Michael and His Dad

By Stockman

Published on Oct 11, 2022


Michael and His Dad 14

The usual applies: if you are too young or it's illegal, please don't read. It is a work of fiction from my own dirty mind. Comments, thoughts? stockman334@gmail.com

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The call from Coach Donaldson came as a surprise. "I'm sorry, Mr. Probst, but Michael never had a pre-team physical. He can't play until he has complied."

"But there's a game Friday night," It was Thursday so I knew I'd never get an appointment.

"There's hope, Mr. Probst. I took the liberty of setting an appointment with Dr. Friedman. He's more of a specialist...specializing in teen boy issues. Michael might like him. 5:00 this evening, if you're available."

"Yes...yes of course." A problem and a solution in one phone call. This coach is pretty good!

Michael wasn't happy. "Will I have to get naked, Dad? What happens if I get, you know, hard?"

I hugged my boy. "He's a doctor, I'm sure he'll understand." I hoped he'd understand. Despite seeing all the cock I could arrange, Michael still gets hard so easily. "Just wear light clothes. You probably won't need much," I added.

We bumped into Austin on our way out. He opted to join us. "Meeting a teen specialist might be interesting," he observed.

A college-age boy was at the Reception Desk. "Yes, you're the last appointment of the day. I'm Bryan. I'll take you to see Dr. Friedman." I noticed he was quite fit as he led us to Exam Room 1. About 6 foot, dark brown hair, a heavy 5 o'clock shadow at the end of a long day. His white outfit was tight; I could see Michael glance at his bulge and then his very tight butt. Michael turned to me and smiled; he was becoming so comfortable sharing his interests in men with me. Progress, I thought. Bryan looked at Michael carefully. Just strip down and hang your stuff on the hook. Dr. Friedman and Dr. Kyle will be in shortly."

"Dr. Kyle?" Austin asked.

"He's an intern, also specializing in teen boys. He's been working with Dr. Friedman for the last few weeks." Bryan exited the room just as the doctors arrived.

To say I was surprised is an understatement. These two doctors looked like they could step out of a mens muscle mag. Dr. Friedman looked about 28, a solid rock of a 6 footer with jet black hair, wide shoulders, very tight fitting white lab coat and dark trousers. Dr. Kyle looked so much like a surfer with long blond hair, very trim on his 5'10" frame. Both men had a nice smile in greeting Michael, Austin and me. Both doctors seemed to observe Michael critically even as they chatted.

"Please strip down, son," Dr. Friedman instructed after pleasantries. "I'll need to check the heart and lungs on that jock body," he said with a smile. "Coach Donaldson sent over the school board physical forms. Quite complete, I must say. Will take a bit of time."

Michael's shirt came off quickly as did his flips. "Shorts, too, son," Dr. Friedman added. Michael carefully lowered his bb shorts. "Really, Michael?" He again had on a pair of old one-size-too-small briefs. "They're so comfortable, dad," he whined. Dr. Kyle smiled as Dr. Friedman chuckled.

"No problem, Mr. P," Dr. Friedman added. "Michael's gonna lose them soon anyway." With Michael in his favorite threadbare underwear, the doctors got to work. Austin seemed impressed how they efficiently took bp, listened to heart and lungs, and searched for sensitivities. Michael didn't seem to mind as Dr. Friedman closely examined my boy's underarms, even as the doctor mumbled something to Dr. Kyle as he combed through the hair and stretched out hairs carefully. Dr. Kyle repeated the process combing and stretching the dense pit hairs. Michael started to moan.

Dr. Friedman turned to me. "You're boy's quite well developed for a 16 year year old," he observed. "Almost 17," Michael interjected, his arms still raised as Dr. Kyle continued to comb through.

"Okay, almost 17," Dr. Friedman said. "Very manly." I could see Michael smile widely.

Dr. Friedman spread his hands over Michael's face. "You shave, son?" he asked as he caressed the boy's cheeks and chin. Michael seemed to press into the doctor's fingers, enjoying the touch so much.

"Just a little, wish I did more. Kinda wish I had more body hair..."

"No need to look older. You look so good with your young face. Hair will grow in due time, Michael. It'll come. Your dad hairy?"

"God yeah, doctor. Dad's a stud. Wish I had his hair." Michael looked at me. "OK to say that dad?" I just smiled and nodded. My son loves my hair. And other guys' as well, I knew.

