty last night. His eyes quickly went to Austin's naked body.

"Sure did," Austin answered, my hand still on his prong. "My boss is giving you and your dad a lifetime membership in thanks for our `performance' Sunday night."

"Awesome, dude," Michael exclaimed, grabbing his own hard 7 incher. "Wow, a reward for having fun. Thanks, Austin!" Then to me, "Can we go dad? I'd love to go. Please Please."

"Sure son. As soon as we have time."

"You're right dad. Got football practice the next two days and the game on Friday. Uh, can I jack? So horny after last night."

"Sure, jack for Austin. It's been a couple days since he's seen your big boy dick."

I don't know how comfortable Michael was jacking in front of our neighbor, but he wasted little time sitting down and stroking his hard cock. "Show off for Austin, son. Let him watch you jerk off. Perform for him, son."

"Look at Austin, son. Look at his dick while you jack." I placed my arms around Austin as he stood in front of Michael, my hands roaming into his ginger-colored pubes and onto his cock. "He's now a big time Massage Therapist, thanks to us, he says. Has his first at 9:00, one of the men who was there Sunday night. Imagine Austin oiling up a big hairy weightlifter. Rubbing his legs, rubbing his thighs. Working up to his ass. Oiling the man's ass, rubbing into his ass trench. Pouring oil right into his ass watching it drip across the man's hairy balls. Then massaging those balls to bring the oil back into the hairy ass. Then pressing a finger into that ass hole. Hearing the man moan as he was penetrated. Then pressing a second finger into that hairy hole, making it a pussy. Then finger fucking that pussy. Just like he did to you. Imagine that man screaming out as he came all over the table. Shooting thick man cream as Austin finger fucks him."

Austin and I stood there as Michael bent his knees, thrusting his cock forward as he stroked his teen dick in front of two adults. "That's it boy, jerk that cock for us. Show us your hot throbbing cock. And keep your eyes on our dicks, boy. Jerk off while looking at Austin's and my cock. Jack to other hard cocks."

My words seemed to go right to my son's brain and then to his cock. In barely 3 minutes he screamed that he was about to shoot and then he shot several ropes up his chest to his neck. By the time he was done, he was drenched in his own cum. Breathing heavily, he left for another shower before school. Kid's gonna drive my electric bill through the roof, I thought with a satisfied smile on my face.

It was 5:00 when Michael called. The team quarterback Jeff wanted to run through passing plays with Michael but practice had ended. Could they practice in our backyard?

They arrived within 15 minutes. Now our backyard is really two houses wide. We tore out the dividing fence between our house and Austin's a couple years ago. "Nice, sir," Jeff said to me. "Plenty of room to run through some plays. Michael's gonna be a slot receiver meaning he'll be targeted for our short passing game."

So this is the kid Michael got a hard-on over. I could see why . 6'2" blond, broad shoulders, narrow waist, square jaw, a quarterback for the movies. In their gym shorts they started right away. Jeff was strongly directive, telling Michael where and how to run routes and the terminology for those routes. Jeff seemed pleased how well Michael followed directions, giving Michael several bro hugs to compliment him for his ability to do what he was told. I couldn't help notice how Michael beamed each time Jeff pulled him in for a hug or a pat on the butt. I could see both boys were commando, their dicks sloppy inside their loose high school shorts. Doesn't anyone wear underwear anymore? (I had to laugh at that thought as I was commando as well, not having a lot of time to prepare before they arrived.)

"Hey guys, I'm grilling burgers. Jeff, want to stay for dinner?"

"Uh, sure, Mr. P. Gotta check with Dad first, but sure."

Jeff was really putting Michael through his paces. They were both sopping wet in this heat wave. Shirts disappeared eventually and shorts seemed to sit lower on young bodies. Jeff had a smattering of hair across his lower body below his navel, especially below his waist. After Jeff sent Michael long for a deep pass, Michael returned really huffing as Jeff laughed at his little tease. Michael responded by pulling his friend's shorts down in the front for just a second, exposing his blond pubes and just a bit of his dick before the shorts popped up. Michael then ran away as Jeff chased after him, tackling him and de-pantsing him completely, both of them laughing. Jeff jumped up waving Michael's shorts in the air, leaving my boy naked.

Jeff ran over and handed me Michael's shorts. "These need a washing, sir," he said in mock sincerity. Michael arrived a second later and pulled Jeff's shorts to his ankles. I laughed. "Looks like yours needs a washing as well."

"You do know that Michael and I frequently don't bother with clothes when we're alone in the house? Keeps the washing down and helps with any modesty issues."

Jeff seemed only a little surprised. "No I didn't know sir, makes sense. Dad and I really only wear shorts, not even underwear. I like the naked thing."

I could see Michael staring openly at Jeff's nudity. "Tell you what, why don't you two use the outdoor shower to get clean while I throw these clothes in the washer. Then we'll start on dinner. Seeing two nods, I let Michael lead the way.

