Michael and His Dad

By Stockman

Published on Jan 16, 2021


Michael and His Dad 5

By Stockman. stockman334@Gmail.com

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Tuesday morning. The house was so quiet. Michael had been so wiped out he devoted Monday to schoolwork and football practice. But today would be different I was sure of it. Sure enough, Michael appeared naked for breakfast. "Dad, can I jack?" he asked carefully.

"Sure son, right here. I'm making cereal, want some?"

"Yeah, hungry" he said while grabbing his beautiful teen cock as he sat down. I watched out of the corner of my eye as I continued breakfast preparations. Stretching his legs out from the chair, he stroked quickly, his hard cock quickly engorged. I poured a bit of oil onto that hard cock, which Michael quickly spread the length of his shaft and onto his hairless low hangers.

"You're doing good, son," I complimented my boy. "Jerk your big dick in front of your dad. Be comfortable in front of me." His cock seemed to be getting thicker. In two minutes he was ready to cum.

Austin opened the back door, bursting in with news. Michael couldn't stop. He exploded just as Austin could see. "Beautiful, man" our neighbor exclaimed as he watched Michael shoot five blasts of white boy sperm onto his chest. A few lingering drops dribbled down the boy's shaft into his thick pubes. "Nice," Austin said, taking a drop from Michael's pubes to taste. "Very nice." He repeated.

As his cock softened, Michael looked at me. "Thanks so much, Dad. You're the best." He quickly ran upstairs to, I hoped, shower the goo off his body before school.

"So what's the news?" I asked Austin.

"That boy Cole is pitching tonight. Seems he's something of a phenom. You should go. I can't. Dad's not doing so well."

"That's a nice idea. I'll look into it."

Around noon, while deep into some in-home office work, I received a text. Cole said two tickets were set aside for us at the stadium box office. Perfect!

Michael burst in just after 5:00 bursting with news. "Daquan twisted an ankle, dad. Bad for him, but guess what? Coach told me I'm starting Friday night. My first time as a starter!"

"So great, Michael. I know you're ready. And tonight we're going to see Cole pitch. He's providing box seats!"

"Awesome, dad. Cant wait. Uh, Dad, I had a little problem at school. We showered after practice. And Jeff was alongside me. You remember Jeff, tall blond kid. Well he was talking to me and kind of washing his dick at the same time. I glanced down, saw his big dick, and I started to get hard. I had to turn away to avoid him seeing. And he caught on real quick and started teasing me about my boner. I almost died. But later he said it was cool, that everyone gets hard sometime or other in the shower. No big deal. But I was so embarrassed! What should I do?"

I hugged my son. "I agree with your friend Jeff. No big deal. Happens to everyone. And that's why Coach and I have been stressing your need to be naked in front of others. We'll just keep doing that until you're fully comfortable. OK?"

"Dad, you're the best!" He hugged me again. Wow, twice in one day I'm the best. Is life good?

"OK go change. It's gonna be a hot evening. So don't overdress." I added. He matched me in wearing just a loose pair of basketball shorts, though he had a tank top and I a team logo t-shirt.

Turned out the drive took longer than expected with traffic during evening rush hour. "So, Michael. Tell me about Jeff's dick. Did you see it for long in the shower?"

"Really, Dad, just a glance. I looked away quickly. But that was enough. Really impressive."

"Tell me about his dick, son. Must have been nice if you got a boner so fast."

"Gosh Dad, it was. He's about 6'2" you know, really blond. And a really big cock. Soft, anyway. Must hang over 5" soft. Fat, too. Cut with a fat mushroom head. And big balls, dad. Hang down almost as far as his dick. Nice patch of blond hair above his dick, dad. Looks really thick. No hair on his balls that I could see, but a nice happy trail up to his belly button."

"You saw all that in one quick glance? That's a lot of cock detail for a glance."

"It's like I took a photo of it in my brain, Dad. I kept picturing it while I showered, ending up with that boner he caught me with. Soooo embarrassing!"

Michael's cock was clearly hard as it came out of his shorts. He was squeezing it as he talked about cock. There was a dew drop on the head. He started stroking his cock in front of me in the car.

"Bet you'd like to see that cock again, huh son? Get your face up close to that blond dick? See that dick get hard. Get to taste that dick. Have it fill your mouth. Have it leak its precum down your throat? Bet you'd like that."

