Michael and His Dad

By Stockman

Published on Dec 25, 2020


Michael and His Dad 4

By Stockman stockman334@gmail.com

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We were taking an afternoon nap. Michael and me. Both of us curled together in my bed. A new experience for us, we are both naked. Michael's hand is combing through my chest hair. I could feel his erect cock pressing against my hip. He was undulating his body as he caressed me.

"You ok son?" I asked, kissing Michael's hair.

"I..I think so, Dad. Did I do ok with Austin, Dad? He said I did good but did I really? He left so soon after he shot into my mouth. Was he angry?''

I snickered. My boy so needs love and approval. "You did great. He said you're a fine cock sucker and you don't need more instruction. What can be better than that?"

"But he left so quickly, didn't even help me jack. I thought he was pissed at me." As he spoke he kept rubbing his cock against me. He was so horny!

"Nah, he was good. He said he had to prepare to go to his gym. Seems they're having a "Jock Night" and he has to work."

"Oh yes, he said there'd be a lot of naked guys at the gym and I should come to see them. Should I, Dad? Should I go see a lot of naked men? You know what happens to me when I'm in a locker room."

"Yes, he has a great idea," I assured my boy. The best way to be comfortable with naked men is to see more of them. To see their cocks, their balls, their asses. You like that don't you?"

"That sounds so gay, Dad. I don't want to be gay." My boy was whining again.

"Doesn't have to be, Michael. Only you can decide. For you, it's just is a method to be comfortable with men. Look at their cocks. See if you want to suck them. See if you want to get fucked. Wouldn't you like to get fucked by a hairy large cock today?"

I could feel Michael's cock throbbing against my thigh. "Oh Dad, sometimes it feels soooo good. Like when you fucked me yesterday." His hand went to my hardening cock. He began stroking me, feeling my cock and then my balls. He pressed his fingers through my pubes.

"You like my man hair a lot," I commented. I wasn't even asking, just acknowledging the obvious as he started playing with hair under my balls. "Oh Dad it's so manly. I wish I get as hairy as you. So manly!" He was actually stretching my ball hair to its full length.

I laughed. My son hadn't yet realized just how gay he sounded. And happy. I was so glad he's happy playing with my body. Playing with men. Thanks to Coach, I now knew he wanted to enjoy men. Naked men. I pulled him to me, enjoying his nose pressing to my chest. He seemed to be sniffing me, acquiring my aroma through my chest hair.

"You guys are looking comfortable." It was Austin. Like I said, he has full rein throughout our house. He just came into my bedroom as if it was the kitchen. He knew it wouldn't be a problem for me.

"We sure are, Aus," I agreed, pressing my boy closer into my body. "And comfortably naked, too," I laughed, pushing the covering sheet off of us, exposing us to Austin's gaze. I could see Austin's eyes linger on our naked bodies. ""Nice ass, isn't it, Austin?"

"Beautiful, man," my friend agreed. "He's got such a wonderful bubble. Bet he felt great when you fucked him." He tugged on his dick. Michael pushed tighter into me. "See Michael, plenty of men like to see naked bodies. 'Specially a nice boy ass, like yours. Right, Austin?"

"Michael's been horny all morning, Aus," I continued. "I even feel him dripping on me as we lay in bed. Show him, Michael. Show Austin your dripping teen dick."

"But..but," Michael seemed very embarrassed.

"Hey, no buts, no embarrassment, remember?" I said as I pushed my son to lay flat so Austin could see his hard teen cock. I could see Austin's eyes lasering right to Michael's beautiful hairy crotch. Pre-cum was dripping down his 7 inch shaft.

"Man that's awesome," my friend said, "but I have to get to the gym. Jock night. Hey, you guys want to join me? It's first time for Jock Night. Closing the gym for regular customers at 5:00 so we can open for a Jock Night at 6:00. I think Michael would like it."

So here we were walking over to Power House, the local fitness center. Michael still had not had an opportunity to empty his full balls. I had sent him out to mow the lawn, then edge the sidewalk and finish by trimming the bushes. He barely finished and showered when it was time to leave. I watched him in the shower to make sure he didn't wack off. Somehow, I wanted him eager at the gym, though I didn't know what would transpire.