Dr. Kyle was raising Michael's underwear, reaching under the waistband. He seemed to reach deep into the shorts, feeling around. "Hmm," he moaned. He looked at Dr. Friedman. "Boy has some serious pubes, Carl."

"Really? Time to lose those undershorts," Dr. Friedman said.

Michael seemed to hesitate. "Do what you're told, son. Doctor needs to see your dick, show him your dick." Michael always takes my direction.

Dr. Friedman looked at my boy. "Is that the word you like? Dick? Or do you like penis? Or cock? Or salami? Or pussy pounder?" He started laughing, easing the tension.

"I guess we say cock more than other words," Michael said as he lowered his underwear. His cock was nearly hard by now.

"Wow," both doctors said almost simultaneously. "That's a nice cock," Dr. Friedman added. Turning to me he added, "you should be proud, Dad. Your boy has a fine looking manhood." I like that he called me `dad'. Smart doctor to include me in his examination, clearly helping Michael feel comfortable.

"Boy has a nice looking cock," Dr. Kyle said, mostly to Dr. Friedman.

Dr. Friedman looked at Michael. "We're gonna have to examine you carefully, ok boy? The questionnaire is quite extensive." Michael's cock was rock hard in front of these two doctors, as well as Austin and me. He seemed embarrassed that he was hard, but took a deep breath to try to relax himself.

"Feel those pubes, Carl. Really soft. Thick, dense. Like Bryan's." Dr. Kyle kept combing his fingers through my boy's pubic hair. Michael started to breathe heavily. Already the tip of his cock was moistening.

"You ok, son?" Dr. Friedman asked, noting the boy's hard wet cock. He took hold of that cock. "No need to feel uncomfortable." He stroked the hard cock. "You get hard when you're naked, boy?" Dr. Kyle was still playing with Michael's pubes as Dr. Friedman played with his cock.

"Uh huh sometimes, doc. It has a mind of its own." Michael was breathing heavily, enjoying the two doctors' hands on his privates.

I walked over to the exam table. I needed to see closely how they were playing with my son. "And sometimes the other way as well, right Michael? Sometimes Michael gets hard seeing naked men. He gets so hard in locker rooms and showers. Right Michael?"

Michael's face was red as a beet. "No need to be embarrassed son, we're doctors. It's ok to enjoy naked men. You DO know the treatment, right? Just see more naked men. See as many cocks as you can. Get comfortable seeing all kinds of cock. Long ones. Short ones. Hairy ones with big balls. Even shaved ones. See all the cock you can. Best way to get comfortable with men."

"Thanks, doc, that's what we're trying to do." I told them as I watched Dr. Friedman continue to stroke Michael's cock. Michael seemed like he was getting to the edge.

Dr. Friedman saw it as well. He looked at Michael. "Do you like to look at your dad's cock? Is it big? And hairy? Would it help if your dad stripped here? Be naked in front of you?" He kept gently stroking the boy's throbbing tube.

Michael could just nod. But that wasn't good enough for the doctor. "Tell me about your dad's cock. How big is it, Is it hairy or does he trim or shave? Are his balls big or small? Tight or low hanging? Tell us about your dad's cock, boy!"

Michael was on the verge of cumming. The head of his cock was dripping pre at a high rate, giving Dr. Friedman plenty of lube to continue his gentle strokes. And I could see Dr. Kyle playing with Michael's hair all around his cock onto his balls. The two doctors were stimulating my boy so well!

With a nod of approval from me and a deep breath, Michael began describing me. "Oh Dr. Friedman, my dad has such a big cock. It's over 8 inches! I wish mine were that size. Will I get that big? And he has so much hair! He says hair is so manly. I agree. I love seeing all his hair, and touching it. He lets me play with his chest hair as well as his pubic hair. And his balls are big, he has hair on them also. They hang low like mine. I'm glad I have the same type balls as he does. Will my cock get to his size? Oh I love seeing my dad naked."

Dr. Friedman's grin was infectious. We were all smiling. Michael was so descriptive. He loves my cock so much!

Dr. Kyle asked, "Are his pubes as soft and luxurious as yours, Michael?" The young intern was still caressing my son's man hair.

"Oh yes," Michael answered, looking at me. "Dad's pubes are soooo soft! And so dense. His hair is so thick."

