Michael and His Dad

By Stockman

Published on Jul 15, 2022


Michael and His Dad 13

By Stockman: stockman334@gmail.com

Been too long since since we heard from Michael. I love to hear from you all!!! Please contact me at stockman334@gmqil.com

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I assured my boy that his mini Jockstrap looked great. But I could understand Michael's embarrassment. The swimmer's jock barely covered his junk. Less than half his pubes were covered and one testicle kept slipping out. We paused at the full length mirror as we exited the locker room. "You're a stud, son. Beautiful teenage stud. Beautiful body. Let guys see it. Let them enjoy you. Show off your teen body as you check out theirs. Look at their cocks, Michael. Get comfortable with cock," I told him while caressing his almost naked body from his chest into his pubes. I pressed my own jock-covered cock into his ass to emphasize his need to get comfortable with mancock.

"Dad, are you sure it's ok?". I could only smile. My son was still so insecure!

Mr. A and his son were working out just outside the locker room entrance. After introductions, Mr. A took Michael a few feet away. Left with Boyce, I asked him how he felt working out at Power House in his jockstrap.

"I love it," he smiled. "Coach Carter is always encouraging me to be more free with my body. Dad's the only one who agrees. So I've never done this before. Do you like it sir?"

"That jock looks perfect on you," I agreed. "Doesn't hide much, so you can be as free as you like." I looked closely at his body. Hairless muscular chest on his short 5'5" frame. "Awesome young body, son," I added. His muscular legs are beautifully formed, I noted. His nearly see-through jock allowed his small penis to shine through. Under 3" in its soft state, it was surrounded by a lovely frame of ginger colored trimmed hair. I suspected he was letting it regrow at his dad's instruction. Right now it looked like a perfectly formed frame around his man-parts.

"Thank you sir. Dad's always helping me keep up. He and Coach."

"They're doing a good job. Your body is in great shape." I put my arms around him, enjoying his soft skin as we looked over at Michael and Mr. A. My boss was caressing Michael's ass at that moment.

"Tell me, Boyce. Do you and your dad play with other boys? Friends, perhaps?" I couldn't keep my hands from caressing Boyce's chest and 6 pack. So solid as well as soft!

"Uh, yes sir. Dad expects me to be nice to his friends and even some clients. I like it when that happens. But I'm so busy with gymnastics, I don't get a lot of time home. That's why we've become so friendly with Coach Carter."

"Well they've done a masterful job," I complimented the boy as my fingers probed his lower belly, drifting into his soft pubic patch. "I like the hair you have, very manly," I added.

"Yeah, Dad wanted me to let it grow. Coach Carter wanted it trimmed, but Dad says I look more manly with pubes. Last month I had to pose for both of them so they could decide."

"You certainly must have impressed them. I'm guessing they took the opportunity to assure your body was pleasurable. A body such as yours should be used for that, especially for your superiors." I continued to stroke the boy's delicious body, drifting my fingers inside his jock. I glanced up to see Mr. A pressing his palm inside Michael's small jock as well. It looks like we're about to enjoy each others' precious boy.

"Thank you sir. I like to keep in good shape. They inspected me so carefully." He giggled. "I don't think there was a part of my body they didn't inspect."

"That's the way it should be," I agreed, my hands roaming freely through his genitals. I appreciated the feeling of a teen boy's parts, especially as his small cock grew hard. "Your body is really nice, boy," I whispered.

"Gymnastics helps. And I love when Dad and his friends tell me I look good. Uh is that ok to say?" The boy was blushing. It made him look so attractive as his skin matched his ginger hair.

"Well you do look good." My hands were fully surrounding his privates, meeting from ass to balls. He felt so good, so compliant. He was allowing a total stranger to caress his body, pulling down his jock, exposing him to others as I played with him. My cock was hard inside my own jockstrap. It popped out quickly.

"Oh sir, you're so big. Almost like my dad." I pressed it against Boyce's boyhole. His hole was not that tight, but not loose. I slipped in easily. "Oh sir, are you going to fuck me? Here in the gym, oh sir."