Travis greeted us at the front desk as Austin introduced us. Though they were charging $20 for entry, we were comped. Travis even agreed to stay at the front so Austin could escort us around. It was a typical neighborhood gym, big open area divided into sections for treadmills, ellipticals, weight machines, and free weights. There were already about 15 guys and more arriving every few minutes. Each man returned from the locker room wearing just a jock strap. White, black and some with multicolors, those who liked designer jocks. Michael's eyes were bugged out, seeing all this flesh. Men of all sizes, though mostly fit and athletic, wearing just a jock strap and gym shoes. Seems shirts were not a need. Michael's eyes kept moving toward fully packed jocks, though he tried awfully hard, it seemed to me, to not get caught peeking.

Austin guided us to the locker room. "Ready to strip down to your jock, guys?"

Michael looked really uncomfortable. "I..I didn't bring one," he admitted shamefaced. "I thought Jock Night meant only jocks could attend. I didn't know it meant you had to wear a jock."

"Not smart, son. You should have asked." I scolded. Turning to Austin, "What do we do now?"

Austin thought for a minute. "I have an idea. Come with me." He took us through the locker room to a massage room, a room so small we had to squeeze around the table. I could imagine all the nude people who'd had a massage in here. Austin found a pair of scissors.

"Too small to work," Austin said, guiding us back into the locker room. "OK, guys, strip down. Time for Dr. Austin to do his work!"

Michael was slow to remove his shirt and gym shorts, but finally exposed his tight white briefs. "Really, son? Those are from at least two years ago." He was packed tight into that thing, almost like a compression jock.

"Looks pretty good on him," Austin interjected. "Let's just adjust it a bit." He turned Michael's butt to him, then started cutting. With a long slit along the waistband and then cuts down to his thighs, Austin removed the entire back of the briefs, exposing Michael's tight teen ass. He then cut across, right near the balls, to complete the rear exposure. Then Austin started cutting the sides, leaving two thin strips as if it were straps. Then in front, Austin cut the front on either side of the middle, leaving just a small pouch for Michael's male package and a strip up to the waistband in the front. "Ah that looks good!" Austin exclaimed.

Michael gasped. A good portion of Michael's pubes were exposed as were the sides of his young testicles. "I'm practically naked!" Michael cried.

Austin and I looked carefully as did a muscular twenty-something who was stripping down in front of a locker. "Yeah, you do look pretty naked," I agreed. "Next time ask what to wear if you're not sure." I was complimenting Austin on his good cutting skills as we exited the locker room.

There were about 40 men now working out. The sight of jock meat was everywhere. I pulled Michael in for a hug and a whisper. "See all the men in jocks, son. Some pretty interesting looking guys for you to check out. Hairy guys, smooth guys, muscular guys, lean guys. Check them out. Don't want you to be shy, ok?"

Michael nodded as he approached a workout bench. He waited his turn as an older man, perhaps 40, finished a set of overheads. "May I get on?" Michael asked carefully. The man, his hairy chest heaving from his exertion, smiled and nodded. He looked Michael over carefully, particularly his `jock strap.' "Nice outfit," he said.

Michael laughed embarrassingly. "Yes sir. Forgot a jock. Had to make do." He sat down and found his left testicle fell out. "Oh shit," he cried as he tried to tuck it back in. The man said, "Don't worry about it. You look good. Don't be embarrassed. My name's Jack. I have a 15 year old son. He's nearly naked all the time. Just enjoy Jock Night."

"Thank you, sir." Michael is so respectful, I was certainly proud. He lay on the bench to do some overheads as he heard a rip from his `strap'. The small fabric below his balls quickly gave way, making his strap merely a loin cloth. It flopped to the side, leaving the boy totally exposed.

"Very nice," Jack complimented my boy, observing his naked hairy crotch. "Quite a manly package. I'm impressed." He accentuated his comment by gently touching Michael's elongating teen cock. I could see a drop of precum already forming at the tip. Austin suddenly came over.

"Don't worry Michael. It's fine. He's right, just enjoy Jock Night. I have to put on a demonstration soon. Can you help me?" He, too, took a gentle swipe at Michael's dick.

Poor Michael. He's used to blowing a load 4 or 5 times a day. Now he's naked, on display, and two guys have touched his dick. No wonder he quickly was so hard. I could see several guys checking him out.

The college kid, it seemed, came over to say hi. "You look awesome, dude," he said. "Wish I had the balls to show off like that. Name's Cole." Instead of sticking a hand out for a shake, he gently used that hand to touch Michael's hard moise cock. "Awesome dick, dude."

