Michael and His Dad

By Stockman

Published on Dec 17, 2021


Michael and His Dad 12

By Stockman. stockman334@gmail.com

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We walked home in silence. Michael seemed concerned. "Dad, Do you think Jeff's mad at me? He disappeared so quickly with Sean. And Sean's so good looking. That blond hair and all. Do you think Jeff'll have time for me again?"

My son is so insecure. He really likes Jeff. He loved when Jeff fucked him, then Jeff allowed his uncle Steve to fuck him as well. It wasn't just the fucks, I knew, it was his big cock and the way Jeff took control of him, ordered him around but caressed him as well. Michael so loves to be told what to do even as he's being cared for. And Jeff seemed to have a soft spot for trying new things with Michael. I wasn't worried that Sean would steal Jeff. "No worries, Michael. Jeff will be back before you know it."

I needed to change the subject. "Did you like the Jock Shop? Did you like when Brad fucked you? He slid in so easily."

"Oh Dad, sure it felt good, but he is a bit small. Jeff feels so much better in there." He looked at me. "And you do too," he laughed.

"Ah, I guess you're feeling a bit better. Remember to try to get comfortable with men. Look at naked men when you can as well as sucking cock and getting fucked. Right?"

"I got it, Dad. You're the best!" The short walk home cleared the air, until...

Jeff was sitting on our front steps. I could see Michael tense. Jeff must have seen it as well. "Michael, I'm so sorry," Jeff said quickly as he stood. Michael nearly ran him over as he rushed into his arms. "I was so afraid you'd be upset. Sean seemed to drag me away; he so wanted me to go to his home. And even though his parents were very happy to see me as well, I knew I had to come back to you to explain."

Michael barely left his friend's arms; the feelings for his friend were intense. Too intense. They're just kids, I thought. "Jeff, no need to explain. Remember, we may be protective of our women, but we share our men. Did you fuck Sean? He seemed to be eager, especially after sucking your cock at Power House." Could he see I was trying to ease the tension?

Jeff answered me as he looked right at Michael. "No. No way. I guess I could have, but Michael is the only boy I've ever fucked." He was being so sincere! "And besides, Michael's a much better cocksucker," Jeff laughed. Michael hugged his friend even tighter. He was so happy!

"Really, Jeff. It's great you two are becoming good friends. Just remember guys share. It's ok to mess with other guys - and girls - when the time is right. Enjoy cock and cunt whenever you can."

"Yes, sir, I know you're right. I even have a date tonight with Tiffany. I'd rather stay here, though, but there's a get-together I promised I'd attend. And I gotta get a shower first, I must stink."

"I need one too,' Michael interjected. "Shower here, with me. Please?"

"Yes, we all need to clean up. Let's use the big shower upstairs." I wanted the boys to stay together. Upstairs, in my oversized shower, which I had made up from a spare bedroom, there was plenty of room to strip and shower. Mirrors lined 2 walls and the four shower heads provided plenty of water. Of course the body sprays added a more luxurious touch. "Michael, help Jeff with his clothes," I directed. Looking at Jeff I explained. "Michael still needs help hanging with men. Want to continue to help him by telling him what to do?"

Jeff smiled at me in understanding. "Lower my shorts, Michael. Take care of your quarterback." Still without underwear, Jeff's big dick came quickly into view. Michael just stared at it. The man sized cock was completely soft, 5 inches of thick teen meat surrounded by his abundant pubic patch. His balls were nearly as long with just a few hairs. He'll have more as he ages, I thought.

Michael stared at his friend's crotch. He's seen it several times, I knew, but still he studies like it's his first view. The boy knows he needs to memorize all the cocks he sees. "It's so beautiful," Michael moaned under his breath. He kept studying his friend's large cock. I was so happy Michael could appreciate such a manly cock. "Shower," Jeff reminded my son. Michael quickly shucked his own shorts and guided his friend into the large shower room.

"Wash your friend, Michael," I directed. "Show him how we take care of our guests." Michael used the liquid soap dispenser on the wall to wash his friend's body. I liked how he slowly moved his hands over Jeff's body, soaping his chest, legs, back, neck, arms, and finally his hair. The boys giggled as Michael carefully washed Jeff's forehead, cheeks, chin and lips. "Slowlllllly, Michael. Take care of your friend." As Michael very slowly washed under his buddy's nose and lips, I couldn't help notice that he was getting hard. He sure was loving the opportunity to caress his friend's body. I noticed he spent several minutes washing his QB's armpits, stretching and cleaning the teen's pit hair. Finally, he went lower to Jeff's belly but hesitated to go lower.

