Michael and His Coach

By moc.loa@821namkcotS

Published on Jan 10, 2020


Michael and His Coach Part 5

It's been over 12 years since we visited Michael. About time we continued his story. Last entry was 14 March 2007.

"Oh Coach, it felt so good. I had to do it. I know I should wait for you to tell me, but I had to try it again. All those guys on the screen...."

"Of course, Michael. It's good you wanted to get fucked. You're looking at all those cocks on the screen, of course you want to enjoy a cock yourself." We had just finished fucking, Michael shooting all over my chest as I unloaded inside his boy-pussy. As we came down from our high, I allowed a few moments of silence. Michael was unaware there were people in the room.

Jeremy cleared his throat. "Sorry, Coach. We didn't meant to intrude. We just wanted to tell you we're gonna work on the air conditioning system."

Jeremy and Chuck, our full time maintenance crew, were dressed, as always in their thin, blue overalls. I could see the outline of their cocks. I looked from them to Michael. Michael looked panicked. "No worries, boy. Meet Jeremy and Chuck. Guys, meet Michael. Michael's here to improve his conditioning...and to learn about men." I hugged Michael for reassurance, though it succeeded in repositioning Michael so his cock and balls were more exposed.I could see Chuck's cock pulse in his overalls. I hugged Michael tighter. "Let them see you, Michael. Let them see your big hairy cock. Don't be shy." Michael moaned and then opened his legs, further exposing his lovely teenage parts. That big cock of his, just beginning to recede after his ejaculation, was so impressive.

"Guys, Michael's learning how to be comfortable with guys. Michael, look at the bulges in these guys. Looks impressive, doesn't it?"

Michael was already looking. I knew these two men would excite the boy. Jeremy is 29, an athlete and casual bodybuilder while his partner Chuck is a college swimmer with a killer trim body. Both were staring at Michael's cock while the boy was looking at the crotch of each of the men. "Michael, it looks like they're pretty excited, don't you think?" Indeed, the overalls had just one button affixed on the fly and I could see fleshy skin of their excited manhoods.

"Gosh, Coach, they look so big. Is it OK to look?"

"Of course, Michael. Enjoy cock. Hey guys, want to take Michael with you as you do your AC inspection? He might like to stretch his legs. We've been on this lounge for a while now."

Jeremy responded. "Sure thing, Coach. And, since it'll be warm in the HVAC room, no need to wear any clothes. OK to get out of our coveralls?"

I could hear Michael take a breath. He was going to see these guys naked. Jeremy saw my nod as he turned to his buddy I put my arms around Michael's chest and lowered my hands a bit. His nipples were hard. His cock, so quickly hard again, was standing out from his solid, hairy groin. He looked at the two men in such anticipation.

Jeremy saw the hunger. "I'll just unfasten the clip at the shoulder. The rest will take care of itself."

As the clothing dropped, I could feel Michael tense. "Ready to see more cock, Michael? Ready to enjoy more naked men?"

"Oh, Coach," he moaned as I put my hand on his hard shaft.

"Enjoy men, Michael."

Jeremy dropped his overalls to the ground. His tumescent penis gusted out from a ginger forest of pubic hair. "Ah so much better. Gets hot in these coveralls." Jeremy's muscular chest was coated in reddish hair that stretched across his body. A thick trail of hair coated the center of his stomach and six pack abs before descending to his dense bush.

Michael just stared at that lovely cock. What a difference in the last few hours. I gently stroked his hard cock. Pre-cum oozed from the tip. "You like that, Michael?" I whispered. You like that cock?"

"Mmmm," Michael moaned. At least he didn't say he wasn't looking. He was enjoying cock.

Chuck then asked, "Me too, Coach? Can I drop the overalls?" Chuck was a little guy, barely 5'5". His rock hard swimmer's body came into view. Even his cock was hard, standing a bare 5" from his downy groin. "I have to shave for swim," he explained quickly.

Jeremy put his arms around his partner. "You look great, bud. Don't you think so, Michael?"