The lights suddenly dimmed. Austin was standing on a workout bench to address all the men in the gym. "Thank you all for coming to our first Jock Night. Many of you know me, I'm Austin Taylor and I'm a Personal Trainer here. Recently I received certification in massage therapy and I'm trying to get the word around. There's a nice massage room off the men's locker room that's been fixed up for our use, and I really hope you'll want to try it out. In order to promote the service, I thought I'd give a demonstration right out here in the gym area."

Suddenly two men placed the massage table in front of Austin. "I've asked a good friend, young Michael Probst to serve as guinea pig. He's the guy without the jock strap anyway, so he'll have nothing to lose." Michael seemed embarrassed that everyone seemed to know who he was. "Please hop on, Michael." Again addressing the crowd, Austin explained. "Though Michael has volunteered, he really doesn't know what a massage is all about. And that might be the case for some others of you. Particularly here at the Power House, we've decided to provide a very personalized service, one geared to the client, not to a formula defined by a big corporation."

Michael took direction to lay on the table as Austin continued. "What I like to do is try to get a feel for what the client wants and likes and provide it completely. I go by client cues: verbal or non-verbal. And I aim to please!"

"First let's get rid of these rags. Since I know Michael, I know that he's a bit shy in front of other men, so I'll be cognizant to his feelings. His dad has encouraged him to be open about his body and to observe other nude bodies as well. So feel free to be as open as you're comfortable. It can only help Michael.

I tried to stay out of the way. This exhibition is for Austin...and Michael. Standing a few rows back, I let others get in front of me. People were closing in on each other to get a good view. A tall young man pressed against me. I couldn't tell his age, but he might have been a college student. He pressed against me strongly. I could feel his covered jock pressing against my ass.

"Now Michael's only 16,...." Michael said "17". "Almost 17, and is a student athlete at Central High. His body is showing strong signs of manhood, so I intend to treat him as a man." Austin started coating Michael's back with oil, spreading it firmly across his back. He spent several minutes squeezing Michael's muscles from his shoulders to his waist line. I could see some of the observers getting impatient. I saw Austin recognizing it.

"Nice looking kid," the tall college boy whispered in my ear. He wrapped his arms around me, watching Austin massage my son. "I love your hairy dad body," he whispered again. He pressed his hands to my chest, caressing my body hair, combing his fingers through the dense part at the center of my chest, and then moved down under my jock. My cock sprang up just as he moved through my pubes to feel my shaft. "Ah, big fucking dick," he cooed.

"As I said, I try to take cues from the client. Michael seems comfortable." Austin then lowered his own jock, revealing his soft cock in its bed of ginger hair. The audience paid more attention. Austin then poured a lot of oil on Michael's ass cheeks and then into his ass crack. "Comfortable Michael?" he asked rhetorically. Michael moaned as he felt a finger probe his asshole. Austin addressed the crowd. "It's my job to please the client any way I can by concentrating on his needs." Two fingers were pressed into my boy's hole. "Aahh, Michael moaned.

College boy was lowering my jock to my knees. He stroked my cock and felt my heavy balls. His moaning in my ear told me he was enjoying my body. I could feel him spreading precum over the head of my hard cock.

"Sometimes it's unclear how to please a client. Michael, raise your hips so your butt stands tall. And sometimes it's rather easy." Austin inserted a third finger along with a lot more oil. "Now if you were a client, I'd take your cue as to your needs. But since Michael's a minor, it's his dad who decides. Is his dad in the room?"

I barely heard the question, so lost in the pleasures of college boy pleasing my dick. "Oh damn", I groaned as I realized it was me. Pulling up my jock, I stepped forward, my cock riding high in my now too-tight Bike jock. I never even got a good look at college boy.

"I'm his dad," I said to Austin and the crowd.

"Great, sir. You have a strong, impressive son. I'm trying to read his cues for maximum pleasure in his massage. Michael seems to be enjoying my fingers up his ass. I'm massaging his inner walls. But unfortunately my fingers don't go far enough. May I use my cock to penetrate him further?" Michael's ass seemed to push up even higher. His face was down at the table but his finger filled ass was high in the air.

I could see Austin's dick rising quickly. He so wanted to fuck Michael. But so did I!

"Without trying to embarrass you, Austin. Perhaps your dick won't go in all that much further. Perhaps I can volunteer mine. I'm sure it will reach deeper."

I could hear snickers and laughter from the audience. Austin turned to the crowd. "Our massage room is just big enough to accommodate a third person if the client wishes an observer or participant. And, as I said, I provide flexibility in the massage routine to satisfy all our clients."

"Great," I said aloud. "Perhaps there is another part of Michael's body in need of your personal skills. I know Michael likes when I caress his face. Perhaps you could massage there."