"You really ok being naked, Jeff?" Michael asked. "Dad 'n' me and Austin next door are comfortable this way, though I do get excited sometimes."

"Yeah, I saw in the showers yesterday. Thought you'd die of embarrassment, your face was so red!"

Michael turned on the outdoor shower. Just a shower head connected to a pipe at the back of the house. No walls. Never seemed to need it. Austin recently installed a soap dispenser attached to the water pipe. "Dad keeps saying I need to be in front of more naked men so I don't get embarrassed."

"Makes sense, I guess," Jeff responded thoughtfully. "Don't want to get boners where they're not supposed to be, especially a locker room."

"Yeah, Dad says to save them for home." Both boys laughed.

I returned to the backyard with a tray of raw meat, potatoes and veggies. I handed both boys towels, noting how Michael couldn't help himself, ogling his friend's privates. I saw they were worth the effort. Surrounded by a man sized patch of slightly trimmed blond hair, Jeff's dick hung a good 5 inches down, perhaps more, just as Michael had described. His large balls, mostly hairless, didn't hang so much as fill up an area about 3 inches from the base. And, something that Michael had not described, his cock was thick, I mean very thick, with a large mushroom head that dominated the appearance of his penis. I wondered if women could handle his manhood.

"You have a girlfriend?" I asked casually.

"No sir, no time. I have to spend my time teaching young'uns like this how to run pass routes." He joked as he grabbed Michael in a hug. Seeing those two naked teens hugging gave me a thrill. Michael needs more friends his age, I thought.

"Michael learning ok?" I asked.

"Yes sir, best I've seen. He listens and follows instructions really well." He grabbed my boy for another hug.

I was so happy to hear that. "It's called `coachable'. We've been working on that. Michael's role as a teenager is to follow orders, do what he's told. You have the same thing with your dad?"

"No sir, Dad has been teaching me how to give orders. He wants me to be a quarterback who is authoritative. Says it makes leading more effective. Coach Donaldson agrees. Says he wants me to be a leader off the field as well as on the field. Sometimes that's hard, but I try, sir."

"That why you were so nice to Michael when he got a boner in the shower?" I asked.

"You know about that? Well, I guess, though I didn't think like that. Heck, we've all had that problem once or twice." Jeff again grabbed Michael in for a hug. He kept his arm around Michael's shoulder. A quick glance confirmed what I suspected. My boy was getting aroused.

I pursued the issue. "So if you two become friends, and I hope you do, you'll be the leader and Michael will naturally do what you say. We all want Michael to learn to do what he's told," I added perhaps needlessly.

Jeff smiled as he turned to Michael. "Hear that, Michael? You better do what I say, boy. And no back talk!"

Michael grinned from ear to ear, "Yes sir. As you wish, sir!" His boner was now complete.

I had to flip the burgers over. "So now that you're in control, what do you want to do with Michael standing there with a hard-on in front of his friend and his dad?"

Jeff looked at the two of us. "I think he needs to work on that boner, sir." Turning to my boy, "Jerk that dick, boy. Jerk off that hard boner in front of us. We're not in a shower room now, so jerk that cock."

Red faced and smiling at the same time, Michael began stroking his cock. He'd jacked at 7:30 this morning, 10 hours ago, so I knew he'd be ready. The boy needs to do it at least 4 times a day. But Jeff was starting to take control.

"Look at me as you jerk off, boy. See if I approve. Look at my dick, boy. Does my dick approve of you jacking your teen cock in front of me? Are you embarrassing me jacking off in front of me? Answer me, boy!"

I looked at Jeff's cock the same time as Michael. As I hoped, but really did not expect, he was hard. Significantly hard. His cock was a good 8 inches of hard teen meat. "What, you think you're the only teenager who gets a boner, boy? Feels good to jerk off after a game. I do it all the time, same as you, I expect."

"Yes sir," Michael shouted, as he happily jerked off in front of his new friend. Jeff stroked his own cock slowly, watching Michael go at it vigorously. Michael's hand travelled up and down his seven inches, tickling the ridge of his cock head down to his balls. His eyes were glued to his friend's hard cock. "Uh, oh, oh," he groaned. Looking at Jeff for approval, he saw a nod of Jeff's head allowing Michael to cum, and did he ever. Six shots of thick creamy boycum shot from Michael's young penis onto Jeff's groin, hitting his belly, pubes and cock. Michael fell forward onto Jeff as his orgasm overwhelmed him.

Jeff caught his new friend. "Well, if you're gonna cum on me, you better use it. Spread that cream over me and take care of me. Least you can do."

