Michael and His Dad

By Stockman

Published on Nov 29, 2020


Michael and His Dad 2

By Stockman


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I rolled over to see the clock at my bedside table. 2 am. It was 4 hours since I fucked Michael. I fucked my son! I couldn't sleep. It was the most wonderful day of my life. I knew it was the right thing to do, but still.... I fucked my own son!

I could hear noise across the hall. From Michael's room. I had to see. His door was closed but I opened it and walked right in. Michael had his boxerbriefs down to his ankles. He was stroking his cock. He was jerking off! My son was jerking off so soon after getting fucked.

He looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Fear in his eyes. I knew I had to allay those fears. I wanted my son to enjoy sex, not be afraid of it.

I smiled, looking at his frozen hand on his teen cock. "I told you it was beautiful, and it is," I said softly, watching his body relax at my gentle words.

I sat at his bed pushing his hand away, gently palming my boy's dick with my own hand. "How many times a day do you need to do this?" I asked. I started to gently stroke his moist hard cock as I looked into his eyes.

"Uh, uh, I guess around four sometimes five times a day. I get so hard...."

"Just like your old man," I reassured my boy. "Just like me when I was a teenager. Grandma couldn't figure out why I'd disappear so often." I slowly continued to stroke his thick teen cock.

"You jerked a lot also?" Michael asked incredulously.

"Sure, I loved it. But what I found is that it was a lot more fun when someone was with me. I'd jerk but then feel lonely when it was over. Found I enjoyed it a lot more when I was doing it with or in front of someone else." I continued to slowly stroke his teen dick. I loved the feeling of his hard fat cock in my palm.

"Yeah, I kinda feel guilty after, too. Like I'm cheating on something." I loved when Michael could be introspective.

"Tell you what," I said, stroking his beautiful cock harder, squeezing harder, bringing him closer. "From now on, no jerking alone. You can do it as much as you want, but someone has to see it or be part of it. Me, a friend, Austin, someone you trust. But you can't be alone to do it, got it?"

"Ah ah ah," Michael cried as he reached his peak to shoot one two three four jets of thick man cream onto his stomach and chest. More cum oozed down his cock onto my hand and into his black pubes.

HIs eyes were closed for several minutes as I enjoyed caressing his softening cock. I thought he was asleep. When he opened his eyes, a concerned look crossed his face. "How will I find enough people to do it with?"

"Well, I'm mostly working from home these days, so you can always come into my office, or in the kitchen, or bedroom. Heck, I don't care. As long as we're alone, feel free to perform for me!"

His eyes were drooping again. He needed sleep. "I think I'd like to do it for you, dad." He was out before I could respond.

It was barely 7 am. I needed to get ready for my boss' visit at 10, but I could manage another hour of sleep. I closed my eyes just as I felt the bed move. Michael sat next to me. "Dad, can I, like, jack now? So horny,,,,," No more sleep for me. "Sure, son," I groaned as he lay down on his side facing me. "So hot, dad, keep thinking about yesterday. How you fucked me, never thought that could happen." He was stroking his cock really fast.

"Pull down my underwear, son. I want you to look at my cock while you jack. Want you to see a man's cock while you play with yours. Get comfortable with cock, enjoy cock, son." I remembered what Coach had told me. Michael needs to be comfortable around men. Naked men.

Michael barely got my sleep underwear down. He saw my hard cock just as he groaned out loud. "Ah fuck," he cried as he climaxed right in front of me. His first shot hit my belly, the second shot my chest and the next two right on my own dad cock. "Ah aha ah," he cried as he came with such intensity he fell atop me.

Michael lay on top of my body for a good half hour as we both slept. I awoke with Michael's eyes boring into mine. "Dad, "I'm not a fag, am I?"

I couldn't help but hug my son. "You are what you are, Michael. I love you. You're not what you don't want to be. Just enjoy life. Get comfortable with your life. Get comfortable with men. I love you, son." I hoped that would satisfy my boy for now. He must find out for himself. In the meantime, I'm loving the young man he is becoming.