Dr. Friedman, still gently stroking Michael's very hard shaft, looked at Kyle. "Bryan would definitely like to see this. Go get him in here." To me, he asked, "Want to get naked to help your son? Help him feel comfortable?" He looked at Austin, "want to get naked, too? Seems like Michael can't see too many naked men."

"Sure, I don't mind," I answered as did Austin. "But Michael has to help. He needs to help his men strip. Been a learning point for him, learning how to follow orders."

Michael came off the exam table, dropped to his knees and said, "May I help dad? Can I pull off your pants? Can I see your dick? Please dad?"

Quickly he lowered my pants and then my undershorts. My hard cock popped out right away. He removed all my clothing, even my shoes, and put it all away on a chair. "Good boy, get your dad naked," Dr. Friedman directed. "And now Austin. You've seen his cock as well right?" Michael quickly pulled down Austin's clothing, revealing his 6.5 inch blond-haired penis. Austin was not fully hard. Michael looked at Dr. Friedman, seeming to await further instructions.

"Back on the table, boy." The doctor seemed to be more authoritative as Michael followed instructions. He was up on the table as Bryan and Dr. Kyle returned. Bryan's eyes betrayed his surprise seeing two naked men along with the naked patient. Dr. Friedman explained to us all: "We're gonna help Michael get more comfortable by all getting naked. Michael, watch closely."

Michael's eyes darted from man to man. I was glad he kept returning to glance at my own hard cock, throbbing right above him. But he watched carefully as first Bryan and then Dr. Kyle began stripping. Bryan was smiling as his pants and boxer briefs hit the ground. The Nike symbol was on the waistband. He seemed eager to be naked. Michael strained to see Bryan's dick before all the clothes were off. Bryan's shirt was the last item to disappear, revealing a hard lightly haired chest, looking powerful with his strong pecs. The guy looked like a linebacker. His dark hairy pits were full, I saw. No trim for him. And his pubes, around a cock that was 4 inches soft, and very fat, looked dense and full. Those pubes reached fully across his body from thigh to thigh and up several inches before tapering to a dark treasure trail. His cock seemed to emerge from all that man hair.

Michael moaned. Dr. Friedman smiled. "Glad you like, boy. Bryan has quite the body, right? Feel those pubes. Bet they're as soft as yours." When Michael hesitated, Dr. Friedman pulled Michael's hand to Bryan's dick. "You shy, Michael? No need. We all want you to be comfortable with cock. Athletes like you need to be comfortable with cock. So take a feel of Bryan's pubes and his cock. Don't be shy."

"Yes, sir," Michael finally answered. Was he getting into his submissive mode? He enclosed his hand around Bryan's naked prick, still not fully hard, using fingers to feel pubes at the same time. "So nice..." he moaned. My boy loves to touch cock whenever he can.

Dr. Kyle was stripping away his scrubs. "Oh so beautiful," Michael moaned. Dr. Kyle's blond pubes framed a lovely cock, around 3" soft. His thin ginger chest hair covered a muscular chest that looked like it took hours of gym reps to acquire. How does a medical student have the time? The guy looked ripped. Michael seemed to perv on Dr. Kyle's body even as he held Bryan's thick cock.

Dr. Friedman laughed as Michael drooled over the stud bodies of these two medical men. "Glad you enjoy our staff, Michael. Help me with my duds?" Michael almost leaped to the floor to help the doctor remove his clothes. Shoes, socks, pants, tight underwear, shirt and lab coat. Michael stared at the man above him. Dr. Friedman's chest hair was as thick as mine, leading down to a thick patch of man hair that surrounded a monster cock, still soft over 7". I had no doubt it would reach10 inches of thick cut cock. The crown of that big cock was even wider than his fat shaft, a dark pink color. His circumcision scar was a deep brown on his light colored tool. His low hanging testicles were almost as long as his still-soft penis.

"Oh doctor, oh oh," was all Michael could muster. He was so impressed he couldn't speak. Dr. Kyle and Bryan both smirked. "Not the first to be overwhelmed by that anaconda," Dr. Kyle said as he prepared the table with stirrups. "Enjoy it, kid. Enjoy a long cock when you can get to see it!"

Dr. Kyle guided Michael back onto the table, spreading his legs to be held by the stirrups. He raised the table to allow Michael to lean back. Dr. Friedman explained, "we need to see inside you now. This might take some time as the questionnaire is quite specific."

