Michael and His Dad

By Stockman

Published on Jul 29, 2021


Michael and His Dad 10

By STOCKMAN. stockman334@gmail.com

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I awoke to Michael squeezing into bed with me. "Dad, can I jack? Been thinking about Jeff and Sean. Will I see their cocks today? Jeff has such a big one, do you think Sean has a big one too? I bet his pubes are darker than his hair. Huh Dad?"

"Son, not everyone has a large penis. Plenty of guys have less than 6 inches. I've seen under 5 inches. You should learn to enjoy all the cocks you see, not just the big ones."

"Oh I know, Dad. Cookie, at Coach's ranch, had a small one like that and it was great. I just like the big ones a bit more. Is that ok? Shoot, Dad, not even sure I should be liking dick as much as I do. Is that too gay?"

I squeezed my insecure son. "Of course it's ok. And it's gay only if you want it to be. Just enjoy cock as you get it. Keep being a good cocksucker and enjoy getting fucked. Helps you to get comfortable with naked men. You do want to be comfortable, right?"

Michael stroked his hard cock. "Oh I do, Dad. Yesterday I got so hard when Sean was interviewing me. He was looking at my cock, Dad. And I wanted him to, even though I should have been soft. But he's so handsome, Dad. My cock just went hard in two seconds. Do you think he'll want to see me naked again? I don't know if I can control my dick around him. He's so good looking."

I watched my son as he stroked his morning boner. "Ha, Michael, you'll know if he wants to see you naked. Since he's seen you erect already, I think you'll know if he wants to see you like that again. Just enjoy it. And if he shows you his cock, enjoy that too. Suck it good. He'll let you know if that's what he wants. You'll figure it out."

"Ah ah ah," Michael erupted. He seemed to be aiming for me as six shots of teen boy cum hit me on the arm and shoulder. It felt so hot, and so powerful. My boy shooting his cum over his dad. Felt so good.

"Nice, boy. Now let's shower and get ready for your guests."

At the stroke of 10, the doorbell buzzed and the phone rang. Michael ran for his phone as I answered the door. I jumped into my doorbell shorts as I greeted this blond angel. Sean was about 5'9", in great shape and the whitest blond hair I've ever seen. I welcomed him in as he stared at my chest for several seconds before looking up. I was only wearing those small thin shorts we keep at the door, so much of me was exposed. Well, I hope my hairy body didn't turn off Michael's new friend before they became friends! Offering a drink, I brought Sean into the kitchen.

Michael walked in a second later, looking glum. "Jeff's not coming," he announced. "Coach said he needs him at a Booster club meeting. He'll come by later, perhaps at Power House." He looked up and said hi to Sean.

"Hey, it's happened to me, Michael. Jeff was always being pulled away for some football activity. I guess that's why we kind of drifted apart. Don't worry about it. If he wants to, he'll make it up to you."

I stood next to the boys as they chatted. Sean kept looking up at me, at my chest and even lower. I should have worn more clothes, my dick always sticks out when I wear these `doorbell shorts.' Since he was talking with Michael, I couldn't get a good read on what Sean was thinking. Discomfort? Curiosity? Interest? Desire? Hunger? I couldn't quite figure it out but the frequency of his glances were more than casual. He really looked hard when I absent-mindedly combed through my chest hair while explaining our schedule for the day. Sean really stared when my fingers reached past my stomach hair and reached just slightly into my shorts.

They waited while I changed clothes, then we walked casually to Power House. Since we live in town, just a 10 minute walk to Main Street, there was no need to drive. Sean and Michael walked ahead, chatting as they went.

"Your dad's really hairy," Sean said to his new friend. "Man I hope to get that hairy when I get older."

"Yeah, me too," Michael responded. "I was just asking Dad yesterday if he thought I'd be hairy. He said he thought so. Hope he's right."

"My dad's not that hairy so probably not in the cards for me," Sean lamented.

Travis was at the front desk and greeted us warmly. He was wearing very tight sweatpants; the outline of a penis evident. Steve appeared a minute later exuding pleasure that we're here. "Been a great morning, Mr. P," he said. "First day of the new Power House. No women on weekends or evenings. Just guys. They seemed to be comfortable with the arrangement. More space, more manly sounds, no prohibition on language or clothing. One kid said he likes the idea that he can scratch himself without being self-conscious. Just starting to thin out after a crowded morning. You guys will have all the space you want."