"Ah, fuck," Michael groaned. He shot several beautiful streams of cum up on his abs and chest. Good thing he'd lifted his shirt. He was still shooting when I pulled into the parking lot. The attendant collecting the parking fee could've seen it if she'd been looking.

I threw a dirty rag to him. "Gonna have to keep a clean cum rag in the car for you, son," I quipped.

The ballpark was far from crowded. The heat wave, I surmised. The tickets were second row between home and third base. Great seats. A man sat next to us. Tall, dark haired, a few gray streaks at the temples. Thin, athletic. Wearing shorts and a team logo golf shirt. Michael started chatting right away. Telling this man, Clark, about Cole. Cole struck out the side in the first inning. Clark and Michael cheering all the way.

Somewhere around the third inning I noticed Clark's hand on Michael's knee, gently stroking it as they chatted. We then learned Clark is Cole's dad, in from Cali to watch his son pitch. They talked more about being a student athlete as Clark's hand lazily roamed up Michael's leg.

By the fifth inning, with Cole pitching a one-hitter, Clark's hand was inside Michael's thigh. I remembered that there was another difference in attire between my son and me. I had worn boxer briefs but Michael was commando. Clark told a funny story about Cole just as our team went to hit in the bottom of the sixth. In so doing, his hand went inside Michael's loose shorts and gently caressed what he found. Michael looked at me. Seeing my nod, he returned to ask Clark about Cole's locker room experiences.

"Is that an issue?" Clark asked knowingly. "Yes, it is," I answered quickly. Michael spread his legs a bit, giving Clark better access. "It's a comfort thing," I explained looking right at Clark. His hand was pressing between Michael's thighs. "Michael's trying to be comfortable around men, especially in locker rooms."

"That's very important, Michael," he agreed. He kept caressing between Michael's thighs. "You know, Cole always liked this. We'd watch a ballgame on the couch and he'd open his legs for me to touch."

"Wish I had done that, maybe my boy wouldn't be so modest around men," I mused aloud. I watched as Clark's hand went higher and higher inside Michael's shorts. The third base coach looked right at them, then just smiled.

We were suddenly distracted when Chase slammed a home run with two men on. We jumped up to cheer, noticing the tent Michael had in his thin shorts.

"Should be easy for Cole rest of the game with a lead like this." Clark said. "Imagine we'll be seeing a lot of people around his locker after the game."

"So," I asked again. "Did Cole have comfort issues in the locker room?"

Clark rubbed his chin, thinking. "Not so much. He always loved being in the locker room, especially when he noticed he was a bit bigger than his friends and most of his teammates. He'd tell me how he'd check guys out on the sly; he didn't want to get caught looking. I'd always push him to tell me what they looked like. Who was getting hair, who was big. I wanted him to be comfortable with that. One time I gave him a spy cam so we could look at the naked guys later. He loved that. We'd compare who had a big bush, how far around their cocks the hair would go. We'd compare who had hair under his arms. We'd even compare the size of their balls. Cole was proud of how big his balls were getting."

"Wow, I wish I could have done all that. But sometimes I get hard when I see other guys," Michael admitted. This was getting important for my boy.

"Yeah, that's a problem," Clark agreed, his hand completely inside Michael's shorts. "Best way to handle that is to be naked a lot and see a lot of naked guys outside the locker room so you don't get too excited inside the locker room or shower."

"That's what we're working on," I agreed. Cole was just coming out for the top of the ninth. Clark was focusing on Cole's speed late in the game. Cole seemed to be in total control. It took barely 15 pitches to end the inning. The game was over; Cole pitched a one-hitter.

Cole ran over to hug his dad. "Come to the locker room," he asked us. Clark looked at Michael. "Thanks, Cole. We'd like that."

The basement locker room was far from a luxury clubhouse. There must have been 40 people squeezing in there. A few of the guys who didn't have people around them stripped off to shower, including several pitchers who were off that day. I could see Michael's eyes darting back and forth. A utility infielder walked by, totally naked and on display, to compliment Cole. Cole stopped his response to a reporter to accept the praise, barely glancing at the naked dick in front of him. In fact it was the young reporter, and Michael of course, who took hard looks. So glad so many guys like to look at athletic cock, I thought. I knew I'd have to ask Michael details of this cock. I myself saw that it was of average size in its soft state, with trimmed hair all around. I wondered how many baseball players trimmed their pubes.