"Yes, sir," Michael acknowledged. I moved as well so my cock stayed near Michael's face. I wanted him to be comfortable with any reaction his body might have to the doctor's rectal exam. Michael's cock was still rock hard, and his piss slit was drooling. So far he's liking the examination.

"I'll try to go easy," Dr. Friedman said softly, applying KY gently to Michael's ass lips. The doctor spent some time lubricating my son's outer ring. He was so gentle. "Try to focus on something else as I prepare your ass for inspection, Michael. Good time to look at the cocks all around you. Your dad's cock is so hard. So's Austin's. Look at those hard cocks. Now look at our medical staff. Bryan's cock so hairy and fat. And Dr. Kyle's. Awesome body, right Michael? And his cock is perfect-sized that fits his body so well. And mine Michael, check out my cock. Look good?"

"So beautiful...." Michael moaned.

Dr. Friedman looked at me. "Notice we're not fully hard, sir? We've gotten comfortable with cock. We've seen hundreds of penises over the last year we've been in practice. Got so we can control our bodies. That's what Michael needs. A lot of cock to see. And of course he needs to enjoy many of those cocks. Needs to suck those cocks. He needs to become a good cocksucker." He looked at Michael as his finger plunged into the boy's tender asshole. "You a good cocksucker, Michael?"

"He's getting there," I answered. "Michael's learning how to suck dick. We're trying to get him practice most days."

"And he needs to get fucked," Dr. Friedman added. "You good at taking cock, Michael?" His finger was now fully inside my boy's cunt.

I answered again. "Same thing, Doc. Michael's pussy seems to work well with the right guys."

"So glad to hear you've taken the right treatment, Michael." The doc pressed a second finger into my boy. Michael groaned. "Focus on the cocks around you, boy. You've got five cocks to look at. Five beautiful dicks. And not one of them suffers from the current fad of trimming their hair. So focus on cock, Michael."

Michael looked up at me. I thought I'd help by placing my throbbing tool at his lips. Dr. Friedman smiled. "That's right, boy. Kiss your dad's hard cock. Enjoy cock!"

"Ahhh," Michael moaned. His whole body jerked. That wasn't because he licked my penis.

"Found it, guys!" Dr. Friedman announced. "Michael's got a nice sized gland. Real deep. Really have to probe." He turned to Dr. Kyle. "Feel it, Kyle, Gotta get real deep."

Dr. Kyle smiled as he used two fingers. I saw his cock get hard right away. So these guys DO like to play with boys! It quickly reached 5 1/2 inches. Not huge, but I'm sure Michael would like it. Awesome cut body. Despite Michael's moaning, Kyle couldn't find what he was feeling for. He spent several pleasurable minutes finger fucking my son as Michael moaned. His cock head kept dripping. I noticed that Kyle was looking at Austin. His fingers were searching inside Michael, but his eyes were fully on Austin's body and his lovely 6 1/2" throbbing man tool.

"Use your dick if you can't find it," Dr. Friedman ordered. "He needs to get fucked anyway." Dr. Kyle looked at me. My cock was at Michael's mouth. "Yes, Michael needs to get fucked. Fuck him until you feel his button." I tapped Michael's mouth with my hard prick. "Ready, son. You need to get fucked." Michael moaned aloud; he was ready for dick.

Dr. Kyle pulled his eyes away from Austin to guide his penis into Michael's boy-cunt carefully. Slowly. He doesn't know that Michael's been fucked by much larger cocks. Just yesterday, Jeff fucked him with his big teen aged cudgel. I had to ask the young intern, "You're doing good for Michael. When's the last time you fucked a boy?"

Dr. Kyle reached balls deep before answering. "Been a few days. I try to fuck at least daily, but sometimes it doesn't work out. God, your boy's ass feels great." He pushed his cock in and out for several minutes, before turning to Bryan. "He' so tight! You gotta feel this pussy, awesome."

Bryan's cock was hard. Seven inches with a large tight scrotum just below. The round cock head had a very slight upturn. Dr. Kyle moved over to Austin, who smiled warmly. We all heard a soft moan as Michael felt the college boy's cock penetrate his ass lips. "Oh so good." We all snickered as both boys used the same expression.