His moans turned me on. I looked to see Mr. A pressing his groin into Michael's backside. We were fucking each other's son. It was so good!

The two dads seemed to push the boys closer. We were fucking alongside each other. I grinned at my boss. This was new to me, trading sons out in the open. I felt my orgasm approaching as Boyce pushed his ass tight to my body. It didn't take long. I had to stifle my groan as I ejaculated inside boy ass. So good. Mr. A patted me on the back.

About a half hour later, we saw two men at a weight bench working on arm curls. "Like those guys, Michael? Look at the big bulge in the seated one, huge right? Looks well packed, son". I couldn't help it; I knew just what my boy likes. Cock. Big cock.

Michael stepped closer as I held back. College men in tight jockstraps. The blond one was caressing his buddy's biceps carefully. "Huge guns, Jay," Blondie was saying. "Huge fucking guns." He kept caressing Jay's right bicep repeatedly, running his hands from the black-haired man's elbow to his shoulder. Michael kept moving closer. Blondie saw him. "Real nice, isn't it? Get me some oil, kid. These guns need to be respected."

There were bottles every few feet. Michael quickly handed Blondie a bottle. "Help me, kid. Check out these arms." As Blondie began to oil Jay's right arm, Michael was directed to the left. Copying, Michael poured oil on Jay's large bicep and began to work the oil in. "Fuck that feels good," Jay moaned. The darker haired college boy raised his arms contracting his thick muscled bicep showing all 16 inches with pride.

Blondie spread more oil as he groaned in appreciation of his bud's large bicep. "Love your arms, dude," he whispered. He moved his oily hand across the round muscle into Jay's armpit, oiling all the long black hairs there. He added even more oil to the pit, stretching out the hair for a good coating.

Michael did the same as the blond boy, coating and caressing Jay's armpit again and again. I could see my boy loved it, and loved playing with those pit hairs . I could see Jay closing his eyes in ecstasy, enjoying the attention of two guys caressing his arms and pits. "Damn, Bobby, that feels sooo good," Jay moaned. He looked at Michael. "You have great hands, kid. Keep it up."

Michael was saying yes sir when suddenly there was an announcement over the PA. "We're turning this into a private club," Steve announced. "To insure our privacy, we're locking the doors. This will allow us to be as friendly as guys want to be. Oh, we're also lowering the lights, the fluorescents, to provide a more friendly atmosphere." I could imagine Steve smiling as he said this last bit, but it seemed to work. The incandescent lights provided a more mood-filled light, sort of like a bar rather than a gym. I liked it.

By this time Bobby and Michael were getting a lot more personal with Jay. Michael's hands were spreading oil over Jay's body, caressing his hairy chest and tight abs. Michael was enjoying the opportunity to caress a man's hairy chest. Bobby was massaging his buddy's arms and armpits; it was clear he loved those body parts. Again and again he rubbed Jay's biceps and into his manly pits, playing with the college boy's dense underarm hair. Michael glanced at me and smiled; he knew he was doing what he needed to do: get comfortable with men. He was feeling a man's body, touching parts he rarely gets to feel. We watched Bobby's hands going lower and lower. "Take care of my bud's thighs," He pulled Michael to start oiling the man's inner thighs. I could see his fingers drifting under the athlete's jock.

Jay started moaning. "Oh shit, guys, play with me. Oh fuck," he moaned as Michael oiled the packed jock, the pouch become wet and slimy. In a second Michael was following Bobby's directions and pushing his hand inside Jay's jockstrap.

"Oh man, kid, play with my dick. Bobby, this kid is playing with my dick. Kid, play with my dick. Don't care who can see, play with my dick!"

As Bobby's hands worked Jay's upper body, Michael did as he was told. He reached inside the jock waistband. I could clearly see him cup the stud's balls. Michael again glanced my way, smiling as he played with the guy's dick and balls. Seeing my nod, he pulled down the strap, exposing the college boy cock to the air.