"Fine idea," Austin said aloud. "Now I need someone to help prepare Mr. Probst for anal insertion. Can I have someone from the audience to help?" A muscular young man in a black jock with red piping stepped right up.

"Thank you. You're Thomas, right?"

Yes, sir," the man nodded, pushing his chest forward. That chest was heavily coated in black fur. The hair striped down all the way to his low-cut jock so a bit of his pubes could be seen. Austin directed him to lower my jock, at which point my hard 8 inches popped out. I was pleased to hear a murmur from the crowd. I hoped they were impressed.

"Now lube and condom Mr. Probst," Andrew directed Thomas. Andrew was still finger probing my boy's ass. "No condom needed for my boy," I answered. "And please call my Andrew."

"OK, Andrew, Michael seems to be enjoying his anal massage. If you would just use your penis to probe deeper, he'd enjoy it even more. I think his ass is ready." He pulled his fingers away exposing Michael's hole, which remained open for my hard cock. Gently guiding him, I twisted Michael onto his back. I could see several men in the crowd push forward to get a peek of that beautiful teen hole. "Good Michael," Austin said, "now thrust your legs back over your head. Spread your legs so your dad can see your insides. Make it easier for him to get in there to massage your inner walls." My cock throbbed even more. I had to stop Thomas from stroking it or I'd cum too soon.

"Thomas, guide Andrew's big cock into his boy's hole." Austin knew what he was doing! He told the crowd, "A massage is a very personal experience. It should be enjoyed by the client and by the therapist. Please come as close as you like. Observe the massage therapy in detail. And you may feel free, in this instance, to touch the participants, to get an idea how delightful the massage experience can be."

The crowd indeed moved as close as they could get. Austin moved to Michael's head, placing his hard 6" at my moaning son's face. "Michael, let's massage your mouth," I have just enough to please the insides of your mouth while your dad is massaging your anal walls."

The crowd was no longer bored. Cries of "fuck him, suck him, massage his pussy," could be heard above the din. Jock straps were falling to the floor. People were touching Michael's body. His arms, his chest and of course his very hard cock were being caressed by the crowd. I could feel hands on my own balls and ass as I entered his tight pussy. It's a good thing Austin loosened him up so much. It felt so so so good, doing this in front of so many men. I fucked my son, oops, sorry, I `gently massaged his anal walls.' I looked down to find Thomas playing with my cock and pubes on every backstroke, surrounding his fingers around the base of my cock, adding to my pleasure.

Austin was deep stroking his hard cock into my boy's wide open mouth, essentially face fucking him. I could see several men stroking my son's face, feeling his lips as it accepted cock, putting fingers into my son's nose and ears.

Someone was now sucking Michael's cock, going down to the hairy base 7 inches from the tip. And another person was licking his young balls. Michael was trying to moan, but he had too much cock in his mouth. I wondered who would climax first.

It was Michael. With his face flush against Austin's ginger pubes, Michael screamed in orgasm. The muscular man who was sucking the teen's cock, got a blast he didn't expect, but took well. Several more blasts came as the man backed off. I could count five that hit the air after a couple in the cocksucker's mouth. I couldn't count any more because I exploded into my boy's ass just as Austin exploded into my boy's mouth. Austin was nice enough to pull away so the crowd could see his ejaculation onto Michael's face, but I kept jetting into that wonderful boy ass. Only when I pulled away, did my sperm shoot from Michael's ass, which Thomas licked clean.

"May I?" It was Thomas, his hard 7 inches in his hand. "Yes, you earned it, my friend," I nodded. His hard cock disappeared into my boy's gaping hole. He pounded my boy for barely a minute before he pulled out and delivered several jets of cum onto my boy's hole.

Meantime, Michael's face was getting coats of man cum from several naked guys. There was no seeking of approval; these guys were so turned on it seemed they could barely make it to his face to deliver their sperm. And several others were shooting onto Michael's body, aiming for this still hard teen cock, but covering whatever body part they could find.

I felt arms surround me. "You have one hot son." It was College Boy. "And the dad's pretty hot as well." He caressed my chest, again combing through my chest hair, then proceeded south. I could feel a hard cock pressing between my ass cheeks.

"Whoa, stud." I said, turning around to see him clearly for the first time. Hot boy. Tall, may be 6'4". Thin wiry face, jet black hair. Clean shaven, perhaps 20 years old. "First off, what's your name, what's your story and who you looking to fuck?"