Well the utility-man came back quickly, announcing out loud, "No hot water again. Man when they gonna fix that?"

Cole looked up. "Shit, I have a date tonight. I need a shower badly." He looked at his father. "Dad, can I use your hotel room? Chase and I have dates after the game. I need a shower bad. And can Chase come too?"

"No problem, Cole. The hotel is just across the street from the stadium. I was gonna invite Andrew and Michael for a beer, so no problem."

Fifteen minutes later, Cole, Chase, Michael and I joined Clark in his hotel suite. Not a big suite, just a good one. "Thanks, so much, Mr. H," Chase said as he stripped off his uniform. Cole was also stripping. Chase was down first, his jock strapped enclosed privates looking packed. When he pulled out a cup, I had to laugh. "Look, Michael, Chase looked so big rounding the bases and it turns out it's a cup." Everyone seemed to laugh. "Yeah," Chase said. "Wish I could fill it up like Cole. But I'm glad it fools people. Imagine what it looks like on TV!" I looked closer at his now naked body, impressed with his firm chest, his hard abs and strong arms. A thin layer of hair covered his upper body, striping down to a thicker treasure trail to his black curly pubes, showing above his jock strap.

He was about to strip off his jock when he saw Michael staring at him. I'm sure he could see the hunger in his eyes. "You ok?" Chase asked. As Michael nodded, I tried to explain. "Michael is working on being comfortable with naked men. He's been ordered to look at them carefully, just not in a locker room."

"Oh, cool," Chase responded, lowering his jock to his ankles. His cock sprang out, a nice size 4 soft inches. "Look Michael. Chase has a very nice package," I commented. His cock was cut with a wide bulbous head, even in its soft state. Chase turned a bit red, then quickly left to the shower. Cole was lowering his own jock, revealing that huge dick we had seen just a few days ago.

"Did I embarrass your friend?" I asked.

"Nah, he's used to it. He's been rooming with me for 3 months. Sees me naked most of the time. But his girlfriend has first dibs on that dick. He's been fucking her every day these last two weeks."

"How big is it?" Michael asked.

Cole smiled at the question, then closed his eyes as if to picture his friend's hard dick. "Not sure exactly. I'd guess around 7 inches when really hard. Don't say this in front of him, but I think he's envious of my bigger dick."

Clark laughed. "He should be, not every man can sport over 9 inches."

"Almost 10", dad. Getting big like you!" Clark gently grasped his son's dick, giving it a loving squeeze. "Easy dad, gotta save it for Sherry." He quickly moved away for his shower.

"If you and Chase get done early enough, I hope you can come back here. Wouldn't mind seeing you and Chase after a fresh fuck. In the meantime, I want to get to know Michael a bit better if Andrew allows." Clark took my son in a hug. "I'd love to see what you have under those shorts, boy."

Chase came out of the shower naked, but quickly dressed. Cole followed a minute later. We all watched him cover his huge soft cock and dress rapidly. With a Thanks dad, they were out the door. I'm sure Michael would have loved to see more, but suspected he appreciated the male nudity as temporary as it was.

Clark continued to hug Michael. "You have a fine looking boy," he said to me while squeezing Michael's body. His big hands went to Michael's head, pulling the boy into him. His hands went to Michael's face, enclosing his face in a huge palm. "Such a nice boy, I want to see so much more of him." I could see Clark's other hand again go to Michael's thigh. "Like Cole?" I asked. Michael couldn't speak; his face fully covered. It was so nice that the boy was accepting Clark's control.

"Cole started younger. He was a man in a boy's body. Michael is like a fresh flower waiting to be picked. I want to pick it." He smiled, taking control of Michael's body. I saw a finger enter Michael's nose. Suddenly he pulled Michael onto his lap

"Let me see, boy. You felt so nice at the ballpark. Now let me see."

"Pose, Michael." I added.

"Yes sir. Yes sir," my boy said to each of us. Clark then lifted off Michael's tank top to reveal his nicely formed football chest. Leaning back onto Clark, he allowed Clark to pull down his loose thin shorts. No underwear of course. Michael seems to be going commando more and more.