"Need a shower," he said. The issue was resolved...for now.

"Shower with me. Let's use my large shower together." I pulled my tall teenager with me into my remodeled bath suite.

My shower is indeed large. Big enough for four, its multiple shower heads allowed for an awesome shower experience. I had taken over our spare bedroom to indulge my urge for a luxurious bath area. In addition to the shower, there was ample space for a bidet, a massage table, two sinks and a large counter. Mirrors lined two walls.

Michael stepped in at the left wall. Slipping as he entered, he fell on me, grabbing my shoulders for support near the right wall. "Nice, boy," I laughed. "Hold your daddy as long as you want." He tried to release, but I wouldn't let him. "I love you, son," I told him. I held him tight. I knew what to do. What he needed. Strong love, Coach had said. I had to pee, but I held him close. Then I let my bladder go, pissing between us. I wanted Michael to feel his dad's piss all over him. "Oh, Dad," he moaned, taking all my pee across his stomach and pubes.

"You're mine, Michael," I whispered as my piss shot up his body, releasing even more dad piss for him. I held him tight so he could feel the warmth spread over his body. "You're part of me. Forever. Now let your pee go, son. Feel free with me."

My son hugged me tight. "Oh dad, I love you," he cried. His piss was even hotter than mine. It kept spraying and spraying over both our bodies.

"Good boy, good boy." I stared at him intently. "Your mine now and forever!" We stayed together until our bodies were empty and the chill of cooling piss covered our chests.

"Wash me," I ordered my son. Obediently, my son picked up the shower gel and started at my neck and worked down my body. I was glad he looked up at me for approval when he reached my genitals. Seeing my nod, he carefully washed my pubes, my half hard cock and my hairy balls. When he washed my legs he made sure every hair was clean. He repeated onto my back, even washing inside my crack. "Good boy. Get me clean," I urged him.

I did the same to him, though I did not seek his permission. I washed his thick pubes twice before moving to his teen prick and hairless balls. I let him know that they were mine to handle as I wished. It was nice to hear my boy coo each time I touched a private area, even as I inserted two fingers into his asshole. The boy was mine.

We breakfasted with smiles on our faces. He was surprised when he was told he didn't need clothes. As I was enjoying a second cup of coffee, I pointed my finger to the floor, directing him to sit between my legs. I liked that his eyes immediately went to my cock, soft in its hairy frame.

"Look at me, son." I pulled his head near my cock, but pulled his chin up to look in my eyes. "I love you son, so it will give me pleasure to direct you in our new lives. We're gonna help you get comfortable with men, son. We're going to get comfortable seeing naked men, seeing their cocks, their balls, their asses, and their body hair. We want to help you be comfortable wherever you are, whether home, or at school." I could see my boy nodding, clearly liking the idea, but I wasn't seeking his approval. He needs to seek mine. "Especially your dad. Get to know my body." My boy again just smiled and nodded. "No problem, dad. Love it," he agreed.

I touched his chin with my cock. "You did well, this morning, Michael, asking my permission to masturbate. We're going to do that whenever you feel an urge. You'll need my permission whenever a sex act is involved. And if something happens without me, I expect to be told as soon as possible. Most of the time I'll tell you what to do, but if something does happen, make sure I'm able to approve later." I pushed my cock higher onto my boy's chin, onto his lower lip. "Remember, your dad's in control. When you get older, you'll decide, but for now, it's me."

Michael was barely listening. His eyes were on my cock at his lips. I could see the hunger in his eyes. I pushed his chin down to open his mouth. Slowly I inserted my hardening dad cock into my son's mouth. I pushed completely inside, knowing that I wasn't fully hard. I pulled his face against my groin, so his lips touched my untrimmed bush. "Breathe, Michael. Inhale through the hair. Get comfortable with your father's pubes." Ever obedient, my boy pressed his nose into my dad hair as my cock hardened inside his mouth. "Good boy, Michael," I whispered. "Get comfortable with my cock in your throat. We'll practice this again."