"Oh gosh, yes," Michael didn't even try to be coy. Such progress. And he didn't hide my hand gently stroking his very hard phallus.

"Come closer, guys," I instructed. The two naked men surrounded us on the lounge. "Play with their cocks, Michael," I whispered. "Get to know more cock."

Tentatively, Michael touched each cock with the back of a hand. Jeremy's eight-inch club and Chuckie's cute five-inch spike. "Both are beautiful, aren't they?" I asked.

"Oh gosh yes. So beautiful."

"Beautiful cock," I said

"Beautiful hard cock," Michael answered.

Both men put their cocks in front of Michael's face. "Lick those beautiful cocks, Michael. Enjoy being with men."

Despite some hesitation, Michael did as he was told. He licked Chuck's 5" nail slowly, tasting it before enclosing his mouth over the young cock. I could see him actually savoring the taste.

"Good work, Michael. Enjoy that cock," i said, though it was clear he already was. First day and he's now a cocksucker, I thought, just like me, I grinned internally.

Jeremy was enjoying watching his bud getting his little cock sucked. "So nice," he moaned. I took his much bigger cock down my throat in one pass. No reason a coach cant have as much cock as he wants!

Both Michael and I sucked maintenance man cock. Both men grabbed our heads to face fuck at will. Michael seemed to be able to take the swimmer's entire hard shaft while I took longer to swallow as much of Jeremy's large cock as I could. After just a couple minutes, I pressed my lips into maintenance man pubes. I savored the feel of cock down my throat, lips pressed into cock hair.

Chuck exploded first, with Jeremy's big hairy cock a close second. I swallowed it all, but I could see Michael was having trouble with Chuck's copious explosion. Oh well, still great to share cock sucking with this young stud. I knew Michael would be sucking many more cocks in the future.

The two men left to work on the AC. They didn't take Michael. I turned to him. "How'd it feel? Enjoy Chuck's hard cock? Feel good in your mouth?"

"Oh Coach, it shouldn't but it felt SO GOOD! His cock filled my entire mouth. It hit my throat, but it wasn't big enough to hurt. SO GOOD." He paused. "Is it ok to say that, Coach?" I could see he was caressing his cock.

"Of course, Michael. You're getting to enjoy being with men. Suck more cock this weekend. And get fucked, too. You love it!"

We left for the track. I wanted to give the boy some aerobic exercise. Donning track shoes, we hit the track for a good half hour run. The boy was a natural runner and barely broke a sweat. I upped the pace and soon we were panting for air. Another half hour at a brisk pace and we were feeling it. I directed him to the nearby rest pavilion and the outdoor shower.

"Wow, this is cool," Michael gasped, seeing the luxurious outdoor furniture and play areas. Grabbing a couple bottles of (Viagra-laced) water, we rinsed in the outdoor shower. No walls as I wanted to allow anyone to enjoy the company of other men.

Michael seemed to enjoy my hands as I soaped his chest from behind. "Oh Coach," he moaned as my soapy hands washed his thick pubes and his heavy balls. Without my asking, he raised his arms encircling my neck giving me full access to his privates. My hands worked his thighs and then his boy hole. I re-soaped my hand and gently inserted a finger into his luscious pussy. "Oh Coach, it feels so good," he moaned again.

I probed gently for his p spot. A loud moan told me when I found it. "Oh that feels amazing," he moaned. "Good Michael. Tell me what feels good. You have such sensitive boy-pussy. I'm so glad you can enjoy it." I inserted a second finger to more groaning. My own cock was leaking all around his ass cheeks. "Oh Coach, it feels so good."

"Ready to get fucked again? Ready to feel my cock, Michael?"

I gently but firmly pushed my 8 inches into the boy's yielding cunt. Michael pushed back, easily allowing me to hit bottom. I began fucking slowly as the teen groaned. He grabbed his own throbber and stroked. "Good Michael. Enjoy getting fucked." I started going faster as his groaning increased. It didn't take long. He arched his back and began shooting just as my orgasm hit. "Of, fuck Michael. You're so good," I groaned as I came inside his pussy.