"Ahh," Clark exclaimed. "So glad to see you have a man sized bush, boy. We don't like girly shaved pubes in our house." He gently combed his hand through Michael's thick boybush.

He pulled his arms up to Michael's chest. "Nice body, boy. Gonna get even stronger." He pushed his hands into Michael's armpits. "Raise your arms, boy. We want to see what's under here. Ahh, nice boy. Pretty good pits for a boy, don't you think so, Andrew?"

"Takes after me a bit," I agreed. "Michael hopes he inherits more of my family's body hair. More manly."

"I so agree," Clark nodded. He continued to finger Michael's armpits, stretching some hairs out. "Good boy! Now, Michael, I don't want you to be naked all alone. Please help me pull off my shorts and shirt. And like you I'm commando." Still on Clark's lap, Michael helped strip our host. Wow!

Clark's cock was nearly hard already. Cole was right, I'd guess he was likely 10" and fat. Big big cock. As he described, his body hair and thick pubes that surrounded his privates formed a beautiful frame. His balls were large, hanging low, with a moderate amount of hair.

There was a knock on the door. "Come in," Clark answered. Surely he knew that a very naked Michael was laying on his naked lap! Clark covered Michael's groin with his large hands, but that did little to mask the male on male contact we were enjoying.

A young man in formal clothes entered. "You requested some drinks, sir?" Then he saw Michael and Clark. "Oh my!" He exclaimed, seeing Michael's very nice cock on display.

"Please come in. You're Robby right? We met last night. Please don't be embarrassed. Please come in. This is Michael and his dad Andrew. Please come in."

Well, the 21 year old came in carefully. I figured if he didn't like what he saw, he'd leave pretty quickly. I put my arm around his shoulder.

"Don't be afraid, son," I assured our guest. "Just enjoy what we're enjoying. May I help you out of some of your clothes?"

Robby couldn't take his eyes off the man and boy on the sofa. Clark helped by removing his hands so Robby could see my naked son with his legs spread. Michael's cock, which had softened, started rising again.

I reached around to the young man's belt. Robby looked at me, like a deer in headlights. "Do you like to be naked?" Robby just stared at me before a slight nod. I lowered his uniform trousers. His briefs looked packed. I raised his shirt enough so he got the hint and started opening buttons. I lowered his briefs, exposing him to Clark and Michael. We could all see a fine 6 1/2 inch college boy fat cock surrounded by brown curly hair.

"Show us what you have," I spoke softly. "Get naked for us." Robby toed off his shoes and soon stood naked in front of us. His cock was already hard and his oversized low hangers drooped down low. He still seemed lost. "Just do what you're told," I said.

Clark again took control. "Very nice, boy. You have a nice body. This is Michael. We sre enjoying his body as well. Please come closer." The young man looked as embarrassed as Michael.

Robby carefully moved to Clark and Michael. Clark was stroking Michael's hard penis. His hand moved slowly up and down my son's throbbing dick. "Michael likes cock, but sometimes he gets shy. Do you like cock, son?" Clark asked the waiter. The young man barely nodded, his eyes glued to Michael's cock. I moved behind him, pressing my body to his back. I was still dressed, which made him feel more naked, I hoped.

Clark was in control. "He has a lovely prick, doesn't he Michael?" Clark gently grasped Robby's hotel staff cock. It was cut, its head a bit smaller than the fatter base. "A beautiful cock, Michael. I want you to appreciate this cock." He guided it to my boy's lips. "This is what I did with Cole and his friends. They needed to be comfortable with a dick. Lick it, boy. Lick Robby's nice cock."

Michael just stared at the penis being offered to him. Clark pressed Robby's cock to my boy's mouth. "Kiss it boy. And take it into your mouth. Show me you're a good cock sucker."

Slowly my son did just that. I could see Robby's brown-haired cock disappear inside Michael's mouth. As Clark pulled him deeper into Michael's mouth, using his tight balls as a lever, Robby groaned out loud. "Ever had your cock sucked before," I asked the young man.

"Yes sir," Robby groaned as he answered. "Just not this good." Clark pushed the cock even deeper. I could see Michael slime over the cock. I hoped he wouldn't gag.

I pressed my body tighter into Robby. "My boy's a good cocksucker, isn't he?" My cloth covered cock pressed into Robby's round butt. I pushed harder.

"Oh god, he's great."