Michael gasped. "Oh what a nice cock!" He licked his lips. My boy so loves cock! Just semi-hard, it was already a thick 8" over tight round hairy nuts. Black hair circled the manly appendage, extending several inches above the penis as well as around it. Michael grasped the large penis as it extended to a full 9". "So beautiful," my boy moaned. He leaned in to inhale the man's cock fragrance. As he was taught, my boy pressed his nose into the man's full ball sack and around through the wiry man hair.

A small crowd was gathering. Michael waited for a nod from Jay, but it was Bobby who told him what to do. "Suck my buddy's dick, boy. Suck cock. Suck it now."

"Fucking beautiful," a tall guy next to me murmured, as Michael swallowed the thick cock. Four or five guys were crowding around. Austin arrived just in time as Jay grasped my son's head, pushed him deep onto his rod, as deep as my boy could go. Nine inches of fat cock were now buried in Michael's mouth. Michael's face was pressed tightly to hairy groin. My son was breathing sweaty wiry pubes. I knew he was loving it. I could hear the glub glub of cock hitting Michael's throat. Slime was pouring from Michael's mouth. Jay held him there for barely 2 minutes until we could all hear a loud groan. Jay was cumming, pounding my teen's oral cavity with spasms of manly seed.

I couldn't deny the huge smile on Michael's wet and spermy face as the stud finished with him. In public, my son had sucked a big cock and felt proud of it. He drank a load of man cream and savored the taste. My boy was learning how to be comfortable with men. He looked up at Jay. And then he went back down to suck the softening tool and to clean the cock he just sucked, licking the long shaft and pressing his entire face along the cock. He liked that big cock.

And as Jay enjoyed the intensity of a great blow job, he moaned and whispered for all to hear. "So fucking good, so fucking good." Bobby added a "great cocksucking" compliment.

"That was beautiful," Austin told my boy just as Steve arrived. "I could see how much you loved getting your lips around that thick cock. And you were pressing into his pubic hair. Were you breathing his scent? You were loving it, weren't you? Getting comfortable with cock, right?"

"Oh Austin, oh Dad, it was so different. Once I started playing with his pit hair, I couldn't stop. His chest hair was so thick! And his pubes were so manly. Oh I wish I get body hair like that. Will I Dad?"

My son so loves a masculine body. His hard teen cock was leaking as it showed above the thin jock he was wearing. Steve Power pulled Michael into a hug. He glanced at Michael's exposed very hard manhood. Steve pressed two fingers into Michael's slimy mouth. "That was a big cock you just sucked, Michael. Jeff would be proud. You're sucking cock with the best of them. Be proud you're becoming a fine cocksucker."

Michael grinned at the compliment as Steve continued. "But only a few guys saw you do such a good job. Come with me, I want you up front."

Steve and Austin directed Michael to the L shaped sofa near the front desk. They pointed to the corner. "Sit there." Michael sat down with a perplexed look on his face. "And spread your legs wide, Michael. That jock needs to be seen." Austin seemed to enjoy taking control of my boy. Steve grabbed me by the arm. "Let's let the young'uns play, Andrew. I've got something to show you."

Austin told Michael to spread wide. "That's good, Michael. Show off for men. Let them see your teen body. And hard cock. I don't want you to be modest." Michael nodded. He likes doing what he's told. He spread his legs as far as possible, showing all his body. Austin looked around. "Hey Kyle, is that you? Come here a minute."

Austin hugged a tall young man. Kyle was well over 6 feet, rugged looking college boy. His hairless chest led to a thick treasure trail which widened into a hint of pubes before disappearing inside a Bike supporter. The mesh seemed quite full. "You're looking real good, Kyle. Meet my family friend. Michael, this is Kyle. He was one of my first massage `victims" a couple weeks ago."