I pulled away before we went too far. It was enough I had established that he was mine to direct. "Chad Adams is coming here soon; we're working on a brief and don't feel like going to the office on a Saturday. Get dressed, Michael, for important company. He's managing partner so I expect you to look well and be on good behavior."

With a look of exasperation but an affirmative nod and a yes sir, my boy was gone. I also went upstairs to dress. Donning a blue button down and khaki's, I was heading down just as the doorbell rang. Michael beat me to the door, opening it to find my boss, the managing partner, dressed nearly like I was. Michael was dressed similarly, khakis and a plaid button down. He really looked good.

Chad Adams looked very well indeed for a senior lawyer. He was about 40, 6 foot, a trim 190 pounds. No middle age spread as of yet. I welcomed him in and made introductions to Michael. Mr. A, as we called him in the office, shook Michael's hand warmly. Impressive that he didn't blow off a young man in eagerness to get to work. He looked at my son with an expression of interest. "How old are you, Michael? You look quite strong!"

Michael beamed. "I'm 16 just barely before my 17th birthday, sir." He seemed to stand taller with the boss' interest.

"My son just passed 18, certainly not as broad as you. Do you play ball, Michael?"

"Yes, sir, I'm on the Central HS football team. Wide Receiver. My first year." Michael was eager to impress.

Mr. A looked appraisingly at my boy. "You look very good, son." He placed a hand on Michael's shoulder. "Very strong." He looked more carefully, then smiled. "First time I've seen a teenager in such nice clothes. Boyce seems to always wear basketball shorts and a t- shirt."

Michael glanced at me, seeming to restrain an `I told you so'. I laughed, "Guilty Mr. A, I guess I wanted to impress. Michael is also a shorts kind of guy. He hates formal clothes."

"Then go get them, son," Mr. A ordered. "No need to wear nice stuff. Just me and your dad. Go get some shorts and bring them back here."

As the boy bolted upstairs, Mr. A directed a compliment to me. "Seems like a nice boy, Andrew. Does what he's told. I like that."

Michael was back in a flash carrying his favorite red nylon shorts and a black T.

"That's more like it, son," Mr. A said approvingly. "Now let's get you changed." He started pulling on Michael's shirt.

"Here? Right here?" Michael seemed shocked.

I jumped in. "Mr. A. We've been working on this. Truth is we're working on Michael's embarrassment. We're trying to get comfortable with men. I'm told he gets shy even in the locker room."

"Then what better way to work on your problem, boy," Mr. A said to my son. "Here let me help you." Before Michael could respond, Mr. A pulled the boy's shirttails up and then began to unbutton the shirt. I could see Michael turning a bit red. "No need to be shy, boy," Mr. A repeated.

With the shirt at the floor, Mr. A unbuttoned Michael's belt and pants button. Michael's eyes pleaded with me; I could see he wanted this to stop. I thought it was cool that my boss was helping my son strip down. "Toe off your shoes, son," Mr. Adams ordered as the khakis hit his ankles. Michael stood there in his Calvin boxer briefs and a very red face.

I thought this could get even better. "You know, Mr. A, rather than wear shorts, we've been working on Michael's comfort in front of other boys and men, especially in the locker room."

"Fine idea, Andrew, let's help Michael here." Mr. A then lowered my boy's underwear, pulling it down to expose his pubes, his cock and his balls. He did it so slowly, staring at Michael's face and then at his groin as each part was exposed. "Nice, Michael. You're certainly a fine looking boy."

"I think so, too, Mr. A. We took the time just yesterday to get Michael up on our coffee table so he could pose, just to get more comfortable in front of men. I saw that my boy is developing quite nicely."

"Such a wonderful idea, Michael, jump up there and let's get a closer look at you."

My now blood red-faced son didn't have a choice. Up he went on our coffee table to pose naked in front of my boss. "I don't know if I can,' he whined, which we both ignored.

Mr. A was taking over. "Put your hands behind, boy. No hiding your goods. Be proud of your body."

Michael just stood there, his soft 4 inch penis exposed for us to see. His balls seemed to rise a bit in his embarrassment.