I pushed my shorts and underwear down quickly. My cock was hard. I pushed it between Robby's cheeks. The young man pushed his ass out to receive me. Not his first rodeo.

"You want to get fucked, don't you?" I asked somewhat rhetorically. I didn't wait for an answer and pushed firmly. No lube, but he was ready. My cock slipped in easily. "You've been fucked earlier." I had no doubt.

"Oh god, yes!" he screamed. He was already cumming. I watched cum pour from Michael's mouth around that nice cock. The cock was totally inside Michael's mouth, clearly into his throat. And Michael was taking it. My boy was such a good cocksucker!

Michael licked his lips. "His cum tastes real good, dad," he said.

"So who fucked you?" I asked of Robby as he dressed. "Uh....actually it was the night manager. But his cock's not as big as yours, sir."

"Just for curiosity, how many times you been fucked? Michael likes to know." Well me too, but I didn't say that.

"Well, not too much. I don't want to sound like a slut or something. I'd guess no more'n 50 times. I got it a lot more in high school than in college. My uncle took care of me."

Robby claimed he had to be back at work; within a few minutes he was gone. Clark kept congratulating Michael on his good work. "Proud of you, boy...and you too Andrew. Michael is learning to be a good cocksucker. I was impressed how he took that dick all the way down."

I agreed. "Thanks, Clark. But I still want him to enjoy naked men. Men with big cocks. I want him to get comfortable with cock, even your huge member."

Michael was about to protest, but backed away with just one stare from his father. "You need to suck more cock," I told him.

"Y..Yes, sir." He is so compliant! As I pressed him to kneel down in front of Clark, the man spread his legs wide, showing his fat 10" to us both. We both gasped. "So big," Michael gasped. Michael knew what to do. Carefully he took Clark's large cock head into his mouth. He knew to start slowly, get used to that big dick in his cock sucking mouth.

"So Clark," I asked. "I"m guessing you had a good time bringing up Cole."

"Ah yes," he moaned, pressing Michael's head a little firmer onto his monster dad dick.

"Cole was wonderful to raise. A natural athlete. A natural leader. And had a big boy dick. Even at a young age he had a man-sized cock." He pushed his own hard cock further into Michael. "He always wanted to sleep with me. He loved my body hair."

"Just like Michael," I offered.

"I think he was nine the first time he sucked me. We didn't start actually fucking until he was 12. His young boy pussy just couldn't get used to my dick. Ahhh," He was enjoying Michael's mouth as he talked about Cole.

Michael looked like he was loving his cock sucking role. He was licking from Clark's heavy balls all the way to the head of his fat cock. And back down again. He was using his left hand to caress those big nuts while his right hand caressed the cock as he sucked. He was gurgling and moaning. He kept looking at Clark, assuring he was pleasing his man. The boy was indeed a fine cock sucker!

"Cole ever fuck you?" I asked. "Seems he has a huge dick to satisfy any man."

"That finally happened when he was about 16. He was so thrilled with a no-hitter he pitched in high school that he came home all pumped up. He pushed me to the floor ass up and pummeled my ass." He laughed. "Wasn't too pleasant that first time. But he sure learned how. I think he fucks more guy ass than girl these days." I smiled knowingly remembering that big cock fucking Michael just a couple days ago.

Clark's gaze met Michael's. Michael had just his tongue on the mushroom cock head as he looked up. Clark had a grin on his face. He looked at me. "You've trained him well. He's a good cocksucker."

"His Coach helped, but thanks. Proud of my boy. He's getting comfortable around men.

Clark's eyes seemed to float to the back of his head. "Oh fuck, boy, suck that cock," he screamed as he began to shoot. He pulled Michael's head fully onto his monster, thrusting 10" all the way down his throat. Michael gagged but held his ground, swallowing as quickly as he could. He followed Clark as the man slumped back, licking his dick clean after a wonderful orgasm.

Michael continued to clean Clark, licking the softening huge dick and around to his balls and especially his wet pubes. He seemed to suckle the dense wiry hair. "Michael really likes big cock," I said to Clark. "The challenge is to not get hard when he sees one, especially in the locker room."

Clark nodded to Michael. "Show me, boy. Show off your cock to me."

Michael stood tall and proud, his cock hard and pointing northwest. "Like this, sir?"