"Ah that's great, Steve. So glad it's working out." I introduced Sean, then saw that they knew each other.

"You're Jeffy's friend from middle school, right?" Steve welcomed Sean with a hug, so friendly!

I stayed with Steve to tour the facility as Michael and Sean went to a workout area. A couple of college men were working out at another section, but Michael and Sean were mostly alone. Picking up a set of weights, Sean smiled at Michael. "So glad we can do this, Michael. I really liked meeting you last night...and seeing you, you know."


"Yeah, you looked really good naked." He looked at Michael's bulge, seeing the form of his cock, suspecting he was commando.

Michael's smile was forced. "Uh, Dad thinks I should be more comfortable in front of other guys. Says I shouldn't get hard so much. I was really hard in front of you in the locker room, wasn't I?"

"You kidding? I LOVED seeing you naked. Man, your cock was soooo hard. I really hated to leave. Can I tell you a secret? I jerked off three times last night thinking how you were standing there with your hard cock pointing up and out. That was awesome. And then Jeff came to pull you into the showers, and he was naked, too. Man his dick's gotten sooo big." Sean pulled on his cock, covered as it was by his nylon gym shorts. He seemed to be losing his inhibitions by the second. "Dude, I saw two awesome dicks while doing that locker room interview." He pulled on his covered cock again, allowing it to inflate. Looking around, he added. "Man, I like these new Power House rules."

Michael was completing a set of bicep curls. His eyes were on his friend's crotch, watching Sean's cock expand under the boy's thin shorts. "You're not wearing underwear are you?" he asked softly.

"No, I rarely do. Can you see my dick?"

"Yeah, I think so." The boys were staring at each other's bulge.

Sean looked around, seeing no-one. "Take off your shirt, Steve says we can show more skin." He pulled off his own t-shirt as Michael did the same.

"Nice, Michael. I like your football body. Would love to see your dick again. Can I?" He dropped to his knees and looked up hopefully. "Please?" he begged. Hesitantly, Sean pulled down Michael's shorts, revealing a bit of his semi hard cock.

"Hey, we can't do that here," Michael protested, looking around. He could see the two guys in the other section. They also were shirtless, he noticed, and their shorts were pulled low. Quickly Michael pulled his shorts up. "We better work out, I guess."

Sean smiled at his friend. "Shy, huh? No need, Michael." Sean was gaining confidence quickly. "Let's see that dick and that cute ass." He pulled Michael's shorts down again, while Michael finished a set of arm raises. Michael turned red in embarrassment. He saw the two guys walking into his section. Sean quickly caressed the exposed cheeks.

"Man that's a nice ass, Michael. So round. Bet guys want to fuck you often. Best way to get comfortable with guys. Get fucked, right?" Sean was so much more aggressive! Not shy at all!

Michael's face was now beet red. He loved being naked, but he was dying of embarrassment. He'd never had a friend so openly into his body. He saw the two weightlifters approaching. Man they had hairy chests, he thought. And shorts pulled so low that a bit of their pubes were exposed. Michael could even see the outline of one guy's dick.

"What's happening guys?" The shorter of the two men was asking as the taller one looked around.

Sean seemed to be in control. "My friend's getting shy. Has a nice teen body but won't show it off."

The shorter one, with jet black hair and seemed-like perfectly trimmed chest hair covering his thick pecs and washboard abs, looked right at Michael. "Dude, perfectly fine to show off. You have the body, you show it off, right Vito?"

The taller one, Vito, rubbed his hand through his own chest hair. He was also quite hairy with trimmed brown hair across his chest. The hair matched his pubes that were partly exposed above his red shorts. "Right, bro. Why have a bod if you can't show it off?" He rubbed his hand into and through his belly hair at the edge of brown pubes as he spoke.

Sean was loving it. Two nearly naked muscular guys and Michael being shy. Sean would bet Michael wanted to get naked again; he so looked like it last night, showing off his hard cock.

Vito looked at Sean. "So you want to see your friend's dick. Have you seen it yet?"

"Yeah, last night, but just for a minute. Hard tight teen dick."

Vito nodded. He looked at Michael.

"Have you seen HIS dick? Does he have a nice one?"

