Michael and His Coach

By moc.loa@821namkcotS

Published on Feb 11, 2020


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Michael and The Coach 7

"Coach, am I gay?"

He had just finished jerking off while describing to Cookie how he had stripped and sucked my brother Justin's massive cock. He had clearly loved the experience, so much so that he jerked off in front of two men just a few minutes later. Yet he again worried about a label. I had to get off that idea.

"Michael, right now you love cock. You love sucking cock, touching cock, getting fucked by cock. It's so much fun, isn't it? No need to give yourself a label. You're only 16, wait till you're 21 and have fucked girls before you decide anything. No need to rush, boy. Just enjoy."

Michael wanted so much to believe. "You mean that, Coach? I can wait until I've fucked girls before I decide? Oh that's so good to hear. Thanks, Coach."

"But remember our deal, Michael. Do what you're told. I know you want to anyway, but do what you're instructed. Suck cock, get fucked whenever we say. You need to be comfortable with guys. No modesty."

Michael just beamed. "I got it, Coach. Naked and doing what I'm told. I can agree with that."

We walked slowly across the lawn to our big gym building. We shared fresh bottles of (Viagra-laced) water. I had put on shorts but kept Michael naked. He was looking around. "What, Michael?"

"Uh, there a bunch of guys walking this way. I'm naked."

"No modesty, Michael," I reminded him. "Let guys see your dick. If they want, let them play with it. Not all guys want to do that. Just let them decide."

"Yes, Coach. I know I have to learn to be comfortable with guys, but its sure embarrassing when everyone has clothes and I'm naked."

"Just do what you're told, boy. Gotta learn not to be embarrassed."

Justin's squad consisted of 9 shirtless young men. Each had a nearly empty bottle of water. Turns out these 9 were just part of his squad. Justin whispered to me that he didn't invite 4 guys who he felt wouldn't fit in. "They shave their pubes and look awful, so I didn't invite them. I did tell them if they begin to look like men instead of like boys, they could come another time. By the way, these guys have each drank two water bottles."

I knew what that meant. Viagra would quickly kick in. I knew we were going to have fun. Once inside, Justin introduced us. They were certainly fit. Kyle and Bryce, the two youngest-looking men, asked Michael why he was naked. "Michael does what he'd told," I responded. "And he's instructed to get used to being nude in front of men. Never been naked before." Michael blushed crimson; his cock hardened completely. He so loves being naked!

Kyle looked like he's barely18. About 5 foot 10, he was very trim with scraggly facial hair that didn't seem like it could grow into a beard. His chest was smooth, with just a light happy trail below his navel. He went up to Michael, standing close. "Please don't be embarrassed, Michael. It's cool, really." They were both quiet for a few seconds. Kyle said so softly, "Do you want to pull down my shorts? Then I'll be naked too."

Michael looked at me, as if he needed my approval. "You don't have to ask him, Kyle. Michael does what he's told. Just tell him what you want. Michael needs to learn to be comfortable around men."

Kyle nodded his understanding. He got even closer to Michael, his lips almost touching Michael's. "Lower my shorts, boy. Get me naked."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Bryan, another squad member, touch his cock. No underwear under those shorts. A quick glance at the other young men showed me they were all commando. Even Justin was commando, his big cock making an impressive outline on his loose army shorts. That's when Michael dropped to his knees. He looked up at Kyle once again, then slowly lowered Kyle's shorts. They came off easily.

Michael stared at the sudden exposure of young man dick. A lovely tumescent cock, already past 6 inches, was surrounded by ginger hair. It was naturally curly, with hair also growing on his large tight balls and on the first inch of his enlarging penis. I could see Michael thought it was beautiful. He unconsciously licked his lips.

I didn't want it to become awkward. "OK guys, we're here to do some stretching. Michael's had two workouts today, so just some muscle extensions to round us out. Everyone ok with that?"

Nods all around but I only needed to see Justin's agreement. I grabbed a bottle off the table where there were several. "OK guys, time to oil up. "Kyle how about you do Michael and vice versa. Guys grab a bottle and a partner and oil each other all over."