"Good boy, but pose for me. Let me see that dick."

Michael thrust his cock forward, seven inches of fat teen dick on display. He let Clark's eyes roam his body.

"Put your arms behind your head. Really pose for me," Clark ordered. "Show that body to me and your Dad. Now's not the time to be shy. Show it off, like you'd want your buddies to see and appreciate."

Michael seemed to thrust even more forward, trying to show his cock to the man. His cock was so hard we could see moisture forming at his cock head. He was loving the opportunity to pose. Without being asked he starting undulating his body in a slow simulated fuck movement.

It was that moment when the door opened. Cole and Chase rushed in. Michael turned red as he was caught posing his very hard excited teen cock.

Imagine the scene: two naked men watching a naked teen pose. Clark had his hands caressing his large soft dick while I was hard as a rock watching my own son.

Cole and Chase started laughing right away. Michael hid his jewels as they explained that Chase's girl got sick and Sherry took her home. "We didn't even get a chance to fuck," Cole complained. "And Francie had her hands all over my dick until she got to feeling ill," Chase added.

"Sorry `bout that boys. No fun getting blue balls. We've been here enjoying your new friends. Michael's been friendly."

Cole walked over to Michael. "You're looking really good, dude. I like you showing off your dick. Right, Chase?"

"Never seen a guy pose." Chase seemed flustered, not sure what he was thinking. He walked behind my boy. He looked carefully at Michael's back and butt. "Nice ass on him, I'll say that."

Cole laughed as he looked at his dad, naked on the couch. "Chase had been talking about getting some girl ass tonight. Maybe he'd settle for boy ass, right dad?"

"Boy's got as nice an ass as any woman I've met," Clark agreed.

Chase circled Michael. "Damn, don't get much chance to look at a guy like this. Can't look in the shower. Uh, not that I wanted to, of course." The red color seemed to be draining from Michael's face, losing his embarrassment.

"Dude check out the kid, don't apologize." Cole had dropped to his knees, looking carefully at Michael's hard dick. "I think he's bigger'n you, Chase. And big fucking nuts." Chase stood above to watch his bud cup Michael's low hanging eggs. "And his balls are certainly bigger'n your tight nuts. Check it out."

Clark seemed to want to take control. "Why don't you guys lose those clothes. Might be more fun."

To that I interjected, "How `bout Michael help you with those clothes. I want him to learn to help guys get naked. Might help in the comfort issue."

Cole quickly agreed. "Great idea. Michael, take off my shoes and socks. We want you to help us strip. Right Chase?"

"Uh right, Cole." Chase wasn't as eager as Cole, but was going along for the ride, it seemed to me.

Michael quickly fell to the floor to help remove both athletes' footwear. He looked up when done. I could see Cole's pants getting tight. He liked this. "Now the pants, boy." Cole was getting off on this.

I could see Michael's eyes when Cole's boxer briefs came into view. Tightly packed, of course. He didn't wait to be asked. He lowered Cole's underwear to reveal that hairy bush and huge cock, nearly hard. The gray underwear hit Cole's ankles as his cock slapped Michael's face. It looked so much bigger than Sunday night. He was right, it's probably a full 10", I thought. Big fucking dick for a 20 year old.

"Fuck, dude, that thing gets bigger every time I see it," Chase complimented his friend. "Don't know how Sherry takes that club." "You were about to see that tonight, bro. I was gonna let you and Francie watch me and Sherry fuck. She says she likes it deep, bro. Was gonna share with you." They watched as Michael gently stroked the big cock. I could see the awe in his eyes. He may have been fucked by that club on Sunday, but now he was getting a chance to see it.

"Dad, it's so big!" Michael was really impressed! He continued to stroke the big cock.

"Easy, dude," Cole said. "Don't want things too fast. Help Chase, ok?"

Michael helped Chase lower his pants. We could see the outline of his cock that might have been growing. He looked up at the infielder. "May I, sir? Please sir?" Barely receiving a nod, he lowered Chase's briefs. His cock was not soft, but had grown to about 5" of average thickness, surrounded by a thick patch of pubic hair.

Cole stepped alongside his bud. "Nice Chase. Get naked. Check out some teen boy ass."

"Rather have girl ass," Chase mumbled.

"Not after you see this, you won't, bro!"