Michael seemed to love Bryan's cock. He was pushing himself lower on the table, apparently to get more cock into his boy-pussy. In just a few moments, he was impaled. Bryan's cock was as deep as it could go, pubes pressing into the boy's ass cheeks. Then the muscular receptionist really started to move. "Oh what an ass, he feels so good on my cock." He started to really use his hard cock, in and out in and out, fucking my boy so well. Michael's moans were getting louder as he pushed his body to get cock deeper. My son so loves cock! After 10 minutes of deep fucking, Bryan reared up to pound his 7" as deep as possible. "Fuck yes, coming inside this boy. Take it, take it!" Michael screamed just a second later. He was cumming so hard. His sperm just shot out in four massive volleys that hit the muscular stud's chest and belly. Sperm just dripped down his body.

"That was so beautiful," Dr. Friedman told me. "Your boy is learning to take cock so well!" His arms went around my shoulders as he looked at Dr. Kyle, whose hands were currently roaming over Austin's tight body. Kyle caught the look.

Dr. Kyle left Austin's naked body to return to Michael's upturned rear. "Really impressive, boy," he said. "Some boys need to adapt to getting fucked, you've done well." Michael's penis showed no sign of softening; it was hard as ever.

"Thank you, doctor. Sometimes it feels so good." Another spurt of cum bubbled from his rock hard dick. He was surely enjoying this `examination'.

Gently Dr. Kyle reinserted his smaller penis inside Michael. He used his learned hands to caress Michael's chin. His caress expanded to Michael's face. Michael seemed to enjoy the tenderness. Dr. Kyle smiled. "Good for a teen boy to appreciate getting fucked," he told my boy. With the natural lube from Bryan, Dr. Kyle got up to speed quickly. He fucked my son so well. We all enjoyed Michael's moans of pleasure. Kyle seemed to know just where to move to get the most from his modest penis. How can he move so well with eyes glued to Austin's gym-crafted body? Michael's dick was again leaking, the pre-cum dribbling down his shaft continuously. It took Dr. Kyle just a few minutes to announce his orgasm, shooting deeply into Michael's receptive bowels.

As he pulled out, Dr. Kyle smiled at Austin. "What a perfect patient!" he said to his new friend. His softening dick was coated with juices that Austin palmed easily.

Michael was still curled up on the table, his thighs on the metal stirrups. Dr. Friedman asked, "You ok Michael? Let's get you more comfortable." Michael just mumbled something, he seemed in a sexual haze. Dr. Friedman lowered the table back to flat, guided Michael to stretch out and then pulled Michael's legs over his body. "Young athlete like you should have no trouble," he said as he rolled the boy's body almost into a ball, ass up. Michael's pussy was completely exposed and wide open. "That's so beautiful," Dr. Friedman said to me. "Such a beautiful boy-pussy. So ready for a bigger cock." He licked the open hole, forcing his tongue deep. He spit on it a few times, smearing the spit all over Michael's hairless crack. It added to the semen that was bubbling out. Michael just moaned in pleasure. "Keep that cum inside, boy. All that protein and testosterone is so good for you." He looked at me. "Want to guide me in? Help me fuck your boy?"

His cock felt so firm, so hard. And so large. My mind flashed on Cole, the minor league baseball player we met a few weeks ago, and his huge cock. I thought Doc Friedman's cock was almost as long and maybe even fatter. Certainly hairier. His pubes covered the first few inches of the long shaft. I thought the manliness of all that hair enhanced the size as it penetrated my boy's outer lips.

Michael moaned as I guided the doctor's huge penis into his hairless opening. He grimaced for a second, the cock was bigger than anything he's felt before. He took a breath, then smiled. "Please fuck me, it feels good!" My boy is becoming so good at getting fucked!

Using short strokes, Dr. Friedman began to thrust. Carefully, slowly. He looked at me as often as he gauged Michael's comfort. The boy was curled into a ball, but the doc seemed to know what his bottom was experiencing.

"Oh it feels so big," Michael moaned again. Dr. Friedman smiled at me, knowing the boy could now take more. He pressed his cock deeper, soon getting all the way in. When those thick pubes hit Michael's smooth ass cheeks, my boy moaned again. He now had cock filling more of his body than ever before. I grabbed Michael's hand to signal my support. He squeezed me tight.

I love my boy so much!