They complied quickly. Kyle was nearly hard. 6 1/2 inches of teen cock. His hands easily oiled Michael's hard naked body. I began walking around the matted area, making sure the other men did the same. Tony was oiling Parker, who seemed to be tenting as he was being caressed. "Guys, you're gonna grease up those shorts. Feel free to drop them before they're ruined." I placed my hand on Parker's shoulder, saying aloud. "Don't be shy, men. We all have the same thing. All men here." Parker turned and nodded. He lowered his shorts as I saw other men do as well. Parker's 7 inch blond haired cock sprung free.

Bryce was oiling Trent, who had just lowered his shorts revealing a hard thick cock, probably near 8 inches. I was pleased to see he had thick black pubes that had never, I suspected, seen a scissor. Trent was whispering to Bryce to spread the oil generously.

Adam was spreading his oily hands over Luke. He seemed embarrassed. "We're all brothers here. Lube him up the way you'd like to be oiled yourself," I advised softly. He got the message. I particularly liked the way he started oiling Luke's belly and then lower. He seemed to like oiling Luke's hairy stomach, the man's brown pubes, and then his inner thighs. . "That's it. Oil all of him so that he can safely stretch," I said aloud. I turned to my brother. Justin was being lubed up by the last guy in his squad. I noted that Tom showed no hesitation in oiling from Justin's shoulders, through his thick carpet of chest hair, down across his dense pubes and down his hairy legs. "Don't forget the backsides," I said aloud. "Your partner needs his back and his ass oiled up properly."

Kyle and Michael were giggling. Kyle had found Michael's ass hole and was lubricating the hole with his middle finger. "Good work, young man. That's a job well done," I said, placing a hand on his shoulder and across his chest. Kyle smiled at the praise as Michael moaned at the digital intrusion.

The lube bottles were passed to the partners and soon everyone was well oiled. I was impressed that hard cocks had been exposed and then lubed. I was glad that Michael was swiveling his head back and forth to catch all the naked cock he could see.

"OK, partner up, men." The men all joined together. I was glad that Kyle stayed with Michael as I circulated. "Each pair will be labeled A or B. Right now I want the A's in front and the B's right behind them."

I went through the instructions carefully so that the A's were stretching upwards and sideways while B's were doing the opposite movement. The important thing was that I forced each pair to stay very close, barely a half foot between them. I loved how they kept bumping into each other. And with those hard cocks, it was fun to see their attempts to avoid each other.

"OK, guys, reach those arms up high. Reach for the sky. B's, reach up and make sure your fingers touch the A's fingers in front of you. That's it B's, entwine your fingers in A's. Keep them up high. Really stretch your body." I walked around, finding Trent not really extending over Bryce. "You can do better, son," I gently prodded. "It's my dick, sir. I'm afraid it'll go where it shouldn't." "Don't worry about that. Nature has a way of handling where your cock goes. Get that body stretching!" I walked away, not waiting to see the inevitable cock rub up Bryce's ass crack I did hear Bryce moan. Did Trent's big cock hit a sensitive hole?

"OK A's bend forward as far as you can. I want to see your backs flat and parallel to the floor. B's stand closely behind guiding A's back so it's perfectly flat. Now A's stretch your arms to the floor. Try to touch the mat, but keep your back flat."

I walked over to Michael. "You're looking good, boy. Happy?" "Oh yes sir. Kyle is doing a good job." He was bent over, back aligned with the floor. Kyle was pressed tightly behind. I hoped his cock was pressed into Michael's ass, but not his hole. I placed my hard cock at Michael's lips. Dutifully, he opened up to receive his coach. I pressed forward giving him most of my 8 inches. I whispered, "No embarrassment, boy. Just suck cock." I kept at it for several minutes, the silence forcing everyone to look up and see the cocksucking. Finally I looked up to continue my instruction.