Michael shook his head. "Nah, I've never seen it. He's seen mine, though."

"Then that's the answer, boy," Vito said to Sean. "You want to see cock, you gotta show cock." He looked at Michael. "Time to see all of your friend. Time to pull down those yellow shorts and see your friend's cock. From the looks of that bulge, he's hard and waiting. Pull down those shorts and we'll all check out his dick."

Michael hesitated. But Sean wasn't complaining. In fact he was standing tall, his bulge pulsing. Michael decided to do what he was told. He reached out to pull down his new friend's shorts. Wow, he'd wanted to see Sean's cock and now he's getting the chance!

"Not like that," Mario interjected. "Get down there to strip your friend." The muscular Italian was himself stroking a significant bulge in his shorts.

Michael was astonished at the openness of this gym. Sure he'd been to Jock Night, but this is daytime with all the lights on. But he sure loved being naked. He looked around for his father. He saw no one in the area. Would his dad approve? Or Jeff? But he so wanted to see Sean's dick. He got to his knees. He reached up and slowly pulled down Sean's shorts. He kept expecting to hear a protest, but only heard Vito and Mario intake some air. The thin yellow shorts dropped quickly. Michael could see his friend's blond pubes, then his cock popped out, hard and throbbing. A nice cock, Michael thought. Not large, maybe under six inches, and very thin. Much thinner than his own seven incher, he thought. He was cut, just like Michael, but so much thinner! It popped out of the shorts and nearly hit Michael's face. It rose to point straight up, about 45 degrees from horizontal. Michael stared at that cock. And at the curly blond pubes. The hair color was quite a bit darker than Sean's head.

Michael pulled Sean's shorts to his ankles. Sean's balls were tight, large nuts that hugged the underside of his dick. They were mostly hairless and looked like they were ready to pop, so close to Sean's body. Sean's pubes were thick, in a circle around his thin penis, like a frame around its center of attention.

Mario got down alongside Michael. "You like your friend's dick?" He saw Michael nod. "Yeah, thought you might. It's a thin cock, small and straight. Really nice, right?" Michael kept studying Sean's cock as he nodded. "Tell him, tell your friend how you like his cock."

Michael nodded again. He does what he's told. He looked up at Sean. "I like your dick, Sean."

"Thanks, Michael." Sean pushed his dick closer to Michael's face as Mario whispered in his ear. "You like that cock, you should kiss that cock."

Ever compliant, Michael studied his friend's dick for several moments, before slowly, very slowly, planting a kiss onto the underside of Sean's cock.

"So nice," Michael heard from above. Sean loved the kiss, pushing his hard cock to Michael's lips. Mario cupped Michael's head, pushing him onto the thin cock in front of him.

"Again, Michael," Mario urged. "Lick that cock."

Michael knew what he wanted to do. It was ok. Sean and Mario were both urging him to suck cock. Right here in the gym, they wanted him to suck cock. He looked up at Sean, seeing his expectant look.

Michael licked that cock. He licked from the tip down to Sean's hairy pubic base, with its circle of blond curls surrounding his teen dick. Then in one movement, he sucked that cock down into his mouth.

"Oh yes," Sean moaned, pulling his new friend's head onto his cock. It took just a few strokes and Michael swallowed that entire teen penis into his mouth. It was so thin, he felt almost no gag reflex as the cut head disappeared into his throat. Michael moaned as his lips encircled Sean's pubes. He loved the feeling; it was so great to be able to feel pubic hair around a hard cock. So much pleasure to the boy's mouth. And adding to that pleasure, Michael could feel Mario's face alongside his own, feeling the scruff of Italian stubble against his own soft cheeks.

"Oh I'm gonna cum," Sean moaned. Uncontrollably, he pulled off to shoot his load. Bam, he shot onto Michael's face, then onto Mario's. Four more shots onto four cheeks seemingly eager for his creamy white cum. Vito had to stand behind him to keep him from falling over in orgasm.

Sean looked down. He spoke between deep breaths. "You're a great cocksucker, Michael. Never felt my cock inside a mouth like that. The way you use your tongue.... Thanks, man!" He pulled his new friend up and actually kissed him. "Great cocksucking, dude. Awesome."

