Michael and His Dad

By Stockman

Published on Nov 9, 2020


Michael and His Dad. 1

By stockman334@gmail.com

This is a continuation of Michael and His Coach. It might be best to go back and read that before starting with the Dad, but we'll try to keep the story lines discrete.

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I got the Coach's message loud and clear. I look back now and realize I had been too reticent to love Michael the way he needed. The good news is that I'd love to be more open with my son. Since his mom passed three years ago, I guess I haven't loved Michael as strongly as he needed. Coach said I needed to be more emotional as well as physical in my love.

"Michael, let me see you. Stand in front of me."

"Sure, Dad, what is it?" Michael stood in front of me as I asked. He had donned shorts after Coach left.

"When we're alone, boy, you need to be naked in front of me. No more modesty, no embarrassment. No hiding. What I say goes. Think you can handle that?"

The grin Michael showed said it all. "Yes, sir! Absolutely." Without my asking, he dropped his shorts, standing naked in front of me. His big teen dick, already growing from his soft four inches, now past six and still growing, getting fatter as it grew. I took pleasure in seeing his manly black pubes surrounding his nice sized cock.

"Tell me about your penis, boy. Do you know how big it gets?"

"Yes, sir." His grin was even wider, if possible. "It's 7" now, but I hope there's more to come. It was 6 inches last year. I hope it gets to 8 inches. I love big cocks."

"Good boy. Tell me about your balls now."

"Coach said I have nice balls, dad. He liked that they are low hangers. I thought tight balls were nicer, but he said my low hangers look good on me. He also said I am getting a few hairs on my scrotum, but it's mostly hairless. See?"

Indeed Michael knew his body quite well. A careful look at his teen nuts showed that he had just a few short hairs, mostly hairless. "You're beautiful," I told my boy.

"Thanks, Dad. Coach had a lot of hair on his balls."

"Did you have a chance to feel his balls, son? Did Coach let you feel his balls or his cock?"

"Coach said everything we did at the ranch was private, but it was ok to tell you. He has a real big dick, dad. Nine inches. And big balls too. He let me touch them when we were naked."

I wanted to find out more about Coach, but first I wanted to enjoy my son. "I like that you're naked now. And your dick is hard." I reached out to touch his dick, encasing his hard shaft with my palm. "You have a fine man cock, Michael. It feels so good in my hand."

Just then the doorbell rang, and the door opened. It had not been locked after Coach left.

"Now isn't this nice," Austin grinned. Austin was my closest friend. Good buddy. Short, trim, muscular.

"Hey, bud," I replied. "We're admiring Michael's body." I continued to stroke Michael's wonderful teen dick as Austin came close. "Beautiful cock, beautiful balls," I said.

Austin peeked over Michael's shoulder. "Nice thick patch of man pubes, too. You do good work, Andrew. Fine looking boy."

Michael seemed to be blushing. "No embarrassment, boy," I cautioned. "I'll decide who gets to see you naked. " I kept lightly stroking his hard cock. "So let's show Austin just how good you look. Get up on the coffee table and show off for our friend."

Michael was slow to respond, but finally he stepped onto the coffee table, facing away from Austin. "Turn around, boy. Show Austin just how nice your teen cock looks. Show Austin your lovely low hanging boy balls. No modesty, Michael."

After a big breath, Michael turned around, hands on his hips.

It was Austin who then took a deep breath. "Beautiful body, boy. You should always show off for guests. Nice prick, nice balls. And such a nice patch of man hair!" Looking at me, Austin commented, "Your boy certainly has nothing to be ashamed about, Andrew. Michael should be proud to expose his dick. Nice size, too." He gently grabbed Michael's cock, surrounding his fingers around the boy's hardening shaft. "Nice teen prick," Austin mumbled, caressing my son's now hard penis.

"Let me see," I ordered as I guided Michael around to face me. HIs 7 inch hard cock nearly poked me in the face. "Mmm, I agree," I said to Austin. "Such a beautiful hard prick. Michael, that prick must be handled just as Coach instructed. Unless I say differently, I want your naked body on display all the time. No reason to hide your manly teen body. Is that clear?"

"Yes...Yes sir," Michael replied, a slight smile on his face. I'm beginning to see his obedient side. I liked it.

I turned him around again, this time so I could enjoy his teen butt. I couldn't resist caressing my son's ass. "Beautiful tight ass," I muttered. I could see Austin had palmed Michael's lemon-sized balls. Slowly I moved a finger between my son's tight buns, touching from the top of his crack across his tight hole to his low hanging nuts. There I met my friend's fingers.

"I fucking love my son's body," I moaned to my friend. Michael's ass quivered as I touched him again. Austin also felt Michael's body pulse.

"Your son needs you, Andrew," he warned.

I reached for the lube. "Michael, your beautiful ass cries for attention. You need to get fucked. You need a cock in your beautiful teen ass. Can you handle my cock?"

Michael twisted his body to look at me. "Oh Dad, I've wanted your cock for so long. I don't want to be a fag, but I want to do whatever you want. I want you to fuck me. Please fuck me. Fuck me hard."

I lubed a finger to press into Michael's boy hole. "Ahh," I heard my son moan. "Oh Dad that feels so good." He seemed to suck in the invading finger.

I pressed a second finger in, receiving another moan. Austin squeezed Michael's cock tighter just as I pushed a third finger in. Michael moaned even louder. Austin stroked Michael's cock. "Your dad needs to fuck you, boy." Michael moaned in assent. I was afraid it would be too much for him, but I sensed a moan of pleasure, not pain. My boy clearly enjoyed ass play.

"Good boy, Michael. Now get ready for my cock."

I lubed my cock, then slowly began to push. Looking at Austin, I groaned. "I'm fucking my boy, bud. Watch me fuck my boy." I got half way in before Michael moaned again. I waited a minute for that fullness to be comfortable before pushing further. Austin had come around to watch me fuck. I felt his hand surround the base of my cock as I pushed deeper. His hand was into my pubic bush as we hit bottom. Though I knew he loved to play with my man hair, I pulled Austin's hand away; I wanted my son to feel my pubes against his tender ass.

Michael moaned out loud. "Oh fuck me, dad. Fuck me." He twisted his body again, moving his face to mine. "Oh Dad I love you, thank you, thank you," he moaned as he suddenly kissed me on my lips. Wow I never expected that, overcoming surprise to kiss him back until he fell back to the bed to allow me to fuck him.

"Take care of your boy, fuck him good," Austin moaned as he crawled under Michael to suck in his throbbing teen cock.

I couldn't control myself much longer as I pounded my son's ass to his frequent cries of pleasure. I grabbed his hips to pound him for several minutes as he kept groaning with each thrust. His cock was buried in Austin's mouth, a mouth I had enjoyed often. I could only imagine what it felt like to be fully in Austin's throat while I was fully in his ass. Michael suddenly screamed in orgasm as I unloaded. My boy and I were cumming simultaneously.

Love to hear from everyone. Email me at stockman334@gmail.com.

Next: Chapter 2

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