"B's, stretch your arms to the side as you continue to press your body against your A. Keep the A straight using your thighs as a guide. Now raise your arms up, then back. Make sure your A is straight," I announced while pressing my cock back and forth in Michael's mouth. I was pleased that Michael took it all. I looked up and noticed several of the B's watching me, which pleased me even more. My eyes locked with my brother Justin, who gave me a thumb's up. His own cock was pressed into Tom's body. Had he already begun to fuck?

"Gentlemen, we need to get something straight, if I might be blunt. Are you willing to hear some blunt talk?" "Yes, yes, sir," I heard back in near unison. "Then, OK. Let's be clear. You all are enjoying a hard cock. But a hard cock is a demanding appendage. lt wants attention and it wants it now. Am I correct? I'm walking around and I see plenty of hard cocks. Do you all see them?"

"Yes, yes, sir," they all agreed. They were looking at each other. Good. They're not too embarrassed seeing each other hard and excited.

"But we are here for stretching exercises. So I do not want to see hard cocks disappearing where they don't belong. I do not want your cocks disappearing into your partner's ass hole. Or pressed into or under his balls. I want those cocks were they can be seen, so they're safe. Am I clear, gentlemen?"

"Oh yes sir," I heard in a grumbling manner. I liked that, they really wanted to fuck. Supposedly straight Army men wanting to fuck each other.

"OK," I continued. "B's as you reach up to A's outstretched fingers, and your hard cock seems to want to disappear into an eager ass, I want you to make sure your cock is not doing that, but instead is pushing out above your partner's ass. I'll be walking around to check. Is that understood?" All this time I was slowly thrusting in and out of Michael's luscious mouth; I knew all the men were looking at me. Michael moaned as I withdrew my saliva-wet cock from his compliant mouth. "Do what you're told," I whispered to him.

I made one more loop around. Trent's cock had emerged from Bryce's tight ass crack. "Good work, boys," I said as I spritzed some fresh lube onto Trent's cock. "I know how hard it is to control an eager cock." Next to them, Tony's cock, a thick black haired impressive phallus, was resting atop Parker's ass. "Good work, you two," I said, spraying that nearly 8" cock with fresh lube. "Keep stretching, we'll take care of that cock soon."

Turning to Adam and Luke, I asked, "You guys ok?" to which Luke replied. "Doin' great, could use some of that oil you've been sharing.: I gave them both a shot of lube, enjoying their nice cocks along the way. Glad everyone was getting less shy.

When I turned to my brother, I saw his cock was already buried in Tom's hidden hole. "No fair, bro," I said. "Gotta wait till I say its ok. I have plans for that cock." Sheepishly, Justin pulled out of Tom to expose his shiny huge cock. I shot it with unneeded lube and moved on.

"Guys," I announced. "I want Michael to get a better stretch. And I want all of you to help. Will you help me?" "Sir, yes, sir," they all responded.

"OK, let's get Michael on his back. Good, Michael lay down completely flat on the mat." Michael's hard cock pointed up to his chest. So nice and hard! "Now Michael, throw your legs back behind your ears, keeping them straight." It took the boy two passes to get over his head. Perfect. "Now guys, I need you to help me keep those legs back. Start with Kyle. Now young man, while standing in front of Michael, put your hands on Michael's feet, gently pushing back to the mat behind Michael's head." As Kyle did that, Michael's hole opened for all of us to see. A beautiful lightly haired star of a boy pussy. "Now Kyle lean forward to help Michael keep his feet over his head." Kyle followed instructions, pressing Michael's legs back quite far. He soon wavered, just as I expected.

"Kyle you need to keep steady. Perhaps this will help." I shot a glob of oil onto Michael's beautiful boy hole and another onto Kyle's hard 6 1/2" cock. "Push forward, Kyle. Get your cock into Michael. This way you'll be able to remain steady." Michael groaned out loud. I'm pretty sure it was a groan of pleasure.

I could hear snickering from the other men. I looked at the group sternly, "You guys were so eager to fuck before. Now you've a good reason, right?"

"Alright," one of the men (Parker?) exclaimed. He grabbed his cock to begin stroking. "Hey," I shouted, "we're exercising, right?" "Yeah, sure, sure," he laughed, his lovely 7 inch blond cock on full display.