Michael smiled. "It felt so good. Your cock...it felt so good in my mouth. I never..." He couldn't express what he wanted to say. It had been too long since he'd sucked cock so openly, swallowing a cock so completely. He felt so comfortable, so at home with cock. And it felt so so good in his mouth. It felt so good to be Sean's cocksucker.

"So will you now show me your cock, Michael?" Sean asked. "I still want to see you naked like you were yesterday. Show me your hard cock."

"Yeah, let's check out teen boy cock," Mario agreed. Without asking permission, he pulled down Michael's gym shorts. No underwear, he saw. Michael's cock sprung out, 7" of hard teen dick, open in the corner of the Power House. And thicker, just like his own. So much thicker than the blond kid, Sean. A real man dick on this teenage boy.

"Oh fuck," Sean moaned. "I love that cock. Dude, I kept picturing your cock so much. Last night and this morning. Jacked three times, picturing your cock. Couldn't believe you were so hard, in the locker room. Fucking nice dick, dude." Michael loved hearing that. Another guy, just like himself, who liked talking about cock. Openly talking about cock. Michael couldn't help but smile widely.

Mario agreed with Sean. "Fucking nice dick."

It was Vito who brought something new to the conversation. "Check out his ass, guys. Small, tight, round, full. Perfect ass for fucking, if you ask me."

Sean turned Michael around. "Fuck, perfect ass. Michael, you have one perfect body, dude. Had I seen that ass last night, I'da jerked five times." Sean looked around. The place seemed empty. "Dude, you gotta walk around a bit. Show off that body. Hmm. Tell you what, walk to the front desk. All naked. Ask a question. Let us look at you while you walk. And do it slowly, so we can see your hard cock and your ass. Ok?"

Mario liked that idea. "Hmm, ask if they have any lube. Travis is probably at the front desk. Tell him Mario wants to use his lube. And tell him he has to apply the first drops onto your dick. He'll love it."

"Uhhh...". Michael seemed conflicted. Sure he loved being naked. But walking around a public gym? What if someone got angry? But what if someone liked it? Liked seeing a hard teen dick? What if someone loved seeing him naked? His own cock throbbed at the thought.

"Do it, Michael." It was Sean ordering him to walk to the front totally naked. He had to do it. He was being ordered. Slowly, carefully, his throbbing penis leading the way, the teenager walked around exercise equipment to the front desk.

Travis was reading a paper. Looking up he found the nude boy standing in front of him. He saw the fine looking, trim body of a football player, hard cock standing tall waiting to talk to him. "Awesome, dude," was all he said. "Fine naked boy body."

Michael turned red, embarrassed. Yet another guy openly talking about dick. "Uh, Mario wants to borrow your lube," he repeated, his face a shade of a beet.

"Awesome naked, dude," Travis repeated, looking right at Michael's throbbing cock. "Beautiful dick, boy. Hard, thick. So you need some lube on that thing?" Without waiting for an answer, Travis gently coated Michael's hard dick with the oily substance. "Wish I could do more with that monster, but I have to stay at the front desk. Where'r you going?"

Michael finally spoke. His mouth was so dry, he didn't think he could. "Uh, Mario, Vito, Sean."

"They naked, too? They gonna fuck you? Beautiful ass like yours needs to get fucked. Those guys gonna fuck you? Is Steve and your dad gonna join you? They probably want to fuck you too." Travis was getting hot with his verbal assault on Michael. Despite his position at the front desk, he stroked the boy's cock. "Yeah, Michael, you need to get fucked. Just like at that Jock Night last week." He pushed down his sweatpants, revealing his throbbing 6" blond-haired sperm-rocket. His hands went to his own ass. "Wish one of those guys would come here. I need a good fuck too."

"You like to get fucked too?" Michael asked in surprise.

"Yeah, Steve takes good care of me."

Michael smiled. He'd never met another guy who admitted he liked to get fucked.

"I sure do." Steve Power had arrived at the front desk, along with his advisor, Andrew Probst. That's me.

I put my arms around my son. "I like your new outfit, Michael," I whispered to him.

"Oh Dad. It's so good. Sean and me were working out. Then Mario and Vito......"

"They treat you well, Michael?" I asked. I wanted to save the discussion for later.

"Oh so good, Dad. You know I wanted to see Sean naked. Well I did. He got me to suck him off. Is that ok? He tasted really good and I was right his pubes are a lot darker. And..."