Michael looked at me. "Use your eyes, son. Ask your man's permission with just a glance." Indeed, Jeff was nodding his approval. Slowly Michael proceeded to wash his man. He soaped the thick crotch hair, combing his soapy fingers through Jeff's wiry pubes, stretching the hairs until Jeff moaned in pleasure. Then Jeff's balls, caressing the orbs with a soapy palm. Then under Jeff's nuts, back towards his firm ass crack. Even from the front, Michael washed his quarterback's ass.

"Aah," Jeff was enjoying the attention. He turned, offering his solid backside to his wide receiver. Michael soaped the strong globes and pressed again inside the trench. "AAAgh," Jeff moaned again. Michael had pressed a finger at Jeff's entrance. Michael looked at me.

"Clean him well, boy. All of him."

Michael pressed a second finger to Jeff's hole, getting it well cleaned. I was proud of my boy. He did it carefully, awaiting Jeff's moans of pleasure, not pain.

After washing Jeff's legs and feet, Michael stood in completion. "Now for the moisturizer," I instructed. Michael's dick was rock hard.

Starting again, Michael spread the thicker moisturizing cream into Jeff's skin. He was careful around the taller boy's eyes, but made sure every inch of his face was well moisturized. Then he went lower, spreading the cream over Jeff's torso, squeezing the prominent pec muscles before moving down his legs and back up to his groin. He moisturized his friend's balls, and the now-hard penis in front of him. Michael smiled as we heard Jeff's moans. Michael caressed his friend's hard manhood again and again, gently but fully, until Jeff cried that he might cum. Michael looked at me, smiling. He was so happy providing pleasure to the boy he liked so much!

Jeff glanced at me as he pulled my boy into his body. I could see that big QB cock alongside Michael's face. I think it has grown since I last saw it so hard. Almost nine inches, I thought. Michael swooned as the throbber rubbed his face. "Oh so good," we could hear Jeff moan. "Oh you make me feel so good." Jeff grabbed Michael's head, pulling him even tighter to his body. Quarterback pubes pressed into Michael's nose. I could see my boy breathing through those pubes, enjoying the manliness.

Michael looked up at Jeff. It seemed to me Michael was in control, a rare behavior for him. I know he loves being submissive, but he wanted to love Jeff in his own way. Michael looked down at Jeff's huge cock, then up again. He seemed to reach a conclusion. Jeff was breathing hard. Michael would not only wash his bud, he'd take care of him. Slowly, very slowly, he licked upwards from the base of his buddy's cock, coating the whole thing in boy spit. Then slowly, very slowly he pressed his tongue onto Jeff's cock head, barely touching it. "Aaah," we heard Jeff moan again. "It's so so so so gooooood," Jeff cried.

It was sweet torture for Jeff as he enjoyed Michael's gentle tongue. He couldn't take much more of this. His moaning increased. Finally, he went over the top. A huge bolt of QB cum blasted from his cock, hitting Michael's eyes with the force of a rocket. Michael didn't flinch, even as another blast hit him in the nose and a few blasts shot directly into Michael's mouth. "So good, so good," Jeff screamed.

Even as his man came down from his orgasmic high, Michael kept going. Licking Jeff's receding cock, he made sure Jeff's body was totally clean. He was careful to avoid Jeff's natural sensitivity after a climax, but he licked and slobbered over Jeff's barely softening shaft, his balls, his pubes and the area behind those oversized nuts. Finally, he licked Jeff's hole, cleansing it of any sweat before applying more moisturizer into Jeff's beautiful ass hole. It was clear that Michael was making love to his man's body.

Jeff pulled my boy - HIS boy - up. "Oh, Michael, I never felt anything like this before. Thank you, thank you. I love what you do to me. I never....I never felt this way." Jeff looked at me. Then back at Michael. "I think I love you, man." Wow I never expected that. Jeff grabbed Michael into the biggest hug he could give, almost crushing my son as the two naked teens hugged. "You're my cocksucker, Michael. My best friend and my cocksucker. Forever." Jeff's cock was still semi-hard. It seemed he couldn't control it.

Michael just stared at his bud. He needed to respond. But how? Tears were coming to his eyes. "I...I love you, too, Jeff." He fell to his knees, too choked up to say anything else. He seemed to signal that Jeff was his leader, his boss, his master. He looked at Jeff's cock and then at his face, then at his cock. Jeff seemed to understand.

Jeff released his piss slowly. The yellow liquid hit Michael's chest as it grew stronger. Soon Jeff's manly pee was hitting Michael's chin. Then stronger flow. It hit Michael's face, then his eyes, then his hair. Piss dribbled from Michael's hair through his eyes, nose, cheeks, mouth and chin. Michael seemed to breathe in the strong manly piss of his man. He smiled. He loved it. His man was claiming him.

The boys were regaining strength as we sat in the den. They had stayed naked. I loved how their penises had stayed tumescent. Beautiful cocks open and hanging for all to see. I looked at our guest. "Michael's learning to be comfortable with men. How're YOU doing?"