I looked back at Michael, just as Kyle yelled, "So fucking good, I'm gonna cum." I hadn't realized he was so close. He slammed his beautiful body hard into Michael and shot several jets into the boy. "Oh Oh This is so good. Fuuuuck meeee!" Michael moaned and groaned in response, his own cock throbbing above his head.

"OK, who's next to help Michael?" I asked. "How about you, Bryan?" Bryan quickly agreed, getting into position. I had selected him as his cock was about the same size as Kyle's. I thought I might do this with increasing cock size to accommodate Michael's pussy. He was going to get fucked a lot today.

Bryan didn't waste any time. But when he missed pushing his cock into Michael's pussy, Justin jumped to the rescue, pushing the eager cock into Michael's hot hole. "Thanks, Justin," I said. "Now I'm going to sit behind and help Michael. Looks like his legs need guidance. If you'll help your squad put cocks where they belong, we'll get this right!"

I sat my naked ass right behind Michael's head, dropping my cock onto the boy's face. Bryan pushed Michael's legs back as I pulled those legs further to touch the mat. "Good job, Michael," I pressed my leaking cock onto Michael's face. Michael inhaled the flavor of pre-cum. I knew he loved it.

Bryan lasted about as long as Kyle. In a few minutes of rocking his blond cock into Michael's accepting boy pussy, he shouted he was gonna blow. And did he ever! As Michael moaned loudly, we all could see Bryan's ass throb about 8 times and he released his potent seed into Michael's young pussy.

Michael's back seemed to be cramping. I told him to stretch for a second while Parker got into position. Michael groaned as he straightened his legs, but Parker was too eager to fuck the boy to wait very long.

I couldn't help it as I smeared my leaking cock across my student's face. Michael seemed to love it. He sniffed and licked just as Parker broke into his boy pussy. "Oh mother of god this is so fucking good," Parker exclaimed. He pistoned so quickly that Michael had to groan out loud. In a just a few seconds, Parker came as Michael screamed in his own pleasure ejaculating all over his own face. Cum dribbled down from his cheeks to his lips and chin. It looked beautiful.

"Let's take a break," I told the young men. We passed around bottles of (viagra-laced) water. They drank at the same time they played with their cocks. Michael sat up to relieve his back but spent the time looking from cock to cock. I was glad he no longer avoided looking at cock when it was exposed to him. His cock remained hard. "Enjoy all these cocks, boy."

"Ready for more stretching, Michael. Ready for more fucking?"

"Oh Coach. It feels so good. Is it ok? It feels so good."

"Guys," I asked rhetorically. "Is it ok that Michael gets fucked?"

"Fuckin A. Enjoy getting fucked, boy." That was Justin. He always was ready to fuck. A more subdued Kyle joined in. "It's so awesome, isn't it Michael. Keep getting dicked."

I gently pulled the boy back into position, pulling his legs behind his head, opening his ass hole to the squad. "Look good, guys? That pussy look good to you?" "Fuck yeah," one of the guys (Luke?) answered. "Luke? Ready to have some fun." Luke quickly stepped forward to line up his throbbing cock. His brown stomach hair was matted with oil, but his thick pubes seemed fluffy. I wondered how the hair would feel pressed against Michael's tight ass cheeks.

Luke accepted Justin's hand guiding his throbbing 7 inch prick to Michael's entrance. "Feels so fucking good," he moaned as he pushed firmly into boy pussy. I knew he was encountering a chute filled with a lot of man cream. "Oh it's so fine," Luke again moaned. He began to thrust but quickly screamed, " I cant hold back. Been on the bone for too long. Gonna Bbblllooowww. Ahhh." He came within a few seconds of his fuck, but it looked so intense.