Each boy greeted the other with a casual hi. Kyle glanced at Michael's spread legs, exposing his tiny jockstrap. "Michael's trying to get comfortable being around men. How `bout you, Kyle? I see you've got a nice package going." Austin moved his hand across Kyle's jock. "Really nice, Kyle. Michael, can you see the outline of Kyle's penis? See how it curves down a bit, almost reaching under his balls?" Austin continued to feel the mesh-covered cock of the college boy. He stroked his knuckles down the imprint. Kyle let out a hiss as his cock started expanding, which pulled the jock lower, exposing a segment of brown pubic hair. "Yeah, Michael, I remember that Kyle loved my massage. Said he never felt like that before." Austin continued stroking Kyle's jock-covered cock.

"Uh..oh..Austin," Kyle seemed to pull away. "We shouldn't be doing that here, should we?"

"Sure, we're a private club tonight. It's ok. Right Michael?" Then "Michael's trying to be comfortable with men. Sort of new for him." Austin kept stroking Kyle's heavy jock pouch. "Michael's learning to do what I suggested to you a couple weeks ago. Remember?"

Kyle seemed embarrassed. His dick was growing under Austin's persistent caresses as he recalled what Austin had told him. Austin was about to share it with Michael.

"Kyle loved his massage, Michael. Especially the end. Remember Kyle? Your cock had gotten so hard. Though you were embarrassed, your dick was leaking so much I barely needed oil around your middle. You were groaning as I massaged your thighs, then your nuts and finally your cock. Remember, Kyle? I even measured it. Eight inches, wasn't it? Bigger than Michael's, though Michael hopes his'll get there soon. Finally I sucked your cock, right Kyle? You couldn't believe a guy would suck cock. But you pushed my head deep into your body and came inside my mouth. Michael, Kyle just kept cumming and coming. Eight spurts if I remember correctly. And I kept sucking even after he finished. Kyle kept pushing my head down into his pubes as he enjoyed my post-orgasm suck and clean. He loved it."

Austin smiled as he kept squeezing Kyle's mesh bulge. The hidden cock was so hard it made a tent of the jock. Kyle's pubes were nearly fully exposed. "So I made a suggestion, right Kyle? After you admitted that that was the best blowjob you ever had, and the first from a guy, I suggested that you should get many more guy blowjobs. Trade blowjobs with your best buddy. No reason not to enjoy cocksucking just because there are no girls around. Get sucked by a friend and return the favor. Do it everyday. You'd love the sucking and you'll be better friends with your bud."

Kyle's boner was complete. Austin squeezed it again. "Bet you'd love another blowjob. Slowly he pulled Kyle's jock to his ankles. "See Michael? A beautiful hard cock. A cock in need of a wet mouth. A big cock just for you."

Michael's breathing was coming slow. His eyes were glued to the big cock barely hidden. He could see the pubes exposed on all sides of the stretched strap. His mouth was watering. He didn't want to be known as a fag, but the allure of a big cock was too much to ignore. Gosh he loved cock.

Austin could see several guys surrounding the sofa. Gently he guided Michael's head to the big hard cock. Michael looked up at Kyle. Did he want Michael to lick it? To suck it? Michael couldn't help just staring at that big cock. The head was so wide, and it was leaking juice already! Michael couldn't hold back. As Austin guided, Michael sucked that big cock head into his mouth.

"Oh fuck," Kyle groaned. "Oh this is so goooood." Michael kept moving his teen mouth deeper onto the big cock. "Oh so fucking good!"

Kyle's perception of guy cocksucking was changing so quickly. He loved it!

The crowd was getting larger. Suddenly a college boy came alongside Kyle. "Dude, a kid's sucking your cock!"

"Fuck, Ryan. It's so good. Kid makes me feel so good. Love getting my cock sucked. We should do it together!"

Austin understood what was happening. Kyle's buddy Ryan. The massage therapist reached over to caress Ryan's growing bulge. "It's great to get your cock sucked by a friend." He pushed Michael over to Ryan. Suck this cock," he ordered.

Michael smiled as he quickly pulled down Ryan's Bike to find a hardening 6" cock. He engulfed it, pressing down completely through the smaller shaft to the young man's pubes. "Oh fuck," Ryan cried as he pulled the cocksucker's face into his body. Michael so loves being ordered to suck dick.