"Name's Cole, sir." He pressed a very large cock into mine. It would dwarf mine, if I was still hard. He had to be over 9". "I'm a pitcher still in the minor leagues."

I quickly looked him over. "And I bet you like to fuck. With a big dick like that, I'm guessing you like to fuck frequently. Right?"

"Oh yes, sir. My buddies say I'd fuck a knot hole if I could fit. I sure do like to fuck."

"Women or men?"

"Both sir. I love a pussy, but it can be a lot of work. Guys are tighter and easier to get. May I fuck you sir?"

"I'm here for my son, Cole. Michael needs to be comfortable around men. I want him to learn to fuck and suck. Want to help?"

"Sure, sir. Fine looking boy. I watched you and that other guy fuck him hard. He has a beautiful ass."

"OK, then, let's talk to Michael." My son was sitting atop the table, seeming to clear his head. Cum dripped from his face and body. Huge globs of white cream coated his chest, stomach and pubes. Some cum was on his still hard cock. How could he still be hard? And what was he staring at?

"You ok, son?" He looked up at me as if in a daze.

"Oh Dad. I never felt anything like that before. It was so good."

"So glad to hear you say that." I looked at the crowd of men, they were talking amongst themselves, still very naked. Just one man was wearing his jock. "Are you looking at all the naked men here? I want you looking at all their cocks. Look at the size of their cocks. Their balls.I see a few have manscaped their pubes, but most have natural body hair. See all their hairy asses?"

"Oh Dad. I don't know where to look first. It's so good. I love looking at all these men with their hard dicks. Don't see that in a locker room, hehe."

"Tell me son, did you like getting fucked tonight? I fucked you and a man named Tom fucked you. I have Cole here with a big cock. I want him to fuck you too. You need to get fucked a lot son."

Michael glanced over at Cole. The tall athlete was lightly stroking his hard fat 9" cock. It stood tall at a slight upward angle, surrounded by thick curly black hair that reached near to his belly. His cut cock had a bead of pre on his wide head. He smiled at Michael.

Michael nodded. I could his eyes focus on Cole's groin. "He's really big, Dad. I like big," he said with a slight smile.

Cole came over. "Hi, I'm Cole. You're really awesome to look at, dude. Man, when you were rolled up with your feet behind your head, I could see into your ass hole. The pink really turned me on. I'd love to fuck that pink hole."

"Yes, you can," I answered. "Michael needs to get a long fat cock up his teen hole tonight." Grabbing Cole by his hard fat cock, I pushed it at Michael's mouth. "Go ahead and wet it down, son. Enjoy that big cock."

"Hold up a second," Cole pulled back. He sat alongside Michael on the massage table. He looked right at my boy. "Michael, I really liked watching you get fucked by your dad, but I don't want to be just another guy who fucks and leaves. Can we talk a minute?" Seeing Michael nod, Cole continued, placing his arm around the boy's shoulder. "I see a lot of naked guys in the locker room, but you seem so new seeing naked dick. Do you like looking at cock?"

"Uh huh," Michael answered. "I was always trying to look away so I don't get caught. First Coach and now Dad are encouraging me to look at as much cock as I can."

"Yeah, that's why I came here tonight. I don't like getting caught checking out guys in the locker room either. With pro sports teams, the guys all talk about pussy and I join in. I try to keep at eye level, but sometimes it's tough, right?" Cole was clearly making a friend. I saw he was massaging up and down Michael's back. "You're a really cute kid, I'm gonna like fucking you."

"Do you fuck a lot of guys?" Michael asked.

"I wish. Bet I haven't fucked more than 100 guys. Started with a few buds in high school. Now I try to meet guys on our off days from baseball games. I do have a few pals on my team. My friend Chase and I used to fuck a lot, but he has a girlfriend now. I've met a girl I like, too. We fuck a few times a week, but I still like a hot young guy like you." I saw Cole had pushed his hand under Michael's ass, pushing his long fingers into the boy's moist hole.

"Can I touch you, Cole? You have a really long cock." Michael's hand was already in Cole's lap, stroking the big fat cock.

Cole looked at the boy. "Of course, Michael. Glad to see you want to touch cock. Feels good, doesn't it?" Cole leaned his lips close to Michael's. He whispered, "feels so good to play with a guy's cock, doesn't it? To appreciate a friend's cock. To know a friend is going to do what he wants with you. To let you know it's not your choice, but his. Isn't that right?"