Dr. Friedman was now pounding his huge cock into Michael. His patient was moaning and grunting continuously. I saw the doctor's face twist as he tried to control himself. He was enjoying this too! Twice, the doc slowed to avoid shooting, but the third time was the charm. I put my arm around the studly doctor just as he screamed out his orgasm, shooting I don't know how many bolts into my boy's body.

Several minutes passed. Finally, Dr. Friedman withdrew, exposing his deflating penis, all covered in sperm. He took a deep breath, then said to my boy, "That was a wonderful fuck, Michael. You are on the way!" He pulled Michael's legs back to allow Michael to stretch. It was clear the boy had orgasmed yet again. Didn't even touch himself. Just getting fucked was enough. Semen covered his face and chin, dripping down as he straightened. He had a big smile on his face.

Austin, Dr. Kyle and Bryan were no longer in the room. I hadn't even seen them leave. (I learned later that Bryan had returned to the Reception desk and Dr. Kyle had led Austin to his own office, where Dr. Kyle asked Austin to fuck him.) Seems those two were becoming close friends.

Dr. Friedman's cock was still dripping. He guided us to his office. He rolled his desk chair to the middle of the room. He pointed to the floor. No words, he just pointed. Michael knew what was expected of him. He sat on the floor in front of the doctor's soft, but still very large, cock.

Dr. Friedman pointed again. He pointed to his wet cock. Sperm still coated its perhaps 7 semi-soft inches of length. Michael reached for that cock. "Mouth," Dr. Friedman said. He then added, more gently, "get to know my cock, Michael. Study it. Enjoy a man's cock. Clean it."

Michael studied the large soft penis for a full minute, before he leaned in nose first. He sniffed carefully, getting comfortable with Doc's man smells. He inhaled the doctor's large balls. After several minutes, he tried with his tongue. He started to lick the doctor's big dick.

"While Michael's busy, let's talk," Dr. Friedman said to me. I nodded as I sat on the big easy chair close to him. I was still naked. And still very hard. My cock throbbed, especially as I eyed my boy licking the doc's cock and going in to lick his large balls.

"I wanted to confirm to you that Michael's a healthy young man. His vitals are perfect, his musculature is excellent, his flexibility is superb. And his compliance with direction is admirable. He's going to make a fine addition to his team." I beamed with pride.

"But we should discuss his one issue. Of course that's the issue of nudity. I sense that Michael loves to be naked, loves to show off his teen body. He wants others to see his tight abs, his pecs, his bubble butt and of course his dick. You know that. But he also gets an erection when others see him naked or he sees others naked. You know that as well." The doctor looked down at Michael, who was now sucking the doctor's cock carefully. The doctor was choosing his words so as to not offend the boy.

"For some, getting an erection in the locker room is not a problem, but for others it is. Michael risks getting called names. Gay is fine if Michael decides that's what he is. But other words are designed to intimidate. Fag, poof, cocksucker, fudge packer. So Michael still needs to be careful where he throws a boner." Michael looked up at the doctor and nodded.

"The best treatment is what you've been doing. Exposing Michael to cock. And more cock. Letting him look at cock. Hairy cock, smooth cock, large and small. Also guys' balls and asses." He caressed Michael's head as the boy went down deep, almost swallowing the big cock. "And letting him enjoy those cocks. Sucking cocks. Learning to be a good cocksucker, learning to please the man who's offering his cock to Michael." Michael looked up again, smiling at the doctor as he caressed that big cock he's been sucking, running the cock all over his face, into his eyes and ears.

"And fucking," Dr. Friedman continued. "The boy is an excellent bottom. He can take all size cocks and enjoy them all. Let that continue. Get Michael fucked often. It's the best way for him to get comfortable with cock. Aargh," Dr. Friedman moaned as he stood and ejaculated inside Michael's mouth, pulsing several times as my boy swallowed as much as he could. Just a couple drops leaked from the sides of his mouth.

Dr. Friedman slowly looked at Michael, then at me. "Yes, he's a real good cocksucker." He ruffled Michael's hair. "You haven't had a release this morning, Mr. P. Michael, sit on your dad's lap. There's more to discuss."

I welcomed my boy with open arms. Michael settled in as Dr. Friedman sat on the floor in front of us. "Michael needs love. As much affection as possible. He's a loving boy and needs that love in return." Gently the doctor took hold of my cock and guided me into Michael's hole. "Michael needs the love that a good fuck provides, but also the caressing and kissing that goes with it."