Austin watched the two young men getting sucked. He turned to Kyle. Did you know your cock's so much bigger than your buddy? Ryan responded as he cradled Michael's head to his groin. "I always knew. Kyle's hung."

"You both have nice cocks," Austin said as he engulfed Kyle again. Both men were getting sucked off together. It was a beautiful sight.

By now 15 guys were watching. Jocks were dropping to the floor. Cocks were being stroked. Michael was sucking Ryan's tight ballsack, loving the texture. He could hear men around him fapping their cock shafts as they watched him and Austin servicing the studs above them. It was so good. Ryan didn't last long. In a groan that could be heard across the gym, he came. Shooting his college cream across Michael's head, his hair, his cheeks, his eyes. Cum covered the teen's face completely. Kyle couldn't hold back either as he flooded Austin with six generous loads of sweet sperm.

"Dude, you're one hell of a cocksucker," a voice from the crowd said as Michael squared up to leave. Austin, after patting Michael on the butt for a job well done, and the two college kids were drifting away. Michael looked to see who was speaking. It was Brad, the guy from the Jock Shop. Like Michael, he was wearing a small swimmer's jock that barely covered his junk. His normally small bulge was extended as he was really turned on watching Michael and Austin. "Really hot, dude," he repeated. "And in that tiny jockstrap, you look fantastic."

"Uh, thanks, Brad. You look good, too." Michael has such good manners.

Brad openly caressed Michael's butt cheeks. "Really looking good in that jock. Your ass is awesome." Brad continued to stroke, even getting a finger inside the teen's crack. "Your ass looks so tight, hard to believe I fucked it just it a few hours ago."

Michael was so turned on by Brad's words. His cock was still rock hard in his too-small jock. He felt Brad guiding him across the gym floor, almost pushing him by his ass hole. It felt so good, and so embarrassing at the same time! "I want you to see something," Brad told the younger teen.

They got to the far side of the gym. I was there waiting, watching my boy walking, his cock sticking out the top of his tiny strap. His mouth was wet. Sperm. I hoped he enjoyed it.

"Found him," Brad announced. The far corner of the gym was set up as a mini Jock Shop. A small platform was set up in front of a portable three-way mirror. Brad seemed proud of his handiwork as was his dad. Bob had his arm around me as I put my arm around Michael.

"They want you to model your wonderful jock, son. I said yes. You look so good in that tiny thing. I'm happy to let others see you." Michael knows I make the decisions.

Though my son looked nervous, he smiled. "Yes dad. But will they like me all hard like this? I get so embarrassed!"

"Your hard boy dick makes it even better." Bob was already positioning my boy onto the platform.

Steve was on the loudspeaker. "Gentlemen, as an added bonus to Jock Night, we've set up a temporary Jock Shop display at the far side of the gym floor. We invite you all to check it out. One of our guests is already modeling a sample for those who'd like to see. We hope more of you will want to model as well. Some of you are familiar with Jock Shop; we hope others will check it out. Feel free to inspect and touch the samples today."

A crowd had formed around Michael on the platform. "Notice the well made edges of this jock," Bob was explaining to a very handsome 30 year-old. The tall man was slender like a runner wearing just an old-school style thick jock. Unashamedly, he touched Michael's thin jock, getting more penis than jock. "Looks really fine, man. I'd like one myself," he indicated as he caressed Michael's hard boy dick. He backed away as two other men took over feeling Michael's dick as they surveyed the jock. Seems these two were more interested in cock than in jock. Michael was loving the attention; his cock leaked more and more as the two men examined the merchandise.

Brad joined Michael on the platform. "Let's show off." He pulled Michael down so the two were bent at the waist to demonstrate the straps but managed to show boy pussies at the same time. "Now I have a surprise for you. Don't look up."

A hand came to rest on Michael's ass. "That ass needs a good fucking," the voice announced.

Michael recognized that voice immediately.

"Jeff! Oh Jeff!"

"I couldn't keep away, Michael. Now it's time your man fucked you good."

Comments? Suggestions? stockman334@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 14

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