Cole took over Michael's control. "You like dick, right, boy? Ready to get some baseball dick?" He directed Michael onto all fours. "Look at that ass, Chase," he said. "Fine looking boy ass if you ask me. Look at those round cheeks. Look at that crack. Man that's fine teen ass." Cole was already stroking his monster dick. He looked over to me, as if seeking my approval. Seeing me smile as I lightly stroked my own cock, he then looked up at his bud. Chase was nodding his head as he lightly stroked his cock. "Yeah, bro, you have a perfect dick for boy ass."

I could see the surprise on Chase's face as he was pulled down by his cock. Cole had grabbed his cock, something I bet hadn't happened before. "We gotta prepare this pussy for dick, man. Just like a chick, a guy pussy gotta be prepared, right dad?"

"Proud of you boy, taught you well," Clark said. He continued stroking his own cock as he watched the younger men.

Cole spread Michael's cheeks. "Look at that ass, Chase. Clean, not even a hair. Beautiful pussy. Doubt our girls have this nice a pussy." He leaned in to swipe my boy's ass with his flat tongue. "Fuckin' beautiful," he moaned, "beautiful delicious pussy." He showed Chase (and the two older guys in the room - Clark and me) that beautiful boy hole. "Now you, bro. Taste that ass, get it ready for dick."

Chase looked at Michael's hole. I wasn't sure what he'd do, but his cock was hard, a very good sign. Not sure if it was 7 inches, may be 6 1/2" but very fine looking. I looked at Clark. "I think my boy's gonna get fucked."

"Bet his hole really tastes good." Clark approached the two ballplayers hovering over my son. He looked at Chase. "You gonna taste him?" Without waiting for an answer, Clark bent over to run his tongue across Michael's exposed teen hole. "Delicious," he moaned, taking another swipe. He spit on Michael's hole, pushing moisture and a finger inside.

"Oh it feels so good, so good, so good," Michael cried as I joined the rest of the team at Michael's ass. I could see Clark roll his tongue into a probe to push deeply into Michael's ass hole. Or rather, his pussy. Michael kept moaning.

Cole pulled Chase to Michael's face. "Get your man ready, boy. Wet his dick down for your cunt." He pushed Chase's dick right into Michael's mouth, hearing both Chase and Michael moan in pleasure. "Oh fuck that is so good," Chase moaned.

"Thought you knew men suck dick better than women, bro," Cole said, putting his arm around his friend's shoulder in a friendly hug. He seemed to push Chase's body so most of his bud's cock pressed into Michael's throat. Chase got the idea and pushed a bit harder, his black pubes pressing into Michael's lips and nose. I love seeing my boy take cock like that. So beautiful. Chase started pumping hard, too hard, I feared, but Cole was up to the task.

"Whoa, dude. Don't shoot too fast. You have a beautiful ass to fuck." He pulled Chase's wet cock out of Michael's mouth and to my boy's ass. "Get that ass up in the air, boy," Cole directed. "Arch that back. Show Chase your beautiful butt ready to be fucked."

Michael, ever compliant, did as he was told. Chase pressed his cock to my boy's pussy. I got right down there at Chase's left leg to watch. Clark joined me at Chase's right leg. "Man, that's beautiful," he told me. Cole pressed his huge cock into Michael's mouth, but all I could watch was Chase's cock head disappearing inside Michael's cunt. I could hear Michael's moans, but wasn't sure if it was in response to Chase's or Cole's cock.

Chase knew enough to start slowly, but Clark applied pressure to Chase's tight butt to control the speed. "That's good, Chase. Fuck the boy well. Don't pound him, make it good for him. And for you." I liked the advice, Clark making sure Michael enjoyed getting fucked. I looked up in time to see more than half Cole's cock disappearing inside Michael's mouth. Cole was directing the speed using his hands on the boy's head. It sure was a beautiful sight seeing my son getting fucked at both ends. And it was fun to see Cole and Chase high five over my son's arched ass.

Too soon, Chase reached a climax. "Oh fuck, I've never never, oh fuck," he screamed. I could see his balls pulsing as he shot inside Michael's love chute. I must have counted seven pulses as he creamed inside a boy for the first time. "I've never, I've never.." He kept moaning. Finally he was done.

"You like fucking boy ass, bro?" Cole asked.