Mr. A looked at Michael carefully, ignoring his upper body as he concentrated his stare at Michael's boy parts. "Lean back, boy. Show off your body."

Obediently, Michael leaned back to thrust his beautiful cock forward. "Nice," Mr. A said. "Nice to see a teen cock with a man sized patch of hair. Boyce trims his a bit too much. You do it right, Michael." Mr. A placed his fingers onto Michael's hairy groin and proceeded to comb through the dense bush. "Real nice, real nice, boy," he repeated. "Nice bush, nice balls, too." He used his other hand to gently cup my boy's hairless nuts. He looked up at my blushing son. "Don't ever be embarrassed, kid. You've got the goods. Love your nuts."

By this time, Michael's 4 inches was at a rock solid 7. Mr. A grasped the hard cock, twisting it gently in his palm. "Beautiful dick," he said, looking at me. He pushed Michael's body a bit further back, gently caressing Michael's cock and balls with both hands. Good thing I was behind. Michael fell onto me as we both fell onto the sofa.

We all laughed. "See guys, this is the worst that could happen when you show off. Not so bad, is it?" Mr. A offered his hand to Michael. "Come, boy. You see your dad all the time. Show off some more for me." He sat on the sofa and turned Michael to face away from him. "Nice butt, boy. Tight round butt." He placed hands on each butt cheek. "Bend down boy. Touch your toes. That's it. Now spread those cheeks. Ah, nice boy. Show me your tight boy hole."

Mr. A stared carefully at my boy's hole. Then he looked at me. "He's got a beautiful butt. You should be proud. Look how well formed his ass lips are." He kept my boy spread for me to see the beautiful boy hole. I looked over to see for myself. I looked at Mr. A who was moaning barely aloud, "Beautiful love hole. Boy should be proud."

"You have any lube?" Mr. A was asking me.

"Upstairs," I told him. My own cock was pressing deep into my pants. I quickly looked to see if Mr. A was hard. A thick tube was stretching from his fly to his hips.

It was Mr. A who told my son, "Go find the lube, son. We need to enjoy that hole."

Michael jetted up the stairs as Mr. A patted me on the shoulder. "Beautiful obedient boy. You must be so proud. He looks so good naked. He should be naked all the time, showing off that dick, those balls and that round ass."

"Thanks, Mr. A. I so agree. Loving working on getting him comfortable with men."

"You know he needs to get fucked. Right? Boy needs to be fucked good so he's comfortable with men. He needs to learn to suck cock, too. You gonna teach him to be a good cock sucker?"

Michael was back inside of a minute. "You understand what this is for, boy?" I asked my son.

"I..I think so sir," Michael answered hesitantly. "It's for my butt hole, right?"

"You have a beautiful butt hole, Michael," Mr A explained. "And since your dad says you need to be comfortable around men, your dad agreed that you will get fucked. Help me out of my clothes, boy, so you can get fucked."

Ever obedient, Michael helped Mr. A remove all his clothes. Michael did most of the work. Mr. A's chest was strong, well muscled with a light amount of hair across his pecs. Michael stared at it for a few beats before going further. Next the pants and then shock. "Oh my God," we both exclaimed simultaneously. Mr. A's cock, encased in his 2Xist briefs, had to be 10 inches in length and beer can thick. Still in the white cotton, it reached all the way to his right hip.

Mr. A looked at me. He shrugged. "Cant keep the little guy down," he smiled.

"Not so fucking little," I responded, my eyes glued to his dick.

Michael quickly lowered the briefs, not so easy given the size of the phallus he had to clear. Mr. A's cock slapped up as it was released, nearly hitting Michael's face. My boy seemed in awe. "It's so big!" he cried, reaching out to touch it without permission.

Mr. A again took control. "Thanks, Michael. It's good for a boy to appreciate a man's cock." He looked at me as he spoke to my son. "Time for you to enjoy a man's cock, boy." Then, to me, "Don't worry. I know how to take care of a boy hole. Had a lot of practice."

"Boyce?" I asked as he nodded.