Jeff slowly smiled. He pulled Michael in for a hug. "I think great, Mr. P. From being so uncomfortable at Sean's house, to feeling so great here, been a great experience." He thought for a second. "More than a great experience, it's been a loving one. Sure hate to have to leave. This date with Tiffany, I gotta go."

"Obligations, I know how you feel. Michael and I are going to Power House. He's got a new jock to wear. Our boy - and I can call him ours, can't I? - is still working on his comfort. That jock should help."

Michael piped up. He'd been quiet so long, letting his men decide his fate. "Can I show you , Jeff? Can I show you my jock?" He ran to his room and returned wearing his assless jock.

"Fuck, Michael. You look so sexy in that. Guys are gonna want to play with you." Jeff grabbed his buddy to feel his cock through the pouch. "Man you look too good. You're gonna see a lot of cock tonight, I bet!"

"That's the plan," I explained. "Michael still needs work to be comfortable with guys. Austin and I are looking forward to Michael experiencing a lot of dick. And the guys from the Jock Shop promised to be there, too."

Jeff kept rubbing Michael's full pouch. He stretched a few pubic hairs that were above the thin upper band. "Man, they're gonna see a lot of our boy's cock. Hope they like it as much as I do." He kissed the full pouch as both boys laughed. Jeff was admitting more than he'd ever admitted before.

Jeff studied Michael's exposed ass, caressing it carefully. "I know Uncle Steve says we share our men, but I'm gonna be jealous of those guys who get to use this," he said, running his hand through Michael's crack.

"It's good for Michael to be comfortable with guys. Doesn't mean he cares less for you, Jeff." I explained. "Besides, it feels good all around." We all giggled at that. Seems we were on good terms.

Jeff returned to playing with Michael's barely covered cock. "Never played with a guy's dick before," he mused aloud. He squeezed the pouch a bit roughly. Michael grimaced but said nothing. "More,n I've ever done with a dude. Except for that time with Uncle Steve, of course." He squeezed again, looking at his friend. "Take it, boy. Want you to remember who's your man." He squeezed a third time and kept the pressure on Michael's cock. "Think of me when other guys try to play with you. Got it?"

Michael finally groaned when Jeff released him. "Yes,,,yes, sir. You're my man, Jeff, ugh!"

We got to Power House late. "Didn't think you were gonna show," Steve Power said. Both he and Travis were in tight jocks; Travis' jock barely covered his blond pubes. "Place is almost packed. Austin is on the floor showing guys good workout form. Enjoy!"

Heading to the locker room, I could see what Steve meant. Guys were indeed lifting weights or working machines dressed just in jocks. Most jocks were normal sized, generally covering their goods, but a few, more daring ones, wore swimmer or posing straps. Michael stumbled a few times as he couldn't keep his eyes in front. I just smiled. My boy so loves cock!

"Dad, they're almost naked. Look." We were passing two men in micro mesh straps that were almost see-through. Their dicks and balls were visible right through the mesh.

"And yet they're not hard. You'll be able to wear that one day, son," I told my boy, bringing him into a hug. It allowed Michael to view them a few seconds longer.

The older of the two men said hi. "Mr. A, what brings you here?" I was surprised to see my boss. Even more surprised that he was in a thin posing strap. Michael too quickly got embarrassed, hiding a bit behind me. "No need to hide, son. Be comfortable looking at men." Michael still has work to do.

"That's right, son," Mr. A agreed. I'd seen him a couple times in the office after his day at my home a few weeks earlier, but we hadn't talked about our sons. I did notice again his solid pecs, hairy chest and abs. The younger one then added his hello. "Is this your son? I asked.

"Yes, say hello to Boyce. We're trying to work out, but keep seeing plenty of other men." Mr. A, as usual, was in control. Boyce said hello, about as reticent as Michael is when meeting new people.

"Michael was admiring your jocks," I said quickly, to reduce any tension.

"Nice, huh? Was afraid it'd be too revealing, but so what?" Mr. A was so casual about his near nudity.

"Yeah, Michael is wearing one on the risky side, as well. But you guys might be even more risky."

"Hear that, Boyce? Another jock for you to enjoy." Boyce seemed embarrassed. Looks like we have two embarrassed teens.

We returned from the locker room in just a couple minutes. "Dad is this too much?" Michael was like the girl in that "Yellow Polka Dot Bikini" song. The jock barely covered his cock, which was no longer soft, leaving his pubes and part of his right testicle open for all to see.

"Nah, looks great. Mr. A will love it. So will Steve Power. Remember, no modesty, no embarrassment. Just enjoy your workout."

More to come....I hope! Love to hear from everyone. stockman334@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 13

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