I understood. We need to make love to him, not just fuck. Michael was nodding as he bounced on my cock. It felt so good on my needy cock. But I got the message loud and clear. I grasped Michael's face and kissed him. First on the cheeks. Michael smiled. Then on the lips. Just a peck. Mmm Michael moaned. Then I kissed him hard on his lips. I kissed him like I used to kiss his mother. It felt wonderful. Michael kissed back. He even pushed his tongue into my mouth. It felt so fabulous. But a whole morning of stimulation caught up with me. I came. Not just came, but kept cumming again and again as Michael bounced on my cock.

"Beautiful," Dr. Friedman whispered. He stood up and kissed Michael's lips. "So beautiful." He lowered his face into Michael's crotch and quickly sucked my boy's cock. He caressed it with his tongue, his cheeks, his lips. He was indeed making love to Michael's cock. It didn't take long. Michael came and came. All over the doctor's handsome face. The doctor kept licking Michael's hard cock, sucking out all the sperm inside. "Beautiful," I whispered.

We went in the doctor's office shower. Big enough for two, but really crowded for three. The doctor directed Michael to the shower floor. "Try to release some of that cum, now, boy. You have four loads in there. Though it's better if you hold it, it might prove embarrassing as you go home."

As always, Michael followed instructions, sitting on the shower floor, giving the doctor and I room to stand. The doctor's big cock was soft as was mine. We looked at each other as I nodded. Michael looked up just as I released my pee. It rained down on my boy's head, soaking his face. Dr. Friedman smiled. "You do have him trained. Part of enjoying cock." He released his own heavy stream, pissing onto Michael's head and chest.

Once we were empty, we lifted my boy and washed him carefully. Michael moaned again and again as four hands caressed his body with soap and with love. As we washed, he let go of his own piss, hitting us on our bellies as the shower washed it all away. Michael laughed as he demonstrated how happy he was.

We dried leisurely. Michael was showing no signs of wanting to dress. The doctor grinned. "So like Jax, really love being naked, right Michael?"

"Who's Jax?" I asked.

"Why, my son. He's just past 13, hard to keep him in clothes."

I was curious. "Can I ask, doctor, how's a young guy like you have a 13 year old? You seem so young."

"Not that young. People think I'm in my late 20's but I'm 35. Lost my wife to cancer a couple years ago. Jax's all I have left. Love him to death."

"Same as me, doc. Lost Michael's mother 3 years ago, breast cancer. Austin has been so wonderful to our family ever since."

"Then we have a lot in common, don't we?" He looked at my son, still naked. "Are you happy with your dad, boy?"

"Oh yes sir. So happy. I loved my mom, but she's gone. Dad works from home most of the time and Austin's right next door. And lately, well, lately they don't mind if I'm naked. I guess I like to be naked." My boy was opening up to this doctor. So healthy for him to admit his feelings.

Dr. Friedman smiled. He understood. "Well, as long as we're all naked, let's get a closer look at you. He quickly pulled out an old wood box. "Stand here. Let's take a close look at you." The doc then winked at me. Michael's cheeks were getting red; he was getting embarrassed.

The doctor walked around my boy. "Nice," he said as he squeezed my boy's legs and felt his calves. "Strong for a boy `almost 17". He felt his thighs, massaging up towards his groin. He then walked around to Michael's ass and squeezed the cheeks fully with his palms. Michael's cock was filling up. "So soon? Such a healthy boy." The doctor gently touched my son's penis, causing it to rise completely. Seven inches pointing at a 90 degree angle. He touched the cock again, gently running his knuckles up the shaft. "You have a beautiful penis, boy. A fine cock." He continued to gently touch it, from Michael's tip down to his balls and back again. "I expect you're having enough opportunities to use it."

"So tell me, Michael, when was the last time before today that you used your cock. And your mouth, and your beautiful ass." He looked at me as he spoke to my son. "I'm recommending you use it a lot."

"Uh, yesterday, doctor," Michael groaned. He was enjoying the man's fingers gently stroking his cock.

At that moment Austin walked into the office along with Dr. Kyle. Dr. Kyle had on his scrubs pants, but they were open and pulled down; his soft cock was on display. Austin was naked; his cock soft but looking very wet. "Nice of you guys to drop by," Dr. Friedman joked as he enclosed his palm around Michael's dripping shaft. Michael moaned. He loved this.