"No greater pleasure than seeding a son. You've had Michael, right?" To that I nodded, "Last night."

`Then it will be only pleasure for the boy."

Placing my boy on all fours, Mr. A spread Michael's tight cheeks and proceeded to show he was a master. With lips and tongue, he moistened my boy's hole. Then he pressed one finger inside to a groan of pleasure from my willing boy. Then more tongue into his spreading ass hole. Then two fingers, then three fingers. Then more tongue. I could see Mr. A's curled tongue pressing inside that boy ass. Michael barely moaned, he was already getting comfortable with his hole spread. Finally, Mr. A curled a fourth finger into that hole. Looking at me, he assured me "he's ready. He's ready to get good and fucked."

My boss pulled my son to the sofa, aligning him onto his lap. He held that huge cock straight up. "Fuck yourself, boy. Sit on it at the start. Get used to fucking. A boy should be able to take any size cock. Small ones, big ones, huge ones. Yes, take that cock all the way!"

I watched mesmerized. Mr. A's huge cock ws disappearing inside Michael's body. What a beautiful site it was, too. Michael's lovely hairy cock stood out hard and proud as he wiggled around the biggest penis I'd ever seen. His looks of joy...of ecstasy.....grew as he bounced on that dick. "Oh daddy, oh daddy, it's so good," he moaned time and again. "Oh Daddy, it's so big, daddy." He was squirming around, moving his body all around the big dick up his teen ass. Mr. A pushed Michael up, exposing all but the head of his thick prick. I could see his thick pubes sounding his penis and on his heavy balls. Suddenly he pulled my son back down to his lap so every inch of that beer can dick again disappeared inside the boy. My boy seemed lost in his lust.

My own cock was leaking inside my pants. I had never witnessed anything so beautiful. My wonderful son is getting fucked by a hammer of a cock. Getting filled up completely. I stripped off my clothes just in time. Michael was leaning back. Mr. A was kissing my son. On the cheeks, on the lips. So beautiful. I jumped up on the sofa just as my orgasm hit. I had barely touched my cock and I was shooting. I shot right onto Michael's face, just where he was being kissed. Severalglobs hit my son's face and even one glob hit my boss in the nose. A thick glob of cum that dripped down to his upper lip. And just then Michael screamed in orgasm.

"Fucking beautiful, Andrew," Mr. A moaned. He thrust his cock one last time and came as well. I couldn't see, but could feel five hard pulses go into my boy's willing body. So beautiful.

We all showered in my large shower. "He'll be comfortable with men in no time," Mr. A assured me. He pushed Michael to his knees as his piss covered my boy's body. "He'll be a good boy."

Mr. A and I went to my den/office to finally do some work. I asked him to stay naked so my boy could enjoy men. Michael had to clean the bathroom and then join us. "Thanks for helping, Mr. A. I really need to get Michael comfortable with men."

Please, Andrew. It's Ok for Michael to call me Mr., but feel free to call me Chad, especially away from the office."

I do it for Michael," I explained. "To show respect. And obedience. I want him to be obedient at this stage of his life. He needs to follow orders."

"I agree. Doing the same with Boyce. Next thing is to tell not to trim his privates. It's like a sign of independence. Gotta stop it in its tracks." Chad groped his soft cock with the mention of his boy.

Michael re-entered the room. I was glad he stayed naked. I saw him gaze right at Mr. A's huge dick. Soft, it was a good 6 inches of thick dad meat. I put my arm around my son as he stared at the big cock of our guest.

"You did good, today, boy," I complimented. "I think you enjoyed Mr. A's big dick." Michael nodded. "But understand son," I said in a low tone so he knew I was serious. "It's your dad who decides. I'm the one who controls your body. Right?"

"Oh yes, dad, sir. Thank you for letting me. I know I need to suck dick. I know I need to get fucked. Thank you, sir."

I couldn't help look at Chad A and smile. My boy just made me feel so proud.

Love to hear from fans: stockman334@gmail.com. Suggestions, ideas, improvements all appreciated.

Next: Chapter 3

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