I couldn't hear all the words but could see Michael drooling as the tall athlete took charge. Finally, Cole licked Michael's lips as we whispered again, "You ready to get fucked? Ready for my cock?" He caressed Michael's cheek, running his long fingers around my son's face, feeling all the slime already there. He pushed some of that drying cum into Michael's mouth. Two fingers lodged inside, pushing towards the throat. "Ready for cock?" Cole repeated.

Michael quickly laid down on his stomach, ready for a big dick.

"No, Michael, I want to see you as we fuck. I want everyone to see you. I want every swinging dick in this place to see you get fucked. Get on your back. Get those legs over your head. I want everyone to see that beautiful pink hole again before it gets stuffed with cock."

Ever obedient, Michael threw his legs over his head. I helped by spreading his outstretched legs far apart. "Thanks, Dad," Cole smiled. "Need your help to get Michael really fucked. He's a good boy."

"Oh wow, beautiful hole," a weightlifter said aloud as he stood next to Cole, looking at my son's pink entrance. The weightlifter was stroking his own fat whanger, a solid 6.5 inch pussy pounder. Michael spread his legs even wider, as only a teenaged athlete could do. His hole opened wider, giving a few more guys a good view. Though I prefer body hair, I was glad Michael's ass trench was hairless so they could all appreciate his boy pussy.

"Sure is," Cole murmured. He pressed his fat cock head forward till it kissed my boy's sphincter. Cole looked at me, "He's such a good boy. I know you're proud." He pressed forward just a bit so his cock head partially disappeared. "Oh fuck," both Michael and Cole exclaimed. The fat head disappeared. I nearly passed out with the beauty of that fat cock pressing inside my son. I couldn't help but moan. I felt as if Cole's huge cock was penetrating me, not my son.

Two naked weightlifters arrived. Each grabbed a leg. "Go watch your son get fucked," one said. I dropped down to watch Cole's hard long fat cock shaft push all the way into Michael's moist hole. Slowly, very slowly Cole maneuvered his cock so that it all went inside. Michael kept moaning. Cole did it so well that Michael felt no pain despite a 9+ inch shaft pressing all the way in. When he bottomed out, Cole rotated his body so that his wiry black pubes rubbed my boy's round ass cheeks. Michael was loving it.

Cole fell forward, getting again face to face with my son. They stared in each other's eyes before Cole pressed his lips to Michael's. They kissed as they fucked, with great intensity. Austin arrived over. "Beautiful," he muttered. As his six incher pressed close, Cole directed it into Michael's mouth, then kissed again, so both the fucker and the fuckee was sucking blond dick.

Cole started pounding his cock harder and harder. "Oh fuck, he's such a good fuck," he told me. "Such a good good boy!" They fucked for several minutes. I feared Michael would cramp up, being rolled up for so long.

"Time for a new position, boy," Cole directed. He pushed Michael so he was standing at the edge of the table, allowing Cole to fuck him from behind. Cole leaned back onto the table, pulling Michael's ass with him. "Oh so good," Michael moaned. Everyone in the gym could see Cole's huge cock pushing into Michael's love tunnel. Michael bounced on that long fat cock for several minutes. Several men stood in front of them, watching Cole fuck my boy. So nice to see them openly stroking their hard cocks.

Finally, Cole roared out that he was cumming. I could see his body pulse three times, then he pulled out and pulsed three more, leaving very thick white cream on my boy's hole. Michael screamed at the same moment, shooting his teen cum up his chest, hitting his neck and chin. So nice that a few weightlifters came as well, shooting onto Michael's chest.

The two fuckers collapsed together. I let them recuperate for a long while. Finally, as Cole began to stir, I suggested we all go for a shower. Michael could barely walk, Austin and I had to help get under the water. Cole was also wiped out, but revived quickly. As I washed my son, I saw him glance at his fucker's soft penis, clearly over 5" in its soft state. He smiled at me as he knew I was looking at him as he admired a cock in the shower room.

As we left, Cole offered to leave tickets to an upcoming game for Michael. And Cole looked at me. "I'd love to fuck him again. I like him," he said as he departed.

"So Michael, I'm glad you came to the gym today. You saw a lot of naked dick today. You sucked some cock and got fucked. Was it all you expected?" Austin was talking as we walked home. I could see Michael was walking a bit gingerly. Cole's huge cock must have left him sensitive.

"Yes, it was," I answered for my boy. So glad he's on his way to getting comfortable with men. Hope we can do it again." I hugged my boy tightly. I decide what he does. I'm glad Michael nodded.

Comments appreciated. Will respond to all. stockman334@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 5

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