"Whoo, whoo, slow down son. Did anyone make you do something you didn't want? Or is it all good?" Still the protective Dad I guess.

"Oh it's great, Dad. I...I think they want to fuck me. Is that ok? Can I get fucked by those guys?"

Before I could answer they were upon us., Mario and tall Vito. Michael did the introductions. Steve joined us, seeming to know the two Italians well. "These are the kind of young men we want at Power House," Steve explained. "Good men. And comfortable in a male environment. Right Mario?"

"Yes, sir, Steve. We wouldn't do anything wrong. Just meeting Michael and his friend Sean. Very impressive boys; they'd do well here."

I looked the two men over. Strong hairy weightlifting type bodies. Pubes partially exposed on both of them; more with Vito, who was showing some dense pubic hair Mario's ass was exposed. I could see Michael's interest. I could see Sean's dick outlined in his yellow gym shorts, just as Mario pulled them down.

Steve ran his hand over Mario's exposed ass cheeks, round and tight. "Nice work, Mario. Your ass is looking fine. Getting it fucked enough?" Then, to me, "See, Mr. P? We can openly talk about getting fucked now that there's no women." He reached for some lube.

"Been a while, Steve. Vito did me a week ago. But not often enough."

Michael was surprised. "You mean you want to get fucked? I thought someone had to tell you to do it. You like it?"

A finger was disappearing inside Mario's tight ass. He looked at my boy. "Sometimes I love it. Sometimes I don't. Don't you like to get fucked?"

"Uh yeah, sometimes, I guess. Feels so good sometimes. I love when a guy tells me what to do." He looked at me. "Is it ok to admit that, dad? Sometimes I love to get fucked."

"Definitely good to admit that, son. Suck cock, get fucked. Get comfortable with men. It's all good, if you like it."

"Thanks dad. You're the best." He turned just as Vito pressed his still cloth-covered cock at Michael's rear. Steve was now pressing his huge dick at Mario's hole. And Austin was walking through the front door.

"What a beautiful sight, guys. Heck of a front entrance greeting!" Austin was wide-eyed at the nudity and near-fucking. Steve came to his senses. "Yeah, we better move."

Michael carried a tube as we walked to the weight lifting area. I loved that he was naked and hard. My boy looked so manly. I felt such pride that he was enjoying his nudity. Sean was there, naked as well. The boy's thin cock lay softy against tight balls. Blond pubes sat above his thin penis.

Sean seemed a bit embarrassed, trying to grab his shorts. I intercepted his attempt. "Hey no need to get shy now. Seems it's ok at Power House to show skin. You probably enjoy being naked like Michael. Stay that way if you like."

Sean dropped his shorts. "Yes, sir. Thank you sir. I kind of like to be naked. Especially when other guys are naked too," he said, looking at my son.

"And you like looking at other naked guys, right?" I wanted it out in the open.

"Yes,,,,yes, sir, I guess I do. When I saw Michael in the locker room, all naked and even hard, I loved seeing it, sir. I hope you don't mind."

Steve interjected. "Perfect, boy. Great to talk about it at Power House. Naked and hard. Perfect." Steve stroked his own cock, which was clearly chubbing in his loose shorts.

"Wow, everyone seems like they are naked!" It was Jeff, just arriving.

Jeff!" Michael screamed. He jumped on his friend, greeting him with a big hug. I thought he'd kiss him, he was so happy.

"Easy, partner," Jeff hugged back. "Miss me?" He looked around more. "So glad you like being naked, Michael. You too, Sean? Haven't seen you naked since 7th grade. You look good."

Sean stood proud. Like Michael, he loved showing his dick to his old friend. "Always wanted to be naked with you, Jeff. Thought you knew." His cock was rising again, so soon after Michael's wonderful blowjob.

Now it was Jeff's turn to be surprised. "I didn't. Wasn't ready then. Now that I've seen Michael, maybe I'm ready now."

It was up to me to interject. "Maybe you should join your friends, Jeff. Want to show both your friends your big quarterback cock? Sounds like they'd love to see that big teen cock right here in the gym. And your uncle would surely approve. Wants us all to be comfortable naked, right Steve?"

"Absofuckinlutely," Steve laughed. "Want Power House to be a place where we can all be comfortable." Steve enclosed his arms around his nephew. "Enjoy your friends, Jeff. Just tell them what to do."