We rested on an outdoor settee, drinking more water. I saw Michael glancing at my now soft cock. "What, son? Verbalize. No embarrassment, remember?"

"You're....you're penis is really long, isn't it Coach?"

"Some people think so. A bit over 8 inches when I get really excited. Calms down to about 5 inches the rest of the time." He was staring at my cock. I liked that. "Tell you what. How about sitting in front of me and looking closer. You know I want you to look at man cock."

I set him on the ground in front of me. I gave him a large cushion to support his back. It was especially designed for this purpose. "Now, spend some time just looking at my cock, Michael. Look at the head. Pretty wide compared to your friends, I'd guess. Now look at the shaft. It's ok to touch it if you like. See the circumcision scar? Feel it. Smooth, right? Now the base. Feel all the hair. I know you did that earlier but run your fingers through the man hair. Look at my balls, Michael. Feel them. I'm told they're big. I don't shave them so they're a bit hairy. Feel the hair. You can pull some of those hairs. Feels good.

"Go lower, Michael. The perineum is the area just below the balls. I'm sensitive there. Caress it a bit. Nice. Now touch my hole. Have you ever touched a man's hole before? Kiss it. Good boy. Sometimes I like it licked. Lick it some. Ah that's nice."

I sensed some movement. Looking up I saw Benny, Jeremy and Chuck all arriving at the pavilion. Not a surprise as this is where we like to hang out. I designed it to be open and for guys to enjoy. "Nice," they all seemed to say as they spotted Michael licking my asshole.

Benny especially seemed excited. He dropped his g string as Jeremy and Chuck, who were already naked, surrounded the teenager. "Eat Coach's pussy," Benny said. "That's so nice." He put his hard throbber on Michael's cheek. Jeremy pressed Michael's head deeper into my hole. "Yes, boy eat that hole. Suck that ass good, boy," Jeremy said while slapping his own cock onto Michael's other cheek.

Michael looked panicked. Wait, that's not panic. That's lust. He had cock all around him.

"Enjoy all that cock, Michael, I said gently to him. I lowered my body so we were face to face. "Enjoy all that cock." He looked at me and then at the three beautiful cocks that surrounded his face. Two large ones and one small one. All with abundant hair around them. All so beautiful. A small smile alighted his face.

Tentatively the boy licked the cock closest to him. Jeremy moaned. "Yessss," he groaned just as Michael took the head of the big prick into his mouth. He seemed to savor the feel.

"That's good Michael," I whispered in his ear. "Use your tongue to caress his cock. Good boy. Now move your mouth down towards his pubes. As far as you can go comfortably. Good boy, you're almost in his bush."

We could hear Jeremy groan again; Michael's throat was caressing his sensitive cock head.

"Hear that, Michael? That's a man enjoying a fine blow job. You're becoming a great cock sucker already." I could see Jeremy was getting close.

"Now try another cock, Michael. Suck Benny's big cock. Enjoy plenty of cock today. "

Michael seemed in a trance already. "Mmm" he moaned as Benny placed his fat 8 inches at the boy's lips. The boy opened up, taking half of the big cock in one gulp.

"Enjoy that luscious cock, Michael. No need to rush. Use a lot of tongue to enjoy Benny's cock. And know that after you're done, he'll be fucking his girlfriend. Show him how a guy can suck cock better than his girl."

We heard Benny snicker. "She's a great cocksucker, Coach. She just loves to suck. I'd be plenty happy if Michael sucks near as good as she does."

"Then we'd better do a good job," I whispered in the boy's ear. "Perhaps use your other hand to caress Benny's big balls. Suck deep and play with his balls. Show him you can be a great cocksucker."

Michael went down further onto Benny's fat cock, nearing his dense pubes. He started caressing his big balls as well. I could see him moving his tongue around. The boy was a quick learner. "Good boy. Suck that cock. Make Benny feel good," I moaned. The cocksucking was turning me on just watching it. I reached down to caress Michael's hard cock. It was dripping!

Benny started pounding his cock into the boy's mouth. He was going deep! I became afraid that it was too soon to gag the boy. Later, perhaps. "How about another cock, Michael. Ready to suck Chuck again?"