Tom quickly stepped up, saying to Luke as he pressed his nice 7 incher into the boy, "Not impressive, Luke. Gotta have some staying power if you want to please a boy." Michael moaned as Tom's thick cock filled him up. "Oh God," he cried. Tom didn't waste time. He pounded Michael's creamy hole for several exciting minutes, managing to press his thick wiry pubes into Michael's ass cheeks. Michael was rolling his ass allowing Tom to roll with him as he fucked. Parker suddenly appeared beside his friend. "Pull out, Tom. I'm gonna explode."

Tom backed away quickly. "Fuck yeah," Parker yelled as he shot right onto Michael's open pussy. "Fuck fuck fuck," Parker cried as he shot his cum into Michael's crack and in his now gaping hole. Finally when the last of his seven cum shots flooded the open pussy, he shoved his cock inside, pushing all that cream into the boy. "Oh fuck, such heaven," he moaned.

Tom smiled at his friend. "Another one who can't control his dick," he laughed. Tom shoved Parker away to push his own throbbing cock back into Michael's cum-filled hole. "Ahh so creamy!" he groaned. Tom started rabbit fucking the boy. "So fucking good, guys." He grabbed Tony to stand alongside him as he fucked away. Tony, his huge 8 inch cock a deep red, quickly placed his cock right alongside his buddy's fat cock at Michael's hole, allowing both cocks to rub as Tom fucked. Michael continued to groan and moan enjoying a constant wave of pleasure.

"Gonna blow!" Tom screamed. He pulsed about 6 times thrusting hard into Michael's chute. He felt Tony grab his cock at its hairy base to help along. "Oh man, best fuck I ever had," he moaned.

Tony didn't give him much time to calm down, pushing his buddy aside to shove his own cock into Michael. Michael screamed as that thick long cock penetrated deep into his core. I held Michael down as he again began ejaculating all over his face from his doubled over position. His contractions set off Tony who didn't get but a minute of deep thrusting before he came inside the boy with his own howl of pleasure. Tony seemed to lose himself in the ecstasy of the moment as he fell atop Michael and the two laid there for several minutes. It was beautiful.

"OK, guys let's let Michael up. He's taken a lot of cock today." I was very pleased with myself how I had gotten the boy so cock hungry in just a day. And, especially to take all that dick with other guys watching and participating. A good day.

I caught sight of Justin. "I want some of that hole," he whispered to me. I had planned to give Michael a rest, but my brother comes first. "OK Michael, lay over that foam covered ottoman." It was constructed waist high, just right for fucking. Michael seemed woozy as he rose from his position. I helped straighten his back then laid him stomach-down on the ottoman. But I didn't want him to just lie there. We're talking about my brother! "Michael, arch your back so you can present your ass to the squad leader. We want to show him how much we want to give one more fuck to our guests, right?"

"A yes, Coach," Michael agreed, a bit submissively. He seemed really tired. "Tell you what. We'll let Justin fuck you and then allow you to look at all the cocks here. You'll love both, wont you?"

Michael nodded in submission. Justin took his position and thrust his huge dick into the cum filled pussy of our guest. "Yes, boy, take that cock," Justin moaned. He grabbed two of his squad members, pulling Bryce and Ryan to his chest. "Watch, guys. Watch my cock fill up this teen boy. This is a boy who needs dick. Watch my cock satisfy him."

Justin moved his cock in a circular motion, making sure he hit all of Michael's sensitive parts. He moved his big cock slowly as the squad watched intently. He was taking over by virtue of his big cock show and his innate ability to please a lover. Michael quickly started moaning in ecstasy, as he felt things he never felt before.

"Good Michael?" I asked. "Oh Coach it's indescribable. Oh Coach I'm gonna cum again. Oh Coach!!!" I saw his cock pulse and shoot onto the ottoman. Justin never stopped fucking. He was jackhammering the boy as Michael screamed in pleasure. "Watch closely men, watch how I fuck a boy the right way," Justin told his squad. Ryan suddenly shot a fresh load of cum onto Justin's thick cock. Justin had pushed his huge cock fully into Michael's gaping hole. Michael seemed in perpetual orgasm until finally Justin slammed his hairy rocket one last time into the willing hole, jets of cum causing Michael to cry out one last time. I think he blacked out.

Next: Chapter 8

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