"Uh uh uh, it was yesterday. At Power House. Jeff. He.. he.. he came late. Said he had sex with Tiffany but he wanted me. He said it was me he was thinking about even while he fucked her." He was panting as he spoke.

Michael looked at me. "Really dad, that's what he whispered to me. He wanted to fuck me. Even in front of all those other guys. He really wanted to fuck me." He bent his legs as Dr. Friedman continued to so gently caress my boy's throbbing cock.

"And did he? Did he fuck you in front of other people?" Dr. Friedman seemed to squeeze his palm a bit tight. He looked right at Austin and Kyle as he played with my son's dick.

"Oh god, yes, yes he did," Michael cried. He was about to cum. Can't believe there's more cum inside those balls of his, but just then a clear bubble arose from his piss slit.

"Is that all he did? Did he do anything else?" Dr. Friedman let up on the throbbing penis he was controlling.

"He kissed me, he never did that before. He really kissed me. It felt so good. Even when someone shot his cum on my face, Jeff kept kissing me. His cock felt so good inside."

"All true, doc," I admitted. "About 5 guys shot on him. And I was one of them. It was so beautiful seeing these two boys loving each other."

"I want to see him again, dad. Can he fuck me again? We have practice tomorrow, can I take him home, dad, please?"

"I'm seeing some love here," Dr. Friedman said. "A boy loving his friend. You need to get fucked by him, Michael." His words were so impactful to my son. I could see him tense his body. He was ready to orgasm yet again! But Dr. Friedman seemed to control his caresses, keeping the boy on edge.

"You want to cum, Michael?" Michael pushed his hard cock deeper into the doctor's talented hands. "You want to cum while Austin, Dr. Kyle and your father watch? You want to shoot your load in front of other men? Then tell us you like cock, boy." Michael groaned, he was so close. The doctor stopped his stroking. "Tell us, boy. Do you love cock?"

After a long pause, and a big breath, softly my boy answered. "I love cock."

"Louder boy. We can't hear you." The doctor barely touched Michael's throbbing shaft. "Oh, oh oh, yes, I love cock," Michael said again.

"Louder," Dr. Friedman announced. "Do you love cock?" He continued to just barely use his fingers on the spasming cock shaft.

"Oh god yes, I love cock," Michael almost screamed. And then, "I'm gonna cum," he cried. Dr. Friedman quickly closed his mouth around Michael's spasming penis, shooting into the waiting mouth. Michael grabbed his head to prevent falling off the box, thrusting his cock deep inside the doctor. Dr. Friedman seemed to swallow the boy's entire cock for almost a full minute as Michael pressed his body into the doctor's face.

At the same time, Dr. Kyle grabbed Austin's cock. "Guess the boy loves cock."

"You taste wonderful, Michael." Then to me. "You should be proud of your son, Mr. P. A wonderful boy." He guided his finger to his chin to re-swallow some boycum that he missed. He smiled at Kyle and Austin. "Boy loves cock, and really tastes good," he said as he scooped more cum from his face into his mouth. Michael took it all in. Now when we dressed, it seemed our exam was over.

We were driving home. Austin stayed with Kyle. Michael was quiet as I drove. Nothing was said until I pulled into the driveway. I opened my door to exit. Michael just sat there. I got back in, looking at my quiet son. I sensed he was contemplating something...something important. Or it could have been exhaustion from all those orgasms. Finally he got out and walked into the house.

Inside the house, Michael looked at me. He sighed heavily. "Dad, I love cock." I nodded and took him to me for a hug. And then he said what he was really thinking...."Dad, I'm gay."


Jeff and Michael have been married for 5 years now. They're awaiting adoption of their first boy. Life has been good for the two men. Jeff's college career as a Division I quarterback has resulted in a successful coaching career. And Michael, still in love with Jeff, is the most popular science teacher at Eastern High. And me, sharing a home with Carl Friedman, I can't wait for my first grandchild as my best friend Carl leaves for another day at his teen boy clinic. His son Jax is enjoying college, but we still have trouble keeping him in clothes.

Thanks for sharing Michael's story with me. From Michael and His Coach to Michael and His Dad, we've watched Michael learn to accept who he is and become the fine man we now appreciate.

Comments? stockman334@gmail.com

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