Benny groaned, but pulled out. Michael immediately moved to get Chuckie's 5 inches. In one swoop, he had the trim cock down to the sparse pubes of the lithe swimmer. My face was back alongside Michael's. "You're doing so well. Swallow that cock. It's the right size to learn how to take a cock all the way down. Good boy. Press your lips into his pubes. Feel that cock in your throat, boy."

I could see Michael's tongue working on the cock. He pulled back for a second to coat the head with spit. Then all the way down to the pubes. He was becoming a fine cocksucker. "So good, Michael. Suck that cock!"

Michael's own cock was spewing pre at a fast pace. I think all 4 guys were ready to blow.

"OK, guys, time to coat our boy's face," I instructed.

Benny, Jeremy and Chuck surrounded Michael. I stayed alongside the boy to watch and enjoy. Michael leaned up to lick Jeremy's cock just as the man erupted. Michael jerked back. "It's ok, boy. Enjoy that man seed. Let it flow over your face. Take that cum."

Chuck erupted just then, spewing his own nice load over Michael's cheeks. Michael closed his eyes and accepted the white cream just as Benny shot across the boy's forehead and eyes. He shot a second load as Jeremy and Chuck continued spewing over Michael's nose. I could see the boy craving all that cum. "Enjoy it, Michael. Enjoy loads of man cum!" I moaned myself, suddenly realizing I was about to pop as well. I stood and gave my young friend three good shots of my Coach cream, aiming perfectly for the boy's eyes.

"Savor all that cream, Michael. Don't wipe it away. Enjoy it. Wear it proudly boy. Direct some of that cream into your mouth. Eat some of that man cum," I moaned as Michael indeed put a whole glob into his mouth and licked. He stood, still licking his fingers. It was clear he liked the taste. His cock was throbbing.

Just then Cookie arrived. He saw all the thick cum dripping down Michael's face. "The boy is learning very well," he remarked almost without emotion. He looked at Michael's dripping cock. "Can I have some of that?"

"Of course, Cookie," I said. "Michael, want to fuck?"

"Oh gosh, Coach, can I?"

"There's lube on the table behind you. Use some of it on Cookie's hole. That's nice. Press your finger inside. Make it a pussy. That's it. Good boy. Great hanging with guys, isn't it Michael. Ah push a second finger in. "Oh that feels good," Cookie exclaimed, just a bit more emotion in his voice.

"Want to try fucking, boy? Ready to fuck? "

Michael was in a trance. He was rock hard. "Push that boy cock into Cookie, Michael. Fuck him"

"Oh Coach, can I? Can I fuck him?" he gurgled, cum still dripping from his chin. "Part of being with guys, boy. Wont happen often, but you need to know how to fuck. Fuck Cookie!"

The other guys lined him up. Lube coated the man's hole.

Cookie started to show emotion. He loved to fuck or be fucked. "Push your way in, boy. Fuck meeeeee," he groaned as the boy roughly shoved his cock in without skill. "Wait a bit," I said. "The man's gotta get used to your big prong."

Michael stopped briefly but started again, his hormones out of control. "Oh Coach, I love fucking," he panted. He barely spoke when I could see him tense. "OH god, oh god," he cried as he erupted inside Cookie's ass.

"Oh yes, that's good," Cookie moaned. HeI could feel the scalding boy cream as jet after jet invaded his ass. Michael fell one him. The boy could feel Cookie's chest fur on his body. Michael lay there, as he came down from his orgasm.

We all knew Cookie needed more. It was Chuck who responded first. He lowered his mouth to Cookie's throbbing 5 inch hairy cock. It wasn't hard to swallow the whole thing.

"Ahhh," Cookie moaned as he spewed into the swimmer's mouth. It seemed more like relief than orgasmic pleasure. Chuck moaned as well. I knew that Cookie's cum tastes delicious and now Chuck was finding out.

Everyone was satiated, at least for now.

More to come. Stockman

Email me at stockman334 at gmail.com

Next: Chapter 6

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