Michael and Sean, both naked, surrounded their friend. Without further ado, they started stripping their quarterback. Sean seemed even more eager than Michael. The kid couldn't wait to get his old buddy naked, to see his old friend's big teen cock. "Yes, yes, You gotta get naked," Sean agreed, softly. Clearly the boy was eager, but a bit insecure around his old friend.

Jeff looked at the four other men in the room. The two bodybuilders were rubbing their pubes and touching their nearly exposed manparts. Jeff wondered how turned on they were getting. Then he saw the eagerness in the eyes of his two friends. He did little to protest. Sean and Michael quickly pulled at his shirt, pants, shoes down to his underwear. His tight boxer briefs showed quite an impression.

"Can I, can I?" Michael kept asking. He got to his knees and quickly kissed Jeff's rising dick. Not to be ignored, Sean did the same. In a second, two sets of lips were kissing Jeff's quarterback cock. Sean looked at the boys, then at me and Steve. He saw that we were agreeing with the naked action.

"Oh fuck, it's so big," cried Sean. He caressed the shaft tenderly with pouty lips, feeling his old friend's cock as never before. He seemed to close his eyes as he savored his friend's hardening penis. He licked the shaft and caressed Jeff's large balls. He didn't want to let go.

"Oh Sean, I'm glad you like it. I want you to like it just like Michael. He makes me feel so good." Jeff was taking control. "So much nicer than with girls. Can you suck it? Can you suck it as good as Michael?

"I...I've wanted...." Sean was showing how desperate he was to savor Jeff's body.

"Suck my dick, Sean. Just like Michael." Jeff looked around and smiled. His own uncle was so into this! "And let everyone see you suck my dick." He looked at his uncle as he told his old friend, "suck my dick here in the open, in Power House."

Slowly, carefully, Sean took Jeff's large cock into his mouth. He tasted it, licked the head, then took the entire head inside. He moaned as his old friend cupped his head to pull him in. He allowed Jeff to take control. He breathed heavily even as he sucked, inhaling Jeff's fragrance.

I kept my eyes on my son. He was alongside Sean, seemingly sucking away even though Jeff's cock was in another boy's mouth. It was as if he was feeling and enjoying the sucking as well. And when Sean gagged after trying to swallow too much, Michael quickly took over. "Please, please, can I?" He begged as he pulled his quarterback's thick prong into his mouth. It was awesome to see Jeff instinctively pull Michael's face fully onto his cock.

"Oh fuck, that's beautiful." I heard Steve moan. I was so proud. Michael could swallow that whole 9 inch dick while his new friend Sean couldn't handle it. My boy, the stud cocksucker. So proud.

Jeff gently guided Sean away. "Michael you are one awesome cock sucker. I want you to do more!" He gently pressed his cock fully into my boy's throat. I could see Jeff's pubes around Michael's lips. I was so proud! Jeff held on for a few moments before flooding my boy in quarterback jizz. Michael started shooting on the gym floor almost simultaneously.

I hugged Sean. "I bet you wanted that load," I said.

"Oh yes, sir. Can I tell you? I so love cock. And cum, too. And wanted Jeff's cock for so many years. I'll try for it again here at Power House, I guess. I gotta learn to suck better. I hope Jeff and MIchael teach me to be a better cocksucker."

"I'm sure they will," I assured them. Perhaps Steve, Travis and Austin will give you pointers as well. No need not to be a great cocksucker."

Just then Steve grabbed Travis in his arms, pushing him to his knees. In just a few seconds, his big cock was buried in the employee's mouth. We all gladly watched Travis demonstrate excellent cock sucking skills. Until..

"Oh fuck," Mario moaned. His cousin was pressing his naked hard 8" cock into his spread ass. Vito pushed hard so Mario could really enjoy that big Italian cock.

Steve grabbed me at that precise moment. "This is what Power House is all about! Guys sucking, guys fucking, guys comfortable with each other."

And I knew he was right. My son could get cock when he needed it. He could suck and get fucked often. What more can a dad ask for?

Thanks for reading. I'm cutting off here as I want to pursue Power House more fully. Michael and his Dad, Andrew, have fulfilled their needs and will live long productive sexually-active lives, I'm sure.

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Email me at stockman334@gmail.com.

Thanks everyone!

Next: Chapter 11

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