"Fuckin' awesome, bro." Chase pulled out slowly, his cock slimed with cum. Michael oohed as his pussy lost its filling. Chase still seemed hard.

"Get yourself clean, bro," Cole directed. "Michael, clean that cock that fucked you. Part of your job, cocksucker."

Eagerly, Michael accepted Chase's now starting-to-soften cock to lick clean. He used his tongue with large swipes from Chase's balls to the head of his dick. "Oh fuck, that's good," Chase moaned as my boy licked through Chase's jet black pubic hair. He pulled Michael's head tight to his body as he enjoyed Michael's services.

Cole, with that massive nearly10" cock standing tall, turned Michael over. "You ready to get fucked, boy? Ready for some real cock?" He looked at me and then at his friend as he smirked, "Got some deep fucking for you, so get ready." He pushed Michael's legs back over his head. We could see cum oozing from Michael's hole. Cole pressed his face into that hole, took a big swipe across the hairless trench. "Fuckin tasty," he said as he looked at Chase. He took a few more swipes, clearly drinking up his bud's babies. "Fucking tasty," he said, looking this time at his dad.

Carefully, Cole penetrated my son. He moved steadily, pressing his cock deeply into the waiting cunt. His pubes pressed into Michael's ass in just over a slow minute. "Fuck you feel good," he moaned. "Bro, you make good lube," he said to Chase. "And boy, you have a boycunt made for fucking." Cole started slowly, fucking Michael carefully. "You feel so good, boy." He leaned over pressing his face near to Michael's. Suddenly he kissed my boy passionately. "So good, boy," he repeated. Then he started pounding Michael's ass fully, thrusting his huge member deep inside my son's willing pussy. Again and again he pounded as Michael moaned in appreciation. "Yes yes yes fuck me fuck me fuck me," Michael cried.

Cole folded Michael in half, doing push ups into the boy's cunt. He kept it up for nearly 10 minutes before Michael screamed in orgasm, shooting a huge load onto his nose and mouth. That set Cole off as he groaned in his own orgasm, which seemed to go on for a few minutes, as he thrust repeatedly inside the boy.

I couldn't control myself. As Michael cleaned Cole's big cock, I entered my son, fucking him for all I could. I loved watching my cock disappear inside my son's wet cum-filled boypussy. It took just 5 minutes for me to breed my son. "Fuck him, fuck your son. Give him the loving he so needs," Clark said, hanging over me to watch me fuck. I didn't even mind his own monster cock pressing against my ass. It felt so right. And with Cole also encouraging me to fuck my son, what could be better? I leaned over to kiss my boy, finding Cole's big cock still at my son's lips. I didn't care, and kissed both Michael's lips and Cole's cock head, which only added to my excitement. It didn't take long and I was shooting a healthy load right up my son's willing hole.

"May I?" Clark asked me. He knew it was my decision, not Michael's. "Of course. Fuck my boy. Fuck him good."

Clark's huge cock head was no problem for Michael's open hole. Clark fucked like a man who hadn't fucked in years rather than hours, but Michael took it well. I loved how he kept my cock at his mouth while taking Clark's big club. We could hear Chase saying how he doesn't believe it as Clark finally pulled out his throbbing 10" cock to cum all over Micahel's face, shooting jet after jet of man cream over his eyes and nose. Several shots even hit my dick.

Chase was moaning how he can't believe so much boy fucking. Cole understood. "You need to fuck him again, right bro?" Quickly Chase was at Michael's hole, pressing his dick inside. "Pound him, bro," Cole instructed. And Chase did, pounding my son for several minutes as we all watched him use my son for his pleasure. When he was ready to cum, he also went to Michael's face to give him the facial that my boy seemed to love.

Chase had never showered with another male like that. He and Cole took Michael into the small shower and washed each other. Cole even told them all to piss together, so all three young men emptied their bladders on each other. Michael told me later he got another boner but didn't care; he loved the attention from these two athletes.

We said our goodbyes, and went home. The drive was much faster this late at night. Michael was dozing but asked me what this all meant. "I mean, dad. I got fucked so much and sucked so much." And did you like it?" Michael smiled widely. "I sure did, Dad. I loved it. Best day of my life."

"Then enjoy it son. You are who you are. Be happy."

Love to hear from you readers. Please email me at stockman334@Gmail.com

Next: Chapter 6

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