Regaining his composure, Michael dropped to the patio deck and started to stroke his buddy's wet dick. He stared at the big teen cock and stroked it carefully. "Good boy, jerk that dick. Take care of your quarterback." Jeff was moaning as Michael used two hands to play with blond cock and blond balls. It didn't take long, but it was beautiful. That good looking blond boy being jerked off by my son. And when Jeff announced he was ready to cum, I looked on with pride that Michael kept kneeling in front of Jeff rather than moving to the side. Jeff bent his legs and exploded with a gusher of teen cum that shot out like a rocket, hitting Michael's nose, lips and chin. More shots reached a bit lower to Michael's neck and chest. It was Jeff's turn to fall on his friend as he enjoyed the effects of a lovely afternoon jack.

"You guys need another shower," I observed needlessly. They marched like robots to the outdoor piping, washed off silently, then returned to our picnic table. The burgers were nearly ready. But I needed to know more about Michael's new friend.

"You've jacked with friends before, right Jeff?" I saw a nod. "Circle jerks kind of stuff?" I saw another nod. I kept staring. "Talk to me son."

"I'm sorry. Kind of wiped out. Thought that was really intense. Especially in front of you, sir. My dad's never seen me mess with anyone else. He's ok with me doing it at home, but don't know how'd he be with a friend."

"Have you fucked yet?" I saw another nod. Michael pushed this body close to Jeff's. "How many times?" "Just 3 times, sir."

"Girls or guys?"

Jeff seemed shocked at the question. "Girls," he answered carefully.

"Only girls?"

Now it was his turn to be embarrassed. I waited as I served our food. "Tell me."

"Only girls, it's true. But they keep pushing me. I don't really try to seduce them, they seem to want it so much." He looked at Michael. "Please don't tell anyone, I kind of just go through the motions. I think that's why jacking with you was so intense."

"Good friends learn to trust each other. You both need to respect each other's confidentiality." I told them.

"I agree," they both said together, laughing at themselves. They seemed to inhale the food,

"Good, boys. Now go find your washed clothes and say good night. Michael, do you have homework?"

"Yes, sir. Uh, Thanks Dad. You're the best!"

They both said their goodbyes and thanks. Michael walked with Jeff to the front of the house. He came back smiling. "I really like him, Dad. Isn't he nice? I hope he comes back."

"I think he will. He's new so we had to go slowly. When you see him tomorrow, act normally. Let him get comfortable. First time he ever jacked with a friend."

Austin came over for leftovers. I asked about his day at Power House. "The massages went really well," he explained. My 9:00 arrived early. One of the muscled weightlifters. In great shape, but not hairy as you expected. I sent him for a shower, then decided to join him, to let him know I was as clean as he was. We used the locker room shower, but were alone. We started washing separately, then, when I saw he couldn't reach his back, I took the soap and washed his back from neck to butt. He looked at me carefully. "I think I'm gonna like this massage," he said with a smile. I directed him to the table as I reached for my shorts, but he stopped me. "If I'm naked you have to be too," he said, smiling again.

"For the first half hour I gave him a normal massage, testing his desire for more or less pressure. I liked being naked as I worked. I found some knots in the guy's joints and pressed them out as he endured the pain. A few times he raised his ass in response to the pain. I started on his butt, and he started moaning, raising his ass to my movements. Well, in no time, I was oiling that muscular hairy ass, and adding fingers to his oily hole. Before we were done, I had three fingers inside, he was reaching for my hard cock and we exploded together. He was loving it. By the time he turned over for me to work his muscular chest, he was hard again. I oiled his dick, which was nicely hairy and about 7 inches, and stroked him until he came again. He loved it, and gave me a nice tip as we went to shower again."

"Great. And the other two?" I asked.

"Kind of like the first. The guys seemed to expect a good massage and a happy ending. The third guy wanted the window blinds open so a bud could watch. I really got into it, pushing Rick's legs past his head as I got four fingers into his hole. He came like a racehorse, all over his face. I could see his bud jacking outside the window. Rick kept thanking me. And I got a great tip."

"So you're going to continue the service?"

"Sure am! It's great fun and good money. Steve Power started talking about expanding the service. He gets half the massage fee so he's happy."

Austin's ginger-framed cock was hard as he related his story. He saw that I started stroking as well. He looked at me. "Michael not taking care of you today?"

"He found a friend," I explained, still stroking my cock. Austin smiled. "Been too long," he said falling to his knees, licking my cock head and then swallowing the whole thing, all 8", in one gulp. "Fuck, Andrew, you know I love your cock," he moaned. He worked it for several minutes, using his left hand on my hairy balls and his right hand on my belly and pubes. Every few seconds he'd go down to swallow my dick to my curlies, letting it stay there for several seconds, once maybe a minute, before pulling off. I loved the feel of his saliva coating my sensitive cock. He used his nose, his chin and his cheeks to caress my cock again and again. I couldn't hold back and exploded in his cock sucking mouth, holding his head to my body as I had a wonderful orgasm.

"You're still the best, Aus," I moaned. "The best friend and the best cock sucker." Austin looked up and smiled. I saw him look away; Michael was at the doorway.

"Guess I'm just gonna have to practice harder," he said as he smiled.

Love to hear from you. Email me at stockman334@Gmail.com

Next: Chapter 7

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